HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 UC Minutes'6rILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Puuuant to due catt and notice theAeoi, a xe A meeting wa,6 duty heed ------ ---------- _qutv at the Vittage Hatt on the-11-th--day---ot MaAcht The MeWn4 UW caned- to order by Atezident MutteAy, at members weAe P.ke,6 ent. minutez off_ the Feb)�ua" qm were head and approved as read. MOTION by Jone.6 .second by Heinen to app&ove the attached t"t o be and order Ag"44 .. . _ Ayes weAe 3. -The_ h ,of -having- the me-taltu Tt -to', �_atig Lte_tht-pe&&�� read once a ym and to, uae atimated bitts in the intvLim. ID. #.- O.L. T-h7t-Cortin";6i-otr-ag-)tef-d-to -z-end- -Do* atown AW w&P- Thi-STAte .6choot. -----The;6ecAetwty i'n6b-_-'c;ted bitt Genz Pyan m6 to a ca"eated meamt o6 V Nertan-e–MeteA. tettea to Pa6te& Aineh"t in wa6,v'--w*.:'v'w--.-ted to wit—ite a gaiation - off_ the - - 4,% eat amount patience and coopeAat 44p yed appA& ion he 1�� duting recent .6eweA stoppage. - _____MOTION_ __BY­_ HEINEN-- 4 econd- by-Jone.6 to ad jouAn-thi6 t(th day o4 Match, 1969. ch Motion by Ma tay and .6econd by Jone.6 to appeave the attached ti.6t of b and to - - - -- iP.eb ox�eA them -- A Kane6 Auto 8 Equip Senv.ice--- �4- b� - - - -- - Reftw 1.91 Don McNea&ney - -- 4.00 wit,6on6 Standaxd Senv.cee r. 6'1------- - - - - -- - -- -_- - 9: F ecr ege e_ Et ev -._ - -- -------- ------------------------------------------------ __ $ 84.6T - The Seetetany xead the bid6 f.om the 4oteowi.ng: Pm jot a 12H. P. t aetox and - .mower arr�.a nawb�owe�.. to Cou t Stone Montgomehy ward FtuegeQ Eeevatox, Inc. �onconan Wan e_5__imp�: �a :- - -- - - -- -- ------- - - - - -- Calie6 n -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- Motion ---- - - - - -- by Jonea 6eeond by MatteAy to accept the bid o4 Ftseget Etevatox, Inc. 4ox a w eIVna e 12ff.- P icac an uxc -- fiiyct�ca ..cc- can�m ice : — -- " " - - - - -- -- - a- nd - -X-- W -Snowb bow" -- camp. Bete - -utii tk- powex- tak.e--a"- t e,aa- _arcade .i nand_ d 6 r-nu tit .AM a u.6ed 26" .6nowbtoweA, net ea.6t to be $941.40. Ay e.6 weAe 3. - - -- Th wa a - ta - prcepane- b� d -- 6laec i,� i eat Tara Ann a new 3.14 ton „sip box the Commiz6ion. -- 1 and to uavieeaa neaum u- The woxk to be pu4oxmed by McCaAthy wete Co. Ayeb weAe 3. Mation by Ma�- ,�ecand by jo ut -- ,•#a -pt Lu_,a_- $5- _a0- mi.ndwn -- eha a �o�netoh e-he_ek na. 14 the meter uxt6 4ound to peA4onming the ehaxge woutd be tev.ied.,.ij the meter. au not - p&p nniing- aatialaeto y the - chahgec wo - -ba uiaive a - the meteA - otcon ley fionea aecond�y�lecnen to- aend�n Ito tie Wa-teA WoARA Opu=/L -- - - - -- ehee.0 to be_ heed -o-n- -the- -2-1-- 23 --off- Apx.4uad -.t,o a imbuhu a huh -jaa the $40.00 cow