HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 UC MinutesROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROf<MOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF VAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA i'uxauant to due eaGt and notice theheoi, a UgUtax Meeting was duty hetd at the des Oj6iee on the 10th day of Januauty, 1972 at 7 o'etoek p.m. The meeting wa6 eatted to oxdeh by Ptaident Reinke with att membex6 paeaent. Commi.6e.ion 6eehetaxy, Von Vaxting, was ab6ent. M,inutea of Veeembeh 13th dace Lead and apprtoved a6 head. The 6ottow ng b.ctt4 wexe head and approved: J" Thayeit 66.50 066.i,ee AppGianee Co. 22.90 WUeh Vavca Co. 31.73 Chap" Pubtis "g 34.80 Centxat Tetephone 20.00 Coast -To -Coax# 17.23 Vak. Co. TAtbune 446.00 &tecknek'b Standand 48.50 Genz -Ryan .59 L.i.quoh Revenue 120.41 Flied Uitdenbogexd 15.00 Sewer Sinking Fund 162.50 Hawkins Janitoh 40.00 Commti6.6.i.onen o S Tax 10.96 MOTION by Jones 6eeond by Johnson that ij xeeoxd6 chow GK.iej Bxotheu have pxevcou6ty paid a hook -up ehaxge then a .tetteh .is to be wUtten byy 6eenetaxy to #hem 6tati.ng thexe woutd be no additionat hook -up gge, tj they never paid they are to be .insonmed by .tette�r. that the eumeatchaAge Witt appty. Ayes w¢Ae 3. MOTION by Johnson 6eeond by Jones to have avaitab.te att Std Town6h.ip Utititiea Ohdinance6 and Otd Vittage 0,,ul nanee6 by next monthty meeting. In addition, Gaxy Gray .ia to obtain ox.dfaneea 6. tom home other municipatitiea at 6ueh time a 6peeiat meeting witt be bet to tevtew the above and hecommend to councit. Ayes 3. MOTION by Johnson 6eeond by Jones to Bend &tteh to below named people to head as jottow6: (See attached .te.tteac) Ayes weave 3. R,ichaxd Lockwood Vavid SeaahotGtz Jutiu6 Neitand Lampext Vaxd6 Wayne Schuetz James Vho6t Tim Pav iea Ph.iX. 4 Hou man James Leckett Mike Kett y Haxxy W.ttteox CaAt Rechtizget MOTION by Jones second by Johnson to authoxtze Von Brown to obtain prci,eea on diijexent types of power muhexa jot next monthty meeting. Ayes wehe 3. MOTION by Reinke second by Johnson authoAizc.ng Von Brown to obtain p�tieea on new thuad tappex joh next monthty meeting. Ayea wexe 3. MOTION by Jones to adjouxn 6econd by Johnson. Ayes weave 3. ReA pectjuUq/4ubW;'qed , n fah Acting Co .ion Seexetaxy ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION do ROsEMOUNT. MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF VAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pausuant to due Batt and notice theneoj, a nega&& meeting wa6 duty held at the UtUitie6 Ojjice on the 7th day of Febnuatcy, 1972 at 7 o'ctock p.m. The meeting wa6 catted to onden by Comm"A oneA Mitton John6on. President Rienke wa6 decayed unfit 9 p.m. Att other member6 were pre6ent. The minute6 of January 10th were head and approved a6 head. The Sottowing biUA weAe head and appAoved: waten.ou6 Co. 5.00 Goodin Company 13.89 State T)twunen 33.06 Ro6emount Vodge 6.00 V.ittage of R6mt 20.00 water Produet6 69.78 NSP 425.64 ConcoAan Hdwe 6 Impt45.93 Peopteb Gab 176.91 RatztaJ6 Senv. Sta. .75 Centtat Tetephone20.00 Marv'b Sketty 64.86 B 6 J Auto 3.03 MA. Gary nay pne6ented tabhtat�iom o f 644 on inetaGLation 04 wateA metenb. He ddvc6 ed that he had Ae6 eanehed the .tow bidden and found them to be a teputabte 6.inm and recommended to the UtU iti.e6 Commi,64.i on that they recommend to the Vittage Couneit that the bid by Hopk,en6 P.tumbing 8 Heating be accepted and eontAaet be tet javoning them. MOTION by John6on