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1971 UC Minutes
ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 12th day of January, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. Richard Heinen was named acting chairman in the absence of President Francis Mullery. Jones was also present. The Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Heinen to approveQ' the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones and Heinen. V & N. Oil Co. 25.05 Dakota County Tribune 138.00 Corrigan Electric 400.00 Vic's Welding 45.50 Peoples Natural Gas 166.63 Northern States Power 191.80 Metro Sewer Board 221.15 i $1,188.03 MOTION by Jones, second by Heinen to refer the letter and plans of Dec. 28, 1970 from Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. requesting permission to tie in the junior high school water system to Hyland Avenue to Banister Engineering Co. for their review and recommendations. Ayes were 2. Metropolitan Sewer Board Purchase Order 00010 for Don Brown's services not to exceed $400.00 was read. Letter from Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories, Inc. was read. After discussion on DeOham property Commission Secretary Duff was instructed to write a letter to the new Council recommending purchase of this property at $56,000.00 with action to commence as soon as possible. MOTION by Jones, second by Heinen to charge Metro Sewer Board $10.00 per month for storage of the MSB sludge tank truck in the Utilities Garage subject to no increase in insurance premium. Ayes were 2. MOTION by Jones, second by Heinen to charge MSB $20.00 per hour for plowing snow am from road to sewer plant. Ayes were 2. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 12th day of January, 1971. RqFpectfuly y bm ted, ne Duff C mmission Secretary P A ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES- COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY-OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was-'duly held at the Utilities office on the 23rd - -day of February, 1971'at .7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was.called to order by President Duff with newly- appointed - members Milton Johnson, Paul Jones present. Also present was Don Darling, commission secretary. -- Mr. Jones and Mr. Johnson were sworn in as members of the Rosemount-Utilities Commission by Mr. Darling. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Johnson to approve the following bills and order them paid from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones, Johnson and Duff. Corcoran Hardware 35.50 Marv's Skelly 29.28 V & N Oil Co. 5.05 Kane's Auto & Equipment 3.50 Coast -to -Coast 7.32 Genz -Ryan Plumbing 61.64 Vorwerk's Gulf 2.15 Lynde Company 6.60 Corrigan Electric 20.25 Home Typewriter Co. 2.95 Air Comm 32.00 First State Bank 176.33 Water Products Co. 93.07 Vic Wenzel 250.00 Peoples Natural Gas 242.19 Northern States Power 484.68 Central Telephone 20.90 TOTAL $ 1,473.41 Letter dated Feb. 15, 1971 from Banister Engineering to Grannis & Grannis was discussed regarding sewer assessments by Metro Sewer Board. A special meeting is to be called and an invitation to be extended to Mr. Doqghtery to attend to explain the sewer assessments. Mr. Roger Short and Mr. Gary Grey were present to report on plans for connecting the water systems together between the Old Village and the Broback and Rahn Additions. Mr. Short informed the Commission of St. Paul Ammonia's intent to place an anhydrous ammonia line across our right -of -way on Pine Bend Trail. Metering in the Broback and Rahn Additions was discussed with no action taken. MOTION by Johnson, second by Jones to place a water meter in the Rosemount Baptist church. Ayes were three. MOTION by Johnson, second by Jones to use the same water rate on the meter at the church as used in the Old Village. Ayes were 3. Frozen water lines were discussed. MOTION by Johnson, second by Duff to table frozen water line problem until more information is available. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Jones, second by Johnson to delete 66 cent late charge on Donal Carroll's sewer bill. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Duff, second by Jones to order 2,600 water bills as form presented. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Duff, second by Johnson to approve Hammel Green and Abrahamson Revision #3 with the additional provision that three 6 inch gate valves and boxes be installed per Banister Engineering recommendation of Jan. 22, 1971 and directiinng3 the Commission Secretary to notify Hammel Green and Abrahamson. MOTION by Jones, second by Johnson to adjourn. Ayes were 3. ect u submitted, Don F. Darling Commission Secretary 0 Letter from St. Paul Ammonia Products was read regarding their intent to plice an anhydrous ammonia pipeline between their facility and the Central Fac ers Fertilizer Co. facility thereby crossing our right -of -way on Pine Ben4 Trail. Specifications and plans were attached. MOTION by Johnson, second by Jones to refer the plan to Mr. Roger Short for recommendation to the Council. Ayes were 3. MOTION -by Duff to transfer $25,000.00 from the Utilities Fund to CDs. Johnson second the motion and ayes were 3. Various inconsistencies between the ordinances in the Old Village and Old Township were pointed out with no action being taken until such a time that a special meeting can be called to study the matter. There was discussion concerning fire service charge for areas within the Village having private water supply but are served by fire hydrants. Matter was tabled. MOTION by Johnson, second by Duff to adjourn. byes were 3. R ectfu ly bmitted, 40 Don F. Darling Commission Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEPiOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall, East County Road 42, on the 8th day of March, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Duff with all members present. The minutes of the February meeting were read by the Secretary and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Johnson to pay the following bills from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones, Johnson and Duff Strese Union 76 37.77 Central Telephone 20.00 Bernard W. May & Assoc. 240.00 Dakota Co. Tribune 117.00 Lynde Company 4.55 Vic's Welding 50.00 NOrthern States Power 396.51 Peoples Natural Gas 238.77 1,104.60 Letter from St. Paul Ammonia Products was read regarding their intent to plice an anhydrous ammonia pipeline between their facility and the Central Fac ers Fertilizer Co. facility thereby crossing our right -of -way on Pine Ben4 Trail. Specifications and plans were attached. MOTION by Johnson, second by Jones to refer the plan to Mr. Roger Short for recommendation to the Council. Ayes were 3. MOTION -by Duff to transfer $25,000.00 from the Utilities Fund to CDs. Johnson second the motion and ayes were 3. Various inconsistencies between the ordinances in the Old Village and Old Township were pointed out with no action being taken until such a time that a special meeting can be called to study the matter. There was discussion concerning fire service charge for areas within the Village having private water supply but are served by fire hydrants. Matter was tabled. MOTION by Johnson, second by Duff to adjourn. byes were 3. R ectfu ly bmitted, 40 Don F. Darling Commission Secretary VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT Ordinance No. VII - 1 An Ordinance Establishing a Public Utilities Commission, Prescribing Its Powers and Duties, and Defining Its Powers Minnesota Statutes Sections 412.321 through 412.391 authorize the establishment of public utilities commissions in villages. The Village Council of•the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota now wishes to formally establish a Public Utilities Commission: THE. - VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEM©UNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE. OF MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION I - Establishment A Public Utilities Commission of the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota as authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 412.321 through 412.391 which sections are hereby expressly accepted, is hereby established. The Commission shall consist of three members appointed by the Village Council• The three initial terms..shall commence on February 2, 1971. Thereafter, the Village Council shall appoint one new member each year, said appointment to be made for a three year term to commence on February 1st of the year appointed. The provisions of Minnesota Statutes 412.321 shall apply to the composition, terms, appointment, qualifications and removal.of members of the Commission. Each member shall receive a salary of $120.00 per year, payable at such times as may be prescribed by the Council. The Village Council hereby reserves the right to regulate said salary and to adjust or abolish the same at any time. SECTION II - Jurisdiction, Sub. 1 - The Public Utilities Commission shall have jurisdiction over the following public utilities of the Village. (a) Water system (b) Sanitary Sewer System (c) Storm Sewers (d) Public Buildings Sub. 2 - With respect to the Public Utilities Commission enumerated in Subdivision One, the Public Utilities Commission shall have the powers prescribed by law., t SECTION III - Effective Date This Ordinance shall.be in effect from and after its publication. Passed by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota this 2nd day of February, 1971. Eugiffie J. D(iff Mayor (Seal) ATTEST: 0,-,- Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer r I Published in Dakota County Tribune on !��� , 1971. 412.351 CON MISSION, JURISDICTION. The council shall, in the ordinance establishing the commission, decide which of the following public utilities shall be within the commission's jurisdiction: (1) the village water system; (2) light and power system, including any system then in use or later acquired for the production and distribution of steam heat; (3) gas system; (4) sanitary or storm sewer system or both, including the village sewage disposal plant; (5) public buildings owned or leased by the village. As used subsequently in sections 412.351 to 412.391, the term "public utility" means any water, light and power, gas or sewer system, or public buildings thus placed by ordinance under the jurisdiction of the public utilities ,commission. Any public utility not placed under the jurisdiction of the public utilities commission by the ordinance establishing the commission may be placed under the jurisdiction of the commission by an amendment to the original ordinance. 11949 c 119 8 45; 1951 C 378 s 131 412.36 [Repealed, 1949 c 119 s 1101 412.361 SPECIFIC PO`VERS. Subdivision L The commission shall have power to extend and to modify or rebuild any public utility and to do anything it deems necessary for its proper and efficient operation; and it may enter into neces- sary contracts for these purposes. The provisions of section 412.311 relating to advertisement for bids shall apply to contracts of the public utilities commission. Subd. 2. The commission shall have power to employ all necessary help for the management and operation of the public utility, prescribe duties of officers and employees and fix their compensation. Subd. 3. The commission shall have power to buy all fuel and supplies, and It may purchase wholesale electric energy, steam heat, gas or water, as the case may be, for municipal distribution. Subd. 4. The commission shall have power to fix rates and to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for utility service supplied by the municipally owned public utilities within its jurisdiction. Subd. 5. The commission shall have power to enter into agreements with the village council for payments by the village for utility service, compensation for the use by either the commission or the village of buildings, equipment, and personnel under the control of the other, payments to the village in lieu of taxes, transfers of surplus utility funds to the general fund, and also agreements on other subjects of relationships between the commission and the village council. 11949 c 119 8 46; 1953 c 735 8 61 412.371 PUBLIC UTILITY FUND AND DISBURSEMENTS. Subdivision L A separate fund or a separate account shall be established in the village treasury for each utility. Into this fund or account shall be paid all the receipts from the utility and from it shall be paid all disbursements attributable to the utility. Subd. 2. The commission shall, in the same manner as the council under section 412.271, subdivision 1, and to the same extent, audit claims to be paid from the public utilities fund. The secretary of the commission shall draw his order upon the village treasurer for the proper amount allowed by the commission. Upon counter signature by the president of the commission and presentation orders shall be paid by the treasurer. 11949 C 119 s 471 412.381 REPORTS. The accounting officer of the commission shall make such monthly or annual statements of operation as the commission may require. A copy of each such report shall be filed in the office of the village clerk. An annual financial report shall be made and a copy filed with the village clerk at the close of the calendar year and shall be included as part of the annual financial statement of the village clerk in conformity with section 412.281. The cost of publication of any other official statement required by law to be published shall be paid from public utility funds. 11949 c 119 8 481 412.391 ABOLITION OF COIF MSION. Subdivision L The public utilities commission of any village may be abolished or its jurisdiction over any particular utility transferred to the council by following the procedure prescribed in this section. Subd. 2. The village council may, and upon petition therefor signed by voters equal in number to at least 15 percent of the electors voting at the last previous village election shall submit to the voters at a regular or special election the question of abolition of the public utilities commission. The question on the ballot shall be stated substantially as follows: "Shall the public utilities commission be abolished ?" T Subd 3. Upon like presentation of a petition for election on the question of transfer to the council of the jurisdiction of the commission over any one or more of the utilities previously placed under its jurisdiction, the council shall, in the same manner as under subdivision 2, submit the question to the voters. The question on the ballot shall be stated substantially as follows: "Shall jurisdiction over (Name of public utility) be transferred from the public utilities commission to the council. ?" Subd. 4. If a majority of the votes cast on a proposition submitted to the voters under subdivision 2 or 3 is in the affirmative, the provisions of sections 412.331 to 412.381 shall cease to apply to the village, in the case of an election under subdivision 2, or to the particular utility mentioned in the proposition submitted to the voters, in the case of an election under subdivision 3. Such change shall take place 30 days after the election. 11949 c 119 s 49; 1953 C 735 s 71 412.401412.481 [Repealed, 1953 c 398 s 131 UTnXrIES 412.321 MUNICIPAL UTILITIES. Subdivision L Authority to own and open• ate. Any village may own and operate any waterworks or gas, light, power, or heat plant for supplying its own needs for utility service or for supplying utility service to private consumers or both. It may construct and install all facilities reasonably needed for that purpose and may lease or purchase any existing utility properties so needed. It may, in lieu of providing for the local production of gas, electricity, water, or heat, purchase the same wholesale and re-sell it to local consumers. After any such utility has been acquired, the council, except as its powers have been limited through establishment of a public utilities commission in the village, shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the protection, maintenance, operation, exten- sion, and improvement thereof and for the sale of its utility products. Subd. 2. Vote on establishment. No gas, light, power, or heat utility shall be constructed, purchased, or leased until the proposal to do so has been submitted to the voters at a regular or special election and been approved by five- eighths of those voting on the proposition. Such proposal shall state whether the public utility is to be constructed, purchased, or leased and the estimated cost or the maximum amount to be expended for that purpose. This proposal and a proposal to issue bonds to raise money therefor may be submitted either separately or as a single question. The proposal for the acquisition of the public utility may include authority for distribution only or for generation or production and distribution of a particular utility service or group of services. Approval of the voters shall be obtained under this section before a village purchasing gas or electricity wholesale and distributing it to consumers acquires facilities for the manufacture of gas or generation of electricity unless the voters have, within the two previous years, approved a proposal for both generation or production and distribution. Subd. 3. Extension bond limitations. Any village may, except as otherwise restricted by this section, extend any such public utility outside its limits and furnish service to consumers in such area at such rates and upon such terms as the council or utility commission, if there is one, shall determine; but no such extension shall be made into any incorporated municipality without its consent. The sale of electricity, other than surplus, outside the limits of the village shall be subject to the restriction of Minnesota Statutes, Section 455.29. Subd. 4. Lease, sale, or abandonment. Any such utility may be leased, sold. or its operation discontinued wholly or in part, by ordinance or resolution of the council, approved by two-thirds of the electors voting on the ordinance or resolution at a general or special election. If the utility is under the jurisdiction of a public utilities commission, the ordinance or resolution shall be concurred in by the public utilities commission. Such action may be taken with respect to any si?cothc part of the utility, which part shall be named in the ordinance or resolution; but it shall not be necessary to submit the ordinance or resolution to the voters in such case if the action proposed will not result in depriving any customer inside the corporate limits of any type of municipal utility service available to him before the sale, lease or discontinuance of operation. [1949 c 119 s 39-48; 1955 c 866 8 1; 1961 c 875 a 11 412.33 [Repealed, 1949 c 119 s 110] 412.331 ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION. Any village may by ordinance expressly accepting the provisions of sections 412.331 to 412.391 establish a public utilities commission with the powers and duties set out in those sections. Any water, light, power and building commission now in existence in any village shall hereafter operate as a public utilities commission under sections 412.321 to 412.39L 11949 c 119 8 431 412.34 (Repealed, 1949 c 119 s 1101 412.341 COMMISSION; MEMBERSHIP, ORGANIZATION. Subdivision L Membership. The commission shall consist of three members appointed by the council. No more than one member may be chosen from the council membership. Each member shall serve for a term of three years and until his successor is ap- pointed and qualified except that of the members initially appointed in any village, one shall serve for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of three years. Residence shall not be a qualification for membership on the commission unless the council so provides. A vacancy shall be filled by the council for the unexpired term. Subd. 2. Rules; officers, salary. The commission shall adopt rules for its own proceedings which shall provide among other things for at least one regular meeting by the commission each month. It shall annually choose a president from among its own members. It shall also appoint a secretary for an indefinite term. The secretary need not be a member of the commission and may be the village clerk. No member of the commission shall receive a salary except as fixed by the council. The secretary shall receive a salary fixed by the commission. 11949c119a44; 1951 c378a121 412.35 [Repealed, 1949 c 119 s 1101 to El ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES CO "WISSION, VILLAGE OF POSEMOl1NT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Utilities Office on the 12th day of April, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Duff with all members present. The minutes of the March meeting we're read by the Secretary and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Johnston to pay the following bills from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones, Johnson and buff. Vorwerk Gulf 39.64 Coast -to -Coast .4.29 StrateOffice Appliance 5.42 W. S. Darley & Co. 9.83 Hawkins Janitorial 60.00 Air Comm 26.58 Layne Minn. Co. 9.47 Corrigan Electric 5.76 Peter Jorgensen 84.00 Central Telephone 21.32 General Fund 221.15 Miss Emma Ryan 11000.00 Strese Union 76 4.25 Cal Drake 123.50 Miller Davis 28.94 Tri -State Drilling 190.00 Minn. Wisc. Truck Lines 7.86 Dakota County Tribune 72.00 Water Products 181.48 Peoples Natural Gas 166.30 Metro Sewer Board 221.15 TOTAL 2,482.94 Discussion regarding penalty on water bills as to whether the penalty is to be assessed on the current amount due or on the total. It was interpreted to be on the current only as a penalty has alread been added for previous delinquent bills. Letter from the Pollution Control Agency was read by Mr. Duff regarding federal aid and was referred to the Village engineering firm for their recommendat4ons. Letter from Eugane J. Bushlack requesting the Village provide a letter to the future owner of his prppert.y stating that the Village will correct the freezing water line problem at this address and also that the cement spillway next to his property will be landscaped and sodded was read and discussed. MOTION by Duff, second by Jones that the Village will be responsible for the water line under the street and see to it that the landscaping and resodding will be done in connection with the spillway. Ayes were 3. George Ostertag was present to check out the possibility of his residence being hooked up to the Village water system now serving the Broback area. Discussion followed. MOTION by Johnson, second by Jones to refer George Ostertag's request to the Village engineers for feasibility and cost estimates. Ayes were 3. Roger Short of Banister Engineering presented engineer's study on merging the water systems in the Broback and Rahn - Broback Additions with the old village system. Report is to be reviewed by the Utilities Commission and a special meeting is to be held April 16, 1971 at the Utilities Hall at 7 p.m. for further discussion and recommendations to the Council. 11r. Gary Grey reported on the progress of the engineers' study on storm water run-off and storm sewers. Henry.Broback was present to request platting of 20 lots in the proposed Rahn - Broback Addition in the old village and further requested that the Village out in the improvements. MOTION by Johnson to request the feasibility study with updated costs from the engineers on underground municipal utilities and storm drainage for an area containing the northerly 35 lots in the proposed Rahn - BrobaGk Additions. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Don Brown, Utilities Supervisor, offered information regarding a low hydrant on the Buckley property on Marian Lane. MOTION by Johnson to raise hydrant at the Buckley residence, second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Discussion was held regarding the need for another man to help Mr. Brown. The Commission instructed the Secretary to write a letter to the Council recommending the retaining of another good Utilities man, namely Calvin Drake, leaving open the salary. The salaries of the two employees is to be split 75% General Fund, 25% Utilities Fund. [discussion was held regarding the disposition of the old Village 12hp. lawn tractor with snow blower and mower attachments. MOTION by Johnson, second by Jones to advertise 12hp lawn tractor with ttachments for sale. Ayes were 3. !LOTION by second by to adjourn. Ayes were 3. Respectfully submitted or Don F. Darling Commission Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROsEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSES "OUNT, COUNTY. OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting was duly held at the Utilities office on the 16th day of April, 1971 at 7:30.!o'clock. p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Duff with all members present. George Ostertag's request to be hooked up to the village water system was tabled. Mr. Roger Short and Mr. Gary Gray attended to present their reports on project studies. Mr. Ossie Springsted was in attendance to explain financing to the Commission and guests. Mr. Gray presented Banister Engineering report dated 4/16/1971 covering storm water problems in the Delft Avenue section of the Broback Addition. MOTION by Jones, second by Johnson to recommend to Village Council that storm sewer be constructed in Broback Addition per Banister Engineering's plan dated 4/16/1971 and that public hearings as required be held. The project is to be called 1971 -1 Storm Sewer Improvements. Cost is to be assessed on basis of cost per square foot and percentage of total costs as determined by the Village Council. Ayes were Duff, Johnson and Jones. Mr. Short presented plans for the merging of the water systems in the Rahn - Broback area and Broback area of the old township with the water system in the old Village. He also presented some plans to be considered for future growth of the water systems. MOTION by Johnson to recommend to the Village Council that Stage 1 of Banister Engineering's report File 7109 dated 4/5/1971 on water system improvements be undertaken and that public hearings be held as required by law. Further recommended that 12 inch line to Grief Bros. be assessed and the 8 inch line from Manle Street to County Road 39 be assessed and the balance of the cost come from General Revenue and be picked up later by equitable connection charges to be established by the engineers and Utilities Commission. Second was by Jones. Ayes were Duff, Johnson and Jones. Mr. Gray presented plans for underground utilities and storm sewers in the proposed Rahn - Broback area in the Old Village. MOTION by Jones to recommend to the Village Council to proceed with Storm Sewer construction on southwest portion of Old Village. Village tn construct and finance, assessing cost back to benefitted property. Publit - hearings are to be held as required. Second by Duff. Ayes were Duff, Johnson and Jones. 