HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Minnesota Department of Health Source Water Protection Implementation Grant ProgramDf �O l rT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: March 17, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Minnesota Department of Health Source AGENDA SECTION: Water Protection Implementation Grant Consent Program PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. 6.1. Works/City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Grant application APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize the execution and submittal of grant application for Minnesota Department of Health Source Water Protection Implementation Grant Program. BACKGROUND: As part of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) requirements for water appropriation permits, the City of Rosemount (City) is required to install an additional observation well. The MnDNR has stated that the additional observation well needs to be completed prior to applying for the City's next water appropriation permit amendment with Well No. 16 and is required to be located in the central part of the developed area of the City. As part of a past project, through the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Source Water Protection Implementation Grant, it was determined that the former Municipal Well No. 5 located in Chippendale Park may be a good candidate for conversion to an observation well, pending approval by the MnDNR. If the DNR does not approve Well No. 5 as an observation well, the City will be required to install an additional observation well within the City prior to applying for the Well No. 16 water appropriation permit amendment.. The MDH issued another Source Water Protection Implementation Grant Program on March 1, 2015 to provide funding assistance to public water suppliers to implement activities outlined in their approved Wellhead Protection (WHP) Plans. Grant applications are due March 31, 2015. The MDH approved the City's WHP Plan on June 7, 2013 and the City is currently eligible for the grant program. As part of the WHP Plan, the following action item was included in Chapter 5 to be completed by the City: • Action Item G1: Continue to collect and maintain local geologic and hydro geologic data in order to improve and augment current information and to provide additional data for future revisions to this Plan. • How: Conduct routine collection of groundwater levels in the municipal wells, which will provide data for the evaluation of groundwater elevation trends over time. A decreasing trend in static water levels in the municipal wells may be cause for the City to pursue more restricted water use measures and/or more effective methods to control public water supply use. This data can also be used to verify the groundwater flow field in the source water aquifer. G:\ENGPROJ\ENG 0093 - Wellhead Protection Plan\2015 Source water Protection Grant\20150317 CC MDH Grant Application.docx Environmental Health Division Drinking Water Protection Section P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 Phone: 651-201-4700 Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Grant Application — March, 2015 APPLICANT INFORMATION Public Water Supply System Street Address: 2875 145" St. W City: Rosemount City of Rosemount County: Dakota Name of the Person who will serve as the Grant Contact: Andy Brotzler Phone: (651) 322-2025 Fax: 651-322-2694 Email Federal Tax Id #:41-6005501 PWSID: 1190019 Apartment/Unit #: ZIP: 55068-4997 Andy. Brotzler@ci.rosemount.mn.us PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN APPLICATION AND GRANT AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIER Name: Andy Brotzler Title: Director of Public Works/City Engineer AMOUNTS Total Cost of the Project: $ TBD following receipt of contractor estimates Amount Requested from MDH (minimum $1,000 maximum $10,000, or $30,000 if 3 or more PWS -s apply jointly): $ TBD following receipt of contractor estimates ❑ Check this box if you are currently under a MDH violation / compliance agreement / APO (administrative penalty order) WORK ITEM 1 For each work item to be funded under the grant, please provide the following information (use an additional page if necessary) K Check this box if the work is a continuation from a previous MDH grant Describe the work that will be performed: As part of a previous MDH Source Water Protection Implementation Grant, an investigation was completed to locate Well No. 5 within the City of Rosemount. Well No. 5 was recorded as sealed, however, MDH did not have sealing records. Through the past grant opportunity, it was determined that Well No. 5 was not sealed properly and MDH Well Management staff determined that it will likely need to be cleaned out entirely and re -sealed. The City of Rosemount is developing an observation well network and will be constructing an observation well within the City. Through this grant opportunity, funding would convert the existing Well No. 5 into an observation well to collect and maintain geologic and hydrogeologic data. If the work item is about managing one or more potential contaminant sources, are they located in the DWSMA? X Yes []No Ia. Amount Requested for performing this Work: TBD following collection of contractor estimates lb. Anticipated outcomes (products) of performing this work: Through the proper rehabilitation to turn the existing improperly abandoned Well No. 5 into a properly constructed observation well, a potential contaminant located in a vulnerable section of the City's DWSMA (see attached figure) will be managed therefore reducing the potential for contamination of the source water aquifer. In addition, through the addition of an observation well, a better understanding of groundwater levels, groundwater flow direction, and other important data will be achieved and will aide in future wellhead protection efforts. lc. Measure number: Al and G1 Please reference the MEASURE / OBJECTIVE number in the MDH source water protection approved plan (NOT the Draft Copy) or Intake protection plan that will be supported by this work item. Attach the page(s) that contain(s) the source water protection measure / objective; OR Reference the most recent SANITARY SURVEY and attach the page in that contains the action that will be supported by this work item. (Failure to submit the required documentation may result in disqualification) WORK ITEM 2 For each work item to be funded under the grant, please provide the following information (use an additional page if necessary) ❑ Check this box if the work is a continuation from a previous MDH grant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Describe the work that will be performed: In the event that it is determined that the existing Well No. 5 cannot be converted into an observation well, the remaining funding would be applied to construct an observation well within the DWSMA. If the work item is about managing one or more potential contaminant sources, are they located in the DWSMA ❑ Yes ❑ No 2a. Amount Requested for performing this Work: TSDfo/%wing receipt of contractor estimates 2b. Anticipated outcomes (products) of performing this work: Through the addition of an observation well, a better understanding of groundwater levels, groundwater flow direction, and other important data will be achieved and will aide in future wellhead protection efforts. 1c. Measure number: G1 Please reference the MEASURE / OBJECTIVE number in the MDH source water protection approved plan (NOT the Draft Copy) or Intake protection plan that will be supported by this work item. Attach the page(s) that contain(s) the source water protection measure / objective; OR Reference the most recent SANITARY SURVEY and attach the page in that contains the action that will be supported by this work item. (Failure to submit the required documentation may result in disqualification) WORK ITEM 3 For each work item to be funded under the grant, please provide the following information (use an additional page if necessary) ❑ Check this box if the work is a continuation from a previous MDH grant 3. Describe the work that will be performed: Describe the work that will be performed: NA If the work item is about managing one or more potential contaminant sources, are they located in the DWSMA? ❑ Yes ❑ No 3a. Amount Requested for performing this Work: 3b. Anticipated outcomes (products) of performing this work: 1c. Measure number: Please reference the MEASURE / OBJECTIVE number in the MDH source water protection approved plan (NOT the Draft Copy) or Intake protection plan that will be supported by this work item. Attach the page(s) that contain(s) the source water protection measure / objective; OR Reference the most recent SANITARY SURVEY and attach the page in that contains the action that will be supported by this work item. (Failure to submit the required documentation may result in disqualification) DETAILED BUDGET AND SCHEDULE Please describe all sub -activities that are included in the project with the corresponding costs and estimated date of completion; use an additional page if necessary. Sub -Activity: No of hours (where applicable): Amount: Estimated start date: TBD following receipt of contractor estimates CHECKLIST ❑ I have attached the required documentation to my application ❑ I have filled out all the fields in my application ❑ I have signed my application ❑ I have provided a detailed budget for each work item ❑ I have included 2 itemized bids from the contractor DISCLAIMER AND SIGNATURE I certify that the information herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I submit this application on behalf of the applicant public water supply system. I acknowledge that the project will be completed by June 30, 2016 and that all work performed will be done in accordance with all Local, State and Federal Regulations: Signature Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you are awarded a grant, NO work should begin until all required signatures have been obtained on the grant agreement, and grantee receives a signed copy of the grant agreement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS You may complete this form manually or electronically. Please print the information if you opt to do this manually. Once you are finished, you have three options for submitting the application form to the Minnesota Department of Health: Option 1 - Mail the form to: Option 2 - Fax the form to: Option 3 - E-mail the form to: Ms. Cristina Covalschi Ms. Cristina Covalschi Cristina.Covalschi@state.mn.us SWP Grant Coordinator SWP Grant Coordinator Minnesota Department of Health (651) 201- 4701 P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 DEFINITIONS OF THE TERMS USED IN THIS FORM (IN THE ORDER ENCOUNTERED): Public Water Supply System means the name that is used by the Minnesota Department of Health to identify the public water supplier and that is associated with a public water supply system identification number. Name of the Grant Contact means the name of the individual who will be responsible for managing the grant. Telephone Number means the telephone number of the contact person that the Minnesota Department of Health can call during its regular business hours (M -F from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). E-mail means an internet address for the contact person that the Minnesota Department of Health can use to electronically transmit information related to the grant. Mailing Address means the mailing address of the Public Supply System that shall be used for correspondence with MDH. Name and Title of the Person Authorized to Sign the Grant Agreement on Behalf of the Public Water Supply System means a person who has authority to administer a financial agreement between the public water supplier and the Minnesota Department of Health. Total Grant Amount Being Requested means the sum of