HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Resolution Approving the Sale of Property Owned by the City of Rosemount to Rosemount Senior Living Associates I, LLC"ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: Oc t obe r 21 , 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution Approving the Sale of AGENDA SECTION: Property Owned by the City of New Business Rosemount to Rosemount Senior Living Associates I , LLC PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber , Senior Planner AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS : Resolution APPROVED BY: nl'I i RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approv i ng the Sale of Property Owned by the City of Rosemount to Rosemount Senior Living Associates I , LLC . BACKGROUND The City and Port Authority have been working for several years to attract a developer at the Steeple Center site to construct a senior assisted living project. On March 18, the City Council approved the plans and the Contract for Private Development with Ro se mount Senior Living I, LLC for The Rosemount at Steeple Ce nter, a 90-unit senior housing project that will be located along the north and west portion of the site . On September 16 , the City Council approved the amendment to the development contract . Currently, staff is working on the closing documents for sale of the property to allow the construction to begin . The clo sing agent for Ro se mount Senior Living I , LLC is reque s ting a resolution authorizing the sale of City property . This resolution is n ot required b y State Statute, but it would clearl y state the City's intent of sale. The City At torne y has prepared the attached resolution for the City Council approval. CONCLUSION Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the sale of City property t o Rosemount Senior Living Asso ciates I, LLC. 9.b. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY , MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014- A RESO L UTION APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TO ROSEMOUNT SENIOR LIVING ASSOCIATES I, L LC WHE R EAS, the Gty of Rosemount Port Authority and the Gty of Rosemount collectively own property to be platted as Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Senior Living ("the Property1'); and WHE R EAS, after a public hearing on April 15, 2014, the Rosemount Port Authority approved the sale of the Property to the Rosemount Senior Living Associates I, LLC for purposes of constructing a memory care, assisted living and independent living senior housing project and authorized execution of a C.Ontract for Private Development for The Rosemount at Steeple Center (the "Development Agreement"); and WHE R EAS, by motion at a regular meeting of the Rosemount GtyC.Ouncil on March 18, 2014, the C.Ouncil approved the Development Agreement; and WHE R EAS, pursuant to the Development Agreement, both the Port Authority and Gty of Rosemount agree to sell the Property to Rosemount Senior Living Associates I, LLC for such development; and WHE R EAS, according to Minn . Stat .§ 412.201, all contracts and conveyances must be executed on behalf of the city by the Mayor and derk with authority from the Gty C.Ouncil; and W H E R EA S , the Gty C.Ouncil finds that the conveyance of the above-described property is in the best interests of the community and its residents . N O W, THE R EF OR E, B E IT R ES O LVE D that the Gty C.Ouncil of the Gty of Rosemount ratifies and approves the execution of the Development Agreement for the sa l e and conveyance of the property described as Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Senior Living to the Rosemount Senior Living Associates I, LLC; and, the Mayor and Gty derk are authorized and direct to execute such documents and take such steps as are required to effect the terms of the Development Agreement and conveyance of the Property. ADO PTE D this 21'1 day of October, 2014. William H Droste, Mayor ATTEST: darissa Hadler, Gty derk