ROSKMOUNT. MINN. January 12, 1976
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
January 12, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by Acting President Jensen with
all members present.
The City Clerk s ore in Wesley Hasbrouck for a three year term
as Commissioner and Arnie Jensen for a two year term as commissioner.
Motion by Jones to appoint Arnie Jensen as President of --the
Utility Commission for 1976. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were
two. Jensen abstained,
Motion by Jones to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of Decemeber 8, 1975 as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were
Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Se mnd by Jones.
Ayes were three.
Postmaster Bohnert
W. W.
. .6.12
Stauffer Accounting
Waste Control
Rosemount Dodge
Northern States
City of Lakeville
State Treasurer
Metro Waste Control
Waterous Company
Donald Backes
Central Telephone
The Central Supervisory Control relocation was discussed. Pres
Jensen has inspected the new fire hall with regard to placing
the control at that location reporting that he could find no
suitable location in -the fire hall for the control. It was
agreed to delay further discussion on this until the plans and
specifications are ordered for the new well house, discussing
the possibility of placing the control in the new well house.
An in house computer as discussed with the Secretary recommending
delaying any decision on this until the commission has reviewed
the budget later in the meeting.
Tom Donahue presented Erickson Bros request to change the
specifications on the Broback 10th Addition Utility Contract
from Clay sewer pipe to PVC plastic pipe. Erickson Bros change
order request would reduce the contract cost by approximately
$240.00. The Commission instructed Tom Donahue to inform
Erickson Bros that they would not recommend the change order to
the City Council as the difference in cost was not significant
and that Clay pipe has a very good track record and further they
instructed Don Brown to research the use of plastic pipe and
make recommendations to the City Council as to which he would
recommend using in plans and specifications in future improve -
• ROMMOUNT. MINN. January 12, 1976
Art Broback was present to ask the Utility Commission to consider
recommending to the City Council an amendment to Resolutions 1973 -1
and 1973 -5 allowing builders to delay payment of the hookup charges
on new homes until the meter is set. The Commission took this
under advisement and will discuss it further at their next regular
Don Brown informed the Commission that he has discussed the sewer
problem at the Rose Ryan residence with Jack Ryan and they have
agreed that as soon as the frost goes out this spring Jack Ryan
will uncover the connection to our line and they will jointly
inspect the house connection and the city lateral and determine
what the necessary repairs will be at that time.
Breckner's Standard Station water problem was discussed. Don
Brown reported that the problem is very acute and an attempt
will be made to correct it.
Don Brown presented a brochure on the "Home Sewage Treatment
Workshops" to be presented by the University of Minnesota
Agricultural Extension Service at the Sheraton Motor Inn N.W.
in Plymouth on January 27, 28 and 29. He informed the Commission
that he has discussed this with the Building Inspector who in
• turn informed him that Farmington has indicated an interest in
his attendance at this workshop also. Don Brown recommended that
someone from Rosemount attend,.._further recommending that the
Building Inspector be the one to attend.
Motion by Jones to authorize the necessary expenditure from Utility
funds to pay the Rosemount portion of Alan Knudson's attendance
at the "Home Sewarge Treatment Workshops" on January 27 - 29.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Jerry Olson presented the 1976 budget as prepared. All items were
discussed at length.
Water and sewer rate increases were discussed as they relate to the
budget. It was determined that water and sewer rate increases are
necessary to meet the increased costs imposed by the Metropolitan
Waste Control Commission and the budget as presented.
Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that they adopt
a resolution increasing the water rate to a 50 cent per thousand
gallon flat rate and the sewer rate to a 45 cent per thousand gallon
flat rate with no minimums on either water or sewer. Second by
Jones. Ayes were three.
• ROSEMOUNT. MINN. January 12, 1976
Don Brown discussed the possibility of purchasing a jetter for sewer
line maintenance. Commission ordered this placed on the agenda for
the next regular meeting instructing Don Brown to obtain prices on a
used truck of sufficient size to accept a truck mounted jetting
Further discussion was heard regarding the Utility Commission's
participation in a joint purchase of an in house computer.
Motion by Jensen that the City Council be advised that the Utility
Commission would pay 1/3 of the cost of purchasing an in house
computer with the capabilities of a Burrough's L8900 as well as
1/3 of the maintenance cost of said computer. Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes were three.
Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
• Don F. Darling, Secretary
ROSEMOUNT. MINN. February 9, 1976
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City Of Rosemount was duly held on
February 9, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
January 12, 1976.as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
Art Broback's request to look at the required payment schedule on
hook up charges was discussed. The Commission unanimously agreed
that the schedule was fair to all as presently set up and would not
recommend any changes to it.
Don Brown reported that the testing of Breckner's Standard Station
water service indicated that the problem was on their property. They
arranged for and have made the necessary repairs to the service.
President Jensen informed the Commission that the City Council has
authorized a bid opening date on a computer and that they have
recommended that one third of the cost come from the Utility Fund.
. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes were three.
B & J Auto 47.00 Genz Ryan 15.11
Postmaster Bohnert 26.55 Metro Waste Contr _1808.31
Surplus Office Supplies 450.00 Matter Tank Service 4500.00
Lamperts 10.85 NSP 667.19
Genz -Ryan 112.17 SFRCO Labs 40.70
Minn Conservation Dept 5.00 S eve Schimming 35 00
Postmaster Bohnert 26.82 MArk Storo 25.53
Stauffer Accounting 320.00 Peoples Gas 95.50
State of Minn 1.92-.,State Sales Tax 187.80
Auto Garage Door Co 37.50 Williams Stl & Hwde 88.76
Richard Boucher 11.48 Transport Clearings 18.19
Feedrite Controls Inc 256.48 8,787.86
The Secretary presented a letter from City Attorney Grannis showing
the letter content, date of mailing and listing of those mailed to,
who have not hooked up to the city sewer system.
Frank Goggin reported that with the cooperation of Don Brown and
Jerry Olson his department has streamlined the budget accounting system
for the Utility Funds in preparation for input to the computer when and
if the city purchases one.
RostmouNT. MINN. February 9, 1976
Don Brown and Tom Donahue reported that tests taken in the new water
main serving Kane's Place Addition and the County Garage indicate
the presence of iron bacteria. Don Brown is preparing to chlorinate
these lines to kill the bacteria and will try altering the valve
arrangements on the mains and hydrant flushing to insure movement
of water thru these lines as at the present there are so few
connections to these lines that very little flow is realized.
President Jensen reported that representatives from the Metropolitan
Waste Control Commission were to be present at this meeting to report
as to what has to happen before title to the old sewer plant property
may be reassigned to Rosemount. Due to a schedule conflict they have
delayed their appearance to tomorrow at 10am. They will be giving
this information to Don Brown and any other Commission members who
can be present.
Don Brown requested he be allowed to obtain quotes for a sandblasting
unit for use in maintaining utility equipment. His estimate of the
cost of a unit of sufficient capacity to fulfill..our needs would be
The Commission instructed Don Brown to rent a sandblaster for a
trid period and if possible have the rental contract cost applied to
the purchase price should we decide purchase a unit.
Don Brown presented a'.letter from Dr. Mardell requesting he be paid
for damages to his office basement caused by sewer backing up due to
stoppage in our main.
MOTION by Jensen to pay Dr. Mardell $37.50 as requested in his letter
for damages to his basement. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Don Brown presented cost estimates on trucks as information needed
in considering the purchase of a jetter in the future.
MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling, Secretary
RosamouNT, MINN. March 8, 1976
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
March 8, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all
members present.
Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of February 9, 1976 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Jones.
Ayes were three.
State of Minnesota 8.00 Corrigan Electric 87.80
Bernier Motor Co 44.85 First State Bank 18.78
Central Miphone 31.50 Metro Waste Control 1,808.31
Corrigan Electric 86.06 NSP 696.28
Air Comm 108.47 NB Products 128.32
B & J Auto Supply 13.72 Peoples Natural Gas 59.82
Corcoran's 2.99 State of Minn 129.16
Rosemount Auto 8.74 SERCO Labs 25.50
Stauffer Accounting 135.00 Charles Terry 29.44
Raymond Mardell 37.50 Charles Terry 5.56
• Central Telephone 31.50 Vic's Welding 11.40
President Jensen reviewed with the commission members the informal
meeting with representatives of the Metropolitan Waste Control
Commission regarding the return of the old sewer plant to the City.
The Metro Waste Control Commission advises that the City must ask
the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission in writing to include
sufficient funds in their budget to demolish the sewer plant.
Motion by Jensen directing the Secretary to write a letter to the
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission directing them to include
in their 1977 budget, adequate funds to accomplish complete
demolition and removal of the old sewer plant. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes were three;:
Don Brown reported that he had rented a sandblaster on a trial
basis. He explained that it was a very usefull and efficient
piece of equipment but they could not use it in the lift station
pits without an air supplied helmet. This helmet would cost
approximately $125.00. Don Brown was instructed to look into
the cost of a sandblaster with helmet.
Don Brown presented a proposal that may allow the Utility
Commission to pir<chase a jetting machine. He has researched the
possibility of renting a machine on a five year lease purchase
agreement. Don Brown was instructed to draw up specifications and
is bid forms, presenting them to the City Attorney for his opinion and
returning to the next regular meeting for further action.
• ROSSNOYNT, MINN. March 8, 1976
Don Brown was instructed to continue checking on used trucks
that could accommodate the jetter if a lease arrangement can be
worked out.
The Secretary reported on the possibility of utilizing pass book
savings accounts by the City. The Commission instructed the
Secretary to pursue this possibility.
Secretary requested a raise for the plumbing inspector. The
request was for a $2.00 increase per inspection or $10.00 per
inspection. The secretary further requested that the Commission
recommend inereasing the permit charges to offset this raise. Don
Brown raised a concern that permit charges should reflect the
number of inspections required, i.e., new construction requires
two inspections where repair to existing installations requires
but one inspection.
Motion by Jones to increase Pete Jorgensen's compensation to $10.00
per inspection and further that the secretary and Don Brown put
together recommended permit charges for the next regular meeting.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
• Frank Goggin reported on the response to the letters sent by the
City Attorney to those property owners not hooked up to the sewer
as yet. He reported that all but six have responded in a satis-
factory manor. The commission instructed the staff to contact
those six once by phone and obtain their intentions. Those not
responding in the affirmative will be dealt with thru the
attorney to affect hook -up.
Don Brown reported on the Advance Water Treatment School scheduled
for April 6 thru 8 at the Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington. He
further reported that he is not sure if he can arrange to attend
but would ask that approval of his attendance be authorized now
and should he be able to schedule attendance he would attend.
Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to attend the Advance
Water Supply System Operators Seminar on April 6 thru 8 at the
Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington and further authorize the
expenditure of $25.00 from the Utility Fund to cover the advance
registration fee. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Don Brown requested permission to engage in discussion with Apple
Valley regarding an intercity water connection. This had been
discussed in the past but at that time the Apple Valley lines
adjacent to Rosemount were dry. These lines are now charged and
in use. The Commission agreed that Don Brown and Tom Donahue
• should meet with Apple Valley representatives to discuss the
feasibility of this intercity connection and return to the next
regular meeting with as much information as they can put together.
RosamouNT. MINN. March 8, 1976
President Jensen briefed the Commission on the Council action
authorizing Don Brown to obtain bids for a tractor to be used for
mowing weeds. He explained that Don Brown's request for this tractor
included as one of the reasons for needing this tractor was to allow
the backhoe to remain mounted on the John Deere presently owned by
the City. He further explained that the backhoe is owned by the
Utility Commission but the tractor is owned by the General Account°
and the council will be dividing the cost of this tractor if
purchased between the General Utility, Parks & Recre$tion and
Utility Revenue Fund. The Commission unanimously agreed that they
would support the purchase and pay their share of a 50 horsepower
tractor as requested by Don Brown.
Tom Donahue presented sketches for a new well house for well number
seven. He requested and received direction regarding building
shape, window placement and exterior surface. He was instructed
to peesent this to the City Council for their action.
Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
'E 4
Don F. Darling, Secreta
RosamouNT, MINN. April 12, 1976
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
April 12, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all
members present.
Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of March 8, 1976 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes were three.
NC Sec Am Water Works Assn
William Emo
Corcoran Hdwe
William Emo
Coast to Coast
Glen Gust
Carlson Tractor
Glen Gust
Postmaster Bohnert
Hayden- Murphy
Postmaster Bohnert
Metro Waste Conti
B -T -U Mix
Daryl Nelson
Coast to Coast
Daryl Nelson
Metro Waste Control
Peoples Gas
Advance Shoring Co
Stauffer Accounting 231.25
Aquarius Pools
Water Products
Corrigan Electric
Discussion was heard on the
letter from the fiscal consultant
regarding water surcharge and water
connections fees.
Motion by Jones to recommend to the City Council that the surcharge
be retained as recommended by the fiscal consultant. Second by
Jensen. Ayes were three.
Frank Goggin reported on the progress of sewer connection completions.
He reported that there are four multiples and six singles remaining
who have not arranged to make their hook ups.
Motion by Jensen directing the attorney to proceed with court action
to ensure that all hook ups are accomplished in accordance with
City of Rosemount Ordinances. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Don Brown and Tom Donahue reported they had met with representatives
from Apple Valley to discuss a possible inter -city water connection.
They recommended to the Commission that the connection should be
accomplished by joining the two systems with an eight inch line under
County Road 33 -S thru a meter pit with a double flow meter and gate
valves on both-, sidesof the meter. They further noted that this
• project would cost between $10,000.00 and $15,000.00 and recommended
a 50 -50 split of the project cost. They also reported that the Apple
Valley representatives were going to present this to the Apple Valley
City Council.
ROSEMOUNT. MINN. April 12, 1976
Tom Donahue reported that Well #7 tested out at a high of 1600
gallons per minute during a twelve hour test run and they feel
that this well will be a 1,000 to 1,200 gallon per minute well.