1 MOTION by Duff to recommend to the Village Council the sanitary sewer and water system be financed by the Village and assessed back to the property. Public hearings are to be held as required. Future construction is to be handled thru the Planning Commission and Village Planner. Action taken at this time is not to he considered a precident. Second was by Johnson. P,yes were Duff, Jones and Johnson. ►LOTION by Duff to instruct the secretary to write to the Planning Commission requesting they establish the type of curbing to be used in the proposed Rahn- Broback Addition located inside the Old Village and also establish street section and width. Second was by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Respectfully Submitted, Don F. Datling Commission Secretary 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION aROSEMOUNT. MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Utilities Office on the 10th day of May, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Duff with all members present. The Minutes of the regular April 12th meeting and the minutes of the special meeting held April 16th were read by the Secretary and approved as read. MOTION by Jones, second by Johnston to pay the following bills from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones, Johnson and Duff. Liquor Revenue Fund 242.11 Central Telephone 20.00 Northern State Power 377.84 Hawkins Janitorial Service 40.00 Commissioner of Taxation 5.50 Transport Clearings 8.95 Toombs Insurance Agency 1,721.00. Miller -Davis Co. 10.10 Northern State Power 393.63 Dakota County Tribune 5.45 Peoples Natural Gas 168.10 Ratztaff Service Station 30.90, Ralph Waldron 10.00 Water Products Co. 373.84 Metro Sewer Board 221.15 McCarthy Well Co-. 72.00 William Kozak III 6.25 Campbell's Inc. 161.30 TOTAL 3,868.12 Bids on 12HP tractor were opened and read. MOTION by Jones to accept the bid from C. P. Adamson of $935.00 for the 12HP lawn tractor and attachments and to be paid by cash or certified check. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. McCarty Well Company deep well performance inspection reports were discussed. MOTION by Duff to accept McCarty Well Company report. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. Letter from Hugh Thorson Construction Co. was read and discussed. MOTION by Duff to ask the Engineers for a feasibility study on water and sanitary sewer in the proposed Kee Park area. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson to instruct the Secretary to address a letter to Hugh Thorson Construction Co. advising that tentative plans for sewer and water have been formulated for this area and that they be asked to furnish plans giving street layouts and elevations. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Letter from Rosemount Methodist church was read asking that the proposed sanitary sewer on Park Avenue be extended far enough south to provide service to the Methodist Church. MOTION by Duff to instruct Secretary to address a letter to Mr. Wesley F. Hasbrouck, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Rosemount Methodist Church advising that the sanitary sewer is being planned to include the Rosemount Methodist Church. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. Letter to Banister Engineering from Hammel Green and Abrahamson Inc. regarding storm water run off on school property was read. Matter was tabled. I& Petition by Vocational Technical School was read requesting water and sanitary sewer for their proposed school site. MOTION by Johnson to request a feasibility study on water and sanitary sewers for the Vocational Technical School area and investigate possibility of us in University of Minnesota water system as a temporary solution. Second by 14p 4. Ayes were 2, 1 Abstain. MOTION by Duff to waive penalty of .71 cents on Clarence Oakins alledged delinquent water bill. Second by Johnson, Ayes were 3. MOTION by Duff to authorize Secretary to investigate the possibility of George Ostertag installing 1" copper line connecting into the water system in the Broback area and to instruct the Village Attorney to check on the legality of this as well as a contract with Ostertag to waive his rights to objection to future assessments. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson to authorize Don Brown to purchase a pair of waders for use in sewers. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson, second by Duff to adjourn. Ayes were 3. Respectfully Submitted, on Darling Commission Secretary 0 Am- ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROsEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES r0r' " 1ISSIO ;1, `IILLAGF OF p,,S� "'nU1NT, COl_111TY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF 111: 1,NESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Utilities Office on the 7th day of June, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Duff with all members present. The "inutes of the regular �Iay 10th meeting were read. "MOTION by Johnson to accept the minutes as read with one (1) correction, that being a second by Jones on motion regarding Vocational Technical School water. Should read Duff. Second by Duff. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jones, second by Johnson to pay the following bills from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Jones, Johnson, and Duff. Central Telephone Co. 20.00 Liquor Revenue Fund 466.71 Miller -Davis Co. 29.85 Commissioner of Taxation 143.79 First State Bank 29.39 Metro Sewer Board 221.15 Coast -to -Coast 24.08 Hawkins Chemical Co. 174.61 Hawkins Janitorial Service 40.00 Rosemount Auto Supply 18.94 Dakota County Tribune 171.10 Northern States Power 401.36 Air Comm 57.65 Peoples Natural Gas 71.15 Water Products Co. 66.23 !dater Q, Wastes Digest ;1.50 'Flueller Co. 52.97 Postmaster Bohnert 7.00 _ Bertelson Brothers, Inc. 110.00 TOTAL 2,114.08 President Duff explained the progress of the "Metro Sewer Board plant and lines. !Mon Brown presented letters from the State giving their findings in recent tests made on the village 1,4ells. '"OTION by Johnson to request another sample reading on Well 3. Second by Duff. Ayes were 3. Discussion regarding washout around asphalt spillway north of Co. Rd. 33. "tatter was tabled until after the June 14th hearing on Storm Sewers for this area. 110TI011 by Duff to notify parties concerned. Second by Jones. .Ayes were 3. Discussion regarding furnishing culvert for lots in Old Township. It was decided to recommend that one (1) culvert would be provided per lot at the time a building permit was issued for that lot. F "OTION by Johnson, second by Jones to