HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Regional Indicators InitiativeAGENDA ITEM: Regional Indicators Initiative AGENDA SECTION: ion PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP Planner AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Regional Indicators Initiative Findings APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: None SUMMARY In November 2013, the City Council authorized participation in the Regional Indicators Initiative. This initiative studied Rosemount's energy, water, waste, and travel date from 2007 to 2013 to establish the community's greenhouse gas emission (GHG) levels. Becky Alexander from LHB Corp. conducted the study and will present its findings to the Council (see attached). During her presentation, Ms. Alexander will go over the study's findings and outline how the City can continue to work with her firm, at no additional cost, to identify GHG emission goals and recommend reduction strategies specific to Rosemount. BACKGROUND The Regional Indicators Initiative is an outgrowth of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's GreenStep Cities Program. The greenhouse gas emissions associated with Rosemount's energy, water, waste and travel measures were calculated to provide a common metric to compare the environmental impacts of the indicators. The indicators are broken down into residential, commercial, and industrial uses and presented in terms of per capita and per job, enabling comparison over time. The Initiative supports planning for sustainability by defining a baseline, tracking a status quo trajectory, establishing targets, and measuring outcomes of sustainable strategies at a city -wide scale. Out of the 28 GreenStep best practice categories, 19 are directly measurable within the Regional Indicators Initiative's four current indicators. In addition, this data has already assisted with work in the STAR Communities and Resilient Communities programs. CONCLUSION Staff will use this data as it continues its work with the STAR Communities and Resilient Communities programs to identify GHG emission goals and recommend reduction strategies specific to Rosemount. I- - �X: REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE Q City of Rosemount Becky Alexander, LHB Inc. MMO 2010 An Inventory of Energy, Potable Water, Travel, Waste, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Twenty Seven Minnesota Cities from 2007 to 2013. k1 -1 E 2012 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE BACKGROUND naoy—wme Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (T- and its partners Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Minnesota GreenStep Cities GreenStep Cities Program: :.k..:: BUILDINGS AND `...f LIGHTING • Choose from 28 best practices LAND USE • GreenStep Cities tracks which practices cities TRANSPORTATION have adopted, but does not currently have a WIAW method of tracking the effectiveness of these OO strategies • GreenStep Cities Pilot ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Regional Indicators Initiative Pilot • Edina ECONOMIC AND • Falcon Heights COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Saint Louis Park REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE PARTICIPATING CITIES 0 CENTRAL /STAND -ALONE CITIES (6) 0 INNER -RING SUBURBS (7) OUTER -RING SUBURBS (14) V ,.,E„ 5AIW 'LOUD It I� I�V J� KA550N Roc"E5TER The Regional Indicators Initiative participants include: dweof Minnesota's total population, / ' of the seven county metropolitan area population, 1,745,441 PEOPLE 1,441,250 PEOPLE REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE METRICS - 0ENERGY (IN BTUS): electricity, natural gas, and district energy consumed citywide (subdivided into residential and commercial /industrial) WATER (IN GALLONS): potable water consumed citywide (subdivided into residential and commercial /industrial) TRAVEL (IN VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED): on -road distance traveled within city limits WASTE (IN POUNDS): citywide municipal solid waste 'Dtandfitting managed via recycling, composting, combustion, and (prorated from countywide data) COMMON METRICS GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (IN TONNES CO2E): citywide greenhouse gas emissions associated with each of the four indicators 0 COST (IN DOLLARS): cost estimates associated with each of the four indicators ADDITIONAL DATA DEMOGRAPHICS All data is reported both as a total as well as in units /capita. Residential data is reported in units/ household, and Commercial /Industrial data is reported in units /job AREA City Area (sf) WEATHER Heating Degree Days Cooling Degree Days Precipitation (in) REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE A COMMON METRIC BREAKDOWN OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS - 2012 (22 cities) • RII follows the method outlined in the ICLEI Community Protocol • Many cities have done greenhouse gas inventories, but this is the first state -wide effort of this scale • For RII cities, energy is the largest contributor to emissions • RII's primary metrics comprise over 90% of all in- boundary emissions • Other emission sources were also calculated, including air travel and wastewater AIR WASTE rTRAVEL WASTE % I 6� WATER 1% VMT 25% ENERGY 67% REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE ENERGY DATER TRAVEL RIATYSH THERMAL UNITS GALLONS VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED rT1;, TOTAL ENERGY USE (k6tu /capita /day) 2010 WASTE GHG EMISSIONS POUNDS CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALENTS 2012 ze00000 2011 Rai REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE 7 -YEAR TRENDS TWENTY CITIES 20 O u X15 c c 0 a10 0 2 5 GHG EMISSIONS FROM FNFRC;Y - T 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 150 m c 0 5 140 130 WEATHER NORMALIZED � 150 ENERGY 120 m 2 140 130 110 o / 120 110 100 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 100 2007 TOTAL E N E RGY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA WEATHER NORMALIZED ENERGY - ROSEMOUNT (MMBtu) CA 2.5 r- 0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 m CfFIES 2007 2008 1.59 2009 2.02 1.98 ❑ ALL CIT1E5 ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE ®ALL YEARS (2UDa-2012 ❑ '_LRIICITIES ❑CENTRAL; YMD -ALONE ❑ I`IER -RMS IBSiRR". ❑ By Populatic- ❑ ITEP- RING SUBLIR13S J'snpeapchs 2010 l field Q By Job ❑ 11e Bear Lake >4. PaWi ❑ :psins B Y Weather ❑ :,14 Rapids ❑ ochester ❑ . Louis Park ❑ b.da {e ❑ Duluth ❑ Anthony ❑ :mingMn ❑ irk1 ❑ reNew ❑ nn h4eipht5 ❑ ran ❑ •plewood ❑ •." pralel,3 ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V ❑ :emc)unt ❑ - ol•.e Elmn 2010 2011 2012 2013 TIMELME ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE ®ALL YEARS (2UDa-2012 ❑ '_LRIICITIES [3 NQI+z 0 2GDII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone Cltles ❑ By Populatic- GOg ❑ or-Ring, Suburbs 0 Ey Househaw 2010 ❑ :ter -Ring Suburbs Q By Job 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Mjnnasora B Y Weather ❑ sited 5tat ?s REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA WEATHER NORMALIZED RESIDENTIAL ENERGY - ROSEMOUNT (k6tu /person /day) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 CMES ❑ ALL