HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Well 16 Update, City Project 416 �CROSEMOLII�I�I' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUN�IL City Council Work Session: January 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Well 16 Update, City Project 416 AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of ic AGENDA NO. � a Works/City Engineer . • ATTACHMENTS: November 5, 2013 DNR Letter; Oct er 14, 2014 City Council Work Session Executive Summary; November 12, 2014 APPROVED BY: Letter to DNR —Test Well Data Submittal; January 8, 2015 Rosemount Water Stora e/Sup I Capacit Memo � RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion and direction. BACKGROUND At the October 14, 2014 City Council Work Session, Council reviewed the test well information for the proposed construction of Well 16 and directed the final preparation of plans and specifications for Well 16. Subsequent to this direction and prior to final plans and specifications being presented to Council for review and authorization to advertise for bids, additional questions were submitted to staff. What is the status of DNR review of test well data and approval to proceed with the construction of Well 16? Per the request in the attached November 5, 2013 letter from the DNR, test well data for Well 16 was submitted to the DNR on November 10, 2014 for their review and approval prior to constructing Well 16. DNR approval is still pending. What is the DNR appropriation permit process and how will we be sure of receiving a permit? As previously discussed, following the construction of a municipal supply well and necessary test pumping, the DNR then considers and issues an appropriation permit. As this is a significant question for the city, representatives from the DNR have been invited to attend the work session and discuss with Council the DNR appropriation permit process. What happens if Well 16 interferes with adjacent private wells? The city's current comprehensive water supply plan adopted in August 2007 includes groundwater modeling for future well fields that was completed by Barr Engineering. As part of the modeling, available information for private wells in the areas around future proposed G:\ENGPROJ\416\Council Items�20150112 CWS Well 16 Update.docx wells was incorporated into the model to evaluate potential impacts from increased drawdown and to evaluate where future wells should be located. The proposed location of Well 16 is consistent with this groundwater model. The model included a safety factor in an attempt to address the chances of increased drawdown in the aquifer. A safety factor of 30 to 50 feet was used to account for the transmissivity of the Jordan Sandstone aquifer. With that said, it is noted that in the event an existing or future municipal well does interfere with a privately- owned and operated well, a number of strategies are outlined in the comprehensive water supply plan including the following: 1. Lowering of the pump in the private well. a. The estimated cost to lower a pump in a private well if the pump is not at the bottom of the well is approximately $1,000. b. Within a 1500 foot radius of the proposed Well 16 location, there are an estimate 41 private wells. 2. Drilling and construction of new private well for owner. 3. Hook up the property owner to the City Water System. What is the current capacity of the existing water supply system? A water supply model is maintained for the city's water supply system. This model was last updated in 2009 along with a water supply capacity analysis. The water supply capacity analysis identified the approximate number of additional units that could be connected to the city water supply system given the well pumping capacity at that time. This analysis has been updated and is summarized in the attached memorandum from Jamie Wallerstedt with WSB. Tables 5 and 6 of the memorandum summarize the available water supply and storage capacity for the development of additional property. As noted in these tables, beyond the current plats and projects approved today there is supply capacity for an additional 187 Residential Equivalent Units and storage capacity for an additional 298 Residential Equivalent Units. SUMMARY Following Council review and consideration of this information, the final plans and specifications are ready for Council to receive at a regular City Council meeting and authorize the advertisement for bids. G:IENGPROJ14161Council Items120150112 CWS Well 16 Update.docx 2 • Minnesota Department of \iatural Resources Minnesota Division of Ecological and Water Resources November 5,2013 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Andy Brotzler City of Rosemount 2875 145th St.W Rosemount,MN 55068 RE: DNR assessment of your proposed well construction,tracking no. 2014-0961 Dear Mr.Brotzler: The Department of Natural Resources(DNR) received information from you for the construction of a groundwater appropriation well located in NW%NE%Section 21,1115,R19 Dakota County. Based on our assessment,we have identified concerns that may need further evaluation.Our assessment indicates that use of a well at this site at the proposed rate and volume may result in interference with other water users or negatively impact nearby natural resource features such as a lake,stream, or wetland. Preliminary approval to construct a well at this site is granted; however,be advised that in order to obtain a permit to appropriate water from this well,additional information and tests, at your expense,may be required. Also be aware that your water appropriation request may be modified, reduced, or denied based upon site specific information Please refer to detailed information in the attached, Well Construction Proposal Assessment for the factors that were assessed and the additional information that may be required during the water appropriation permit application process should you decide to drill this well. This letter does not release you from any other requirements or liability or obligation imposed by Minnesota Statutes, Federal Law,or local ordinances relating to your proposed project. If you choose to drill this well, you are responsible for notifying the Department of Health as required by Minnesota Statutes,chapter 1031. After you have completed the testing,we would like to see the testing data, including data from the monitoring wells near well#14,prior to authorizing construction of Supply Well#16.We strongly encourage retention of this test well as an additional monitoring well and may require it as a condition of the amended appropriation permit. Thank you for your cooperation. By seeking preliminary approval for construction of your well you have received information on the feasibility of this site to meet your needs and can make an informed decision on whether or not to proceed. If you have any questions, please contact me at 651-259-5790 or Jennie.Skancke@state.mn.us. Sincerely, Jennie Skancke Area Hydrologist Enclosures:Resource checklist ec: BJ Bonin, viwN ray a r° AN MUM OPP)R1UNUTf Ens P1OYE 4.4 HINTED ON PICKLED PANA CONTAINING A MOilLki'v Of ii ?s P051,.0 SU1.t i WAS1 Y� sE viou\T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: October 14, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Well 16 Update, City Project 416 AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Pu 1 AGENDA NO. 2 Works/Cit y Engineer ineer • G ATTACHMENTS: August 11 , 2014 Utility Commission APPROVED BY: Executive Summary btki RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion and direction. ISSUE Update for Well 16 development—review test well results and consider next steps for proceeding with the development of a production well. BACKGROUND At the Utility Commission meeting August 11, 2014, the Commission discussed the test well water sample results for Well 16. The sampling indicates that the radium level in the test well of 7.1 pCi/L is in excess of the Minnesota Department of Health maximum level of 5. Included with the Utility Commission Executive Summary is an August 11, 2014 Technical Memorandum which provides additional information on the results and options to proceed with the development of a production well. Based on the discussion at the Utility Commission meeting of the presented options, the Commission to adopt a motion to recommend the City Council direct staff to proceed with the design of a production well and well house for Well 16. • Dave Hume with Leggette,Brashears &Graham,Inc. and Jamie Wallerstedt with WSB&Associates,Inc. will be in attendance at the meeting to review with Council the options and address questions. SUMMARY Staff is requesting Council review and consideration of the recommended options and direction to proceed with the completion of final plans and specifications for Well 16 (production well). G:\ENGPROJ\416\Council Items\2014101,1 CWS Well 16 Update.docx ;vROSEVOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: August 11, 2014 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Well 16 Update New Business --- f - - - --- PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director Public o AGENDA NO. Works/City Engineer -- - - - -- i ATTACHMENTS: Technical Memorandum APPROVED BY: nd that the City RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend y Council Direct staff to proceed with the design of production well and well house for Well 16. BACKGROUND The test well for\Vel1 16 was completed earlier this year. With the completion of the test well, it was determined through the collection and testing of two separate water samples that the radium level in the test well of 7.1 pCi/1-, is in excess of the Minnesota Department of Health maximum level of 5. The attached technical memorandum provides a summary of the radium levels in the test well, existing city wells, and neighboring Inver Grove Heights. The memorandum also outlines a number of progressive strategies to reduce the radium level from proposed Well I6 to below MDH standards for the finished water. These options include the following: 1. Utilize in-place raw water lines to blend water from Well 15 and Well 16 to reduce radium levels to below 5. 2. Develop 2.5 MG of new storage at the future water treatment plant site near Well 14 to blend water from Wells 14, 15 and 16 to reduce radium levels to below 5. Additional storage will be necessary in the near future to support additional growth such that consideration to add storage now would serve multiple purposes. 3. Develop a water treatment plant near Well 14. This would be similar to Inver Grove Height's process to address radium levels in the source water. Staff and Jamie \ 'allerstedt with WS13 & Associates, Inc. will review the technical memorandum with the Commission at the meeting. SUMMARY Staff is requesting Utility Commission consideration to recommend the City Council to authorize the continuation of the Well 16 project as proposed. :\1;.(;1,w-)1\-11(\20i40811 1'(:1\'el] 16 l.?pd:uc.duc' A WSB engineering° planning' environmental„ construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis,MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Technical Memorandum To: Utility Commission City of Rosemount Dwight Johnson, City Administrator City of Rosemount Copy: Andy Brotzler,PE,Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Rosemount From: Joe Ward,PE WSB&Associates,Inc. Date: August 11,2014 Re: Well 16 and Water Supply System Issues City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project No. 1582-18 INTRODUCTION Currently, several water system supply improvements and issues are being evaluated for the continued expansion of the City's municipal water supply system to support the City's continued growth. These issues generally include the following: • Addition of Well No. 16 • Addition of observation wells in accordance with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR)ground water appropriation permit • Addition of water storage EVALUATION Proposed Well No. 16 The City has planned for a well field of seven wells (including Wells No. 14 and 15) in the north central area of the City as part of the City's Comprehensive Water System Plan (CWP). This well field would utilize the Prairie du Chien-Jordan geologic formation(Jordan). Other geologic formations are available; however each has their challenges. The Mt. Simon-Hinckley-Fon du Lac geologic formation(Mt. Simon) is protected by state statute in the metro area. The Franconia-Ironton-Galesville geologic formation(FIG) can be used; however, it typically yields 1/2 the volume of water of the Jordan formation thereby doubling the cost of the well system to meet demands. Lastly,groundwater is available in the glacial drift areas; however,these wells may prove to be less reliable because they are susceptible to contamination. In the metro area,the Jordan formation typically provides the best value for groundwater wells. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:O/582-IA0_1,1,,,,Does IF(H.lIEt1O-.4Brotzler-ii ell 16 and system itnp.doc Utility Commission Dwight Johnson, City Administrator City of Rosemount August 11,2014 Page 2 In order to meet increasing water demands as discussed previously,Well No. 16 is currently under design. A test well was completed for the project for which test results indicated the radium concentrations exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL)under the Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA). Since no other well in Rosemount exhibited this characteristic,the water quality was tested twice. Combined radium(Ra 226 and Ra 228)must be less than 5 picocuries per liter(pCi/L)to meet the MCL. Combined radium in the first test was 6.6 pCi/L and 7.1 pCi/L in the second test. In addition, iron and manganese excee.ed Secondary Standards. The Secondary Standards for iron and manganese are 0.3 mg/I and 0.05 mg/l, espectively, and water quality testing indicated the levels were 0.408 mg/L and 0.154 mg/L. Exceedi g the Secondary Standards will not impact a consumer's health, therefore treatment is not required. Ho ever,the water quality will be undesirable for aesthetic reasons. Excessive iron and manganese content ations can cause red,black, brown,and yellow colored water. Water with concentrations above the Secondary Standards will typically cause customer complaints if some form of water treatment is not us:d. These complaints can be controlled either by sequestering or by removing the iron and manganese. Well No. 16—Iron and Manganese The City of Rosemount currently uses o olyphosphates to sequester iron and manganese. Sequestering does not remove the iron and mangane.e. The polyphosphates form a weak chemical bond with the iron and manganese to reduce the formation of precipitates,which cause,red,black,brown, and yellow water. However,the chemical bond deteriorat,s with time. American Water Works Association( WWA)guidance is that sequestering will not be successful for water with manganese levels greater th;n 0.10 mg/1 or water with combined iron and manganese levels greater than 1.00 mg/l.At iron and ma ganese concentrations greater than the recommended levels, sequestering becomes less effective. In accordance with these guidelines only Well No. 12 as shown in Table No. 1 is a candidate for successf 1 sequestering,however, Wells No. 14 and 15 both use polyphosphate. Table No. 1 Iron and Manganese Data Iron+ Well No. Iron (mg/L) Ma gg�L)se <0.10(mg/L) Manganese <1.00(mg/L) (mg/L) Secondary 0.3 0.05 n/a n/a n/a Standard 12 0.453 0.072 Yes 0.525 Yes 14 0.159 0.119 No 0.278 Yes 15 0.147 0.154 No 0.301 Yes TW 16 0.408 0.116 No 0.524 Yes K 101581-180'4-ldnim Docs■TECH.VID1O-Aerotzfer-lre!!16 and system lmp.doc Utility Commission Dwight Johnson, City Administrator City of Rosemount August 11, 2014 Page 3 Although iron and manganese levels exceed secondary standards and recommended levels below which sequestration is effective, City staff have had minimal complaints about water quality concerns. The City has constructed a raw water main system for the wells that would bring untreated water back to a common treatment site. Therefore,treatment has been planned for and can be added with minimal impact to the water distribution system. Therefore, it is recommended not to treat well water based on iron and manganese alone. Similar to other wells within the City, iron and manganese sequestration can be provided. If proved to be ineffective, treatment can be added in the future. Well No. 16—Radium The City of Rosemount currently does not treat for radium removal since radium concentrations in other wells are less than the 5 pCi/L MCL. There are four alternatives to resolve the radium issue: 1. Mothball well and relocate to a new site. Complete a test well at the new site, and construct the production well there if radium levels are less than the 5 pCi/L MCL. 2. Blend water from Well No. 16 in raw water lines with Wells No. 14 and 15 to reduce the total concentration below the 5 pCi/L MCL. 3. If blendin g water from Wells No. 15 and 16 in raw water main is not a feasible option, evaluate development of a 2.0 MG GSR at the future water treatment facility(WTF) site for blending water to reduce the total concentration below the 5 pCi/L MCL. 4. Expansion of well field may continue to have radium issues(reference Inver Grove Heights radium levels in Table No. 2). The ultimate solution may be a WTF for radium removal to less than the 5 pCi/L MCL. There are substantial risks and costs to each one of these alternatives. Well No. 16—Alternative 1 This alternative would include abandoning the currently planned well site near the intersection of Bacardi Avenue and 128th Street West. A new site would then be selected and a test well drilled at another location in order to determine if radium is potentially less than the current site. To determine the feasibility of this option WSB reviewed radium concentrations in general for the state and locally at Inver Grove Heights. The MDH has studied radium concentrations and has generally found a band of wells in the Jordan formation exceeding the MCL as shown on the attached map from the December 21, 2010, Distribution of Radium in Minnesota Drinking Water Aquifers study (MDH Radium Study). Inver Grove Heights provided WSB with information regarding their wells which indicates that each of their seven wells exceeds the 5 pCi/L radium MCL. Radium concentrations for the Inver Grove Heights wells ranged from 5.8 pCi/L to 9.0 pCi/L and are shown in Table No. 2. I 015 82-180 Limo?Doc s TECH.11E 110-.-1Brolzler-Ii'ell lh and ssstem nop clot Utility Commission Dwight Johnson, City Administrator City of Rosemount August 11,2014 Page 4 Table No.2 Radium Data for Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount Wells MDH Maximum Contaminant We�llls Well 12 Well 14 Well 15 Test Well 16 Level (MCL) Combined Radium 5 5.8-9 1.4 3.7 2.3 7.1 pCi/L Well Aquifer Jordan, Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan 1-Mt. Simon There is substantial cost in constructing additional test well and there appears to be a significant risk of finding radium concentrations in excess of MCL in other locations based on the MDH Radium Study. Therefore, it is not recommended to proceed with Alternative 1. Well No. 16—Alternative 2 Pending MDH approval, it should be possible to blend water from Well No. 16 with water from another well in order to distribute drinking water to the system with a radium concentration less than the 5 pCi/L MCL. WSB has discussed the issue with the MDH who indicated that blending is generally guaranteed if the water is mixed within a reservoir. Also, blending can be achieved by pumping Well No. 16 concurrently with Well No. 15 as long as it can be proven the MDH that nearby residents do not receive drinking water with a radium level greater than the 5 pCi/L MCL. Using the City's raw water piping system, water from Well No. 16 could be blended with water from Well No. 15 or pumped directly to a new reservoir near the Bacardi tower,where it would be blended to achieve a radium level less than the 5 pCi/L MCL. As part of the City's CWP,it was planned that a 2.0 MG GSR be constructed near the future WTF site,see Alternative 3. It is recommended to pursue this alternative. As part of this alternative, it is recommended to further discuss and evaluate with MDH the potential for blending water from Wells No. 15 and 16 to achieve a radium concentration less than the 5 pCi/L MCL. The raw water mains necessary for blending are in place,so the cost is substantially less than constructing a new reservoir(discussed in following sections). Well No. 16 Alternative 3 Should blending Wells No. 15 and 16 prove to be infeasible to achieve a radium concentration less than the 5 pCi/L MCL,construction of a new reservoir should be evaluated. The MDH has indicated that storage would provide a more guaranteed method for blending water from Well No. 16 with water from other wells in the system to provide residents with water meeting the 5 pCi/L radium MCL. Construction of a new reservoir will likely be recommended in the future based on Rosemount's continued growth, so the reservoir would likely be constructed in the near future even if it is not necessary for blending. K:101582-180',3dminlDocsITECHSIEIIO-ABrotzler-Well 16 and system imp.doc Utility Commission Dwight Johnson, City Administrator City of Rosemount August 11, 2014 Page 5 A detailed evaluation of supply and storage planning was completed in the October 28,2013, Rosemount Water Storage/Supply Capacity Design Memorandum(Storage/Supply Capacity Memo). Based on Rosemount's increasing water demands,the Storage/Supply Capacity Memo recommended that planning for construction of additional water storage begin in 2017 in order to bring the facility on line by 2020. As discussed previously, water demands fluctuate based on many factors so it is recommended to reevaluate storage/supply capacity annually. The City's CWP indicates the next planned storage facility for the City should be a 2.0 MG GSR at a new WTF. Regardless of the need for a new WTF, a new GSR could be constructed at the future WTF site. However, a preliminary WTF layout and feasibility study would be necessary to confirm the site would be adequate for the WTF and 2.0 MG GSR. In 2011, WSB designed and managed the construction of a 2.0 MG GSR in the City of Rogers. The final total project cost of the GSR was approximately $2,100,000. Due to construction cost inflation, a 2.0 MG GSR will cost more in 2019-2020. Additionally, site constraints and City preferences related to the GSR would need to be evaluated before an accu r ate engineer's opinion of probable cost could be provided. For example,the Rogers GSR was not completely buried. If the tank were completely buried it would have increased construction cost approximately 10%to 20%. Well No. 16—Alternative 4 Under this alternative,the production well (Well No. 16) would be drilled at the location originally planned. In some instances,the radium concentration in a production well has been found to be less than that of a test well. For example,the test well for Well No. 12 had a radium concentration of 5 pCi/L,but the production well had a concentration of only 1.4 pCi/L. Following the drilling of the production well, water quality would be tested to confirm the radium concentration. If radium levels were to be found in excess of the 5 pCi/L MCL a treatment system would be designed to remove radium. The treatment process required for radium removal has been implemented in many communities in Minnesota. It generally includes oxidation of manganese to form solid particles(radium then adsorbs to the manganese particles), which are then filtered from the water. This is the treatment process Inver Grove Heights uses. There are several different methods available for oxidation of manganese and several different methods available for filtration. A site for treatment has been designated near Well No. 14 and the Bacardi Tower. Water from Well No. 16 would be pumped directly to the water treatment facility through raw water mains that have already been constructed. Following treatment at the water treatment facility,treated water would be pumped into the system. K.01582.18O:idn+rn Uocs 7'1;('11.111_110 lib olzlery f f"ell 16 and.rvsienr Imp Jac Utility Commission Dwight Johnson, City Administrator City of Rosemount August 11, 2014 Page 6 Observation Wells The MnDNR permits the volume of water that can be withdrawn from the groundwater below the City of Rosemount through an appropriation permit. The City's appropriation permit has been amended several times as wells have been added to the water system and the volume of permitted withdrawals increased. As part of the most recent appropriation permit amendment to add Well No. 15 and increase the volume of water that can be withdrawn, the MnDNR required the City to construct three observation wells in order to monitor the groundwater level. Also, MnDNR's approval of Test Well No. 16 indicated that the test well should be retained as a potential future monitoring well. Associated with the monitoring wells, the City is required to install level monitoring equipment to record the water level data and submit the data periodically to the MnDNR. The three observation wells required by the appropriation permit for Well No. 15 are listed below. 1. One located near the center of all the City's wells(around the downtown area). 2. One located in the northwest well field(northwest of the Bacardi water tower). 3. One located outside the drawdown area of the City's wells(e.g. UMore area or south of the City boundary). The existing monitoring well at Well No. 14 meets requirement no. 2. A monitoring well has been constructed in UMore which satisfies requirement no. 3. The City recently completed an investigation of Wells 4 and 5,funded by a grant from the MDH. The status of these wells was unknown and represented a potential conduit for contaminants to reach the groundwater if not properly sealed. Recommendations resulting from the investigation were: • Well No. 4—Contract with a licensed well driller for the well to be partially drilled out, casing perforated, and grouted in accordance with Minnesota Well Code. • Well No. 5—Contract with a licensed well driller to clean out the well. Following well cleaning, a decision can be made to either seal the well in accordance with Minnesota Well Code or use it as an observation well as required by the City's DNR Appropriation Permit. As discussed previously,the City is required to construct an observation well near the center of the City in accordance with the MnDNR appropriation permit amendment approval. Depending upon the condition of Well 5, it may be possible to use this well as an observation well. If it is not possible to use Well 5 as an observation well,a new one would likely have to be drilled. ,C':OI5R2-180,-Idrrrix Doc.s 71(11 I II:SIO-,713rorz/er-ii ell 16 and si.siem imp.doe Figure 4: Combined Radium Distribution St. Peter-Prairie du Chien-Jordan A u fer System �1 _,..., 226r , + 228R a.pCi/L, Decorah Shale present # • — 2.00 St. Peter.Prairie du Chien •;, 0---p -. 0 ,�� ., *�� 0 2.01 -:3.50 c7 • .ss or Jordan subcrop *,, Cr' 0 ;3.51 -5.00 "11 '1• N , ,a4 County B Fund wy OD I� 0 • 5.01 - 10.00 . ' `0 10 P.i. o s sz' 0 • >10.00 i .. 3' ! C :'. • i 't-r 1 },a 1' ':HMI '_� 1.i'ftrl F � � r k,-'iu;Fkt tl]. 'it'> ,11111€ .!,,r.4 r1 ,k, 1..........—__.. Q�r li` k j !t a, HIT,in ! ll�k l !�" �_, k !1! t i I Eli-`.Hi,1-I It ■II �kll' ... `�` 7 aIkt331 aE !_p tci l i ;.i rl� =.. (i }1 (i,. � ���� ,;kilt ,.ie li ll t I...£ lil dil+. ,FE0 1' N • • W I� E ivy • 8 " t to er.li --4,-fli 4b r 1rwV { • • • 0 . St Ati 0 • r 0 0 e • "z. O 5 10 -20 30 4O Miles ..) P • - 4 4 0 4r0 i cur a `. - ,c., #. f ' 4.,"p, t el. , frihNe 4. • Y VW ;E !b 4 it 4 4 4 4 t , 4 #i • • ••0 • Ta...4t •� 1 JO • • r,..,,,,,42"- co, P • —_ Well Field ldTwo, . 46, , • , . ,,r 4,,, „,4 -- Well Field Three " • f i l 4 R • i 8 40 _ \\141 Well Field dne' . , ,,, u rt 4 4 4 rr rr C ? ' I • i • 0�, • VAS? . . fil 1 4 1' 11 4 • 46 Wit 400 ar ' •• 4 0 E ..' • 0 •i ,M * Existing Rosemount Wells + 444 , E 0 Proposed Western Wells i 4 • 41 it es 47,* 11 Proposed Eastern Wells 8 CWI Wells by Aquifer I ♦ V �0 a e; � ' ,v Jordan-St Lawrence Cr o i !Multiple PDC-Jordan Ordovician-Undiff f. Figure 4 St.Petr:r- PDC ' feet Proposed Well Locations St. Peter 0 5,00010,000 20,000 30,000 Quaternary Meters City of Rosemount MN 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 Potential Well Areas Rosemount Well No. 16 Development Alternatives Construct well house at Well No. 16 and connect raw water main system for Propose to MDH MDH blending with Well that water from Well Approved No. 15 upstream of Nos. 16 and 15 be distribution system blended in raw water Radium main upstream of Construct well house above distribution system MDH at Well No. 16 and $100,000 not Evaluate MDH 2.0 MG GSR at Drill MCL approved development of Approved production 2.0 MG GSR at future WTF site well future WTF site for Radium Construct well blending water in below house (similar to GSR and review with MDH off Construct WTF for MCL other Rosemount MDH radium removal and well houses) and approved $2.5M- $3M pump water from pump water direct to Well No. 16 to WTF distribution system 4 ROSEMOUN T_ MINNESOTA 4 ROSEMOU.,.. T PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT November 12,2014 Ms.Jennie Skancke Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Area Hydrologist 1200 Warner Road St. Paul,MN 55106 Re: Test Well No. 16 Pumping Data Rosemount City Project No, 416 WSB Project No. 1582-18 Dear Ms. Skancke: In the DNR's Assessment of the City of Rosemount's Well No. 16 Well Construction (Tracking No. 2014-0961), the test pumping data of Test Well No. 16 and the data from the monitoring wells near Well No. 14 was requested prior to the authorization of the construction of Municipal Construction Well No. 16. Attached is the data from the Test Well No. 16 construction and the monitoring wells near Well No. 14 as requested. While the Minnesota Department of Health has the permitting authority to construct the City's production well,please provide written authorization to construct the municipal production Well No. 16. This request is being made as the preliminary assessment letter indicates this data is required to be submitted prior to authorization to construction the well. We appreciate being of service to you. 1 f you have any questions regarding this project,please feel free contact me at (651) 322-2025. Sincerely, iIP7 Andre\ Brot Aft,PE City Engineer Cc: Vanessa Demuth,City of Rosemount _Jamie Wallerstedt, PE,WSB&Associates, Inc. ::A Users\klk 1zh)at:►\1uSeNIU ht Xige,\fertVP l nt tAt NlQ C:(PRQiG -t: 1 1Vt\?0I-II1 L 1.tr\It1AR Tcst Pun-,yin'1)at.t.dncx 2875 145th Street West• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 •651-423-4411 •TDD/TTY 651-423-6219•Fad 651-322-2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us • I BERG ERSON=CASWELL DEVELOPMENT/TEST PUMPING DATE: PO r pOWNER: C' U N r l; .•1f 1 .C, i '1 I 4 it-0 1 �# ICC DIAL.ETER: g x ` WELL NO. : TCYt t, ,-a.. 0r DEPTH OF WELL; STATIC WAT ER LE VE L: ��a' q't (fc, e ) TIME: 1`a yvi LENGTH OF DROP: WC DIAMETER OF PUMP: PUMP MODEL NUMBER: HORE SEPOWER: s Jr 441 SzAt3 i ' "'tA 5tai- . -Dual REMARKS 1,u,, �mt Li 4. Vr5, TIME GPM PUMP ING t, ..4 SPEC . RPM SAND DI SCH COLOR LEVEL t� CAP . 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Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec M Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1 5/8/2014 12:51:58 9.69 63.443 859.858 feet 2 5/8/2014 13:51:58 9.44 63.444 859.859 Depth to Water 126.26 10/8/2014 3 5/8/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.459 859.874 Pressure(ft H2O) 65.325 10/8/2014 4 5/8/2014 15:51:58 9.44 63.436 859.851 Elevation top of casing 988 5 5/8/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.424 859.839 Sensor elevation{appx) 796.415 6 5/8/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.374 859.789 7 5/8/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.362 859.777 8 5/8/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.374 859.789 9 5/8/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.378 859.793 10 5/8/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.374 859.789 11 5/8/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.385 859.8 12 5/8/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.389 859.804 13 5/9/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.389 859.804 14 5/9/20141:51:58 9.5 63.389 859.804 15 5/9/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.522 859.937 16 5/9/2014 3:51:58 9.44 63.697 860.112 17 5/9/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 18 5/9/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.888 860.303 19 5/9/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 20 5/9/2014 7:51:58 9.44 63.935 860.35 21 5/9/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.779 860.194 22 5/9/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.615 860.03 23 5/9/2014 10:51:58 9.44 63.503 859.918 24 5/9/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.42 859.835 25 5/9/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.358 859.773 26 5/9/201413:51:58 9.5 63.292 859.707 27 5/9/201.4 14:51:58 9.5 63.265 859.68 28 5/9/2014 15:51:58 9.44 63.237 859.652 29 5/9/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.218 859.633 30 5/9/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.187 859.602 31 5/9/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.167 859.582 32 5/9/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 33 5/9/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.116 859.531 34 5/9/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.097 859.512 35 5/9/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.066 859.481 36 5/9/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.085 859.5 37 5/10/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.085 859.5 38 5/10/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.085 859.5 39 5/10/2014 2:51:58 9.44 63.136 859.551 40 5/10/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.323 859.738 41 5/10/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.475 859.89 42 5/10/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.58 859.995 43 5/10/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.643 860.058 44 5/10/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.693 860.108 45 5/10/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.717 860.132 46 5/10/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.573 859.988 47 5/10/201410:51:58 9.5 63.444 859.859 48 5/10/201411:51:58 9.5 63.35 859.765 49 5/10/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.3 859.715 50 5/10/2014 13:51:58 9.44 63.269 859.684 51 5/10/201414:51:58 9.5 63.343 859.758 52 5/10/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.526 859.941 53 5/10/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.654 860.069 54 5/10/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.732 860.147 55 5/10/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.728 860.143 56 5/10/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.584 859.999 57 5/10/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.444 859.859 58 5/1.0/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.35 859.765 59 5/10/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.288 859.703 60 5/10/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.237 859.652 61 5/11/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.226 859.641 62 5/11/2014 1:51:58 9.44 63.218 859.633 63 5/11/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.21 859.625 64 5/11/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.21 859.625 65 5/11/2014 4:51:58 9.44 63.202 859.617 66 5/11/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.19 859.605 67 5/11/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.21 859.625 68 5/11/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.374 859.789 69 5/11/2014 8:51:58 9.44 63.518 859.933 70 5/11/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.627 860.042 71 5/11/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.674 860.089 72 5/11/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.561 859.976 73 5/11/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.42 859.835 74 5/11/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.339 859.754 75 5/11/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.3 859.715 1 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 76 5/11/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.276 859.691 77 5/11/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.265 859.68 78 5/11/201417:51:58 9.5 63.261 859.676 79 5/11/201418:51:58 9.5 63.272 859.687 80 5/11/201419:51:58 9.5 63.28 859.695 81 5/11/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.268 859.683 82 5/11/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.253 859.668 83 5/11/2014 22:51:58 9.44 63.245 859.66 84 5/11/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.253 859.668 85 5/12/2014 0:51:58 9.44 63.269 859.684 86 5/12/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.304 859.719 87 5/12/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.296 859.711 88 5/12/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.304 859.719 89 5/12/2014 4:51:58 9.44 63.3 859.715 90 5/12/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.3 859.715 91 5/12/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.296 859.711 92 5/12/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.272 859.687 93 5/12/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.249 859.664 94 5/12/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.222 859.637 95 5/12/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.206 859.621 96 5/12/201411:51:58 9.5 63.214 859.629 97 5/12/201412:51:58 9.5 63.214 859.629 98 5/12/201413:51:58 9.5 63.214 859.629 99 5/12/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.21 859.625 100 5/12/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.21 859.625 101 5/12/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.206 859.621 102 5/12/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.253 859.668 103 5/12/201418:51:58 9.5 63.444 859.859 104 5/12/201419:51:58 9.5 63.596 860.011 105 5/12/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.701 860.116 106 5/12/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.682 860.097 107 5/12/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.518 859.933 108 5/12/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.393 859.808 109 5/13/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.311 859.726 110 5/13/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.249 859.664 111 5/13/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.202 859.617 112 5/13/2014 3:51:58 9.44 63.167 859.582 113 5/13/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 114 5/13/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.113 859.528 115 5/13/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.066 859.481 116 5/13/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.042 859.457 117 5/13/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.011 859.426 118 5/13/2014 9:51:58 9.44 62.996 859.411 119 5/13/2014 10:51:58 9.44 62.968 859.383 120 5/13/201411:51:58 9.5 62.949 859.364 121 5/13/201412:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 122 5/13/201413:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 123 5/13/2014 14:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 124 5/13/2014 15:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 125 5/13/2014 16:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 126 5/13/2014 17:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 127 5/13/201418:51:58 9.44 62.945 859.36 128 5/13/201419:51:58 9.44 62.933 859.348 129 5/13/2014 20:51:58 9.5 62.925 859.34 130 5/13/2014 21:51:58 9.5 62.914 859.329 131 5/13/2014 22:51:58 9.5 62.906 859.321 132 5/13/2014 23:51:58 9.5 62.906 859.321 133 5/14/2014 0:51:58 9.44 62.898 859.313 134 5/14/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.898 859.313 135 5/14/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.914 859.329 136 5/14/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.933 859.348 137 5/14/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 138 5/14/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 139 5/14/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.933 859.348 140 5/14/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 141 5/14/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.929 859.344 142 5/14/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 143 5/14/201410:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 144 5/14/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.96 859.375 145 5/14/2014 12:51:58 9.5 62.98 859.395 146 5/14/201413:51:58 9.5 63.003 859.418 147 5/14/201414:51:58 9.5 63.027 859.442 148 5/14/201415:51:58 9.5 63.132 859.547 149 5/14/201416:51:58 9.5 63.339 859.754 150 5/14/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.506 859.921 l Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Roc# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 151 5/14/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.623 860.038 152 5/14/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.608 860.023 153 5/14/2014 20:51:58 9.44 63.452 859.867 154 5/14/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.327 859.742 155 5/14/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.237 859.652 156 5/14/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.191 859.606 157 5/15/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.159 859.574 158 5/15/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.148 859.563 159 5/15/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.144 859.559 160 5/15/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.136 859.551 161 5/15/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 162 5/15/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.128 859.543 163 5/15/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.12 859.535 164 5/15/2014 7:51:58 9.44 63.113 859.528 165 5/15/2014 8:51:58 9.44 63.101 859.516 166 5/15/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.093 859.508 167 5/15/201410:51:58 9.5 63.089 859.504 168 5/15/201411:51:58 9.5 63.089 859.504 169 5/15/201412:51:58 9.5 63.097 859.512 170 5/15/201413:51:58 9.5 63.109 859.524 171 5/15/201414:51:58 9.5 63.113 859.528 172 5/15/2014 15:51:58 9.44 63.128 859.543 173 5/15/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.229 859.644 174 5/15/201417:51:58 9.5 63.428 859.843 175 5/15/201418:51:58 9.5 63.573 859.988 176 5/15/201419:51:58 9.5 63.65 860.065 1 177 5/15/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.654 860.069 178 5/15/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.502 859.917 179 5/15/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.381 859.796 180 5/15/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.308 859.723 181 5/16/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.261 859.676 182 5/16/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.233 859.648 183 5/16/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.218 859.633 184 5/16/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.21 859.625 185 5/16/2014 4:51:58 9.44 63.202 859.617 186 5/16/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.19 859.605 187 5/16/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.175 859.59 188 5/16/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.163 859.578 189 5/16/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.136 859.551 190 5/16/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 191 5/16/201410:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 192 5/16/2014 11:51:58 9.44 63.132 859.547 193 5/16/201412:51:58 9.44 63.136 859.551 194 5/16/201413:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 195 5/16/201414:51:58 9.5 63.233 859.648 196 5/16/201415:51:58 9.5 63.428 859.843 197 5/16/201416:51:58 9.5 63.584 859.999 198 5/16/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.693 860.108 199 5/16/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.674 860.089 200 5/16/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.549 859.964 201 5/16/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.428 859.843 202 5/16/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.346 859.761 203 5/16/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.284 859.699 204 5/16/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.253 859.668 205 5/17/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.222 859.637 206 5/17/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.206 859.621 207 5/17/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.194 859.609 208 5/17/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.19 859.605 209 5/17/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.183 859.598 210 5/17/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.167 859.582 211 5/17/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.159 859.574 212 5/17/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.155 859.57 213 5/17/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.148 859.563 214 5/17/2014 9:51:58 9.44 63.132 859.547 215 5/17/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 216 5/17/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 217 5/17/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.148 859.563 218 5/17/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.155 859.57 219 5/17/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.163 859.578 220 5/17/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.171 859.586 221 5/17/2014 16:51:58 9.44 63.179 859.594 222 5/17/2014 17:51:58 9.44 63.175 859.59 223 5/17/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.179 859.594 224 5/17/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.171 859.586 225 5/17/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.163 859.578 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec$4 Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 226 5/17/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.155 859.57 227 5/17/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.136 859.551 228 5/17/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.132 859.547 229 5/18/2014 0:51:58 9.44 63.12 859.535 230 5/18/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.12 859.535 231 5/18/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.113 859.528 232 5/18/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.105 859.52 233 5/18/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.097 859.512 234 5/18/2014 5:51:58 9.44 63.085 859.5 235 5/18/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.074 859.489 236 5/18/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.062 859.477 237 5/18/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.058 859.473 238 5/18/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.054 859.469 239 5/18/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.05 859.465 240 5/18/2014 11:51:58 9.44 63.05 859.465 241 5/18/201412:51:58 9.5 63.058 859.473 242 5/18/201413:51:58 9.5 63.074 859.489 243 5/18/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.128 859.543 244 5/18/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.331 859.746 245 5/18/201416:51:58 9.44 63.518 859.933 246 5/18/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.65 860.065 247 5/18/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.748 860.163 248 5/18/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.81 860.225 249 5/18/2014 20:51:58 9.44 63.853 860.268 250 5/18/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 251 5/18/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.888 860.303 252 5/18/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.904 860.319 253 5/19/2014 0:51:58 9.44 63.916 860.331 254 5/19/20141:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 255 5/19/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 256 5/19/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 257 5/19/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 258 5/19/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 259 5/19/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 260 5/19/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.705 860.12 261 5/19/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.592 860.007 262 5/19/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.541 859.956 263 5/19/2014 10:51:58 9.44 63.499 859.914 264 5/19/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.471 859.886 265 5/19/201412:51:58 9.5 63.417 859.832 266 5/19/2014 13:51:58 9.44 63.471 859.886 267 5/19/201414:51:58 9.5 63.658 860.073 268 5/19/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.802 860.217 269 5/19/201416:51:58 9.44 63.904 860.319 270 5/19/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 271 5/19/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 272 5/19/201419:51:58 9.5 63.686 860.101 273 5/19/2014 20:51:58 9.44 63.584 859.999 274 5/19/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.502 859.917 275 5/19/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.463 859.878 276 5/19/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.444 859.859 277 5/20/2014 0:51:58 9.44 63.417 859.832 278 5/20/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.393 859.808 279 5/20/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.374 859.789 280 5/20/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63358 859.773 281 5/20/2014 4:51:58 9.44 63.343 859.758 282 5/20/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.307 859.722 283 5/20/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.276 859.691 284 5/20/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.265 859.68 285 5/20/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.354 859.769 286 5/20/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.514 859.929 287 5/20/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.631 860.046 288 5/20/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.721 860.136 289 5/20/201412:51:58 9.5 63.779 860.194 290 5/20/201413:51:58 9.5 63.822 860.237 291 5/20/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 292 5/20/201415:51:58 9.44 63.92 860.335 293 5/20/201416:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 294 5/20/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 295 5/20/201418:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 296 5/20/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 297 5/20/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 298 5/20/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 299 5/20/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.005 860.42 300 5/20/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.021 860.436 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec P Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 301 5/21/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.025 860.44 302 5/21/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.021 860.436 303 5/21/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 304 5/21/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.001 860.416 305 5/21/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 306 5/21/2014 5:51:58 9.44 63.962 860.377 307 5/21/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 308 5/21/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 309 5/21/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 310 5/21/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 311 5/21/201410:51:58 9.5 63.912 860.327 312 5/21/201411:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 313 5/21/201412:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 314 5/21/201413:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 315 5/21/201414:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 316 5/21/201415:51:58 9.44 63.939 860.354 I 317 5/21/201416:51:58 9.5 63.931 860.346 318 5/21/2014 17:51:58 9.44 63.939 860.354 319 5/21/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 320 5/21/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 321 5/21/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 322 5/21/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 323 5/21/2014 22:51:58 9.44 63.924 860.339 324 5/21/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 325 5/22/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.912 860.327 326 5/22/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 327 5/22/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 328 5/22/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 329 5/22/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 330 5/22/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 331 5/22/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.912 860.327 332 5/22/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.904 860.319 333 5/22/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.908 860.323 334 5/22/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.896 860.311 335 5/22/201410:51:58 9.44 63.912 860.327 336 5/22/201411:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 337 5/22/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 338 5/22/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 339 5/22/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 340 5/22/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 341 5/22/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 342 5/22/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 343 5/22/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.009 860.424 344 5/22/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 345 5/22/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 346 5/22/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 347 5/22/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.001 860.416 348 5/22/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.005 860.42 349 5/23/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.001 860.416 350 5/23/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 351 5/23/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 352 5/23/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.001 860.416 353 5/23/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.005 860.42 354 5/23/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 355 5/23/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 356 5/23/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 357 5/23/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.974 860.389 358 5/23/2014 9:51:58 9.44 63.978 860.393 359 5/23/201410:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 360 5/23/201411:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 361 5/23/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 362 5/23/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.032 860.447 363 5/23/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.056 860.471 364 5/23/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.071 860.486 365 5/23/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.079 860.494 366 5/23/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 367 5/23/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 368 5/23/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.114 860.529 369 5/23/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 370 5/23/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 371 5/23/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.099 860.514 372 5/23/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 373 5/24/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 374 5/24/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.111 860.526 375 5/24/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.114 860.529 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec tt Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft ems!) 376 5/24/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.111 860.526 377 5/24/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 378 5/24/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.095 860.51 379 5/24/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.087 860.502 380 5/24/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.083 860.498 381 5/24/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.083 860.498 382 5/24/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.079 860.494 383 5/24/201410:51:58 9.5 64.087 860.502 384 5/24/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.114 860.529 385 5/24/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.126 860.541 386 5/24/2014 13:51:58 9.44 64.134 860.549 387 5/24/201414:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 388 5/24/201415:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 389 5/24/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.165 860.58 390 5/24/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 391 5/24/201418:51:58 9.44 64.196 860.611 392 5/24/201419:51:58 9.44 64.2 860.615 393 5/24/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.204 860.619 394 5/24/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 395 5/24/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 396 5/24/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 397 5/25/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 398 5/25/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 399 5/25/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 400 5/25/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 401 5/25/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.189 860.604 402 5/25/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 403 5/25/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.185 860.6 404 5/25/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.169 860.584 405 5/25/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.169 860.584 406 5/25/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.161 860.576 407 5/25/201410:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 408 5/25/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 409 5/25/201412:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 410 5/25/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 411 5/25/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.251 860.666 412 5/25/201415:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 413 5/25/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.282 860.697 414 5/25/201417:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 415 5/25/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 416 5/25/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 417 5/25/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 418 5/25/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.259 860.674 419 5/25/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 420 5/25/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 421 5/26/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 422 5/26/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 423 5/26/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 424 5/26/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 425 5/26/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 426 5/26/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 427 5/26/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 428 5/26/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 429 5/26/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 430 5/26/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 431 5/26/201410:51:58 9.5 64.204 860.619 432 5/26/2014 11:51:58 9.44 64.212 860.627 433 5/26/201412:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 434 5/26/201413:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 435 5/26/201414:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 436 5/26/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 437 5/26/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.274 860.689 438 5/26/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 439 5/26/201418:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 440 5/26/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 441 5/26/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.259 860.674 442 5/26/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 443 5/26/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.224 860.639 444 5/26/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 445 5/27/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 446 5/27/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.243 860.658 447 5/27/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 448 5/27/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.247 860.662 449 5/27/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 450 5/27/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(uMissing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rae N Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 451 5/27/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 452 5/27/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 453 5/27/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 454 5/27/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 455 5/27/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.185 860.6 456 5/27/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 457 5/27/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.189 860.604 458 5/27/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.192 860.607 459 5/27/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.192 860.607 460 5/27/2014 15:51:58 9.44 64.196 860.611 461 5/27/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.204 860.619 462 5/27/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 463 5/27/201418:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 464 5/27/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 465 5/27/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.169 860.584 466 5/27/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.161 860.576 467 5/27/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.134 860.549 468 5/27/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 469 5/28/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 470 5/28/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.154 860.569 471 5/28/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.161 860.576 472 5/28/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.154 860.569 473 5/28/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.15 860.565 474 5/28/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.138 860.553 475 5/28/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.126 860.541 476 5/28/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 477 5/28/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.099 860.514 478 5/28/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.087 860.502 479 5/28/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.064 860.479 480 5/28/201411:51:58 9.44 64.079 860.494 481 5/28/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.083 860.498 482 5/28/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.099 860.514 483 5/28/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 484 5/28/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.13 860.545 485 5/28/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.146 860.561 486 5/28/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 487 5/28/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.165 860.58 488 5/28/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 489 5/28/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 490 5/28/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.134 860.549 491 5/28/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.134 860.549 492 5/28/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.138 860.553 493 5/29/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 494 5/29/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 495 5/29/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 496 5/29/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 497 5/29/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 498 5/29/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 499 5/29/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 500 5/29/2014 7:51:58 9.44 64.111 860.526 501 5/29/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 502 5/29/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 503 5/29/201410:51:58 9.44 64.115 860.53 504 5/29/201411:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 505 5/29/201412:51:58 9.44 64.134 860.549 506 5/29/201413:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 507 5/29/201414:51:58 9.44 64.161 860.576 508 5/29/201415:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 509 5/29/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 510 5/29/201417:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 511 5/29/201418:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 512 5/29/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 513 5/29/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 514 5/29/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.204 860.619 515 5/29/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 516 5/29/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.192 860.607 517 5/30/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.192 860.607 518 5/30/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 519 5/30/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.192 860.607 520 5/30/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 521 5/30/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.173 860.588 522 5/30/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.157 860.572 523 5/30/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.13 860.545 524 5/30/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 525 5/30/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 526 5/30/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 527 5/30/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.15 860.565 528 5/30/201411:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 529 5/30/201412:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 530 5/30/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.169 860.584 531 5/30/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 532 5/30/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 533 5/30/201416:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 534 5/30/201417:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 535 5/30/201418:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 536 5/30/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.255 860.67 537 5/30/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 538 5/30/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 539 5/30/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.227 860.642 540 5/30/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 541 5/31/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 542 5/31/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 543 5/31/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 544 5/31/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.227 860.642 545 5/31/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 546 5/31/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.231 860.646 547 5/31/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 548 5/31/2014 7:51:58 9.44 64.22 860.635 549 5/31/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 550 5/31/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 551 5/31/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.231 860.646 552 5/31/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 553 5/31/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 554 5/31/201413:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 555 5/31/201414:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 556 5/31/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 557 5/31/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 558 5/31/2014 17:51:58 9.44 64.325 860.74 559 5/31/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 560 5/31/201419:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 561 5/31/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 562 5/31/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 563 5/31/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 564 5/31/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.34 860.755 565 6/1/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 566 6/1/20141:51:58 9.5 64.364 860.779 567 6/1/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 568 6/1/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 569 6/1/2014 4:51:58 9,5 64.407 860.822 570 6/1/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 571 6/1/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 572 6/1/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 573 6/1/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 574 6/1/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 575 6/1/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 576 6/1/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 577 6/1/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.325 860.74 578 6/1/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 579 6/1/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 580 6/1/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 581 6/1/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 582 6/1/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 583 6/1/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 584 6/1/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 585 6/1/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 586 6/1/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 587 6/1/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 588 6/1/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.411 860.826 589 6/2/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 590 6/2/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 591 6/2/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 592 6/2/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.419 860.834 593 6/2/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 594 6/2/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 595 6/2/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 596 6/2/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 597 6/2/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 598 6/2/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.411 860.826 599 6/2/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.403 860.818 600 6/2/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.391 860.806 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(*aMissing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec p Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft arnsl) 601 6/2/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 602 6/2/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 603 6/2/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 604 6/2/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 605 6/2/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.364 860.779 606 6/2/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 607 6/2/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.356 860.771 608 6/2/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.333 860.748 609 6/2/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 610 6/2/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 611 6/2/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 612 6/2/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.239 860.654 613 6/3/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.227 860.642 614 6/3/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.212 860.627 615 6/3/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.204 860.619 616 6/3/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 617 6/3/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.185 860.6 618 6/3/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.169 860.584 619 6/3/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.165 860.58 620 6/3/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.161 860.576 621 6/3/2014 8:51:58 9.44 64.157 860.572 622 6/3/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 623 6/3/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.15 860.565 624 6/3/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 625 6/3/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.04 860.455 626 6/3/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.095 860.51 627 6/3/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 628 6/3/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 629 6/3/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.208 860.623 630 6/3/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 631 6/3/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 632 6/3/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 633 6/3/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 634 6/3/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 635 6/3/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.282 860.697 636 6/3/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.309 860.724 637 6/4/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 638 6/4/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 639 6/4/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 640 6/4/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 641 6/4/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 642 6/4/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 643 6/4/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 644 6/4/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 645 6/4/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 646 6/4/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 647 6/4/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.27 860.685 648 6/4/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 649 6/4/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 650 6/4/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 651 6/4/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 652 6/4/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 653 6/4/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 654 6/4/2014 17:51:58 9.44 64.29 860.705 655 6/4/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 656 6/4/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 657 6/4/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 658 6/4/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 659 6/4/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.286 860.701 660 6/4/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 661 6/5/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 662 6/5/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 663 6/5/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 664 6/5/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 665 6/5/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 666 6/5/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 667 6/5/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 668 6/5/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 669 6/5/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 670 6/5/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 671 6/5/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 672 6/5/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 673 6/5/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 674 6/5/201413:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 675 6/5/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft amsl) 676 6/5/201415:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 677 6/5/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 678 6/5/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 679 6/5/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 680 6/5/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 681 6/5/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 682 6/5/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 683 6/5/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 684 6/5/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 685 6/6/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 686 6/6/20141:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 687 6/6/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 688 6/6/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 689 6/6/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 690 6/6/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 691 6/6/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.278 860.693 692 6/6/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 693 6/6/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 694 6/6/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 695 6/6/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 696 6/6/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 697 6/6/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 698 6/6/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 699 6/6/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 700 6/6/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 701 6/6/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.309 860.724 702 6/6/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 703 6/6/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 704 6/6/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 705 6/6/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.274 860.689 706 6/6/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 707 6/6/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 708 6/6/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 709 6/7/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 710 6/7/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 711 6/7/2014 251:58 9.44 64.321 860.736 712 6/7/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.333 860.748 713 6/7/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 714 6/7/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 715 6/7/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 716 6/7/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 717 6/7/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 718 6/7/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 719 6/7/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 720 6/7/2014 11:51:58 9.44 64.255 860.67 721 6/7/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.263 860.678 722 6/7/201413:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 723 6/7/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 724 6/7/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64,286 860.701 725 6/7/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.251 860.666 726 6/7/2014 17:51:58 9.44 64.255 860.67 727 6/7/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 728 6/7/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 729 6/7/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 730 6/7/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 731 6/7/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.235 860.65 732 6/7/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 733 6/8/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 734 6/8/20141:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 735 6/8/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.228 860.643 736 6/8/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 737 6/8/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 738 6/8/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.231 860.646 739 6/8/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.228 860.643 740 6/8/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 741 6/8/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 742 6/8/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.2 860.615 743 6/8/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 744 6/8/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 745 6/8/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.239 860.654 746 6/8/201413:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 747 6/8/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.278 860,693 748 6/8/201415:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 749 6/8/201416:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 750 6/8/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsi) 751 6/8/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 752 6/8/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 753 6/8/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 754 6/8/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.317 860.732 755 6/8/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 756 6/8/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 757 6/9/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.337 860.752 758 6/9/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 759 6/9/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.364 860.779 760 6/9/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 761 6/9/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.368 860.783 762 6/9/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.348 860.763 763 6/9/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 764 6/9/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 765 6/9/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 766 6/9/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 767 6/9/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 768 6/9/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 769 6/9/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 770 6/9/201413:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 771 6/9/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 772 6/9/201415:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 773 6/9/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 774 6/9/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 775 6/9/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 776 6/9/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.395 860.81 777 6/9/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.395 860.81 778 6/9/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.391 860.806 779 6/9/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.391 860.806 780 6/9/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 781 6/10/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 782 6/10/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 783 6/10/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 784 6/10/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 785 6/10/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 786 6/10/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 787 6/10/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 788 6/10/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 789 6/10/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 790 6/10/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 791 6/10/201410:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 792 6/10/201411:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 793 6/10/201412:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 794 6/10/201413:51:58 9.44 64.411 860.826 795 6/10/201414:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 796 6/10/201415:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 797 6/10/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.434 860.849 798 6/10/2014 17:51:58 9.44 64.446 860.861 799 6/10/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 800 6/10/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 801 6/10/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 802 6/10/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 803 6/10/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.45 860.865 804 6/10/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.461 860.876 805 6/11/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 806 6/11/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 807 6/11/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 808 6/11/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.442 860.857 809 6/11/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 810 6/11/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 811 6/11/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.45 860.865 812 6/11/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 813 6/11/2014 8:51:58 9.44 64.231 860.646 814 6/11/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.056 860.471 815 6/11/201410:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 816 6/11/201411:51:58 9.5 63.857 860.272 817 6/11/201412:51:58 9.5 63.81 860.225 818 6/11/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.795 860.21 819 6/11/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.779 860.194 820 6/11/2014 15:51:58 9.44 63.904 860.319 821 6/11/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.071 860.486 822 6/11/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.122 860.537 823 6/11/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.075 860.49 824 6/11/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 825 6/11/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 826 6/11/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 827 6/11/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 828 6/11/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 829 6/12/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.426 860.841 830 6/12/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 831 6/12/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 832 6/12/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 833 6/12/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.434 860.849 834 6/12/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 835 6/12/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 836 6/12/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 837 6/12/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 838 6/12/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.173 860.588 839 6/12/201410:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 840 6/12/201411:51:58 9.44 63.838 860.253 841 6/12/201412:51:58 9.5 63.849 860.264 842 6/12/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 843 6/12/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.075 860.49 844 6/12/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 845 6/12/201416:51:58 9.44 64.196 860.611 846 6/12/201417:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 847 6/12/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 848 6/12/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.231 860.646 849 6/12/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 850 6/12/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 851 6/12/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 852 6/12/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 853 6/13/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 854 6/13/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.251 860.666 855 6/13/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 856 6/13/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 857 6/13/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 858 6/13/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.251 860.666 859 6/13/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.653 860 6/13/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.079 860.494 861 6/13/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.896 860.311 862 6/13/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.775 860.19 863 6/13/201410:51:58 9.5 63.857 860.272 864 6/13/201411:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 865 6/13/201412:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 866 6/13/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 867 6/13/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.192 860.607 868 6/13/201415:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 869 6/13/201416:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 870 6/13/201417:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 871 6/13/201418:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 872 6/13/201419:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 873 6/13/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 874 6/13/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 875 6/13/2014 22:51:58 9,5 64.379 860.794 876 6/13/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 877 6/14/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 878 6/14/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 879 6/14/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 880 6/14/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 881 6/14/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.391 860.806 882 6/14/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.391 860.806 883 6/14/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.391 860.806 884 6/14/2014 7:51:58 9.44 64.38 860.795 885 6/14/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.364 860.779 886 6/14/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 887 6/14/201410:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 888 6/14/2014 11:51:58 9.44 64.438 860.853 889 6/14/201412:51:58 9.5 64.469 860.884 890 6/14/201413:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 891 6/14/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 892 6/14/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.5 860.915 893 6/14/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.547 860.962 894 6/14/201417:51:58 9.5 64.543 860.958 895 6/14/201418:51:58 9.5 64.559 860.974 896 6/14/201419:51:58 9.44 64.559 860.974 897 6/14/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.567 860.982 898 6/14/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.559 860.974 899 6/14/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.535 860.95 900 6/14/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec It Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 901 6/15/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 902 6/15/20141:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 903 6/15/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.532 860.947 904 6/15/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.594 861.009 905 6/15/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 906 6/15/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.629 861.044 907 6/15/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 908 6/15/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.691 861.106 909 6/15/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.719 861.134 910 6/15/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.726 861.141 911 6/15/201410:51:58 9.5 64.687 861.102 912 6/15/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 913 6/15/201412:51:58 9.5 64.555 860.97 914 6/15/201413:51:58 9.5 64.504 860.919 915 6/15/201414:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 916 6/15/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 917 6/15/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 918 6/15/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 919 6/15/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 920 6/15/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 921 6/15/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 922 6/15/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 923 6/15/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.364 860.779 924 6/15/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.352 860.767 925 6/16/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.337 860.752 926 6/16/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 927 6/16/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 928 6/16/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.321 860.736 929 6/16/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.321 860.736 930 6/16/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 931 6/16/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.313 860.728 932 6/16/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 933 6/16/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 934 6/16/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 935 6/16/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.34 860.755 936 6/16/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 937 6/16/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.34 860.755 938 6/16/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 939 6/16/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 940 6/16/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 941 6/16/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 942 6/16/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 943 6/16/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 944 6/16/201419:51:58 9.44 64.383 860.798 945 6/16/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 946 6/16/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.543 860.958 947 6/16/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 948 6/16/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 949 6/17/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.559 860.974 950 6/17/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 951 6/17/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 952 6/17/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.5 860.915 953 6/17/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 954 6/17/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 955 6/17/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.461 860.876 956 6/17/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 957 6/17/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 958 6/17/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.43 860.845 959 6/17/201410:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 960 6/17/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 961 6/17/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 962 6/17/201413:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 963 6/17/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 964 6/17/201415:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 965 6/17/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 966 6/17/201417:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 967 6/17/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 968 6/17/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 969 6/17/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 970 6/17/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 971 6/17/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 972 6/17/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.43 860.845 973 6/18/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 974 6/18/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 975 6/18/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Tinsa Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 976 6/18/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 977 6/18/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 978 6/18/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 979 6/18/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 980 6/18/2014 7:51:58 9.44 64.426 860.841 981 6/18/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 982 6/18/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 983 6/18/201410:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 984 6/18/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 985 6/18/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 986 6/18/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 987 6/18/201414:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 988 6/18/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 989 6/18/201416:51:58 9.44 64.387 860.802 990 6/18/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 991 6/18/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 992 6/18/201419:51:58 9.44 64.391 860.806 993 6/18/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 994 6/18/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.387 860.802 995 6/18/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 996 6/18/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.399 860.814 997 6/19/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 998 6/19/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 999 6/19/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.43 860.845 1000 6/19/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 1001 6/19/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 1002 6/19/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.43 860.845 1003 6/19/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 1004 6/19/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 1005 6/19/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 1006 6/19/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64,348 860.763 1007 6/19/201410:51:58 9.5 64.348 860.763 1008 6/19/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 1009 6/19/201412:51:58 9.5 64.434 860.849 1010 6/19/201413:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1011 6/19/201414:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 1012 6/19/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 1013 6/19/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 1014 6/19/201417:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 1015 6/19/201418:51:58 9.44 64.419 860.834 1016 6/19/201419:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 1017 6/19/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1018 6/19/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1019 6/19/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.442 860.857 1020 6/19/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 1021 6/20/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1022 6/20/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.454 860.869 1023 6/20/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 1024 6/20/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 1025 6/20/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 1026 6/20/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1027 6/20/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1028 6/20/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 1029 6/20/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 1030 6/20/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 1031 6/20/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1032 6/20/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 1033 6/20/201412:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 1034 6/20/2014 13:51:58 9.44 64.473 860.888 1035 6/20/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 1036 6/20/201415:51:58 9.44 64.5 860.915 1037 6/20/201416:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1038 6/20/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 1039 6/20/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1040 6/20/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 1041 6/20/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.532 860.947 1042 6/20/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.547 860.962 1043 6/20/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.563 860.978 1044 6/20/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 1045 6/21/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.578 860.993 1046 6/21/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.567 860.982 1047 6/21/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 1048 6/21/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.547 860.962 1049 6/21/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.543 860.958 1050 6/21/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.512 860.927 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec N Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 1051 6/21/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.5 860.915 1052 6/21/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1053 6/21/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 1054 6/21/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 1055 6/21/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1056 6/21/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.8% 1057 6/21/201412:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1058 6/21/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 1059 6/21/201414:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 1060 6/21/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 1061 6/21/201416:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 1062 6/21/201417:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 1063 6/21/201418:51:58 9.5 64.524 860.939 1064 6/21/201419:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1065 6/21/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.543 860.958 1066 6/21/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1067 6/21/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1068 6/21/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1069 6/22/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.516 860.931 1070 6/22/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1071 6/22/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.543 860.958 1072 6/22/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 1073 6/22/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.555 860.97 1074 6/22/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 1075 6/22/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 1076 6/22/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.555 860.97 1077 6/22/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1078 6/22/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.532 860.947 1079 6/22/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.536 860.951 1080 6/22/2014 11:51:58 9.5 54.559 860.974 1081 6/22/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.559 860.974 1082 6/22/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.567 860.982 1083 6/22/201414:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 1084 6/22/201415:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1085 6/22/201416:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1086 6/22/201417:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1087 6/22/201418:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1088 6/22/201419:51:58 9.5 64.586 861.001 1089 6/22/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 1090 6/22/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1091 6/22/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1092 6/22/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 1093 6/23/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1094 6/23/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1095 6/23/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.578 860.993 1096 6/23/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.586 861.001 1097 6/23/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1098 6/23/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1099 6/23/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.555 860.97 1100 6/23/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.555 860.97 1101 6/23/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.543 860.958 1102 6/23/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.528 860.943 1103 6/23/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1104 6/23/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 1105 6/23/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 1106 6/23/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 1107 6/23/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 1108 6/23/2014 15:51:58 9.44 64.177 860.592 1109 6/23/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 1110 6/23/201417:51:58 9.44 64.403 860.818 1111 6/23/201418:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 1112 6/23/201419:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 1113 6/23/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 1114 6/23/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 1115 6/23/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.489 860.904 1116 6/23/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 1117 6/24/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.5 860.915 1118 6/24/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.512 860.927 1119 6/24/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1120 6/24/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1121 6/24/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 1122 6/24/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.512 860.927 1123 6/24/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.504 860.919 1124 6/24/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 1125 6/24/2014 8:51:58 9.44 64.489 860.904 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec N Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1126 6/24/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 1127 6/24/2014 10:51:58 9.44 64.493 860.908 1128 6/24/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 1129 6/24/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.504 860.919 1130 6/24/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.512 860.927 1131 6/24/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.524 860.939 1132 6/24/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 1133 6/24/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.524 860.939 1134 6/24/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.535 860.95 1135 6/24/201418:51:58 9.5 64.535 860.95 1136 6/24/201419:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 1137 6/24/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 1138 6/24/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.5 860.915 1139 6/24/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 1140 6/24/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 1141 6/25/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 1142 6/25/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1143 6/25/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1144 6/25/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 1145 6/25/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 1146 6/25/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 1147 6/25/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.563 860.978 1148 6/25/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.619 860.034 1149 6/25/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.113 859.528 1150 6/25/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.836 859.251 1151 6/25/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.664 859.079 1152 6/25/2014.11:51:58 9.44 62.575, 858.99 1153 6/25/2014 12:51:58 9.5 62.52 858.935 1154 6/25/201413:51:58 9.5 62.481 858.896 1155 6/25/201414:51:58 9.5 62.345 858.76 1156 6/25/201415:51:58 9.5 63.214 859.629 1157 6/25/201416:51:58 9.5 63.697 860.112 1158 6/25/201417:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 1159 6/25/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 1160 6/25/201419:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 1161 6/25/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 1162 6/25/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 1163 6/25/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 1164 6/25/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 1165 6/26/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 1166 6/26/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 1167 6/26/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 1168 6/26/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 1169 6/26/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.469 860.884 1170 6/26/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.481 860.896 1171 6/26/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 1172 6/26/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.83 860.245 1173 6/26/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.253 859.668 1174 6/26/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.945 859.36 1175 6/26/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.785 859.2 1176 6/26/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.594 859.009 1177 6/26/201412:51:53 9.5 63.436 859.851 1178 6/26/201413:51:58 9.5 63.892 860.307 1179 6/26/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 1180 6/26/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 I 1181 6/26/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 1182 6/26/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 1183 6/26/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 1184 6/26/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1185 6/26/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.535 860.95 1186 6/26/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 1187 6/26/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.551 860.966 1188 6/26/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.555 860.97 1189 6/27/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.567 860.982 1190 6/27/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 1191 6/27/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 1192 6/27/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.61 861.025 1193 6/27/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1194 6/27/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.606 861.021 1195 6/27/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 1196 6/27/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.658 860.073 1197 6/27/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.226 859.641 1198 6/27/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.976 859.391 1199 6/27/201410:51:58 9.44 62.832 859.247 • 1200 6/27/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.75 859.165 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Roc p Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1201 6/27/201412:51:58 9.5 63.144 859.559 1202 6/27/201413:51:58 9.5 63.791 860.206 1203 6/27/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.103 860.518 1204 6/27/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 1205 6/27/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.391 860.806 1206 6/27/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1207 6/27/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1208 6/27/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.559 860.974 1209 6/27/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1210 6/27/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 1211 6/27/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 1212 6/27/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1213 6/28/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1214 6/28/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 1215 6/28/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1216 6/28/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 1217 6/28/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.629 861.044 1218 6/28/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.633 861.048 1219 6/28/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.738 861.153 1220 6/28/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.853 860.268 1221 6/28/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.327 859.742 1222 6/28/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.023 859.438 1223 6/28/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.883 859.298 1224 6/28/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.781 859.196 1225 6/28/2014 12:51:58 9.5 62.692 859.107 1226 6/28/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.541 859.956 1227 6/28/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 1228 6/28/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 1229 6/28/201416:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 1230 6/28/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 1231 6/28/201418:51:58 9.5 64.535 860.95 1232 6/28/201419:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1233 6/28/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.598 861.013 1234 6/28/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.586 861.001 1235 6/28/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 1236 6/28/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.586 861.001 1237 6/29/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1238 6/29/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 1239 6/29/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 1240 6/29/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1241 6/29/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 1242 6/29/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.617 861.032 1243 6/29/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.602 861.017 1244 6/29/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1245 6/29/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1246 6/29/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.598 861.013 1247 6/29/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 1248 6/29/2014 11:51:58 9.44 64.59 861.005 1249 6/29/201412:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 1250 6/29/201413:51:58 9.5 64.586 861.001 1251 6/29/201414:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 1252 6/29/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 1253 6/29/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.652 861.067 1254 6/29/201417:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 1255 6/29/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.68 861.095 1256 6/29/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.676 861.091 1257 6/29/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.672 861.087 1258 6/29/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1259 6/29/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1260 6/29/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 1261 6/30/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.66 861.075 1262 6/30/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 1263 6/30/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 1264 6/30/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1265 6/30/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.664 861.079 1266 6/30/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.668 861.083 1267 6/30/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.742 861.157 1268 6/30/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.943 860.358 1269 6/30/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.389 859.804 1270 6/30/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.116 859.531 1271 6/30/201410:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 1272 6/30/201411:51:58 9.5 62.824 859.239 1273 6/30/201412:51:58 9.5 63.296 859.711 1274 6/30/201413:51:58 9.5 63.888 860.303 1275 6/30/201414:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft anis)) 1276 6/30/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 1277 6/30/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 1278 6/30/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1279 6/30/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.633 861.048 1280 6/30/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.676 861.091 1281 6/30/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.691 861.106 1282 6/30/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.707 861.122 1283 6/30/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.719 861.134 1284 6/30/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.719 861.134 1285 7/1/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.722 861.137 1286 7/1/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.723 861.138 1287 7/1/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.719 861.134 1288 7/1/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.703 861.118 1289 7/1/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.699 861.114 1290 7/1/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.68 861.095 1291 7/1/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.8 861.215 1292 7/1/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.857 860.272 1293 7/1/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.553 859.968 1294 7/1/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 1295 7/1/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.974 860.389 1296 7/1/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.064 860.479 1297 7/1/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.227 860.642 1298 7/1/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.34 860.755 1299 7/1/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 1300 7/1/201415:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 1301 7/1/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.477 860.892 1302 7/1/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 1303 7/1/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1304 7/1/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 1305 7/1/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 1306 7/1/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 1307 7/1/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.469 860.884 1308 7/1/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 1309 7/2/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 1310 7/2/20141:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 1311 7/2/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 1312 7/2/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 1313 7/2/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 1314 7/2/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 1315 7/2/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.025 860.44 1316 7/2/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.888 860.303 1317 7/2/2014 8:51:58 9.44 63.791 860.206 1318 7/2/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.732 860.147 1319 7/2/2014 10:51:58 9.44 63.849 860.264 1320 7/2/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 1321 7/2/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.103 860.518 1322 7/2/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 1323 7/2/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 1324 7/2/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 1325 7/2/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 1326 7/2/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 1327 7/2/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 1328 7/2/201419:51:58 9.44 64.395 860.81 1329 7/2/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 1330 7/2/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 1331 7/2/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.403 860.818 1332 7/2/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 1333 7/3/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 1334 7/3/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.103 860.518 1335 7/3/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.974 860.389 1336 7/3/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 1337 7/3/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 1338 7/3/2014 5:51:58 9.44 63.752 860.167 1339 7/3/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.705 860.12 1340 7/3/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.674 860.089 1341 7/3/2014 8:51:58 9.44 63.643 860.058 1342 7/3/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.631 860.046 1343 7/3/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.631 860.046 1344 7/3/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.787 860.202 1345 7/3/2014 12:51:58 9.44 63.959 860.374 1346 7/3/201413:51:58 9.5 64.079 860.494 1347 7/3/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 1348 7/3/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 1349 7/3/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 1350 7/3/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.348 860.763 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1351 7/3/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.376 860.791 1352 7/3/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 1353 7/3/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 1354 7/3/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 1355 7/3/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.434 860.849 1356 7/3/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 1357 7/4/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 1358 7/4/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 1359 7/4/2014 2:51:58 9.44 63.881 860.296 1360 7/4/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.802 860.217 1361 7/4/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.756 860.171 1362 7/4/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.725 860.14 1363 7/4/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.693 860.108 1364 7/4/201.4 7:51:58 9.5 63.674 860.089 1365 7/4/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.662 860.077 1366 7/4/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.662 860.077 1367 7/4/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.662 860.077 1368 7/4/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.76 860.175 1369 7/4/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.958 860.373 1370 7/4/201413:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 1371 7/4/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 1372 7/4/201415:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 1373 7/4/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 1374 7/4/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 1375 7/4/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 1376 7/4/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.516 860.931 1377 7/4/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 1378 7/4/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.567 860.982 1379 7/4/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 1380 7/4/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 1381 7/5/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1382 7/5/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 1383 7/5/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 1384 7/5/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 1385 7/5/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 1386 7/5/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.044 860.459 1387 7/5/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 1388 7/5/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.958 860.373 1389 7/5/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 1390 7/5/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 1391 7/5/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 