HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Request by Mark Elliot Homes for a Preliminary Plat & Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development Agreement to Allow the Construction of 48 TownhomesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: February 24, 2015 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: March 17, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Case 15-05-PUD, 15-06-PP: Request by AGENDA SECTION: Mark Elliot Homes for a Preliminary Plat and Major Amendment to the Planned Unit New Business Development Agreement to Allow the Construction of 48 Townhomes. PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. 5.b. Eric Zweber, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS : Location Map; GlenRose Quads Elevations; APPROVED BY: KL GlenRose Quads Floor Plans; GlenRose Rowhomes Front Elevation; GlenRose Rowhomes Floor Plans; GlenRose Site Plan; GlenRose Grading & Drainage Plan; GlenRose Landscape Tree & Buffer Planting Plans; GlenRose Landscaping Foundation Plantings Plan; GlenRose of Rosemount Dean Johnson Homes Planned Unit Development Agreement; GlenRose City Council Executive Summary dated July 19, 2005; Payment Agreement with Alpine Capital; February 17 Memorandum dated February 19. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Motion to Recommend that the City Council Approve the Major Amendment to the GlenRose of Rosemount to allow Mark Elliot Homes to Construct 24 GlenRose Quads and 24 GlenRose Rowhomes, subject to the following conditions: 1. The GlenRose Quad design dated 10/28/2014 shall replace the GlenRose 6-Plex Condominium (Exhibit 18) designs. 2. The GlenRose Rowhome design dated 11/14/2014 shall replace the GlenRose 6- Plex Rowhouse Type 1 and Type 2 (Exhibits 16 and 17) designs. 3. Site Plan Sheet C2-1 dated 10/31/2014 shall replace the Site & Signage Plan Sheet C2-1 revised 7/11/2005 (Exhibit 3). 4. Grading &Drainage Plan Sheet C3-1 revised 01/09/2015 shall replace the Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Sheet C3-1 revised 7/11/2005 (Exhibit 4). 5. Landscaping Plan Tree & Buffer Plantings Sheet L1-1 shall replace Landscape Tree & Buffer Plantings Sheet L1-1 revised 07/11/2005 (Exhibit 14). 6. Landscape Plan Foundations Plantings Sheet L1-2 shall replace Landscape Plan Foundation Plantings Sheet L1-2 revised 07/11/2005 (Exhibit 15). 7. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engin Memorandum dated February 17, 2014. 8. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Park and Recreation February 19, 2014. And Motion to Recommend that the City Council Approve the Preliminary Plat for GlenRose that Reduces the Number of Units from 76 Units to 60 Units, subject to the following conditions: 1. Execution of an Agreement approved by the City Attorney that describes the improvements remaining and requires a financial surety that ensures the improvements will be constructed and installed accordingly. 2. The Agreement will replace the Payment Agreement with Alpine Capital and describe the improvements eligible for reimbursement from the $71,975.25 remaining from the Payment Agreement. 3. Memorandum dated February 17, 2014. 4. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Park and Recreation SUMMARY Applicant: Mark Elliott Homes Location: ½ mile South of Connemara Trail, West of Erickson Park. Existing Comp Plan Designation: MDR Medium Density Residential Existing Zoning: R2 PUD Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development Gross Acres: 9.7 Acres Met Council Net Acres: 9.7 Acres 2005 Approved Units: 76 Units 2005 Density: 7.84 Units/Acre Proposed Units: 60 Units Proposed Density: 6.19 Units/Acre In 2005, Dean Johnson Homes received plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval for a 76 unit townhouse development named GlenRose of Rosemount. GlenRose was approved with two townhome styles: 42 back-to-back townhomes called Condominiums and 34 single width townhomes called Rowhouses. Only one building of six (6) Condominium units and one building of six (6) Rowhouse units were constructed. In 2010, Dean Johnson lost the remaining development to the finance company Alpine Capital. In 2011, the City entered into a Payment Agreement to obtain funds to address some infrastructure improvements for the project, as well as reimburse previously incurred costs. There was no developer identified to finish the project as initially approved. Currently, Alpine Capital has partnered with Mark Elliot homes to finish the construction of the development. The applicant, Mark Elliot Homes, proposes to finish the development of GlenRose, but he does not feel 2 that the six (6) and seven (7) unit buildings are marketable. The applicant proposes to reduce the six (6) unit Condominium buildings into four (4) unit Quad buildings, and reduce the six (6) and seven (7) unit Rowhouse buildings into three (3) and four (4) unit Rowhomes. Mark Elliot Homes also proposes to update the exterior elevations by add more gables and dormers and giving the Quads four-sided architecture. These changes would reduce the total number of units from 76 units to 60 units. No changes are proposed to the private street layout or the homeowners association (HOA). Mark Elliot Homes has met with the homeowners in the two built buildings. Staff has discussed the proposal with one existing homeowner and the attorney for their HOA. They have stated that they are supportive of the home designs and completing the development, but they have concerns as to whether the site improvements can be completed without additional expenses to the homeowners or the HOA. Mark Elliot Homes will be required to complete the improvements at his cost, but he will be able to be reimbursed for some of the activities with the $71,975.25 in remaining funds from the Alpine Capital payment. Mark Elliot Homes will be responsible for any improvement costs beyond the $71,975.25. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority. As discussed during legal training, a preliminary plat request is a quasi-judicial decision for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of the existing 2005 GlenRose PUD agreement. The exterior designs of the buildings have been updated. The current Condominium design includes one gable over the middle unit and a very simple lap siding gable on the building ends. The existing design includes brick wainscoting at the doorways and the building corners. Mark Elliot Homes proposes to include a gable and dormer on the front of each Quad unit and a dormer on the side elevation of units. The entry will have a small column lined porch. In exchange for the increased architectural interest, Mark Elliot Homes is requesting removing the brick wainscoting. Staff finds that the proposed design is an improvement over the simple Dean Johnson design and supports the removal of the brick wainscoting requirement. The Dean Johnson Rowhouses had one gable in the front elevation of each unit, simple entry doors and brick wainscoting around the doors and at the front corners of the building. The Mark Elliot Homes Rowhomes proposes a gable and a dormer on the front façade of each unit and a small columned patio at each entry. Similar to the Quads, Mark Elliot Homes proposes to remove the brick wainscoting. Staff finds that the proposed design is an improvement over the simple Dean Johnson design and supports the removal of the brick wainscoting. . There are no proposed changes to the alignments of the existing streets. The th development is connected to South Robert Trail by the public street 140 Circle, which is completely improved. The private streets have their base course of asphalt. Mark Elliot Homes will need to install the final wear course and can be reimbursed by the payment agreement funds. 