CITIES ❑ CENTRAL 1 STAND -ALONE ❑ ' I`IER -RWG SUSURBS ❑ ; ITEP -RING SUBURBS h IPeap4n Lis 0 2GGII l field ❑ rle dear Lake H >L. PaWi ❑ :pm ins ❑ :'14 R&Pkds ❑ ochester ❑ . Louis Park ❑ b.da {e ❑ Duluth ❑ Anthony ❑ :mingMn ❑ ina ❑reNew ❑ I,,nn Heipht5 ❑ ?an ❑ •Plewood ❑ •. "PI ale 1,3 ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V :emc)unt ❑ : l•.e Elmn 110 106 P 14 2012 2013 TIMELIKE ADDAVERAGES NOPMAL17F ®ALLYEAR5(Ma-ZU12 ❑ ..L RII 0TIE5 ❑ NUNE 0 2GGII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone CILles E By PoPUlatic•n G09 ❑ er -Ring Suhurbs ❑ By Nousehaw 2010 ❑ :ter- RinaSuburbs Q By Job 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Minnesota B Y Weather ❑ sited 51tatm REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA WEATHER NORMALIZED COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL ENERGY - ROSEMOUNT (k6tu /job /day) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 132 132 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CMES ❑ ALL CITIES ❑ CENTRAL 1 STAND -ALONE ❑ ' I`IER -RWG SUBURBS ❑ ; ITEP -RING SUBURBS At I pea pa Lis 0 2GGII l field ❑ rle dear Lake >L. PaWi ❑ :pm ins ❑ :'14 Rapkds ❑ ochester ❑ . Louis Park ❑ b.da {e ❑ Duluth ❑ Anthony ❑ :mingMn ❑ Ina ❑reNew ❑ I,,nn Heipht5 ❑ ?an ❑ •plewood ❑ •. "PI ale 1,3 ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V :emc)unt ❑ : l•.e Elmn 113 IR 2013 TIMELIKE ADD AVERAGES NOPMAL17F ®ALLYEAR5 (Ma -ZO12 ❑ ..L RII CITIES ❑ MJNE 0 2GGII ❑ ItrailStaod -Alone CILles By Ropulatic•n GOg ❑ or-Ring, Suburbs ❑ By Househaw 2010 ❑ :ter- RinaSuburbs By -bb 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Minnesota B Y Weather ❑ sited 51tat ?s REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA WEATHER NORMALIZED COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL ENERGY - ROSEMOUNT (k6tu /job /day) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 KIATIIRAI (:AC 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 rMES ❑ ALL CITIES ❑ CENTRAL 1 STAND -ALONE ❑ ' I`IER -RWG SUBURBS ❑ ; ITEP -RING SUBURBS h IpeapaLis 0 2GGII l field ❑ rle dear Lake H >L. PaWi ❑ :pm ins ❑ :'14 Rapkds ❑ ochester ❑ . Louis Park ❑ b.da {e ❑ Duluth ❑ Anthony ❑ :mingMn ❑ Ina ❑reNew ❑ I,,nn Heipht5 ❑ ?an ❑ pl evvood ❑ •." PI ale 1,3 ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V :emc)unt ❑ : l•.e Elmn 2013 TIMELIKE ADD AVERAGES NOPMAL17F ®ALLYEAR5 (Ma -ZO12 ❑ ..L RII CITIES 0 NONE 0 2GGII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone CILles 13 By Populatic- GOg ❑ or-Ring, Suburbs ❑ By Househaw 2010 ❑ :ter- RinaSuburbs By -bb 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Minnesota B Y Weather ❑ sited 51tat ?s REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA TOTAL ENERGY - 2012 (MMBtu) 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15, 000, 000 10, 000, 000 5,000,000 0 N�y J� et ,`r Q° �Qa e`er ��J `�`e �` Qa r° a` .�� �° �•a ea 1� CfFIES 0 ALL CIT1E5 ❑ CENTRAL 1 YMD -ALONE JMr neapchs L. PaWi ❑ 'ochester ❑ Duluth ❑ .`IER- RMSUBLIPR" ❑ Ir{ieid ❑ : ps ins ❑ . Louis Park ❑ Anthony ❑ na ❑ I,,nn Heipht5 ❑ • pl ewood ❑ ITEP- RING SUBLIR13S ❑ rle Bear Lake ❑ :.14 Rapcds ❑ L. da {e ❑ �:mingMn ❑ reNew ❑ an ❑ .,n Prde,� ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V ❑ :emc�unt a�1a5�aa�e���o�e,1� TIMEUME ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE ❑ALL YEARS (2UDa-2012 ❑ '_LRIICITIES 0w'a ❑ 2GDII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone Cltles ❑ By Populatic- GOg ❑ or-Ring, Suburbs 0 Ey Househaw 2010 ❑ :ter -Ring Suburbs Q By Job 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Minnasora B Y Weather ❑ sited 51tatoi REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA RESIDENTIAL ENERGY - 2012 (k6tu /household /day) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 a�� �e� J<r era ��� ate o�� 1�a rah ooa awe lay ��e Q �Q e`' J� `�` oQ� yQ <r �,a e� �• �Q �a 5 � CfFIES TIMELME ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE N ALL CIT1E5 ❑ CENTRAL 1 YMD -ALONE J'sr peapchs >L. PaWi ❑ `'ochester ❑ Duluth ❑ I.