to recommend to the VittAge Couneit that they accept the bid o f Hopkin6 P.tumbtng 6 Heating Co. as towebt biddeA. Second by Jone .' Ayeb were 2. V.i.6 eu66ion nega ling the writing o j a .tetten to thob a peopte involved in the wateA meter pnogAam advi6.Lng them what w,W be taking ptaee a6 thAA project .r.6 eompteted. Lette)t wa6 dnaged to aecompWh th.ta putwe. Von Brown pee6ented t i tenatme and pAi.eeb on high pne66ure e,teanem . MOTION by Jone6 to puneWe a PAoteeto High Px".6une bprayen model 4207 for appnoxi,matety $475.00. Second by John6on. Aye6 were 2. ViAcwa.ion regarding a taping machine wa6 tabted unfit the next regular meeting. MOTION by Johnson to tnan6fen $10,000 from the Ut titiea Fund Account to having Bert 6icatea. Second by Jone6. Aye6 weAe 3. MOTION by John6on to adjouhn. Second by Jones. Aye6 wane 3. ReApectiatty submitted, "7 —* a pn F. Va�tcng Comm46.ion Secretary 0 0 ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION ROsEMOUNT. MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due catt and notice theneofi, a negutan meeting was duty hetd at the Utt"ea Ofifiice on the 12th day ofi March, 1972 at 7:25 o'etock p.m. The meeting was ea.Gted to ordeh. by Pneaident Reinke with att members pneaent. The minutes o February 7th were read and approved as read. The fiottow.Lng buts were read: Comm. ofi Taxation Jan. 8 Feb. 268.95 FWt State Bank o Rosemount10,000.00 Liquor Fund wages 120.41 Hawkins Chemi.nat Inc. 170.17 Mit teh Davis Co . 10.70 Genz -Ryan Plumbing 135.79 Coast -to -Coast 2.79 Postmaster BohnW 8.00 Blue Ox Dist. 430.00 NSP 253.14 Pete Jorgensen 88.13 Water Pho &C.t6 82.95 Neptune Meter Co. 90-870.00 Muetter Co. 52.31 Sexton Printing Co. 10.00 Coast -to -Coast 13.86 Hawkins Jan,i ton iat 40.00 V.ic's wetding 405.45 Strese Union 76 24.57 Corcoran Hdwe 8 Impt. 31.86 Centrat. Telephone 20.95 Hawkins Janitorial 40.00 George Crawfiord 12.00 Tri -State DA tting 24.34 MOTION by Johnson second by Jones to pay the b.ctta as head. Ayes were 3. Discussion neganding vahicu6 ways ofi bitting fior water meter .in6tattation in the areas now being .instaPted. MOTION by Johnson to attow two atten.natea in paying fior meter hook -up. The glut being 4u2t payment upon completion. Second being three equat payment6 bitted atong with the quakterty water. bitting. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 3. Gary Gray presented a hough drafit ordianee entitled "An Ordianee EstabtiAhi.ng a Mun.ieipat wate % System in the Vit&ge o fi Rosemount: Phov id ing Fan Connections thereto, Changes therefion and Penatzi.es For Violation." Discussion cuss.ion regarding staggering bitting ing to accommodate evening up the Utit iie6 ctvdu work .toad. MOTION by Johnson to auth.ohize the Sec tarry, Utc t i,ti a SupeAv c.6 or and Utititiea Clerk to a&wAge fior staggered bi,tUng and meter heading. Second by Reinke. Ayea were 3. Letter firom Metro Sewer Booed dated 318172 requesting .infiormation re.tati.ng to .industrial wastes. MOTION by Reinke to authorize the etehk to write to att .industries requesting .infiormation as requested by the Metro Seweh Board letter ofi March 8, 1972. MOTION by Johnson to adjourn. R ct fiut t S ed, Don D 'ng Commission SecAetary Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. 