HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. STAR Community ProjectEXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session Meeting Date: April 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: STAR Communities Project AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, Planner, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Ethan Nelson, Comm. Dev. Intern AGENDA NO. 2.c. ATTACHMENTS: Scoring Summary, PowerPoint Presentation APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Update & Discussion S UMMARY This memo summarizes the results of Rosemount’s STAR Communities sustainability assessment. During 2014, this year-long process involved every city department as well as many other community and government partners. During the work session, staff will present the attached scoring summary table and slide presentation to facilitate Council discussion regarding how utilize the STAR results to move forward with the city’s sustainability goals. Staff will be following up with the Council about next steps. It is intended that staff will bring a strategic plan to the Council encompassing many of the issues highlighted through this benchmarking exercise along with particular Resilient Communities Projects. BACKGROUND STAR Communities is a framework for assessing and rating sustainability efforts in a community. There are 44 Objectives derived from 7 Goal Areas. Within each of the 44 Objectives, there are 1 – 4 Outcomes and about 10 Local Actions. Outcomes can account for 70% to 100% of points in an Objective, while a maximum of 70% of points in any specific Objective may be earned through successful completion of Local Actions. Additional points are available through “Innovation & Process” points. ISSUE ANALYSIS The STAR Communities assessment was submitted for scoring in December 2014. After initial scoring and the appeal process, the final score awarded to Rosemount was 325 points; a 3-STAR rating. The attached scoring summary shows the points awarded in each Objective and Goal Area. Rosemount was able to pursue points in 203 of the measures (outcomes/actions), of which 188 were approved. 100% of points were achieved in the following objectives; Public Spaces, Educational Opportunity & Attainment, Emergency Prevention & Response, Safe Communities, and Outdoor Air Quality. The attached presentation illustrates the objectives in color-coded tables. For discussion purposes, staff has broken down the Objectives based on the percentage of points scored; greater than 66% is show in green, 33% - 66% is shown in yellow, and less than 33% is shown in red. Of the 44 main objectives, we scored greater than 66% in 12 objectives, between 33% and 66% in 15 objectives, and less than 33% in 17 objectives. CONCLUSION The STAR Communities assessment represents a significant accomplishment toward achieving Rosemount’s sustainability goals. As the only STAR certified community in Minnesota, it recognizes Rosemount as a leader in sustainability. More importantly, the STAR Communities assessment and results will serve as a framework for future sustainability efforts. Based on feedback from the City Council, staff will align the STAR findings with results from the on-going Resilient Communities projects and Regional Indicators Initiative to further refine the city’s sustainability efforts. 2 Built Environment Score Avail.Climate & Energy Score Avail.Economy & Jobs Score Avail. BE-1: Ambient Noise & Light 0.61 5 CE-1: Climate Adaptation 1.37 15 EJ-1: Business Retention & Dvlpmnt 6.67 20 BE-2: Community Water Systems 12.49 15 CE-2: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation 14.55 20 EJ-2: Green Market Development 2.63 15 BE-3: Compact & Complete Communities 10.59 20 CE-3: Greening the Energy Supply 8.35 15 EJ-3: Local Economy 4.68 15 BE-4: Housing Affordability 5.53 15 CE-4: Industrial Sector Resource Effic.0.29 10 EJ-4: Quality Jobs & Living Wages 4.26 20 BE-5: Infill & Redevelopment 5.65 10 CE-5: Resource Efficient Buildings 6.06 15 EJ-5: Targeted Industry Development 6.37 15 BE-6: Public Spaces 15 15 CE-6: Resource Efficient Public Infrast.0 10 EJ-6: Workforce Readiness 3.78 15 BE-7: Transportation Choices 13 20 CE-7: Waste Minimization 6.88 15 Score / Possible 62.87 100 Score / Possible 37.5 100 Score / Possible 28.39 100 Education, Arts & Community Score Avail.Equity & Empowerment Score Avail.Health & Safety Score Avail. EAC-1: Arts & Culture 7 15 EE-1: Civic Engagement 10.41 15 HS-1: Active Living 13.57 15 EAC-2: Community Cohesion 13.13 15 EE-2: Civil & Human Rights 0 10 HS-2: Comm. Health & Health System 17.05 20 EAC-3: Educational Optnty & Attainment 20 20 EE-3: Environmental Justice 0 15 HS-3: Emergency Prev. & Response 15 15 EAC-4: Historic Preservation 0.84 10 EE-4: Equitable Services & Access 0.78 20 HS-4: Food Access & Nutrition 9.24 15 EAC-5: Social & Cultural Diversity 5.45 10 EE-5: Human Services 2.33 20 HS-5: Indoor Air Quality 2.63 5 EE-6: Poverty Prevention & Alleviation 9.1 20 HS-6: Natural & Human Hazards 2.9 15 HS-7: Safe Communities 15 15 Score / Possible 46.42 70 Score / Possible 22.62 100 Score / Possible 75.39 100 Natural Systems Score Avail.Innovation & Process Credits Score Avail. NS-1: Green Infrastructure 14 20 IP-1: Best Practices & Processes 0 10 NS-2: Invasive Species 2.24 10 IP-2: Exemplary Performance 0 10 NS-3: Natural Resource Protection 8.27 20 IP-3: Local Innovation 0 25 NS-4: Outdoor Air Quality 15 15 IP-4: Regional Priorities 5 5 NS-5: Water in the Environment 7.28 20 NS-6: Working Lands 0 15 Score / Possible 46.79 100 Score / Possible 5 50 Grand Total 325 720 200 = 3-STAR 400 = 4-STAR STAR Communities Final Score Table of Goals & Objectives 2 Final Score 325 Points – 3-STAR Community Recognized for sustainability leadership. 3 62.9% 37.5% 28.4% 66.3% 22.6% 75.4% 46.8% 10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% Built Environment Climate & Energy Economy & Jobs Education, Arts & Community Equity & Empowerment Health & Safety Natural Systems Innovation & Process Final Score 325 Points – 3-STAR Community Recognized for sustainability leadership. 4 Final Score 325 Points – 3-STAR Community Recognized for sustainability leadership. 5 Scored 100% in 4 categories. Scored Greater than 66% 6 Scored Greater than 33% 7 Scored Greater than 33% 8 Scored Less than 33% 9 Scored Less than 33% & Dependent on Outside Organizations 10 = Scored Less than 33% & Dependent on Outside Organizations 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% 5-STAR 4-STAR 3-STAR STAR Certified Cities/Counties in order of percentage of points achieved. Cities with population less than 30,000 shown in red. 11 Moving Forward… 12 •Complete Sustainability Assessment o Conclude Resilient Communities Projects o Continue Regional Indicators Initiative to Further Define Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Methods to Mitigate •Identify Opportunities to Use STAR Findings o Implement City Council Goal to Become a More Sustainable Community o Utilize as Part of a Economic Development Strategy o Increase Transparency and Accountability o Build & Strengthen Partnerships with Community & Government Partners o Serve as foundation to Comprehensive Plan Update o Update City Regulations