3 The only change to the Preliminary Plat is the reduction of units shown on the Site Plan and the minor grading changes need for the reduced grading. . There is no new Final Plat. GlenRose is a condominium with a recorded common interest community (CIC) plat. The new units will all fit within the lots of the existing Final Plat. . Very minor grading changes are proposed in the areas needed to reduce the number units in the buildings. The mass grading for this plat was completed in 2006. The final grading will be completed with the construction of the building and be inspected with the building permits. Most of the perimeter landscaping was installed by Dean Johnson. Mark Elliot Homes has proposed revised landscaping for the buildings that is similar in design to that originally approved. Staff supports the minor revisions to the landscape plan. . The park dedication was completed by Dean Johnson. The Parks and Recreation Director does not recommend any additional park improvements. . The Assistant City Engineer has reviewed the application. There are relatively few comments because most of the infrastructure was installed by Dean Johnson. The comments are predominately concerning the remaining improvements that were addressed in the Alpine Capital Payment Agreement. The City Engineer will be working with the City Attorney to develop an agreement with Mark Elliot Homes that requires Mark Elliot Homes to complete the improvements and may be reimbursed with the funds remaining from the Alpine Capital Payment Agreement. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat and Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development Agreement to construct 24 quad units and 24 rowhome units. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. 4 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 17, 2015 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Glenrose of Rosemount Engineering Review S: UBMITTAL The plans for Glenrose of Rosemount have been prepared by Loucks Associates and Whitten Associates, Inc. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: Site plan (1 sheet), dated October 31, 2014 Grading & Drainage Plan for Building Pads (1 sheet), dated December 1, 2014 Wetland Delineation Report, (15 pages), dated October 27, 2014 Landscape Plan, (2 sheets) Home Plans and Renderings DF: EVELOPMENT EES 1.An agreement between the city and developer is required to ensure that all remaining public and private infrastructure is installed as proposed. Staff is currently working with the city attorney to draft the agreement. 2.The agreement will include a condition for the city to reimburse the developer up to $71,975.25 for improvement costs of the four items listed below. A credit of $71,975.25 is remaining on the property from the previous development. The installation of the streetlights The installation of the remaining street name signs The wear course on the private streets The survey of the retaining wall by a qualified structural engineer and any repairs recommended by that engineer 3.The agreement will also require the developer to provide securities for landscaping, grading, wetland mitigation, survey, streetlights, erosion control, and several other remaining improvements. SPC: ITE LAN OMMENTS 4.The proposed site plan is very similar to the previous Glenrose development plan approved in 2005. Public utilities within the existing roadways are sized appropriately for the proposed changes to the development. No additional public utilities are required. 5.The plan sheets to not clearly show what infrastructure is currently installed and what infrastructure is needed to finalize the development. The following items should be clearly shown on the plan as proposed improvements Wear course paving of private roadways Streetlight locations Street signage: 8 signs Burgundy Way & Burnley Way Burnley Way & Burma Avenue (2) Burnley Way & Burnley Way (2) Bumley Way: House Numbers (3) WMC: ETLAND ITIGATION OMMENTS 6.Wetland mitigation and monitoring was a condition of approval for the previous Glenrose development plan and the same condition applies to the current submittal. Last fall, the developerÔs engineer completed a delineation to verify the size of the wetland area. Since the delineation was completed outside of the growing season, the delineation limits cannot be verified by the city until spring. Additionally, a map showing the original wetland in comparison to the delineation will need to be supplied to compare the mitigation area. Upon acceptance of the delineation, the developer will proceed with a 5 year monitoring plan to verify that the wetland is fully established as originally proposed. UI: NDERPASS MPROVEMENTS 7.No additional pedestrian improvements are required as part of this development. In 2013, the City constructed a pedestrian underpass across TH 3. The underpass connects the southwest corner of the Glenrose development to the high school property. It was constructed to provide a safe crossing location for pedestrians between downtown and Connemara Trail. The city also constructed a new sidewalk along the south side of Bumley Way to provide a connection between the underpass and Erickson Park. In addition, damaged and settled sidewalk was replaced along the retaining wall west of the pond. A trail easement was given to the city by the property owner to allow for the construction and maintenance of the sidewalk from the pedestrian underpass to Erickson Park. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Andy Brotzler, Public Works Director/City Engineer Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: February 19, 2015 Subject: Mark Elliot Homes – Preliminary Plat The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the preliminary plat from Mark Elliot Homes. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION There is no parks dedication to be paid with this preliminary plat. The parks dedication for this development was paid in full by the previous developer. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo.