HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Approval of February 17, 2015 Meeting MinutesROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 17, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was held on Tuesday, February 17`'', 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145`'' Street West, Rosemount. Chair Weisensel called the meeting to order with Commissioners Droste, Luing, Smith, DeBettignies and Demuth attending. Commissioner Droste was absent for a portion of the meeting. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, City Planner Zweber and City Clerk Hadler. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA City Administrator Johnson stated there was an addition to the agenda; Item 5.B. Greater MSP invoice. Motion by Weisensel. Second by Luing. Motion to Adopt the Agenda with the addition of item 5.b. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Luing. Second by Smith. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda with changes to the meeting minutes to reflect Commisser Demuth's attendance. a. Approval of January 20, 2015 Meeting Minutes Ayes: Droste, Luing, Weisensel, Smith, DeBettignies, Demuth Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 4.a. Buxton Contract City Planner Zweber provided a summary of the staff report. He explained the contract with Buxton is up for renewal for the second year. Buxton has agreed to provide additional services to follow up on some of the contacts that were created in 2014, as well as update the recruitment packets. They would also be able to provide support to the Rosemount delegation attending the ICSC conference in May. Mr. Zweber gave an overview of some of the feedback that the City has received from the Buxton contacts. One of the contacts has a location in Burnsville and was now considering Rosemount as an area for expansion, due to the information from Buxton. Chair Weisensel asked how many retailers would be included in the second year contract. Mr. Zweber stated it would be 10 new contacts for each of the next two years. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 17, 2015 Commissioner Demuth inquired whether the contact he mentioned built their location or used an existing location. Mr. Zweber replied it was an existing location, but they had a preference to build if they did come to Rosemount. Commissioner Smith inquired what the "hit ratio" was for other communities using Buxton. Mr. Zweber explained that the timeframe was extensive for these contacts and that Buxton claims that the City should have four face-to-face contacts by the time the contract is through. City Administrator Johnson stated he believed even one would be worth the investment if you looked at the taxes in just the first three years, based on comparisons he made with existing retail building taxes paid. Commissioner Smith had concerns about the early contacts with Dunkin Donuts and felt Buxton had missed information. He also inquired about the newer metrics presented and available with the new contract. Commissioner DeBettignies gave his interpretation of some of the new metrics presented. Chair Weisensel inquired of Commissioner DeBettignies whether there were metrics that we should be looking at that aren't being provided by Buxton. Commissioner DeBettignies gave his impressions of the information and wondered if the information could be tailored a little more. Mr. Zweber stated that it could. One contact in particular would like drive time data for two different types of clients. Chair Weisensel stated that the Buxton reports should reflect competition for the Buxton contact lists. He would like to have a Buxton representative come and visit the Port Authority. Commissioner Luing asked about the payback with each of these contacts and if we're seeing the response we were expecting. Commissioner Smith inquired whether the Buxton data could help with keeping our current businesses. Mr. Zweber responded that the tablet can be used for that, but it hasn't been done yet. Commissioner Smith inquired if staff is comfortable with Buxton after using them for the year. Staff is supportive of continuing the contract with Buxton. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Smith. Motion to continue Buxton for second year of three-year contract. Ayes: Luing, Weisensel, Smith, DeBettignies, Demuth Nays: None. Motion carried. Absent: Droste ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 17, 2015 4.b. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County CDA for Open to Business Program City Administrator Johnson provided a summary of the staff report and asked that Port Authority authorize the JPA for the Open to Business Program. Motion by Luing. Second by Demuth. Motion to approve Joint Powers Agreement with the Dakota County CDA. Ayes: Luing, Weisensel, Smith, DeBettignies, Demuth Nays: None. Motion carried. Absent: Droste NEW BUSINESS 5.a. Land Availability Maps City Planner Zweber explained the information provided to the Port Authority in the packet. Staff had put together the information based on Council goals that are pending. Staff and Council are looking for a reasonable metric with which to measure development. 5.b. Greater MSP Contract City Administrator Johnson explained the history and benefits of the Greater MSP contract. The City has received a number of good leads from the relationship in the past. Motion by Weisensel. Second by Luing. Motion to approve Greater MSP contract. Ayes: Luing, Weisensel, Smith, DeBettignies, Demuth Nays: None. Motion carried. Absent: Droste CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT DIRECTOR'S REPORT City Administrator Johnson gave an overview of some UMore Park organizational changes that will be occurring. REPORTS FROM PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Port Authority and upon a motion by Weisensel, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk