HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. MS4 Scope of Services Update L RosEmouNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: January 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: MS4 Scope of Services Update AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Christine Watson, Public Works AGENDA NO. Coordinator ATTACHMENTS: WSB Memorandum APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion ISSUE Staff will provide a progress update on the implementation of the new Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. BACKGROUND Attached for your review is a memorandum outlining the progress of the City's work with WSB & Associates, Inc. to comply with the requirements of the new MS4 General Permit. Meghan Litsey from WSB &Associates, Inc. will be in attendance at the meeting to provide a brief project update and address any comments or questions from the Utility Commission. SUMMARY Staff is providing this update for information purposes only. No action is required, but comments or suggestions will be considered prior to bringing this item to the City Council Work Session in February. G:AMS4 Permit\20150112 UC MS4 Scope of Services Update.docx A WSB c&Associates,Inc. engineering•planning•environmental.construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis,MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Memorandum To: Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount Chris Watson, City of Rosemount From: Meghan Litsey, WSB &Associates Date: January 2, 2015 Re: MS4 Scope of Services Update WSB Project No. 1928-270 Introduction WSB &Associates has been working with City staff to develop a revised Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)that meets the new Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit requirements, and assist staff with the initial 12-month implementation of the new MS4 program. Below is a status update for each task approved in the scope of services for MS4 services on February 4, 2014. Background The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA) has a plan to address stormwater pollution, which requires municipalities like the City of Rosemount(City)that own and operate storm sewer systems to obtain an MS4 permit. The MS4 permit mandates MS4 communities to reduce the amount of pollution that enters their storm sewer systems through a SWPPP. Each SWPPP contains six program components, called Minimum Control Measures (MCMs): • public education and outreach • public participation • illicit discharge detection and elimination • construction site stormwater runoff control • post-construction stormwater management • good housekeeping and pollution prevention practices for municipal operations. The MS4 permit operates on a 5-year cycle. The MS4 permit was updated and became law on August 1, 2013. In order to maintain compliance under the new MS4 permit, the City was required to submit a SWPPP Reauthorization Application for permit coverage by December 30, 2013. The MPCA then reviewed the City's application and reissued MS4 permit coverage to the City of Rosemount on March 17, 2014. All MS4 permittees were given a 12-month implementation period from the date of issued permit coverage to integrate several new mandated requirements for the Permit, including: revisions to the City's SWPPP, recordkeeping, ordinance updates and enforcement, development of standard operating procedures, etc. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com G:1MS4 Permit120150102 MS4 Services Scope of Services Update Memo.docx City of Rosemount January 2, 2015 Page 2 The City of Rosemount is required to implement the new mandated requirements of the MS4 permit by March 17, 2015. MS4 Scope of Services Update Task 1: SWPPP Annual Program Management (In Progress) As part of this task, the WSB project manager will provide staff time in Rosemount as needed to assist staff with program implementation and will provide a monthly written summary to the City. Update: Meghan Litsey has provided monthly updates to Andy Brotzler and will continue to send monthly updates until all tasks in the scope of work have been completed. Task 2: SWPPP Development and Implementation As part of this task, WSB will work with City staff to develop a revised SWPPP that meets the permit requirements defined in the City's Reauthorization Application, and assist staff with the implementation of the new MS4 Program. Development and implementation of the SWPPP has been divided into the following eleven subtasks: 2.1 Organization Chart(In Progress) An organization chart will be developed to identify what departments are responsible for specific Best Management Practice (BMP) activities. Update: A draft of the organization chart has been completed and reviewed by City staff. Once the recordkeeping mechanism in Task 2.12 is finished, the organization chart will be finalized and added to the recordkeeping mechanism. Expected completion date is February 2015. 2.2 Enforcement Response Procedures (In Progress) Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs)that will describe procedures and circumstances for the implementation of verbal warnings, written notices, and escalated enforcement measures. The enforcement response procedure will be developed to compel compliance with the illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site erosion and sediment control, and post-construction stormwater management requirements. Update: A draft of the ERPs has been completed, and City staff is currently reviewing the draft. Once comments from staff have been received,the draft ERPs will be finalized and implemented by City staff. Expected completion date is February 2015. K:\02092-6601AdminlDocs120141Prajecl Updates120l5Uanuary City of Rosemount January 2, 2015 Page 3 2.3 Prioritize Education (Completed) This activity will include recommendations for focusing on high priority stormwater related issues to be emphasized for education and outreach during the permit term. Update: Meghan Litsey provided a memo to City staff including recommendations for high priority stormwater issues and the general MS4 education program in September 2014. City staff will implement the recommendations in 2015. 2.4 Annual Meeting(Completed) WSB will facilitate an annual meeting held in conjunction with a City Council Meeting prior to June 30, 2014 to review the 2013 Annual Report and provide a brief overview of the new MS4 General Permit. Update: WSB facilitated the annual meeting on May 20, 2014. The Annual Report was submitted to the MPCA on May 28, 2014 by City staff. 2.5 Mapping and Inventory (In Progress) This task will include written procedures and process for updating the storm sewer system map for development and redevelopment projects to ensure map continues to meet the requirements of the MS4 permit. In addition,the City will need to submit the MPCA required pond inventory within twelve (12) months of the date the permit coverage is extended. Update: Drafts of written procedures for updating the storm sewer system map have been completed and City staff is currently reviewing the drafts. Once comments from staff have been received, the drafts will be finalized. Expected completion date is February 2015. WSB also worked with City staff to update the mapping and inventory of the City's ponds and outfalls in June 2014. The pond inventory will be finalized and submitted to the MPCA before March 17, 2015. 