the costs of the work items that are identified in the grant application (1a + 2a + 3a +....) Work Item is the source water protection activity measure from the WHP plan that are to be performed under this part of the grant application. Fill one box for each activity included in the project; feel free to insert more boxes if needed. Amount requested for performing this work means the estimated amount requested by the grantee for completing the activity performed under this part of the application. Product(s) produced or anticipated outcomes of performing this work means the tangible results of performing the work that is funded by this grant. DWSMA — Drinking Water Supply Management Area; is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approved surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well that completely contains the scientifically calculated wellhead protection area. Correspondence from MDH or Section of the sanitary survey or page number(s) in the source water protection plan that reference the source water protection measures that will be supported by this work item — self-explanatory. Detailed Budget means a breakdown of costs with a detailed description of all costs. Costs must be based on a written estimate from the contractor / vendor and must be attached to the application. The total must match the dollar amount that is being requested. The number of hours column must be filled out only for activities that involve hiring of a consultant. Estimated start date means the date when you expect to start the work. To request this document in a different format please call Section Receptionist: 651-201-4700 or TTY: 651-201-5797 a 0���� �s 1- Lake A— I �� pi► �°nne►►�aria� f�1 Oth 1,451LR h St W :.,•% -. �4 o 4� h aallpI- II�thStW lu 3 %;v. ■ Wellhead Protection Plan - Part December 2012 CHAPTER FIVE OBJECTIVES AND PLANS OF ACTION (4720.5250) L OBJECTIVES Given the issues, problems, and opportunities discussed in Part Three and the goals stated in Part Four, the Wellhead Protection Plan delegates direct management efforts to the following areas to prevent future contamination of the aquifer and increase awareness of groundwater protection: A. Well Management B. Public Education C. Storage Tank Management D. Septic Systems (ISTS) E. Stormwater Management F. Hazardous Waste Management G. Data Collection H. PLANS OFACTION A. WELL MANAGEMENT Objective Al Action A1: Who: Cooperators: Time Frame: H. Water Conservation L Planning and Zoning 1. Implementation K. Evaluation Take measures to promote property owners to properly seal abandoned, unused, unmaintained, or damaged wells. Estimated Cost: How: Make property owners aware of potential technical and financial resources that are available to assist them in securing grant funding for properly sealing wells. City of Rosemount Staff MDH and Dakota County Within 12 months following adoption of this Plan, then continue annually Staff time Use the City's website, newsletters, or direct mailings to make well owners aware of Dakota County's well sealing cost -share program. Objective A2: Take measures to identify properties with abandoned, unused, unmaintained, or damaged wells and potential cross connections between private wells and the City's water system. Action A2: Identify properties with potential water supply cross connections or wells that pose a hazard to the public water supply. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: MDH, MDA, DNR, MPCA, Dakota County, Empire Township, Apple Valley, and Lakeville City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project N0. 1582-06 26 111 Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 Time Frame: Within 2 years following adoption of this Plan or when MDH grant is available. Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time How: Through mapping and field investigation, as well as historical records. When possible, the list of parcels likely to have wells will be incorporated into the City Building Officials records or shared with other cities in the DWSMA. When the application is made to rebuild or demolish an existing building, the records can be reviewed to determine if a well search is required. Objective A3: Educate the public about proper well management. Action A3: Provide links to MDH and Dakota County well management web sites on the City's website, include information in the City's newsletter or other direct mailings. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH, and Dakota County Time Frame: Within 12 month of adoption, then continued annually Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Use the City's website, newsletters, or direct mailings. Objective A4: Investigate "unlocated" or undocumented wells within the City and DWSMA. Action A4: Provide data to MDH, Dakota County well management, and the Minnesota Geological Survey regarding the measured location of "unlocated" and undocumented wells, and investigate the "as -built" construction of wells without construction records. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: MDH, Dakota County, and MGS Time Frame: Following identification of "unlocated" and undocumented wells and when MDH grantis available. Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Through surface measurements and inspections. Objective A5: Incorporate Wellhead Protection Initiatives into City Plans Action A5: Rosemount will use this Wellhead Protection Plan as a resource when updating its Comprehensive Plan, Local Water Management Plan, Water Supply Plan, and other relevant plans. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: Empire Township, Apple Valley, and Lakeville Time Frame: Coinciding with plan preparation schedules for the specified plans. Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Wellhead Protection initiatives will be addressed and incorporated into Rosemount's various plan updates. Rosemount will cooperate with City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 27 111 Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 neighboring and overlapping jurisdictions to address land use management issues for the portions of the DWSMA outside the City. Objective A6: Identify New High -Capacity Wells within the DWSMA Action A6: Rosemount will identify new high-capacity wells that are proposed for construction in or near Rosemount's DWSMA, and/or major changes to groundwater appropriations for existing high-capacity wells, to determine whether the pumping of wells will alter the current boundaries of the DWSMA delineations or other portions of the City's WHP Plan. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: DNR and MDH Time Frame: Within 1 year after the approval of this Plan and then annually Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Staff will annually request information from the Regional DNR office on any newly proposed/constructed high capacity wells within or near the DWSMA or any changes to existing appropriations permits for high capacity wells. Assistance from a retained consultant and the MDH will be requested to evaluate whether proposed pumping (or changes to pumping) will change the boundaries of the DWSMA delineated for Rosemount's wells or if the vulnerability of the aquifer the wells utilize will be affected. B. PUBLIC EDUCATION (GENERAL) Objective 131: Develop a public support and understanding for the wellhead protection plan through the use of web sites, newsletters, and handouts. Action B1.1: Include information about wellhead protection and groundwater protection in the City newsletter. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Within 12 months following adoption of this Plan. Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Identify and obtain existing educational materials available from MDH and other sources. Write newsletter articles describing wellhead protection and include contact information and web site addresses for existing educational resources. Action B1.2: Provide information about the Wellhead Protection Plan and links to other wellhead protection related resources on the City's web site. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH, Dakota County, MDA, and EPA Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 28 111 a g e Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 How: Provide a summary of wellhead protection goals and implementation. Provide links to wellhead protection related web sites including MDH, Dakota County, MDA, and EPA. Action B1.3: Educate property owners of agricultural lands on the issues related to agricultural activity and how these issues effect or relate to this WHPP. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County, SWCD, MDA, MRCS, OEA Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Coordinate with Dakota County's Environmental Education Program, the SWCD, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to act as resources for best management practices in relation to agricultural land use. Other agencies such as the NRCS and the 0 E have also established goals and strategies for environmentally safe land use practices. Information will be made available to identified property owners through the use of the City's website and mailers. Action B1.4: Contact and educate land owners within mining/extractive land use areas of Empire Township regarding future use and development of the DWSMA that extends into the Township. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County, Empire Township and their retained consultants (engineering) Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: A resolution passed by Empire Township gives the City of Rosemount opportunity to be involved in the land use and land development process within Empire Township and, thereby, ensuring protection of the source water aquifer within the DWSMA. Continued cooperation will be needed. C. STORAGE TANK MANAGEMENT Objective Cl: Notify owners of storage tanks located within the DWSMA thatthe tank is in a source water protection area, and educate the owners of properties containing the storage tanks of the importance of spill prevention. Action Cl: Update list of storage tank owners and contact each property owner and make them aware of their placement within the City's wellhead protection area. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MPCA Time Frame: Within 1 year following adoption of this Plan Estimated Cost: Staff time City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 29 1 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 How: Send mailings outto property owners notifying them aboutthe DWSMA delineation and the importance of spill prevention, Provide contact numbers for appropriate government agencies to each property owner. Action C2: Hold information workshop with PCA to make storage tank owners aware of their placement within the City's wellhead protection area. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MPCA Time Frame: Within 2 years following adoption of this Plan Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Send letter out to property owners notifying them of informational meeting and hold meeting in with PCA. A SEPTIC SYSTEMS (ISIS) Objective D1: Coordinate with Dakota County to educate property owners about the need for having onsite sewage treatment systems that comply with environmental standards and other regulations. Action D1: Assist the County's efforts to educate property owners about SSTS systems and property maintenance of them. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Provide assistance to Dakota County as requested. Objective D2: Cooperate with Dakota County to maintain aseptic system inventory. Enforce the City's SSTS codes (Chapter 6) Action D2: Set ISTS standards that are equal to or stricter than those contained in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. Who: City of Rosemount Staff and Dakota County Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: Already in place and being implemented, ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: The City of Rosemount has adopted Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS) standards (Chapter 6 of the City Code). Compliance is enforced by the City's Building Inspection Division. E. STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT Objective E1: Educate the public on proper stormwater management, turf management, proper lawn care practices and water conservation. City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 30 1 1' �� Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 Action E1: Provide information to the community with respect to the everyday issues regarding stormwater and lawn care. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: 2012 growing season, then ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Include information on the City's website, in the City's newsletter, distribute direct mailers, or include water billing inserts to educate the community on some best management practices that may be implemented. Objective E2: Cooperate with other agencies and programs to manage stormwater quality. Action E2: Work in cooperation with the NPDES permit program implemented in areas overlapping the DWSMA Who: City of Rosemount Staff, City Council Cooperators: MPCA, Dakota County, Vermillion River Watershed joint Power Organization Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: The City of Rosemount has updated its Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to meet NPDES stormwater permit requirements. The SWPPP includes measures for public education and outreach, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site runoff control, post construction runoff control, and pollution prevention and good housekeeping. Additional measure will be added to comply with current MPCA permit requirements. Many of the SWPPP goals are shared with the WHP Plan. F. HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Objective F1: Educate the public on the proper disposal of hazardous waste items. Action F1: Jointly sponsor an annual household hazardous waste collection day with Dakota County in Rosemount. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Include information on the City's website, in the City's newsletter, distribute direct mailers, or include water billing inserts to encourage residents within the DWSMA, and throughout the City, to participate in the County's household hazardous waste collection day. City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 311 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan - Part December 2012 Objective 172: Develop a Hazardous Waste Management Plan to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and to protect the environment from hazardous waste contamination. Action 172: Develop a Hazardous Waste Management Plan in relation to sand and gravel mining within the DWSMA in areas of high vulnerability. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County and MPCA and communities within the DWSMA Time Frame: 2 years after plan approval Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Review existing hazardous waste management regulations and plans and develop a City plan for managing a hazardous waste release in a mining area located in an area of high vulnerability within the DWSMA. Objective 173: Educate hazardous waste generators about hazardous waste management. Action 173: Offer "Hazard Waste Training Seminar" for all hazardous waste generators covering all the information that the average generator needs to stay in compliance with the rules. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County/ MNTAP Time Frame: 2016 Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Include information on the City's website or in the City's newsletter to encourage residents and business owners within the DWSMA, and throughout the City, to participate in Hazardous Waste Training Seminars sponsored by the County or other agencies. G. DATA COLLECTION Objective G1: Continue to collect and maintain local geologic and hydrogeologic data,, in order to improve and augment current information and to provide additional data for future revisions to this Plan. Action G1.1: Monitor static and pumping levels in municipal wells. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: None Time Frame: Already in place, ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Conduct routine collection of groundwater levels in the municipal wells, which will provide data for the evaluation of groundwater elevation trends over time. A decreasing trend in static water levels in the municipal wells may be cause for the City to pursue more restricted water use measures and /or more effective methods to control public City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 32 11' Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 water supply use. This data can also be used to verify the groundwater flow field in the source water aquifer. Action G1.2: Cooperate and support future data collection efforts by other agencies. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: MPCA, DNR, MDH, MCES, USGS, neighboring cities, and Dakota County Time Frame: Already in place, ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Provide assistance to agencies as requested. Objective G2: Evaluate the water quality monitoring strategy and results to ensure that they are consistent with federal and state requirements yet also take into account local conditions. Action G2: Maintain water quality sampling requirements mandated by MDH and analyze trends in water chemistry, looking for any possible degradation of quality or changes in aquifer hydraulics. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Already in place, ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Identify changes to trends in water chemistry by evaluating records of analysis results. This includes sharing data with the MDH and the option to sample for radiological testing. Objective G3: Monitor surface water to groundwater connection during mining activities and after mine pit lake is constructed in UMore mining area. Action G3.1: Work with MDH to conduct stable isotope sampling and testing. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Annually after mine pit lake construction Estimated Cost: Staff time How: MDH to perform stable isotope sampling and testing. Action G3.2: Work with MDH to conduct tritium sampling and testing. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Already in place, ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: MDH to perform tritium sampling and testing every 5 years to assess change in aquifer vulnerability. City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project N0. 1582-06 33 1 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 Action G3.3: Require and review groundwater monitoring plan to be submitted with mining permits and review monitoring results annually. Who: City of Rosemount and consultant Staff Cooperators: Mining Company, M D H Time Frame: During Mining Permit approval process & annual review of permit Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Review groundwater monitoring plan submitted with mining applications specifically monitoring well locations and sampling plan. Review monitoring data annually at a minimum and adjust plan as needed based on results. Objective G4: Maintain up to date information about wells and potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA. Action G4: In cooperation with existing state or local agencies and programs, create and maintain a database of wells, ISTS, storage tanks, and shallow disposal wells within the DWSMA. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH and Dakota County Time Frame: Data base already created, review annually and update as funding is available. Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time. How: An inventory of wells and potential contaminant sources was performed as part of the development of this Plan. Data base will be reviewed annually and updated as information becomes available. H. WATER CONSERVATION Objective 1-11: Implement a community -wide water conservation program. Action 1-11: Implement conservation measures included in the Water Supply Plan as part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: None Time Frame: Already in place, ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Educate the public to encourage users to voluntarily incorporate water saving habits and tools into their lifestyles, improve the exiting water system's operation and maintenance procedures and incorporate costs associated with water conservation programs, adjusting water rate structure and ensure that all customers are paying for the water they use through audits and meter replacement or calibration. City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project N0. 1582-06 341 Page Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 December 2012 I. PLANNING AND ZONING Objective 11: Eliminate or reduce the potential pollution risks to the source water aquifer and minimize the risk of altering the WHPA and DWSMA area. Action 11: Include a review of this Plan as part of the normal zoning and planning review process. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: None Time Frame: Already in place, ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Copies of this Plan will be distributed to the City Planner and Planning Department and they will review this Plan as part of their planning review process. Action I2: Participate with other jurisdictions within the DWSMA to identify land use changes outside the city limits. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Empire Township, City of Lakeville, City of Apple Valley Time Frame: Completed as part of the WHPP process Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Copies of this Plan will be distributed to other jurisdictions within the DWSMA. J. IMPLEMENTATION Objective J1: Track and report Wellhead Protection activities to aid in implementing Wellhead Protection Objectives Action J1: Complete and submit an annual report on completed WHP activities to the Utility Commission. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or consultant Cooperators: None Time Frame: Annually after approval of plan Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time How: Report will be prepared and provided to the Utility Commission. K. EVALUATION Objective K1: Evaluate Plan Action K1: Complete an evaluation report every 2.5 years Who: City of Rosemount Staff or consultant Cooperators: None Time Frame: Every 2.5 years City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project N0. 1582-06 351 Pa g e Wellhead Protection Plan - Part December 2012 Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time How: Prepare a written report using the MDH Wellhead Protection Program Evaluation form or a format selected by the City. Provide report to the Utility Commission, City Council and MDH Source Water Protection Unit. City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project N0. 1582-06 36 1 P a g e Observation wells are utilized to collect groundwater level data and are a candidate for grant funding. In an effort to gain funding for the MnDNR requirements for the City to install another observation well within the City, it is recommended that the attached MDH Source Water Protection Implementation Grant application be submitted. The funding would be applied to either convert the existing Well No. 5 into an observation well, or to fund part or all of the cost to drill a new observation well, pending MnDNR direction. Quotes for this work have not yet been received but will be included in the final grant application submittal. SUMMARY Staff recommends City Council authorize the execution and submittal of the grant application. f+i