HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Pavement Management Update �CROSEMOLINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: January 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Pavement Management Update AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Phil Olson, PE, Assistant City Engi r AGENDA NO. � � . . ATTACHMENTS: 2015 Seal Coat Map, Historical Project APPROVED BY: Summary RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND Council last discussed the Pavement�Ianagement Program at the Work Session on September 9, 2014. At that meeting, the pros and cons of different pre��entative maintenance activities were discussed. Council also requested that staff pro�-ide historical information on�vhen road�vays �vere scheduled for an unprovement compared to pa�-ement age. At this time, staff�vould like to request Council feedback regarding two options for preventative maintenance activities. Additionally, information is included regarding the age of road�vay s and the timing for past public improvement projects. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OPTIONS "1'he city-is currendj- chip sealing all road�vay s �vith pa�-ement that are three�-ears old. This includes ne�v roadways and those that were paYt of an overlay project thYee y�ears ago. �1 map is pYOCided showing the roadways planned for preventative maintenance in 2015. At the Work Session, concern was raised regarding the amount of excess rock following a chip seal project. Rocks�veYe found in the gutter line and near pond outlets along many of the roadways that had been chip sealed over the last few yeaYS. Since the Work Session, staff has in�-estigated this issue and found that city� cYe�vs had historically increased the amount of stYeet s�veeping in neighborhoods �vith recent chip seals fox one to t�vo ��ears after the project. It�vas determine that streets chip sealed in 2012 and 2013 �vere not s�vept as regularly�which like1�- led to more accumulation of rocks. �Ioving forward monthly inspections of streets that have been chip sealed�vill be scheduled to determine�vhen additional s`veeping is necessary. The following are two different types of preventative maintenance activities discussed. Chip Seal: ��sphalt emulsion and rock chips are applied to the road�va�� to protect the road�va�� surface from environmental aging, moisture damage and oxidation. • Pros: o Protects the pavement from the deteriorating effects of sun and�vater o Increases the surface friction on a road�vay� o Traffic can be placed on the road once the chips are placed so there is no dela5�in�vaiting for a chemical break or a cure time o Provides a skid resistant surface and seals the surface • Cons: o There are concerns related to chip seal stripping o Should not be used on roads�vith a large numbers of potholes or rutting o Rough road surface is not al�vays ideal in recreational areas for rollerbladeYers o Residents can track the rocks into their homes and make a mess • Cost: �1.30 to �1.45 per square yard Microsurfacing/Slurry Seal: � mi.� of crushed aggregate, mineral filler, and lateY-modified, emulsified asphalt that is effective at sealing lo�v-severity cracks,including fatigue cracks, longitudinal cracking, and transverse cracking. Apple Valley has used this technique in the past as an alternative to chip sealing. Apple Valley has noted that they�like the visual look of the product but that it is not necessarilyr more cost effective compared to other methods. Recently, microsurfacing�vas completed on Dodd Bouleaard from Diamond Path to Pilot Knob. • Pros: o No loose rock o Seals aged and ra�-eled pavement o Corrects wheel rutting (up to 1.5") o Corrects minor cracks o I�Zaintains ride quality o Black surface • Cons: o Expensive o Prone to reflecti�-e cracking o Rough surface that pedestrians ma�- not like • Cost: �3.50 per square��ard Options for Consideration: 1. Continue chip sealing progYam in 2015 with increased stYeet sweeping r,pproximate cost: $175,000 2. Microsurfacing on Brazil tivenue as a test road�va�� Chip seal on all remaining road�vays in 2015 �-�pproYimate cost: �225,000 Pre�entative maintenance projects are funded through the Cit��'s Street Capital Improvement Fund (CIP). r�ny increase in expense greater than �175,000 is not planned for in this budget and additional funding�vill be needed. g:\pavement management�20141210 cc pavement management update.docx 2 TIMING OF PAST PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECTS Council requested additional information regarding the agc of roadways included with pavement management pYOjects. A table has been provided that lists the roadways that were included with each project from 2009 to 2014. The table also lists the t�-pe of project completed, eYpected life based on the tt�e of project, and the age of the road�vay. In most cases, the pavement age was eer�� close to the estunated lifecycle graph that the pa�-ement management sy�stem is based on. It should be noted that each road�va�-listed�vas constructed �vith different pa�-ement and subgrade materials and the5� have all be subjected to different traffic loadings. Specificall��, the 2011 Street Improvement Project falls �vithin the age range of a mill and o�-erlay�project. Due to subgrade issues, the Cin-mo�ed forward with a rehabilitation project. This project included replacing the pavement and subgrade corrections. CONCLUSION Staff is Yequesting feedback on the preventative