HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 UC MinutesROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION x. ROsmNOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 13, 1975 at 7 :30pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jones to approve thee - -minutes of the Reguixi Meeting of December 9, 1974 as 'printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Sppcial Meeting of December 16, 1974 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. City of Rosemount 1,096.12 State Treasurer 10.56 Dak County Tribune 34.80 Metro Sewer Board 891.00 Dept of Taxation 140.14 Central Telephone 112.67 NSP 320.11 Genz Ryan 50.95 Peoples Natural Gas 92.78 LaHass Corp 142.00 City of Rosemount 39540.00 Metro Waste Control 11176.44 Postmaster Bohnert 33.90 Richard Mahutga 27.88 John Hawkins 100.00 Pine Bend Paving 61.60 Postmaster Bohnert 55.30 SERCO 96.10 Postmaster Bohnert 36.80 College City Bev 5.00 Stauffer Accounting 225.00 Water Products Co 697.93 Treasurer State of Minn 11.68 8,908.76 President Jensen asked Don Brown if the plumbing sizing charts have been delivered to the SecretaryAs office and procedure explained to the_:personnel in that office. Don Brown reported that they haven't been delivered yet but would be very shortly. Possibility of accepting John Carlson on a training program with the City was discussed. Secretary was directed to arrange for John Carlson to attend the next Commission meeting. Cost of plumbing and sewer inspections were discussed. Cost of permits at present are $15.00. As most installations require two inspections at '$8.00 per inspection causes a deficite in the permit acoount. Motion by Jones to increase the fee for pluibBigg and sewer permits to $25.00 each. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Hasbrouck to direct the Utility Department to inform plumbing contractors that they are to have positive proof that a permit has been obtained before proceeding, even if they have to procure the permit themselves. Second by Jensen. Eyes were three. Don Brown presented breakdown of Utility versus General hours worked. The Commission was apprised of Council action regarding the method to be used in reimbursing that account which has over paid its obligation. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RossmouNT, MINN. January 13, 1975 Broback 10th Addition preliminary plat was presented. Tom Donahue presented his views on the plat and recommended approval of the preliminary plat. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that they approve the Broback 10th Addition plat as presented as far as utilities and street grades are concerned and further recommend that the City Council approval stipulate that the developer is responsible for the final grades and elevations in said plat at all times during development. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown requested that the Commission consider electric door openers for the Utility Garage. Commission instructed Don Brown to have costs available at the next Regular'Utility flomminsion meeting. Tom Donahue reported that the Standby Engine Unit at Weil #3 has been test run for 2 hours. There is a power shaft shield left to be installed and more test running to be accomplished before final payment will be requested. Tom Donahue presented the completed gate valve tie system with the recommendation to have a set in each pickup. Secretary was instructed to obtain enough plastic holders for the maps and accompanying books to allow a set in each pickup. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary 0 -W ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on February 10, 1975 at 7:30 pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with Commissioner Jones absent. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 13, 1975 as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 2. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 2. Peoples Natural Gas Northern State Power Postmaster Bohnert Postmaster Bohnert Stauffer Accounting State Treasurer ALLTECH Engineering Corp Brady Margulis 255.87 Collecge City Bev 355.73 Corrigan Elec 24.70 Central Telephone 24.64 Joe Graeve Motors 315.00 Metro Waste Control 2.88 Northern States Power 4,185.56 Dept of Revenue 18.28 Commissioner Jones arrived at 7:45pm. 18.9@ 70.38 28.70 27.33 588.22 33.31 219.21 6,155.31 Don Brown presented literature and brochures on two training programs. He requested authorization for Jerald Olson to attend the Basic Water Works Operators School to be held March 31 thru April 2 at the Holiday Inn Central, Minneapolis. He further requested authorization for his attendance at the Advanced Water Works Operators School to be held April 7 thru April 9 at the Holiday Inn Central, Minneapolis. These two training sessions are concluded with an optional test and Don Brown asked that both he and Jerry take the tests offered. President Jensen asked if this basic session would be of benefit to John Carlson. The other Commission members felt that it would benefit John 'Carlson. Motion by Jensen to Authorize registration and attendance of the Basic Water Works Operators School March 31 thru April 2 at the Holiday Inn Central, Minneapols for Jerald Olson and John Carlson with Jerald Olson being registered to participate in the testing at the conclusion of the training session. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. , Motion by Jones to authorize registration and attendance of the Advanced Water Works Operators School April 7 thru April 9 at the Holiday Inn Central, Minneapolis for Don Brown with registration to include participation in the testing atsthe conclusion of the training session. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 3. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION 0 ROfaMOUNT. MINN. February 10, 1975 Discussion was heard on an the second of the two training sessions, that being the Collection System Operators Seminar to be held on March 4th thru March 6th at the Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington. Don Brown requested that Jerald Olson attend this Seminar also. Motion by Jensen to authorize registration and attendance of the Collection Systems Operators Seminar on March 4 thru March 6 at the Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington for Jerald Olson. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Don Brown asked the Commission to consider having the new water storage tank inspected and painted. Commission advised they would like the opportunity to view the tank and would do so prior to the next regular meeting thereby tabling discussion until the regular meeting on March 10, 1975. Don Brown presented two quotes from one company for furnishing automatic garage door openers, further reporting that more quotes will be obtained. Commission tabled discussion until furhter information is available. Tom Donahue presented a study prepaired by his office on the short range (10 year) future water needs of the City. His report was concluded with the recommendation that a 1000 gallon per minute well be installed as soon as possible. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that a feasiblity report be ordered on a new well for the municipal system to.include location of well, cost estimates and time schedules for completion of a new well. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSKNOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on March 10, 1975 at 7:30 pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jones to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 19, 1975 as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills: Second by Jones Ayes were 3. Northern State Power 77.36 Central Telephone 80.20 Northern State Power 109.91 W. S. Darley Co 47.80 Hawkins Janitorial 40.00 City of Farmington 65.28 Stauffer Accounting 275.00 Hawkins Chem 239.29 State Treasurer 3.84 Metro Waste Controll 588.22 Stephen Archer 12.03 Northern States Power 105.75 Alltech Engineering Co 150.44 Peoples Natural Gas 432.71 B.S.E.H. 748.62 Strese 76 17.70 Utility Change Fund 15.00 Water Sewer Works Magazine 20.00 John Carlson 3.96 Corcoran's Hardware 4.25 3,037.36 Secretary presented five quotes on 12 digit printing calculators. Quotes showed Monroe $508.50, Adler from Addo -X Sales $382.50, Adler from American Typewriter Co $359.75, Addo -X from Addo -X Sales $359.10 and Casio from Home Typewriter Sales $275.00. Secretary explained the features of each machine and recommended purchase of the Adler 1215P from American Typewriter at the quoted price of $359.75. Motion by Hasbrouck to purchase an Adler 1215P from American Typewriter Co for the quoted price of $359.75. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Secretary presented the proposed plat for Broback 13th Addition. Discussion was limited as it was felt that the utility cost would be excessive and the area is needed at present for storm water holding area. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that they deny this plat until adequate storm sewer is introduced into this area. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Secretary presented the proposed plat for Broback 12th Addition. Discussion was heard on this proposed plat. 11 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RossmouNT, MINN. March 10, 1975 Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that they approve Broback 12 Addition proposed plat and further recommend that Outlot A be dedicated to the City at the time of platting, sufficient depth should be provided in the outlot to provide adequate storm water holding are, all storm water to be piped out of the streets rather than providing surface drainage and that the developer be responsible for grades and easements. Water and sewer service adjacent to this property is adequate to provide service to this area. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Secretary presented the proposed plat for Broback 11th Addition. Discussion was heard on this proposed plat. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that they approve this plat and further recommend that the 6 inch water main be abandoned in place from County Road 42 on the west side of the plat to its intersection with Delft Avenue, sewer and water laterals be placed in the street right of way and allow no sewer or water hook ups in any easements and storm water to be piped to Outlot B in the Broback Industrial Park. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Tom Donahue presented the problems that have been encountered by isallowing duplexes in R -1 zoned areas. Motion by Hasbrouck to recommend to the Planning Commission that the Zoning Ordinance be ammended to state that all lots on new residential R -1 and R -M zoned plats over 13,000 square feet shall have supplemental drawings showing house locations and driveway locations to facilitate placement of services to these lots. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 3. Tom Donahue asked the Commission if they would consider changing the requirements for water service size from 3/4 inch to 1 inch minimum. Secretary was instructed to place this item on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Tom Donahue presented the plans for placement of casings for future use at the intersection of Highway 3 and new County Road 42 designated as City of Rosemount Improvement 1975 -4. Motion by Jensen to authorize the Engineer to advertise for bids for Improvement 1975 -4. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Tom Donahue asked the Commission to consider placement of gate valves in the hydrant leads to facilitate working on the hydrants without shutting off a section of water main. Don Brown and Tom Donahue were instructed to inquire of other municipalities and engineering firms to ascertain how other cities attacked this problem and report back at • the next regular meeting. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROStMOYNT, MINN. March 10, 1975 Discussion was heard on the possible repainting of the 500,000 gallon water tower. Commission recommended waiting another year before considering painting of the tower. Don Brown requested authority to have the 500,000 gallon tank drained inspected and repaired as soon as possible. Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to obtain bids for inspection and repair of the 500,000 gallon water tower. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Jerry Olson reported on the PCA sponsored seminar that he attended the week of March 5, 1975. Don Brown recommended that Jerry Olson be considered for permanent payroll and a salary increase of $50.00 per month be authorized. Motion by Hasbrouck to accept Don Brown's recommendation and authorize 't pay increase of $50.00 per month for Jerry Olson. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Don Brown presented quotes on garage door openers. Automatic Garage Door Co's K Model quote was $1,750.00 complete with sending and receiving units for four doors, Crawford Door Co's quote of $1,862.00 complete with sending and receiving units for four doors, Automatic Garage Door Co's H Model quote of $2,019.00 complete with sending and receiving units for four doors. These quotes include everything but the electric service to the individual doors. One quote of $75.00 per door has be received from Corrigan Electric. Motion by Jensen to award the contract for furnishing four garage door openers to Automatice Garage Door Co to furnish four Model K311 garage door openers complete with sending and receiving units at the quoted price of $1,750.00. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Commissioner Hasbrouck mentioned that when the Commission toured the various facilities on February 15, 1975 it was noted that a tree had been planted under the power lines at Well Number 6 in Dallara Park. Motion by Hasbrouck to inform the Park & Recreation Committee that this tree will have to be removed from its present location under the power line. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jensen to adjourn at 9:50pm. Secdond by Jones. Ayes were 3. Respectfully s bmitted, • Don F. Darling, Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on April 7, 1975 at 7:30 pm at the City Hall. The Meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 10, 1975 as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. NSP 346.94 Interstate Util 66.60 Postmaster Bohnert 41.70 Hawkins Janitorial 40.00 Postmaster Bohnert 38.40 Metro Waste Contrl 588.22 Stauffer Accounting 350.00 !Varv's Radiator 31.05 American Typewriter Co 359.75 NSP 38.52 Central Telephone Co 79.98 Neptune Meter 20171 John Carlson 27.76 Peoples Nat Gas 246.05 College City Bev 5.50 Jerald Olson 22.20 Fishcerh Sand & Agg 87.49 Swanson P1b 126.10 Genz�Ryan Plb 6.40 State Dept of Nat Res 15.00 Joe Graeve Motors Inc 31.25 Water Products 75.93 • 2,645.55 P esident Jensen presented recommendation from Council regarding Plumbing and Sewer Permit Fee Schedule.:! - Motion by Jensen to table discussion on Plumbing and S_ ewer Permit Fee schedule to the next Regular Meeting to allow time to invest- igate fee schedule of:.surrounding municipalities. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Bob Pierce, City Architect presented three alternates and samples for resurfacing the exteriors of the well houses in Dallara Park and Chippendale Park. Samples of knock off block and aggregate surface were displayed. Cost estimates were presented for the work required to repair the well house at Dallara Park prior to applying a new exterior finish. Estimates were; Knock Off Block $4,000.00, Epoxy Aggregate $4,050.00, Repaint existing surface $1,430.00. After discussion of the alternates available it was decided that painting both buildings would be the most acceptable at this time. Motion by Jensen to authorize Bob Pierce of Lindberg Pierce to assist in receiving quotes by preparing drawings and specifications for needed repair and recommending color schemes, furhter directing the Secretary to use these aids in obtaing quotes for the repair and purchasing the required paint and arranging for the painting to be done by City Employee Wayne Rice. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. April 7, 1975 Registered Land Survey was presented. It was decided that no action was required by this Commission as there are no Utilities in the area described by the survey. Don Brown presented two quotes obtained for the furnishing of 100 5/8 by 3/4 magnetic drive water meters with connectors. Water Products quote was $31.99 each or 3,199.00 for 100 Rockwell meters. Neptune Meter Co quote was $33.58 each or $3,358.00 for 100 Neptune meters. Don Brown recommended accepting the low quote from Water Products for the furnishing of 100 5/8 by 3/4 meters with connectors as the City has used Rockwell meteres in the past and they have been satisfactory. Motion by Jensen to purchase 100 5/8 by 3/4 Rockwell meters from Water Products Co for the quoted price of $3,199.00. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. v Don Brown asked the Commission to consider the possible metering of the practice hydrants at the new fire hall. He stated reasons of record keeping as one reason for metering. The possibility of charging the fire department for water used was discussed and • reason for this possibility was explained by President JenseNthat any practice activity was a general benefit of the entire City but the cost of water used and not charged for would be borne by only that part of the City that has municipal water. Don Brown is to look into the cost of a meter large enough to meter all the hydrants at the main or provide individual meters on the hydrants. Charging for water used will be discussed prior to budget time this summer to allow the fire department to include this as a budget item. Don Brown asked the Commission to consider a new location for the Central Supervisory Control as it will have to be moved when the Utility Office is moved. After discussion it was agreed that the first choice of a new location would be in the new fire hall as it was felt it -would be an advantage to the fire department to have the tank level indicator available to them at the hall.._.. If it could not be worked out to place the control in the new fire hall then it would most certainly be placed in the Utility Garage. Don Brown or Jerry Olson were instructed to approach the fire department membership regarding the possible placement of the control in the new fire hall and report back to the Commission as soon as possible. • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RoszmouNT, MINN. April 7, 1975 Don Brown presented one quote for the draining, cleaning and inspection of the interior of the 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank. This quote from Master Tank to was in the amount of $285.00 and would be only for the draining, cleaning and inspection. Don Brown explained that the inspection would reveal the extent of the repair needed if any, Motion by Jensen to accept the quote of $285.00 from Master Tank Co for the draining, cleaning and inspection of the 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank as stated in said quote. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. • • Don Brown asked the commission if they would consider selling the standard pickup box off of the Internation pickup. Commission advised they do not wish to se #1 the box at this time. As requested at the regular meeting of March 10, 1975 Don Brown reported that Apple Valley and Lakeville do not place gate valves in hydrant leads but Farmington has recently started putting them in. It was pointed out by Tom Donahue that the bids that will be received on April 14, 1975 includes these valves to get an idea of the additional cost incurred by placement of gate valves in hydrant leads. Motion by Jensen to call a special meeting of the Utility Commission for 4pm April 21, 1975 to review the bids for the Combined Improvement and to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding placement or omission of gate valve s in hydrant leads in the Combined City Improvement. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown and Tom Donahue reported their findings from their investigation of changing the minimum size water service from 3/4 to 1 inch for single family dwellings. They reported that 3/4 is the minimum required by the State Plumbing Code and possibly the City could not enforce a one inch requirement. Cost difference of seventy centers per foot for one inch over three quarter inch was noted. No action was taken at this time. Don Brown informed the Commission that the Capital Improvement ProgrAm is underway now and -requested the Commission members submit suggestions if they have any they wish included in the CIP. Tom Donahue presented the final plans and specifications for the Combined City Improvement for review. Jerry Olson reported on':the water school that he and John Carlson attended on March 31, April 1 & 2. Jerry Olson submitted to the Level "C" test for water operators offered at the end of the coarse. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. April 7, 1975 Don Brown presented quotes from Judges Electric and Corrigan Electric for electrical work required for hooking up of the overhead door operators purchased for the Utility Garage. Judges Electric quote was for $383.00 with Corrigan Electric's quote of $320.00. Motion by Hasbrouck to accept the quote from Corrigan Electric in the amount of $320.00 for the electrical work required for the installation of the electric door openers at the Utility Garage. Secdnd by Jensen. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Secdnd by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretar K -I • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RossMOUNT. MINN. May 12, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 12, 1975 at 7:30pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7, 1975 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Postmaster Bohnert State Treasurer Metro Wast Control Coast to Coast Corcoran Hardware Lampert Yards B&J Auto Supply Postmaster Bohnert Postmaster Bohnert First State Bank Coast to Coast Curtis 1000 Stauffer Accounting State Treasurer Emma Ryan Central Telephone Auto Garage Door Co American Linen Supply Don Brown B &J Auto 34.20 Buetner Welding Supply 23.96 4.32 City of Farmington 73.70 643.50 City of Rosemount 9.00 388.07 Corrigan Electric 374.42 201.04 Central Telephone 31.50 43.03 Dept of Nat Resources 15.00 16.02 Joe Graeve Motors 5.71 25.30 Hawking Janitorial 40.00 24.56 Plainsco 52.81 100,000.00 McCarthy Well Co 54.00 62.33 Metro Waste Control 588.22 31.62 Dept of Environmental HeAlth 5.00 217.50 Union 76 Service 2.00 6.72 Water Products Co 3,262.98 10,748..40 Wilroy Ford 39.00 50.25 Neptune Mete Co 428.71 1,420.00'-.Peoples Natural Gas 327.59 3.50 Pollution Control Agency 5.00 22.20 College City Beverage 11.00 1.95 Northern States Power 527.43 119,821.24 Plumbing and Sewer Permit Fee information has not been obtained as yet. Discussion tabled until information is available. Bob Pierce presented information and quotes on exterior repair for Well House #6 at Dallara Park. Two quotes were presented for repair needed. Keho Contruction quote of $730.00 and Leibfried Construction Co quote of $1,011.00. Two quotes were presented for converting overhead electrical service to an underground service. Warwick Lectric quote of $975.00 and Corrigan Electric quote of $785.00. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. May 12, 1975 Motion by Jensen to award Keho Construction Co quote of $730.00 for repair to Well House #6. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jensen to award Corrigan Electric quote of $785.00 for changine the overhead electrical service to an underground electrical service. Second by Jones. Ayes were Jensen and Jones. Nay Hasbrouck. Ayes were 2, Nays One. Don Brown and Jerry Olson reported on moving the Central Supervisory Control to the New Fire. Hall. The Fire Department does not feel it would benefit them to have the control located in the Fire Hall but they would allow it being placed in their building but the location they selected would be very inconvenient to the Utility Department. Don Brown also reported that the control could be placed at the Utility Garage. Tom Donahue reported that controls such as this could be located at any place served by phone lines, even as far away as the City Hall. After discussion the Commission decided to delay any action on this until such time as the old utility office has been disposed of. • Metering and billing of water used by the Fire Department at the new hall was discussed. Fire department does not want portable meters as they tend to restrict the flow of water. Cost of a meter large enough to meter the main would be considerably more than portable meters. Motion by Jensen that Don Brown research a water charge for possible billing of the Fire Department. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Gate valves on fire hydrants in the Combined City Improvement were discussed. Commission recommends leaving gate valves in the contract and have them installed. That part of the Combined City Improvement including the casings under New County Road 42 and Hwy 3 were discussed. Even tho the contract amount exceeds the estimate it was agreed that they should be installed per contract specifications. The Storm water holding area on the 56 acres was discussed. Tom Donahue was instructed to prepare a rough estimate of coast of repair to the outfall area to eliminate further erosion and report back at • the next tegular meeting. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROStMOUNT, MINN. May 12, 1975 Motion by Hasbrouck to hire someone to plant alfalfa on that portion of the 56 acres not needed for construction or other purposes at this time. Second by Jensen. Ayes were 3. Work sheet breakdown was presented by Don Brown and transfer amounts were presented by the Secretary. Secretary presented fund balance amounts and requested transfer of funds pledged to building fund for City Hall and Utility Revenue Fund Checking account. Motion by Jensen that the Secretary cash sufficient savings certificates to allow transfer of $15,000.00 to the City Hall Building Fund and to cover deficit in Utility Revenue Fund checking account. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Don Brown reported that he has learned that Shelstad Excavating is now defunct and we have no way of collecting damages to curb boxes he had caused. Don Brown reported on sewer line problem from St Joseph Church to Cameo Avenue. Rose Ryan has had sewage back up in her:.basement and has asked the Commission to pay for cleaning of basement. This has happened twice now. This sewer has been rodded to remove obstructions but nodding does not seem to clear the line completely or for very long. Tom Donahue and Don Brown to check into possibility of installing a plastic liner in this line and Don Brown to advise Rose Ryan that no settlement will be made for cleaning expenses until the problem has been solved. Flow volumes at the Metro Sewer Plant were discussed. They report they have experienced high volumes of sewage at time during the spring. Tom Donahue to check on putting flow meters in the line to measure floes. Cost of renting or leasing these meters to be reported at the next Regular Commission meeting.. Don Brown reported he has received a request to provide water tests on private wells for the VA. Don Brown to check further with the VA on requirements and report to the Commission at the next regular meeting. Don Brown reported that Jerry Olson has taken the B level sewer operators test and the C level water operators test and successfully completed both tests. Tom Donahue reported that he had hoped to have the feasibility study for Well #7 ready at this time but st #ll has about a week of work left to • complete the study. He reported that site locations recommendations will be a � acre site on the Zanmiller property, a � acre site on Biscayne south of County Road 42 and the new water tower site at which there is sufficient property to locate a well. • • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosItMOYNT. MINN. May 12, 1975 Don Brown presented McCarthy Well Co reports of examination of wells. Their report indicates that Well #6 still has excessive vibration. Don Brown recommends preparation be made to have this well pulled and inspected in 1976. President Jensen asked the Commission to begin thinking about what could be done with the old water tower. The possibility of giving it away was discussed. Motion by Jensen that the Secretary check in the various ways that this tower could be disposed of. Second by Haabrouck. Ayes were 3. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were 3. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROS[MOYNT, MINN. June 9, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on June 9, 1975 at 7:30pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 12, 1975 as corrected. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Hasbrouck Ayes were three. CMSTP &P Ry CMSTP&P Ry Toombs Insurance Metro Waste Control State Treasurer Stauffer Accounting Air Comm American Typewriter College City Bev Corrigan Electric John P. Carlson Feed -Rite Controls to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. 50.00 Genz -Rayn Plbg 85.36 50.00 Rollin Johnson 30.40 38.81 Robert Meyer 25.00 643.50 Metro Waste Control 588.22 15.84 NSP 849.56 150.00 Peoples Natural Gas 448.97 50.90 Rosemount Dodge 1.63: 3.00 State Treasurer 5.00 5.50 Joe Walsh 121.10 47.71 State of Minn 61.93 7.92 Shaklee Distributor 9.60 Inc 20.44 3,310.36 Plumbing and Sewer permit fee schedules were discussed. The $25.00 charge now made per permit shall be for two inspections. Motion by Jensen that inspections required or requested after the second inspection will be charged to the contractor at $12.50 per inspection. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Plumbing and Sewer permits for multiple dwellings are to be researched and a new policy written to establish a charge of 80% of the normal permit charge for each unit in the complex. Bob Mohowald from the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District was present to discuss the erosion problem on the 56 acres. He presented various methods of water and erosion control. Motion by Jensen that the Utility Commission hire Wayne Rice on a part time basis to paint the Well Houses in Dallara and Chippendale parks after repair has been accomplished. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue presented rough sketches and estimates for repair to the storm sewer outfall area north of 42 in the 56 acre site. Estimated cost of extending the pipe to the holding area and covering the pipe was $22,130.00. Estimated cost of bringing the south 150 feet of this area between the State Garage and Wilroy Ford up to grade was $19,000.00. This could be accomplished by sloping and deepening the ponding area. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT. MINN. June 9, 1975 Motion by Jensen that the Utility Commission direct Tom Donahue to present his rough sketches and estimates for the correcting of the storm water problem in the 56 acres created by the downtown area to the City Council and recommend to the City Council that these corrections be made as suggested by the engineer. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to further recommend that adjacent property owners be afforded the opportunity to make a proposal to purchase the area filled in between the State Garage and Wilroy Ford retaining a 20 foot right of way for the Lift Station and trails and funds from the sale be used to defray part of the costs of the project. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue reported that he and Don Brown had lamped the problem sewer between St Joseph's Parking lot and Cameo Ave. He further reported that in researching the possibility of inserting a plastic liner he reported that this installation would cost approximately $8.36 per foot. This cost would be about equal to replacing residential sewer and would not be a savings in cost. He recommends that rodding of this line be scheduled every 6 to 8 months as an alternate to replacing this line. • The Commission instructed Don Brown to schedule rodding of this line as well as 145th Street sewer from Cameo Ave east at 6 to 8 month intervals. Motion by Hasbrouck to award $50.00 damages to Rose Ryan for damage to her basement and advise her that regular nodding will be scheduled to prevent recurrence of the problem. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue reported on the cost of buying or leasing sewage meters. The cost of one unit would be approximately $2,500.00 and rental units may be obtained for $35.00 to $40.00 per day. Don Brown was instructed to check the possibility of a rental purchase arrangement on a sewage meter. Tom Donahue presented the Feasibility Study on Well V. After discussion of the three alternates this item was tabled until the next regular meeting. Tom Donahue presented the Feasibility Study for Streets and Utility improvements in Broback's 10th Addition. Motion by Jensen to accept the feasibility report and further recommend to the City Council that they proceed with this improvement. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROszMOYNT, MINN. June 9, 1975 Don Brown reported on VA well sampling certification. He explained that it is required by law but does not force the City into such a program. When a request comes in all that is required is a reply that the City of Rosemount does not have a private well certification program. Don Brown asked for permission to check the cost involved in converting the GMC fire truck into a 1,000 gallon tanker for use in his department and the Park & Recreation Department. He was instructed to obtain the necessary information. Don Brown asked for permission to spend approximately $500.00 for body wouk and painting on the 1970 Dodge pickup. Motion by Jensen that the Secretary advertise for quotes on a new 'ton pickup truck for the Utility Department trading in the 1970 Dodge. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that the Fire Chief gave him an estimate of water use for a year of fire drills showing that use to be 39,000 gallons. It was pointed out that a statement in the Study of Water Records submitted by the Engineer on February 10, 1975 shows that the Fire Department used an estimated 17,000 gallons of water during one • practice in July of 1974. Secretary was instructed to invite the Fire Chief and his assistant as well as other interested firemen-to attend the next regular utility commission meeting to discuss this situation assuring them that they will not be made to wait as the agenda is informal. Don Brown presented his Capital Improvement Program sheets that pertain to the Utility Commission. He was asked to prepare extra copies and distribute them to the Utility Commission members. Motion by Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. D rling, Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosamouNT, MINN. July 7, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on July 7, 1975 at 7:30pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 9, 1975 as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Postmaster Bohnert 25.40 Rosemount Arctic Cat 18.03 I.A. Blato 550.00 John Carlson 17.38 Coast to Coast 21.49 Consolidate Electric 97.00 Central Telephone 31.50 P.M. Endsley 50.00 City of Rosemount 15,000.00 Genx Ryan 15.12 Postmaster Bohnert 17.10 Metro Waste Control Comm 588.22 Metro Wast Control Comm 643.50 Northern States Power 152.47 State Treasurer 6.72 Rosemount Auto Supply 10.60 Postmaster Bohnert 50.00 Stauffer Acounting 310.00 Coast to Coast 20.89 Waterous Co 280.00 Corcoran Hardware 2.40 17,907.82 Don Brown presented literature and quotes on sewage meters to be studied by the Commission Members and brought back to the next Regular Meeting. Secretary presented two quotes for the furnishing of a new � ton pickup with trade. Hall Equipment quoted an International Model 150 at$3,675.00 with trade and Rosemount Dodge quoted a Dodge D100 at $3,634.87 with trade. Motion by Jensen to reject all quotes and resubmit this request to advertise at the Regular Meeting in September to allow quotes to be for a 1976 model. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue presented the feasibility report for Well Number 7 that had been tabled to the June 9th meeting. The three alternates were discussed at length. Motion by Hasbrouck to select Alternate #1 in its entirety. Second by Jones. Second withdrawn by Jones. Motion withdrawn by Hasbrouck. L.J • • r, ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. July 7, 1975 Motion by Hasbrouck to select Alternate #1 for the Well only and to delay any action on connecting mains until next year when the well is under construction. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to advise the Council of our selection of Alternate #1 well site and recommend they proceed with this project ordering Plans and Specifications. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that the water tower has been drained and inspected. Some ice damage was noted but was not considered to be anything serious. The inspecting company recommended delaying any repairs for at least two years and at that time do a complete sand blasting, paint and repair job at that time. Don Brown reported on his examination of the Liquor Store premises as to the possibility of installing a water meter at that location. Due to the restricted area at the point of entry and the size of meter required he recommends that we not install a meter in the Liquor Store. Commission concurred with his recommendations. Don Brown reported that the Utility Garage sewer connection could be accomplished in the very near future. Commission directed Don Brown to proceed with this connection using city personnel and equipment. Stan Nelson was present to discuss an item in the minutes of June 9, 1975, regarding the possible sale to adjoining land owners of the south end of the 56 acres. An explanation was given and Stan Nelson replied that he would definitely be interested in purchasing a portion of this property. Motion by Jensen to increase Jerry Olson's salary by 8% effective July 1, 1975 to keep in line with what the Council has done for the other City personnel. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Res ectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION isRosmouNT, MINN. August 11, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on August 11, 1975 at 7:30pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 1975 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen Ayes were three. Central Telephone 31.50 Thomas Makowski 13.38 Postmaster Bohnert 12.80 Corrigan Electric 296.54 Postmaster Bohnert 24.24 LaVern's Pumping 45.00 First State Bank 100,000.00 Metro Waste Control 588.22 Metro Wast Control 321.75 Master Tank Service 285.00 State Treasurer 6.72 Joe Miller 5j25 Stauffer Accounting 268.75 Northern States Power 217.87 Phillip Hjemboe 28.67 Pine Bend Paving 47.85 John P. Carlson 18.90 SERCO 181.00 Allen Betz 14.89 Scranton Publishing 10.00 Richard Crowder 4.52 Dept of Revenue 231.06 . Central Telephone 31.87 Water Products Co 572.55 Corrigan Electric 785.00 GenzWRyan 167.72 Larry Beavens 20.39 104,861.14 KEHO Construction 630.00 Sewage flow meters were discussed. Motion by Jensen to rent the Model H portable open flow sewage meter from NB Products Inc of New Britain, Pennsylvania, Second by Hasbourck. Ayes were three. President Jensen directed Don Brown to use this meter for 60 days to determine its value and come back to the Commission with a recommendation to continue the lease agreement or to purchase the meter. Discussion was heard regarding the value of leaving the old water tower up and repairing the standpipe and putting the tower back on line. It was pointed out that use of the old tower would cause the new tower to be operated at two thirds capacity. Motion by Jensen to authorize the Secretary to advertise for bids for removal of the old tower using alternates for removal of the tower only and /or removal of the tower and foundation. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosamouNT, MINN. August 11, 1975 A drop location in the Old Village was discussed. John Carlson reported that he has established a list of those showing interest in such a location wi th list numbering four since the last regular utilities meeting., Jerry Olson reported the problems he is encountering with buried curb stops in the new plats. He suggested that the water meter not be set until the curb stops are raised to ground level. He was directed to implement his suggested method of insuring that the curb stops are at the proper level. Don Brown presented the bill for repainting of the Internation Pickup. He pointed out that he had obtained a quote of $317.00 but the bill was for $332.00. The bill stated that the increase was due to extra work performed and cost increases since the quote was made. Motion by Jones to pay the additional $15.00 charged for the repainting of the International Pickup. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were Jones and Hasbrouck. Nay Jensen. Discussion was heard regarding the condition of Well #1. It is suspected that the column shaft is broken. Motion by Jensezto authorize the expense of determining what is wrong with Well #1 and obtaining cost estimates for repair to Well #1 and Don Brown to request a special meeting to present this information and obtain authorization for expenditure for repair needed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown discussed the possibility of a back up plumbing inspector or the possibility of installing a mobile radio in the Plumbing Inspector'.s automobile. Secretary was instructed to check on what qualifications are required for plumbing inspectors and report back at the next Regular Meeting. Don Brown reported that terracing in the 56 acres is underway and he has Dennis O'Leary lined up to seed the area. Tom Donahue presented the Feasibility Study for the Utility and Street Improvements in the Broback 11th and 12th Additions. Motion by Jensen to accept the Feasibility Study as presented for the Broback 11th and 12th Additions. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT. MINN. September 8, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 8, 1975, at 7:30pm at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 11, 1975 as primed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. office who in turn • explained the plans and specifications Rosemount Arctic Cat 32.00 Hawkins Chemical 94.21 Coast to Coast 19.74 City of Rosemount 32.40 Postmaster Bohnert 66.96 Richard K. Knight 35.00 Brad Ragan, Inc 58.32 Lynde Co 16.86 Brunson Instrument Co 381.40 Metro Wast Control Comm 588.22 Consolidated Elec Co 306.05 NSP 898.92 Corrigan Electric 80.63 Phil's Body Shop 332.00 Central Telephone 31.50 Leo Schmitt 35.00 Elvgren Paint Co 101.25 Stauffer Accounting 268.75 First State Bank 8.68 Water Products Co 201.61 Genz -Ryan Plumbing 98.39 3,690.74 • F. H. Bathke 2.85 Fire Chief McNamara and Assistant Fire Chief Stauffer were present to discuss water usage by the fire department for training purposes. They reported to the Commission that they have $300.00 in the Fire Department 1976 Proposed budget for water usage charges to be paid to the Utility Department in 1976. Motion by Jensen that the Fire Department pay $300.00 per year for water used in practice. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jacobsen of 14640 Dallara Ave W (Lot 6, Block 4, Broback 2nd Addition) asked the Commission what could be done to delay their sewer hook up requirement as they are financially unable to accomplish hooking up at this time. Motion by Jensen to grant a six month extension to the Jacobsen's and that they report back to the Commission at the end of the six months when they feel they will be able to hook up. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to authorize the Secretary to readvertise for a new 1976 pickup using the same specifications that were used in June. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue introduced Norm Hendrickson of his office who in turn • explained the plans and specifications for Well #7. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. September 8, 1975 Motion by Jensen to approve the plans and specifications as presented and recommend to the City Council that they approve the plans and specifications and further recommending that the City Council call for bids to be opened on October 14, 1975 as recommended by the Engineer. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue reported the progress on the feasibility study for the Storm Water Run Off at the south end of the 56 acres. The Commission asked the Engineer to hurry completion of the study and instructed the Secretary to contact the adjacent land owners asking them to consider purchase of this property after it has been improved and if they are interested to indicate what they would consider as a fair market value for this property. Don Brown reported on footing depths of the old water tower legs. He reported that he has no information available. The City Clerk's office provided drawings showing sizes of the foundations. It was determined from these plans that it would be best to leave the footings in place until such time as it is determined what use will be made of this area. Don Brown reported that seeding and fertilizing of the 56 acres can be accomplished by expending approximately $1,750.00. He was . instructed to proceed with this project. Don Brown reported they have received and installed the sewage flow meter in the Metro Interceptor man hole on Biscayne Ave. Don Brown reported on a rust problem at the Glen Uitdenbogerd residence. He"4as asked to note the damage and if it occurred again they would request damages from the city. Don Brown requested that he be allowed to obtain a rust remover substance and have it on hand for just such future occurances as these. The Commission concurred with his request. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, f aa . Don F. Darling, Secretary 7 0 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. October 16, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on October.16, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with Commissioner Hasbrouck present and Commissioner Jones absent. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 8, 1975, as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. Secretary presented the written quotes for the furnishing of a one -half (') ton pickup. Quotes were Hall Equipment $3,675.00; Rosemount Dodge $3,685.92; Freed Chevrolet $3,690.00; Wilroy Ford $3,695.00; Jim Haugen Ford $4,074.00. It was noted that the low quote from Hall Equipment of $3,675.80 did not fully meet specifications as it was for a 6 foot box and specifications called for an 8 foot box. Motion by Jensen to award the pickup quote to Rosemount Dodge in the amount of $3,685.92. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. <<. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. Postmaster Bohnert Metro Waste Control State Treasurer Corcoran Hardware Postmaster Bohnert Pine Bend Paving Inc Dak Cty Tribuae Comte Of Revenue Corcoran Hardware Metro Waste Control State of Minn Postmaster Bohnert John P. Carlson Central Telephone Corrigan Electric Automatic Garage Door Co Davies Water Co 15.61 Fluegel Elevator 623.75 643.50 Feed Rite 6ntrols 84.78 1.44 Genz Ryan Plbg 102.94 102.14 Keho Construction 100,00 35.00 Metro Waste Control 588.22 506.00 Jonathan Nelson 13.32 50.17 Larry Poppenhagen 20.96 6.67 NB Products 165.00 16.07 Northern State Power 858.54 1,287.00 Denni6 O'Leary 750.00 5.28 Ryan Well Co 1,168.01 12.46 Eldon Stauffer 325.00 35.85 Solberg Aggregate 306.12 31.50 Robert Serfass 13.99 8.75 Tom's Red Owl 14.70 75.90 Terry's Auto Service 128.17 177.21 Water Products 772.85 9,046.90 Secretary presented quotes for removal of the Old 75,000 Gallon Water Tank. Quotes were Master Tank Service Co $4,500.00; Carl Bolander & Son $6,445.00; A. Kamish & Sons, Inc $11,350.00. Motion by Hasbrouck to award the quote to Master Tank in the amount of $4,500.00 for the removal of the Old 75,000 gallon water tower. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosamoUNT, MINN. October 16, 1975 Springsted Inc Position Classification Plan and Compensation Survey report was presented. It was pointed outthat the Council had acted on an increase for Jerald Olson. Motion by Hasbrouck to concur with Council action increasing Jerald Olson's salary to $900.00 per month to be effective January 1, 1976. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. Secretary reported on the possibility of John Carlson having to terminate full time employment due to health. Discussion followed as to possible ways of replacing John Carlson. Secretary presented figures on an in -house computer for utilities noting that there would be a savings in time and expense by having our own. With the new CETA employee taking over meter reading and an in -house computer it was felt that it would not be necessary to fill John Carlson's position. Furthur discussion resulted in the possibility of asking the City Council to research the poss- ibility of a computer to handle budgets as the one we are now using is not big enough. It would not require that great an investment to go with one large enough to handle the bookkeeping along with the water billing and payroll. • Motion by Jensen that the Utility Commission recommend to the City Council to pursue the possibility of a joint purchase of an in house computer as discussed by the Utility Commission. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Secretary reported that he has been invited to bring the payroll up to Burroughs and write it on one of their new 8300's to compare operating time and features. It was noted that our soft ware is compatable with any Burroughs Computer. Secretary asked Commissioner Hasbrouck to become involved in the research and investigation as computers are his field. He agreed to do so and will be working with the Secretary on this. Don Brown requested authority to take random samples of water and have them tested by an independent testing company estimating costs of $25.00 per month. Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown's department to take random samples and have tests performed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Don Brown presented cost figure for relocating the Supervisory Control panel from the Old Utility Office to the City Hall. Cost of moving the panel would be $250.00,with phone line installation of $47.00 and monthly leased line oast increase of $39.50 permonth. Commission • asked that this issue be put on the agenda for the next regular meeting. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. October 16, 1975 Don Brown reported that he has received a letter from the City of Farmington stating that they are not longer interested in rodding our sewer lines and suggested that we puran purchase of a rodding machine for our use. Commission asked that this issue be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Street lighting was ordered placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Sewage Flow Meter was discussed. Don Brown recommended rental when needed rather than purchase of a meter. Commission asked that this issue be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Tom Donahue presented the report on the Storm Sewer improvements on the south end of the 56 acre. Motion by Hasbrouck to recommend approval of the plans and specifications to the City Council and recommend that they approve the plans and authorize advertisment for bids. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. Tom Donahue reported that bids for Well #7 have been received, • further reporting that he has no recommendations at this time. Motion by Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROf[MOYNT, MINN. November 10, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 10, 1975, at the City Hall. President Jensen was absent. The meeting was called to order by Commissionotones with Commissioner Hasbrouck present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 16, 1975 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. City of Rosemount 50,000.00 Central Telephone 31.50 Postmaster Bohnert 11.27 John P. Carlson 10.50 Dean Sandstrom 26.25 Hach Chemical 76.09 Wayne Rice 14.00 Genz -Ryan 6.36 First State Bank of Rsmt 100,000.00 Metro Waste Control 588.22 Postmaster Bohnert 20.96 N.S.P. 41.47 Russ Johnson Sales 133.72 N.B. Products 220.00 Corrigan Electric 92.46 Albred Nerz 18.43 Stauffer Accounting 305.00 Walter Nelson 35.00 . Roger'.Stark 22.75 Periscope Flashlight 28.74 State Treasurer 9.60 Kelly Wright 36.27 Metro Waste Control 3,861.00 Water Products 37.44 155,732.00 Secretary presented the formal termination notice submitted by John Carlson. Motion by Hasbrouck to accept with regrets the termination notice submitted by John Carlson. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Discussion was heard regarding relocation of the Central Supervisory Control. The Utility Commission is still interested in having the control and warning lites installed in the new fire hall. Motion by Hasbrouck to place this item on the agenda for the next regular meeting and invite the Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief to be in attendance. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Jerry Olson explained the jetting machine that was demonstrated. He explained the difference between a rodder and a jetter further stating that Don Brown has been in contact with Lakeville who has a rodder and have expressed a desire to trade work with a muncipality that has a : jetter. • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RoscmouNT. MINN. November 10, 1975 Commission asked that this item be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting and further request that Don Brown obtain more facts on the jetter and rodder. Street light - fixtures were discussed at length. Motion by Jones to recommend to the City Council light pole and fixture consisting of a 25 foot tapered wood or metal pole with 8 to 12 foot mast with a 175 watt mercury vapor lamp element. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Jerry Olson presented his departments recommendations on rental of or purchase of a sewage flow meter. They feel it would be best to rent the meter on an as needed basis. Motion by Jones to rent a sewage flow meter as needed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Tom Donahue reported that the bids for Well #7 were received but that his firm has recommended that the bids be rejected and re- advertise for a Jordan Well only which the City Council has authorized. • John Carlson presented the. list of delinquent water bill customers to be certified to the County Auditor for collection. Motion by Jones to certify the list as presented to the County Auditor to be placed on the tax rolls for collection. Second by Hasbrouck..Ayes were two. Sewer hoo6ups were discussed, Ways of enforcing the Ordinance were discussed. Motion by Hasbrouck to contact the Metro Council regarding their enforcement procedure as the two years have lapsed. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Motion by Hasbrouck to notify all property owners having lateral sewer available but not hooked up that they are in violation of the City Ordinance and that investigation is in progress as to action that will be taken against them for non - compliance. Second by Jones. _Ayes were two. Motion by Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, • Don F. Darling, Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosEMOUNT, MINN. December .8, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on December 8, 1975, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 10, 1975 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Coast to Coast 21.33 Maurice Nokleby 28.17 State of Minnesota 243.04 Northern States Power 166.87 Springsted Inc 785.71 Arnie Jensen 120100 Springsted Inc 181.80 Paul Jones 120.00 Stauffer Accounting 190.63 Wesley Hasbrouck 120.00 State Treasurer .96 Orville Quarstad 26.69 John Carlson 10.35 Bernard Sievert 28.17 Central Telephone 31.50 SERCO Labs 25.50 Metro Waste Control 1,808.31 Water Products 235.38 4,144.41 A presentation was heard on the merits of a jetting machine. Jerry Gardner of FMC and Bob Garber of MacQueen Equipment were in attendance to answer questions. Don Brown and the secretary are to check into the Utility Funds available and adiise the Commission of the fund balances available for use in purchasing a jetter. Further discussion was heard regarding relocation of the Central Supervisory Conbtl. Fire Chief McNamara was present and indicated that the members of the Fire Department have expressed opposition to placement of the Control in the Fire Hall. Reasons given were not real clear as to xiiy they were opposed to locating the contol at the Fire Hall, so Utility Commission President Jensen will attend one of their meetings in the near future to discuss this with them. Secretary reported that the computer issue was initially presented to the City Council at their regular meeting December 2, 1975. City Council requested exploration of alternates to an in house computer, namely a terminal. This is being done. Jerry Olson and Don Brown requested to attend the Collection System Operators Seminar to be held at the Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington on January 14th, 15th and 16th, 1976, at a cost of $30.00 per registrant. is is ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoszwoUNT. MINN. December 8, 1975 Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize Jerry Olson and Don'.Brown's attendance at the Collection System Operators Seminar further authorizing the payment of the registration fees. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on a sunken curb at 3679 Upper 149th Street West. This property has been sold and Don Brown has received an inquiry as to who is going to be held responsible for replacement of this curb. Motion by Hasbrouck that the owner of the property at 3679 Upper 149th Street West is not responsible for replacement of the sunken curb located in front of this property as the City will assume responsiblity for replacement of this section of curb. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on a sewer line problem between Cameo Ave and the Catholic Church. Mrs. Rose Ryan has stoppage again. This line was rodded the same day that Mrs. Ryan reported the trouble with her line but the rodding did not correct her problem. Don Brown was instructed to get together with Jack Ryan and determine the best way to solve this mutual problem and correct it. Don Brown reported on an odor problem in the U of M Staff House area water supply. This water has been tested by the U of M and is not unfit for use. Don Brown was instructed to work with Bill Cook of the U of M Research Center to determine ways of correcting this problem and also to ask the U of M testing lab to issue a test result report in writing showing that the water supply is OK for consumption. Tom Donahue presented a very comprehensive review of the 1976 MWCC billing. The review showed that the MWCC will be charging 30 cents per thousand gallon treated therefore he recommends that the City increase their charge from the present 30 cents per thousand to 35 cents per thousand. Don Brown was instructed to get together with Frank Goggin and work up an operating budget to help determine what charges should be set for sewer and water and have this information ready at the next regular meeting. .Tom Donahue reported that the contract has been let for Well #7 and some of the drilling equipment is in place. .Motion by Jensen to provide the City Attorney a list of houses not hooked up to the sewer and request the attorney notify them in writing that they are violation of City Ordinance and they have • until February 1, 1976 to arrange for hooking up to the sewer or they will be charged under the ordinance. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. ct n SaragS itt dt in, ecre ta'