`IER -RM SUBURFS_: ❑ Irfietd ❑ : ps ins ❑ . Louis Park ❑ Anthony ❑ na ❑ I,,nn Heipht5 ❑ • pl ewood ❑ 1TEP- RING SUBLIR13S ❑ 11e Bear I -Ake ❑ :.14 Rapids ❑ I.. da {e ❑ �:mingMn ❑ reNew ❑ an ❑ .,n PI 'al, ld ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V ❑ :emc)unt ❑ :ol•.e Elmn ❑ALL YEARS (2UDa-2012 ❑ '_LRIICITIES ❑w'a ❑ 2GDII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone Cltles 13 By Populatic- GOg ❑ er -Ring Suburbs E Ey Househaw 2010 ❑ :ter -Ring Suburbs Q By Job 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Minnasora B Y Weather ❑ sited 51tatm 14mw 1 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL ENERGY - 2012 (k6tu /job /day) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 a�� J<r era ate °�� 1�a rah °oa awe lay ��e Q �Q e`' J� .�`�` °Q� yQ <`� �,a e� �Q �a tae le 5 � CfFIES TIMELM E ADD AVERAGES N ALL CIT1E5 ❑ CENTRAL 1 YMD -ALONE H JMr neapchs >L. PaWi ❑ `'ochester ❑ Duluth ❑ .`IER -RM SUBURFS_: ❑ Ir{ieid ❑ : ps ins ❑ . Louis Park ❑ Anthony ❑ na ❑ I,,nn Heipht5 ❑ • pl ewood ❑ ITEP- RING SUBLIR13S ❑ rle Bear Lake ❑ :.14 Rapids ❑ I.. da {e ❑ �:mingMn ❑ reNew ❑ an ❑ .,n Prde,� ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V ❑ :emc)unt NORMALIZE ❑ALLYEARS(Ma-2012 ❑ '_LRIICITIES ❑NQI+a ❑ 2GGII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone Cltles 13 By Populatic- GOg ❑ or-Ring, Suburbs ❑ By Househaw 2010 ❑ :ter -Ring Suburbs By Job 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Mjnnasora B Y Weather ❑ sited 51tatoi REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE ENERGY USE ,a RESIDENTIAL KBTU /CAPITA/DAY COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL -2008-2012 CENTRAL/STAND ALONE CITIES 000 I' L m g _ Z Z n x 0 m x y T 7s y v m 2 m 0 r ti O m N 70 INNER -RING SUBURBS ere** «cc o o O Z Z ZD 0 m m O O Z O x 0O m y m Z in x mm_^ O y O VI O p < Z 7 � ti m OUTER -RING SUBURBS �••• "I& m m 3 ,7 A Y 7 Z 0 m m m Z _0 Eq 0 0 m z7 0 7 Z O Fn y REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE ENERGY BRITISH THERMAL UNITS KO TC Ca WAT E R TRAVEL WASTE G&LONS VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED POUNDS GHG EMISSIONS CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALENTS 2010 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA RESIDENTIAL WATER USE - ROSEMOUNT VS. RII AVERAGE (gallons /person /day) 120 100 I 99 101 100 99 84 89 87 80 60 40 20 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 CfFIES TIMELME ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE ❑ALLCITIE5 a ALLYEARS (Ma -2012 '_L RII CITIES ❑NUNE ❑CENTRAL; YMD -ALONE `IER -RING SlIBI1RR". ❑ 1TEP -RING SUBURBS ❑ OpII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone Cltles By Populatic•n ❑,Mnneapchs H_I Irfietd ❑ r1e Bear Lake 2009 �2014 ❑ ❑ et -Ring Suburbs :ter -Ring Suburbs 8y Fiousehalel Q By Job L Paul ❑ : pm ins ❑ n+ Rapids ❑ 'ochester ❑ . Louis Park ❑ b.da {e 2D11 2012 ❑ Duluth ❑ Anthony ❑ :min ❑ - Le of Minnesora 0 By Weather ❑irk; ❑reNeW ❑ sited 500es ❑ !,,nn Iieipht5 ❑ ran ❑ •Plewood ❑ •." P1 al,1,3 ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V :emc)unt REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE IENCEL EXPLORE THE DATA COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL WATER USE - SAINT PAUL VS. RII AVERAGE (gallons /job /day) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CfFIES 2007 2008 53 51 T 91 pq ri 47 2009 2010 2011 ❑ ALL CIT1E5 ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE ®ALL YEARS (2UDa-2012 ❑ '_L RII CITIES ❑CENTRAL; YMD -ALONE ❑ I`IER -RMS IBSiRR". By Populatic•n ❑ ITEP- RING SUBLIR13S J'snpeapchs 2010 l field By Job ❑ 11e Bear Lake >4. PaWi ❑ :psins B Y Weather ❑ :,14 Rapids ❑ ochester ❑ . Louis Park ❑ lid.t. ❑ Duluth ❑ Anthony ❑ :mingMn ❑ irk1 ❑ reNew ❑ nn h4eipht5 ❑ ran ❑ •plewood ❑ •." pralel,3 ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbul V ❑ :emc)unt ❑ - ol•.e Elmn 52 2012 2013 TIMELME ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE ®ALL YEARS (2UDa-2012 ❑ '_L RII CITIES NQI+z 0 2GDII ❑ ItrailStaod -Alone Cltles By Populatic•n GOg ❑ or-Ring, Suburbs ❑ By Househaw 2010 ❑ :ter -Ring Suburbs By Job 1011 2017 ❑ - to of Mjnnasora B Y Weather ❑ sited 5tat ?s REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE RESIDENTIAL WATER USE GALLONS /CAPITA /DAY - 2012 125 , 103 r 106 100 98 93 99 ............................................................................................................................................... ........96..................... .......................... US AVERAGE, 98 87 75 80 82 82 � ............................................. ............................... �� 71 ..... ................................................. 66........................................................... ............................... .............. MN AVERAGE, 68 55 58 RII AVERAGE, 66 50 47 48 50 44 39 39 25 C Ln O L N N O Ln on W a W c �O a) c c O O 3 o a N Q N o O V c O N W R CENTRAL /STAND- ALONE CITIES 51 W V O H O N _ = 0 a = a }, O 0 J � }+ U c n N U_ Ln INNER -RING SUBURBS 68 coo J M L � N co Q) U 0 O c o �_ E g co N N O Ln on W a W c �O a) c c O O 3 c O E H Q O E W Q) L OUTER -RING SUBURBS 91 *State and national data for 2005 from U.S. Geological Survey REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE ENERGY DATER TRAINEE HASTE GHG EMISSIONS BUISH THERMAL UNITS GALLONS VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED POIJND5 CARBON DIOKIPE EQUIMNL.ENTS rte: TC (Vt �- m 012 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE EXPLORE THE DATA VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED - ROSEMOUNT (VMT/ person /day) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 22.3 22.0 21.7 F1 21.1 20.8 I�1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 CfFIES TIMELME ADDAVERAGES NORMALIZE ❑ALLCITIE5 a ALLYEARS (Ma -2012 ❑ '_LRIICITIES NQI+L ❑ CENTRAL; YMD -ALONE ❑ ' I`IER -RING SI IBI1RR". ❑ 1TEP -RING SUBURBS ❑ OpII ❑ ItrailStand -Alone Cltles ® By Populatic•n H J'sr nea Lis Irfietd ❑ 11e Bear Lake 2009 �2014 ❑ ❑ et -Ring Suburbs ,ter -Ring Suburbs 13 Ey Hausehaw Q By Job >4 Paul ❑ : pm ins ❑ : i, R&mds ❑ 'ochester ❑ . Louis Park ❑ b.da {e 2D11 2012 ❑ Duluth ❑ Anthony ❑ :min ❑ - Le of Mjnnesora 0 8y Weather ❑ ina ❑ reNeW ❑ sited 51tatm ❑ I,,nn Heipht5 ❑ ?an ❑ •Plewood ❑ •. "PIal,1,3 ❑ ncto4a ❑ adbur V :emc)unt REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED INCREASES AT GREATER DISTANCES FROM CENTRAL CITIES VMT /CAPITA /DAY - 2012 50 40 30 20 10 ....................... 21 CENTRAL /STAND- ALONE CITIES INNER -RING SUBURBS 18*3 25*8 ° N ra c °o o 4-J 3 a� o Q) O w 0 w a W O o _ O a = a 3 g -0 Q N J ° LnN LL_ Ln CENTRAL /STAND- ALONE CITIES INNER -RING SUBURBS 18*3 25*8 OUTER -RING SUBURBS 29*4 MN AVERAGE, 28.9 US AVERAGE, 25.8 RII AVERAGE, 22.8 ° N ra Q) O w 0 w a O O c O H 1 g 3 g -0 Q OUTER -RING SUBURBS 29*4 MN AVERAGE, 28.9 US AVERAGE, 25.8 RII AVERAGE, 22.8 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE ENERGY 'HATER TRAVEL WASTE GIG EMISSIONS BRITISH THERMAL UNrM GALLONS VEHICLE AMLES TRAVELED POUNDS CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALEN75 V 11, 2'4 TOTAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (tonnes CO2e /capita /year) 2010 Fps MY, 2011 US AVERAGE (2011) - 17.3 WORLD AVERAGE (2011) - 4.9 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS TONNES CO2E /CAPITA /DAY - 2012 30 , 25 >N C C O "0 c - O O 20 4-J w m v 15 c 0O 10 ro Ln 5 INNER -RING SUBURBS 0 y on L L � O w O d N N w E Q O O V v O au o O E O CENTRAL /STAND- ALONE CITIES 74% -0 (n --lic 2C t >N C C O "0 c - O O u o a 4-J w m v J+.+ c 0O nc ro Ln U- INNER -RING SUBURBS 64% N H N c 3 c N m O J on O O w a N w E ra a v O au O E O o c p rya 0 0 ff- OUTER -RING SUBURBS 61% 'n ill GHG EMISSIONS FROM: WASTEWATER AIR TRAVEL WASTE VMT ENERGY AVERAGE % OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM ENERGY REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE SO WHAT? TOTAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM PRIMARY SOURCES `n 1II k— Ill DATA PROJECTIONS 0 30 U I BUSINESS AS USUAL 0 25 0 c � 20 ,° r 15% reduction by 2015 '''•� 15 130% red 10 5 � 80% red 0 - 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE NEXT STEPS • The Metropolitan Council decided to incorporate the Regional Indicators into the Thrive 2040 Regional Framework process. • Establish city- specific forecast and target protocol including Next Generation Energy Act targets. • Identify major reduction categories for each RII metric and group relevant GreenStep actions under each category. • Work with up to 5 cities to identify specific goals and select reduction strategies to commit to. • Create graphic summaries of data and targets for each city. Create a wedge diagram template using one city as a pilot. r!,lrQ PlaNYC 2030 Goals and Strategies to reduce GHG emissions by 30% below 2005 levels 16.21 90 BO 20 ° 60 0 sox so w � 44 N = 30 b 7 �F 20 10 0 2005 7030 PlaNYC 2030 (New York City, 2007) FIGURE VI.3: CARBON REDUCTION WEDGE DIAGRAM 30,000 1 business as usua ero•• -- Projected 25,000 20.000 0 15,000 10,000 5.000 AVOIDED SPRAWL 15.6 MILT ON sryp CLEAN POWER 1a.h MIL 70H" r EFFICIENTBWLOINGS 1&4 AULTONSIYR I SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION M 41 WL TONSIYR footprint change wind turbine #2 spate utilimtinn �nr green building standards green IT hehavior change initiatives baekpressure turbine wind turbine #1 replace a direct tie geothermal at Rec Center 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 * interim net GHG emissions targets: 17,000 MTCDE by 2020;14,00a MTCDE by 2025; 11,400 MTCDE by 2030 Carleton College Climate Action Plan (2011) ■ REGIONAL INDICATORS INITIATIVE CITIES • Bemidji Bloomington Burnsville • Coon Rapids • Duluth • Eagan • Eden Prairie • Edina • Elk River • Falcon Heights • Hopkins • Kasson Lake Elmo Maplewood Minneapolis Minnetonka Oakdale • Richfield • Rochester • Rosemount • Shoreview • Saint Anthony • St. Cloud • St. Louis Park • St. Paul • White Bear Lake • Woodbury HTTP : / /REGIONALINDICATORSMN. ULI.ORG /. Xcel Energy- CenterPoint., Energy drs "I'll" unnfort%Fstems .441NNE5QT.4 SULVINQ THE CITY OF DULUTH RESOURCES PARTNERS MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MRS mrnnesota power d} rpu ive le e etercr Peoples Cooperative Power Association Urhan Land Minnesota Intiful VISO% Minnesota Pollution Control Agency J AlkORANGE I GREAT PLAINS rEneNy- ENVIRONMENTAL INSTITUTE Betterworid.