HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 UC Minutes• 4 ft ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROssMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF i1AKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Puuuant to due catt and notice thmo4, a neguLan meeting was duty held at the V.cttage Hatt on the Sth day o� January, 1973 at 7:40 p.m. The meeting wa6 catted to onden by Pnea.ident Reinke with att membeu present except Mn. Johnson. The minute6 of the DeeembeA 11th meeting were head. MOTION by Jone6 to approve minute6 as read. Second by Reinke. Ayes weAe two. MOTION by Reinke to pay b.c,Gta as pnea ented. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Lampert Yanda 36.48 F.inat State Bank10000.00 having cent. Peter Jongen6en 143.21 Comm. of Taxation 123.04 Rich Cook 69.89 Rich Cook 227.67 Kenneth Gist 6.00 State Tneaauner 66.15 Fi,ut State Bank 95.80 Comm. of Taxation 32.00 W.i6con4.i.n Li4e Ina.33.56 State Treasunen 250.69 Water Produet6. 46.35 Neptune Meter Co.2862.30 Hawkins Janiftoniat 40.00 Fait Book 8 O jj.ice 15.05 Gena -Ryan Ptumb,i,ng 1.47 Peopteb Natuoutt Gab 88.10 Centnat Tetephone Co. 32.90 NontheAn State Power 165.26 Concoaan Ndwe S Imp; 20.95 R6mt. Liquors Acct. 228.16 Weienke Trenching S 70.00 B 6 J Auto Suppty .32 Rosemount 'Dodge 192.37 Comm. of Taxation 13.32 Rich Cook 846.74 Central Tetephone 44.45 State Pteasunen 5.00 Gan y Grey waa pne6 ent and ptea ented a revi4 ed Wt o j the Water and Sewer natea, changes and depos.i t6 to come into tine with the MetAo Sewer. Board chatge6. MOTION by Reinke to adjourn. Second by Janes. Aye6 were two. Rea peetiutty Submitted, 'Don F. Vatting Comm46ion Sechetany ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MILAN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Puuuant to due catt and notice thmoj, a negulzm meeting wa6 duty held at the Vittage Hatt on the 12th day o4 Feb&my, 1973 at 7:40 p.m. The meeting wa6 caeted to onden by Pkes.ident Reinke with aU mem6elr.6 peesent except W. John6on due to .cttne,6s. The minutes o6 the January 8th meeting were head. MOTION by Reinke to approve minuta a6 read. Second by Jone6. Ayes weAe two. MOTION by Jones to pay the gottowtng biUz . Second by Reinke. Ayes were two. Ostentag Cement Co. 442.00 Ratz.tajj SeAvice Station 2.78 Liquor Revenue 264.86 Neptune Meter. Co. 132.00 Robeht Typewniten 3.25 we.ienke Tunehing 40.00 Fadden Pump Co. 59.50 Sauben P.tumbtng 73.00 Hawkins Janitorri:at 40.00 Kane'.6 Auto 5 Equip 35.00 Genz -Ryan P.tumb.ing 1.10 water P)toduet6 Co 155.45 V.ie'z wetdi.ng 40.29 Genenat Fund 6.00 V 8 N Oit Co Inc. 8.88 Peoptee Natweat Gab 231.48 Feed -Rite Contno.t6 6.43 Nonthe)cn States PoweA 230.42 Concanan Hdwe 12.51 Comm, aj Taxation 157.12 Dakota Co Tir..ibune 239.10 Vittage o4 Fanmi.ngton 100.00 Coast -To- Coast 1.20 Rich Cook wages 714.48 Ketvin Macdonatd was peesent to diAcuss the Petition nega&di,ng a two yeat nequ iument jo& hooking up to the San.i to ty Sewer that was pne6 ented to the Vittage Couneit on February 6, 1973. Di,6w.6 ion %egandi.ng tepai ing the o.td water tower.: AtAo diseased were pozzibty eause6 jon 4eez.i.ng and pnocedut" to be used to prevent ne- oce ante ij tepa ted. MOTION by Jones to adapt the new Jones 4on sewer and plumbing peAni t.6 as pne6ented starting u6e a6 ean.ty a6 posstb.te. Second by Reinke. Aye6 were two. MOTION by Reinke to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. T R e tjuUy Submitted, on F. �aa-At i ng Commission Sectetaty • • J ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION ROstMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Purecant to due Batt Vittage Hatt on the 1 The meeting was Batted The minutes o j the Feb, MOTION by Reinke to notice theneo4, a negutax meeting was duty hetd at the day of March, 1973 at 7:40 p.m. onden. by Pnes.ident Reinke with aGe members present. y 12th meeting were read. ve minutes as head. MOTION by Reinke to pay Ithe jottwo.ing bitta. Comm,isa.i.onex of Taxati.or Water Pnoduct6 Co. Nonthenn States Power Peoptes Natuna2 Gad Coaat -To -Coast Stone Hagen Oj4iee Equip. Feed Rite Contnots Inc. Gnann,i.s 8 G►rann.i.s Fain Book 6 O jjice Rosemount Dodge Genz -Ryan Ptumbing Dakota Co Tni.bune Centut Tetephone Hawkins Janiton..i.at Senv Conconan Hdwe 8 Impt. Dis cus4.ion on a tetteA , on the total water eonsi 100% of the waxen eonsw 97.16 86.54 557.97 472.34 5.87 5.40 16.20 50.00 51.53 11.90 12.96 40.65 70.22 40.00 4.90 Second by Jones. Ayes wen.e too. Second by Jones. Ayes weAe two. GAi.e6 Bus. %ega tdi ng s ewe& changes being peed sated Lon. They cCai,m they shouCd not be changed based on Gary GAay was .inatnucte4 to took into the jeadabit ty of a sewer jtow meteA at i Ghe6 Bros. and nepont back at the next meeting in Ap&it. D.i.6 w.6ion tegakdi.ng dt position o f Otd WateA Tower. Poazibitit i a o s nepai t were discussed as weft a6 eptacing the ne6 eAve capacity o j the toweA with an aux i taAy powered gear dni.ve on Wett 03. Gary Gway to study the coat& of a posd.ibte dotution. Letter 6com Ptann.ing Co . s.ion wa6 head and ptat di.6ptayed te6eAence Rahn 6th Addt. Bnoback Indu6thi.ae PeAk SecAetany was .instAucted to anawen the tetten by stating that the Utilities Commission j.ind6 nothing waong with the ptat as jar as 6an,etaky sewer and water tines 4ot this area. Discussion cuss.ion tegand,i.ng the possib.ct ty o � obtaining another smatt t&uek ;ion the Ufic,C,i ties Department. Pon Brown was .instructed to white up the speei Jicati.on and put them out Jon bi46 Jon stew truck. Di4 ws.ion tegaAdi.ng a 'Cat 12 E' that Btoomington .i s going to dispose 04. Don Brown wa6 insPuteted to view their equipment pn ion to Friday, March 16 advising the Commission membeAS what he beet& wooed be a jai,% phi ce got this ,machine. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • N D.t,s cubs.i,on regatding MOT10N by Reinke to recc to $35.00 4or a house xa inch, $75.00 Jot 2 inch. MOTION by Reinke to rece Genera. Fund and Nano& Johnson. Ayes were xhre Res pect6a . ed, Don F. Datt i.ng Commission SecAetany • 0 ROsEMOUNT, MINN. Itgea 60r tapping waxeA mains mmend to the V.ittage Couneit to raise tapping changes p up to a 314 inch, $40.00 6or a 1 inch, $50.00 Jot 14 Second by Jones. Ayes were th tee. mend to the V.cttage Councit to pay Richman Cook jnom Pederson to be paid from Utit ties Fund. Second by 2. ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION • ROsRMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due cage and notice theAeo6, a Aeguean, meeting wa6 duty head at the Vittage Haee on the 9 day o6 Ap)Ut, 1973 at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was caeeed to oAden by Pneaident Reinke with aU membeu present. The minutes o6 the Mat 12th meeting were head. MOTION by Reinke to ap ove minutea a6 Aead. Second by John6on.Ayea were three. MOTION by Reinke to pa the jotZowing b.c e .6 . Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Leroy BucheA 1 .49 Steet. Suppf-y Co 23.04 Liq. Revenue 21 .61 Lynde 3.60 ConeoAan Hdwe 9 Imp 8 .93 Corrigan EZecAtie 59.87 Centha . Teeephone 4 .92 HawFii,n6 Janiton.ia.Z 40.00 LampeA.t VA. .54 1.10 Hawks .6 Chemiea a 13.08 W S DaAtey 2 .50 Waxen 9 Wa6te 532.00 B 6 J Auto 3 .07 PeopZes Gab 6.00 Coa6t- To -Coa6t 1 .53 Payton 717.28 Vie'a Weeding .00 Benytz Murphy 5.00 Phoenix InduatA.iea SaCea 8 Use Tax 7.38 • Et don Kvam was pAea ent to di6 eu66 6 eweA and water A env ice jot the Kee Pack pkopetty. He "ked 6oA a wt then 6tatement jum the UtUitiea Commizz on a6 to apptaximate time o6 compeeti.on o6 the ptopozed trunk sewer aenvice along the north boundty o6 the Kee Pack pnopenty, .Getter to btate that Kee Park wooed be 6enved by thib tine upon eompeeti.on. Di6eu66ion 6oeeowed asI a tetten wa6 dna6ted and head. MOTION by Johnson to authotize the PAe6ident of the Ut iti.e6 Commi66ion to sign the approved dAajt of the ZetteA joA Kee Park nega% ding intended eompeetion date o6 the trunk hewer and it6 avaitabitity to Kee Park a6 wett as water 6env ce avaitabit ty. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. (copy of tetteA attached a6 pant of the minute,6). Don Brown wa6 peesent di,6cu ,6 the 6pee6 on a new tight duty tAack joA Utiti#.ie6. He .injonmed the Commis .ion that advextiAement boA bid6 had not been accomPt"hed. Di6 w.6ion Aeganding ang ing the 6pee6 to head Camper Spee iat , 4 wheee dk i,ve, 350 CID minimum engine bize, auto tAanami66ion with %egalak box. Gary Grey pne6ented hi6 bindings neganding 6ewage 6eow meter 6oA. GAie6 Bto,6. Cost 06 zewage stow meter and 'n6ta t-ati,on wooed be at tea6t $1500.00 Attennate 6ugge,6tion wa6 to .i.nata t. individuat water meteA6 on the humidi6im at GA,iej Bno6. using these neadingb to deteAmine amount oS water u6ed that i6 not Aetutned to the hewer thereby reducing the 6eweA ch ge bon GAie6 Bno6. as they nequeat. MOTION by Johnson to . consumed that i.6 not n and the quaAteAty mete 6tating out intentiond Gary Grey repotted his n6talt nece6.6any water meteu at GAiej Bus. to mea6une wateA etunned to the 6,eweA 6 y6tem charging jo)t each meter .in6ta ted n maintenance change pen Vitt age pot icy. Letter to GA,ies Btob . . Second by Reinke. Ayes weAe three. jindingb on a GeoA Head dAive Jon Wett 03. Estimated eobt of ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosmouNT, MINN. _2 Gear Head equipment .i,d $7500.00 to $8000.00 Gary asked sot mote time to detexm,ine the cast o s tepait on di6nwWing the otd towex besoxe making his tecommendat ion. Secretary ptea ented sae pxopas ed chalegea sot water bitting. At pies ent when unpaid wa.ten bit t4 axe cetttis'ed to the County Auditor no -i.ntex at i,6 changed. Secretary pxoposea an .intexeat 6,axge os 8% on ae.Z water b.i,U-6 cettis.Led to the County Auditox ia sot .inctua.ion with xe estate taxes. AUo on meter reading caxd tatea � read to be xetuxned by the t day os the month. Secretary ptoposed changing mubt be xeturned ' 10 days sxam teceipt. MOTION by Reinke to nge the V.iZtage Poti,cy to .include the 8% intexeat on water bt,Pla centti.s.ied to the Co Auditot son cottecti,an. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. MOTION by Johnson to ange the statement on meter catch to read moat be returned within 10 days o s tecei,pt. S cond by Janes . Ayes were three. V.iacuas.ion regarding s dard ca.Zot sot a t V.iUage equipment. MOTION by Reinke that the Utc e i t iea Commias.ion detexmine that aZZ Vittage Equipment has a designated coZoA oS yeeeow pet Dupont paint numbex. UtUities Superintendent • to have equipment painted the new cotox as soon as poss.ibt e. Second by Jonea . Ayes were three. Sectetaxy to obtain p oto samp.Zea os street tight s.i,xturea by next meeting so corms,. ion can choose the 6tyte duixed thereby standardizing tighti.ng s.ixtaw within the Vittage. Secretary was ditec to to contact the BZ.acktopp i.n.g Co. tea pon6 ibt-e sot completion o s the Parking tot and obtain a completion time sxom them. MOTION by Reinke to a faunn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. ReapectsuUty Submitted, Don F. VarZiftg Commias.ion Secretary is ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due eatt and notice thereof, a negutax meeting =6 duty held at the V.t,?R.age Hatt on the 7th day o6 May, 1973 at 7:40 p.m. The meeting wa6 Bated to onden by Pnea.cdent Reinke with att membeu poeesent. The minutes ob Aptit 9th tegutat meeting were head. MOTION by Jones to approve minute6 a6 read. Second by John6on. Ayes were three. MOTION by Jone6 to pay the Sottow.i.ng b". Second by John6on. Aye6 were three. 066.ice Apptianee Co. 89.59 Londe 8.90 State Tneaburen 3.00 Neptune Meter 1526.75 Mi,6e Emma V Ryan 12, 390.00 L.iquon Revenue 181.50 Toombs In6. Agency 2,416.29 Comm. o6 Tax 120.00 NSP 182.06 Centtat TeQ 43.40 Coa6t -To -Coa6t 13.97 Robeht6 Drag 4.29 Coneoaan Hdwe 5 Impt 26.28 Dept. o6 Navy 18.80 Dakota Co T)Libune 105.90 6 9.62 Co -Op Lead 9 Chem.icae 3.88 Silo weAe opened at 7:55 p.m. bon the punehaze, o6 a 314 ton 4X4 p,ickyp bon the Utititie,6 Depaktment. S.cds Strom Hatt Equipment, 600 West Hwy 13, Savage, Minn. and dnom Rosemount Dodge of Rosemount. MOTION by Reinke to accept bid o6 Hatt Equipment, 600 Weat Hwy 13, Savage, Minn. Second by Johnson. Aye6 were three. MOTION by Reinke to punehase a 1973 Modet 1210 314 .ton 4X4 pickup Jnom Hat Equipment Co. o6 Savage 4on $4,t46.05 as bid head with additi,onat cost of $28.85 bon a cab %adi,o. Second by John6on. Ayes were three. Sectetany presented t tewtute on type6 and atybes o6 street .eight pote,6 and 6ixtunes for Commi,6si.on setee.tion. DiAcussi.on bo.towed tegard.ing seeeeti.on o6 .eight pole and 6 xttkta to be u6 ed in Rosemount as a standard .eight j on street tig h tl ng punpos e-6. MOTION by Reinke to neeommend to the PRanning Comm.c,64ion betecti.on o6 wooden pole with oveAhanging 6ixture. Pote to be 25 feet high and ji.xtune to have a minimum 10 foot auppont arm 6nom pole to 6ixtune. Second by John6on. Ayes wehe three. See cetary neponted that Bkoekway Gtasa had asked what thew estimated monthty 6eweA change witt be aiten the new i.ntehcepton goe,6 into opehation and the ohl peant is abandoned. Sectetany was .in6trueted to obtain 4nom Srockwzy Gtass the numbed ob empboyee6 peA shi.At and the number of 4h.i6t6 atAo an a timaated 6tow, .i6 poae.ibe.e. It ha4 been detehmined by Don 8rown the hew ge 6tow metea at the Buck ay .Location i.6 not an ej6ective meter and cannot be used to measure 6tow. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROs[MOUNT, MINN. -2 SeeAetany asked the Comm.i,aa.ion to recommend di6poa,iti.on of unpaid meteA depozitA. CommiAz i.on reeommenda a %egiztexed mailed notice to deUnquent aceounta stating that they have 30 daya to pay the depo.6 t on thew waiter Witt be discontinued. CommiA.6ion does not wish to use the method of cvWjyi.ng to the auditor as with water 6eAvic.e billing. Mailed notice to go out when j.ina,t bc,2P.ing peni.od ih expired. Gary Gney made a pote6entat:ion on Utititi.es .tmprovement6, atceet eurba and gutteAa Jot the Rahns Sixth Addition. MOTION by Johnson to accept eng.ineera jina,e plans and Epee i 6icatiou Jot the Imptovement6 in Rahna Sixth Addition and recommend to the V.ittaage Councie that they order the imputovement. Second by Reinke. Ayes weAe three. Gary Guy pteaented hiA recommendation on the otd wateA tower. Three attanatdvea were d.i,6euaaed. Repa.iA of the standpipe, .instaUation o6 an aux iQ,iary poweA auppty gear head dtive, on .in6taUAtion o6 water mains around the aouthea.at pant og the Otd Vittage hooking the new toweA diAeet to the east section o6 aateA mains o6 the Otd V.ittag e. • MOTION by Reinke to advertise Jot b.ida jot .i,n6tattaiion of an natwcae gas powered 90 degree gear head drive on wett #3 at an estimated coat of $8000.00. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Garay Guy aaked that the Uti,P,iti,.ea Comm.caa.ion share the expense of thawing out the otd tower. MOTION by Jones to pa $1,524.00 ob the $3,048.00 bite bon thawing out the otd water tower. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. MOTION by Johnson to adjourn. Second by Janes. Ayes were three. ReapeetjaUy Submitted, f � ' Don . Daxt ng Comm.caaion Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • Ro3QMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 11th day on June, 1973 at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Reinke with all members present except Johnson. Minutes of the May 7th meeting were read. MOTION by Reinke to approve minutes as read. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Harry Wilcox was present to discuss discoloration of water in the Broback 4th Addition. Gary Gray reported he know of no water lines broken by the contractor but would be meeting with them on June 12th and advise then to contact Mr. Wil- cox. Don Brown reports that All the Broback areas are affected and receiving discolored water. MOTION by Reinke to ppy�rfte fo4lowing bills. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Hawkins Janitorial Service 40.00 Larson Tank Co. 1,524.23 Ratzlaff Service 3.81 Northern States Power 163.76 Dale Quinnell 27.22 Genz -Ryan 8.68 • Robert Van Dyke 28.47 Hall Equipment 4,181.72 Central Telephone Co. 42.92 Gilbert Trapp 35.00 IBM 47.29 Bernier Motor Company "77:50 Lampert Yards 22.40 B. D. Johnson 26.41 Miller -Davis Co. 29.59 Neptune Meter Company 90.00 NSP 100.71 Corcoran Hdwe & Imp Co 5.40 B & J Auto Supply 3.78 Miller Davis 7.60 Faier Book & Office Sup. 8.73 Postmaster Bohnert 32.00 Liquor Revenue Funds 181.50 Lampert Yards 86.40 Transfer to Surcharge 300.00 Comm. of Taxation 81.28 MOTION by Jones to pay 50% of Don Brown's salary from Utilities. Second by Reinke. Ayes were two. Secretary was instructed to call Bob Moors of Fire Underwriters and ask him to attend a Council Meeting with the Commission and Fire Chief in attendance. Bob Moors is to explain the fire rating system and the need or advantage of the gear head drive standby unit and its effect if any on our fire rating. President R #4nke entered discussion relating to the need for additional fire hydrants within the Village with recommendations of the Fire Underwriters. Commission member Johnson arrived at 8:50 p.m. 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION 9 ROSEMOUNT, MINN. -2 Discussion regarding fire hydrants in areas of the Old Village revealed they do not have a standard coupler. Don Brown was instructed to set up a schedule for replacement of the non - standard couplers with the standard coupler now in use. Gary Gray presented recommendations for Brockway Glass Company Sewer Charge, these being the same as presented to the Village Council at their last re- gular meeting on June 5th. Discussion regarding the possibility of lowering or insulating those water ser- vices in the Broback Additions that have a history of freezing. Doing this while the streets are open under the Sanitary Sewer Project would eliminate removing the black top surface at a later date to do it. MOTION by Reinke directing Gary Gray to contact the Server Contractor about lowering or insulating the high water services in the Broback area before blacktopping is completed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Johnson to use purchase order forms. Second by Reinke. Ayes were • three. Jim Broback was present to discuss Ordinance XI.1 and Resolutions 1973 -1 and 1973 -5. MOTION by Johnson to recommend to the Village Council that the Village employ their own BuildingvInspector. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Respectfully Su fitted, a on a ling Commission Secretary 40 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROftMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 11th day of June, 1973 at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Reinke with all members present except Johnson. Minutes of the May 7th meeting were read. MOTION by Reinke to approve minutes as read. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Harry Wilcox was present to discuss discoloration of water in the Broback 4th Addition. Gary Gray reported he knew of no water lines broken by the contractor but would be meeting with them on June 12th and advise then to contact Mr. Wil- cox. Don Brown reports that all the Broback areas are affected and receiving discolored water. MOTION by Reinke to pay the following bills. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Hawkins Janitorial Service 40.00 Larson Tank Company 1,524.23 Ratzlaff Service 3.81 Northern States Power 163.76 Dale Quinnell 27.22 Genz -Ryan 8.68 4 Robert Van Dyke 28.47 Hall Equipment 4,181.72 Central Telephone Company 42.92 Gilbert Trapp 35.00 IBM 47.29 Bernier Motor Company 7.50 Lampert Yards 22.40 B. D. Johnson 26.41 Miller -Davis Company 29.59 Neptune Meter Company 90.00 NSP 100.71 Corcoran Hdwe & Imp Co 5.40 B & J Auto Supply 3.78 Miller -Davis Company 7.60 Fair Book & Office Supply 8.73 Postmaster Bohnert 32.00 Liquor Revenue Funds 181.50 Lampert Yards 86.40 Transfer to Surcharge 300.00 Comm. of Taxation 81.28 MOTION by Jones to pay 50% of Don Brown's salary from Utilities. Second by Reinke. Ayes were two. Secretary was instructed to call Bob Moors of Fire Underwriters and ask him to attend a Council Meeting with the Commission and Fire Chief in attendance. Bob Moors is to explain the fire rating system and the need or advantage of the gear head drive standby unit and its effect if any on our fire rating. President Reinke entered discussion relating to the need for additional fire hydrants within the Village with recommendations of the Fire Underwriters. Commission member Johnson arrived at 8:50 p.m. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROsENOUNT, MINN. -2 Discussion regarding fire hydrants in areas of the Old Village revealed they do not have a standard coupler. Don Brown was instructed to set up a schedule for replacement of the non- standard couplers with the standard coupler now in use. Gary Gray presented recommendations for Brockway Glass Company Sewer Charge, these being the same as presented to the Village Council at their last re- gular meeting on June 5th. Discussion regarding the possibility of lowering or insulating those water ser- vices in the Broback Additions that have a history of freezing. Doing this while the streets are open under the Sanitary Sewer Project would eliminate removing the black top surface at a later date to do it. MOTION by Reinke directing Gary Gray to contact the Sewer Contractor about lowering or insulating the high water services in the Broback area before blacktopping is completed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Johnson to use purchase order forms. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. Jim Broback was present to discuss Ordinance XI.1 and Resolutions 1973 -1 and 1973 -5. MOTION by Johnson to recommend to the Village Council that the _Village employ their own Building Inspector. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Respectfully Submitted, oSnF� . Darling Commission Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION RosamouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUI'Y OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Persuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 9th day of July, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. • The meeting was called to order by President Reinke with all members present. Minutes of the June 11th regular meeting were read. MOTION by Reinke to approve minutes as read. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOT.LON by Johnson to pay the following bills excluding the apparent duplicate payment to Toombs Insurance Agency. Postmaster Bohnert $ 21.60 Toombs Insurance Agency 112.00 Postmaster Bohnert 4.24 Postmaster Bohnert 21.60 Stauffer Accounting Service 592.50 Fair Book & Office Supply 3.72 Corcoran Hardware & Implement 37.16 Parks & Recreation - Village of Rosemount 6.21 Northern States Power 317.20 Davies Water Equipment Company 65.50 Genz -Ryan Plumbing & Heating Company 5.13 B & J Auto Supply 8.99 John's Red Owl 23.92 Duffy Brothers 3.91 Taylor Rental Center 67.50 Water Products Company 23.35 Consolidated Electric Company 86.23 E S S Brothers & Sons, Inc. 150.00 Serco Laboratories 100.00 Hawkins Janitorial Service 40.00 Grannis & Grannis 690.00 Neptune Meter Company 21.15 Ratzlaff Service Station 2.25 Coast to Coast Store 12.38 Burroughs Corporation 360.93 Central Telephone 44.72 Postmaster Bohnert 1.46 Gary Gray reported that the Harry Wilcox Clothes Problem was turned over to the contractor. Don Brown reported on the upgrading of fire hydrants to 42 inch standard pumper fitting. -• ROSFMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROsEMOUNT, MINN. -2 MOTION by Reinke to authorize Don Brown to proceed with upgrading of fire hydrants to 412' inch pumper connections replacing bonnets where necessary, excluding that area being proposed for shopping center at this time. Two hydrants in proposed shopping center to be upgraded are located at each end • of the lumber yerd. Second by Jones, ayes were three. Don Brown discussed sale of pressure tank from abandoned well along with the pump from the well. Advising that $1200.00 could possibly be realized from the sale of the tank and pump. Commission members advised Don Brown to sell it as a unit if possible. President Reinke discussed appearance of old water tower. Possiblilty of patching riser to make it look better, MOTION by Jones to authorize Don Brown to have repair made to improve appearance of the riser on the Old Watertower. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. MOTION by Reinke to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. 16 Respectfully submitted, . Darling Commission Secreta . • • • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoszMOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 13th of August, 1973 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Johnson with President Reinke absent. Minutes of the July 9th meeting were read. MOTION by JoneSto approve minutes as read. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. MOTION by Johnson to pay the following bills. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. UTILITIES PAID BILLS Postmaster Bohnert: Meter reading card postage Lampert Yards: Grave Mix Commissioner of Taxation: June 1973 Sales and Use Tax State Treasurer State Surcharge forsewer and plumbing permits McCarthy Well Company Postmaster Bohnert: Meter reading card postage Village of Eagan: Sewer tap Toombs Insurance Agency: Additional Premium Stauffer Accounting Service: July computer rental Northern States Power: June Bill People's Natural Gas: Service to July 9, 1973 Postmaster Bohnert: Postage for bills Conway Fire and afety, Inc.: Fire Extinguishers Langhorst and Friedrich Construction: Sidewalk & drainage slab Rosemount Dodge Serco Laboratories Michel Sales Company: Paint for Utilities Garage College City Beverage Company: Water cooler rental July & August Hawkins Janitorial Ser:rice: August clean & wax Village of Farmington Sewer machine & 2 men Genz -Ryan Plumbing and Heating Cast to Coast Store Burroughs Corp: Water bills and meter reading card supplies Burroughs Corp: Computer program McNamara - Vivant Contracting Carlson Tractor and Equipment Snap -on Tools Corporation L - Z Company, Inc. Hoist installation Feed - Rite Controls, Inc. Central Telephone Fair Book and Office Supply Corcoran Hardware and Implement Co. North Star Concrete Irving A Balto Annual Audit 25.28 8.40 113.08 14.00 72.00 19.36 35.00 112.00 225.00 357.60 1.00 22.80 110.00 85.00 7.95 120.00 183.50 61.00 40.00 30.00 33.78 58.65 1,754.53 1,957.50 79.19 5.00 127.50 1,357.00 24.35 42.91 18.79 10.91 27.36 425.00 • • ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION ROsEMOUNT, MINN. 2- August 13, 1973 Meeting UTILITIES PAID BILLS- cont. Terry's Auto Repair Corrigan Electric Company Ratzlaff Service Station Neptune Meter Company UTILITIES UNPAID BILLS B & J Auto Supplies SURCHARGE AND HOOK UP PAID BILLS Master Tank Service: Repaint tank shell & install ladder The First State Bank: Surcharge checks The First State Bank: Deposit slips 61.21 52.91 1.50 482.85 To be checked 64o.00 10.79 1.63 Don Brown advised that he could find no where in our ordinances time limits on permits. Gary Gray is to check and return recommendation on time limits on permits. Rahn's 7th Addition proposed plat was presented. Gary Gray outlined his letter of recommendations dated July 31, 1973. MOTION by Johnson to adopt Gary Gray's recommendations listed in his letter of July 31, with changes noted. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Secretary was instructed to put water and sewer rates on the agenda for the September 10th meeting. MOTION by Johnson to adjourn. Seconded by Jones. Ayes were two. ase tfully submitted, Darling / Commission Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROssNOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 10th day of September, 1973, at 7:30pm. The meeting was called to order by President Reinke with Commissioner Jones absent. Minutes of the Aug 13th meeting were read. Motion by Johnson to approve minutes as read. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 2. Motion by Reinke to pay the following bills. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Peoples Natural Gas $2.00 Buettner Welding $281.10 Northern States Power 351.35 Genz -Ryan 1.99 Comm of Taxation 122.94 Consolidated Elec Co 23.76 C. Moe Meter deposit refund 22.79 College City Bev Co 13.00 A. Rau -Meter deposit refund 22.86 Solberg Aggregate Co 183.77 Staufer Accounting 150.00 Water Products 222.38 Central Telephone Co 42.10 Snap -On Tools Corp 195.51 Red Owl Stores 6.24 Lampert Yards 14.00 Coast to Coast Store 23.85 B&J Auto Supply 2.15 • Lynde Co 7.60 Corcoran Hdwe & Imple 58.89 Paper, Calmenson & Co 83.88 TOTAL X1,752.1 Gary Gray was present to discuss proposed letter to residents regarding date sewer is available. Letter as corrected to be printed and signed by Pres Reinke and mailed as soon as possible. Time limits on permits were discussed. Motion by Johnson to recommend to the Village Council establishing a six (6) month limit on plumbing and sewer permits. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 2. Motion by Reinke to charge the Vo -Tech School for sewage hauled to and discharged into our system. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Motion by Johnson to authorize the President and Secretary to sign the McCarthy easement agreement. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 2. Motion by Johnson to adjourn. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 2. Respectfully submitted, • Don F. Darling, Commission Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosmouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 8th day of October, 1973 at 7:50pm. The meeting was called to order by President Reinke with all members present. Motion by Johnson to pay the following bills. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. Peoples Natural Gas $4.06 American Typewriter $46.35 Northern States Power 315.97 Hawkins Chemical 215.57 Postmaster Bohnert 35.62 Fiar Book and Office 5.87 College City Beverage 11.00 Montgomery Wards 35.88 Clayton Crandal 28.73 Barco Municipal Supplies 15+.17 Metro Sewer Board 8.50 Corcoran Hardware 8.15 Metro Sewer Board 136.12 Coast to Coast 35.80 Hawkins Janitorial 80.00 B & J Auto supply 38.32 19160.11 Gary Gray presented Plans & Specfications for Rahn's 7th Addition Utilities and street improvement. • Motion by Reinke to recommend to the Village Coun cil approval of for Rahn's 7th Addition Utilities and further recommend oversizing the laterals as recommended by Gary Gray utilizing 16 inch water main where recommended to provide for fire protection, industrial expansion and to better serve the existing commercial center. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. Don Brown reported that he had received an offer of $300.00 for used +inch pump and 300 gallon presure tank. Commission advised against letting it go for that price. Don Brown presented quotes for small polow for 4 wheel drive truck. Motion by Johnson to recommend to Council to award low quote submitted by L&Z Equip Co for $825.00. Second by Jones, Ayes were three. Motion by Johnson to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, • Don F. Darling, Commission Secretary 0 C: C7 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROS6MOUNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINN Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 12th day of November 1973• The meeting was called to order at 8 :15pm with all members present. Minutes of the September 10th and October 8th regular meeting were read. Motion by Johnson to approve minutes as read and corrected. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. Motion by Johnson to pay the following bills. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. Central Tele $42.59 Grannis & Grannis $224.23 Eldon Stauffer 270.00 Corrigan Elec 45.25 Postmaster Bohnert 23.20 Pugleasa Co 1+2.63 Stauffer Accounting 232.50 Goodin Co 7+.30 Peoples Natural Gas 3.53 Water Products 414.93 Northern States Power 294.72 Corcoran Hdwe & Impl 6.72 Bathke Co 37.25 Carlson Tractor 106.44 Central Tele 43.98 Coast to Coast 38.18 Phil Auto Body 325.00 Fair Book & Office 19.99 Vill of Farmington 75.00 G'enz Ryan 84-.40 Hawkins Janitorial 40.00 L & Z Co 825.00 Snap on Tools 25.68 $3,410.98 College City Bev 9.00 Northern States Power 6,50 Secretary presented a list of houses on 148th St with water available and not hooked up. Water has been available the 24 month limit set by Village Ordinance. Secretary was instructed to advise these residents of the deadline and the Commission's extention of the deadline to July 1, 1974. Secretary read a letter he had written regarding the qualifications of Louise Motz to be exempt from the water surcharge. Letter to be signed by President Reinke, Commissioner Jones, Pastor David Wold and A. J. Panzer neighbor and long time acquaintance. MOTION by Johnson to instruct the Secretary to obtain the signatures indicated, place the letter on file and delete the surcharge from Louise Motz water bill. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosamouNT, MINN. UTILITIES COMMISSION, REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 12, 1973 (contd) Secretary advised that Don Brown has obtained quotes on preparing the 3000 gallon pressure tank for fuel storage and reports it would cost as much to prepare the tank as a new fuel tank would cost. Don Brown also advises that the State Health Department will not allow the Village to utilize the WeflHouse as a warming house as long as the wells are being used. With this information Commission unanimously agreed that the tank should be left in the well house until such time as a reasonable offer is received or some other use can be found for the tank. Gary Gray reported his findings in a survey of water and sewer rates. He recommends that no change be made in the water usage rates but that the sewer usage charge be changed to $.25 cents per 1000 gallons of water consumption. MOTION by Reinke to recommend to the Village Council that Resolution 1973 -1 entitled Water & Sewer Rates, Charges and Deposits, Section I Subsection D be ammended to read $.25 cents per 1000 gallon of water used thru meters. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. . MOTION by Johnson to set the Utilities 197+ Budget at $10,000.00. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. MOTION by Johnson to direct Don Brown to purchase tools per list submitted by Pres Reinke and if not purchased within 30 days report to the Commission reason for not doing so. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Johnson to direct Don Brown to have a phone installed in the Utility Shop and install two -way radios in all Cabbed vehicles owned by the Village with outside speakers on the Utility trucks, at once. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Reinke to exchange the 2" meter at the Ben Moeller Building with a 5/8 by 3/4 meter at no charge. If a 1" meter is required to eliminate the problem a charge will be made in an amount over and above the cost of a 5/8 by 3/4 meter. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. MOTION by Jones to adjourn. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. Meeting adjourned at 9:55pm. Res ectfully submitted, • Don F. Darling, Commission Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROsEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Utilities Commission of the Village of Rosemount was duly held on December 10, 1973 at the Village Hall. President Reinke called the meeting to order at 7:45pm with all members present. Minutes of the November 12, 1973 meeting were read. Minutes of November 12, 1973 were amended to read "Utility Budget to be $44,000.00" instead of $10,000.00. Motion by Reinke to approve the minutes of November 12, 1973 as amended. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. Representatives from McDonald and Associates and area contract6rs involved in sewer ho*ups were present to discuss problems encountered in accomplishing sewer hooK ups to the new sewer system. Motion by Reinke to recommend to the Village Council that the Village accept responsibility for curbs lost during construction of sewer services where it can be determined that reasonable care was • used in constructing the service. When problems are encountered by the service contractor he is to advise the Village at once and a representative of the Village will respond. It will be at the discreation of the Village Inspector to determine who is responsible and advise the party he deems responsible immediately. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. The following bills were presented for approval: Clarence Hitchcock $23.67 Hawkins Janitorial $40.00 State of Minn 127.36 Fair Book and Office 2.19 Peoples Nat Gas 22.28 Central Telephone 52.68 Northern States Power 336.78 Raymond Reinke 120.00 Stauffer Accounting 150.00 Paul Jones 120.00 Postmaster Bohnert 32.40 Milton Johnson 120.00 College City Beverage 11.00 Coast to Coast 9.72 Hayden - Murphy Equip 82.15 Corcoran Hardware 33.02 Neptune Meter Co 10.04 Carlson Tractor 152.95 L & Z Mfg Co 5.70 Air Comm 20.10 Water Products Co 86.95 Bathke Co 36.9+ Waterous Co 3,809.15 Amer Typewriter Co 442.00 5,847.o8 Motion by Johnson to pay the bills-as presented. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 3. • Motion by Johnson to prohibit the use of no hub connections on sewer services. Second by Reinke. Ayes were 3. ROS €MOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROstMOYNT, MINN. December 10, 1973 Meeting Motion by Reinke to authorize Don Brown to purchase 200 plastice to cast iron adaptors to be resold to contractors for sewer service connections. 150 to be for standard cast iron and 50 to be for extra heavy cast iron. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 3. Motion by Reinke authorizing the Engineer to prepare basic water and sewer maps and to establish a system of gate valve ties. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Secretary was instructed to write to utility companies providing service to the Village and request maps of their underground utilities within the Village. Motion by Reinke to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes Were 3. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Sec etary • •