Don Brown requested that he be allowed to wait a while before
pursuing the acquisition of a sandblaster to allow time to see
what the new water and sewer rates will do to increase the income
of the Utility Commission.
Don Brown reported that he has the plans and specifications and
a lease agreement ready for bids on a jetter, advising that the
attorney has reviewed them and recommended changes he felt were
Motion by Jensen to authorize advertising for bids for a jetter,
as outlined in the plans and specifications and bid forms prepared
by Don Brown. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to obtain quotes on a
truck to mount the jetting machine on and have the quotes avail-
able at the next regular meeting. Second by Jones. Ayes were
The Type of heat to be used in Well House No. 7 was discussed;,
The Engineer was directed to figure both gas and electric as
Permit charges were discussed and recommendations were made.
Motion by Hasbrouck to recommend to the Council to change the
plumbing and sewer permit fee schedule to be $15.00 for repair to
existing facilities and $30.00 for new construction as recommended.
Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling Secretary
RossmouNT. MINN.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May
10, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with Commissioner
Jones absent.
Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of April 12, 1976 as printed. Second by Jenseu. Ayes were two.
Commissioner Jones arrived at 7:34pm.
Motion by Jensen to
pay the following bills: Second by
Ayes were three.
Strese Union 76
Stauffer Accounting
Tom's Red Owl
Postmaster Bohnert
Carlson Tractor
Dept of Taxation
NCR Corp
Central Telephone
Green Tree Agency
Metro aste Control
Corcoran Hardware
Serco abs
Genz -Ryan
McCarthy Well Co
B & J Auto
Peoples Gas Co
NCR Corp
Don Brown presented
bid tabulations
and recommendations
on the
jetting machine. He recommended
accepting the low bid
from Flexible
Pipe Tool Co for $13,846.00. He
further recommended that
we accept
the suppliers offer
to reduce the
cost by $100.00 provided
we not
require our paint color.
Motion by Jones to enter into a lease agreement with Flexible Pipe
Tool Co of Minneapolis for the furnishing of a jetting machine as
specified and taking advantage of the $100.00 reduction in cost by
not requiring the special paint color, for a total lease purchase
cost of $13,746.00. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Don Brown presented pencil quotes for a used truck to mount the
jetting machine on. He recommended purchase of the 1968 IHC Model
1600, quoted by Astleford Equipment at $1,850.00.
Motion by Hasbrouck to accept Don Brown's recommendations on the
purchase of a truck to mount the jetting machine on and authorize
purchase of the 1968 IHC Model 1600 from Astleford Equipment for
$1,850.00. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
ROSEMOUNT. MINN. May 10, 1976
Don Brown informed the Commission that he had authorized installation
of a 6" sewer service and a 2" water service to the property line of
the Nowicki property on Cimarron Ave. He explained that he felt this
would be needed in the very near future and that installation at this
time would reduce the cost of these services when they are requested
and would eliminate disturbing the street again at that time.
Motion by Jensen to authorize payment for the installation of the
sewer and water services to the Nowicki property and further to
check with the Engineer, Attorney and Fiscal Agent as to the possible
reclaiming of the expense from the property owner. Second by Jones.
Ayes were three.
Discussion was heard regarding the Red Owl proposal with respect to
wells and sewer lines in the area of this development.
Don Brown reported that deflection inspection on the PVC sewer lines
in Rosemount will be accomplished on May 18th.
Don Brown requested the Commission to consider placing the Supervisory
Control Panel in the new well house. Tom Donahue and Don Brown were
instructed to present plans and estimated costs and recommendations
• for this move at the next regular meeting.
The Commission was informed that Apple Valley will be discussing the
intercity water connection at their meeting on May 18th. Jerry Olson
will arrange to attend this meeting and report back at the next
regular meeting.
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission letter requesting updates of
the Comprehensive Sewer Plan was discussed.
Motion by Jensen that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission letter
be forwarded to the City Council for their action and recommendations.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Hasbrouck informed the commission that he would be out of town all
of the month of June.
Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. lii�tary
ROSEMOUNT. MINN. June 7, 1976
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
June 7, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with Commissioner
Hasbrouck absent.
Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of May 10, 1976 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were two...
Motion by Jones to pay the following bills:
Ayes were two..
Metro Waste Control
Erickson B
State Treasurer
Feed -Rite
Coast to Coast
Genz Ryan
Dak Cty Tribune
Linkert La
Grannis & Grannis
McCarthy W
City of Rosemount
State Treasurer
Peoples Na
Metro Waste Control
City of Lakeville
Water Prod
Astleford Equipment
Don Brown and Tom Donahue reported
that Apple
preliminary study of
the intercity
which has not been recieved yet.
Second by Jensen.
os Contg
11 Co
ural Gas
cts Co
Valley has approved a
by their
Don Brown presented the Ervasti petition for utilities for the Bridges
and the new house proposed to be built on their property. The Commission
directed the Engineer to determine if we could install a sever line
under Dodd Blvd and place a manhole on the south side of Dodd Blvd and
install one or more one inch water services within the same ditch with
this cost being offset by the sewer and water lateral benefit charges
that will be assessed. If this is feasible then this offer is to be
presented to the Ervasti's.
Don Brown reported that the deflection tests on the PVC sewer lines
have been accomplished but the written report has not been received.
Don Brown reported that he and Tom :Donahue have done some preliminary
research on the moving of the supervisory control panel to the new
well house. Final reports and recommendations should be available
at the next regular commission meeting.
The Secretary was instructed to contact Brockway Glass Co to discuss
their water needs.
Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were two.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling, Secretar
• Jul y 12 1976
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
July 12, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members
Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of June 7, 1976 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jones to
pay the following bills: Second by
Ayes were three.
Postmaster Bohnert
Firestone Stores
McCarthy Well Co
Don Flaherty
Feed Rite Controls
Don Flaherty
City of Lakeville
Don Getz
Dept of Revenue
Don Getz
Central Telephone
Charles Hames
Corcoran Hardware
Charles Hames
Corcoran Hardware
John's Machine Shop
Green Tree Agency
Pete Landmark
NCR Corp
Pete Landmark
Hayden Murphy Equip
City of Lakeville
• Pine Bend Paving
Metro Waste Control
Home Federal
Postmaster Bohnert
James Norton
Comm of Revenue
James Norton
General Industrial
Peoples Natural Gas
NCR Corp
B & J Auto
Henry Porter
State Trea
F. H. Bathke
Taylor Rentals
Consolidated Elec
Waterous Co
Corrigan Elec
Water Products Co
Central Telephone
Tom Donahue presented rough drafts and cost estimates
for sanitary
sewer extension as
requested for
the Ervasti property.
(The Bridges)
Motion by Jensen to authorize the Engineer to draw up specifications
for the Ervasti home and Day Care Center water and sewer as outlined
in alternate #1 of the drawings and further authorize the Attorney
to draft an agreement between the City of Rosemount and Ervasti
whereby they will pay all costs for said utility extension. Second
by Jones. Ayes were three.
Tom Donahue reported on Lester Freske sewer problem regarding
excessive digging required to place the sewer line to the house.
• Don Brown was instructed to locate the sewer service and report back
at the next regular meeting.
• RossmoumT, M1NN. July 12, 1976
Tom Donahue reported on moving the Central Supervisory Control to
the new well house at Well V. He recommends going directly to
Consolidated Electric Co on a time and materials basis to accomplish
this move at the least expense.
Motion by Jensen to authorize the Engineer to use Consolidated Electric
on a time and materials basis to move the Central Supervisory Control.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Tom Donahue reported that Apple Valley will have a report on the
intercity connection back to us by the next regular meeting.
Mr. Wayne Hatt from Brockway Glass Co was present to discuss a
possible water hook up for Brockway Glass Co.
Motion by Jensen to authorize the Engineer to prepare d preliminary
study to provide an 8 inch water main to Brockway Glass Co. Report
to include operating, hookup and standby costs. Second by Jones.
Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that the jetting machine company has asked for
and he has tentatively granted a 15 day extension to July 30, 1976.
Commission advised Don Brown to grant the extension.
Don Brown reported on PVC versus Clay Pipe as the standard pipe to
be used in specifications for future city utility improvements. Don
Brown presented the results of the deflection tests and recommends
using PVC in future improvements using SRD35 pipe with a wall thick-
ness of 240 thousands.
Motion by Jensen to recommend that PVC pipe be used wherever feasible
for new development within the City of Rosemount as the Engineer and
Superintendent have researched and recommended. Second by Jones.
Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that he would like to negotiate an agreement with
the City of Lakeville to trade sewer cleaning work with Lakeville as
they have a nodding machine that we will need from time to time and
they will have need of our jetter.
Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to meet with the Utility
Director, City of Lakeville to negotiate an agreement to allow for
trading sewer cleaning work between the two cities and report back
to the commission. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that Well #6 has had engine problems. Engine has
been repaired and will be reinstalled and operational on July 13th.
• South Rose Park Addition preliminary plat was presented for discussion.
• ROSEMOUNT, MINN. July 12, 1976
Motion by Jensen recommending approval of the preliminary plat of
South Rose Park Addition provided that all water line extensions
in and along Chippendale Ave be 16 inch in size and further that
all interior water lines be 8 inches or greater in size. Second
by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Commission requested a report showing the status of sanitary sewer
hook ups in the newly sewered area.
Motion by Jensaito adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F• Darling, Secretary
.. •
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
August 9, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all
members present.
Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of July 12, 1976 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to pay the
following bills: Second by Jones.
Ayes were three.
Postmaster Bohnert
Genz Ryan 7.01
I. A. Balto
Green Tree Agency 453.75
NCR Corp
John's Machine Shop 36.00
Corcoran Hardware
McCarthy Well Co 44.00
Cash Box
Metro Waste Control3,616.62
Curtis 1000
Northern States Power907.66
Postmaster Bohnert
Pine Bend Paving 71.24
State Treasurer
State Sales & Use Tax351.71
Alexander Construction
SERCO Laboratories 27.75
Corrigan Electric
Water Products Co 1,232.01
• Commonwealth Electric
General Industrial Supply
McCarthy Well Co 77.84
Frank Goggin gave a detailed
on the status of hook ups to
the sewer system.
Motion by Hasbrouck to hold a public hearing at 7:00 o'clock p.m.
September 13, 1976, to hear Bruce Braithwaite owner of the High
Site Apartments, cause for refusing to hook up to sewer as required
by City of Rosemount Ordinance XI.1. Second by Jensen. Ayes were
Don Brown presented the draft of an agreement between Lakeville and
Rosemount providing reciprocal use of the rodder owned by Lakeville
and the jetter owned by Rosemount. He noted changes requested by
both parties, further noting that these changes have been discussed
and are agreeable to both parties.
Motion by Jones to authorize preparation of a final draft agreement
and authorize the necessary signatures to enter into an agreement
with the City of Lakeville to provide reciprocal use of the rodder
and jetter per Don Browns recommendations. Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that the Rose Ryan connection was opened up and
found to be clogged. Repair has been made.
ROSEMOUNT, MINN. August 9, 1976
Don Brown reported on the Lester Freske connection. This connection
has been located where the as built plans indicate it to be.
Motion by Jensen that the Secm tary send Lester Freske a letter
indicating that the sewer connection is located where requested
and he is expected to accomplish connection per City of Rosemount
Ordinance No. XI.1. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that demolition plans and specifications for
the old sewer plant have been received. Plans and Specifications
cover work requested in 1974 and do not include the 1976 request.
Motion by Jensen directing the Secretary to follow up with the
Metropolitan Waste Control Commission asking that they include
the 1976 request in the old sewer plant demolition plans and
specifications. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Tom Donahue reported on the Brockway Water Main report.
President Jensen made the Utility Commission aware of a one day
Public Works Seminar to be held in Chicago, sponsored by the NLC,
on the Public Works Employment Act of 1976.
• Motion by Jones to authorize attendance at the Chicago meeting on
September 2nd by either Don Darling or Frank Goggin. Second by
Jensen. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Res ctfully submitted,
Don F. Darling, Secretary
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September
13, 1976 at 7:00 o'clock pm at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all
members present.
The purpose of this meeting was to hear the reasons for not
having hooked up to the sewer as required the fourplese::
apartment buildings commonly known as High Site Apartments,
owned by Bruce Braithwaite and managed by News Realty Co.
The Secretary stated he had the affidavit of Publication of the
hearing notice and also the affidavit of Mailed notice available
at the meeting.
President Jensen outlined the purpose of the meeting and opened
the meeting to comments from the audience.
The Owners representative was not aware of his reason for being
at the meeting therefore could not provide any information as to
why the properties were not hooked up.
• President Jensen closed the hearing.
Motion by Jensen that Attorney Grannis write the owner and his
representative and advise them they have thirty (30) days to
arrange for the connection of all their property, advising the
City when connection will be effected. Further that no response
within thirty (30) days will cause the City to notify them of the
date that water service to these dwellings will be discontinued.
Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to adjourn the special meeting. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling, Secretary
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
September 13, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all
members present.
Motion by Jones to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
August 9, 1976 as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
Motion by Hasbrouck
Ayes were three.
Delmar Violett
NCR Corp
Corcoran Hardware
W. W. Grainger
Coast to Coast
Northwest Airlines
Liq Store Rev Fund
Natl Leag of Cities
Flex Pipe Tool Co
Clayton Rand_.
City of Rosemount
NCR Corp
to pay the following bills: Second by Jones.
Automatic Garage Door
F. H. Bathke Co
.Central We
Davies Water Equip
Feed -Rite C6ntrols
Richard Hanson
Duane Michalski
Metro Waste Control
NCR Corp
Dept of Revenue
Don F. Darling
Kevin Ervasti and Edward McMenomy were present to discuss hooking
up the Bridges and a proposed new house to enable them to obtain
the permit to build the proposed house.