and other .inci.ndentat ecpen6e.6 he .ineukAed. Aye6 were 3. -heeend b PliftEfteft e -� - __---- _---- ____ -- and _RepvA_ co. L_Inc. og- _Ctean Lake., Iowa, 50428 ox the punpoae os painting the exte ioic o{- o � the ooat�tu c ioaten awen, cant ^te , 561.00. The motcon at6o LTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pauaant to due cat and notice thaeo4, a xegutaA meeting um daty heed at the Wittage Hake on the 8th day o4 Aptit at 8:00 o'ctock PM. Pxe6.ident Mutteny pnea.i.ded at the meeting and att memben.6 weae pnebent. _ h The Seae tmy head the minute-6 o 4 the Match meeting and they weAe app tovd 46 — M Motion by Heinen zeeond by Jone6 to aet the hate a4 $2.00 pen hour 4ox extha. hetp ae needed. Aye6 were 3. _ - _ - _ i _ .i,natuded. the- puviaion_ and ?, Aoi 7art4.on- to-- 4ign -a 1Q , agneeneiat with the same 4iAm 4on a yeaAty cost o4 $610.00. Ayes wen_e 3. t _There bvna ,w JuAthee% bua.inu& ttio e ti ng ttd jouaned th - 8:th day-o4 Apkit, 1969. _ # i ttnd' .— ee t6cl i i UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTS DAKOTA STATE--O­F- MV&ESM- t -to. sue_ off_ -- and notice--thexeo ----a uguta&_ meeting wa4__&rZy- he�ct_ at the V i, age__11a tt on the 13th The minute.6 o MOTION by Jona and .6econd by Heinen to appkove the jot towing--bitt,6 them _paid. A-Ye.6 3. -------- Txi Stake V'- WA ' ---- Dom btivA W25.28 Water _Ptoduct6 Co. JeAikolv.6ky - - -- ----- Matv.6 SkeU y z y wf �nne4 ...... ___3 _ r165.50 B. Net.6on 9 Landett 100.00 eA Daviz. 4.50 CoAAiQan EtectAia Co. 595.35 _ Thom on Hayward 17.50 Coast to Cout Stou 2.08 WitAoy Fond 10.15 ------ - --- Raymond SieckeAt 50.00 36-95 D�Uffy 40,6. 2.22 Pelo*e6 NatwuLt Li6 21.06 NSP GaAa_qe 15.54 it-Re Gab Garage 71.26 Wett 49.42 ---Di,6po.6at WeU I * 2 47.26 TOW $6,176,14 as catetaated- MOTION BY muttgAy_Agcondby- H to_ ac(v_eA 'At a 314 tpe tA _ja&bjd6__an pi" cku damp—twak. .—Awa were MOTION by Jone.6.6econd by Heinen toad outne the l3th_�#y_oj May, 1969. secAetaAy r CALL FOR BIDS _ ___- NOTICE_ IS HEREBY GIULN_- fiat_ he_W __C¢ 4ion-.o4 .the Vittage aA Raaemouni�__ Dakota County. M.Lnne6ota w.r,2t_ teceive_ bid6 on a 1969 314 -T_an P-i _ckug - thuak - -_ - -. _ 4hat t -i .ctude_a_ .Made -p phice -- ox- a__1969 FoldP -25D -- - - - - -- - - -- - -_ _ ---- ____ -- -- 314 Ton tAuck- meaen�y owned b-y the Comm".6ion. Body: two_ doors -heavy duty box with running boand6_ - - - - -- - -- -Cott: Minnesota State ff�-ghW­ Depart finent .Onanq-e-- - - -- _-- ________ n ne :. _ 6 cc� P. ndQh_1_r - Tnanami,6a.ion: jour apeed Janwand, one neveue ----- -__ - -- -- ---- -Tiaeb _8_pt1- tati na -- -- - - J w/ apaAe ti Heavy_ -Puty _Spn.in� - .ght-dQOn__morm-t d -hoamy duty ---- - OPTIONAL PROVISIONS: 1. I ne eude coat o nemov i one _PP- 33_Conve t to Dump - Ho Ui^:14om ------- _ -__ -- _ 1962 -- --- and _P.i -ckap _and__ l�ta ng._sn__new- unit,-- air. ,inctude aaAt o f new ho.cat and in6tattati.on. IncWe opgon_o6_additionae coo. on Aou�i wheel d�rive. __- B.ida shlU be�i,2ed w.i h comm•iaaio_n_aee+ce arc _on on be one 7:00 PM June 10. 1969 __ and - 4hW -bQ _ ope -n- d_cz_- .o_i_-Aaid_ -tineAnd- da te- in theV,i.?.P= Hatt o4 the_Vittage o4 Rosemount,_ Pahota _county,_M.inge6o.ta. B.ida .6ha,te e encpaaed ,.n--a,_ &PaL,ed- _-envetope__,and p4minty - maAked- „B.id -Acra Pi.efi -up Tuck" when seed. — -- -- -_ -. -- __ -- __— _ The Commi A ion keaeAvu thhe _n c ht to_ rte 'eel -an and1aU b.id.6 and to - _ _ - - -ie - -'J n awsAd contAact to the A&_.eoweat_nebponaibte b.i.ddeh._ and _to the but .interest of the Vitt'age of Rosemount, UtUiti,ea CommiA.6 ion. Dated at Rozemount, Minne6ota th.ia 13th day aj Mme_ 1969 ---- ____ -- _ _ -------- - - - - -- Eugene J. Dujj - SecAe taky - - - -- -- - - - - -- Commiaa.ian. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSO4OUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA --- -------- Pauuant to due catt and notice theAeo4, a tegutat meeting uxu duty hetd at the 8:00 k ctac.-PM----- MOTION by ikong second by MutteAy to approve the 6ottowing bitt6 and acaadeA -them ------------ - ---- Olson 29.75 Pe optu NatwEt G" 29.15 StpLue Pure Oit 25.02 Garage MitteA Vavi4 8.70 H 1210A COAA1000Z 90/00 DiApozat 59.71 Genz-Ryan .34 dvmy WW 1,687.69 L- -q;ta layne ginnunta- 14.95 were. # 3 87.44 $3 P735U- Ftueget Etevato& 937.20 . --------Coa4t to ---Aye-6 pickup t=lk. 2., The Commis.6ion aateed to chaA e A)ovte Vattea Studio.6 thei,% cost Ao,% =b box pipe, T­ _and nece.6.6 to instatt a 211 watea tine. MOTION by __4_eqq_0_by_AA"_adjoutn th" 10th day oA June, 1969. ,6ec)Leta,%y i CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the WUtiu Commizzion oA the V.f,Qtage _� Rabemount. Dakota._ County. Minnuota wilt nee_ -ei.ve bi4 on a 1970 314 Tan P� kup__tAuck. Bids Sha.2.Cinc.eude a_t44de -- n sR_stn a 1962 Fond F -250 Body: two doox-heavy/guotxy with nunn i q boaAda - - - - -- - -- -- - -- _ota__..S. ,4te- igh y- .Vepa4._tnent._O_4aW - - - - - Engine . : --6 -- yt i.ndeAlminim __oj__2 - - - -- =- -- - - - -- - TcamA#U,6zion :.-- jowc__& peed ._6oAwa&d,_ one Jiev_eue___ - - - - -- - -.___ ---------- _ - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - -- - Tatted -� -- � --1�4- - - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- -- - -- - - - c e __ gat ._ uuvUex --Ba teA y: -Heavy -Duty---- - - - - - -- - Suependjon: _ Heavy Duty- S�ngd_ and 6hoch abzonb_eu ghat-- doolc -wu ated- - - - -- - - -33 - - - - -- OPTIONAL - _Conveocto DumP HccAt Wm -- __t9- 62 -To4jPickup -_anti- in--new-unit, oninctude eo4t --------- - - -a�- new._ ho.i.a�- _and_nb- �a,_on.