HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 UC Minutes40 • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RossmouNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 7, 197+. Meeting was called to order by President Reinke with Commissioner Johnson absent. Commissioner Jones was informed of his reappointment to the Utilities Commission and was sworn in by the Secretary for a three year term. Minutes of the December 10, 1973 regular meeting were read. Motion by Jones to approve the minutes as read. Second by Reinke. Ayes 2. Motion by Reinke instructing Don Brown to proceed with construction of a wall in the well house at Chippendale Park at once and opening that portion of the well house as a warming house for skaters as soon as the wall is completed. Second by Jones. Ayes 2. Motion by Jones to recommend to the City Council that the new water system in Rahn's 7th Addition be extended to loop the existing water mains on Camero Lane and Cambrian Ave to eliminate the dead end lines on these two streets as well as the dead end in the new system. Second by Reinke. Ayes 2. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of the City providing a meeting and recreation center for Senior Citizens. Motion by Jones to recommend to the City Council that they entertain this idea and be assured that the Utilities Commission would waive its portion of utility bills for such a location. Second by Reinke. Ayes 2. Motion by Reinke to recommend to the City Council to initiate negotations with the University of Minnesota for a long term lease of purchase of University of Minnesota's well number 1. Well to be used in supplying service to the Vocational School and the eastern end of Rosemount. Area to be leased of purchased should be of sufficient size to accomodate a future water tower. Aggrement should state that the city system should be tied into the University of Minnesota system so that one system could support the other in case of an emergency. Second by Jones. Ayes 2. Bills were presented for approval. Motion by Jones to pay the Documents Section Metro Sewer Board Postmaster Bohnert NSP Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Stauffer Accounty Peoples Natural Gas Weierke Trenching Treasurer -State of Minn Metro Sewer Board Waterous Co following bills. Second by Reinke. Ayes 2. 3.90 Watertower Paint & Repair 450.00 481.53 Paulson Auto Supply 12323.48 22.48 Hayden - Murphy Equip Co 128.00 308.01 Genz Ryan Plumbing 10.03 62.47 Davies Water Equip 616.00 112.89 Carlson Tractor 7.72 251.25 Coast to Coast 56.08 30.80 Corcoran Hardware 45.90 110.00 144.00 Carlson Equip -St Paul 317.70 36,617.62 B & J Auto 26.6 42349.05 45947 0 • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RossmouNT, MINN. Motion by Reinke to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes 2. Res ectfully submitted, �- Lt4'�- Don F. Darling, Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROsEMOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Febuary 11, 1974. The meeting was called to order by President Reinke with all members present except Commissioner Jones. The Minutes of tCh-w-- jaanuarq 7, 1974 meeting were read. Motion by Reinke to approve the minutes as read. Second by Johnson, Ayes were two. Bills were presented for approval. Motion by Johnson to pay the following bills. Second by Reinke. Ayes were two. Postmaster Bohnert 26.16 Pugleasa Company 279.14 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 Peoples Natural Gas 71.36 Postmaster Bohnert 25.20 Paulson Auto Supply 1,332.47 N.S.P. 367.24 Water Products 105.86 Peoples Natural Gas 224.25 Waterous Company 85.50 Postmaster Bohnert 20.88 Lamperts 192.84 McDonald & Associates 3,091.83 Hayden - Murphy 8.90 Comm of Taxation 111.36 Russ Johnson sales Co 19.26 Transport Clearings 26.03 Central Telephone 72.08 Stauffer Accounting 285.00 Genz Ryan Plumbing 9.67 Metro Sewer Boards 481.53 Corrigan Electric 28.28 Hawkins Janitorial 80.00 Carlson Equipment 160.34 Westinghouse Electric 71.90 Bathke 18.48 Rosemount Cement 600.00 Carlson Tractor 4.24 Rosemount Dodge 2.10 Coast to Coast 108. 8,391.9 Glen McGuire was present to discuss smelly condition of their water. He was instructed to bring in samples for the Engineer to test and Don Brown was instructed to obtain samples on February 12th for testing. University of Minnesota sewer hoop up at the Staff Houses was discussed. Secretary to research the SAC and Hookup charges for these homes. If necessary Secretary to contact City Attorney and Metro Sewer Board for assistance in determining charges due. Don Brown presented quotes for an air compressor. Quotes are as followss Hayden Murphy 4,851.03 Paulson Equipment 5,944.70 Carlson Equipment 5,390.53 Motion by Reinke that Don Brown purchase a 125cfm air compressor from • Hayden Murphy for the quoted price of $4,851.03 with accessories. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RommouNT, MINN. Motion by Johnson to advise the City Council that the Utilities Commission is in favor of providing group health insurance for City employees. Second by Reinke. Ayes were two. Commission discussed hooking up City buildings to the sewer system not now served by the sewer system. This would be the Utilities building and the City hall. Tom Donohue presented utility maps for the City explaining what has been completed so far and what work is left to complete the maps. Motion by Johnson to adjourn. Second by Reinke. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secret • ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION • RosamouNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on March 11,1974 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Reinke with all members present. The minutes of February 11, 1974 meeting was read. MOTION by Reinke to approve the minutes as read. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Bills were presented for approval. MOTION by Johnson to pay the following bills. Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. NSP $382.00 Corrigan Electric $224.12 Stauffer Accounting 187.50 Central Telephone 73.05 Jerry Millard 27.22 Dakota Co Tribune 33.37 Metro Sewer Board 594.00 Hawkins Janitorial 40.00 Air Comm 392.20 Russ Johnson Sales 1.35 American Auto Trim 34.50 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 F. H. Bathke 7.64 Neptune Meter Co 178.95 Briggs Transporation 8.01 Paulson Auto Supply 175.81 • College City Beverage 25.50 Peoples Nat Gas 186.42 Water Products Co .6 393 7.20 Glenn McGuire water testing was discussed. Don Brown informed the Commission that tests were not made as it was determined that magnesium rods were present in the heater. The supplier recommended removal of the rods before making any tests. It was decid6dC that Don Brown ;would determine that rods have been removed and then wait at least two weeks before making the tests. Minnesota Contracting was present to discuss extra work involved in locating sewer service due to error in as built plans. MOTION by Reinke to pay Minnesota Contracting $429.00 for extra work involved in locating sewer service and attempt equitable settlement with the Engineer and Contractor. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Don Brown asked the Commission to address themselves to the maintenance contract for the old water tower. Commission advised Don Brown to retain the maintenance contract on the old tower to provide painting of the old tower when due and ask the contractor to switch the inspection to the new tower. Don Brown presented information regarding Water Operators School and is requested that he and Harold Pedersen be allowed to attend this School. ROS MOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION 0 RofEMOUNT. MINN. February 11, 197+ MOTION by Johnson to authorize Don Brown and Harold Pedersen to attend Water Operators School with Don Brown to attend the advanced class and Harold Pedersen the basic course. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Under old business President Reinke presented the idea of the City obtaining University of Minnesota Well #1• Secretary read the previous motion made at the January 7th meeting. President Reinke instructed the secretary to have this item placed on the Council agenda for their meeting on March 19, 1974. Tom Donohue presented recommendations on placing water main stubs accross future county Road 42. MOTION by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RasKNOYNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on April 8, 1974 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by President Reinke with all members present. The minutes of the March 11, 1974 meeting were read. Motion by Reinke to approve the minutes as read. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Bills were presented for approval. Motion by Johnson to pay the following bills.s Second by Reinke. Ayes were three. State of Minn 81.20 Genz Ryan Plumbing 11.38 Jackpot Fund 139000.00 Hawkings Janitorial 1+0.00 Postmaster Bohnert 32.50 Hal 1._Equip 21.07 Postmaster Bohnert 41.60 Hayden Murphy Equip 1+9793.62 Willie J. Metrejon 14.18 Lamperts 36.54 Air Comm 75.00 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 B & J Auto 21+.51 NSP 174.41 • Barco Muni Products 108.45 Peoples Nat Gas 212.93 Buettner Welding Prod 16.08 Paulson Auto 135.12 Coast to Coast 61.12 Reid Sanitation 52.00 Carlson Tr & Equip 2.35 Serco Labs 100.00 Corrigan Elec Co 60.34 Snap -on Tools 109.50 Chapin Publ Co 21.12 Water Products 48.55 Corcoran Hdwe 11+.76 Waterous Co 321+.50 Central Telephone 26.70 Water Producst 227.81 Duffy Bros 20.48 Weierke Trenching 137.50 Fischer Sand 11+.30 20, 521.15 Don Brown reported on the Glen McGuire water problem. Reports that the magnesium rods were removed on March 19th and this has not improved the condition. He has arranged to have samples taken and tests run. Secretary advised the Commission that a'.settlement was reached with the Engineer and Contractor regarding payment to Minnesota Contracting with each paying 1/3 of the cost. Engineer Donohue presented further recommendations on water main stubs across and along future County Road 42 bypass. Motion by Jones to place 16 inch cast iron water main stubs across and along future County Road 42 at Chippendale, Biscayne, Canada, Hwy 3, the West line of the East 2 of Section 31 and East -West under Highiaay 3. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. r ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROiitMOYNT. MINN. April 8 Continued President Reinke reported to the Commission that the Council feels that University of Minnesota sewer lines should not be accepted by the City until they have been thoroughly inspected. Commissioner Jones will obtain all the information available to him regarding age, condition and sizing, reporting back to the Commission at the next regular meeting. Commission discussed individual water meters for the University of Minnesota Staff houses. Commission agreed to allow the University of Minnesota to install meters themselves notifying the Secretary who is to be billed for said meters. Secretary in turn to arrange for billing the individual for the meter deposit. Larry Wenzel of Wenzel Plumbing was present to request he be allowed to obtain Plumbing Permits by mail. Commission agreed to allow Plumbing Permits only to be obtained by mail as the hook up charges are predicated on the Sewer permit. Commission instructed the Secretary to obtain Permit Procedures used by surrounding Cities and make recommendations as to overhaul of our system to make it less cumbersome to the City and Contractors. Commission discussed the possibility of going to a one inch minimum water service. Engineer to research this and make recommendations at the next regular meeting. Don Brown proposed a fenced area for storage. Commission advised we should wait until the building program now in progress is further along to determine if the area will be needed or where it should be placed. Don Brown asked the Commission to consider the purchase of a rodding machine. Motion by Reinke to recommend to the City Council that they authorize specifications be prepared for a rodding machine and advertise for the furnishing of same. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Joe Mach appeared before the Commission in regard to a bill presented by him due to extra work involved in locating a sewer connection. Commission advised him that the bill has insufficient information for them to make a decision. He was directed to prepare a more detailed billing and it will be considered at the next regular meeting. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. • Res ectfu ly ubmitted, Don F. Darling, Secret ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION isROfICMOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 13, 1974 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Commission Johnson with all members present except President Reinke. The minutes of the April 8, 1974 meeting were read. Motion by Johnson to approve the minutes as read. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Engineer Donohue reported to the Commission that due to excessive cost estimates by Northdale Construction and an indication by McDonald & Assoc that they were not interested in installing the 16" water main stubs, Donohue has written to the County Engineer requesting that he provide 241, concrete pipe at locations specified by him in their contract. The County will have these pipes place by their contractor and would then bill the City for the installation. Commission Jones reported on the University of Minnesota sanitary sewer and water lines. His report stated that the sanitary sewer consists of VCP 8" mains and 6" services installed in 1954. Cast iron pipe was used thru existing private septic tanks when connected. Water mains were installed in 1941 with no other information available. As there is not a full commission in attendance at this time it was decided to delay action on the Joe Mach bill until a full commission is in attendance. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. B & J Auto Glass 99.18 Brady Margulis 12.13 Staufer Accounting 225.00 Central Telephone 113.28 State Treasurer 4.50 Coast to Coast 5.98 Metro Sewer Board 594.00 College City Bev 11.00 Postmaster Bohnert 32.30 Corrigan Elec 111.69 Louis Buffone 18.14 Dak Co Tribune 20.00 Dept of Taxation 171.28 First State Bank 25.83 No States Power 154.83 First State Bank 65,000.00 Poeples Natural Gas 185.57 Hawkings Janitorial 4o.00 NSP 34.77 Lampert Yard 113.15 Willie J. Metrejon 6.00 McCarthy.Well Co 30.00 Postmaster Bohnert 24.70 NSP 106.43 Postmaster Bohnert 30.20 Red Owl Stores 3.13 Stauffer Accounting 240.00 Colleen Evenson 14.66 State Treasurer 6.00 John Staller 25.67 Metro Sewer Board 594.00 B-T -U Mix 22.20 Air Comm 107.02 68,182.64 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. May 13, 197+ continued Don Brown reported that he had received a report from the testing firm regarding the Glen McGuire water problem. They report no problem with the water. Secretary was instructed to draft an ordinance to provide for billing customers for water tests if the city water system tests out with no problem. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, C �4 - C qa-1 Don F. Darling, Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RoammouNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on June 10, 1974 at theCity Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Commissioner Johnson with all members present except President Reinke. Acting Mayor Jensen was present. Mf>Etiitas -oaf. 4the May 13, 1974 meeting were read. Motion by Jones to approve the minutes as read. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. Mr. Bill Cook was present to discuss the City hoow up charge for the Staff Houses on Biscayne Way. Discussion was heard regarding possible ways of treating the Staff Houses. Treating the single hook up at manhole 72 as an apartment thereby charging 807 of a full hook up charge was discussed. Motion by Johnson to recommend to the City Council that the 25 Staff Houses on Biscayne Way belonging to the niversity of Minnesota be charged as an apartment unit when billi"Re City Hook up charge. Further this action in no way sets a precedent as to future recommendations by • this Commission. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. Emma V. Ryan 12,120.00 Coast to Coast 31.49 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 Central Telephone 68.80 State of Minn 276.15 Genz -Ryan 49.23 NSP 290.91 Lampert Yards 53.10 Peoples Nat Gas 93.53 Lynde Co 12.82 Eldon Stauffer 150.00 McCarthy Well Co 72.00 Metro Sewer Board 891.00 SERCO 146.32 State Treasurer 6.50 SIR Inc 135.00 B & J Auto 29.70 Waterous Co 1,287.35 John Broback 30.00 16,225.43 Tom Donohue reported that the sewer stubs are in place at Chippendale and proposed County Road 42. The bill from General Construction was brought before the Commission again for discussion. It has been determined that the bill is in order. Motion by Jones to recommmend to the City Council to pay General Construction $150.00 out of the construction account of Bond File 517 (Sanitary Sewer Western Rosemount). Amount as stated is for extra work involved in locating curb service and hauling away curb lost in ditch. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoszmouNT. MINN. June 10, 1974 continued Don Brown presented the McCarthy Well Co report on the condition of the well pumps--and equipment. Don Brown reported to the Commission that Terry Duffy has experienced blockage in his new sewer service. Mr Duffy stated that the blockage was four feet from the main going from the house and this was confiined by Don Brown. Mr Duffy asked that he be reimbursed for the cost of rodding. Cost of nodding was $34.00. Motion by Johnson to reimburse Mr Duffy in the amount of $34.00 and also send a letter to McDonald & Associates advising them of the possibility of future obstruction in this service. Second by. Jones. Ayes were two. Don Brown reported that he has replaced faulty curb stops in the areas recently sewered. He also noted that two of these curb stops were damaged by Shelstad Excavating and he has been unsuccessful in having Shelstad replace or repair them so he went ahead and replaced them and will be billing Shelstad for the repair. He further recommended that no permits be given Shelstad for work in the City until this item is settled. The Secretary advised that Shelstad Excavating's insurance coverage required by the licensing ordinance has expired therefor their license to do business is no longer valid. Secretary asked permission to advise by letter those few people in the newly sewered area who obtained permits last year that their time is about up and furhter advise them they will be required to obtain a new permit and pay the balance of the SAC charge. Secretary was advised to pursue the matter as outlined by the Secretary. Motion by Johnson to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, 1 Don F. P Darling, Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosmmouNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on July 8, 1974, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7 :30pm by Commssi6ner Johnson with Commssioner Jones present. Commissioner Johnson informed the Commission that the President of the Commission had resigned his City Office and a replacement has not been appointed to the Commission. Minutes of the June 10, 1974 Regular Meeting were read. Tom Donahue asked that the minutes be clarified by changing his report regarding sewer stubs at Chippendale and Proposed County Road 42, explaining he had reported that original grades will be maintained at this intersection to protect the water mains in that area. Motion by Jones to amend the minutes to correct Tom Donahues report. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Motion by Johnson to approve the minutes as corrected. Second by Jones. Ayes were 2. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Postmaster Bohnert 42.50 Corrigan Electric 309.71 James Duea 35.00 Gerald Hirning 24.37 Irving A. Balto 475.00 MILSCO Engrg 24.48 NSP 331.62 Hawkin4 Janitorial 40.00 Hawkins Janitorial 40.00 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 Postmaster Bohnert 33.40 Metro Sewer Board 7,722.00 Dept of Tax, St of Minn 81.58 Peoples Natural Gas 45.50 Postmaster Bohnert 33.92 Central Telephone 69.07 Transport Clearings 33.76 Weierke Trenching 275.00 Stauffer Accounting Service 212.50 State of Minn Dept of Tax155.86 Air Comm 133.47 Lance Westad 16.98 College City Beverage 11.00 State Treasurer 7.68 Coast to Coast 3.87 10,639.80 John Kaufmann from Koch Refining was present to d1scuss possible municipal water service for the Koch Refining Staff houses on Blaine Court, Mr Kaufmann was advised that it would be impossible at present to provide this service. It was pointed out to the Commission and Mr Kaufmann by Asst City Clerk, Frank Goggiu that the City had responded to the University of Minnesota Planning Department that the City is interested in the University of Minnesota Well #1 to be used in the future to provide water for the eastern portion of Rosemount. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosEMOYNT. MINN. July 8, 1974 Continued Dakota Land & Development Co PUD was discussed. Motion by Johnson to recommend to the Planning Commission and the City Council that the City insist on compliance with City Policy requiring that Utilities be placed in this type of development even though they will not be used for sometime, and further recommend deleting the statement where they ask for addition building permits at the end of three years. Second by Jones. Ayes were 2. Walter Strese Jr's request for municipal services was discussed. Commission was advised of City Council's action and concurred. Commission members agree that service will be provided and also other residents should be offered the service. Commission recommends that the Engineer research the best way to service this area. Engineer reported that possibly the best way would be to cross the road with an 18" line extended from the existing manhole on the south and install a manhole on the north side of Cty Road 33 which would allow serving a much greater area to the north than running a line across the road and hooking into the existing line on the south side of the road. This will be revealed when the engineer has completed his survey on this project. • Don Brown presented the idea of hooking the Rosemount water system to the Apple Valley system by extending a line across County Road 33S between the Broback I -Prk area and the Apple Valley system just across the road. By hooking together these two systems they could support each other in case of failure of either system. Commission members considered this a very good idea and recommend it be further investigated. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Johnson. Ayes were 2. Respectfully s Lbmitted, Don F. Darling, Secreta • • 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoszmouNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on August 12, 1974, at the City Hall. Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Johnson with all members present, Motion by Jones to appoint Arnie Jensen, newly appointed member, President of the Utilities Commission. Second by Johnson. Ayes were two. Jensen abstained. Minutes of the July 8, 1974 Regular Meeting were read. Motion by Jones to approve the minutes as read. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Secretary presented the PUD brochure presented by LEW Inc for the White Lake Hills proposed subdivision. Diseussion followed. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the Planning Commission and the City Council that the City insist on compliance with City Policy requiring the utilities be placed in this type of development even though they will not be used for sometime, and further recommend that random percolation tests be run to determine if private Sani- Sewer systems will be sufficient as an interim solution to sewers. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Hawkins., Chemical Metro Sewer Board Donald A. Hanson NSP Postmaster Bohnert Postmaster Bohnert Mark Sandstrom Postmaster Bohnert Stauffer Accounting Brady Margulis Metro Sewer Board State Treasurer 254.38 State of Minn 120.27 481.53 Curtis 1000 629.13 1.00 College City Bev 16.75 340.50 Central Tele 69.70 25.10 City of Farmington 50.00 59.92 Genz Ryan. 57.44 2.50 Gold Star Printing 44.20 23.84 MILSCO Engr 24.48 375.00 Rosemount Dodge 3.39 23.96 Sauber Plumbing 45.00 594.00 Water Products Co 10.46 4.82 Coast to Coast 9.45 3,266.82 Frank Goggin reported on well negotiations with the University of Minnesota. Frank reported that nothing has been presented by the University of Minnesota to date. 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoszmouNT. MINN. August 12, 1974 continued Hooking the City Hall to the Sanitary Sewer System was discussed. Motion by Jensen to instruct the Utilities Department to install a sewer line at the City Hall to facilitate hooking up the City Hall to the Sanitary Sewer system. Second by Jones. Ayes were threae President Jensen reported that Don Brown has approached the City Council about additional help, further reporting thabon Brown was instructed by the Council to prepare a formal request setting out job description and qualifications. Sewer and Water hook up for the Walter Strese property was discussed. President Jensen reported that the City Council has ordered a feasibility study for this project as well as a feasibility study to provide sewer and water for the proposed expansion of the Dakota County Maintenance facility ol) Biscayne and was to include sewer and water for the proposed rubbish service storage garage. Otto Ped of the Sewer Advisory Board was present and asked what has been done regarding the ground water pollution problem in the Pine Bend area. Motion by Jones to refer the Pine Bend water problem to the City Council. Second by Johnson. Ayes were three. Motion by Johnson to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Res- ectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary • • • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSICNOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 9, 1974, at the City Hall. Meeting was called to order by President Jensen with Commissioner Jones present. President Jensen informed the Commission of the resignation of Commissioner Johnson. Motion by Jensen to accept the resignation of Commissioner Johnson with regrets and authorize a pro rated salary payment be made to resigning Commission_ member Johnson. Second by Jones. Antes were 2. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the August 12, 1974 regular meeting as:.printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were 2. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 2. Northern States Power Valley Equipment Co Eldon Stauffer Metro Sewer Board State Treasurer $295.12 Central Telephone 70.81 4,042.00 Corrigan Electric 72.00 37.50 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 297.00 Neptune Meter Co 1,776.60 2.40 Rosemount Auto 102.00 7,176.96 President Jensen reported that the Mayor has requested that recommendations be made to him for a replacement for resigning Commissioner Johnson. Motion by Jones to recommend to the Mayor that he consider Wesley Hasbrouck for appointment to the vacancy created by resigning Commissioner Johnson. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 2. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the Mayor that he also consider Joel Sauer and Glen Uitdenbogerd for appointment to said vacancy. Second by Jones. Ayes were 2. Charles Novak was present to present exterior color and design schemes for the well houses in Dallara Park and Chippendale Park. It was decided to delay any discussion on this matter until there is a full Commission present. Don Brown presented City well water test results and recommendations. Most of the recommendations have already been accomplished. Don Brown reported on vandalism at Dallara Park. He recommends placement of additional security lights at Dallara Park. Commission members will personally look into the situation and follow thru with the City Council. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoszmouNT. MINN. September 9, 1974 continued Don Brown reported on one water connection not yet made on 148th Street. He refreshed the Commissions memory by reporting that the original dead- line was Nov 1, 1973 and extended by the Commission to July 1, 1974. Both of these deadlines are passed at this time and asked if the Commission Secretary could be directed to write this partyinforming them they must affect connection per Metro Council policy and that the City will commence charging for minimum water, Surcharge and Meter maintenance as the meter is in place but not in use. Secretary was instructed to compose such a letter and mail to the party involved. Don Brown asked for discussion on disposition of equipment and materials no longer of use or usable by the Utility Department. Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to sell excess equipment and unusable material no longer needed for what he can get for it. Second by Jones. Ayes were 2. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 2. • Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretar • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on October 7, 1974 at 7 :30pm, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Wesley Hasbrouck was introduced as the newly appointed Commission member. Motion by Jones to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1974 regular meeting as printed. Second by JenseX Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. NSP 468.71 City of Farmington 64.00 Hawkins Janitorial 80.00 Central Telephone 68.80 Postmaster Bohnert 37.12 First State Bank 1.81 Stauffer Accounting 237.50 NSP 3.67 Comm of Tax 11.82 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 BSEH 1,408.60 Water Products 552.69 City of Farmington 59.40 3,475.65 Vandalism at Dallara Park Well House location was discussed. Need for an additional security light has been recommended previously. Motion by Jensen to authorize installation of one additional security light at Well House #6 as directed by Don Brown. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Color schemes presented at the September Regular Meeting were presented again for consideration. Commissioner Hasbrouck asked for additional time to look them over. Secretary instructed to put this on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Don Brown reported that he has had no sales of excess equipment and unusable materials as of this meeting. President Jensen updated the Commission on what is taking place regarding the reconveyance of the old sewer plant back to the City. The Commission agreed that they should all attempt to view the old plant when a key is made available. President Jensen informed the Commission of a pending meeting with the PCA scheduled for 9 :30am October 16, 1974 and invited anyone who could to attend. Fire Chief Ray McNamara was present to request the Utilities Commission authorize Don Brown to deliver a fire hydrant to the Northern Propane site on 160th Street to be installed in Northern Propane's system for use by the Fire Department. • • • i ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROszMOUNT, MINN. October 7, 1974 continued Motion by Jones to have Don Brown deliver one 1968 double discharge 4 inch fire hydrant to Northern Propane to be installed by Northern Propane in the road easement outside Northern Propane property and ownership of the hydrant will remain with the City. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue reported that placement of the 24 inch casing in County Road 42 bypass is imminant. His survey crew will be setting elevations tomorrow. Maintenance contract on the old water tower was brought before the Commission for discussion. Don Brown reported that this contract had been kept in force to insure painting of the old tower in 1974. Commission members agreed that the tower should not be painted at present and instructed Don Brown to contact the maintenance company and order them not to paint the old tower at this time and request a credit for this work not required.at this time. Don Brown asked to have the 1973 InternatiorKpickup painted. He reported that even tho the truck is relatively new it should be painted as the paint job has failed. Don Brown was instructed to have quotes for repainting of said truck ready for the next regular Commission meeting. Secretary presented a list of unpaid water bills and requested auth- orization to Certify them to the County Auditor for collection. Motion by Jensen to Certify to the County Auditor for collection any unpaid water bills. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Respectfully submitted, P l. Darling, Secret ;y ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION • RoszmouNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commissioner of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 11, 1974, at 7:30pm, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the October 7, 1974 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. NSP 448.26 Kelvin MacDonald 15.00 Postmaster Bohnert 24.96 Peter K. Drescher 3.30 Eldon Stauffer 225.00 Metro Sewer Board 481.53 State Treasurer 6.72 NSP 7.34 Dr. John Alexander 29.90 Peoples Natural Gas 5.57 Central Telephone 54.54 Water Products Co 219.02 College City Beverage 11.00 1,532.14 Color schemes for the well houses were presented for further consideration. Motion by Jensen to obtain quotes and color selections for the exterior of Well House #6 in Dallara Park and present them to the Utility Commission at • their next regular meeting on December 9, 1974, for consideration. Second By Jones. Ayes were three. President Jensen updated the Commission members on the most recent developments regarding the reconveyance of the old sewer plant back to the City. The Secretary was instructed to contact Ken Robbins of the Metropolitan Sewer Board and arrange a meeting between Ken Robbins, Tom Donahue and Don Brown, to discuss the portions of the old plant that the City wishes to retain. Everything is to be removed except the square building, the well, the fence and the pits in front of the square building. Said pits to be filled with gravel as it is felt that trying to remove the pits would endanger the building. Commission discussed the recommendation of Don Brown to hire a new man for the Utility Department. Commission will await the Council's hiring of a new man and the Council's request for the Utility Department to share in the cost of the new man. Tom Donahue reported that he has not received sufficient information from Apple Valley to make any recommendations on the interconnection of the two water systems. Tom Donahue also reported on the progress of the Standby Engine at Well #3. The engine and the right angle drive have been delivered. The drive unit has been installed and the concrete base for the engine will be poured this week. It should be completed and tested prior to the next regular meeting. ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIC'S COMMISSION • RosaMOUNT, MINN. November 11, 1974 continued Secretary presented a request from a resident that is receiving welfare allotments to allow her to recover the money she invested in the permit charges to hook her home to the sewer. After paying the charges she found that welfare would have paid them and asked if she could receive a bill to reclaim her outlay. Commission advised the secretary to obtain from the Welfare Agency permission in writting to do this. Secretary presented a similar request from another resident who has installed the service as far as his basement but has not effected connection. He advised that during the installation he had talked to one of our employees and asked when he had to be hooked up. Upon being asked this question the employee radi6edthe office and was advised that he must be hooked up by November 1, 1975. Since that time he has been told that he should have been hooked up by July 1, 1974 to enjoy the savings offered by the Metropolitan Sewer Board to encourage early connections. He has requested he be allowed to complete his connection at once without being charged the additional SAC charge that could be imposed. Motion by Jones to inform said resident to accomplish his connection at once and the added charges would be waived. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that his attempt to sell excess equipment and unusable materials has resulted in the sale of the old pickup for $40.00. The security lite for Dallara Park has been purchased and will be installed by Corrigan Electric. Don Brown presented quotes for painting of the Internation Pick up. Phil's Body shop presented a quote of $300.00 for a complete paint job and a quote of $150.00 for a touch up paint job. Rosemount Dodge presented a quote of $315.00 for a complete paint job. Motion by Jensen to have Phil's Body Shop repair and repaint the International Pickup for the quoted price of $300.00. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Discussion was heard regarding the Storm Water Ditch south of the Methodist Church. The Church Council has elected to do nothing with this ditch at this time. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary • • 1] WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE MAN Full time position in the Utilities Department, includes care, maintenance and operation of municipal water and Sanitary Sewer systems. Knowledge of machines, equipment and repair of mechanical systems, instrumentation and automatic control is desirable. Beginning salary $700.00 per month. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply to Don F. Darling, City Clerk, P. 0. Box 455, 1367 145th Street East, Rosemount, Minn 55068. Applications accepted until December 13, 1974. NV_tl4 V U (y7 V-LGicc� °R c uS Q V E ,n Oro om- C C d � O d U w _Z O Z a °03 vo u L �t _. z Z C N C C O p W c t O. r Q •C O` -cu N to t ro uU s N N ° Q 4 a° E£ c W' (v'n= u c O tn � C fl £ p O 0-0-0 ,O ° O O -0 00 % ° X73 " y L-. ` a m c � c � oo - ° a ! - `6 d at a v o ° .g l9 D UC N 0' m '4 N ° O d .S .> a '. FC u LLin 3: � $�Q l9 _ c W `L u °u`;� va g �o °. wZ 'mac $.v�°� °c 3 o ,� w� c c o£ o ��d�. ° Q 4 W Z 5 c O tn � O n Q a p > m 3 > L o2i o v s 0 p 0 UC N 0' m '4 N E N.J�i� Oi FC u l9 b ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION . ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 25, 1974, at 7:30pm at the City Hall. • • The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Don Brown was present to recommend that the.Utility Commisson accept Gayle Boudreau as a new man for the Utilities Department to replace Harold Pedersen. Don Brown presented the application from Gayle Boudreau giving pertinent data on Gayle Boudreau. Don Brown further submitted other applications received for perusal by the Commission. After considerable discussion it was the unanimous opinion of the Commission that further advertisement would be in order as applications received after the cut off time were worthy of consideration. Motion by Jensen to instruct the Secretary to readvertise in the Dakota County Tribune for applications for a Utility Water & Sewer Maintenance man and further the Utility Commission will hold a Special Meeting on December 16, 1974 at 4:30pm to review the applications and make a recommendation to the City Council for action by them on December 17. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Reepectfully,submitted, t Don F. Darling, Secretar 17� r ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoscmouNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on December 9, 1974 at 7:30p.m. at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jones to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 11, 1974 as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of November 25, 1974 as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jones to pay Ayes were three. State of Minn NSP Gary Sorenson Gilbert Horecka Eldon Stauffer State Treasurer Air Comm Central Telephone Consolidated Electric Corcoran Hardware College City Beverage City of Rannington Metro Sewer Board the following bills: Second by Hasbrouk. 194.42 George Miller 35.00 279.61 NSP 7.34 13.39 Arnie Jensen 60 00 16.39 Paul Jones 12Q�00 150.00 Wesley Hasbrouck 30.00 4.80 Genz -Ryan Plumbing 1.50 16.50 Peoples Natural Gas 56.36 84.33 Ratzlaff Service Station 4.00 31.76 Williams Sales 45.51 20.49 Postmaster Bohnert 47.86 26.75 Fischer Construction 126.85 61.20 1,915.59 481.53 Secretary reported that the Metro Sewer Board gallonage treatment cost for 1975 will be increased to 26 cents per 1000 gallons of flow, which is an increase of 4 cents over the present rate. Utilities Commission present rate of 25 cents per 1000 gallons will have to be increased accordingly. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council to amend Resolution 1973 -1 to increase the sewer charge to 30 cents per 1000 gallons. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Secretary reported that he has contacted the City Architect for assistance with specifications for exterior wall work for Well House #6. The Architect is interested in obtaining some directions from the Utilities Commission. President Jensen will contact the Architect and report at the next regular meeting. Tom Donahue reported that he has met with Apple Valley personll to discuss the connection of the Apple Valley water system to the Rosemount system thru County Road 33S. Apple Valley reports that they do not have water thru out that system as yet. Presently the nearest water is about 800 feet from the boundiy line.. Commission advised the Engineer to stop pursuit of this connection until such time as the Apple Valley water system is adjacent to the Rosemount bound�y. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RcsamouNT.MINN. December 9, 1974 continued Tom Donahue further reported on the auxilljary engine at well #3. The engine and drive are in place now. The gas service has not been altered to accommodate the engine as yet. As soon as the gas service is completed the engine will be tested and City persoAl will be instructed in the operation of this unit. Engineer presented drawings they have prepared for McDonald & Associates who will be installing the sewer service for Walter Strese, Jr. Plans show a 10 inch casing with a 4 inch sewer line and a 1 inch water line installed inside the 10 inch casing. All charges to be made per City Ordinance. Engineer presented a Gate Valve Tie system proposal to the Commission. He explained this to be a cataloging system for locating gate valves. He further explained that his office would locate and tie all the gate valves in the City. There are at present 12 or 13 valves that will require locating. Motion by Jones to authorize gate valve tie system be produced by the Engineer. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Engineer presented the 1971 three stage water improvement plan and asked for authority to make a preliminary study on water needs. • Motion by Jensen to authorize the Engineer to prepare a preliminary water need study for the City of Rosemount. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Don Brown presented work breakdown report as requested by the Commission. This item was tabled to the next regular meeting. Don Brown reported on the water service at the new building in Broback I -Park. The contractor wanted to install a 3/4 inch service line for water at this location but was told that a one inch line was the minimum that could be installed. Commission instructed City Personel that the service to the building should be the same size as the service to the property. Any reduction in size to be accomplished inside the building. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, (a �qa I Don F. Darling, Secretary 0 ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION • ROssMOYNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the Utility Commissioner of the City of Rosemount was duly held on December 16, 1974, at 4:30pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Commission reviewed the applications received. Motion by Jones to recommend to the City Council, Jerald Olson as the new man to replace Harold Pedersen in the Utility Department with Harold Pedersen being transferred to the General Account for salary. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to further recommend putting the new man on the payroll effective January 2, 1975. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully,submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary •