HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 UC MinutesU LITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA • Puuuant to due catt and notice theAeoj, a &egutz% meeting was duty hetd at the _VZ�Uage_HaU on the:-13th day o-f-Jam-u—my, J970 -a 7--w o-vcZock_­Pn_._ The meeting waa catted to oAde)t by Pitesident Mattety, ate membeAA were ptaent. __._The__minuteA_ _oj the DecembfA_ _meet&qj4_ _wfAe__"u __and__apWve_d_a6-_&ead__ ----.--Mot"n,-by.-Tone4- and ,aeao-nd -to -to, _thp_ _J0tt0WjjW hittA a-Rd to oadeA them paid. Aye,6 were MatteAy, Jonea and Heinen. _--sek"ket-Motors rlftane suppt# ico_-- 2 - - - 8u6hneU Co. 39.00 Dakota County Tribune 18.42 Co6t to at Stone 5.59 LampeAt YaA4 2.49 J6._ RatztaJ6 Sexvice Station 23-30 CostcoAan Hatdwate .98 VoAweAk Texaco 2.35 -W entocveA Pxtnt-*-* -Rep-a t. 50 ------ eojate:"atwarlt__G"___ Di,6pozat 69.03 Gakaye 66.33 N-6p Voun916 5.30 Toombs ln6."- 30.00 ---"ta_ 15. 9 1- ---- ----- /W 036JO.77 Wett 1 6.75 $833.92 Gang 16.88 Th 'aac 6 ecA y %epoA tee oi . keek amount o $116.05 )tom_. ted-- --eip _04667 in the -kt S e Automobile and C"Kfaty Ca6uatty UndeAwAiteu in butt 6etttement Jot age done to the Utifities Pickup. the SecAetzty w" putdeAed to accept the --ch kand -to- depoAit same.- to the - Utititia -Commi,64id-n. e Th SecAetaxy read a tetteA jum Bani6teA EngineeAing Co. tetative to ours 1-9h-9 ftuo-Aidation --bid,&- adv"ing- the. CommiAAion aA to theia "ke ommendation. The tetteA was dated Janway 7, 1970. a--- ON by Mutte)ty 4 econd by Jones to patcha6e a 2-way radio Jot u6 in connection - fi)te VepWttMen - -- did to -fX inttatted-iw oximate coat oj $100.00. Aya were MaUeAy, Jones and Heinen. ON by Jona and second o4 MaUe)ty to Aecu-te waxed meter *eading4 by caAd were Heinen, Mu terry and Jone6. ,e being no JuAtheA buzineaA the meeting adjourned thiA 13th day of January, J. Vujj. See. 1 UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA tPursuant to due caU and notice thekeoj, a aegu&xre�ing wa6 duty hetd at the Vitt 4e ham-- on-the 10-th _dayo� Feb&uaA�_ y_,__l__9_7_0at_1: 00 o I d6ek-N.- vA-deA,by Pte6ideittAuttW,-aU-memb,-,,4,6 mie- -naeAamt The mintueA of the January, 1970 meetin 4mz were -read -and ar ov__ed a6 read. MOTION by Jonu and zecond 04 Heinen to A­ ei - - - I.---- Ima. y were Hein one6 and MutteAy. MOTION by Mu aut V e- ho-Aize- h S a %ebuitt AddAe,66 -0-GAaph Jot u6e in pupaAinq quaAteAZy Aye,6 were Mu ten Jone,6 and Heinen. .6tatement6. MOTTOU--*-MutZexy-mtd-,6e,-ond-,oi-- lone,6--ta _attow-#6__54L4AtxUt- on -R_VoAWetk_-'A water Wt due to meteA Mon. Aye,6. were MatteAy, Jone,6 and Heinen. MOTION by J6­n­eA _aAd__s_&_o_n_d of Heinen -o a toow Jae Wa.-6h $10.00 ion in,6tatt4 o6 too-way radio in Utititiez Pickup. AyeA were Jone.6, MutteAy and Heinen. Etectitic. 73.87 Wett Na. 3 43.19 County PA- int Wett 1 5 2 40.28 ing Co. 70.00 ---L. -­S-td-_ -- T_V. Di,6pozat 45.29 SeAvice 20.70, sta— __ __ - __ - -- 1 -gg— Gen!r-Ryan Pt-b-- Peoptanatma Gab Gatage 115:29 9 Hea;ting 42.07 LampeAt Yards 10.04 Coa4t to Coa6t Stoite 9.72 630.71 Co,%coAan Hatchlaxe 6 Impt 7.48 Theme -bein"o 4w&theA _bvaine.44 -the__meetzV__adjoined - t4az -1-0 - day -ol- FebAuaty, 1970. RE,6vectAuUu Submitted. �J LITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA unauant to due catt and notice theneoj, a teau,2m meexi g -wad duly held at the iZtage f�a on the IOth day_ o Match, 1970 at 7:00 P.M. cuttect to_ axdeh- "eat&x; - Mutte- y; a mem- efi6 —w-V a pne6e -- -- - - - -- he-minute4- of the- Fe6Au -197 -0 meetinp- ivewte -- head -aE vqVkowd as ieead._- _ OTION by- _Mu?,2e�ccJ -and A erond oj _lone4-t- ap ovetXnP wing Ulta anal io Aden them paid &nom the Uti,�itia 6und. Aye6 were Jone6, Mu.tteny and Heinen. Po.6tma6ten BohneAt 2.00 Mau'.6 Radiators Repair. 21.45 -- - -- - - -- Rottmount- -Auk 3: 69— Ro4evroun t -- _— _-- -fib. -5 — Geonge Schmitz 40.57 Genz -Ryan Ptumb.ing 6 Hting 29.38 . ___ ..Emit_Jvuko.ev,&ky --140.3-2 _ -_ _ - - -fazdxR zeta a*xlxa,xx itixgi t. ,6ecAeiany wa6 _ %equated_to send the bite o _B__anL6taL ngkneeAf_ng_ Co. To - -- ,ack bon payment by them. s xctaa7Ly TLW etta junn- Gne i j Bu -ConponXa :con k - ve to unn c.6 - o j additi,onat wata .6upptia. The tenet wa.6 dated Match 2, 1970. No action taken - -at-- thi6 -time. - - - - -- — - . - - — 970. A Hawfiind Chemicat 249.43 NSP-- Young.6 L.i6t 9.61 NSP- -L.ijt Stati,on 19.68 - NSP-- V .cttag e 6q4ae 21.00 NSP-- flc6po6att 58.95 NSP - -WeM 1 and 2 50.21 Peopte6 Natutat Gab- Di,6po6at 96.18 - Peop2 - Naitrh� -Gn- -G 7L. -- Ttt. 31 - -- feam—Cscatz - -- - -- . Joe wat6h 10.00 t. ,6ecAeiany wa6 _ %equated_to send the bite o _B__anL6taL ngkneeAf_ng_ Co. To - -- ,ack bon payment by them. s xctaa7Ly TLW etta junn- Gne i j Bu -ConponXa :con k - ve to unn c.6 - o j additi,onat wata .6upptia. The tenet wa.6 dated Match 2, 1970. No action taken - -at-- thi6 -time. - - - - -- — - . - - — 970. A -i- ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION RoscmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 14th day of April, 1970 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery, all members were present. The minutes of the March, 1970 meetings were read and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Heinen to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities fund. Ayes were Jones, Mullery and Heinen. Bernard W. May & Co. $ 200.00 Motorola Communications $ 6.60 Air Comm 100.00 Bushnell Co. 19.50 Dakota Co. Printing 68.00 Coast To Coast 10.52 Nick Fox 75.00 Strese Pure Oil 11.48 Corrigan Electric 190.19 Jerry Olson 10.37 Feed -Rite Controls, Inc. 2895.00 Northern States Power 211.55 Peoples Natural Gas 163.97 A certified letter from the State of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency relative to reports on operation and effluent quality of sewage treatment work was read. Motion by Jones, second by Heinen to contact Banister Engineering Co. relative to recom- mend requirements and equipment necessary. Ayes were Jones, Heinen and Mullery A letter from St. Paul Insurance Companies dated March 25, 1970 was read. Motion by Heinen, second by Jones to accept $545.00 as final settlement. Ayes were Jones, Mullery and Heinen. MOTION by Jones, second by Mullery to purchase a 2 ton SF -2 hoist installed on our Dodge pickup at a cost of $414.00. Vendor is to be LaHass Corporation, 3575 Highway 13, St. Paul, Minn., 55111. Ayes were Heinen, Jones and Mullery. MOTION by Heinen, second by Jones to allow John Wollmering to hook up to Village water line,,all costs to be borne-by them. Ayes were Jones, Heinen and Mullery. Pollution Control Agency bulletin of January 19, 1970 was read. Department of Health report on water supply,, dated March 13, 1970, was read. MOTION by Mullery, second by Heinen to bill Mike Kelly and others who have an agreement to let water run to keep from freezing at lowest quarter of preceeding year. Ayes were Heinen, Jones and Mullery. A letter from McCarthy Well Co., dated March 16, 1970, relative to annual 18 point check of pumps and motors. Motion by Jones, second by Mullery to have each well checked annually at a cost of $20.00 per well. Ayes were Jones, Mullery and Heinen. It was agreed-Don Brown would attend the Sewer and Water School April 29 -May 1, 1970 at the *k Nicollet Hotel. The Commission is to pay expenses. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 14th day of April, 1970. Respectfully submitted, - i-A ej' Se,fretafly ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 12th day of May, 1970 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting_-, was called to order by President Mullery; all members were present. The minutes of the April, 1970 meetings were read and approved as read. MOTION BY Jones, second by Heinen to approve,the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities fund. Ayes were Jones, Heinen and Mullery. Coast to Coast 18.02 Vorwerk Texaco 21.40 Corcoran Hardware 19.45 Gent -Ryan 29.62 Corrigan Electric 14.18 Air Comm 55.12 Lampert Yards 1.95 Motorola 6.60 Dorr- Oliver Inc. 15.22 Water Products 130.18 ^nn Don Brown 13.60 Peoples Natural Gas 193.41 Northern States Power 214.04 TOTAL $732.79 MOTION BY Mullery, second by Heinen to cancel the penalties charged against Corcoran Hardware and Imp., J. E. Corcoran (total $3.72) and Mrs. Helen Ward (total $1.00). Ayes were Jones, Heinen and Mullery. A letter from Banister Engineering Co., dated May 11, 1970, concerning the taking of tests at the disposal plant was read and filed. It was decided to offer for sale the 1962 Ford pickup. Bids will be reviewed by the Commission. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 12th day of May, 1970. Respectfully submitted, egoe"�s - A44 Eughne J. DuffA Secretary 4 1A 40 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held atl-. the Village Hall on the 9th day of June, 1970 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members being present except Heinen. The minutes of the May, 1970 meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Mullery to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones and Mullery. Ratzlaff Service Station 26.15 Novatron, Inc. 3.00 Fischer Sand & Aggregate 14.80 Corcoran Hardware 10.11 Coast to Coast 17.49 McCarthy Well Co. 60.00 LaHass Corporation 414.00 Lyon Chemicals, Inc. 16.10 Gopher Pumping Service 75.00 Nick Fox 160.00 Dakota County Tribune 154.61 Bushnell Co. 19.50 Postmaster Bohnert 2.00 Peoples Natural Gas 110.14 Northern States Power 179.52 Toombs Insurance 589.00 TOTAL $1,851.42 MOTION by Mullery, second by Jones to approve the sewer and water application of Arnie Jensen for hook -up at the house under construction at Park and Birth Streets. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 9th day of June, 1970. Respectfully submitted, LW4 �v Eu6kne 9. Du S retary ROSMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSBMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 11th day of August, 1970 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members were present. The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Heinen, second by Jones to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Mullery, Heinen and Jones. (July 14, 1970) (August 11, 1970) Campbells' Incorporated 20.80 Strese Union 76 1.29 Hawkins Chemical, Inc. 71.25 Dakota County Tribune 1.68 Wic's Welding 7.04 Genz -Ryan Plumbing 40.50 Minnesota Machinery, Inc. 33.25 Carlson Tractor & equip. 15.00 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. 10.80 Mitchel Sales Co. 56.65 Water Products Co. 106.26 City of Minneapolis 34.37 Coast to Coast 12.66 Foster Standard Service 37.00 Bushnell Co. 41.00 Northern States Power 192.38 Foster Standard Service 28.80 Peoples Natural Gas 63.03 Air Comm 46 24.20 Northern States Power 205.76 Peoples Natural Gas 88.29 650.11 44 .90 The Secretary was authorized to purchase a $20,000.00 CD. MOTION by Jones, second by Mullery to send letters to all persons having delinquent accounts. If the bills are not paid by August 3Z, 1970 they are to be turned over to the Village Clerk for certification to the County Auditor to be added to the taxes payable in 1971. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Heinen, second by Jones to remove the penalty assessed Ben Moeller residence and Ben Moeller apartments and credit John Muscatell the penalty assessed against his account. MOTION by Mullery, second by Jones to reduce a bill charged to Genz -Ryan by one half. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Jones, second by Mullery to reduce Mike Kelly's bill to 30,000 gallons. Ayes were 3. Ford pickup bids were reviewed and the bid of St. Joseph's Catholic Church for $76.00 was accepted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 11th day of August, 1970. Fbe$2.00 reed the minimum charge for Re ctfull Submitted, chased by the truckload would and 40 cents per 10001 afte r u eer uff 2000 gallons. Se etary 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROsEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 8th day of September, 1970 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members were present. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second of Heinen to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones, Heinen, Mullery. Corcoran Hardware Coast -to -Coast Carlson Tractor Feed -Rite Controls, Inc. Watertower Paint and Repair Northern States Power Peoples Natural Gas 38.55 9.42 17.90 10.70 610.00 195.39 60.60 942.56 Letters from the Metro Sewer Board and Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West & Halladay law offices, dated Sept. 1, 1970 and Sept. 4, 1970 respectively, were read. It was agreed that Don Brown could work the last week of his 1970 vacation. MOTION by Jones, second of Heinen to increase Don Brown's salary by $75.00 per month effective September 15, 1970. Ayes were Jones, Heinen and Mullery. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of September, 1970. R ectful Su i ed, 4f u retaryy . ff Se A letter from Mrs. Rose Wilson concerning her tenant's unpaid Utility bill was read and it was suggested she raise the rent to cover the water bill. r ROSEMOU Vr UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 13th day of October, 1970 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members were present. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Heinen, second by Jones to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones, Heinen, and Mullery. Bushnell Co. 41.00 Strese Union 76 38.12 Marv's Radiator 35.80 Foster Stand. Serv. 1.00 Coast -to -Coast 5.95 Mitchel Sales 37.55 Dak. Co. Tribune 64.20 Duffy Bros. 6.00 John's Machine 46.00 Office Appliance 5.40 Peoples Natural Gas 75.64 Northern States Pourer 238.52 .8 Letter dated Oct. 8, 1970 from Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, West Halladay regarding improvements made to the Sewer Plant in 1970 was read. No major improvements have been made or are expected to be made during 1970. Letter dated Sept. 1, 1970 from Metropolitan Sewer Board concerning sewer charges was discussed in relationship to the amount of money collected for sewer charges during the past year. Mo action was taken. Harold Boom of McCarthy Well Co. was present to discuss the possibility of raising the gallons per minute pumped by the Village !Hells. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 13tho day of October, 1970. s ectfull S mitted, Eu n D f C mission Secretary 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION 16 ROSEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COh•9P "ISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 10th day of November, 1970 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members being present except Heinen. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second !v Mullery to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones and Mullery. Rascher & Betzold Vorwerk Gulf Rsmt. Auto Supply Coast -to- Coast Municipal Services Corcoran Hardware Genz -Ryan Northern States Power Peoples Natural Gas 14.91 26,9£1 2..95 4.18 100.00 17.16 2.17 176.25 53.78 .:397.68 A late penalty charged to Rosemount Auto Supply for their October billing was discussed and found to be in accordance with Utility procedures. It was decided the firm should pay the penalty. Sewer charges were discussed with action delayed until the new council takes over. There was also discussion on: 1. School -owned hydrants. They are maintained by the village and as such a billing for this maintenance should provably be considered. 2. Hydrants and meter at Grief Bros. Hydrant is owned by Grief Bros. but the meter is village- o,,Nmed. It was decided to put a 3" meter in to see if this would somewhat alleviate their water problem. There bein no further business the meeting adjourned this 10th day of Movember, 1970 Respectfully Submitted, . dZ X Fu ne Ouf / Commission Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITY COMMISSION,, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 8th day of December, 1970 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members being present except Heinen. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Mullery to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were JOnes and Mullery. E. J. McDonald 20.00 Ratzlaff Service Sta. 33.20 Genz -Ryan 6.06 Water Products Co. 242.47 Peoples Natural Gas 87.31 Northern States Power 181.32 570.36 Delinquent water bills were read. Ray Stark's water problems were discussed and Don Brown was instructed to check with Ben Moeller. MOTION by Jones, second by Mullery to buy E. Ryan property (approx. 56 acres) per her quote of September 16, 1970. Ayes were Jones and Mullery. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of December, 1970. R pectfully Submitted, Eu ne 9. Duf Co ission Secretary