-- - - - - -- addiiioha.�_.eost& joun wheet ds i-ve. -- -__ -- _ - -- -_ —"-4hatt-he4iled Wth.rommiuinft_,6emetmy on oa bejou 7 :00 PM -- Jutu 8. - _1969_and b�agene�c�6_ - ��ri.d_ .� date in the Vittme -- -Hatt _o4 the ... Village_ oA Ro6 emount,- Dakota Counter M,i.nnedo.ta.. B.id6 d be enc. eobed tin_a_aeaed-- enve,Pope- _and- _�flac�- mcvched '�Bida ion - T ckup-- Txuck "_when ited. -- - -- - _ -- - - _- -- - -- _ -_ The_Com- 4z- Awon._nebexy -u - - -t e_-Ai4ht, -t Aej:e�AumLany- and 'lat bides and to award eontca.ct to the towe,6.t ne6pona�.bte b.i.dden and to the but intPAut - - - -�_ ��_ 11�a�e✓a�__1���4►_1.1a4411�; _ _U��t�i.4.4_�0�< d.LOF�. --- - - - - -- - - - - - -- Dated thc',a 18th day o6 June at Ro6emount, M,inne6ota — - -- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- - -- Eugene-J. - V . e oA Rosemount, Uti , jv,6 -- - -- ---------- - - - - -- --------- ____ --%rr. .can UTILTIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pur.6uant to due catt and notice theheoj, a aegutar meeting wa6 duty held at the -viuW _Hatt_ he -__ h da�c _ j_ Jgy- _4_1_. W-o' ct ock PM. were _head and apn.ov ed u read. _ A.C. membena pneaent excepting Jones and Dubj MOTION bu MutteAy decond by Heinen to_appnove the bottowtng bit" and order them pad - Ftueqet Etevaton 10.15 - - - -- _Write _PAodcact6_-Ca,_______ 16_._94 Dakota County TAi.bune 21.00 - _ _ _Vo&yeAk Texa_w_ 21.95 Concona.n Hdwe. 6 Imps. 20.82 _ RQ4motkn t, Au a_Supp�y 4.40 Coa6t to Coaat Stone 20.65 Banizter Eng.ineen i.ng 404.60 _— - - -- . -_1 -7'.50 _- ----- ____ -- Nom__ - - -- -Wei _ No . 3 -- - 66.00 _ Peopte6 Nat at Gab -- -------- - - - - -- - — - upon - -- - ��9 - -e- Gam -- - - - - -- 2.- 0 - -- - -- -- -- -__ - -- - - -- x.31--- - - - - -- Pia 2a NatunaC Gab - Youag.� - l.c�..� -� -5.93 Weft 14 6 2 51.09 V.i,Q. Q oA RaAmi.ngton 15.00 L Sta. 24.19 -- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - $842.37 - -- - - - - - -- - - -B4_.Pl_- opened _JoA_nw _utiity- .truck _2_ $ 6 nwead._.one jxom Wit oy Fond, one _nom Raaemouni podge. Bid awarded to Ro.6emountlDbdge. -_- _______ — Sec._to noUfy Ro.6emount Dodge to have a notary jWhen .tn6tatted on top of new tkuck. _ — - --- - -- - - - -- Th.ene being no Aunther bu.6.inus the meeting wr z adj ounned. CJ UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, MINNESOTA. Pursuant to due catt and notice theteo4, a uguta& meeting wa6 duty held at the Vittage Hatt on the 12th day o6 August, 1969 at 7:00 o' apel PM. -Me Wn_q- catttd- -to oiLdu -by - fte6ident Muttuy—,-att­--m-vWm-w UP_ - pkemwt-- excepting Heinen. The minutu o4 the Juty meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION BY Jones and second by MutteAy to approve the 4ottowing bttt6 and to order them paid. Ayes were 2. Peopte,6 NatuAat gab - garage $ 2.74 Ltoyd Dahtke StAe,6e Pute Olt 4.95 NoxtheAh 6tate,6-garage 21XII 2.00 _t4t_.station..