adjourn. Ayes were 3. Respectfully Submitted, non F. Darling Commission Secretary �► ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION RosamouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Utilities Office on the 12th day of July, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order with Johnson conducting the meeting in the absence of President Duff. All other members were present. The minutes of the June 7th meeting were read by the Secretary and approved as read. Motion by Jones, second by Johnson to pay the following bills from the Utilities Fund. Ayes werrJones & Johnson. Office Appliance Co. 58.51 Miller Davis Co. 13.45 Hawkins Janitorial Service 40.00 Peoples Natural Gas 27.23 e°- Bireckner's Service Center 39.62 Central Telephone 22.89 Coast -to -Coast Store 12.50 Scientific Intern'l Research 35.05 Dakota County Tribune 22.50 Metro Sewer Board 221.15 Corcoran Hardware & Imp. 24.57 Commissioner of Taxation 69.28 W. S. Darley & Co. 16.53 Postmaster Bohnert 8.00 V. & N. Oil Co., Inc. 57.81 Enna Ryan 13,000.00 Davies Water Equip. Co. 13.00 Northern States Power 434.60 TOTAL 14,116.69 Letter was read from Geo Ostertag requesting his residence be hooked up to the Village water system. MOTION by Jones to request a feasibility study by the Engineers. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. Don Brown asked who determines the size of water service for commercial and residential buildings. MOTION by Jones to recommend to the Village Council that sizing of water lines for commerial establishments be no smaller than one (1) inch. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Don Brown was instructed to install a water meter in the new Glen's Market in the Broback area. Discussion regarding placement of curb stops and water lines in relation to service entrance into the house was tabled. Discussion regarding the lack of communication between the Clerk and the Building inspector. It was decided to recommend to the Village Council that the Clerk be instructed to notify the Plumbing Inspector of any new commercial or residential permits issued. Discussion regarding failures of Wells 4 & 5 after brief power outage. Matter was tabled until final plans for hooking the systems together are received for review thinking this may solve the problem. 4 MOTION by Johnson to remove late penalty charge of 1.55 from Richard Dilla's water bill. Second by Ayes were 2. MOTION by Johnson, second by Jones to adjourn. Ayes were 2. Respectfully Submitted, Don F. Darling Commission Secretary of — - . - .. 4 .'L 4j ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROsaMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Utilities Office on the 9th day of August, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Duff with all members present. Milton Johnson was appointed as Acting Secretary in the absence of the Commission Secretary, Don Darling. The minutes of the July 12th meeting were read by the Acting Secretary and approved as read. MOTION by Duff, Second by Jones to pay the following bills from the Utilities Fund. Ayes were Duff, Jones, and Johnson. Marv's Radiator Repairing Weirke Trenching & Excavating Breckner's Standard Center Miller -Davis Co. Coast -to -Coast Store Genz -Ryan Plumbing & Heating Liquor Revenue Fund 106.02 Peoples Natural Gas 15.36 255.00 Northern States Power 438.07 8.93 Central Telephone Co. 20.00 9.15 Metropolitan Sewer Board 221.15 6,29 Liquor Revenue Fund 280.42 8.46 Commissioner of Taxation 202.64 180.97 TOTAL 1,752.46 MOTION by Duff to notify George Ostertag that according to preliminary estimates the cost of water installation to his home would run approximately $14 -16 per foot. We estimate assessable frontage at approximately 70 feet. In addition there would be a $300.00 hookup charge and the cost of 3/4 inch copper from the curb stop to the meter. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. It was decided not t6 obtain purchase orders at this time as the Village is too small. MOTION by Duff to authorize Don Darling to investigate the letter drop more thoroughly and make recommendations to the Commission. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson to recommend to the Council that we install an overhead storage tank as specified under Plan A of State 2. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson to have Don Brown locate water curb boxes in Broback additions and report back to the Commission as soon as possible. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Resolution # 1971 / A Resolution Establishing a Uniform System of Calculating Water Line and Meter Sizes for all Water Installations in the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota. Whereas, the Utilities Commission has reviewed and accepted the attached form, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the attached form (Information Sheet For Water Meter Sizing) and the Meter Sizing Sheet be a part of the rules and regu4itions 6f the Utilities Commission of the Village of Rosemount, Be It Further Resolved that a copy of these forms be issued with all Building Permit Applications. MOTION by Jones, Second by Johnson to accept above resolution. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson, Second by Jones to adjourn. Ayes were 3. Respectfuly Submitted, Mil'ton Joh Acting Commi ion Secretary A f INFnRIATION S1:12T r»P VUVI" Min SIZIDIC, 1. ADDRESS: 2. 4AL DESCRIPTION: IAT B= ADDITION: OTHER: 3. TYPE CF BUIL DING: RESIDENCE 9 APARrzogT /7 CHuRcii %j IIOTELA= %j CMCE %% OTHER ClOtTlERCIAL 17. TYPE OF' BUSINESS : RESTAURArrr INDUSI RM 6r TYPE C P BUSINESS: 4. QUANTITY AMID TYPE CF PLUMBING FIXTURES-. TO BE COMPLETED BY VILLArE (PROM MZ'I'F.R SIZING; SCHE= FIXTURE UNITS EACH TOTAL FIXTURE U=. X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X - -1V !'AL Fl&URE UNITF .7. 1V ZAP W!'lr4AQ11aU DS V U•t rulZG: - - - -- - METER SIZE REQUIRED (FROG! DOM SIZIlYG SC IM)ME) 6. HAS YOUR PIKER OR ENGINEER RDC7CMMM A iIATER tZTER SIZE? IF YES, MIAT SIZE?a 7. WILL YOU PAVE A FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN TIE✓ BUIMINM. IF YES, I*M SIZE DETECTOR C iE= KIM BE INSTAIZED? (_�'ROl'? 1!�'I'EFt SIZING SCHEDZJLE �. IlMSTRIAL & Cla-Tr CIAL DO YOU HAVE UNUSUAL MTER CONSLI1 PTION REQUIPOMM, ? WHAT IS YOUR ESTIMATED MAXIMW DAY WATER DE I&M? PEAK RATE 1VATER DMMND? � ORMATIC T SUBMITTED BY: ADDRESS: PUBLIC OCCUPANCY ----------- - - - - -- METER SIZaNG SCHEDULE Office, Hotel, Church f i xtu_re Water Closet - flush valve Flush closet - tank type Pedestal Urinal - flush valve Stall or Wall Urinal - flush valve Stall or Wall Urinal - tank type Lavatory Faucets (each) Lavatory 'Faucets (pair), Bath Tub Shower with mixing valve Service Tank Kitchen Sink - Hotel and Restaurant Total Fixture Units 20 -120 120 -220 220 -500 500 -1300 Fixture Units 10 5 10 5 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 Meter Si ze Regu i re_d 5/8 x 1" 2" 2 -2" Residence and Apartments fIxtur_e Water Closets -- fflush type Water Closets - tank type Lavatory Faucet (each) . Bath Tub Shower Mixing Valve Compiet Bath with Flush Valve Complete Bath with Tank Type Sink Laundry Tubs Automatic Washer, clothes or dish Sill Cock or Sprinkler, each Average Apartment Average House Total Fixture Units - -1 -30 - -- 30 -125 125 -350 Fixture Units 3 1 2 8 6 2 3 3 3 15 25 Meter Size Regu i red 579_;7574'r---- III 1 -1/2" Meter Ratings at Safe OQer__Pressure 5/8" Meter- -- '- - - - - -- 20GPM 1" Meter 50GPM 1 -1/2" Meter 100GPM 2" Meter 150GPM 3" Meter 320GPM 4" Compound 500GPM 6" Compound 1000GPM Detector Checks Furnished and installed by Sprinkler IR Installer. Check to include By -Pass Meter. Detector Check Size 11rEit s Meter Size -411 ..- - - -- 6 11 1 -1 /2" 8 8 10" - 211 12" 2" ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant due to call and notice thereof, a special meeting was duly held at the Utilities Office on the 26th day of August, 1971 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Duff with all members present. The meeting was held to discuss and further study the assessment procedures for the Village defined as Resolution 1971 -18. Guests at the meeting were Mr. Springsted who explained what Resolution 1971 -18 would mean to the Village and to answer questions regarding the same. Also present were Mr. Gary Gray and Mr. George Ostertag. MOTION by Duff to recommend to the Council that Resolution 1971 -18, Section I, Article B, Paragraph 2 be changed to read "A standard size pipe of 8" diameter is set to define a lateral line for sewer and water, except, however, if a larger line is dictated by the nature of a specific use, it should then be considered a lateral, If a normal connection is made to a trunk core facility, an assessment, or charge, equivalent to a lateral charge should be made." Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3 MOTION by Duff to recommend to the Council that Resolution 1971 -18 be changed by deleting from Section I, Article B, Paragraph 6 the sentence "We understand that the intalled cost of the meters proposed at the time is $68.1' Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Duff to recommend to the Council that Resolution 1971 -18 be changed by deleting Paragraph 4 under Section V. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Duff to recommend to the Council that Resolution 1971 -18 be changed by deleting the words "Plus any fraction thereof ", from Section I, Article B, Paragraph 4. Second by Jones. Ayes,were 3. MOTION by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. Resppetfully Submitted, aDonF. Darling Commission Secretary 0- ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROamMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held at the Utilities Office on the 13th day of September, 1971 at 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order with all members present. Minutes of the August 9th regular meeting and the August 26th Special meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved: Lampert Yards 12.18 B. & J. Auto Supply 70.11 Hawkins Janitorial 80.00 W.S. Darley & Co. 47.76 Corcoran Hdwe & Imp. 9.12 Corrigan Electric 37.45 Genz -Ryan 49.97 Watertower Paint 610.00 Water Products 119,56 Village of Rsmt 1479.22 Fischer Sand & Agg. 2.00 Liquor Revenue Fund 189.92 Village of Farmington 60.00 Miller Davis Co. 8.48 Central Telephone 20.65 PNGas 19.00 Metro Sewer Brd 221.15 NSP 417.77 Don Ryan was present to ask about procedures and cost of permits for hooking up the Country Builders building on Main Street and the Tom Thumb on County Rd 42. Don Brown asked for more answers on the discrepancies between the Old Village and Old Township ordinances and policies. Motion by Johnson to authorize Don Brown to proceed with roof repairs on Well House #4 and #5. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Motion by Johnson to adopt resolution 1971 -2. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jones to adjorn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. Respectfully Submitted, 1 DoCnF6' , rling Commiss #ion Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROitMOYNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA Purbuant to due cat.t and notice theceo4, a Aegutan meeting o4 the Utility Commission was duty head at the Utc,litie,6 Ojj.ice on the 11th day o4 October, 1971 at 7 o'etock P.M. Meeting eaCted to oAdeA by PAes.tdent %44. CommizzioneA Jones was abaent. A.P.I. otheA membeA6 puzent. Minutes o� Septembee 13, 1971 weAe Aead and appAoved. The 6ottow.ing b.itls weAe Aead and approved: MetAo SeweA Board 221.15 American Spray Chem. 75.00 Coast- to -Coast 1.39 Michet Sates 144.10 Ray's We.tding 15.00 F.texib.te Pipe Tool Co. 510.00 VoAweck Gut, 45.06 leatettowec Paint 8 Repai&148.05 Davies WateA Equip. 14.00 WateAOU6 Co. 125.77 LetteA jxom Aes.ident Robert Van Dyke Aead asking Removat o4 $1.55 .tate penalty change. MOTION by Johnson second by Du46 to Aeduee .tale penalty o4 $1.55 on RobeAt Van Dyke's wateA bite Ju.t y 1971. Ayes weAe 2. *` Pat Finnegan in attendance to discuss seweA pAOb.tem at his property and poss.ib.te z o.tuti.ons . MOTION by Dujj to authorize Ban.isteA Engineering to shoot e.tevati.ons on Pat Finnegan's house and sewer �oA poz.6 ib.te connection. Second by Johnson. Ayes weAe 2. Von BAOwn discussed contAactom getting wateA 4-tom hydrants. SecAetaAy was .in6tAuated to write to schoa.t board d iucting them they ate not at towed wateA Rom the Vittage system. MOTION by Duo¢ to Recommend to the Vittage Councit the .insta tati.on of 314 by 5/8 meter6 without outside Aeadeus where metro are needed. Second by Johnson. Aye6 weAe 2. MOTION by Du44 to ehecge the SuAchaAge 4oA each house at the Univehatty Sta44 House AAea. Second by Johnson. Ayes weAe 2. MOTION by Johnson to recommend to the Vittage Councit the pUtchase of Feed Rite ContAot A 4.touridation equipment at a cost of appAaximate.ty $960.00 4on Wett 06 p.tus cost and etectAi.cat work. Second by Du4j. Ayes were 2. MOTION bV Du�4 to use the apptieation �oA .ind.iv.tduat sanitary sewage disposat as used by the Otd Township to be used jot SanitaAy Sewer connections. Second by Johnson. Ayes weAe 2. MOTION by Johnson to adjouAn. Second by Du64. Ayes were 2. Respeet4utty submitted, ion)��F. Da4ti,.ng Commission Secnetaty ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROfsMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF §*TA STATE OF MINNESOTA PuAsuant to due eaU and notice theneos, a %egutan meeting o6 the Ut t ty Commission was duty head at the Utit i ti.es O JJ.Lee on the 8th day o f NovembeA, 1971 at 7 o' ctoek P.M. Meeting eatZed to order by PAes.ident DuJJ. AU membeu were peesent. Minute6 of October 11, 1971 weAe read and approved. The Sottowing bites were head and approved: V.ic's WeEding 5.50 Corcoran Hdwe 6 Imp. Co. 11.21 Comm. of Taxation 3.69 04gee Appeian.ce Co. 35.00 Peoptes Nat. Gas 19,48 Hawkins Jan.itoAiaZ 80.00 NOAtheAn State Pow.388.41 B. 9 J Auto Suppty 3.87 Dak. County TA.ibune 14.00 Metro SeweA BAd. 221.15 Ratzta4J SeAv. Sta. 31.80 Genz -Ryan Ptumb,i,ag 192.15 Lynde 4.55 CentAaZ Tetephone 20.65 WateA Produet6 325.47 WatehtoweA Paint 9 Repair 230.94 Dak. Co. Hiway 27.55 Feed-Rite ContAot.6 19.90 MOTION by Johnson to pay the b" as read. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Discussion %egand ing wateA s uAcha►cge in. the Un.iveAS.cty o4 Minnesota area. MOTION by DuJJ to xeeind motion changing surcharge Jan each StaJS Howse and b.itt only on one meteA. Second by Johnson. Ayes weAe 3. Letter Jxom H.J. Geraghty was read and discussed. SecAetany was .instructed to advise Mc GeAaghty that Vittage poticy st tt remains that the Aespons.ibc,Gity Jor sanitary seweA .dines is the homeowners aft the way to the main. Discussion regarding tegaP,P.ity of surcharge as Reported by the I.R.S. Seehetacy was -instructed to notisy those who have withheed the surcharge that it is tegaZ and .c,6 due. Sectetany was .in6tructed to addAe6s Mn. Favicett Vittage Attorney as to how we:handte non- payment of the surcharge. Repoxt of Eng.ineeA6 on the seweA probtem at the P.F. Finnegan house was aired. Report stating that it wout-d be very eostty to hook this house up at this time and that the temporary sotuti.on should remain in eSJenx. MOTION by DuJ J to advise Mk. Finnegan o J Engineers apprai s at and state that this in no way puctudes the payment of cost6 of Suture hook up and tin6tattation changes as weQtZ as ass es.6 ments . Discussion regarding water meters Son the Bxobaek anea6 now without meteAS witt.be eonc,Zuded at the next regutar commission meeting. Discussion Aeganding BeAnard OstWag hooking on to the Brobac.k Area water system. It was agreed that this eoutd be done pxovided Mx. Ostentag Witt sign an agreement 10 that he Witt not object to Suture water extensions. Meeting was set Jor NovembeA 22, 1971 San Commission to .inspect vani.ou6 .in6t nations o4 pump contAot.6 . or 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION MOTION by Johna on to ad joAn.. ReapectguUy submitted, ca1 Von F. Van?,ing Commi.aa.c.on Seanetany RosamouNT, MINN. Second by Jones. Ayea were 3. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF VAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA Puuuant to due cW and notice thexeo6, a xegatax meeting o6 the Utility Comm"," on wa6 duty held at the Vittage Hatt on the 13th day o6 Vecembex, 1991 at 1 ofctock P.M. Meeting called to ordek by PA" ident Ous6. A.tt membeu were pte6ent. Minutes 06 November 8, 1911 were head and approved. The Sottowing bitU were head and approved: Coxcoxan Hdw. 8 Imp. Lampert Vat& V 6NO.ctCo.0 Inc. Genz -Ryan P.tumb i.ng Po4to"tex- 6tamp6 Comm. o 6 Taxation 3.63 29.86 69.08 13.89 5.00 15.08 MOTION by John6on to pay the bitt6 a6 head. Second by Jone6. Ayeb were 3. MOTION by Jone6 to kequebt tegat opinion on the new $ 300.00 hook -up chwLge With xegaAd to o.td bond ,i.66ue6 cattEng Sor $100.00 hook -up change. Second by Johmon. Aye6 wexe 3. lk U.i,6 w4 ion xegatding Bennatd 06tentag connection to the V.c,Gtage water a y6tem o 6 6 o 6 the Bnoback 8th addition 6 ¢hviee. MOTION by John6on to autho t i'.ze Seer etany to wA i.te a .teatte)t to Bexnand 06 to tag adv i.6,i.ng him that he ha6 pensi66ion to hook up to 6aid water 6 y6tem by So.ttowting the xeeommendation6 o6 the ViUge Engi.neerut 6ub1ect to appxovat os Von Bxounz who Witt .i,n6pee..t in6tattati.on at time os connection. Second by Jone6. Ayeb were 3. U.iA cu66,i on kegaAding in6ta Cation o s water meteu . How Witt they be ,i,n6ta,Lted, who Witt ,in6tatt them and how Sa6t w,itt the change be aceompti,6hed. MOTION by Jone6 to recommend to the Vitta gge Counc i.t that bid6 be taken Sox .,n6tattation i OS water metea on a unit b&6,6. Second by :Te+te6. 0e6 were 3. ,V% p/.vS- MOTION by John6on to change the rateb box water 6envice in the O.td Towuhip anew to agree with the O.td Vittage rate6. Rate6 to become ei6eetive when meten6 ate .i.n6tatW and to remain in e66eet unti.t 6ueh time a6 6uS6i.ei.ent date6 have been acgwvted to attow an adju6tment o6 nate6 thnoughoautt the enti- a 6y6tem. Second by Jones. Ay" were 3. pi.6eu66ion xegatdin.g potiey o6 O.td Vittage veue6 O.td Town6h.ip initiat hook -up change. Charge o6 $15.00 in the O.td Town6 hip area wa6 di.6 cu66 ed and 6 eaetat y MU a6 ked to determine who had paid A" change in the O.td Town6hip. Vi.6cue6.i.on regatdi.ng contxot6 Sox the new wateA 6y6tem. MOTION by Johmon to xeeommend to the Vittage Couneit the in6ta tAti.on 06 automatic contnat6 a6 recommended by the Vittage Engi.neex6 at a coat 06 aPanoximatety $9,000.00 Second by Jone6. Ayeb were 3. tii,6cw6,ion regarding acceptance o6 water 6ptem in the Bkoback 8th addition. Sy6tem to ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROS[MOUNT, MINN. -2 be accepted at the time that att conditions have been met as suggested by V,ittage Eng,ineet. Discussion Aeguding hook -up change at GAi e j Bros- Cotp. MOTION by Johnson to table Wei Bros. hook -up change until the me �on January 10, 1972 at which time .in jonmat�.on w U be ava table deteAmminu:ng a hook -�e wan paid by Cwtie j Bros. when they otiginaUy hooked up to the Vitlage system. Second by Jones. Ayes weAe 3. Plans and speei.iications to be reviewed by Village Eng,i,neex at this time. At 8 p. m. meeting wan suspended to heat presentation by WateA Meter Companies. Pees entations were made by Bill Btackman, Neptune Meter Co . , UU CambeU, Neuhey Meter, Notb RadneA, Badger Meter Co., and Vick Nottz, Water. Pnaducts. LetteA SAom Banister Engineering Recommedding acceptance of .Low bid VAom Neptune MeteA Co. MOTION by Jones to kecommedd to the Village CounaiL that they accept the law bid submitted by Neptune Meter Co. Second by Johnson. Ayes weu S. Behnand Ostettq present at this time to discuss hokk,ing to the V.ittage wateA system. MOTION by Jones to strike motion kegdxding 04terrtag wateA connection. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Johnson to Request attoAney Pax FduetL review this Request and draw up an agReement to allow BetnaAd Ostettag to hook -up to the watex system thAough the BAoback 8th addition. Second by Jones. Ayes weAe 3. MOTION by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes weAe 3. icespectiutty Submitted, r a n F. L4_ Caamiss.ion ecxeUty