HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Text Amendment Related to Non-Conforming Auto Related UsesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: January 27, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Case 01-15-TACity of Rosemount. AGENDA SECTION: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Related to Non-Conforming Auto Related New Business Uses PREPARED BY: AGENDANO. Jason Lindahl, AICP Planner ATTACHMENTS :Zoning Map APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION :Discuss and provide direction to staff. SUMMARY Applicant: City of Rosemount Location: C-4 Zoning District Area in Acres: N/A Comp. Guide Plan Design: N/A Current Zoning: N/A This application was initiated by staff as a result of the findings and recommendations from the South Urban Gateway planning study. The City Council and Port Authority approved this study in August of 2014. The Implementation section of this report included a recommendation to consider zoning changes targeted to non-conforming auto related uses. While the South Urban Gateway examined non-conforming auto related uses within the designated study area, implementation of this strategy may address non-conforming auto related uses City wide. This memo seeks to begin execution of this implementation strategy by identifying the issues to be addressed and defining a study timeline. BACKGROUND In 2005, the City updated the standards for the C-3, Highway Commercial and C-4, General Commercial districts. At that time, the primary goal was to rearrange the uses within those districts to focus the auto-oriented and outdoor display uses in the C-3 District while creating detailed performance standards for conditional uses. A secondary goal was to establish consistent and high- quality development standards. Changes to the development standards focused on four areas including: (1) increasing the buffering standards for commercial uses contiguous to non-commercial or non-industrial uses or districts; (2) updating the building materials and appearance standards; (3) create parking lot screening and landscaping standards; and (4) adding landscaping and irrigation standards. An unintended result of these changes was to make auto related business within the C-4 District non-conforming uses. The South Urban Gateway planning study identified this as an issue for business within the study area such as Valvoline and Holiday. ISSUE ANALYSIS There are a number of different zoning practices to address this issue. First, the City could rezone the affected properties to C-3, Highway Commercial which currently regulates auto related uses as a conditional use. The most notable issue with this strategy is that it opens up the rezoned properties to all the other uses allowed in the C-3 District which could be incompatible with existing surrounding uses. Second, the City could create a new commercial zoning district to specifically address auto regulations. A third option is to allow some limited subcategory of auto related uses in the C-4 district as a permitted or conditional use. On its own, this strategy would not address non-conforming auto related uses City wide but would address the targeted issues within the South Urban Gateway study area while preserving the spirit and intent of the 2005 commercial zoning amendments. After receiving comments and direction from the Planning Commission, staff intends to research and implement this zoning study in accordance to the timeline provided below. During February and March, staff will research how other communities address non-conforming auto related issues and meet with individual affected business to inform them about the study, receive feedback and draft an initial zoning ordinance text amendment. In April, staff will present the draft zoning ordinance text amendment to work session of the Planning Commission for review and comment. The work session would likely be before or after the normal Planning Commission meeting and staff will inform the existing business owner of the work session. This work session will give the Planning Commission a chance to have an open conversation with staff and the business owners without the pressure of having to act on the issue that night. Based on these comments, staff will revise the draft zoning ordinance text amendment and hold a public hearing on this item for Planning Commission review in May. Based on public comment and direction from the Planning Commission, staff will finalize the zoning ordinance text amendment and bring it before the City Council in June for final action. Non-Conforming Auto Related Uses Study Timeline Month Topic January Identify issues and define study timeline February & March Meet with affected businesses for comment and draft ordinance amendment April Review comments from affected businesses and draft ordinance at a Planning Commission work session May Hold public hearing before the Planning Commission to review draft zoning ordinance text amendment June Finalize zoning ordinance text amendment and bring before the City Council for final action *Timeline is subject to change RECOMMENDATION This application was initiated by staff as a result of the findings and recommendations from the South Urban Gateway planning study. The Implementation section of this report included a recommendation to consider zoning changes targeted to non-conforming auto related uses. While the South Urban Gateway examined non-conforming auto related uses within the designated study area, implementation of this strategy may address non-conforming auto related uses City wide. This memo seeks to begin execution of this implementation strategy by defining the issues to be addressed and defining a study timeline. Staff requests the Planning Commission review this issue and provide comments and direction to staff. 2