____ Alft9l 99.83--- Wett #3 Iftil 66.03 Wett 1 9 2 lizil 52.19 Co"t to Coa6t 4.00 Buz hnel-f Cc__ 19. 5 0-- Nick Fox 75.00 Young Li6t 4.67 - Date­-Wu tiyv- - BeAnakd W. May 9 Co. 187.50 Vittage CteAk and au thou izing him to ceAtijy the amount6 to the County Auditor Wit,kOy CO. 2.64 Vic6 Wetdi4g 88.34 Ltoyd Dahtke StAe,6e Pute Olt 4.95 R P-haAd Heten Kane EAtate RatztaJA Se vice Station 30.92 , LevEA Udd Lampe a,% et y Dakota County T&ibune 20.02 Co"t to Coa6t 4.00 Buz hnel-f Cc__ 19. 5 0-- Nick Fox 75.00 WateA Pudut6 225.75 SoVnekt, Posbikatet 3.0.0 $927.21- --th-C -Chaages to IVIL/ BY Jvnu--4eaond -b­q-1kuttvqTto cW;i4y 4oteoWng the Vittage CteAk and au thou izing him to ceAtijy the amount6 to the County Auditor to- be -added to .take 6 - AoA the zominq_j vcjat_ -tee '6mer�tA 't andnohdamow with Ordinance nambe,% 56. Ayes were 2. There being­ -n--o---4--u--t--h-e,-%----b-u-,6—i--n-e--z-.-6-- .the --meeting --adjourned Auqu.6t 1969. Abd men $27.10 Ltoyd Dahtke 119.37 R P-haAd Heten Kane EAtate 46.95 32.10 , LevEA Udd 28.78 et y UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF POSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, MINNESOTA Pwusuant to due cat and notice thaeo/, a tegutat meeting waz duty head at the Vittage Hatt on the 9th day oA Sept., 1969 at 7:00 o'ctock. PP". ` The minuted o� the augurt meeting were read and approved a6 read. — _ - - - -- -- _ - -- _- _ -- - fO- TI6W- -b y Jones- and - z eco-nd -b y Heinen Heinen and Janes tUatetc 9 Sewage WonFia _- - -$15, 00 - -_ _ -- _ ._ Ftueget F.2evatan Inc. 8.25 Corcoran Hcvc&wAe 9 Impb. 21.24 - C- bast - to - - -Coa t -Stoxe - -- 2.-997 - - -- Fo6ten, Sta.ndand SeAv,iee 19.55 -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- -- Jo h-r - Maehi ne -S4wp -- - Lampefut Vands iOW 4.80 San4ax Chemcueat6 166.56 Cotvrigan F.2ectni.c 548.47 0 -� - - -- Peopte6 NatuAat Gad D.izpoaaZ65.25 Nd p Gana.g a 2.00 - - - -- -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - Y9� �- 5 --0 -- D.i.6 p 32.80 #3 wett 58.23 - -- - -- -- - - -- — - - - - - -- - -- _ _ - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- _ - -- -- - -- r_ 9 -2 "" 40.01 - -- - L Sta. 23.93 0001.75 The b ecAetaAq read a .E'etten 4nom Po.Ptu.#;i on Con+tAo.!? Agency advizing Com_mizzion o4 'Don Bkown eeAti.4.ieatcon as Cta6.6 ''t"GJccaZewwa.�elc Wpn.�d ape�c on. - -- - - - - - -- -----M0—ft--by Mu t- eA- y-- zecanct_b-y..Wnenn -to -paw� thz co.6_ --o eewen ptan6 to Ba.ni to Fng.inaen..ing Co. X4,709.70. Ayes MuUeAy, Heinen and Jone,6. The zeenea&y was authot zed to nequeat the Aea.6on why our tank had not been paY►ed_ peh out agneemerLi oj Aptut, 1969 with Glaelc Towetc Paint and Re ',in Co. o4 Cteah Lake, Iowa. - -- __ -- - Jorie�-- mo�;ian - -�o- inc- Tce�3e Von__�rc cr�i 58: -► . September 1, 1969. MutteAy Ayeb 3. Thence being no4 untheA buz inuz the meeting ad1ounned thi.6 9th day 04 Rypec tjuuUy _Submitted— - -- - - -- Secretary • __A*_____ TTLTTTES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF POSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, MINNESOTA PuAzuant to due caR. and notice thekeo6i, a spectat meei-xna waz aucy duty head at the Vit-tage HaXt on the 11th day o! Sept:. ,1969 at 7:00 o' clock PM. �geetin_q caled to otdet by Pte sidant Muttety. JkfutteA _ Heinen, Jones lyete, pees ent. tIotion btf MutteAq second b Jones to retain (!!atwowgvPaint and Repave C_o, uu% WateAtowe)t 0,% the -clean and paint the inteAim o4 o sum 04 $995.00. Ayes were MutteAy and Jones,, _- There_ b nq___no AwtthvL business the meeting adjourned this 11th day o4 Sept. 1969. Respec,t6u, Submitted, - -------- - Eug'L J. %4� Sec. • UTILITIES COMMISSTON, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOWT COUNTY OF DAKOTA, MINNESOTA Pu,uuant to due caXl and notice theteo�, a %egutaA meeting a6 duty held at the Vitlage Hatt on the 14th day o� Octobex, 1969 at 7.-'00 o'ctoch, PM. Meeting caned to otde,% bed _Posident mmetq,n�---k4uUe4y-ja-ne.6-p-ke-sent-- Heinen ab.6ent. The minuta o� the -e embeA Meeting weAe &ead and anotoved ad tead. Motion o� Jones second o6 Muttety to approve and otdeA paid the 4ottowing bitt,s. Aye.6. MutteAy and Jones Bmhnett Co. 39.00 Genz and Ryan 2.60 COO-6t to Coast 9.03 LaTpeAt Yakds 2.50 Mokco,k an- ate -75-6 --- 'Moxv-6 Radi'atot I 9.-65 Cuttin Scienti4ic 34.19 Rosemount Auto 12.65 Dotot Peopf-u Natutat Gas 2.96 9 RepaiA Co., Tnc2,562.00 Ms p Lig 5.30 Ms p W P-U #3 138.65 Ga)La 2.00 Wett 1 9 2 49.89 C. -Sta 20.04 Di6pozat 45.04 $32020.16 Don buwn',tepotted FtuoAidat•on and Te.6ting equipment. Motio-n-by-lona second by-Multexy. to- autho Ban"teA Eng.ZneeAing-Com-pwuj--- to d&aw up speci4ication6 and bid pupozaZs 6o,% necezzaty Ftoukidation equipment. Atle.6 Janes and -M-uttvty__________ There being no 4mtheA buziness the meeting adjoutned thiz 14th day of OctobeA, 1969. ec. • UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT., COUNTY OF DAKOTA, MINNESOTA. Pu&6uant to due catt and notice theteo¢, a tegutak meeting 0 a6 duty held at the vittage Hatt on the Ilth day o4 NovembeA, 1969 at 7:00 o'ctock PN. Meeting catted to otdeA by Puzident Mu-Uety* MuUvty and Jones ptuent Heinen absent. j Motion by Jon" :second by MutteAtf to authoxize Don Stown to u6e Utitity At Pickup to attend Fite Cattz. Ayes weAe 2. Motion ba Muttevf .6econd b -Y Jo- n- " - to __ app)_ ve and otde& paid the ottowinq bita. Ayes were Jon" and MutteAy. Nsp ViUag e GoAq 2.00 Youngs 6.87 W eZe,6 1 9 2 71.42 Disposat 45.58 PeopZu -Nv-tvAaZ -Ga6-- - 4- 94-- - 71.65 Vittage o� Fa4mington 50.00 Sbizie PU_Ae _Oif 5.50 AfitteA Davi,6 co. 7.40 B"hndt"Oeo. 79.50 Cout to Coa6O 3.50 Co)Lcoxan H&ve 17.99 CoAAigan He c. 12.76 -------Dakota county Pxinting Co. 41.00 Fadden Pump 50.00 Fax Exc. 187.00 Genz 9 Ryan .52 JeAome Ttevi6 18.00 723.99 Motion by MutteAu second ion Jones to biU, Independent Schoot DiAt. #196 �o& wateA up changes --flZ School chootCbuildiko a.6 s eweA_ A o o h- -_ Ete-m-e h6atf - -and S eniox and -) - 60ttow's: Kett! Etementa&tf -(,ch'oot (John St. 1 $9,000.00 lkfateA_4_ choot- ,s were MuXX.eAy and Jones jp adjoaffe-d- hTT-11th- day o ov of, 1969. • UTILITIES COMMTSSTON, VILLAGE OF POSEMOUN'T, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pttxsuant to due co2l, and notice theAeo�, a tequta& meeting was duty hetd at the Vitfacie HaU on the 9th day o� Decembet, 1969. -VaA--the fltifitie6 Comm- Meeting catted to oxdeA by Ptezident MuReAy, att membw we-Ae p'tesent. The minutu o4 the NovembeA meeti-n were: Head and approved a6 tead. MOTION by Jones second by MWeAy to.-apptove the-attached- t"t o4 biUz and mdeted :hem ' paid. Ayes MutteAy, Jones Heinen Co,tcoAan Hak&vake .65 Kanes Auto P, Equip 29.30 Getz and ' '30 'i Pmemount Dodoe 31.00 VoweAk Texaco 22.85 Peor,eu NatuAaf Gas Dis - v 73.80 (Yett #3 82.62 1020 L Sta 31.18 Younas Wt 5.67 ------- Vitt gat 13.18 $482.70 MOTION BY MuY.exy second ba Jonez to adveAt"e in the Dakota County TAibune and equLrment. 13c d60 6e opened 8:00 PM DecembeA 30, 1969. Ayes Heinen, Vu.PJ.e)ttf and Jones. MOTION by Jonm second by Heinen_ to Jl TotvnsUp e pay I-- Ingine ng as 4aa pnel,bnina&y ►tans and sreciAications fot Sanita,%y Sewer. Ayes Hiinen, Muttm and hvce being no �uxtheA businms the meeting adlouAned thins 9th day oA PecembeA. 7969. W, ectWty Submitted, i i . UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA, Minutea of bpeei.a.L' meeting head Deeemben 30, 1969. Meeting caned to ondeA by Pneaident Mutteny, att membeu pnneaent except f�e.cnen. Bid6 jot itoulr i.dati.on equipment were a6 jot tow6 : Egon Chem%cdEd, one - -- - 43,2 -00.00- -row d. -- lf0�0— - - -- Feed -Rite Cont ot,6 2J.995.00 Low att. 2100.00 - J•antza fquipme►tt -- - -- - - - -- 3,5$0.00 tow- 22iO -es - -- Motion by Jones 6 econd by Matteny to accept did Feed-Rite ConWt,6 and to aut of ze Pxai ent and Secnetaty to 6.ign a eon act ion �n6 aP,eation. Ayes were 2. - - - -- - - . _T_heAe_ being_ -.no .._.&vLtheA- - buan.e sd _the _me eti ne_- adjoraned this 30th day o L Deeeaben, 1969. R - 1 - -Sub edt -- - - - - - - E ene J. DuJ4 - - --