2.6 Written Procedures (In Progress) Written procedures will be created for pollution prevention/good housekeeping, responding to known/suspected illicit discharges, completing site plans reviews and site inspection, storm sewer inspections and maintenance, employee training, and program documentation. These may come in the form of checklists, BMP cut sheets, and standardized inspections forms/letters. Update: Drafts of the written procedures for the above listed items have been completed and City staff is currently reviewing the drafts. Once comments from staff have been received, the drafts will be finalized and implemented by City staff. Expected completion date is February 2015. K:1 02092-6601Admin\Docs\20141Project Updates120151January City of Rosemount January 2, 2015 Page 4 2.7 Ordinance(In Progress) An assessment of City ordinance Title10 - Chapters 1 and 2 was completed during the program assessment for the application for reauthorization. Ordinance updates to Title 10 are needed to meet new requirements of construction site stormwater runoff and post construction stormwater management sections of the permit. WSB will provide draft language to be reviewed by City Attorney and approved by City Council. Update: Drafts of ordinance revisions for City ordinance Title 10—Chapters 1 and 2 have been completed. The suggested ordinance revisions will be submitted to Kennedy-Graven for final review in January 2015 and then to the City Council for approval in February. Expected completion date is March 2015. 2.8 Staff Training Program (In Progress) WSB will complete one annual training session for Public Works, Engineering and Building Inspections staff and provide digital and written training programs for make up or seasonal employees commensurate with the requirements of the MS4 Permit. Update: The annual training session for Public Works, Engineering and Building Inspections staff has been scheduled for March 11, 2015. 2.9 Storm Sewer Inspection Program (Completed) WSB will provide a staff member to conduct inspections of 20% of the City owned ponds during Year 1 and 100% of the structural pollution control devices (i.e. sump manholes or other water quality structures). This 20%pond inspection schedule will allow the City to meet the requirement to inspect all ponds by the end of the 5 year permit cycle. Inspections will be documented in accordance with procedures established in Tasks 2.4 and 2.11. Update: WSB completed inspections on 20% of the City of Rosemount's outfalls and ponds in July 2014. Jesse Carlson and Meghan Litsey from WSB met with Public Works staff on December 17, 2014 to discuss the inspection results and maintenance recommendations. 2.10 Facilities Inventory (Completed) The Facilities Inventory will be conducted and include: compiling the information that was gathered during the program assessment, completing a facility inspection of the public works garage, and develop a GIS inventory of all municipally owned/operated facilities. This inventory will include facility maps and a list of all material being stored along with BMPs designed to prevent discharges of pollutants resulting in contact with stormwater. K:102092-6601Admin\Docs12014\Project Updates1201511anuary City of Rosemount January 2, 2015 Page 5 Update: WSB staff completed the facility inventory and inspections in September 2014. Facility maps provided to City staff in November 2014. p were 2.11 Pond Assessment Procedures (In Progress) WSB's Stormwater Asset Management Program (SWAMP) is a web application that was specifically designed to assist with assessing, scheduling, and budgeting inspection and maintenance activities. It can be used to help meet the following MS4 permit requirements. Update: Jake Newhall (SWAMP Project Manager) recently met with WSB's Information Systems staff to discuss the development and implementation of Rosemount's SWAMP. Rosemount's SWAMP is expected to be completed by February 15, 2015. WSB will provide another update once SWAMP is completed. 2.12 Record Keeping(In Progress) WSB will work with the City to identify mechanisms to successfully track and report activities that are occurring in the City. Update: A draft of the recordkeeping mechanism has been completed and City staff is currently reviewing the draft. Once comments from staff have been received,the recordkeeping mechanism will be finalized and implemented by City staff. Expected completion date is February 2015. Task 3: Additional MS4 Program Services—Water Quality Monitoring Program (In Progress) This water quality monitoring program is included as an additional MS4 program service because it will be used to fulfill multiple program requirements in MCMs 5 and 6 related to inspection, long-term operation, and maintenance of infiltration BMPs. The water quality monitoring program provides the City with empirical data that will assist with: • Guiding upcoming Watershed and City Stormwater Plan Updates and discussions with observed runoff volumes and infiltration and evaporation rates • Identify potential areas to receive regional volume reduction credit thought stormwater reuse applications • Validating pond treatment efficiencies from the SWAMP program with sampled Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus concentrations • Supporting conclusions in the City's Non-Degradation study with observed infiltration and evaporation data • Create a baseline for discharge volumes and pollutant loading assumptions of possible future TMDLs in the Vermillion and Mississippi River As part of this task, WSB will evaluate stormwater runoff volume reduction and pollutant removal performance of selected basins. This water quality monitoring program is intended to K:1 02092-6601Admin\Doc5120141Projecl Updale5\2015Uanuary City of Rosemount January 2, 2015 Page 6 align with the MS4 General Permit cycle and have the monitoring equipment purchased by the City be utilized throughout the five year period. Data will be processed annually and a final report will be complied at the end of Year 5 period. Update: From April to October 2014, WSB monitored the surface water elevation and water quality at 10 locations, and rainfall at two locations, in accordance with the approved scope of services. At the end of the monitoring period, all equipment was removed, maintained, and placed in storage. WSB is currently analyzing and processing the 2014 data in preparation for a 5-year Monitoring Report to be submitted at a later date. The anticipated start date for the 2015 monitoring period is April 1, 2015. If you have any questions about the tasks or the updates provided in this memo,please contact me at 763-287-7155 or mlitsey @wsbeng.com. K:\02092-660\Admin\Docs\2014\Project Updates12O151January