McMenomy presented a new utility layout that had not previously
been discussed. After discussion of the proposed utility layout,
McMenomy requested they be allowed to follow this layout and
asked that the Engineer prepare final plans and specifications to
allow installation of the utilities as requested.
Motion by Jensen to approve the plans as submitted by Ed McMenomy
for hooking up the Bridges and the proposed new house with McMenomy
to obtain all legal agreements and guarantee payment, further
authorizing the Engineer to prepare final plans and specifications
for the project. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that Jerry Olson had been hurt in an accident
and will be unavailable for work for an indeffinite period. He
further reported that he would like to receive authorization at
this time to hire some part time help but did not feel that he
would need the extra help right away. The Commission instructed
him to use his best judgement in obtaining part time help when
• ROSISMOUNT, MINN. September 13, 1976
Tom Donahue reported on the progress of Well V.
Tom Donahue reported on the Brockway Water Main report. Not
having received a response from Brockway Glass he had nothing
to report.
Motion by Jensen that all water bills not paid by September 30,
1976 be certified to the Dakota County Auditor to be placed on the
tax rolls for properties addressed as unpaid. Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes were three.
Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize the hiring of an OEA student to
be utilized in Utility Work at the City Offices. Second by
Jensen. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
(a -
Don F. Darling, Secretar
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
October 12, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members
Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
September 13, 1976 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jones to pay
Ayes were three.
Strese Union 76
Lampert Yards
Genz =Ryan
Carlson Tractor
Coast to Coast
Central Telephone
B & J Auto
Postmaster Bohnert
Commission of Revenue
State Treasurer
Mark Adelmann
Aquarius Swimming Pool
Roger Bulgren
Buettner Welding
Corrigan Electric
the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck.
Central Telephone
25 53
Terry Danielson
Francis J. Goggin
Green Tree Agency
Gigstad Painting
Edward Howard
Gary Jonson
Metro Waste Control
William Morgan
Roger Rebling
Northern States Power
Richard Tanberg
Van Waters & Rogers
Water Products Co
Don F. Darling
Frank Goggin reported the lack of progress in hooking up the four
fourplexes that the hearing was held on in September.
Motion by Hasbrouck to.set December 1, 1976 as the date for discontinuing
water service to the four fourplexes causing notice be sent to all
concerned, further notifying the three individuals still not hooked
up be notified that action will be taken in,the very near future to
accomplish these connections. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that Jerry Olson is back at work on a limited
basis and will be limited for at least another three weeks.
Don Brown reported that the purchaser of the Old City Hall and Fire
Hall may delay removal of these old buildings which may cause some
problems with the abandonment of the wells at this location. He
recommends that the service be cut and ended in highway No. 3 at the
• It was pointed out that budgets will be prepared before the next regular
meeting and the staff requested direction from the Commission. Several
areas of concern were discussed, one being the area around the new well
house and water tower. The Commission directed that the Vo -Tech be
contracted regarding landscaping of this area.
ROSEMOUNT. MINN. October 12, 1976
Motion by Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
Res ectfully s itted,
Don F. Darling, Secretary
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
November 8, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all
members present.
lotion by Jones to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
ctober 12, 1976 as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were
Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes were three.
Marv's Radiator
Consol Electric
Green Tree Agency
Waterous Co
General Indust Supply
Corrigan Electric
Genz -Ryan
Don F. Darling
Corcoran Hardware
Francis J. Goggin
Coast to Coast
Metro Waste Contol
B & J Auto
Peoples Gas Co
Northern States Power
Postmaster Bohnert
Vic's Welding
Darrell Wellik
State Treasurer
• Dept of Revenue
The Secretary reported that he had attended and testified at a
hearing brought about by a suit put together by the tennants of
the fourplexes against the owner and News Realty. The tennants
have petitioned the court to appoint an adminiitrator to receive
the rents and make repair to the buildings and affect the hook
up of the sewers. They won their suit by default as the defen-
dant did not show up. The Secretary further requested a delay
in the shut off date to allow the appointed administrator the
opportunity to perform. The Commission instructed those
present to delay shutting off the water and to place this item
on the agenda for the December meeting.
Motion by Jensen to reply to the letter from News Realty
addressed to Grannis & Grannis, stating that their suggested
schedule of connection is not acceptable. Second by Jones.
Ayes were three.
Preliminary budget was presented by Jerry Olson. Further
discussion will be held when the Clerk's office has the income
figures for the year.
Tom Donahue reviewed the rough draft of the feasibility report
• for utilities and streets in the South Rosepark Addition.
ROscNOUNT, MINN. November 8, 1976
Don Brown presented his recommendations for refinement of the
alarm system for the wells. He recommended an alarm at the
Police Department, City Offices and three homes (Brown, Olson
and Cook) as the ideal system. This system would monitor the
building temperature at Well #7 also as this building is
electrically heated and could be a problem should a circuit
breaker fail.
Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to have installed on
his and Jerry Olson's phones an alarm system for the wells.
Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Don Brown presented a bill from Sauber Plumbing for cleaning a
service line for a resident; that latter proved to be a problem
in the lateral that our forces took care of. He recommended
not paying this bill as he was not notified of the problem
before action was taken by the resident.
Motion by Jensen to return the bill unpaid, stating that is is
not a bill against the City. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Don Brown reported that Well #7 has been started. There are a
few final adjustments to be made before it becomes a part of
the system.
Jerry Olson reported on water lines needed at the new hockey
Motion by Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were
Res ctfully submitted,
Don F. Darling, Secretary
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
December 13, 1976, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members
Motion by Jones to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
November 8, 1976, as printed. Second by $ensen. Ayes were three.
Motion by Hasbrouck
Ayes were three.
Postmaster Bohnert
Don F. Darling
Frank J. Goggin
Postmaster Bohnert
Arnie Jensen
Paul Jones
Wesley Hasbrouck
Billie Jean Anderson
Dan Harfknecht
Ronald Beck
Buettner Welding Sup
Central Telephone
The preliminary plat
to pay the following bills. Second by Jones
Truck Tire Center
Kenneth Friesen
Fairfax Construction
Flexible Pipe Co.
John Iverson
Peoples Natural Gas
Dept of Revenue
Feed Rite Controls
ly 14.26
Metro Waste Control
of Rosemount Hills was presented for review.
Motion by Jensen to recommend to the Planning Commission and the
Council that they approve this plat without municipal utilities. Secodid
by Jones. Ayes were three.
The Secretary requested the Commission to consider the purchase of a new
typewriter for the City Offices. The Secretary recommended that Utilities
purchase this typewriter as they were not required to participate in the
purchase of furniture for the new offices.
Motion by Jensen to purchase a new typewriter as recommended by the
Secretary for $341.00 with trade. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Commission was updated on the 'looping of the downtown water system.
Tom Donahue presented the final draft of the South Rose Park Addition
feasibility study that has been discussed from the rough draft at the
last regular meeting.
Tom Donahue reported on the request of the Rose Garden to provide
municipal utilities to their property.
ROSEMOUNT, MINN. December 13, 1976
The Attorney for and the President of News Realty was present to discuss
the hooking up of the fourplexes known as the High Site Apartments.
Discussion was heard on their proposals and requests for assistance in
hooking these units to the sewer system.
Motion by Jensen that the Secretary contact Dave Grannis III regarding
an agreement to allow the hooking up of these units allowing a reasonable
time fox payment of the City Charges, with a reasonable time being no longer
than onths. Hook up is to be effected immediately of all the units
after the agreement has beehsigned. Further a rate schedule is to be worked
out between the attorneys for payment of the hook up charges. All Metro SAC
charges and permit charges are to be paid prior to hooking up these units
with pnly payment of the City Charges being delayed. Second by Jones.
Ayes were three. '
Don Brown requested authorization for Jerry Olson's attendance at the
Collection System Operators Seminar to be held at the Thunderbird Motel
in Bloomington on January 19 -21, 1977, further requesting the Commission
to authorize payment of the $30.00 preregistration fee.
Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize Jerry Olson's attendance at the
Collection System Operators Seminar and the $30.00 preregistration fee.
Second by Jensen. Ayes were three.
• Don Brown reported that the Freight Company that delivered the jetter has
paid a claim for exterior paint damage to the machine in the amount of
$155.00. He further requested that rather than have the exterior of the
machine spot painted at this time we hold this money in the account,
The Commission instructed the Secretary to show this recommendation in
the records.
Don Brown reported that the Supt of the U of M Research Center has
approached him about using the jetter on U of M sewer problems with
them paying a fee for such use. Discussion was delayed to a future
date when more information is available.
Don Brown reported on a meeting regarding the Safe Water Drinking Act
to be held at the St Paul VoTech School in January requesting he be
authorized to attend this meeting. The Commission directed Don Brown
to attend this meeting.
Don Brown recommended a $75.00 per month salary increase for Jerald
Olson effective December 1, 1976.
Motion by Jensen to increase Jerald Olson's salary by $75.00 per month
as recommended. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
• ROSKMOUNT, MINN. December 13, 1976
Don Brown reported on smelly water conditions that have recurred. He
was directed to do sampling and build data on this problem using various
methods to pinpoint the problem area.
The Secretary requested that the supplier be contacted about a payoff
figure for the jetter, stating the penalties if any and that he be
allowed to pay for the jetter in 1976.
Motion by Jensen to pay off the jetter if there is no excessive
penalties involved from the firm holding the mortage. Second by
Jones. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling, 6ecretary