maintenance options. g:\pavement management�20141210 cc pavement management update.docx 3 2014 Street Improvement Project Original Last mill and Age at Expected Street From To Project Type +/- Construttion overlay project Life Crestview Avenue 147th Street Upper 149th Street 1989 --- mill and overlay 25 18-22 Crandall Avenue 147th Street Upper 149th Street 1989 --- mill and overlay 25 18-22 149th Street Shannon Parkway Crestview 1989 --- mill and overlay 25 18-22 Upper 149th Street Crestview Avenue Crandall Avenue 1989 --- mill and overlay 25 18-22 147th Street Crestview Avenue Covington Avenue 1989 --- mill and overlay 25 18-22 Covington Avenue Dodd Boulevard 147th Street 1989 --- mill and overlay 25 18-22 Shannon Parkway 145th Street Dearborn Path 1986 --- mill and overlay 28 18-22 Shannon Parkway Dearborn Path Connemara Trail 1988 --- mill and overlay 26 18-22 2013 Street Improvement Project Street From To Original Last mill and project Type Age at Expected +� Construction overlay project Life 144th Street Cimarron Avenue Chili Avenue 1978 1996 mill and overlay 17 18-22 Upper 143rd Street Cimarron Avenue Chili Avenue 1978 1996 mill and overlay 17 18-22 143rd Street Cimarron Avenue Chili Avenue 1978 1996 mill and overlay 17 18-22 Cimarron Avenue 144th Street 143rd Street 1978 1996 mill and overlay 17 18-22 SSSth Street Shannon Parkway Claret Avenue 1986 --- mill and overlay 27 18-22 SSSth Street Claret Avenue Chippendale Avenue 1983 --- mill and overlay 30 18-22 Danville Avenue CSAH 46 Upper 156th Street 1986 --- mill and overlay 27 18-22 2012 Street Improvement Project Original Last mill and Age at Expected Street From To Project Type +/- Construction overlay project Life 145th Street Shannon Parkway Cameo Avenue 1994 --- mill and overlay 18 18-22 --- Shannon Parkway 145th Street CSAH 42 1987 --- mill and overlay 25 18-22 143rd Street Shannon Parkway Cobbler Avenue 1993 --- mill and overlay 19 18-22 --- Crofton Court 143rd Street cul-de-sac 1993 --- mill and overlay 19 18-22 --- Cobbler Avenue 143rd Street 144th Street 1993 -- mill and overlay 19 18-22 -- Cormorant Way Cobbler Avenue Cobbler Avenue 1991 --- mill and overlay 21 18-22 --- 144th Street Shannon Parkway Cobbler Avenue 1991 --- mill and overlay 21 18-22 --- Cresent Circle 144th Street cul-de-sac 1990 --- mill and overlay 22 18-22 --- 2011 Street Improvement Project* Street From To Original Last mill and Project Type Age at Expected +� Construction overlay project Life 145th Street Diamond Path Shannon Parkway 1992 --- mill and overlay 19 18-22 --- 156th Street Shannon Parkway Claret Avenue 1988 --- rehabilitation` 23 18-22 Cornell Trail Shannon Parkway Claret Avenue 1987 -- rehabilitation• 24 18-22 Crestone Path 156th Street Comell Trail 1989 --- rehabilitation' 22 18-22 --- Crestone Court Cornell Trail cul-de-sac 1989 --- rehabilitation` 22 18-22 --- Columbia Court 156th Street tul-de-sac 1989 --- rehabilitation' 22 18-22 --- Columbary Court 156th Street cul-de-sac 1988 --- rehabilitation* 23 18-22 Cornell Trail North Cornell Trail cul-de-sac 1986 --- rehabilitation* 25 18-22 Cornell Trail North Cornell Trail cul-de-sac 1986 --- rehabilitation' 25 18-22 2010 Street Improvement Project Original Last mill and Age at Expected Street From To Project Type +/- Construction overlay project Life Shannon Parkway Connemara Trail 1200'N of Evermoor Parkway 1988 --- mill and overlay 22 18-22 --- Connemara Trail Shannon Parkway Copper Court 1988 --- mill and overlay 22 18-22 --- Le Foret Addition 1984 --- overlay 26 18-22 Shannon Parkway 1200'N of Evermoor Parkway McAndrews Road 1988 --- mill and overlay 22 18-22 --- Country Hills lst Addition 1989 --- mill and overlay 21 18-22 --- Country Hills 2nd Addition 1989 --- mill and overlay 21 18-22 --- Country Hills 3rd Addition 1987 --- mill and overlay 23 18-22 Country Hills 4th Addition 1992 --- mill and overlay 18 18-22 --- Country Hills Sth Addition 1992 --- mill and overlay 18 18-22 --- Country Hills 6th Addition 1992 --- mill and overlay 18 18-22 --- Country Hills 7th Addition 1994 --- mill and overlay 16 18-22 2009 Street Improvement Project Original Last mill and Age at Expected Street From To Project Type +/- Construction overlay project Life Damask Avenue Dodd Boulevard Upper 150th Street 1973 --- reconstruction 3� 20-30 7 Damask Court Dodd Boulevard cul-de-sac 1976 --- reconstruction 34 20-30 4 Dallara Avenue Dodd Boulevard cul-de-sac 1973 --- reconstruction 37 20-30 7 Upper 150th Street Dallara Avenue cul-de-sac 1973 -- reconstruction 37 20-30 7 *Roadways within the 2011 Street Improvement Project area fall within the age range of a mill and overlay project. Due to subgrade issues in this area,the city moved forward with a rehabilitation project. The project included replacing the pavement and correcting 1 foot of subgrade. ,�oJx�tr�---------------------------------------------- ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------�---- x 120TH ST W � �/�� �7 P ( tir t� o c j ` gts G� / J o��FF 2 J� ~ ¢ i ,1, d r,�` y 0� � W � � � W � O�� 0�� Q a� a '—� o qNqQA�T � � y y a�c 124TH CT W � MCANDREWS RD W (CSAH 38) c, m i' • w > m a m g 3 9 J O a O O U 127TH CT W O0�.� � O z G `° N +.t1 � U v P 2 � 1� w° p > JQ' 41V � Q n) o°'�� Q ° o 0 _ � � V < X O � Q S F- N W a � � � a � c J � �a � a a w a m m O � Z y BONAIRE PATH W BONAIRE PAT 4 2 y ��� CONNEMARA Tlt� CONNEMARA t�,P�P Pf coNNE =� � i�J �'r;, o +...�.�.... 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