1392 7/5/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.025 860.44 1393 7/5/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 1394 7/5/201413:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 1395 7/5/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 1396 7/5/201415:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1397 7/5/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1398 7/5/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 1399 7/5/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1400 7/5/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.683 861.098 1401 7/5/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.695 861.11 1402 7/5/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.691 861.106 1403 7/5/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.547 860.962 1404 7/5/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.38 860.795 1405 7/6/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.263 860.678 1406 7/6/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 1407 7/6/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.13 860.545 1408 7/6/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.095 860.51 1409 7/6/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.064 860.479 1410 7/6/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 1411 7/6/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 1412 7/6/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 1413 7/6/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.025 860.44 1414 7/6/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.032 860.447 1415 7/6/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.122 860.537 1416 7/6/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 1417 7/6/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 1418 7/6/201413:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 1419 7/6/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.613 861.028 1420 7/6/201415:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 1421 7/6/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.699 861.114 1422 7/6/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.726 861.141 1423 7/6/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.726 861.141 1424 7/6/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.715 861.13 1425 7/6/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec 4 Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 1426 7/6/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 1427 7/6/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 1428 7/6/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 1429 7/7/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.071 860.486 1430 7/7/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.025 860.44 1431 7/7/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 1432 7/7/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.958 860.373 1433 7/7/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 1434 7/7/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 1435 7/7/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.713 860.128 1436 7/7/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.89 859.305 1437 7/7/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.508 858.923 1438 7/7/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.185 858.6 1439 7/7/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.879 859.294 1440 7/7/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.518 859.933 1441 7/7/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.904 860.319 1442 7/7/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 1443 7/7/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 1444 7/7/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 1445 7/7/201416:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1446 7/7/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 1447 7/7/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 1448 7/7/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.629 861.044 1449 7/7/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.637 861.052 1450 7/7/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.637 861.052 1451 7/7/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1452 7/7/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.683 861.098 1453 7/8/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.695 861.11 1454 7/8/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.68 861.095 1455 7/8/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 1456 7/8/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.668 861.083 1457 7/8/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1458 7/8/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.648 861.063 1459 7/8/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.532 860.947 1460 7/8/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 1461 7/8/2014 8:51:58 9.44 64.173 860.588 1462 7/8/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.075 860.49 1463 7/8/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.001 860.416 1464 7/8/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.951 860.366 1465 7/8/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 1466 7/8/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.181 860.596 1467 7/8/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 1468 7/8/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 1469 7/8/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.43 860.845 1470 7/8/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 1471 7/8/201418:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1472 7/8/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 1473 7/8/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.504 860.919 1474 7/8/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.504 860.919 1475 7/8/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 1476 7/8/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 1477 7/9/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.223 860.638 1478 7/9/20141:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 1479 7/9/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 1480 7/9/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 1481 7/9/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 1482 7/9/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.81 860.225 1483 7/9/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.771 860.186 1484 7/9/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.74 860.155 1485 7/9/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.709 860.124 1486 7/9/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.674 860.089 1487 7/9/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.689 860.104 1488 7/9/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.795 860.21 1489 7/9/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 1490 7/9/201413:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 1491 7/9/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 1492 7/9/201415:51:58 9.5 64.348 860.763 1493 7/9/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 1494 7/9/2014 17:51:58 9.44 64.442 860.857 1495 7/9/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 1496 7/9/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 1497 7/9/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.5 860.915 1498 7/9/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 1499 7/9/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 1500 7/9/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data("Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec II Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1501 7/10/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 1502 7/10/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.04 860.455 1503 7/10/2014 2:51:58 9.44 63.966 860.381 1504 7/10/2014 3:51:58 9.44 63.916 860.331 1505 7/10/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 1506 7/10/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.83 860.245 1507 7/10/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.674 860.089 1508 7/10/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.785 859.2 1509 7/10/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.364 858.779 1510 7/10/2014 9:51:58 9.44 62.224 858.639 1511 7/10/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.077 859.492 1512 7/10/201411:51:58 9.5 63.584 859.999 1513 7/10/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.9 860.315 1514 7/10/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 1515 7/10/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 1516 7/10/201415:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 1517 7/10/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.43 860.845 1518 7/10/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1519 7/10/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 1520 7/10/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 1521 7/10/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.559 860.974 1522 7/10/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.567 860.982 1523 7/10/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 1524 7/10/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.348 860.763 1525 7/11/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.189 860.604 1526 7/11/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.079 860.494 1527 7/11/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.021 860.436 1528 7/11/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 1529 7/11/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 1530 7/11/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 1531 7/11/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.896 860.311 1532 7/11/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 1533 7/11/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.838 860.253 1534 7/11/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.81 860.225 1535 7/11/201410:51:58 9.5 63.908 860.323 1536 7/11/201411:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 1537 7/11/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 1538 7/11/201413:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 1539 7/11/201414:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 1540 7/11/201415:51:58 9.44 64.497 860.912 1541 7/11/201416:51:58 9.5 64.543 860.958 1542 7/11/201417:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 1543 7/11/201418:51:58 9.5 64.598 861.013 1544 7/11/201419:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1545 7/11/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1546 7/11/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1547 7/11/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.598 861.013 1548 7/11/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1549 7/12/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 1550 7/12/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 1551 7/12/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.644 861.059 1552 7/12/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 1553 7/12/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.648 861.063 1554 7/12/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.644 861.059 1555 7/12/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 1556 7/12/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 1557 7/12/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 1558 7/12/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.157 860.572 1559 7/12/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.083 860.498 1560 7/12/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.029 860.444 1561 7/12/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 1562 7/12/2014 13:51:58 9.44 64.087 860.502 1563 7/12/201414:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 1564 7/12/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 1565 7/12/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 1566 7/12/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 1567 7/12/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.633 861.048 1568 7/12/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.656 861.071 1569 7/12/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.664 861.079 1570 7/12/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 1571 7/12/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.676 861.091 1572 7/12/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.687 861.102 1573 7/13/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.711 861.126 1574 7/13/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.73 861.145 1575 7/13/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.754 861.169 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1576 7/13/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.758 861.173 1577 7/13/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.75 861.165 1578 7/13/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.742 861.157 1579 7/13/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.719 861.134 1580 7/13/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1581 7/13/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 1582 7/13/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 1583 7/13/201410:51:58 9.5 64.134 860.549 1584 7/13/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 1585 7/13/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.04 860.455 1586 7/13/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.181 860.596 1587 7/13/201414:51:58 9.5 64.348 860.763 1588 7/13/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.469 860.884 1589 7/13/201416:51:58 9.5 64.563 860.978 1590 7/13/201417:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1591 7/13/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1592 7/13/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 1593 7/13/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 1594 7/13/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 1595 7/13/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.181 860.596 1596 7/13/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.126 860.541 1597 7/14/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.075 860.49 1598 7/14/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.06 860.475 1599 7/14/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 1600 7/14/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 1601 7/14/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 1602 7/14/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 1603 7/14/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 1604 7/14/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 1605 7/14/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 1606 7/14/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.06 860.475 1607 7/14/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 1608 7/14/201411:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 1609 7/14/201412:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 1610 7/14/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.438 860.853 1611 7/14/201414:51:58 9.5 64.504 860.919 1612 7/14/201415:51:58 9.5 64.555 860.97 1613 7/14/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 1614 7/14/201417:51:58 9.5 64.613 861.028 1615 7/14/201418:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 1616 7/14/201419:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 1617 7/14/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 1618 7/14/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 1619 7/14/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 1620 7/14/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 1621 7/15/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1622 7/15/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.617 861.032 1623 7/15/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.637 861.052 1624 7/15/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.648 861.063 1625 7/15/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 1626 7/15/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.613 861.028 1627 7/15/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 1628 7/15/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 1629 7/15/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 1630 7/15/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.079 860.494 1631 7/15/201410:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 1632 7/15/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.348 860.763 1633 7/15/201412:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 1634 7/15/201413:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 1635 7/15/201414:51:58 9.5 64.567 860.982 1636 7/15/2014 15:51:58 9.44 64.61 861.025 1637 7/15/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.641 861.056 1638 7/15/201417:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 1639 7/15/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.695 861.11 1640 7/15/201419:51:58 9.5 64.695 861.11 1641 7/15/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.715 861.13 1642 7/15/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.719 861.134 1643 7/15/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.715 861.13 1644 7/15/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.715 861.13 1645 7/16/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.711 861.126 1646 7/16/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.715 861.13 1647 7/16/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 1648 7/16/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.43 860.845 1649 7/16/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 1650 7/16/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.169 860.584 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(*aMissing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Roc ti Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 1651 7/16/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 1652 7/16/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.06 860.475 1653 7/16/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 1654 7/16/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 1655 7/16/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.025 860.44 1656 7/16/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 1657 7/16/201412:51:58 9.5 64.356 860.771 1658 7/16/201413:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 1659 7/16/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 1660 7/16/2014 15:51:58 9.44 64.59 861.005 1661 7/16/201416:51:58 9.5 64.633 861.048 1662 7/16/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.668 861.083 1663 7/16/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.676 861.091 1664 7/16/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.703 861.118 1665 7/16/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.722 861.137 1666 7/16/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.726 861.141 1667 7/16/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.726 861.141 1668 7/16/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1669 7/17/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 1670 7/17/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 1671 7/17/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.181 860.596 1672 7/17/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.122 860.537 1673 7/17/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 1674 7/17/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.025 860.44 1675 7/17/2014 6:51:58 9.44 63.986 860.401 1676 7/17/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 1677 7/17/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.958 860.373 1678 7/17/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.81 860.225 1679 7/17/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.841 860.256 1680 7/17/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.044 860.459 1681 7/17/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 1682 7/17/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 1683 7/17/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 1684 7/17/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 1685 7/17/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 1686 7/17/201417:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 1687 7/17/201418:51:58 9.5 64.13 860.545 1688 7/17/201419:51:58 9.5 64.075 860.49 1689 7/17/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.044 860.459 1690 7/17/2014 21:51:58 9.44 63.99 860.405 1691 7/17/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 1692 7/17/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 1693 7/18/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.775 860.19 1694 7/18/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 1695 7/18/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.539 858.954 1696 7/18/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.298 858.713 1697 7/18/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.142 858.557 1698 7/18/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.037 858.452 1699 7/18/2014 6:51:58 9.5 61.963 858.378 1700 7/18/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.908 858.323 1701 7/18/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.873 858.288 1702 7/18/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.756 858.171 1703 7/18/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.602 859.017 1704 7/18/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.327 859.742 1705 7/18/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.748 860.163 1706 7/18/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.869 860.284 1707 7/18/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.869 860.284 1708 7/18/201415:51:58 9.5 63.861 860.276 1.709 7/18/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.857 860.272 1710 7/18/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.869 860.284 1711 7/18/201418:51:58 9.44 63.877 860.292 1712 7/18/201419:51:58 9.5 63.88 860.295 1713 7/18/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 1714 7/18/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 1715 7/18/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 1716 7/18/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 1717 7/19/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 1718 7/19/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 1719 7/19/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 1720 7/19/2014 3:51:58 9.44 63.46 859.875 1721 7/19/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.773 859.188 1722 7/19/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.423 858.838 1723 7/19/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.216 858.631 1724 7/19/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.099 858.514 1725 7/19/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.998 858.413 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ants!) 1726 7/19/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.947 858.362 1727 7/19/201410:51:58 9.5 62.512 858.927 1728 7/19/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.3 859.715 1729 7/19/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.744 860.159 1730 7/19/201413:51:58 9.5 63.892 860.307 1731 7/19/201414:51:58 9.5 63.892 860.307 1732 7/19/201415:51:58 9.5 63.892 860.307 1733 7/19/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 1734 7/19/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.853 860.268 1735 7/19/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 1736 7/19/201419:51:58 9.44 63.861 860.276 1737 7/19/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.861 860.276 1738 7/19/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.841 860.256 1739 7/19/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.841 860.256 1740 7/19/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.857 860.272 1741 7/20/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 1742 7/20/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 1743 7/20/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.011 859.426 1744 7/20/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.555 858.97 1745 7/20/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.294 858.709 1746 7/20/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.13 858.545 1747 7/20/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.021 858.436 1748 7/20/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.943 858.358 1749 7/20/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.9 858.315 1750 7/20/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.869 858.284 1751 7/20/201410:51:58 9.5 62.138 858.553 1752 7/20/201411:51:58 9.5 63.058 859.473 1753 7/20/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.545 859.96 1754 7/20/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.67 860.085 1755 7/20/201414:51:58 9.5 63.721 860.136 1756 7/20/201415:51:58 9.5 63.756 860.171 1757 7/20/201416:51:58 9.5 63.787 860.202 1758 7/20/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.81 860.225 1759 7/20/201418:51:58 9.5 63.806 860.221 1760 7/20/201419:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 1761 7/20/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 1762 7/20/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.799 860.214 1763 7/20/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.795 860.21 1764 7/20/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.791 860.206 1765 7/21/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.795 860.21 1766 7/21/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.799 860.214 1767 7/21/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.88 860.295 1768 7/21/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.089 859.504 1769 7/21/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.532 858.947 1770 7/21/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.235 858.65 1771 7/21/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.052 858.467 1772 7/21/2014 7:51:58 9.44 61.939 858.354 1773 7/21/2014 8:51:58 9.44 61.854 858.269 1774 7/21/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.103 858.518 1775 7/21/201410:51:58 9.5 62.925 859.34 1776 7/21/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.463 859.878 1777 7/21/201412:51:58 9.5 63.818 860.233 1778 7/21/201413:51:58 9.44 64.052 860.467 1779 7/21/201414:51:58 9.5 64.212 860.627 1780 7/21/201415:51:58 9.5 64.333 860.748 1781 7/21/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 1782 7/21/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 1783 7/21/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.508 860.923 1784 7/21/201419:51:58 9.44 64.52 860.935 1785 7/21/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.173 860.588 1786 7/21/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.276 859.691 1787 7/21/2014 22:51:58 9.44 62.785 859.2 1788 7/21/2014 23:51:58 9.5 62.469 858.884 1789 7/22/2014 0:51:58 9.44 62.212 858.627 1790 7/22/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.773 859.188 1791 7/22/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.407 858.822 1792 7/22/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.196 858.611 1793 7/22/2014 4:51:58 9.44 62.072 858.487 1794 7/22/2014 5:51:58 9.5 61.955 858.37 1795 7/22/2014 6:51:58 9.5 61.846 858.261 1796 7/22/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.756 858.171 1797 7/22/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.709 858.124 1798 7/22/2014 9:51:58 9.44 61.694 858.109 1799 7/22/201410:51:58 9.5 62.282 858.697 1800 7/22/201411:51:58 9.5 62.929 859.344 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Roc# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1801 7/22/201412:51:58 9.5 63.183 859.598 1802 7/22/201413:51:58 9.5 63.323 859.738 1803 7/22/201414:51:58 9.5 63.409 859.824 1804 7/22/201415:51:58 9.5 63.467 859.882 1805 7/22/201416:51:58 9.5 63.498 859.913 1806 7/22/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.514 859.929 1807 7/22/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.502 859.917 1808 7/22/201419:51:58 9.5 63.518 859.933 1809 7/22/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.526 859.941 1810 7/22/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.53 859.945 1811 7/22/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.53 859.945 1812 7/22/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.53 859.945 1813 7/23/2014 0:51:58 9.5 62.898 859.313 1814 7/23/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.333 858.748 1815 7/23/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.033 858.448 1816 7/23/2014 3:51:58 9.5 61.865 858.28 1817 7/23/2014 4:51:58 9.5 61.736 858.151 1818 7/23/2014 5:51:58 9.5 61.651 858.066 1819 7/23/2014 6:51:58 9.5 61.577 857.992 1820 7/23/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.526 857.941 1821 7/23/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.495 857.91 1822 7/23/2014 9:51:58 9.44 61.491 857.906 1823 7/23/201410:51:58 9.5 62.025 858.44 1824 7/23/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.762 859.177 1825 7/23/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.058 859.473 1826 7/23/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.226 859.641 1827 7/23/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.346 859.761 1828 7/23/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.436 859.851 1829 7/23/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.491 859.906 1830 7/23/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.537 859.952 1831 7/23/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.561 859.976 1832 7/23/201419:51:58 9.5 63.588 860.003 1833 7/23/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.592 860.007 1834 7/23/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.623 860.038 1835 7/23/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.635 860.05 1836 7/23/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.713 860.128 1837 7/24/2014 0:51:58 9.5 62.793 859.208 1838 7/24/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.333 858.748 1839 7/24/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.091 858.506 1840 7/24/2014 3:51:58 9.5 61.939 858.354 1841 7/24/2014 4:51:58 9.5 61.834 858.249 1842 7/24/2014 5:51:58 9.5 61.76 858.175 1843 7/24/2014 6:51:58 9.5 61.709 858.124 1844 7/24/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.686 858.101 1845 7/24/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.655 858.07 1846 7/24/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.639 858.054 1847 7/24/201410:51:58 9.5 62.345 858.76 1848 7/24/201411:51:58 9.5 63.128 859.543 1849 7/24/201412:51:58 9.5 63.6 860.015 1850 7/24/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 1851 7/24/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 1852 7/24/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 1853 7/24/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 1854 7/24/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.512 860.927 1855 7/24/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 1856 7/24/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 1857 7/24/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1858 7/24/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 1859 7/24/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.606 861.021 1860 7/24/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 1861 7/25/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.664 861.079 1862 7/25/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 1863 7/25/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.428 859.843 1864 7/25/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.155 859.57 1865 7/25/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.972 859.387 1866 7/25/2014 5:51:58 9.44 62.891 859.306 1867 7/25/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.836 859.251 1868 7/25/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.785 859.2 1869 7/25/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.187 859.602 1870 7/25/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.849 860.264 1871 7/25/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 1872 7/25/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 1873 7/25/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 1874 7/25/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 1875 7/25/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.652 861.067 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec p Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 1876 7/25/201415:51:58 9.44 64.699 861.114 1877 7/25/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.734 861.149 1878 7/25/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.75 861.165 1879 7/25/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.773 861.188 1880 7/25/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.781 861.196 1881 7/25/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.781 861.196 1882 7/25/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.777 861.192 1883 7/25/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.762 861.177 1884 7/25/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.758 861.173 1885 7/26/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.761 861.176 1886 7/26/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.765 861.18 1887 7/26/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.773 861.188 1888 7/26/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.773 861.188 1889 7/26/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 1890 7/26/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.557 859.972 1891 7/26/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.222 859.637 1892 7/26/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.015 859.43 1893 7/26/2014 8:51:58 9.44 62.883 859.298 1894 7/26/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.723 859.138 1895 7/26/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.456 859.871 1896 7/26/201411:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 1897 7/26/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 1 1898 7/26/201413:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 1899 7/26/201414:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1900 7/26/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.613 861.028 1901 7/26/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 1902 7/26/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.711 861.126 1903 7/26/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.738 861.153 1904 7/26/201419:51:58 9.5 64.75 861.165 1905 7/26/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.754 861.169 1906 7/26/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.75 861.165 1907 7/26/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.738 861.153 1908 7/26/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.75 861.165 1909 7/27/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.754 861.169 1910 7/27/20141:51:58 9.5 64.637 861.052 1911 7/27/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.752 860.167 1912 7/27/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.354 859.769 i 1913 7/27/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.132 859.547 1914 7/27/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.984 859.399 1915 7/27/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.879 859.294 1916 7/27/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.797 859.212 1917 7/27/2014 8:51:58 9.44 62.738 859.153 1918 7/27/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.692 859.107 1919 7/27/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.175 859.59 1920 7/27/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.795 860.21 1921 7/27/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.103 860.518 1922 7/27/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 1923 7/27/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 1924 7/27/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 1925 7/27/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.504 860.919 1926 7/27/201417:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1927 7/27/201418:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1928 7/27/201419:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 1929 7/27/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.536 860.951 1930 7/27/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 1931 7/27/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.512 860.927 1932 7/27/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 1933 7/28/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 1934 7/28/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 1935 7/28/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.641 861.056 1936 7/28/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.787 860.202 1937 7/28/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.241 859.656 1938 7/28/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.953 859.368 1939 7/28/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.777 859.192 1940 7/28/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.664 859.079 1941 7/28/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.598 859.013 1942 7/28/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.785 859.2 1943 7/28/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.569 859.984 1944 7/28/2014 11:51:58 9.44 63.951 860.366 1945 7/28/201412:51:58 9.5 64.173 860.588 1946 7/28/201413:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 1947 7/28/201414:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 1948 7/28/201415:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 1949 7/28/201416:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 1950 7/28/201417:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Roc# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 1951 7/28/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 1952 7/28/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.633 861.048 1953 7/28/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.664 861.079 1954 7/28/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 1955 7/28/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.726 861.141 1956 7/28/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.764 860.179 1957 7/29/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.304 859.719 1958 7/29/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.062 859.477 1959 7/29/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.922 859.337 1960 7/29/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.836 859.251 1961 7/29/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.766 859.181 1962 7/29/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.719 859.134 1963 7/29/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.68 859.095 1964 7/29/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.641 859.056 1965 7/29/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.617 859.032 1966 7/29/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.516 858.931 1967 7/29/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.436 859.851 1968 7/29/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.931 860.346 1969 7/29/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.204 860.619 1970 7/29/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 1971 7/29/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 1972 7/29/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 1973 7/29/201416:51:58 9.5 64.644 861.059 1974 7/29/201417:51:58 9.5 64.691 861.106 1975 7/29/201418:51:58 9.5 64.711 861.126 1976 7/29/201419:51:58 9.44 64.727 861.142 1977 7/29/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.75 861.165 1978 7/29/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.746 861.161 1979 7/29/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.75 861.165 1980 7/29/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.754 861.169 1981 7/30/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.882 861.297 1982 7/30/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.943 860.358 1983 7/30/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.432 859.847 1984 7/30/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.163 859.578 1985 7/30/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.999 859.414 1986 7/30/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.886 859.301 1987 7/30/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.812 859.227 1988 7/30/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.754 859.169 1989 7/30/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.711 859.126 1990 7/30/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.081 859.496 1991 7/30/201410:51:58 9.5 63.791 860.206 1992 7/30/201411:51:58 9.5 64.134 860.549 1993 7/30/201412:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 1994 7/30/201413:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 1995 7/30/201414:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 1996 7/30/201415:51:58 9.5 64.633 861.048 1997 7/30/201416:51:58 9.5 64.683 861.098 1998 7/30/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.722 861.137 1999 7/30/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.75 861.165 2000 7/30/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.769 861.184 2001 7/30/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.761 861.176 2002 7/30/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 2003 7/30/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.748 860.163 2004 7/30/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.343 859.758 2005 7/31/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.113 859.528 2006 7/31/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.98 859.395 2007 7/31/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.894 859.309 I 2008 7/31/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.84 859.255 2009 7/31/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.801 859.216 2010 7/31/2014 5:51:58 9.44 62.766 859.181 2011 7/31/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.746 859.161 2012 7/31/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.723 859.138 2013 7/31/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.731 859.146 2014 7/31/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.619 860.034 2015 7/31/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.06 860.475 2016 7/31/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 2017 7/31/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 2018 7/31/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 2019 7/31/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 2020 7/31/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 2021 7/31/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.711 861.126 2022 7/31/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.746 861.161 2023 7/31/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.761 861.176 2024 7/31/201419:51:58 9.5 64.781 861.196 2025 7/31/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.793 861.208 I Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 2026 7/31/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.629 861.044 2027 7/31/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.76 860.175 2028 7/31/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.346 859.761 2029 8/1/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.12 859.535 2030 8/1/20141:51:58 9.5 62.984 859.399 2031 8/1/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.894 859.309 2032 8/1/20143:51:58 9.5 62.828 859.243 2033 8/1/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.777 859.192 2034 8/1/2014 5:51:58 9.44 62.735 859.15 2035 8/1/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.695 859.11 2036 8/1/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.672 859.087 2037 8/1/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.656 859.071 2038 8/1/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.649 859.064 2039 8/1/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.641 859.056 2040 8/1/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.649 859.064 2041 8/1/201412:51:58 9.5 63.549 859.964 2042 8/1/201413:51:58 9.44 63.998 860.413 2043 8/1/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 2044 8/1/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 2045 8/1/201416:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 2046 8/1/201417:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 2047 8/1/201418:51:58 9.5 64.644 861.059 2048 8/1/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.668 861.083 2049 8/1/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 2050 8/1/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.699 861.114 2051 8/1/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.777 861.192 2052 8/1/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 2053 8/2/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.343 859.758 2054 8/2/2014 1:51:58 9.44 63.093 859.508 2055 8/2/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.937 859.352 2056 8/2/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.836 859.251 2057 8/2/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.773 859.188 2058 8/2/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.715 859.13 2059 8/2/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.668 859.083 2060 8/2/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.641 859.056 2061 8/2/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.625 859.04 2062 8/2/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.614 859.029 2063 8/2/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.633 859.048 2064 8/2/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.53 859.945 2065 8/2/201412:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 2066 8/2/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.251 860.666 2067 8/2/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 2068 8/2/201415:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 2069 8/2/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 2070 8/2/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 2071 8/2/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.683 861.098 2072 8/2/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.703 861.118 2073 8/2/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.726 861.141 2074 8/2/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.738 861.153 2075 8/2/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.754 861.169 2076 8/2/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.761 861.176 2077 8/3/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.765 861.18 2078 8/3/20141:51:58 9.5 64.629 861.044 2079 8/3/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.74 860.155 2080 8/3/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.331 859.746 2081 8/3/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.085 859.5 2082 8/3/2014 5:51:58 9.44 62.957 859.372 2083 8/3/2014 6:51:58 9.44 62.852 859.267 2084 8/3/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.789 859.204 2085 8/3/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.742 859.157 2086 8/3/2014 9:51:58 9.44 62.719 859.134 2087 8/3/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.949 859.364 2088 8/3/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.744 860.159 2089 8/3/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.138 860.553 2090 8/3/201413:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 2091 8/3/201414:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 2092 8/3/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.613 861.028 2093 8/3/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.676 861.091 2094 8/3/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.738 861.153 2095 8/3/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.761 861.176 2096 8/3/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.789 861.204 2097 8/3/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 2098 8/3/2014 21:51:58 9.44 63.616 860.031 2099 8/3/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.284 859.699 2100 8/3/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.093 859.508 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec 4 Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 2101 8/4/2014 0:51:58 9.44 62.891 859.306 2102 8/4/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.752 860.167 2103 8/4/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.196 860.611 2104 8/4/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 2105 8/4/2014 4:51:58 9.44 63.37 859.785 2106 8/4/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.105 859.52 2107 8/4/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 2108 8/4/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.855 859.27 2109 8/4/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.793 859.208 2110 8/4/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.762 859.177 2111 8/4/2014 10:51:58 9.44 62.777 859.192 2112 8/4/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.666 860.081 2113 8/4/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 2114 8/4/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 2115 8/4/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.512 860.927 2116 8/4/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 2117 8/4/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.687 861.102 2118 8/4/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.703 861.118 2119 8/4/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.754 861.169 2120 8/4/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.773 861.188 2121 8/4/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.785 861.2 2122 8/4/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.785 861.2 2123 8/4/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.738 861.153 2124 8/4/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 2125 8/5/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.385 859.8 2126 8/5/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.148 859.563 2127 8/5/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.011 859.426 2128 8/5/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.918 859.333 2129 8/5/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.847 859.262 2130 8/5/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.777 859.192 2131 8/5/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.723 859.138 2132 8/5/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.68 859.095 2133 8/5/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.649 859.064 2134 8/5/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.629 859.044 2135 8/5/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.594 859.009 2136 8/5/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.53 859.945 2137 8/5/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 2138 8/5/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 2139 8/5/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 2140 8/5/2014 15:51:58 9.44 64.555 860.97 2141 8/5/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.621 861.036 2142 8/5/2014 17:51:58 9.44 64.668 861.083 2143 8/5/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.699 861.114 2144 8/5/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.73 861.145 2145 8/5/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.754 861.169 2146 8/5/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.769 861.184 2147 8/5/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.773 861.188 2148 8/5/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.913 861.328 2149 8/6/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 2150 8/6/20141:51:58 9.5 63.475 859.89 2151 8/6/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.214 859.629 2152 8/6/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.054 859.469 2153 8/6/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.949 859.364 2154 8/6/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.867 859.282 2155 8/6/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.793 859.208 2156 8/6/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.762 859.177 2157 8/6/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.734 859.149 2158 8/6/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.723 859.138 2159 8/6/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.136 859.551 2160 8/6/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.849 860.264 2161 8/6/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.204 860.619 2162 8/6/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 2163 8/6/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.524 860.939 2164 8/6/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.633 861.048 2165 8/6/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.707 861.122 2166 8/6/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.734 861.149 2167 8/6/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.777 861.192 2168 8/6/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.8 861.215 2169 8/6/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.91 861.325 2170 8/6/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.056 860.471 2171 8/6/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.51 859.925 2172 8/6/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.226 859.641 2173 8/7/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.066 859.481 2174 8/7/20141:51:58 9.5 62.972 859.387 2175 8/7/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.91 859.325 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) 1120) Elevation(ft amsl) 2176 8/7/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.859 859.274 2177 8/7/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.816 859.231 2178 8/7/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.781 859.196 2179 8/7/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.742 859.157 2180 8/7/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.711 859.126 2181 8/7/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.688 859.103 2182 8/7/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.68 859.095 2183 8/7/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.676 859.091 2184 8/7/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.668 859.083 2185 8/7/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.229 859.644 2186 8/7/201413:51:58 9.5 63.9 860.315 2137 8/7/20141451:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 2188 8/7/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 2189 8/7/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 2190 8/7/2014 17:51:58 9.44 64.664 861.079 2191 8/7/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.719 861.134 2192 8/7/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.434 860.849 2193 8/7/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.662 860.077 2194 8/7/2014 21:51:58 9.44 63.3 859.715 2195 8/7/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.097 859.512 2196 8/7/2014 23:51:58 9.44 62.976 859.391 2197 8/8/2014 0:51:58 9.44 62.902 859.317 2198 8/8/20141:51:58 9.5 62.851 859.266 2199 8/8/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.812 859.227 2200 8/8/2014 3:51:58 9.44 62.785 859.2 2201 8/8/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.75 859.165 2202 8/8/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.719 859.134 2203 8/8/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.676 859.091 2204 8/8/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.493 858.908 2205 8/8/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.306 858.721 2206 8/8/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.329 858.744 2207 8/8/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.245 859.66 2208 8/8/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.779 860.194 2209 8/8/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.103 860.518 2210 8/8/201413:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 2211 8/8/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 2212 8/8/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 2213 8/8/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.644 861.059 2214 8/8/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.683 861.098 2215 8/8/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.703 861.118 2216 8/8/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.73 861.145 2217 8/8/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.758 861.173 2218 8/8/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.769 861.184 2219 8/8/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 2220 8/8/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.592 860.007 2221 8/9/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.276 859.691 2222 8/9/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.105 859.52 2223 8/9/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.988 859.403 2224 8/9/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.902 859.317 2225 8/9/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.84 859.255 2226 8/9/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.789 859.204 2227 8/9/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.746 859.161 2228 8/9/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.629 859.044 2229 8/9/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.423 858.838 2230 8/9/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.177 858.592 2231 8/9/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.105 859.52 2232 8/9/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.705 860.12 2233 8/9/201412:51:58 9.5 64.064 860.479 2234 8/9/201413:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 2235 8/9/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 2236 8/9/201415:51:58 9.5 64.574 860.989 2237 8/9/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 2238 8/9/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.695 861.11 2239 8/9/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.758 861.173 2240 8/9/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.785 861.2 2241 8/9/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.797 861.212 2242 8/9/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.804 861.219 2243 8/9/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.816 861.231 2244 8/9/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.828 861.243 2245 8/10/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.968 861.383 2246 8/10/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.044 860.459 2247 8/10/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.518 859.933 2248 8/10/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.249 859.664 2249 8/10/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.085 859.5 2250 8/10/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.98 859.395 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec p Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft ems!) 2251 8/10/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.762 859.177 2252 8/10/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.528 858.943 2253 8/10/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.364 858.779 2254 8/10/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.847 859.262 2255 8/10/201410:51:58 9.5 63.6 860.015 2256 8/10/201411:51:58 9.5 64.025 860.44 2257 8/10/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 2258 8/10/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 2259 8/10/2014 14:51:58 9.44 64.61 861.025 2260 8/10/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.707 861.122 2261 8/10/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.773 861.188 2262 8/10/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.808 861.223 2263 8/10/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.851 861.266 2264 8/10/201419:51:58 9.5 64.874 861.289 2265 8/10/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.886 861.301 2266 8/10/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.898 861.313 2267 8/10/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.913 861.328 2268 8/10/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.925 861.34 2269 8/11/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.937 861.352 2270 8/11/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 2271 8/11/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.783 860.198 2272 8/11/2014 3:51:58 9.44 63.456 859.871 2273 8/11/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.265 859.68 2274 8/11/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.144 859.559 2275 8/11/2014 6:51:58 9.44 62.996 859.411 2276 8/11/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.734 859.149 2277 8/11/2014 8:51:58 9.44 62.52 858.935 2278 8/11/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.855 859.27 2279 8/11/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.611 860.026 2280 8/11/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.032 860.447 2281 8/11/201412:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 2282 8/11/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 2283 8/11/201414:51:58 9.5 64.563 860.978 2284 8/11/201415:51:58 9.5 64.617 861.032 2285 8/11/201416:51:58 9.5 64.496 860.911 2286 8/11/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 2287 8/11/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2288 8/11/201419:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 2289 8/11/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.161 860.576 2290 8/11/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 2291 8/11/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 2292 8/11/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 2293 8/12/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.048 860.463 2294 8/12/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.044 860.459 2295 8/12/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.044 860.459 2296 8/12/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.048 860.463 2297 8/12/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 2298 8/12/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.046 859.461 2299 8/12/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.625 859.04 2300 8/12/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.38 858.795 2301 8/12/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.22 858.635 2302 8/12/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.142 858.557 2303 8/12/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.719 859.134 2304 8/12/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.378 859.793 2305 8/12/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.627 860.042 2306 8/12/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.76 860.175 2307 8/12/201414:51:58 9.5 63.841 860.256 2308 8/12/201415:51:58 9.5 63.9 860.315 2309 8/12/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.943 860.358 2310 8/12/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 2311 8/12/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2312 8/12/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 2313 8/12/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 2314 8/12/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 2315 8/12/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 2316 8/12/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.99 860.405 2317 8/13/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2318 8/13/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 2319 8/13/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 2320 8/13/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 2321 8/13/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.245 859.66 2322 8/13/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.688 859.103 2323 8/13/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.403 858.818 2324 8/13/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.224 858.639 2325 8/13/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.122 858.537 1 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft amsl) 2326 8/13/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.403 858.818 2327 8/13/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 2328 8/13/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.448 859.863 2329 8/13/201412:51:58 9.5 63.611 860.026 2330 8/13/201413:51:58 9.5 63.721 860.136 2331 8/13/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 2332 8/13/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 2333 8/13/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 2334 8/13/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2335 8/13/201418:51:58 9.5 64.165 860.58 2336 8/13/201419:51:58 9.44 64.103 860.518 2337 8/13/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.052 860.467 2338 8/13/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 2339 8/13/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.709 860.124 2340 8/13/2014 23:51:58 9.5 62.906 859.321 2341 8/14/2014 0:51:58 9.5 62.512 858.927 2342 8/14/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.29 858.705 2343 8/14/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.15,4 858.569 2344 8/14/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.052 858.467 2345 8/14/2014 4:51:58 9.5 61.986 858.401 2346 8/14/2014 5:51:58 9.5 61.935 858.35 2347 8/14/2014 6:51:58 9.5 61.889 858.304 2348 8/14/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.861 858.276 2349 8/14/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.838 858.253 2350 8/14/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.041 858.456 2351 8/14/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.906 859.321 2352 8/14/201411:51:58 9.5 63.284 859.699 2353 8/14/201412:51:58 9.5 63.491 859.906 2354 8/14/201413:51:58 9.5 63.631 860.046 2355 8/14/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.775 860.19 2356 8/14/201415:51:58 9.44 64.048 860.463 2357 8/14/201416:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 2358 8/14/201417:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 2359 8/14/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.181 860.596 2360 8/14/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.13 860.545 2361 8/14/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.099 860.514 2362 8/14/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 2363 8/14/2014 22:51:58 9.44 63.756 860.171 2364 8/14/2014 23:51:58 9.5 62.96 859.375 2365 8/15/2014 0:51:58 9.5 62.575 858.99 2366 8/15/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.364 858.779 2367 8/15/2014 2:51:58 9.44 62.224 858.639 2368 8/15/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.134 858.549 2369 8/15/2014 4:51:58 9.44 62.068 858.483 2370 8/15/2014 5:51:58 9.5 52.029 858.444 2371 8/15/2014 6:51:58 9.5 61.994 858.409 2372 8/15/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.97 858.385 2373 8/15/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.998 858.413 2374 8/15/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.846 858.261 2375 8/15/201410:51:58 9.5 62.773 859.188 2376 8/15/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.288 859.703 2377 8/15/201412:51:58 9.5 63.537 859.952 2378 8/15/201413:51:58 9.5 63.678 860.093 2379 8/15/201414:51:58 9.5 63.779 860.194 2380 8/15/201415:51:58 9.5 63.951 860.366 2381 8/15/201416:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2382 8/15/201417:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 2383 8/15/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.333 860.748 2384 8/15/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2385 8/15/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 2386 8/15/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.126 860.541 2387 8/15/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 2388 8/15/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 2389 8/16/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.042 859.457 2390 8/16/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.649 859.064 2391 8/16/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.419 858.834 2392 8/16/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.271 858.686 2393 8/16/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.161 858.576 2394 8/16/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.08 858.495 2395 8/16/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.013 858.428 2396 8/16/2014 7:51:58 9.5 61.97 858.385 2397 8/16/2014 8:51:58 9.5 61.951 858.366 2398 8/16/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.181 858.596 2399 8/16/201410:51:58 9.5 63.027 859.442 2400 8/16/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.378 859.793 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(••Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 2401 8/16/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.545 859.96 2402 8/16/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.682 860.097 2403 8/16/201414:51:58 9.5 63.767 860.182 2404 8/16/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.826 860.241 2405 8/16/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 2406 8/16/201417:51:58 9.5 64.181 860.596 2407 8/16/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.352 860.767 2408 8/16/201419:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 2409 8/16/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.539 860.954 2410 8/16/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.613 861.028 2411 8/16/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.633 861.048 2412 8/16/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 2413 8/17/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 2414 8/17/2014 1:51:58 9.44 64.212 860.627 2415 8/17/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.138 860.553 2416 8/17/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.087 860.502 2417 8/17/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.052 860.467 2418 8/17/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.526 859.941 2419 8/17/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.824 859.239 2420 8/17/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.485 858.9 2421 8/17/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.282 858.697 2422 8/17/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.044 858.459 2423 8/17/201410:51:58 9.5 62.894 859.309 2424 8/17/201411:51:58 9.5 63.44 859.855 2425 8/17/201412:51:58 9.5 63.654 860.069 2426 8/17/201413:51:58 9.5 63.771 860.186 2427 8/17/201414:51:58 9.5 63.849 860.264 2428 8/17/201415:51:58 9.44 63.9 860.315 2429 8/17/201416:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 2430 8/17/201417:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 2431 8/17/201418:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 2432 8/17/201419:51:58 9.44 64.083 860.498 2433 8/17/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 2434 8/17/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 2435 8/17/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 2436 8/17/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.664 861.079 2437 8/18/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.722 861.137 2438 8/18/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.75 861.165 2439 8/18/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 2440 8/18/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 2441 8/18/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 2442 8/18/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 2443 8/18/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2444 8/18/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 2445 8/18/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2446 8/18/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 2447 8/18/201410:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 2448 8/18/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 2449 8/18/201412:51:58 9.5 64.364 860.779 2450 8/18/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.543 860.958 2451 8/18/201414:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 2452 8/18/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 2453 8/18/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.473 860.888 2454 8/18/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 2455 8/18/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.356 860.771 2456 8/18/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 2457 8/18/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 2458 8/18/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2459 8/18/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.231 860.646 2460 8/18/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 2461 8/19/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 2462 8/19/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2463 8/19/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 2464 8/19/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.173 860.588 2465 8/19/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.27 860.685 2466 8/19/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.319 859.734 2467 8/19/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.789 859.204 2468 8/19/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.504 858.919 2469 8/19/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.333 858.748 2470 8/19/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.228 858.643 2471 8/19/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.773 859.188 2472 8/19/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.471 859.886 2473 8/19/201412:51:58 9.5 63.717 860.132 2474 8/19/201413:51:58 9.5 63.818 860.233 2475 8/19/201414:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 2476 8/19/2014 15:51:58 9.44 63.927 860342 2477 8/19/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 2478 8/19/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2479 8/19/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 2480 8/19/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 2481 8/19/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2482 8/19/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 2483 8/19/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 2484 8/19/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 2485 8/20/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2486 8/20/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2487 8/20/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 2488 8/20/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 2489 8/20/2014 4:51:58 9.44 63.881 860.296 2490 8/20/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.988 859.403 2491 8/20/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.563 858.978 2492 8/20/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.302 858.717 2493 8/20/2014 8:51:58 9.44 62.15 858.565 2494 8/20/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.033 858.448 2495 8/20/201410:51:58 9.5 62.754 859.169 2496 8/20/201411:51:58 9.5 63.381 859.796 2497 8/20/201412:51:58 9.5 63.604 860.019 2498 8/20/201413:51:58 9.5 63.713 860.128 2499 8/20/201414:51:58 9.5 63.791 860.206 2500 8/20/201415:51:58 9.5 63.841 860.256 2501 8/20/201416:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 2502 8/20/201417:51:58 9.5 63.9 860.315 2503 8/20/201418:51:58 9.5 63.9 860.315 2504 8/20/201419:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 2505 8/20/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 2506 8/20/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 2507 8/20/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 2508 8/20/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 2509 8/21/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.939 860.354 2510 8/21/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 2511 8/21/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 2512 8/21/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 2513 8/21/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.021 860.436 2514 8/21/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.346 859.761 2515 8/21/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.738 859.153 2516 8/21/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.454 858.869 2517 8/21/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.302 858.717 2518 8/21/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.851 859.266 2519 8/21/201410:51:58 9.5 63.51 859.925 2520 8/21/201411:51:58 9.5 63.728 860.143 2521 8/21/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.853 860.268 2522 8/21/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 2523 8/21/201414:51:58 9.5 63.958 860.373 2524 8/21/201415:51:58 9.5 63.974 860.389 2525 8/21/201416:51:58 9.44 63.982 860.397 2526 8/21/201417:51:58 9.5 63.974 860.389 2527 8/21/201418:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 2528 8/21/201419:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 2529 8/21/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.97 860.385 2530 8/21/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.97 860.385 2531 8/21/2014 22:51:58 9.44 63.97 860.385 2532 8/21/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 2533 8/22/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.962 860.377 2534 8/22/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 2535 8/22/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.97 860.385 2536 8/22/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.962 860.377 2537 8/22/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.553 859.968 2538 8/22/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.812 859.227 2539 8/22/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.454 858,869 2540 8/22/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.235 858.65 2541 8/22/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.095 858.51 2542 8/22/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.892 858.307 2543 8/22/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.781 859.196 2544 8/22/201411:51:58 9.5 63.315 859.73 2545 8/22/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.522 859.937 2546 8/22/201413:51:58 9.5 63.635 860.05 2547 8/22/201414:51:58 9.5 63.717 860.132 2548 8/22/201415:51:58 9.5 63.771 860.186 2549 8/22/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 2550 8/22/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.83 860.245 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsi) 2551 8/22/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.841 860.256 2552 8/22/201419:51:58 9.5 63.845 860.26 2553 8/22/2014 20:51:58 9.44 63.838 860.253 2554 8/22/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.826 860.241 2555 8/22/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.849 860.264 2556 8/22/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 2557 8/23/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.88 860.295 2558 8/23/2014 1:51:58 9.44 63.908 860.323 2559 8/23/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.908 860.323 2560 8/23/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 2561 8/23/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.943 860.358 2562 8/23/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.323 859.738 2563 8/23/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.703 859.118 2564 8/23/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.391 858.806 2565 8/23/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.212 858.627 2566 8/23/2014 9:51:58 9.44 61.986 858.401 2567 8/23/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.976 859.391 2568 8/23/201411:51:58 9.5 63.495 859.91 2569 8/23/201412:51:58 9.5 63.67 860.085 2570 8/23/201413:51:58 9.5 63.771 860.186 2571 8/23/201414:51:58 9.5 63.845 860.26 2572 8/23/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.892 860.307 2573 8/23/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.923 860.338 2574 8/23/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.044 860.459 2575 8/23/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 2576 8/23/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 2577 8/23/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 2578 8/23/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.617 861.032 2579 8/23/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.641 861.056 2580 8/23/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 2581 8/24/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.348 860.763 2582 8/24/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 2583 8/24/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.227 860.642 2584 8/24/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 2585 8/24/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.604 860.019 2586 8/24/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.953 859.368 2587 8/24/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.594 859.009 2588 8/24/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.407 858.822 2589 8/24/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.286 858.701 2590 8/24/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.243 858.658 2591 8/24/201410:51:58 9.44 63.222 859.637 2592 8/24/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.611 860.026 2593 8/24/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.775 860.19 2594 8/24/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.88 860.295 2595 8/24/201414:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 2596 8/24/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.97 860.385 2597 8/24/201416:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 2598 8/24/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.036 860.451 2599 8/24/201418:51:58 9.5 64.052 860.467 2600 8/24/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.048 860.463 2601 8/24/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.036 860.451 2602 8/24/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.036 860.451 2603 8/24/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.033 860.448 2604 8/24/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.021 860.436 2605 8/25/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.001 860.416 2606 8/25/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 2607 8/25/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.001 860.416 2608 8/25/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 2609 8/25/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 2610 8/25/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.001 860.416 2611 8/25/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 2612 8/25/2014 7:51:58 9.44 63.027 859.442 2613 8/25/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.582 858.997 2614 8/25/2014 9:51:58 9.44 62.329 858.744 2615 8/25/201410:51:58 9.5 62.165 858.58 2616 8/25/2014 11:51:58 9.5 62.816 859.231 2617 8/25/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.522 859.937 2618 8/25/201413:51:58 9.5 63.908 860.323 2619 8/25/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2620 8/25/201415:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 2621 8/25/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 2622 8/25/201417:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 2623 8/25/201418:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 2624 8/25/201419:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 2625 8/25/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft anisl) 2626 8/25/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.904 860.319 2627 8/25/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.892 860.307 2628 8/25/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 2629 8/26/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.869 860.284 2630 8/26/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 2631 8/26/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 2632 8/26/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 2633 8/26/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 2634 8/26/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.077 859.492 2635 8/26/2014 6:51:58 9.44 62.528 858.943 2636 8/26/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.216 858.631 2637 8/26/2014 8:51:58 9.44 62.049 858.464 2638 8/26/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.896 858.311 2639 8/26/201410:51:58 9.5 62.883 859.298 2640 8/26/201411:51:58 9.5 63.366 859.781 2641 8/26/201412:51:58 9.5 63.557 859.972 2642 8/26/201413:51:58 9.5 63.662 860.077 2643 8/26/201414:51:58 9.5 63.728 860.143 2644 8/26/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.767 860.182 2645 8/26/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.814 860.229 2646 8/26/201417:51:58 9.44 63.846 860.261 2647 8/26/201418:51:58 9.5 63.861 860.276 2648 8/26/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 2649 8/26/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 2650 8/26/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.88 860.295 2651 8/26/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 2652 8/26/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.865 860.28 2653 8/27/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.869 860.284 2654 8/27/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.869 860.284 2655 8/27/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.873 860.288 2656 8/27/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.88 860.295 2657 8/27/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.896 860.311 2658 8/27/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.615 860.03 2659 8/27/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.828 859.243 2660 8/27/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.454 858.869 2661 8/27/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.239 858.654 2662 8/27/2014 9:51:58 9.5 61.978 858.393 2663 8/27/201410:51:58 9.5 62.824 859.239 2664 8/27/201411:51:58 9.5 63.37 859.785 2665 8/27/201412:51:58 9.5 63.584 859.999 2666 8/27/201413:51:58 9.5 63.701 860.116 2667 8/27/201414:51:58 9.5 63.775 860.19 2668 8/27/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.834 860.249 2669 8/27/2014 16:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 2670 8/27/2014 17:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 2671 8/27/2014 18:51:58 9.5 63.951 860.366 2672 8/27/201419:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 2673 8/27/2014 20:51:58 9.44 63.966 860.381 2674 8/27/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 2675 8/27/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 2676 8/27/2014 23:51:58 9.44 63.951 860.366 2677 8/28/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.951 860.366 2678 8/28/20141:51:58 9.5 63.962 860.377 2679 8/28/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 2680 8/28/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.001 860.416 2681 8/28/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 2682 8/28/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.397 859.812 2683 8/28/2014 6:51:58 9.44 62.797 859.212 2684 8/28/2014 7:51:58 9.44 62.489 858.904 2685 8/28/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.306 858.721 2686 8/28/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.282 858.697 2687 8/28/201410:51:58 9.5 63.206 859.621 2688 8/28/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.58 859.995 2689 8/28/201412:51:58 9.5 63.756 860.171 2690 8/28/2014 13:51:58 9.5 63.857 860.272 2691 8/28/2014 14:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 2692 8/28/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 2693 8/28/201416:51:58 9.5 64.029 860.444 2694 8/28/201417:51:58 9.5 64.044 860.459 2695 8/28/201418:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 2696 8/28/201419:51:58 9.5 64.087 860.502 2697 8/28/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.099 860.514 2698 8/28/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.103 860.518 2699 8/28/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.114 860.529 2700 8/28/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.122 860.537 1 Observation Well 14 West 2024 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 2701 8/29/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.138 860.553 2702 8/29/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.161 860.576 2703 8/29/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 2704 8/29/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.192 860.607 2705 8/29/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2706 8/29/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2707 8/29/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2708 8/29/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2709 8/29/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2710 8/29/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 2711 8/29/201410:51:58 9.5 64.181 860.596 2712 8/29/201411:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 2713 8/29/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 2714 8/29/2014 13:51:58 9.44 64.637 861.052 2715 8/29/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.613 861.028 2716 8/29/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 2717 8/29/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.446 860.861 2718 8/29/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 2719 8/29/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 2720 8/29/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2721 8/29/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 2722 8/29/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.22 860.635 2723 8/29/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 2724 8/29/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 2725 8/30/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 2726 8/30/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2727 8/30/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 2728 8/30/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 2729 8/30/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.169 860.584 2730 8/30/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 2731 8/30/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.138 860.553 2732 8/30/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 2733 8/30/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 2734 8/30/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.099 860.514 2735 8/30/201410:51:58 9.5 64.083 860.498 2736 8/30/201411:51:58 9.44 64.072 860.487 2737 8/30/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.06 860.475 2738 8/30/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.064 860.479 2739 8/30/201414:51:58 9.5 64.099 860.514 2740 8/30/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.298 860.713 2741 8/30/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 2742 8/30/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 2743 8/30/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.68 861.095 2744 8/30/201419:51:58 9.5 64.73 861.145 2745 8/30/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.761 861.176 2746 8/30/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.793 861.208 2747 8/30/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.812 861.227 2748 8/30/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.835 861.25 2749 8/31/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.851 861.266 2750 8/31/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.855 861.27 2751 8/31/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.871 861.286 2752 8/31/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.894 861.309 • 2753 8/31/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.742 861.157 2754 8/31/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.582 860.997 2755 8/31/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 2756 8/31/2014 7:51:58 9.44 64.411 860.826 2757 8/31/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.356 860.771 2758 8/31/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.34 860.755 2759 8/31/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 2760 8/31/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 2761 8/31/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.668 861.083 2762 8/31/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.793 861.208 2763 8/31/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.894 861.309 2764 8/31/201415:51:58 9.5 64.949 861.364 2765 8/31/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.996 861.411 2766 8/31/201417:51:58 9.5 65.011 861.426 2767 8/31/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.058 861.473 2768 8/31/201419:51:58 9.5 65.104 861.519 2769 8/31/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.097 861.512 2770 8/31/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.062 861.477 2771 8/31/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.108 861.523 2772 8/31/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.136 861.551 2773 9/1/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.101 861.516 2774 9/1/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.116 861.531 2775 9/1/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.124 861.539 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 2776 9/1/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.065 861.48 2777 9/1/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.878 861.293 2778 9/1/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.719 861.134 2779 9/1/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.606 861.021 2780 9/1/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 2781 9/1/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 2782 9/1/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 2783 9/1/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 2784 9/1/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 2785 9/1/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 2786 9/1/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2787 9/1/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 2788 9/1/2014 15:51:58 9.44 64.43 860.845 2789 9/1/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.586 861.001 2790 9/1/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.695 861.11 2791 9/1/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.761 861.176 2792 9/1/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.808 861.223 2793 9/1/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.839 861.254 2794 9/1/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.839 861.254 2795 9/1/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.648 861.063 2796 9/1/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 2797 9/2/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 2798 9/2/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.34 860.755 2799 9/2/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 2800 9/2/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2801 9/2/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.208 860.623 2802 9/2/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 2803 9/2/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.146 860.561 2804 9/2/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.13 860.545 2805 9/2/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.122 860.537 2806 9/2/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.114 860.529 2807 9/2/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.099 860.514 2808 9/2/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 2809 9/2/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.181 860.596 2810 9/2/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 2811 9/2/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.535 860.95 2812 9/2/201415:51:58 9.5 64.629 861.044 2813 9/2/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.528 860.943 2814 9/2/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 2815 9/2/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 2816 9/2/201419:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 2817 9/2/2014 20:51:58 9.44 64.243 860.658 2818 9/2/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.22 860.635 2819 9/2/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.204 860.619 2820 9/2/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 2821 9/3/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.173 860.588 2822 9/3/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.157 860.572 2823 9/3/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.161 860.576 2824 9/3/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 2825 9/3/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 2826 9/3/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.142 860.557 2827 9/3/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.239 860.654 2828 9/3/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.401 859.816 2829 9/3/2014 8:51:58 9.44 62.859 859.274 2830 9/3/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.578 858.993 2831 9/3/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.081 859.496 2832 9/3/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.795 860.21 2833 9/3/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 2834 9/3/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 2835 9/3/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 2836 9/3/201415:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 2837 9/3/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 2838 9/3/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.391 860.806 2839 9/3/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 2840 9/3/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.36 860.775 2841 9/3/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 2842 9/3/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 2843 9/3/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 2844 9/3/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2845 9/4/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.235 860.65 2846 9/4/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 2847 9/4/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 2848 9/4/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.243 860.658 2849 9/4/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.282 860.697 2850 9/4/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.29 860.705 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec p Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 2851 9/4/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.274 860.689 2852 9/4/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 2853 9/4/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 2854 9/4/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 2855 9/4/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 2856 9/4/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 2857 9/4/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.536 860.951 2858 9/4/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.676 861.091 2859 9/4/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.73 861.145 2860 9/4/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.586 861.001 2861 9/4/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.512 860.927 2862 9/4/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 2863 9/4/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 2864 9/4/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 2865 9/4/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.196 860.611 2866 9/4/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 2867 9/4/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 2868 9/4/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.083 860.498 2869 9/5/2014 0:51:58 9.44 64.072 860.487 2870 9/5/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.052 860.467 2871 9/5/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.029 860.444 2872 9/5/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 2873 9/5/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.978 860.393 2874 9/5/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 2875 9/5/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.935 860.35 2876 9/5/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.919 860.334 2877 9/5/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.908 860.323 2878 9/5/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.916 860.331 2879 9/5/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.97 860.385 2880 9/5/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.736 860.151 2881 9/5/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.075 860.49 2882 9/5/201413:51:58 9.44 64.29 860.705 2883 9/5/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.43 860.845 2884 9/5/2014 15:51:58 93 64.403 860.818 2885 9/5/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2886 9/5/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 2887 9/5/2014 18:51:58 9.44 64.142 860.557 2888 9/5/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.099 860.514 2889 9/5/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 2890 9/5/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.036 860.451 2891 9/5/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 2892 9/5/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.005 860.42 2893 9/6/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.997 860.412 2894 9/6/20141:51:58 9.5 64.005 860.42 2895 9/6/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.013 860.428 2896 9/6/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 2897 9/6/2014 4:51:58 93 64.013 860.428 2898 9/6/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 2899 9/6/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 2900 9/6/2014 7:51:58 9.44 64.013 860.428 2901 9/6/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 2902 9/6/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 2903 9/6/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 2904 9/6/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 ' 2905 9/6/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.185 860.6 2906 9/6/201413:51:58 9.5 64.383 860.798 2907 9/6/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 2908 9/6/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.453 860.868 2909 9/6/2014 16:51:58 93 64.364 860.779 2910 9/6/201417:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 2911 9/6/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 2912 9/6/2014 19:51:58 9.44 64.212 860.627 2913 9/6/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.181 860.596 2914 9/6/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.165 860.58 2915 9/6/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 2916 9/6/2014 23:51:58 9.44 64.146 860.561 2917 9/7/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.149 860.564 2918 9/7/20141:51:58 93 64.153 860.568 2919 9/7/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 2920 9/7/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 2921 9/7/2014 4:51:58 9.44 64.146 860.561 2922 9/7/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.13 860.545 2923 9/7/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 2924 9/7/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 2925 9/7/2014 8:51:58 9.44 64.103 860.518 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft arcs!) 2926 9/7/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.091 860.506 2927 9/7/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.103 860.518 2928 9/7/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 2929 9/7/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 2930 9/7/201413:51:58 9.5 64.473 860.888 2931 9/7/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.641 861.056 2932 9/7/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.66 861.075 2933 9/7/2014 16:51:58 9.44 64.547 860.962 2934 9/7/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 2935 9/7/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.395 860.81 2936 9/7/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.356 860.771 2937 9/7/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.317 860.732 2938 9/7/2014 21:51:58 9.44 64.298 860.713 2939 9/7/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 2940 9/7/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 2941 9/8/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 2942 9/8/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 2943 9/8/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.278 860.693 2944 9/8/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2945 9/8/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 2946 9/8/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2947 9/8/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2948 9/8/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2949 9/8/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 2950 9/8/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 2951 9/8/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 2952 9/8/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 2953 9/8/2014 12:51:58 9.44 64.411 860.826 2954 9/8/201413:51:58 9.5 64.602 861.017 2955 9/8/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.769 861.184 2956 9/8/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.878 861.293 2957 9/8/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.824 861.239 2958 9/8/201417:51:58 9.5 64.683 861.098 2959 9/8/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.567 860.982 2960 9/8/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 2961 9/8/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 2962 9/8/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.368 860.783 2963 9/8/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.348 860.763 2964 9/8/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.337 860.752 2965 9/9/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 2966 9/9/20141:51:58 9.5 64.329 860.744 2967 9/9/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.333 860.748 2968 9/9/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.333 860.748 2969 9/9/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 2970 9/9/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 2971 9/9/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 2972 9/9/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.282 860.697 2973 9/9/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 2974 9/9/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 2975 9/9/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 2976 9/9/2014 11:51:58 9.44 64.419 860.834 2977 9/9/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.625 861.04 2978 9/9/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.773 861.188 2979 9/9/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.824 861.239 2980 9/9/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.691 861.106 2981 9/9/201416:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 2982 9/9/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 2983 9/9/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 2984 9/9/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 2985 9/9/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 2986 9/9/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.407 860.822 2987 9/9/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 2988 9/9/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 2989 9/10/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 2990 9/10/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.387 860.802 2991 9/10/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 2992 9/10/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.43 860.845 2993 9/10/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 2994 9/10/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.426 860.841 2995 9/10/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 2996 9/10/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 2997 9/10/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 2998 9/10/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 2999 9/10/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.457 860.872 3000 9/10/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.598 861.013 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft amsl) 3001 9/10/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.687 861.102 3002 9/10/2014 13:51:58 9.44 64.742 861.157 3003 9/10/201414:51:58 9.5 64.765 861.18 3004 9/10/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.617 861.032 3005 9/10/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 3006 9/10/201417:51:58 9.5 64.333 860.748 3007 9/10/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.251 860.666 3008 9/10/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 3009 9/10/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.138 860.553 3010 9/10/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 3011 9/10/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.056 860.471 3012 9/10/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.032 860.447 3013 9/11/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 3014 9/11/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 3015 9/11/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.005 860.42 3016 9/11/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.017 860.432 3017 9/11/2014 4:51:58 9.44 63.998 860.413 3018 9/11/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.99 860.405 3019 9/11/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.97 860.385 3020 9/11/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.966 860.381 3021 9/11/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.958 860.373 3022 9/11/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.079 860.494 3023 9/11/201410:51:58 9.5 64.262 860.677 3024 9/11/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.411 860.826 3025 9/11/201412:51:58 9.44 64.512 860.927 3026 9/11/201413:51:58 9.5 64.57 860.985 3027 9/11/201414:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 3028 9/11/201415:51:58 9.44 64.321 860.736 3029 9/11/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 3030 9/11/201417:51:58 9.5 64.173 860.588 3031 9/11/201418:51:58 9.5 64.134 860.549 3032 9/11/201419:51:58 9.44 64.107 860.522 3033 9/11/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.079 860.494 3034 9/11/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.06 860.475 3035 9/11/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.032 860.447 3036 9/11/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 3037 9/12/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 3038 9/12/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 3039 9/12/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.005 860.42 3040 9/12/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 3041 9/12/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.005 860.42 3042 9/12/2014 5:51:58 9.44 64.013 860.428 3043 9/12/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 3044 9/12/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.013 860.428 3045 9/12/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.032 860.447 3046 9/12/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.11 860.525 3047 9/12/201410:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 3048 9/12/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.469 860.884 3049 9/12/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 3050 9/12/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.68 861.095 3051 9/12/201414:51:58 9.5 64.722 861.137 3052 9/12/201415:51:58 9.44 64.75 861.165 3053 9/12/201416:51:58 9.5 64.828 861.243 3054 9/12/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.863 861.278 3055 9/12/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.89 861.305 3056 9/12/201419:51:58 9.5 64.917 861.332 3057 9/12/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.929 861.344 3058 9/12/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.949 861.364 3059 9/12/2014 22:51:58 9.44 64.96 861.375 3060 9/12/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.023 861.438 3061 9/13/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.068 860.483 3062 9/13/2014 1:51:58 9.44 63.612 860.027 3063 9/13/2014 2:51:58 9.44 63.378 859.793 3064 9/13/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.237 859.652 3065 9/13/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 3066 9/13/2014 5:51:58 9.44 63.078 859.493 3067 9/13/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.035 859.45 3068 9/13/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.999 859.414 3069 9/13/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.98 859.395 3070 9/13/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.964 859.379 3071 9/13/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.945 859.36 3072 9/13/201411:51:58 9.5 62.949 859.364 3073 9/13/201412:51:58 9.5 62.96 859.375 3074 9/13/201413:51:58 9.5 62.98 859.395 3075 9/13/201414:51:58 9.5 63.027 859.442 I Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 3076 9/13/2014 15:51:58 9.5 63.955 860.37 3077 9/13/201416:51:58 9.5 64.403 860.818 3078 9/13/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.652 861.067 3079 9/13/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.808 861.223 3080 9/13/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.906 861.321 3081 9/13/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.972 861.387 3082 9/13/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.015 861.43 3083 9/13/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 3084 9/13/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.838 860.253 3085 9/14/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.557 859.972 3086 9/14/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.385 859.8 3087 9/14/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.288 859.703 3088 9/14/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.226 859.641 3089 9/14/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.179 859.594 3090 9/14/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.144 859.559 3091 9/14/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.12 859.535 3092 9/14/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.093 859.508 3093 9/14/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.062 859.477 3094 9/14/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.062 859.477 3095 9/14/201410:51:58 9.5 63.44 859.855 3096 9/14/201411:51:58 9.5 64.153 860.568 3097 9/14/201412:51:58 9.5 64.508 860.923 3098 9/14/201413:51:58 9.5 64.719 861.134 3099 9/14/201414:51:58 9.5 64.851 861.266 3100 9/14/201415:51:58 9.5 64.941 861.356 3101 9/14/201416:51:58 9.5 64.999 861.414 3102 9/14/201417:51:58 9.5 65.034 861.449 3103 9/14/201418:51:58 9.5 65.093 861.508 3104 9/14/201419:51:58 9.5 64.157 860.572 3105 9/14/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.705 860.12 3106 9/14/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.456 859.871 3107 9/14/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.3 859.715 3108 9/14/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.198 859.613 3109 9/15/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.132 859.547 3110 9/15/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.089 859.504 3111 9/15/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.074 859.489 3112 9/15/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.05 859.465 3113 9/15/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.031 859.446 3114 9/15/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.996 859.411 3115 9/15/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.976 859.391 3116 9/15/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.953 859.368 3117 9/15/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.953 859.368 3118 9/15/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.941 859.356 3119 9/15/201410:51:58 9.5 62.933 859.348 3120 9/15/201411:51:58 9.5 62.933 859.348 3121 9/15/201412:51:58 9.5 63.393 859.808 3122 9/15/201413:51:58 9.5 64.06 860.475 3123 9/15/201414:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 3124 9/15/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 3125 9/15/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.746 861.161 3126 9/15/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.835 861.25 3127 9/15/201418:51:58 9.5 64.89 861.305 3128 9/15/201419:51:58 9.5 64.921 861.336 3129 9/15/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.672 861.087 3130 9/15/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.877 860.292 3131 9/15/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.518 859.933 3132 9/15/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.323 859.738 3133 9/16/2014 0:51:58 9.44 63.206 859.621 3134 9/16/2014 1:51:58 9.44 63.132 859.547 3135 9/16/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.081 859.496 3136 9/16/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.05 859.465 3137 9/16/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.031 859.446 3138 9/16/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.019 859.434 3139 9/16/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.003 859.418 3140 9/16/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.999 859.414 3141 9/16/2014 8:51:58 9.44 63 859.415 3142 9/16/2014 9:51:58 9.44 63.335 859.75 3143 9/16/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.091 860.506 3144 9/16/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 3145 9/16/201412:51:58 9.5 64.695 861.11 3146 9/16/201413:51:58 9.5 64.839 861.254 3147 9/16/201414:51:58 9.5 64.945 861.36 3148 9/16/201415:51:58 9.5 65.023 861.438 3149 9/16/201416:51:58 9.5 65.073 861.488 3150 9/16/2014 17:51:58 9.5 65.116 861.531 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rae U Date/Time Temperature(degC) 142O) Elevation(ft anosl) 3151 9/16/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.147 861.562 3152 9/16/2014 19:51:58 9.44 65.171 861.586 3153 9/16/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.303 861.718 3154 9/16/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 3155 9/16/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.884 860.299 3156 9/16/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.623 860.038 3157 9/17/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.467 859.882 3158 9/17/2014 1:51:58 9.5 63.378 859.793 3159 9/17/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.307 859.722 3160 9/17/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.268 859.683 3161 9/17/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.237 859.652 3162 9/17/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.21 859.625 3163 9/17/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.183 859.598 3164 9/17/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.159 859.574 3165 9/17/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.148 859.563 3166 9/17/2014 9:51:58 9.5 63.261 859.676 3167 9/17/201410:51:58 9.5 64.107 860.522 3168 9/17/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.52 860.935 3169 9/17/201412:51:58 9.44 64.746 861.161 3170 9/17/201413:51:58 9.5 64.785 861.2 3171 9/17/201414:51:58 9.5 64.683 861.098 3172 9/17/201415:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 3173 9/17/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.531 860.946 3174 9/17/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.489 860.904 3175 9/17/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.477 860.892 3176 9/17/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.74 860.155 3177 9/17/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.14 859.555 3178 9/17/2014 21:51:58 9.5 62.824 859.239 3179 9/17/2014 22:51:58 9.5 62.633 859.048 3180 9/17/2014 23:51:58 9.5 62.504 858.919 3181 9/18/2014 0:51:58 9.5 62.419 858.834 3182 9/18/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.348 858.763 3183 9/18/2014 2:51:58 9.5 63.381 859.796 3184 9/18/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 3185 9/18/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.6 860.015 3186 9/18/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.007 859.422 3187 9/18/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.695 859.11 3188 9/18/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.497 858.912 3189 9/18/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.372 858.787 3190 9/18/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.29 858.705 3191 9/18/201410:51:58 9.5 62.442 858.857 3192 9/18/201411:51:58 9.5 63.385 859.8 3193 9/18/201412:51:58 9.5 63.947 860.362 3194 9/18/201413:51:58 9.5 64.305 860.72 3195 9/18/201414:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 3196 9/18/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.594 861.009 3197 9/18/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 3198 9/18/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.45 860.865 3199 9/18/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.516 860.931 3200 9/18/2014 19:51:58 9.5 63.592 860.007 3201 9/18/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.046 859.461 3202 9/18/2014 21:51:58 9.5 62.762 859.177 3203 9/18/2014 22:51:58 9.5 62.594 859.009 3204 9/18/2014 23:51:58 9.5 62.551 858.966 3205 9/19/2014 0:51:58 9.5 63.541 859.956 3206 9/19/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.095 860.51 3207 9/19/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.485 860.9 3208 9/19/2014 3:51:58 9.5 63.6 860.015 3209 9/19/2014 4:51:58 9.5 63.077 859.492 3210 9/19/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.781 859.196 3211 9/19/2014 6:51:58 9.44 62.606 859.021 3212 9/19/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.501 858.916 3213 9/19/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.423 858.838 3214 9/19/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.407 858.822 3215 9/19/201410:51:58 9.44 62.333 858.748 3216 9/19/201411:51:58 9.44 63.378 859.793 3217 9/19/201412:51:58 9.5 64.04 860.455 3218 9/19/201413:51:58 9.5 64.461 860.876 3219 9/19/2014 14:51:58 9.44 64.723 861.138 3220 9/19/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.765 861.18 3221 9/19/2014 16:51:58 9.5 64.691 861.106 3222 9/19/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.617 861.032 3223 9/19/2014 18:51:58 9.5 64.563 860.978 3224 9/19/2014 19:51:58 9.5 64.177 860.592 3225 9/19/2014 20:51:58 9.5 63.401 859.816 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft ams() 3226 9/19/2014 21:51:58 9.5 63.023 859.438 3227 9/19/2014 22:51:58 9.5 62.812 859.227 3228 9/19/2014 23:51:58 9.5 62.66 859.075 3229 9/20/2014 0:51:58 9.5 62.559 858.974 3230 9/20/2014 1:51:58 9.5 62.485 858.9 3231 9/20/2014 2:51:58 9.5 62.434 858.849 3232 9/20/2014 3:51:58 9.5 62.395 858.81 3233 9/20/2014 4:51:58 9.5 62.341 858.756 3234 9/20/2014 5:51:58 9.5 62.31 858.725 3235 9/20/2014 6:51:58 9.5 62.259 858.674 3236 9/20/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.216 858.631 3237 9/20/2014 8:51:58 9.44 62.189 858.604 3238 9/20/2014 9:51:58 9.44 62.154 858.569 3239 9/20/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.017 858.432 3240 9/20/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.019 859.434 3241 9/20/2014 12:51:58 9.5 63.713 860.128 3242 9/20/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.114 860.529 3243 9/20/201414:51:58 9.5 64.188 860.603 3244 9/20/201415:51:58 9.5 63.994 860.409 3245 9/20/201416:51:58 9.44 63.195 859.61 3246 9/20/201417:51:58 9.5 62.808 859.223 3247 9/20/2014 18:51:58 9.5 62.586 859.001 3248 9/20/201419:51:58 9.5 62.426 858.841 3249 9/20/2014 20:51:58 9.5 62.302 858.717 3250 9/20/2014 21:51:58 9.5 62.232 858.647 3251 9/20/2014 22:51:58 9.5 63.229 859.644 3252 9/20/2014 23:51:58 9.5 63.834 860.249 3253 9/21/201.4 0:51:58 9.5 64.208 860.623 3254 9/21/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.434 860.849 3255 9/21/2014 2:51:58 9.44 64.547 860.962 3256 9/21/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.442 860.857 3257 9/21/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.325 860.74 3 258 9/21/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.231 860.646 3259 9/21/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.161 860.576 3260 9/21/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.095 860.51 3261 9/21/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.048 860.463 3262 9/21/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.009 860.424 3263 9/21/201410:51:58 9.5 63.982 860.397 3264 9/21/2014 11:51:58 9.44 63.978 860.393 3265 9/21/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.114 860.529 3266 9/21/201413:51:58 9.5 64.321 860.736 3267 9/21/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.469 860.884 3268 9/21/201415:51:58 9.5 64.578 860.993 3269 9/21/201416:51:58 9.5 64.656 861.071 3270 9/21/201417:51:58 9.5 64.703 861.118 3271 9/21/201418:51:58 9.44 64.594 861.009 3272 9/21/201419:51:58 9.5 64.422 860.837 3273 9/21/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 3274 9/21/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.216 860.631 3275 9/21/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.165 860.58 3276 9/21/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.134 860.549 3277 9/22/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.122 860.537 3278 9/22/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.122 860.537 3279 9/22/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.301 860.716 3 280 9/22/2014 3:51:58 9.5 64.481 860.896 3281 9/22/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.609 861.024 3282 9/22/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.641 861.056 3283 9/22/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.5 860.915 3284 9/22/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.372 860.787 3285 9/22/2014 8:51:58 9.5 64.286 860.701 3286 9/22/2014 9:51:58 9.44 64.228 860.643 3287 9/22/201410:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 3288 9/22/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.309 860.724 3289 9/22/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.5 860.915 3290 9/22/201413:51:58 9.44 64.652 861.067 3291 9/22/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.644 861.059 3292 9/22/201415:51:58 9.5 64.539 860.954 3293 9/22/201416:51:58 9.5 64.465 860.88 3 294 9/22/2014 17:51:58 9.5 64.414 860.829 3295 9/22/201418:51:58 9.5 64.376 860.791 3296 9/22/201419:51:58 9.5 64.344 860.759 3297 9/22/2014 20:51:58 9.5 64.313 860.728 3298 9/22/2014 21:51:58 9.5 64.294 860.709 3299 9/22/2014 22:51:58 9.5 64.274 860.689 3300 9/22/2014 23:51:58 9.5 64.266 860.681 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec it Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 3301 9/23/2014 0:51:58 9.5 64.259 860.674 3302 9/23/2014 1:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 3303 9/23/2014 2:51:58 9.5 64.251 860.666 3304 9/23/2014 3:51:58 9.44 64.255 860.67 3305 9/23/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.247 860.662 3306 9/23/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.235 860.65 3307 9/23/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.227 860.642 3308 9/23/2014 7:51:58 9.5 64.255 860.67 3309 9/23/2014 8:51:58 9.44 64.434 860.849 3310 9/23/2014 9:51:58 9.5 64.59 861.005 3311 9/23/2014 10:51:58 9.5 64.707 861.122 3312 9/23/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.8 861.215 3313 9/23/201412:51:58 9.5 64.867 861.282 3314 9/23/201413:51:58 9.5 64.925 861.34 3315 9/23/201414:51:58 9.44 64.98 861.395 3316 9/23/2014 15:51:58 9.5 65.023 861.438 3317 9/23/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.062 861.477 3318 9/23/2014 17:51:58 9.5 65.081 861.496 3319 9/23/201418:51:58 9.5 65.089 861.504 3320 9/23/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.097 861.512 3321 9/23/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.097 861.512 3322 9/23/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.089 861.504 3323 9/23/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.073 861.488 3324 9/23/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.085 861.5 3325 9/24/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.101 861.516 3326 9/24/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.112 861.527 3327 9/24/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.132 861.547 3328 9/24/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.147 861.562 3329 9/24/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.147 861.562 3330 9/24/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.147 861.562 3331 9/24/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.147 861.562 3332 9/24/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.143 861.558 3333 9/24/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.136 861.551 3334 9/24/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.132 861.547 3335 9/24/2014 10:51:58 9.5 65.14 861.555 3336 9/24/2014 11:51:58 9.5 65.147 861.562 3337 9/24/201412:51:58 9.5 65.155 861.57 3338 9/24/201413:51:58 9.5 65.179 861.594 3339 9/24/201414:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3340 9/24/201415:51:58 9.5 65.206 861.621 3341 9/24/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.218 861.633 3342 9/24/2014 17:51:58 9.5 65.221 861.636 3343 9/24/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.218 861.633 3344 9/24/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.206 861.621 3345 9/24/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.206 861.621 3346 9/24/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3347 9/24/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3348 9/24/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3349 9/25/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.194 861.609 3350 9/25/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.194 861.609 3351 9/25/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.202 861.617 3352 9/25/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.202 861.617 3353 9/25/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.202 861.617 3354 9/25/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.108 861.523 3355 9/25/2014 6:51:58 9.44 64.134 860.549 3356 9/25/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.506 859.921 3357 9/25/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.113 859.528 3358 9/25/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.766 859.181 3359 9/25/201410:51:58 9.5 63.526 859.941 3360 9/25/201411:51:58 9.5 64.138 860.553 3361 9/25/201412:51:58 9.5 64.492 860.907 3362 9/25/2014 13:51:58 9.44 64.719 861.134 3363 9/25/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.863 861.278 3364 9/25/2014 15:51:58 9.44 64.964 861.379 3365 9/25/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.034 861.449 3366 9/25/2014 17:51:58 9.5 65.081 861.496 3367 9/25/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.112 861.527 3368 9/25/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.124 861.539 3369 9/25/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.136 861.551 3370 9/25/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.14 861.555 3371 9/25/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.151 861.566 3372 9/25/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.159 861.574 3373 9/26/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.175 861.59 3374 9/26/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.182 861.597 3375 9/26/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.198 861.613 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft amsl) 3376 9/26/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.206 861.621 3377 9/26/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.214 861.629 3378 9/26/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.03 861.445 3379 9/26/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.06 860.475 3380 9/26/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.467 859.882 3381 9/26/2014 8:51:58 9.44 63.097 859.512 3382 9/26/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.859 859.274 3383 9/26/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.28 859.695 3384 9/26/2014 11:51:58 9.5 64.009 860.424 3385 9/26/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.418 860.833 3386 9/26/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.68 861.095 3387 9/26/2014 14:51:58 9.5 64.859 861.274 3388 9/26/201415:51:58 9.5 64.98 861.395 3389 9/26/201416:51:58 9.5 65.065 861.48 3390 9/26/2014 17:51:58 9.5 65.12 861.535 3391 9/26/2014 18:51:58 9.44 65.151 861.566 3392 9/26/201419:51:58 9.5 65.167 861.582 3393 9/26/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.179 861.594 3394 9/26/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.182 861.597 3395 9/26/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3396 9/26/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3397 9/27/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.198 861.613 3398 9/27/20141:51:58 9.5 65.202 861.617 3399 9/27/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.21 861.625 3400 9/27/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.225 861.64 3401 9/27/2014 4:51:58 9.44 65.233 861.648 3402 9/27/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.832 861.247 3403 9/27/2014 6:51:58 9.5 64.032 860.447 3404 9/27/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.487 859.902 3405 9/27/2014 8:51:58 9.5 63.124 859.539 3406 9/27/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.883 859.298 3407 9/27/2014 10:51:58 9.5 62.676 859.091 3408 9/27/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.623 860.038 3409 9/27/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.2 860.615 3410 9/27/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.551 860.966 3411 9/27/201414:51:58 9.5 64.785 861.2 3412 9/27/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.929 861.344 3413 9/27/201416:51:58 9.5 65.023 861.438 3414 9/27/201417:51:58 9.5 65.097 861.512 3415 9/27/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.132 861.547 3416 9/27/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.167 861.582 3417 9/27/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.179 861.594 3418 9/27/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.186 861.601 3419 9/27/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3420 9/27/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.19 861.605 3421 9/28/2014 0:51:58 9.44 65.19 861.605 3422 9/28/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.198 861.613 3423 9/28/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.206 861.621 3424 9/28/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.342 861.757 3425 9/28/2014 4:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 3426 9/28/2014 5:51:58 9.5 63.693 860.108 3427 9/28/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.261 859.676 3428 9/28/2014 7:51:58 9.5 62.98 859.395 3429 9/28/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.793 859.208 3430 9/28/2014 9:51:58 9.5 62.676 859.091 3431 9/28/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.167 859.582 3432 9/28/2014 11:51:58 9.5 63.927 860.342 3433 9/28/201412:51:58 9.5 64.379 860.794 3434 9/28/201413:51:58 9.5 64.664 861.079 3435 9/28/2014 14:51:58 9.5 54.851 861.266 3436 9/28/2014 15:51:58 9.5 64.984 861.399 3437 9/28/201416:51:58 9.5 65.073 861.488 3438 9/28/201417:51:58 9.5 65.132 861.547 3439 9/28/201418:51:58 9.5 65.171 861.586 3440 9/28/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.206 861.621 3441 9/28/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.221 861.636 3442 9/28/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.237 861.652 3443 9/28/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.253 861.668 3444 9/28/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.272 861.687 3445 9/29/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.284 861.699 3446 9/29/20141:51:58 9.5 65.288 861.703 3447 9/29/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.288 861.703 3448 9/29/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.288 861.703 3449 9/29/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.038 861.453 3450 9/29/2014 5:51:58 9.5 64.118 860.533 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft ems!) 3451 9/29/2014 6:51:58 9.5 63.526 859.941 3452 9/29/2014 7:51:58 9.5 63.155 859.57 3453 9/29/2014 8:51:58 9.5 62.906 859.321 3454 9/29/2014 9:51:58 9.44 63.234 859.649 3455 9/29/2014 10:51:58 9.5 63.986 860.401 3456 9/29/201411:51:58 9.5 64.399 860.814 3457 9/29/2014 12:51:58 9.5 64.652 861.067 3458 9/29/2014 13:51:58 9.5 64.828 861.243 3459 9/29/201414:51:58 9.44 64.945 861.36 3460 9/29/2014 15:51:58 9.5 65.03 861.445 3461 9/29/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.077 861.492 3462 9/29/201417:51:58 9.5 65.12 861.535 3463 9/29/201418:51:58 9.44 65.144 861.559 3464 9/29/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.175 861.59 3465 9/29/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.182 861.597 3466 9/29/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.202 861.617 3467 9/29/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.218 861.633 3468 9/29/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.229 861.644 3469 9/30/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.233 861.648 3470 9/30/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.233 861.648 3471 9/30/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.237 861.652 3472 9/30/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.253 861.668 3473 9/30/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.26 861.675 3474 9/30/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.276 861.691 3475 9/30/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.292 861.707 3476 9/30/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.307 861.722 3477 9/30/2014 8:51:58 9.44 65.319 861.734 3478 9/30/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.327 861.742 3479 9/30/201410:51:58 9.5 65.331 861.746 3480 9/30/201411:51:58 9.5 65.354 861.769 3481 9/30/201412:51:58 9.5 65.366 861.781 3482 9/30/2014 13:51:58 9.44 65.385 861.8 3483 9/30/201414:51:58 9.5 65.416 861.831 3484 9/30/201415:51:58 9.5 65.428 861.843 3485 9/30/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.451 861.866 3486 9/30/201417:51:58 9.5 65.448 861.863 3487 9/30/201418:51:58 9.44 65.444 861.859 3488 9/30/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.44 861.855 3489 9/30/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.432 861.847 3490 9/30/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.448 861.863 3491 9/30/2014 22:51:58 9.44 65.479 861.894 3492 9/30/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.455 861.87 3493 10/1/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.448 861.863 3494 10/1/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.448 861.863 3495 10/1/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.451 861.866 3496 10/1/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.459 861.874 3497 10/1/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.463 861.878 3498 10/1/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.463 861.878 3499 10/1/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.463 861.878 3500 10/1/2014 7:51:58 9.44 65.459 861.874 3501 10/1/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.463 861.878 3502 10/1/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.479 861.894 3503 10/1/2014 10:51:58 9.5 65.498 861.913 3504 10/1/2014 11:51:58 9.44 65.487 861.902 3505 10/1/2014 12:51:58 9.5 65.494 861.909 3506 10/1/2014 13:51:58 9.5 65.49 861.905 3507 10/1/2014 14:51:58 9.5 65.51 861.925 3508 10/1/2014 15:51:58 9.5 65.51 861.925 3509 10/1/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.502 861.917 3510 10/1/2014 17:51:58 9.44 65.494 861.909 3511 10/1/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.479 861.894 3512 10/1/2014 19:51:58 9.44 65.463 861.878 3513 10/1/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.459 861.874 3514 10/1/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.436 861.851 3515 10/1/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.432 861.847 3516 10/1/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.44 861.855 3517 10/2/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.444 861.859 3518 10/2/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.432 861.847 3519 10/2/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.412 861.827 3520 10/2/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.416 861.831 3521 10/2/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.42 861.835 3522 10/2/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.393 861.808 3523 10/2/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.412 861.827 3524 10/2/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.412 861.827 3525 10/2/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.409 861.824 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec Si Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 3526 10/2/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.42 861.835 3527 10/2/2014 10:51:58 9.5 65.428 861.843 3528 10/2/2014 11:51:58 9.5 65.444 861.859 3529 10/2/2014 12:51:58 9.5 65.448 861.863 3530 10/2/2014 13:51:58 9.5 65.467 861.882 3531 10/2/2014 14:51:58 9.5 65.455 861.87 3532 10/2/2014 15:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 3533 10/2/201416:51:58 9.5 65.49 861.905 3534 10/2/201417:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 3535 10/2/201418:51:58 9.5 65.475 861.89 3536 10/2/201419:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 3537 10/2/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.479 861.894 3538 10/2/2014 21:51:58 9.44 65.483 861.898 3539 10/2/2014 22:51:58 9.44 65.487 861.902 3540 10/2/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 3541 10/3/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.502 861.917 3542 10/3/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.506 861.921 3543 10/3/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.498 861.913 3544 10/3/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.51 861.925 3545 10/3/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.479 861.894 3546 10/3/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.467 861.882 3547 10/3/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.463 861.878 3543 10/3/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.455 861.87 3549 10/3/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.451 861.866 3550 10/3/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.506 861.921 3551 10/3/2014 10:51:58 9,44 65.097 861.512 3552 10/3/2014 11:51:58 9.5 65.237 861.652 3553 10/3/201412:51:58 9.5 65.307 861.722 3554 10/3/2014 13:51:58 9.5 65.35 861.765 3555 10/3/2014 14:51:58 9.5 65.373 861.788 3556 10/3/2014 15:51:58 9.5 65.389 861.804 3557 10/3/201416:51:58 9.5 65.397 861.812 3558 10/3/201417:51:58 9.5 65.389 861.804 3559 10/3/201418:51:58 9.5 65.377 861.792 3560 10/3/201419:51:58 9.5 65.397 861.812 3561 10/3/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.412 861.827 3562 10/3/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.42 861.835 3563 10/3/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.444 861.859 3564 10/3/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.475 861.89 3565 10/4/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.502 861.917 3566 10/4/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.506 861.921 3567 10/4/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.502 861.917 3568 10/4/2014 3:51:58 9.44 65.502 861.917 3569 10/4/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.483 861.898 3570 10/4/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.471 861.886 3571 10/4/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.467 861.882 3572 10/4/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.455 861.87 3573 10/4/2014 8:51:58 9.44 65.448 861.863 3574 10/4/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.44 861.855 3575 10/4/201410:51:58 9.5 65.436 861.851 3576 10/4/2014 11:51:58 9.5 65.448 861.863 3577 10/4/2014 12:51:58 9.5 65.444 861.859 3578 10/4/2014 13:51:58 9.5 65.467 861.882 3579 10/4/2014 14:51:58 9.5 65.479 861.894 3580 10/4/2014 15:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 3581 10/4/201416:51:58 9.5 65.494 861.909 3582 10/4/201417:51:58 9.5 65.49 861.905 3583 10/4/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 3584 10/4/201419:51:58 9.44 65.491 861.906 3585 10/4/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 , 3586 10/4/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.498 861.913 3587 10/4/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.51 861.925 3588 10/4/2014 23:51:58 9,44 65.526 861.941 3589 10/5/2014 0:51:58 9.44 65.533 861.948 3590 10/5/2014 1:51:58 9,44 65.549 861.964 I 3591 10/5/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.561 861.976 3592 10/5/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.568 861.983 3593 10/5/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.576 861.991 3594 10/5/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.572 861.987 3595 10/5/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.564 861.979 3596 10/5/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.561 861.976 3597 10/5/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.568 861.983 3598 10/5/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.568 861.983 3599 10/5/201410:51:58 9.5 65.564 861.979 3600 10/5/201411:51:58 9.5 65.568 861.983 I Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 3601 10/5/2014 12:51:58 9.5 65.58 861.995 3602 10/5/2014 13:51:58 9.5 65.596 862.011 3603 10/5/2014 14:51:58 9.5 65.603 862.018 3604 10/5/201.4 15:51:58 9.5 65.603 862.018 3605 10/5/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.607 862.022 3606 10/5/2014 17:51:58 9.5 65.592 862.007 3607 10/5/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.584 861.999 3608 10/5/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.592 862.007 3609 10/5/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.588 862.003 3610 10/5/2014 21:51:58 9.44 65.584 861.999 3611 10/5/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.584 861.999 3612 10/5/2014 23:51:58 9.44 65.584 861.999 3613 10/6/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.592 862.007 3614 10/6/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.596 862.011 3615 10/6/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.6 862.015 3616 10/6/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.603 862.018 3617 10/6/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.596 862.011 3618 10/6/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.588 862.003 3619 10/6/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.58 861.995 3620 10/6/2014 7:51:58 9.44 65.569 861.984 3621 10/6/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.557 861.972 3622 10/6/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.549 861.964 3623 10/6/2014 10:51:58 9.5 65.218 861.633 3624 10/6/2014 11:51:58 9.5 65.377 861.792 3625 10/6/2014 12:51:58 9.5 65.486 861.901 3626 10/6/2014 13:51:58 9.5 65.553 861.968 3627 10/6/2014 14:51:58 9.5 65.588 862.003 3628 10/6/201415:51:58 9.44 65.619 862.034 3629 10/6/201416:51:58 9.5 65.642 862.057 3630 10/6/201417:51:58 9.44 65.643 862.058 3631 10/6/201418:51:58 9.5 65.635 862.05 3632 10/6/2014 19:51:58 9.44 65.623 862.038 3633 10/6/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.607 862.022 3634 10/6/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.607 f 862.022 3635 10/6/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.592 862.007 3636 10/6/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.58 861.995 3637 10/7/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.572 861.987 3638 10/7/2014 1:51:58 9.5 65.564 861.979 3639 10/7/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.561 861.976 3640 10/7/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.561 861.976 3641 10/7/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.553 861.968 3642 10/7/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.529 861.944 3643 10/7/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.514 861.929 3644 10/7/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.502 861.917 3645 10/7/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.483 861.898 3646 10/7/2014 9:51:58 9.5 65.455 861.87 3647 10/7/2014 10:51:58 9.5 65.428 861.843 3648 10/7/2014 11:51:58 9.5 65.409 861.824 3649 10/7/2014 12:51:58 9.5 65.393 861.808 3650 10/7/201413:51:58 9.5 65.397 861.812 3651 10/7/201414:51:58 9.5 65.397 861.812 3652 10/7/2014 15:51:58 9.5 65.389 861.804 3653 10/7/2014 16:51:58 9.5 65.373 861.788 3654 10/7/2014 17:51:58 9.5 65.366 861.781 3655 10/7/2014 18:51:58 9.5 65.346 861.761 3656 10/7/2014 19:51:58 9.5 65.319 861.734 3657 10/7/2014 20:51:58 9.5 65.299 861.714 3658 10/7/2014 21:51:58 9.5 65.292 861.707 3659 10/7/2014 22:51:58 9.5 65.276 861.691 3660 10/7/2014 23:51:58 9.5 65.28 861.695 3661 10/8/2014 0:51:58 9.5 65.288 861.703 3662 10/8/2014 1:51:58 9.44 65.292 861.707 3663 10/8/2014 2:51:58 9.5 65.295 861.71 3664 10/8/2014 3:51:58 9.5 65.303 861.718 3665 10/8/2014 4:51:58 9.5 65.303 861.718 3666 10/8/2014 5:51:58 9.5 65.303 861.718 3667 10/8/2014 6:51:58 9.5 65.299 861.714 3668 10/8/2014 7:51:58 9.5 65.288 861.703 3669 10/8/2014 8:51:58 9.5 65.28 861.695 3670 10/8/2014 9:51:58 9.44 65.272 861.687 3671 10/8/201410:51:58 9.5 65.264 861.679 1 10/8/2014 12:21:17 9.94 65.325 861.74 2 10/8/2014 13:21:17 9.5 65.311 861.726 3 10/8/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.342 861.757 4 10/8/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.35 861.765 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft amsl) 5 10/8/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.37 861.785 6 10/8/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.381 861.796 7 10/8/2014 18:21:17 9.5 65.385 861.8 8 10/8/2014 19:21:17 9.5 65.373 861.788 9 10/8/2014 20:21:17 9.5 65.362 861.777 10 10/8/2014 21:21:17 9.44 65.354 861.769 11 10/8/2014 22:21:17 9.5 65.342 861.757 12 10/8/2014 23:21:17 9.5 65.338 861.753 13 10/9/2014 0:21:17 9.5 65.327 861.742 14 10/9/2014 1:21:17 9.5 65.327 861.742 15 10/9/2014 2:21:17 9.5 65.338 861.753 16 10/9/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.346 861.761 17 10/9/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.366 861.781 18 10/9/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.366 861.781 19 10/9/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.37 861.785 20 10/9/2014 7:21:17 9.5 65.362 861.777 21 10/9/2014 8:21:17 9.5 65.346 861.761 22 10/9/2014 9:21:17 9.5 65.331 861.746 23 10/9/2014 10:21:17 9.5 65.327 861.742 24 10/9/201411:21:17 9.5 65.331 861.746 25 10/9/2014 12:21:17 9.5 65.334 861.749 26 10/9/2014 13:21:17 9.5 65.346 861.761 27 10/9/2014 14:21:17 9.5 64.644 861.059 28 10/9/2014 15:21:17 9.5 64.064 860.479 29 10/9/2014 16:21:17 9.5 63.802 860.217 30 10/9/2014 17:21:17 9.5 63.643 860.058 31 10/9/2014 18:21:17 9.5 63.537 859.952 32 10/9/2014 19:21:17 9.44 63.471 859.886 33 10/9/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.417 859.832 34 10/9/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.6 860.015 35 10/9/2014 22:21:17 9.5 64.376 860.791 36 10/9/2014 23:21:17 9.5 64.742 861.157 37 10/10/2014 0:21:17 9.5 64.941 861.356 38 10/10/2014 1:21:17 9.5 65.065 861.48 39 10/10/2014 2:21:17 9.5 65.151 861.566 40 10/10/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.214 861.629 41 10/10/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.26 861.675 42 10/10/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.299 861.714 43 10/10/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.949 861.364 44 10/10/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.2 860.615 45 10/10/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.849 860.264 46 10/10/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.65 860.065 47 10/10/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.888 860.303 48 10/10/2014 11:21:17 9.5 64.555 860.97 49 10/10/2014 12:21:17 9.5 64.867 861.282 50 10/10/2014 13:21:17 9.5 65.054 861.469 51 10/10/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.179 861.594 52 10/10/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.268 861.683 53 10/10/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.331 861.746 54 10/10/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.377 861.792 55 10/10/2014 18:21:17 9.5 65.385 861.8 56 10/10/2014 19:21:17 9.5 65.416 861.831 57 10/10/2014 20:21:17 9.5 65.42 861.835 58 10/10/2014 21:21:17 9.5 65.424 861.839 59 10/10/2014 22:21:17 9.5 65.428 861.843 60 10/10/2014 23:21:17 9.5 65.44 861.855 61 10/11/2014 0:21:17 9.5 65.444 861.859 62 10/11/20141:21:17 9.5 65.448 861.863 63 10/11/2014 2:21:17 9.5 65.448 861.863 64 10/11/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.463 861.878 65 10/11/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.479 861.894 66 10/11/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.494 861.909 67 10/11/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.498 861.913 68 10/11/2014 7:21:17 9.5 65.494 861.909 69 10/11/2014 8:21:17 9.5 64.898 861.313 70 10/11/2014 9:21:17 9.5 64.251 860.666 71 10/11/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.908 860.323 72 10/11/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.736 860.151 73 10/11/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.635 860.05 74 10/11/2014 13:21:17 9.44 63.588 860.003 75 10/11/2014 14:21:17 9.5 63.565 859.98 76 10/11/2014 15:21:17 9.5 63.561 859.976 77 10/11/2014 16:21:17 9.5 63.709 860.124 78 10/11/2014 17:21:17 9.5 64.567 860.982 79 10/11/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.976 861.391 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 80 10/11/2014 19:21:17 9.5 65.198 861.613 81 10/11/2014 20:21:17 9.5 65.342 861.757 82 10/11/2014 21:21:17 9.5 65.432 861.847 83 10/11/2014 22:21:17 9.5 65.49 861.905 84 10/11/2014 23:21:17 9.5 65.537 861.952 85 10/12/2014 0:21:17 9.5 65.576 861.991 86 10/12/2014 1:21:17 9.5 65.603 862.018 87 10/12/2014 2:21:17 9.5 65.627 862.042 88 10/12/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.65 862.065 89 10/12/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.674 862.089 90 10/12/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.689 862.104 91 10/12/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.705 862.12 92 10/12/2014 7:21:17 9.5 65.713 862.128 93 10/12/2014 8:21:17 9.5 65.724 862.139 94 10/12/2014 9:21:17 9.5 65.724 862.139 95 10/12/2014 10:21:17 9.5 65.818 862.233 96 10/12/2014 11:21:17 9.5 64.863 861.278 97 10/12/2014 12:21:17 9.5 64.368 860.783 98 10/12/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.126 860.541 99 10/12/2014 14:21:17 9.5 63.974 860.389 100 10/12/2014 15:21:17 9.5 63.888 860.303 101 10/12/2014 16:21:17 9.5 63.822 860.237 102 10/12/2014 17:21:17 9.5 63.783 860.198 103 10/12/2014 18:21:17 9.5 63.748 860.163 104 10/12/2014 19:21:17 9.5 63.966 860.381 105 10/12/2014 20:21:17 9.5 64.726 861.141 106 10/12/2014 21:21:17 9.5 65.081 861.496 107 10/12/2014 22:21:17 9.5 65.276 861.691 108 10/12/2014 23:21:17 9.5 65.401 861.816 109 10/13/2014 0:21:17 9.5 65.475 861.89 110 10/13/2014 1:21:17 9.5 65.529 861.944 111 10/13/2014 2:21:17 9.5 65.564 861.979 112 10/13/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.596 862.011 113 10/13/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.623 862.038 114 10/13/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.635 862.05 115 10/13/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.654 862.069 116 10/13/2014 7:21:17 9.5 65.334 861.749 117 10/13/2014 8:21:17 9.5 65.479 861.894 118 10/13/2014 9:21:17 9.5 65.553 861.968 119 10/13/2014 10:21:17 9.5 65.584 861.999 120 10/13/2014 11:21:17 9.5 65.603 862.018 121 10/13/2014 12:21:17 9.5 65.611 862.026 122 10/13/2014 13:21:17 9.5 65.498 861.913 123 10/13/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.401 861.816 124 10/13/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.463 861.878 125 10/13/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.522 851.937 126 10/13/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.568 861.983 127 10/13/2014 18:21:17 9.5 65.603 862.018 128 10/13/2014 19:21:17 9.5 65.615 862.03 129 10/13/2014 20:21:17 9.5 65.635 862.05 130 10/13/2014 21:21:17 9.5 65.639 862.054 131 10/13/2014 22:21:17 9.5 65.646 862.061 132 10/13/2014 23:21:17 9.5 65.658 862.073 133 10/14/2014 0:21:17 9.5 65.662 862.077 134 10/14/2014 1:21:17 9.5 65.67 862.085 135 10/14/2014 2:21:17 9.5 65.666 862.081 136 10/14/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.666 862.081 137 10/14/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.662 862.077 138 10/14/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.654 862.069 139 10/14/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.639 862.054 140 10/14/2014 7:21:17 9.5 65.635 862.05 141 10/14/2014 8:21:17 9.5 65.611 862.026 142 10/14/2014 9:21:17 9.5 65.607 862.022 143 10/14/2014 10:21:17 9.5 65.603 862.018 144 10/14/2014 11:21:17 9.5 65.603 862.018 145 10/14/2014 12:21:17 9.5 65.611 862.026 146 10/14/2014 13:21:17 9.5 65.611 862.026 147 10/14/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.607 862.022 148 10/14/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.046 861.461 149 10/14/2014 16:21:17 9.5 64.36 860.775 150 10/14/2014 17:21:17 9.5 64.009 860.424 151 10/14/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.294 860.709 152 10/14/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.337 860.752 153 10/14/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.919 860.334 154 10/14/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.725 860.14 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft amsi) 155 10/14/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.615 860.03 156 10/14/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.537 859.952 157 10/15/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.498 859.913 158 10/15/2014 1:21:17 9.5 63.623 860.038 159 10/15/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.446 860.861 160 10/15/2014 3:21:17 9.5 64.832 861.247 161 10/15/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.05 861.465 162 10/15/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.186 861.601 163 10/15/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.377 861.792 164 10/15/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.539 860.954 165 10/15/2014 8:21:17 9.5 64.044 860.459 166 10/15/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.795 860.21 167 10/15/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.658 860.073 168 10/15/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.576 859.991 169 10/15/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.541 859.956 170 10/15/2014 13:21:17 9.5 63.97 860.385 171 10/15/2014 14:21:17 9.5 64.656 861.071 172 10/15/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.003 861.418 173 10/15/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.198 861.613 174 10/15/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.331 861.746 175 10/15/2014 18:21:17 9.5 65.409 861.824 176 10/15/2014 19:21:17 9.5 65.451 861.866 177 10/15/2014 20:21:17 9.5 65.494 861.909 178 10/15/2014 21:21:17 9.5 65.533 861.948 179 10/15/2014 22:21:17 9.5 64.913 861.328 180 10/15/2014 23:21:17 9.5 64.329 860.744 181 10/16/2014 0:21:17 9.5 64.048 860.463 182 10/16/2014 1:21:17 9.5 63.884 860.299 183 10/16/2014 2:21:17 9.5 63.775 860.19 184 10/16/2014 3:21:17 9.5 63.791 860.206 185 10/16/2014 4:21:17 9.5 64.637 861.052 186 10/16/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.034 861.449 187 10/16/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.26 861.675 188 10/16/2014 7:21:17 9.5 65.412 861.827 189 10/16/2014 8:21:17 9.5 65.206 861.621 190 10/16/2014 9:21:17 9.5 64.485 860.9 191 10/16/2014 10:21:17 9.5 64.165 860.58 192 10/16/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.99 860.405 193 10/16/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.896 860.311 194 10/16/2014 13:21:17 9.5 63.978 860.393 195 10/16/2014 14:21:17 9.5 64.816 861.231 196 10/16/201415:21:17 9.5 65.206 861.621 197 10/16/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.424 861.839 198 10/16/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.549 861.964 199 10/16/2014 18:21:17 9.5 65.635 862.05 200 10/16/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.719 861.134 201 10/16/2014 20:21:17 9.5 64.294 860.709 202 10/16/2014 21:21:17 9.5 64.064 860.479 203 10/16/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.927 860.342 204 10/16/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.845 860.26 205 10/17/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.783 860.198 206 10/17/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.387 860.802 207 10/17/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.933 861.348 208 10/17/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.206 861.621 209 10/17/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.358 861.773 210 10/17/2014 5:21:17 9.5 64.952 861.367 211 10/17/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.313 860.728 212 10/17/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.001 860.416 213 10/17/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.814 860.229 214 10/17/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.678 860.093 215 10/17/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.604 860.019 216 10/17/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.537 859.952 217 10/17/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.487 859.902 218 10/17/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.356 860.771 219 10/17/2014 14:21:17 9.5 64.777 861.192 220 10/17/2014 15:21:17 9.44 64.992 861.407 221 10/17/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.108 861.523 222 10/17/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.167 861.582 223 10/17/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.746 861.161 224 10/17/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.056 860.471 225 10/17/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.736 860.151 226 10/17/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.549 859.964 227 10/17/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.436 859.851 228 10/17/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.37 859.785 229 10/18/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.315 859.73 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Roc# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft anisl) 230 10/18/2014 1:21:17 9.5 63.284 859.699 231 10/18/2014 2:21:17 9.5 63.249 859.664 232 10/18/2014 3:21:17 9.5 63.229 859.644 233 10/18/2014 4:21:17 9.44 63.206 859.621 234 10/18/2014 5:21:17 9.5 63.19 859.605 235 10/18/2014 6:21:17 9.5 63.167 859.582 236 10/18/2014 7:21:17 9.5 63.144 859.559 237 10/18/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.124 859.539 238 10/18/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.109 859.524 239 10/18/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.105 859.52 240 10/18/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.109 859.524 241 10/18/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.12 859.535 242 10/18/2014 13:21:17 9.5 63.144 859.559 243 10/18/2014 14:21:17 9.5 63.163 859.578 244 10/18/2014 15:21:17 9.5 63.187 859.602 245 10/18/2014 16:21:17 9.5 63.849 860.264 246 10/18/2014 17:21:17 9.5 64.446 860.861 247 10/18/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.765 861.18 248 10/18/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.956 861.371 249 10/18/2014 20:21:17 9.5 64.707 861.122 250 10/18/2014 21:21:17 9.5 64.048 860.463 251 10/18/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.771 860.186 252 10/18/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.623 860.038 253 10/19/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.526 859.941 254 10/19/2014 1:21:17 9.5 63.491 859.906 255 10/19/2014 2:21:17 9.5 63.467 859.882 256 10/19/2014 3:21:17 9.5 63.448 859.863 257 10/19/2014 4:21:17 9.5 63.448 859.863 258 10/19/2014 5:21:17 9.5 63.452 859.867 259 10/19/2014 6:21:17 9.5 63.459 859.874 260 10/19/2014 7:21:17 9.5 63.475 859.89 261 10/19/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.491 859.906 262 10/19/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.498 859.913 263 10/19/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.498 859.913 264 10/19/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.51 859.925 265 10/19/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.522 859.937 266 10/19/201413:21:17 9.5 63.541 859.956 267 10/19/2014 14:21:17 9.5 63.549 859.964 268 10/19/2014 15:21:17 9.5 63.549 859.964 269 10/19/2014 16:21:17 9.5 63.561 859.976 270 10/19/2014 17:21:17 9.5 63.557 859.972 271 10/19/2014 18:21:17 9.5 63.537 859.952 272 10/19/2014 19:21:17 9.5 63.53 859.945 273 10/19/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.506 859.921 274 10/19/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.487 859.902 275 10/19/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.471 859.886 276 10/19/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.456 859.871 277 10/20/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.888 860.303 278 10/20/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.559 860.974 279 10/20/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.894 861.309 280 10/20/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.081 861.496 281 10/20/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.198 861.613 282 10/20/2014 5:21:17 9.5 64.746 861.161 283 10/20/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.114 860.529 284 10/20/2014 7:21:17 9.5 63.81 860.225 285 10/20/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.635 860.05 286 10/20/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.514 859.929 287 10/20/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.448 859.863 288 10/20/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.401 859.816 289 10/20/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.592 860.007 290 10/20/2014 13:21:17 9.44 64.411 860.826 291 10/20/2014 14:21:17 9.5 64.804 861.219 292 10/20/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.027 861.442 293 10/20/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.163 861.578 294 10/20/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.303 861.718 295 10/20/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.563 860.978 296 10/20/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.001 860.416 297 10/20/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.752 860.167 298 10/20/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.592 860.007 299 10/20/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.471 859.886 300 10/20/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.417 859.832 301 10/21/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.561 859.976 302 10/21/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.364 860.779 303 10/21/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.742 861.157 304 10/21/2014 3:21:17 9.5 64.956 861.371 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Tirne Temperature(degC) H20) Elevation(ft amsl) 305 10/21/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.081 861.496 306 10/21/2014 5:21:17 9.5 64.781 861.196 307 10/21/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.068 860.483 308 10/21/2014 7:21:17 9.5 63.756 860.171 309 10/21/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.569 859.984 310 10/21/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.452 859.867 311 10/21/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.385 859.8 312 10/21/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.346 859.761 313 10/21./2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.97 860.385 314 10/21/201413:21:17 9.5 64.563 860.978 315 10/21/2014 14:21:17 9.5 64.867 861.282 316 10/21/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.069 861.484 317 10/21/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.194 861.609 318 10/21/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.354 861.769 319 10/21/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.434 860.849 320 10/21/2014 19:21:17 9.5 63.974 860.389 321 10/21/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.74 860.155 322 10/21/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.596 860.011 323 10/21/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.506 859.921 324 10/21/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.452 859.867 325 10/22/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.689 860.104 326 10/22/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.457 860.872 327 10/22/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.828 861.243 328 10/22/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.034 861.449 329 10/22/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.167 861.582 330 10/22/2014 5:21:17 9.5 64.797 861.212 331 10/22/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.118 860.533 332 10/22/2014 7:21:17 9.5 63.822 860.237 333 10/22/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.662 860.077 334 10/22/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.557 859.972 335 10/22/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.498 859.913 336 10/22/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.456 859.871 337 10/22/2014 12:21:17 9.5 64.356 860.771 338 10/22/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.816 861.231 339 10/22/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.081 861.496 340 10/22/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.253 861.668 341 10/22/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.35 861.765 342 10/22/2014 17:21:17 9.5 64.485 860.9 343 10/22/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.079 860.494 344 10/22/2014 19:21:17 9.5 63.865 860.28 345 10/22/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.732 860.147 346 10/22/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.639 860.054 347 10/22/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.588 860.003 348 10/22/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.565 859.98 349 10/23/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.537 859.952 350 10/23/2014 1:21:17 9.5 63.799 860.214 351 10/23/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.59 861.005 352 10/23/2014 3:21:17 9.5 64.984 861.399 353 10/23/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.202 861.617 354 10/23/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.334 861.749 355 10/23/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.719 861.134 356 10/23/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.196 860.611 357 10/23/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.931 860.346 358 10/23/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.775 860.19 359 10/23/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.674 860.089 360 10/23/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.51 859.925 361 10/23/2014 12:21:17 9.5 64.286 860.701 362 10/23/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.82 861.235 363 10/23/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.101 861.516 364 10/23/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.284 861.699 365 10/23/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.393 861.808 366 10/23/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.525 861.94 367 10/23/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.594 861.009 368 10/23/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.13 860.545 369 10/23/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.896 860.311 370 10/23/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.756 860.171 371 10/23/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.67 860.085 372 10/23/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.619 860.034 373 10/24/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.631 860.046 374 10/24/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.496 860.911 375 10/24/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.925 861.34 376 10/24/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.163 861.578 377 10/24/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.323 861.738 378 10/24/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.424 861.839 379 10/24/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.832 861.247 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rat It Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft amsl) 380 10/24/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.294 860.709 381 10/24/2014 8:21:17 9.44 64.017 860.432 382 10/24/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.857 860.272 383 10/24/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.756 860.171 384 10/24/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.705 860.12 385 10/24/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.908 860.323 386 10/24/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.695 861.11 387 10/24/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.073 861.488 388 10/24/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.288 861.703 389 10/24/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.409 861.824 390 10/24/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.385 861.8 391 10/24/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.508 860.923 392 10/24/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.126 860.541 393 10/24/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.916 860.331 394 10/24/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.779 860.194 395 10/24/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.689 860.104 396 10/24/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.623 860.038 397 10/25/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.573 859.988 398 10/25/2014 1:21:17 9.5 63.534 859.949 399 10/25/2014 2:21:17 9.5 63.498 859.913 400 10/25/2014 3:21:17 9.5 63.471 859.886 401 10/25/2014 4:21:17 9.5 63.459 859.874 402 10/25/2014 5:21:17 9.5 63.436 859.851 403 10/25/2014 6:21:17 9.5 63.424 859.839 404 10/25/2014 7:21:17 9.5 63.413 859.828 405 10/25/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.381 859.796 406 10/25/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.358 859.773 407 10/25/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.343 859.758 408 10/25/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.327 859.742 409 10/25/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.315 859.73 410 10/25/2014 13:21:17 9.5 63.323 859.738 411 10/25/2014 14:21:17 9.5 63.327 859.742 412 10/25/2014 15:21:17 9.5 63.331 859.746 413 10/25/2014 16:21:17 9.5 63.346 859.761 414 10/25/2014 17:21:17 9.5 63.346 859.761 415 10/25/2014 18:21:17 9.5 63.346 859.761 416 10/25/2014 19:21:17 9.5 63.802 860.217 417 10/25/2014 20:21:17 9.5 64.481 860.896 418 10/25/2014 21:21:17 9.5 64.824 861.239 419 10/25/2014 22:21:17 9.5 65.011 861.426 420 10/25/2014 23:21:17 9.5 64.578 860.993 421 10/26/2014 0:21:17 9.5 64.021 860:436 422 10/26/2014 1:21:17 9.5 63.767 860.182 423 10/26/2014 2:21:17 9.5 63.627 860.042 424 10/26/2014 3:21:17 9.5 63.549 859.964 425 10/26/2014 4:21:17 9.5 63.518 859.933 426 10/26/2014 5:21:17 9.5 63.495 859.91 427 10/26/2014 6:21:17 9.5 63.471 859.886 428 10/26/2014 7:21:17 9.5 63.456 859.871 429 10/26/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.463 859.878 430 10/26/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.452 859.867 431 10/26/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.459 859.874 432 10/26/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.475 859.89 433 10/26/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.491 859.906 434 10/26/2014 13:21:17 9.5 63.522 859.937 435 10/26/2014 14:21:17 9.5 63.549 859.964 436 10/26/2014 15:21:17 9.5 63.576 859.991 437 10/26/2014 16:21:17 9.5 63.604 860.019 438 10/26/2014 17:21:17 9.5 63.631 860.046 439 10/26/2014 18:21:17 9.5 63.643 860.058 440 10/26/2014 19:21:17 9.5 63.643 860.058 441 10/26/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.635 860.05 442 10/26/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.623 860.038 443 10/26/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.623 860.038 444 10/26/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.623 860.038 445 10/27/2014 0:21:17 9.5 64.048 860.463 446 10/27/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.761 861.176 447 10/27/2014 2:21:17 9.5 65.136 861.551 448 10/27/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.358 861.773 449 10/27/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.49 861.905 450 10/27/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.631 862.046 451 10/27/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.722 861.137 452 10/27/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.278 860.693 453 10/27/2014 8:21:17 9.5 64.044 860.459 454 10/27/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.912 860.327 Observation Well 14 West 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Pressure(Ft Groundwater Rec# Date/Time Temperature(degC) H2O) Elevation(ft erns!) 455 10/27/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.826 860.241 456 10/27/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.76 860.175 457 10/27/2014 12:21:17 9.5 64.282 860.697 458 10/27/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.89 861.305 459 10/27/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.194 861.609 460 10/27/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.354 861.769 461 10/27/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.459 861.874 462 10/27/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.128 861.543 463 10/27/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.395 860.81 464 10/27/201419:21:17 9.5 64.06 860.475 465 10/27/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.849 860.264 466 10/27/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.701 860.116 467 10/27/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.611 860.026 468 10/27/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.553 859.968 469 10/28/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.982 860.397 470 10/28/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.644 861.059 471 10/28/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.972 861.387 472 10/28/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.167 861.582 473 10/28/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.292 861.707 474 10/28/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.37 861.785 475 10/28/2014 6:21:17 9.5 64.89 861.305 476 10/28/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.259 860.674 477 10/28/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.955 860.37 478 10/28/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.771 860.186 479 10/28/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.658 860.073 480 10/28/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.452 859.867 481 10/28/2014 12:21:17 9.5 64.27 860.685 482 10/28/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.765 861.18 483 10/28/2014 14:21:17 9.5 65.019 861.434 484 10/28/2014 15:21:17 9.5 65.167 861.582 485 10/28/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.245 861.66 486 10/28/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.292 861.707 487 10/28/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.66 861.075 488 10/28/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.079 860.494 489 10/28/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.791 860.206 490 10/28/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.619 860.034 491 10/28/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.522 859.937 492 10/28/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.459 859.874 493 10/29/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.608 860.023 494 10/29/20141:21:17 9.5 64.403 860.818 495 10/29/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.765 861.18 496 10/29/2014 3:21:17 9.5 64.964 ' 861.379 497 10/29/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.101 861.516 498 10/29/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.175 861.59 499 10/29/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.14 861.555 500 10/29/2014 7:21:17 9.44 64.263 860.678 501 10/29/2014 8:21:17 9.5 63.857 860.272 502 10/29/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.635 860.05 503 10/29/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.502 859.917 504 10/29/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.42 859.835 505 10/29/2014 12:21:17 9.5 63.65 860.065 506 10/29/2014 13:21:17 9.5 64.414 860.829 507 10/29/2014 14:21:17 9.5 64.785 861.2 508 10/29/2014 15:21:17 9.5 64.999 861.414 509 10/29/2014 16:21:17 9.5 65.136 861.551 510 10/29/2014 17:21:17 9.5 65.241 861.656 511 10/29/2014 18:21:17 9.5 64.695 861.11 512 10/29/2014 19:21:17 9.5 64.11 860.525 513 10/29/2014 20:21:17 9.5 63.834 860.249 514 10/29/2014 21:21:17 9.5 63.686 860.101 515 10/29/2014 22:21:17 9.5 63.596 860.011 516 10/29/2014 23:21:17 9.5 63.537 859.952 517 10/30/2014 0:21:17 9.5 63.994 860.409 518 10/30/2014 1:21:17 9.5 64.641 861.056 519 10/30/2014 2:21:17 9.5 64.964 861.379 520 10/30/2014 3:21:17 9.5 65.159 861.574 521 10/30/2014 4:21:17 9.5 65.284 861.699 522 10/30/2014 5:21:17 9.5 65.366 861.781 523 10/30/2014 6:21:17 9.5 65.42 861.835 524 10/30/2014 7:21:17 9.5 64.754 861.169 525 10/30/2014 8:21:17 9.5 64.204 860.619 526 10/30/2014 9:21:17 9.5 63.923 860.338 527 10/30/2014 10:21:17 9.5 63.76 860.175 528 10/30/2014 11:21:17 9.5 63.643 860.058 529 10/30/2014 12:21:17 9.5 64.103 860.518 Observation Well 14 East 20.14 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Groundwater Temperature( Pressure(Ft Elevation(ft Rec# Date/Time degC) H2O) amsl) 1 10/8/2014 12:36:51 11.38 73.244 863.7 feet 2 10/8/2014 13:36:51 8.94 73.143 863.599 Depth to Water 126.3 10/8/2014 3 10/8/2014 14:36:51 8.94 73.162 863.618 Pressure(ft H2O) 73.244 10/8/2014 4 10/8/2014 15:36:51 8.94 73.19 863.646 Elevation top of casing 990 5 10/8/2014 16:36:51 8.94 73.221 863.677 Sensor elevation(apex) 790.456 6 10/8/2014 17:36:51 8.88 73.229 863.685 7 10/8/2014 18:36:51 8.94 73.232 863.688 8 10/8/2014 19:36:51 8.88 73.221 863.677 9 10/8/2014 20:36:51 8.88 73.209 863.665 10 10/8/2014 21:36:51 8.88 73.182 863.638 11 10/8/2014 22:36:51 8.94 73.162 863.618 12 10/8/2014 23:36:51 8.94 73.147 863.603 13 10/9/2014 0:36:51 8.94 73.139 863.595 14 10/9/2014 1:36:51 8.94 73.143 863.599 15 10/9/2014 2:36:51 8.94 73.162 863.618 16 10/9/2014 3:36:51 8.94 73.186 863.642 17 10/9/2014 4:36:51 8.94 73.209 863.665 18 10/9/2014 5:36:51 9 73.232 863.688 19 10/9/2014 6:36:51 9 73.236 863.692 20 10/9/2014 7:36:51 8.94 73.221 863.677 21 10/9/2014 8:36:51 8.94 73.197 863.653 22 10/9/2014 9:36:51 8.94 73.186 863.642 23 10/9/2014 10:36:51 8.94 73.17 863.626 24 10/9/2014 11:36:51 9 73.162 863.618 25 10/9/2014 12:36:51 8.94 73.155 863.611 26 10/9/2014 13:36:51 9 50.535 840.991 27 10/9/2014 14:36:51 9 45.011 835.467 28 10/9/2014 15:36:51 9 43.697 834.153 29 10/9/2014 16:36:51 8.94 43.044 833.5 30 10/9/2014 17:36:51 9 42.663 833.119 31 10/9/2014 18:36:51 9 42.395 832.851 32 10/9/2014 19:36:51 9 42.244 832.7 33 10/9/2014 20:36:51 9 42.111 832.567 34 10/9/2014 21:36:51 8.94 68.121 858.577 35 10/9/2014 22:36:51 8.94 70.262 860.718 36 10/9/2014 23:36:51 8.94 71.23 861.686 37 10/10/2014 0:36:51 8.94 71.778 862.234 38 10/10/2014 1:36:51 8.94 72.128 862.584 39 10/10/2014 2:36:51 8.94 72.365 862.821 40 10/10/2014 3:36:51 8.94 72.536 862.992 41 10/10/2014 4:36:51 8.94 72.669 863.125 42 10/10/2014 5:36:51 8.94 72.781 863.237 43 10/10/2014 6:36:51 9 45.878 836.334 44 10/10/2014 7:36:51 9 43.985 834.441 45 10/10/2014 8:36:51 9 43.145 833.601 46 10/10/2014 9:36:51 9 42.683 833.139 47 10/10/2014 10:36:51 8.94 68.98 859.436 48 10/10/2014 11:36:51 8.94 70.752 861.208 49 10/10/2014 12:36:51 9 71.572 862.028 50 10/10/2014 13:36:51 8.94 72.054 862.51 51 10/10/2014 14:36:51 8.94 72.365 862.821 52 10/10/2014 15:36:51 8.94 72.571 863.027 53 10/10/2014 16:36:51 8.94 72.719 863.175 54 10/10/2014 17:36:51 8.94 72.824 863.28 55 10/10/2014 18:36:51 9 72.898 863.354 56 10/10/2014 19:36:51 8.94 72.956 863.412 57 10/10/2014 20:36:51 8.94 72.991 863.447 58 10/10/2014 21:36:51 8.94 73.022 863.478 59 10/10/2014 22:36:51 9 73.042 863.498 60 10/10/2014 23:36:51 8.94 73.065 863.521 61 10/11/2014 0:36:51 9 73.088 863.544 62 10/11/2014 1:36:51 9 73.104 863.56 63 10/11/2014 2:36:51 9 73.127 863.583 64 10/11/2014 3:36:51 8.94 73.162 863.618 65 10/11/2014 4:36:51 8.94 73.197 863.653 66 10/11/2014 5:36:51 8.94 73.225 863.681 67 10/11/2014 6:36:51 8.94 73.248 863.704 68 10/11/2014 7:36:51 9 52.754 843.21 69 10/11/2014 8:36:51 9 45.684 836.14 70 10/11/2014 9:36:51 9 44.059 834.515 71 10/11/2014 10:36:51 8.94 43.208 833.664 Observation Well 14 East 2014 Data(**Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Groundwater Temperature( Pressure(Ft Elevation(ft Rec it Date/Time degC) _ H2O) amsi) 72 10/11/2014 11:36:51 8.94 42.714 833.17 73 10/11/2014 12:36:51 8.94 42.422 832.878 74 10/11/2014 13:36:51 9 42.244 832.7 75 10/11/2014 14:36:51 9 42.154 832.61 76 10/11/2014 15:36:51 9 42.104 832.56 77 10/11/2014 16:36:51 8.94 67.884 858.34 78 10/11/2014 17:36:51 8.94 70.278 860.734 79 10/11/2014 18:36:51 9 71.351 861.807 80 10/11/2014 19:36:51 9 71.957 862.413 81 10/11/2014 20:36:51 8.94 72.342 862.798 82 10/11/2014 21:36:51 9 72.591 863.047 83 10/11/2014 22:36:51 9 72.762 863.218 84 10/11/2014 23:36:51 9 72.89 863.346 85 10/12/2014 0:36:51 9 72.983 863.439 86 10/12/2014 1:36:51 9 73.057 863.513 87 10/12/2014 2:36:51 9 73.127 863.583 88 10/12/2014 3:36:51 8.94 73.193 863.649 89 10/12/2014 4:36:51 9 73.248 863.704 90 10/12/2014 5:36:51 9 73.302 863.758 91 10/12/2014 6:36:51 9 73.341 863.797 92 10/12/2014 7:36:51 8.94 73.384 863.84 93 10/12/2014 8:36:51 9 73.403 863.859 94 10/12/2014 9:36:51 9 73.419 863.875 95 10/12/2014 10:36:51 9 48.405 838.861 96 10/12/2014 11:36:51 9 45.151 835.607 97 10/12/2014 12:36:51 9 43.911 834.367 98 10/12/2014 13:36:51 9 43.262 833.718 99 10/12/2014 14:36:51 9 42.854 833.31 100 10/12/2014 15:36:51 9 42.621 833.077 101 10/12/2014 16:36:51 9 42.477 832.933 102 10/12/2014 17:36:51 9 42.364 832.82 103 10/12/2014 18:36:51 9 42.294 832.75 104 10/12/2014 19:36:51 9 68.404 858.86 105 10/12/2014 20:36:51 8.94 70.515 860.971 106 10/12/2014 21:36:51 8.94 71.495 861.951 107 10/12/2014 22:36:51 9 72.058 862.514 108 10/12/2014 23:36:51 8.94 72.404 862.86 109 10/13/2014 0:36:51 8.94 72.634 863.09 110 10/13/2014 1:36:51 9 72.797 863.253 111 10/13/2014 2:36:51 9 72.913 863.369 112 10/13/2014 3:36:51 9 73.014 863.47 113 10/13/2014 4:36:51 8.94 73.085 863.541 114 10/13/2014 5:36:51 9 73.131 863.587 115 10/13/2014 6:36:51 9 73.178 863.634 116 10/13/2014 7:36:51 9 72.066 862.522 117 10/13/2014 8:36:51 9 72.824 863.28 118 10/13/2014 9:36:51 9 73.045 863.501 119 10/13/2014 10:36:51 9 73.15 863.606 120 10/13/2014 11:36:51 9 73.216 863.672 121 10/13/2014 12:36:51 8.94 72.626 863.082 122 10/13/2014 13:36:51 9 71.44 861.896 123 10/13/2014 14:36:51 9 72.136 862.592 124 10/13/2014 15:36:51 9 72.614 863.07 125 10/13/2014 16:36:51 8.94 72.875 863.331 126 10/13/2014 17:36:51 9 73.038 863.494 127 10/13/2014 18:36:51 9 73.127 863.583 128 10/13/2014 19:36:51 9 73.201 863.657 129 10/13/2014 20:36:51 9 73.251 863.707 130 10/13/2014 21:36:51 9 73.29 863.746 131 10/13/2014 22:36:51 9 73.329 863.785 132 10/13/2014 23:36:51 9 73.349 863.805 133 10/14/2014 0:36:51 9 73.368 863.824 134 10/14/2014 1:36:51 9 73.384 863.84 135 10/14/2014 2:36:51 9 73.395 863.851 136 10/14/2014 3:36:51 9 73.395 863.851 137 10/14/2014 4:36:51 9 73.411 863.867 138 10/14/2014 5:36:51 9 73.415 863.871 139 10/14/2014 6:36:51 9 73.411 863.867 140 10/14/2014 7:36:51 9 73.415 863.871 141 10/14/2014 8:36:51 9 73.411 863.867 142 10/14/2014 9:36:51 9 73.419 863.875 Observation Well 14 East 2014 Data(##Missing 2014 data is due to inoperable data loggers) Groundwater Temperature( Pressure(Ft Elevation(ft Rec# Date/Time degC) H2O) amsl) 143 10/14/2014 10:36:51 9 73.422 863.878 144 10/14/2014 11:36:51 9.06 73.43 863.886 145 10/14/2014 12:36:51 9.06 73.434 863.89 146 10/14/2014 13:36:51 9 73.411 863.867 147 10/14/2014 14:36:51 9.06 54.29 844.746 148 10/14/2014 15:36:51 9.06 45.45 835.906 149 10/14/2014 16:36:51 9.13 43.884 834.34 150 10/14/2014 17:36:51 9 60.548 851.004 151 10/14/2014 18:36:51 9.13 53.454 843.91 152 10/14/2014 19:36:51 9.19 44.148 834.604 153 10/14/2014 20:36:51 9.25 43.079 833.535 154 10/14/2014 21:36:51 9.25 42.562 833.018 155 10/14/2014 22:36:51 9.31 42.325 832.781 156 10/14/2014 23:36:51 9.38 42.157 832.613 157 10/15/2014 0:36:51 9.44 42.072 832.528 158 10/15/2014 1:36:51 9.63 67.83 858.286 159 10/15/2014 2:36:51 9.75 70.177 860.633 160 10/15/2014 3:36:51 9.75 71.23 861.686 161 10/15/2014 4:36:51 9.81 71.825 862.281 162 10/15/2014 5:36:51 9.88 72.186 862.642 163 10/15/2014 6:36:51 9.88 48.531 838.987 164 10/15/2014 7:36:51 9.94 44.574 835.03 165 10/15/2014 8:36:51 10 43.342 833.798 166 10/15/2014 9:36:51 10 42.705 833.161 167 10/15/2014 10:36:51 10.06 42.378 832.834 168 10/15/2014 11:36:51 10 42.219 832.675 169 10/15/2014 12:36:51 10 58.306 848.762 170 10/15/2014 13:36:51 10 68.781 859.237 171 10/15/2014 14:36:51 10.06 70.576 861.032 172 10/15/2014 15:36:51 10.13 71.47 861.926 173 10/15/2014 16:36:51 10.13 71.998 862.454 174 10/15/2014 17:36:51 10.19 72.34 862.796 175 10/15/2014 18:36:51 10.31 72.569 863.025 176 10/15/2014 19:36:51 10.31 72.717 863.173 177 10/15/2014 20:36:51 10.38 72.833 863.289 178 10/15/2014 21:36:51 10.5 51.215 841.671 179 10/15/2014 22:36:51 10.56 45.335 835.791 180 10/15/2014 23:36:51 10.63 43.87 834.326 181 10/16/2014 0:36:51 10.56 43.127 833.583 182 10/16/2014 1:36:51 10.63 42.731 833.187 183 10/16/2014 2:36:51 10.69 42.494 832.95 184 10/16/2014 3:36:51 10.69 67.853 858.309 185 10/16/2014 4:36:51 10.81 70.363 860.819 186 10/16/2014 5:36:51 10.88 71.424 861.88 , WSB •tj 1,1( ffilC-:sl to Engineering•Planning•Environmental•Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South S\ ld' - . Suite 300 Minneapolis,MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Memorandum To: Andy Brotzler, PE,Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount From: Jamie Wallerstedt,PE WSB&Associates,Inc. Leslee Storlie,EIT WSB&Associates,Inc. Date: January 8,2015 Re: Rosemount Water Storage/Supply Capacity Evaluation Update City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project No. 1582-18 This memo serves to update the previously determined water storage and supply capacity evaluation for the City of Rosemount, MN dated June 3, 2009. At that time an in-depth analysis of water storage and supply requirements was completed to determine the timing for planning and construction of proposed water supply well and water storage improvements. The following information includes updated water supply demand information as well as a comparison to the current development that has been approved by the City to date which is not connected to the City's water system to date. DESIGN STANDARDS AND METHODS The process of determining water supply and storage capacity within a city takes into account several factors including: • Projected population; • Average day water demand; • Diurnal water demand patterns; and • Maximum day water demand. In addition, there are suggested parameters provided by regulatory agencies including the American Water Works Association (AWWA), Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board 2012 Recommended Standards for Water Works (Ten States Standards), the International Building Code (IBC), and the Insurance Services Office (ISO). By using a combination of the above values, water supply and storage capacities can be sized adequately. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) regulates the addition and construction of public water supply systems in the State of Minnesota and utilizes the above referenced standards for the development of policy and applicable enforcement. I.':'015X2-180.1,Inun Does.V!£l K7-01071.1-Rose»ronrrl upph ct;STnrageEvalvalioll.Bloc Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 8, 2015 Page 2 Water Supply Wells The City of Rosemount currently utilizes wells to withdraw ground water from the Jordan Sandstone aquifer for water supply purposes. Ten States Standards recommends that maximum day water demand is accommodated with the largest well pump out of service(designated as firm capacity). Water Storage Facilities The City of Rosemont currently utilizes elevated water towers for water storage. There are a number of published design recommendations for water storage. AWWA recommends system storage equals the sum of the following storage components(Figure 1): • Equalization storage; • Fire storage; and • Emergency storage. Equalization Storage Fire Storage Emergency Storage Figure 1: Elevated Storage Tank Sizing Equalization storage is the volume required to satisfy water demands that exceed the well pumping capacity throughout the day. Fire storage is the volume required for firefighting. Emergency storage is the volume required for emergency situations when water supply could be unavailable. During the maximum day water demand, hourly demands vary as a diurnal demand pattern with the maximum hour demand designated as the peak hour demand. Rosemount's diurnal water demand pattern was estimated as part of the 2007 Comprehensive Water System Plan (CWP; Figure 2). The diurnal demand pattern shows hourly demand as a percentage of the maximum day demand, designated as the peaking factor. Equalization storage is determined by calculating the volume necessary to meet the peak hour demands beyond what the well firm capacity can provide, shown as the shaded area in Figure 2. In the absence of a city-specific diurnal curve, AWWA recommends the required equalization volume K:!0 1 581-1 80-4door,Dxs-1/8110-010715-Rosent ountSupply&StorageEvalnatinn.doc Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 8, 2015 Page 3 equals 70-100%of the average day water demand, or 20-25%of the maximum day water demand. 1.8 L6 L4 L2 1.0 eo 1 0.6 0.4 0.2 J -Average Peaking Factor -Firm Weil Capacity 0.0 .F. -r- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour Figure 2: City of Rosemount Diurnal Demand Pattern The firefighting storage requirement was discussed with the City Fire Marshall during completion of the 2007 CWP. Considerations for fire flow requirements are dependent on building materials, size, and sprinkler system availability. At that time,the required firefighting storage volume was determined to be 3,000 gallons per minute(gpm)for three hours(540,000 gallons). Emergency storage is typically at the discretion of each community. For a city the size of Rosemount, WSB typically recommends emergency storage equal to the difference between the average day demand and combined equalization and firefighting storage requirements (emergency storage volume = average day demand — (equalization + firefighting)). This volume of storage would allow the City to provide water to its customers for an average day water demand in the event that the water supply wells are unavailable. This capacity also ensures proper water turn-over within the towers to minimize freezing and maintain water quality. Under separate recommendations, Ten State Standards recommends that storage facilities have sufficient capacity to meet domestic demands and fire flow demands in communities where fire protection is desired. Ten State Standards also recommends that the minimum storage capacity for systems not providing fire protection be equal to the average daily water demands. EXISTING WATER DEMAND AND PROJECTIONS To determine the required water supply and storage capacity, population growth, average day water demand, maximum day water demand, and diurnal water use patterns are considered. Table 1 includes historical population and water demand data. Table 2 projects water demands through 2020 based on population projections provided by the City. K:101582-180'Akan Does'SIE110-0 10 71 5-RosemountSupplaSrorageEvaluarioi.doc Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 8, 2015 Page 4 Table 1: Historical Water Use Average Day Average Max Day Max Day Peak Hour Year Population Water Use Day Water Water Use Water Use Water Use (gpd) Use(gpcd) (gpd) (gpcd) (gpm) 2003 16,794 1,873,973 112 4,710,000 280 5,135 2004 17,740 1,819,178 103 5,560,000 313 6,062 2005 19,418 1,912,329 98 6,050,000 312 6,596 2006 20,207 2,241,096 111 6,370,000 315 6,945 2007 20,917 2,364,932 113 7,630,000 365 8,319 2008 20,956 2,456,164 117 6,650,000 317 7,250 2009 21,521 2,505,288 116 6,470,000 301 7,054 2010 21,874 2,172,603 99 5,240,000 240 5,713 2011 22,139 2,298,630 104 6,260,000 283 6,825 2012 22,384 2,569,863 115 6,880,000 307 7,501 2013 22,711 2,414,903 106 6,367,200 280 7,075 Average 109 301 6,758 Maximum 117 365 8,319 Minimum 98 240 5,135 Table 2: Projected Water Use Through 2020 Average Day Average Max Day Max Day Peak Hour Year Population Water Use Day Water Water Use Water Use Water Use (gpd) Use(gpcd) (gpd) (gpcd) (gpm) 2014 22,837 2,489,233 109 6,873,937 301 7,495 2015 23,270 2,536,430 109 7,004,270 301 7,637 2016 23,544 2,566,296 109 7,086,744 301 7,727 2017 23,857 2,600,413 109 7,180,957 301 7,829 2018 24,210 2,638,890 109 7,287,210 301 7,945 2019 24,602 2,681,618 109 7,405,202 301 8,074 2020 25,032 2,728,488 109 7,534,632 301 8,215 Based on 2003 to 2013 data, the average water use per person per day was approximately 109 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) and ranged from 98-117 gpcd. Maximum day water use per person was approximately 301 gpcd and ranged from 240-365 gpcd. Peak hour demands were estimated based on the diurnal demand pattern developed during completion of the 2007 CWP (Figure 2), which indicated a peak hour to maximum day demand ratio of 1.57. As shown in Table 1, demands vary from year to year and hour to hour depending on climate, seasonal variations, and domestic water demand trends. Average and maximum day water use per person over the last ten years was used to project average day and maximum day water demand for 2014 to 2020. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY AND STORAGE CAPACITY The City of Rosemount has eight ground water supply wells and four elevated storage tanks in two pressure zones. Estimation of existing water demand in the east pressure zone is difficult without a K.OI582-180.-1 dnrirrIJ oc.c.VL F.1!CJ-01p7LJ-LZosenrnmri5'uppls• SrorugeEvulrruliar.clot Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 8, 2015 Page 5 review of customer water use records in the east pressure zone. The east wells (RR 1 and RR2) currently account for approximately 5% of the annual water pumped. Demand in the east pressure zone can be served by water supply and storage in the west pressure zone. Since the majority of near-term development is likely to occur in the west pressure zone, east pressure zone demand, supply, and storage were assumed to be negligible. Table 3 provides a description of the groundwater wells that are available along with their respective flow rates in the west pressure zone. The City's west pressure zone has a total supply capacity of 7,600 gpm of groundwater flow and 6,000 gpm firm capacity. Table 3: Groundwater Wells—West Pressure Zone Well Flow (gpm) Year Constructed 3 Sealed 1962 7 1,200 1976 8 1,000 1990 9 1,600 1997 12 1,300 2005 14 1,200 2006 15 1,300 2009 Total Flow 7,600 Firm Capacity 6,000 Table 4 provides a description of the elevated storage tanks that are utilized in Rosemount's west pressure zone. In total,there is approximately 3.0 million gallons of storage capacity. Table 4: Elevated Storage Tanks—West Pressure Zone Tower Capacity(gal) Year Constructed Chippendale 500,000 1971 Connemara 1,000,000 1990 Bacardi 1,500,000 2006 Total Storage 3,000,000 PROJECTED WATER SUPPLY AND STORAGE Applying the design standards and methods previously described, water supply and storage needs are projected on Figures 3 and 4 relative to population projections. Due to the variation in water demands from year to year, a range of projected necessary well firm capacity and water storage capacity is provided. A mean value of the required water supply well firm capacity and water storage capacity is projected based on the average values of average day water demand per capita, maximum day water demand per capita, and estimated diurnal demand patterns. Additionally, it should be noted that from the time a tower or well site is determined it can take two to three years to design and construct the facility. For this reason, it has been noted on the figures below at what point facility planning needs to begin in order to be in service when demand reaches the level where the facility is necessary. E:01582-1'0:I rfnntr Docs.1lElln-010715-Ro.senroroa S''uppl,&.S}oruQeF valuafion.<loc Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 8, 2015 Page 6 10,000 - 9;00 WELL 3 OFFLINE AND SEALED -4/ { 8,000 7,{00 i 6,030 /// 41 5,000 - = / WELL 16 3.000 ' BEGIN FACILITY •• PLANNING 2,0000 Needed Well Capacity Range(0vtn to Max-Max.Day) -Needed Well Capacity(Ave-Max Day) ( •----Frm Well Capacity Total Well Capacity 03 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year Figure 3: Projected Well Capacity Needs 3.5 - 3.0 - A A 23 2 2.0 BEGIN FACILITY PLANNING 3 NEW TOWER 10 - 0.5 Needed Storage Capacity Range)Mn; to Max•Max Day) Needed Storage Capacity(Ave-Max Day) - -Exst-.ng Storage Capacity 0.0 r 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year Figure 4: Projected Tower Capacity Needs K:'D1582-180Udmin!Docs w1EL1O-010715-RosemauntSupply&SrarageEvaluarion.dac Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 8, 2015 Page 7 REMAINING CAPACITY EVALUATION The 2013 average day water demand for the City was 2.41 million gallons per day(MUD), and the maximum day demand was 6.37 MGD. The maximum day to average day water demand ratio was 3.1. Therefore,the projected average day and maximum day demands for 2014 through 2020 were estimated based on a peaking factor of 3.1. Well firm capacity(capacity of all wells assuming the largest well out of service) should be equal to or greater than maximum day demand. Therefore, once the City's maximum day demand increases to equal well firm capacity, additional supply is recommended to be in service. Calculation of remaining water supply capacity in terms of the number of residential units is shown in Table 5. Table 5: Remaining Water Supply Capacity(Per Residential Unit) Well No Capacity Capacity (GPM) (MGD) 7 1,200 1.728 8 1,000 1.44 9 1,600 2.304 12 1,300 1.872 14 1,200 1.728 15 1,300 1.872 Total Capacity 7,600 10.944 Firm Capacity(Largest well out of service) 6,000 8.64 Firm Capacity less calculated 2014 maximum 0.92 day demand(7.72 MGD) Number of Residential Homes for Remaining Capacity(Assume 300 gpd per home and 0.92 MGD/ peaking factor of 3.1,therefore 930 gpd per 930 gpd home on maximum day) Number of Equivalent Residential Homes 989 based on Remaining Water Supply Capacity Number of Equivalent Residential Homes in Approved Plats Yet Hooked up to the City 802 Water System To-Date Number of Remaining Equivalent 187 Residential Homes Storage capacity for a system the size of Rosemount's should be equal to or greater than average day demand as described above. Therefore, once the City's average day demand increases to equal storage capacity, additional storage is recommended to be in service. Calculation of remaining storage capacity in terms of residential units is shown in Table 6 below. l " 7_ 1 �l/0 Ol a7/�RosenrorrnrJ'rr>rlvcYStnru eEvulrrurim a oc It":014_ISO.tdruFrrl�ocs.lL. (/. ,E Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer January 8, 2015 Page 8 Table 6:Remaining Water Storage Capacity(Per Residential Unit) Tower Capacity (MG) Chippendale 0.5 Connemara 1.0 Bacardi 1.5 Total Capacity 3.0 Storage capacity less calculated 2014 0.33 average day demand(2.67 MGD) Assume 300 gpd per home 0.33 MGD/ 300 gpd Remaining capacity in terms of 1,100 homes Number of Equivalent Residential Homes in Approved Plats Yet 802 Hooked up to the City Water System To-Date Number of Remaining Equivalent 298 Residential Homes CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS The future water supply/storage system needs are based on water demand and population projections that vary considerably and are dependent on the supply source and type of storage used. Additionally, there is a significant planning and design period necessary from the time a decision is made to construct a new facility to when the facility is in-service. The conclusions based on the remaining water supply and storage capacity evaluation are as follows: • Approximately 187 homes can be added to the water system beyond what has been included in approved plats before additional well capacity is recommended to be in service; • Approximately 298 homes can be added to the water system beyond what has been included in approved plats before additional storage capacity is recommended to be in service; • If development occurs in the east pressure zone, additional homes may be added before additional well or storage capacity is recommended; and • Remaining supply capacity is based on historic highest maximum day to average day demand ratio of 3.1. Based on the conclusions above,the following recommendations are noted: • Review diurnal water demands every two to three years to confirm their accuracy; • Review average day and maximum day water demands annually; • Review water supply and storage capacity requirements annually; • Authorize the bidding and construction of the Well No. 16 facility; and • Begin planning additional water storage facilities in 2016. 1.:'015,42-180'.-1c1mmn Dacs.tlE110-0 10 71 5-Rosemmon SnpplvdStorugeEvulnutron.doc