HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Director's Report '�CROSEMOLINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: March 30, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 c. ATTACHMENTS: Parks and Recreation Commission APPROVED BY: � Pro"ect List RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. Park Improvement Fund Balance as of February 28, 2015: $113,919.28 Inflows to the Paxk Improvement Fund last month wexe as follows: Dedication fees—$6,253.58 Grants/Othex - $0 Interest- $1,50693 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $145,551.32 (PYestwick Paxk parking lot, ttail and basketball court) Hockey Tournament- Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA) hosted the Bantam C District Tournament from March 8-15 at the Rosemount Ice AYena. Family Fun Fest- On Friday, February 27,2015, the Parks and Recxeation DepaYtment hosted the annual fxee Wintex Family Fun Fest in the gym and axena of the Community Center. Families enjoyed an evening of fxee ice skating,playing in bounce houses and a laxge inflatable obstacle course, carnival games, live music, snacks and prizes. This event is especially popular with families who have younger children. The Winter Family Fun Fest is also often the fixst event new families attend after moving to Rosemount. Paxks and Recreation staff spend a lot of time at the event explainixig to new families how sports teams, events and activiries aYe coordinated within out city (fox example, the diffeYence between Parks and Recrearion, RAAA and RAHA). This event is always very well received, and appro�mately 250 kids, along with their parents, attended this year. City Council Goals—The City Council is continuing to work on their 2015-16 goals for the City. Staff would like to discuss the PaYks and Recreation Commission's PYioxity PYoject list that was Yecently created. Staff would like to get some furtheY direction from the Coininission regarding how the pYojects should be prioxitized. Parks and Recreation Project List Athletic Facilities 1. Flint Hills Athleric Fields—Phase 2—Include Artificial Turf+ Lights 2. Ul1-1are Ball Field Project—Phase 2 3. Park Sheltex/�Y�arming House at Bloomfield Park 4. Park Plan Update—Erickson Patk(includes Play Equipment at Erickson Park) 5. Covered Dugouts (list parks�vhere tve�vant them and the prioriry) 6. Batting Cages (list parks tvhere�ve�vant them and the priority) 7. Erickson Park Tennis Couxts Phase 2 Special Interest Facilities 1.a.Disc Golf Course 1.b.Dog Park 1.c. Central Park/Splash Pad Phase 2 2. Skate Park Rehab 3. Sculpture Garden between Library and Steeple Centex 4. Outdoor Exexcise Equipment Neighborhood Parks 1. Prestwick Park Phase 2 2. Horseshoe Lake Park 3. Planning Greystone Park 4. Develop Patk N-5 Incorporate.rhaded playground�(ather than tree.r)in futsrre park.r. TraiJs 1. Dakota County Regional Greenways 2. Benches Along Trails Natural Areas 1. Planning to Restore Natural Areas—Include Buckthorn Removal at Carroll's L�loods/Sch�varz Pond Park 2. I�eegan Lake Water Access—Canoe Dock 3. McMenomy��loods Communiry Faciliry/ Community Center l.a. Indoor Pool 1.b. Indoor Basketball and Volley ball Courts l.c. Indoor`�lalking Track 1.d. E:�etcise Room l.e. Preschool-Toddlex Play Area The�rbave item.r all have eqc�al priority. 2. Community Watet Feature—l�Ieandering River Other 1. Consider the Feasibility of a Second Sheet of Ice -Possibly a refrigerated outdoor sheet that would ser�e mulriple functions so it could be used in all seasons - 1-