4 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RommouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OR ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due caet and notice theneoi, a regutan meeting was dul-y head at the Vietage Hatt on the 10th day o4 Apkie, 1972 at 7:25 o'clock. p.m. The meeting was catted to order w.i.th ate membem present except President Reinke. The minutes o4 the Match 12th meeting were Read and approved a6 Head. The 4ottow.ing bitt6 were Head: Corcoran Hdwe Stone 1.15 Genz -Ryan Ptumb.ing 140.29 Comm. o� Taxation 7.35 Coast -To -Coast 32.11 Ratzta�j Service 4.00 B 6 J Auto 17.74 Hawkins Jan.itoA.cae 40.00 Ester Co. 22.45 Centnat Tetephone 20.00 Hopkins Ptu.mbing 9 Heat. 3453.30 Dakota Co. Tribune 149.10 VoAweck Guth 5.10 No. Amen. Safety 3,58 Layne Minn. Co. 30.65 Vincent BAa6s 6 Atum. 14.90 State Tneasunen 77.58 044.i.ce Appt.iance 11.60 Liquor Revenue Fund 177.91 RobeAt's DAug 2.66 Comm. o4 Taxation 32.60 MOTION by Jones second by Johnson to pay the biM as Head. Ayes were 2. Letter 4nom 'Dwayne Sch.uttz was head tegoAding bc,Pt for JAozen water tine. MOTION by Jones to pay {ion thawing water tine at the 'Dwayne Schuttz re6.i,dence. Second by Johnson. Ayes weAe 2. Discussion regarding probtema encountered during .insta Cation o4 wateA metena and method oA assessing by the .instaeteu. It was agreed that Don Brown showed continue h.i,s .inspection o4 the .in6ta.ttation6 to deteAm,i.ne what changes shoutd be assessed the users and atso what payment showed be made to Hopkins Ptumb.ing and Heating. Appt.ieati.on 4or payment 01 from Hopkins Ptumbing was presented by Gary Gray. MOTION by Johnson to accept appei.eation 4or payment 01 6Aom Hopkins Ptumb.cng and Heating and order it paid. Second by Jones. Ayes were 2. Don Brown Aeponted that McCaAthy wett Co. wants to make their weft .inspection at this time. It was agreed that Don Brown should contact McCahthy Wett Co. and tett them to proceed with inspections. MOTION by Johnson to ad1outn. Second by Jones. Ayes were 2. 4P Respeet4utty Submitted, / Don F. Daxt ing Commission SectetaAy ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosKMOUNT. MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION.- VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA R Puns want to due catt and notice thereo 4, a regutan meeting was duty head at the Vittage Hat on the 8th day og May, 1972 at 7:10 o'etoek p.m. The meeting ways Batted to order eoeth att membeu present. The minutes o6 the ApiUl 10th meeting were head and approved as read. The Aottow.i,ng b.c eCs were read: Central Tetephone Co. 25.49 Board o6 Wate2 Comm. 89.87 Coaat- to -Coa6t 2.72 Peoptes Natural Gad 155.09 Hawkins JanitoxiaL 40.00 NortheAn State PoweA 450.18 V,i.c's Wetdinq 139.76 Ratzta44 Serv. 6.00 Lynde 11.80 Corcoran Hdwe. 9.76 Home Typewriter 5.00 Liquor Revenue Fund 197.91 Genz -Ryan 7.67 Comm. o4 Taxation 200.77 MiUeA Vavca Co. 9.27 Union 76 259.56 MOTION by REINKE to pay bitt6 a6 .submitted. Second by Johnson. Aye6 were 3. MOTION by Jones to paint the new water tower a Northern Sky Btue. Second by Johnson. Aye6 were 3. MOTION by Johnson to adopt Re6otution 1972 -1971 entdttCed Private WettZ Water Study dviceeted to the State Heatth Department and Pottution ContAott Agency. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Gaky Grey was pre6ent to di.6eusa Report on San.i talcu_ Sewer jot Weatern Rosemount Improvement Project 1972 -2. MOTION by Reinke to recommend to the Vittage Councit accepting the Report on Sanitary Sewers Aor Western Rosemount Improvement Project 1972 -2 with a.Ptternata #2 providing sewer t i.ne6 in the streets and to proceed with pubt ie heat i ngs . Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Jonea to adjouAn. ReapeetiuUy Submitted, 4 A7 _ Von F. Datting COmmi,ss.ion Secretary Second. by Johnson. Ayes were 3. U- I N ljL'I f,WPWas uo;rvv -V uo0 6ura •3 u06 `pa »s yiad •£ akam "by •uo?uyot hq puovaS •Uvnoip-o o:;r nuof hq NOIlOW • uo -r,v?w woo ayg ox 2pvq :�,vodak pun hvkq •zryy hq pa;rpn:pq aq 4 om vamo:� aye go doh uo pavv7d awnu aig 6u7nvy Yo hrrpgyppod aye orn •uor4vvo7 xnm Ova uv uy uamo Mau a19 uo P-axtiq aq P7noy9' awvu a6v-rA aye :nW qvm UOT'V nuwo0 ZW wokg avynpy •W:Mau aye uo paw-agakd 9vm :vym Pag4v puv vamo:�r ayg uo xuawavv7d q�mosr y rou v yr Jun W:;mm P70 ayW uo :unowagod awvu aw :rvyg pa:�kodak hvkg •key •70kxuov hkog7Avad »v aye yam do 'Y 6u vy� kay�v uo�kdo avuvw v uo 2am 6urv�d " papuawwovak puv ram hq -puv ? v aq ITrm k# Mm vy pa:�Vodau hv4'9 hkvo - £ akam "by •uoguyot hq puovaS •Z# uorxrvvr�ddy hvd o� -quwd hq NOIl01Y •00 burgwn7d 9'urgciO)4 wokY Zip u07: nW eddy pa4ua7akd hvkV hkn0 •:�uawuopuvgv " paav0ud 4 pZrYAPn vnm umokg uo(; *so mm Yo ,,+awuopuvgv paaodokd koy uvhd -auaO wokY pyq v Pa.XU`Z akd umokg uoa •£ akam nhy •Qauor hg puovaS •pa rwgng vv s ;rq hvd o:r zluwa hg NOilog Sti•£ZZ U0970 hoc Ob•S1 •xvl go •wwoj 16•L91 anuaAad konby7 90•£L 6uygwn7d uvhd -zua) Zs • 1 t :�UVAyn vWUWtPJV 60.6 :M03- 01- :MoO 00.001 •d;rnbg av-ryly0 uadny 01 • S •nuas hnz :d ZS•9SL'TvaF4 9 6u?'gw»7d uagnvS 00.0 7v-,aO:K yr Qu' �14 S 9.9 • oZ) "Ava ka7m 00.8 Z a6poa xunowa pod. 00.03 •o0 auoydavl 7woa0 £Z•1b£ dSN £ L• L 6 9n0 pvrr4TIq n7cl oad : pvak akam r ;rq 6urmonoq a�.L •:rua6y avv"3 puv mau-r6u3 aya y m durj. -aaw yx9Z aunt ayx �v uo'r4,9'rA M ko j avuvu-au up kayvoo� xnd 4 pa�nnsruy 7VC4 hvkg •kry puv pzpu puv apvw avam quo vpuawwovad •avuvu -rpko hq pauanov aq proyv pym 4 4v vuo-.Y�r4a66np apvw pun :uarakd smm hvko hk»0 •a6v7?-rA aye kog Qavynua 9 7a�vm pun kamas kanov o� avuvu-rpko uv 6u;r Won uoy9,v»v "a •£ akam "by •uovuyor hq puovaS •pa�auvov Qv mpu�rw aAokddv 0� rauot hg NOIlOiY • kaM4 ka vm mau aye uo pavv7d aq o.-,r apo0 raw Pvak o:�r paxvavvov puv Pnak auam �a nu�yy •:�uavakd mgwaw Tv yrm aqurad :pap mid hq kapko 4 pa7vv srom bu'.Yr?aw ay1 •w•d yvoav,o £O :L :;ry ZL61 `aunt qo hvP 1931 ay- uo nTH a6v77;rh a19 �n Play fiPP "M 6uTP-Jw W-POak v 'Yoauay,- av? -You puv bra a »p o:�r :;�uvnMd ylOSTWUH 30 31y1S 'ylO)lya 30 A-LnnO0 `imoyi3SOd 3O 3JymA `NOISSII not S3111711r) NNum - mnowasom NOISSINNOO 53111711/I IWOIN3SON 8 40 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION 0 RossNOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pureuant to due calf and notice th.enW, a tegutzm meetingg waa duty hetd at the V.i,Uage HaU on the loth day of Ju-y, 1972 at 7:30 o'ctock p.m. The meeting wa6 called to onden with all memben6 p&edent except Pne6.ident Reinke. The minute6 o6 the June 12th meeting were head and approved a6 head. The �o.tow.ing bitta were head; Jemy Ot6on 223.45 Faive Book 9 Ojjiee 7.05 Centnae Telephone 24.10 064iee Appti.anee 4.88 Water Pnoduct6 Co. 31.68 Du6jy Bnoa. 5.71 Peopta NatuAa Gab 91.52 Vic l,6 Welding 29.76 NSP 223.44 Kane',a Auto 58.03 Comm. of Taxation 8.92 B 9 J Auto 21.09 Hawk.i.na Janiton.i.aL' 40.00 Hawkins Chemical 140.77 M.i.Q,2en Davca 66.35 Genz -Ryan 1.11 !� Vittage os Fauington 30.00 Riehand NetAon 19.70 Ratzta.j SeAv. 4.00 Neptune Meter. Co. 264.00 MOTION by John6 on to pay b.i,.?, A a6 head. Second by Jonea . Ayed we to 2. Di6cu6.6.ion by Commi,6ation SecAetany Don DaxUng %ega&di.ng the puncha6e of a notodex jite bo,% o66iee use. MOTION by Jone6 to putcha6e a notodex 6iZe bon appaox.imatety $25.00 bon use by the Uti,P,i iia cteAk. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Don Known pees ented t teA a tuAe on a manho.2e btowen and di a euae ed making deeent6 into manhote,6 sa6m MOTION by Jonea to punchaae a manhote bZowen. Second by Johnson. Aye6 were 2. MOTION by Johnson to neeommend to the Councit that eatany review be undextaken immediately 6o,% empt o yee6 o A the Utc P.iti.e6 Co mm i,6 a.io n namet y Don Br own and Jerky Ott on . Second. by Jone6 Aye6 were 2. MOTION to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Reapectiatty Submitted, IV lco-� Dan F. Da4,Ung Commia.6.ion Seenetany ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION 0 ROsmOUNT. MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pur6 uant to due cat and notice theAeo 4, a Aegular meeting was duly heed at the Vit Cage Hat on the 7th o4 August, 1972 at 7:20 o' clock p.m. The meeting was called to oAdeA by Pnes.ident Reinke with ate membe&6 pneaent. The minutes o6 the Ju.ty 10th meetingg were head with .insttuctions to the Utititi,es ceeAk not to .list salary check6 in the minutes. MOTION by Johnson to approve minutes as read. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Jones to pay the 4ot towing bits as presented. Second by Reinke Ayes were three. Fedenae Re6eAve Bank 119.70 Coast -To -Coast 11.04 Comm. o4 Taxation 30.50 Peoples Natunae Gas 43.92 State TneasuneA PERA 65.92 Tim Davis %e4und 12.04 Faun. Book 9 044.ice Suppe.y 39.25 Central Telephone 24.10 Genz -Ryan Ptumb.ing 26.65 Hawkins JanitoAi.ae 40.00 Wenzel- Ptumb.cng 100.00 L.iquon Revenue Wages 131.79 McCarthy Well Co. 54.00 State TneeAuAeA 5.00 Water 9 Waste Senv. 502.15 State TneazuAeA 5.00 B 9 J Auto Suppty 21.22 Kane6 Auto 9 Equip. 174.71 MOTION by Johnson to change meeting time oA Utilities Commission to 7:30 p.m. instead o � 7:00 p.m. Second by Jones . Ayes were three. Discussion Aegand i.ng pnopos ed z eweA and water and ignce. MOTION by Jones to change sewer Antes bon Industrial, CommeAcial, and Schootz; 0 -5,000 gallons $3.00 and oven 5,000 gallons should be 1V pen 1,000 gallons used,.i.n the proposed ordinance. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Reinke to have a 2" water meter adapted to the pump tocation at Well 03 4on use in sate o; wateA to contractors and tank truck ope&atons. Second by Johnson. Ayes weAe 2 Nay 1. MOTION by Jones to pay the 4ee 4on certi6.icati.on o4 Don Brown as a cCass 4 operator and any subsequent fees Aor cexUA i.cation. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. MOTION by Reinke to adjouhn. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. 4 Rea pect juUy Submitted, � 0� r Don F. 'Darling Commission Secnetato ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due eaPt and notice theneoj, a negutm meeting was dwt hetd at the V.i t Cage Hatt on the 11th day o j September, 1972 at 7:30 o' atock p.m. The meeting was Batted to oxdeA by Pnea.tdent Reinke with at.t membeha pusent except Mn. Johnson. MOTION by Jones to amend and approve minutes as amended to head. We agree that the Diamond Path Schoo.t is not making a connection to out main water .Gene but ate extending their 6" tine and hooking a 2" water meteh to ,it. It was decided the ehahge Jon a 21' wateh hook -up and 2" meter and a 1.25% o4 tegatan charge be made as their watet AeAviee charge being they axe outside the ViMge and the jite charge on a 6" .tine be changed with the hydrant that they have agreed to .in6tat.t. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 2. MOTION by Reinke that Leo Ftueget and John Henn agreed upon unami.nou6,ty that Henn be permitted to .c statt 5/81' waxen tine �tom Counter. y Bu itdexs s env ice with a curb Atop and wateA meteA at the tegatu Aea.identiat hoo -up changge 04 $300.00 and that an agheement with Henn that at any .tateh date a hightk consumption od wateA as a eommerei:at buitding than what the 5/8" .Dine can provide, a AeAviee Ahatt be potovided joh that .tot. This atao pertains to AeweA. Seond by Jones. Ayes weAe 2. MOTION by Reinke to pay the bittA as presented. Second by Jone6. Ayes wexe 2. Toombs Ina. Agency 129.79 WateA PAoduct6 Co. 10.86 Generat Fund 4800.00 Roberts 'DAug 1.17 B 6 J Auto Suppty 25.08 watehtoweh Paint 610.00 Coast to Coast 8.35 Coteman Hdwe 5 Impt 131.14 Fain Book 6 0j¢.iee 3.05 Richman Cook 234.45 Miehet Sates Co. 118.79 Vak. Co. Tribune 14.10 Hawkins Janitoxiat 40.00 Centnat Te.tephone 24.55 No. AmeA. Safety 3.58 Genz -Ryan 656.11 Ratztajj Sxv. 2.00 Comm. of Tax 135.21 NSP 229.89 State Txeaauxex 48.75 Watvwa6 Co 560,00 F.ixat State Bank 95.80 wateA Pxoduct6 Co. 89.86 MOTION by Reinke to eeAti.jy to the County Auditoh uneot.tectid watch. bi.G A. Second by Jones. Aye6 wehe 2. MOTION by Jones to authoni,.ze Von Bum to putehaae a ga6oti,ne poweAed air eomptum% with eteethie Atafit Au6jici.ent in capacity to handle the tijt stations. Second by Reinke. Ayes weAe 2. MOTION by Jones to adjounn. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 2. R eetj ubm ctted, R wing Comm 44,ion Secne" 6 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RommouNT, MINK. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF P4TA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pwcauant to due catt and notice theneoi, a hegutan meeting was duty held at the Vittuge Hatt on the 9th day of October, 1972 at 7:40 o'etock p.m. The meeting wa6 catted to onden by PA" ident Reinke with at.t membena pne6ent /e��// //�� except M. Jones. The minuteb of the Septemba 11th. meeting were head with MOTION by Johnson to approve the minutes as read. Second by Reinke. Ayes mere two. The jo,ttowing UM were read: Genehat Revenue Acct. Weeds 429.50 Uavi" Water Equipment 19.80 Hawk ins Janitotiat Sehv 40.00 Coast -To -Coast 1.59 Jeuy Teaeman &egund 7.07 Peopte6 Natau t Gas 1.95 Water Pnodaet6 Co. 365.91 L.iquon Revenue Acct. 154.16 Nowthenn. States Power 277.54 John',s Machine Shop 44.25 Watehou6 Co. 39.40 Centnat Tetephone Co. 25:48 Goodin Co 9.96 Con6Ot.idated E.tecthi e 167.50 Aix Comm 83.00 MOTION by Reinke to pay the biUA a6 pneaented. Secodd,by Johnson. Ayes wvte too. MOTION by Reinke to renew the eubscni.pti.on to the water magazine. Setnnd by Johnson. Ayes were two. MOTION by Reinke to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. R ¢et�utty Su6rnctted, f Pon F. Voting Conmiia,6ion Semetany ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION 44 ROSKNOUNT. MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA PuA6uant to due Batt and notice thereo4, a regutar meeting wa6 duty held at the VittageHatt on the 13th day of November, 1972 at 1:30 p.m. The meeting was Batted to ordeA by Prea.ident Reinke with att memben6 pAeaent. MOTION by Johnson to pay the bitt6 as presented. Second by Jones. Ayes wQJie, three. The jottow.i.ng b.itt4 were read: Suxchange Account 120.00 Water 6 Sewage Woxk6 12.00 Liquor Revenue Wages 214.41 Waterou6 Co. 117.24 State TAea6uAer 50.58 Coa4t- To -Coa6t 15.25 W.i.6cona.i.n Nationat L.ije 33.56 Central Tetephone Co. 24.10 Fc.A6t State Sank 95.80 Dakota Co. TAi.bune 150.94 Comm. of Taxation 32.00 Neptune Meter Co. 371.95 Peter Jorgensen 187.27 NSP 192.06 Transport Ctearing6 11.21 Peoptea Nat Gab 4.72 Ratzta4j SeAv. Station 2.00 Jerry Te aman 4.07 Ojji.ee Apptianee Co 9.53 Nets Hehman 13.69 Fain Book 6 Ojj.iee ' 'Davi6 32.24 RobeA.t Tyten 15.00 MiUer 15.12 Ruth Schot66in 20.00 Rich Cook 227.67 Goodin Co. 21.28 Hawk,i.na Janitoriat 40.00 Letter from A. G. Johnson regarding waiving of 6auAwtge was Head. Secnetaxy wa6 a6ked to exptain the qua.ti6 cations to Mr. Johnson by tetter. MOTION by Jones to approve the minutes a6 Head. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Uiacua6.i.on regaxdi,n.g hewer jor the Borbaek axea6 not now served by hewer. MOTION by Reinke to recommend to the V.c t tage Counc i t to pAoceed at t UA time to provide hewer service 6or these areas to be eomptete when the Metro enter - e-eptor .i,6 ready. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Viacu66.c.on regarding moving Utititie6 Ojjice bookkeeper into the V.i ttage Hatt. MOTION by Jones to recommend to the Vittage Counci t that thi,6 be cona.idered. Second by Johnson. Ayea were three. MOTION by Johnson to adjouxn. Second by Reinke. Ayea were three. Rea pee tjutty Submitted, Oon F. fl 'ng Commi.64ion Secnetaxy b n ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosamouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pwcsuant to due catt and notice thereoA, a regutan meeting was duty head at the Vittage Hatt on the 11th day of December, 1972 at 7:40 p.m. The meeting =A ca.Gted to order by Pneai.dent Reinke with at.t members present. The minutes o4 the November 13th meeting weAe head. MOTION by Reinke to approve minutes. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. MOTION by Reinke to authokize Utititiea cterk to proceed with changing Utc "e6 Dorm system as recommended to the Ut ti.ties Commission. MOTION by Johnson to approve the bc,Gts as presented. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. Corcoran Hdwe 6 Impt Co Ratz,tajj Senv Station Fain Book 6 Ojjice Suppty Hawkins Janitoxiat Senv Coast -To -Coast Store Genz -Ryan Heating Wei.enke Trenching 6 Excat. Hawkins Chemical Inc. Connigan Eteetaic water Pnoduct6 Co V 6 N O.tt Co Inc. 10.69 3.38 3.73 40.00 4.59 19.13 190.00 80.13 17.70 125.34 7.00 Dick Lucking in attendance to discuss the ptobtem with sanitary seweA at his mother's house on Main Stheet. MOTION by Johnson to authatize payment of $70.00 to Rogers Wienke to compensate Jon Vit -cage share o6 bi,xing sanitary service to PeaAt Lucking residence. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Gan y Gray was present to exptain the proposed s anctan y s ewer project for the western nes.identiat pextion of the V.ettage not now 6eAved by sanitahy eewen gong with Bnoekwa y Gtas s sewer s env.iee . MOTION by Johnson to autkonize Gary Gray to get togetheA with Pete Jorgensen to work out a Jormuta bon ptumbin.g penmirt changes 6or neeommenddtion to the V.ittage Couneit. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. MOTION by Jones to recommend to Coune i t adaption o j rev c4 ed water and Sewer Rate,, changes and deposits as presented by Gary GAa.y. Second by Reinke. Ayes were two. MOTION by Reinke to adjourn. Rea peetiutty Submitted, L �— ot"r, Don F. Dat,ng Commission Seeneicviy Second by Jones. Ayes weAe three.