HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 UC MinutesROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROszMOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 10, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present.` Motion by Hasbrouck to appoint Arnie Jensen President of the Utility Commission for 1977. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 13, 1976 as corrected. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. W. W. Grainger 55.00 Donal Carroll 5.00 Genz Ryan 1.31 Rev Ed Johnson 22.91 Corcoran's 14.85 Mike Farrington 22.91 CH &E Mfg Co 35.46 LANDCO Enterprises 35.00 Flexible Pipe Tool 7,687.60 Metro Waste Control 1,948.90 Minn Pollution Cont 30.00 NSP 307.22 NCR Corp 510.81 PEoples Nat Gas 87.34 Comm of Revenue 17.90 SERCO Labs 27.75 State Treasurer 8.64 Charles Truman 23.14 Dale Meyer 6.24 Richard Wood 9.10 Richard Ahlgren 18.28 10,883.71 James Bitterman 9.35 The Secretary reported on the progress of hooking up the four fourplex .units. Motion by Jensen that the Secretary prepare a notice for delivery by Don Brown to the tenants of the fourplexes, stating that service will be discontinued on February 15, 1977. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Roger Peterson owner of the car wash on Burma-,-Avenue was present to request special handling of his sewer billing. Due to City policy of using the quarter January falls in has created an unusual sewer billing on his property. Motion by Jensen that Roger Peterson's Car Was sewer bill be adjusted in July after a full years operating experience is avail- able with the City averaging the bills to allow proper adjustment. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on the :progress of the alarm system for the well houses. He is still attempting to obtain quotes and will have them ready.for the next regular meeting. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROssMOUNT, MINN. January 10 , 1977 Don Brown reported that the pump at Well #3 had sand locked. He reported further that it is running again but should it lock again it will have to be bailed to correct this problem. He was directed by the Commission to have it bailed should it sand lock again. Don Brown reported that they are still researching the smelly water problem. Don Brown reported on the State Inspection report on the wells. President Jensen reminded the Commission of the Public Hearing scheduled for January 25, 1977 regarding the looping of the water service for the downtown area and urged them to attend. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, 1 4 4 Don F. Darling, Secreta ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held,on February 7, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 10, 1977 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills: Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Buettner Welding 6.00 Steve Rechtzigel 26.21 B & J Auto 18.21 Rosemount Dodge 9.00 Central Tele 31.50 Robert Stolp 18.31 Coast to Coast 10.96 Orvin Swenson 35.00 Corcoran's 20.47 Water Products 199.24 Fischer Sand 17.65 Central Telephone 31.50 W. W. Grainger 8.37 Taylor Rental 30.95 Genz Ratan 31.30 Fischer Sand 11.84 Ken's Welding 120.00 Corcoran's 29.97 Lynde Co 12.85 Coast to Coast 31.89 Lampert Yards 20.85 B & J Auto .87 Dept of Revenue 352.58 NCR Corp 200.00 Metro Waste 1,948.90 Postmaster Bohnert 27.00 NSP 662.20 Div of Water 5.00 Peoples Gas 375.85 Postmaster Bohnert 26.73 Pierson- Wilcox Electric 45.00 Ken's Welding 615.00 4,981.20 Mrs. Jill Downey of 3190 145th Street West was present to request the Utility Commission pay for having their water service thawed out. Don Brown explained that the policy has been to thaw the service out one time only and then turn the water on and let it run. He further explained that he had thawed the service out but it froze again shortly after being thawed. Motion by Hasbrouck to reimburse Mrs. Downey for one half of the cost of the second thawing, that one hatf being $45.00 upon pre- sentation by Mrs. Downey of proof that the bill has been paid. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. The Secretary reported that the fourplexes have now paid their SAC & permit fees and the permits have been issued. The preliminary plat of Rosemount Hills Second Addition was presented for review. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the Planning Commission and the is City Council that they approve this plat without municipal utilities. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. 0 • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RoscmoumT. MINN. February 7, 1977 The Secretary asked the Utility Commission if they would consider being appointed as the City of Rosemount Cable Commission if the Council would consider this appointment. The secretary was instructed to place this on the agenda for the next regular meeting for further discussion. Don Brown reported on the water and sewer service freezing problems. To date there has been 21 frozen water services and 1 frozen sewer service. He further reported that he is installing k inch bypass lines to prevent frozen water services but asked for guidance on the sewer service problem. It was decided that the customer should make every effort to correct the sewer service problem before we become involved. Don Brown requested the Utility Commission study the possibility of purchasing a standby generator - welder for use as a welder, emergency power supply and a tool for thawing water services. Don Brown reported that he can have the trouble alarm installed in the well houses for approximately $400.00 with a monthly charge of $14.40 to tie the alarm to the phones in his and Jerry Olson's houses. Motion by Jensen to approve the installation of the trouble alarm system as presented by Don Brown. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown requested the Utility Commission study the possibility of establishing a fund for Capital Improvements, suggesting that a percentage of the net profit be ear marked in some way to distinquish those funds and name the purposes for which it may be used. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, t Don F. Darling, Secretary 7 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSKNOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of xosemount was duly held on March 7, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 7, 1977 as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills:Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. City of Rosemount 10,000.00 Dennis Hirmer 15.44 American Typewriter 341.00 Dorrian Johnson 35.00 Coast to Coast 9.36 L & L Welding 715.00 Corcorans 105.43 Metro Waste Contol4,752.00 Corrigan Electric 37.36 Metro Waste Contoll,948.90 Dennis Johnson 13.46 NSP 598.95 Maynard Schulz 27.87 Peoples Gas 349.73 Denneth Downey 45.00 Dept of Rev 125.68 Robert Foss 70.00 Serco Labs 27.75 Genz Ryan Plbg 15.48 19,233.41 • Secretary reported on the progress of hooking up of the four four - plexes. The Commission was informed that the actual hookup has been delayed by the Gas Co due to the proximity of gas lines to the sewer service locations. Also that one of the duplexes has been sold and the secretary has requested that someone from the City be advised of the closing date to allow us to attend to collect the 33% of the balance due at the closing as per the agreement. The Commission was advised that.there are three single family homes still not hooked up. Motion by Jensen to direct the Secretary to send letters to these three owners advising them that they have until May 16th to arrange to hook up to the sewer. If not arranged for by that date their water service is to be discontinued until such time as arrangements have been made for hooking up. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen that the Utilities Commission offer to set as the Cable TV Commission for the balance of 1977 at the City Council's discreation and to reappraise and reconsider this appointment with the City Council for 1978. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. March 7, 1977 Don Brown asked the Utility Commission to consider additional gate valves in the South Rose Park Addition. He requested One 8 ince valve midway between Canada Ave & Chippendale Ave on 152nd Street, One 12 inch valve on Canada A e immediately north of the intersection with 152nd Street and One 12 inch valve on Canada Ave immediately south of the intersection with 152nd Street. Motion by Jones to authorize the installation of One additional 12 inch valve on Canada Ave immediately north of the intersection with 152nd Street. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on the progress of the alarm system for the wells. He has gathered some information on a pager system and requests further time to complete his investigation of this type of system. Don Brown requested the Utility Commission to consider supporting a request for a raise for Craig Fleming, further recommending that any amount over the CETA maximum be paid out of Utility Funds. He recommends an increase of $92.00 per month for a total monthly salary of $925.00. • Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that Craig Fleming be given an increase in salary to $925.00 per month effect- ive April 1, 1977, with the Utility Fund paying the cost difference between the maximum CETA reimbursement and the $925.00. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown requested authorization for attendance at Water School for three individuals. He requests to attend Advanced Water School, Jerry Olson to attend Basic Water School and take the test and Craig Fleming to attend Basic Water School. Motion by Jensen to authorize attendance at the Water Schools as recommended by Don Brown with the Utilities Fund to pay for registrations and tests. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue was instructed to research fire line hookup charges for the Red Owl Store and be prepared to make a recommendation at the next Regular Meeting. Don Brown and Tom Donahue were instructed to research barrier protection for the elevated tank legs. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. U Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, .Don F. Darling, Secretary C] ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on April 11, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Acting President Jones with President Jensen absent. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 7, 1977 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. B & J Auto 10.06 Green Tree Agency 628.02 City of Eagan 19.88 Donald L. Johnson 25.18 Corrigan Electric 18.90 Jeffco Power Systems 15.68 Garwood Twin Cities 41.00 Daniel Lockler 11.02 Coast to Coast 122.76 Dwight Lewis 8.04 Central Telephone 31.50 Marvin McGuire 10.19 NCR Corp 42.21 Marv's Radiator 20.50 North Central Section 81.00 Metro Waste Contl 1,948.90 State Treasurer 5.00 Corcorans 23.53 Postmaster Bohnert 43.83 Milsco Engr 9.12 Postmaster Bohnert 45.00 NSP 153.72 Curtis 1000 50.00 Plant & Flange 242.00 NCR Corp 324.90 Peoples Nat Gas 55.39 Donald Amundenn 13.76 Rosemount Auto 9.06 Wayne D. Anderson 13.42 SERCO Labs 27.75 Michael Abelson 15.85 David J Todd 9.66 B & J Auto 131.17 John Winters 9.69 Central Telephone 31.50 W. W. Grainer 85.70 State Treasurer 2.40 4,337.29 Tom Donahue presented his recommendations on connection charges for the new Red Owl Store. for Motion by Hasbrouck to delay the decision on the Red Owl Store connection charges to the next regular meeting when all are present. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Secretary reported that the four fourplexes have been hooked up and letters have been sent to the three home owners still not hooked up. Gary Kollman was present to discuss his water bill as he had experienced frozen water lines and was told to leave his water run. He requested a credit for water metered and not used. Motion by Hasbrouck to bill Gary Kollman first quarter sewer on actual metered use, water on a 12,000 gallon estimate and reduce the sewer charge for the balance of the year to 12,000 gallons. Second by Jones. Ayes were thee. irwe/ ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosumouNT, MINN. April 11, 1977 Don Brown presented the Richard Corcoran water bill and past history. Commission decided that due to too many estimated readings the billing should stand as is. Don Brown reported that the west pump in the lift station is out of order and needs repair or replacement. He has an estimate of $1,200.00 to replace with new and an estimate of approximately $600.00 to repair. He recommends that repair should be made at a cost of approximately $600.00. Motion by Jones to authorize the repair of the pump in the lift station at a cost of approximately $600.00. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Don Brown reported a complaint from the Biscayne Way are of smelly water. He asked Jerry Olson to present information on a Polly Pig system that could be used to clean these pipes in an attempt to clear up this problem. The Commission asked that cost estimates for this process and further information be made available at the next regular meeting. Don Brown reported that wells numbers one and two are ready to be • capped. He informed the Commission that as of now a certified well company has to do the work in accordance with State of Minn Regulations. He has asked for quotes for this work from Layne Minnesota, McCarthy Well and Ryan Well Co. Layne Minn will do the job for $700.00 and salvage rights to equipment removed. Mc Carthy Well Co estimates they would have to charge from $1,000.00 to $1,500.00. No quote was received from Ryan Well Co. He recommends having Layne Minnesota Co do the job for $700.00 and salvage rights. Motion by Hasbrouck to award the quote for removing the equipment and sealing wells numbers one and two to Layne Minnesota for the cost of $700.00 and they have salvage rights. Second by Jones. Ayes were two. Final 1977 Budgets are to be on the agenda for the Regular Meeting in May. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 9, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 11, 1977 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to pay the following corrected bills: Second by Jones. Ayes were three. B & J Auto Supply 6.28 NSP 454.30 Michael A. Broback 32.00 Peoples Gas 88.60 Robert Cutler 5.45 Larry Prior 22.16 Central Telephone 31.50 Dept of Revenue 246.30 General Repair 580.70 SERCO Labs 27.75 Larry Gergen 5.72 Plant & Flanged 69.53 Hall Equipment Co 12.03 Hayden Murphy 1.32 Metro Waste Control Comm 1,948.90 Water Products Co 72.36 3,604.90 Park & Recreation Director Randy Oppelt was present to request the Utility Commission consider upgrading the appearance of the well houses in Dallara and Chippendale Parks. He was asked to discuss this with the Park Commission and formulate some ideas on what could be done to improve the appearance of the Well Houses and report back to the Utility Commission. Secretary presented the Carroll Property Preliminary Plat for review. Motion by Jensen that it is feasible to serve this plat with utilities and that the Utility Commission recommends approval of this plat, and further requests that the City Council include street lighting for this plat in the feasibility study along with utilities. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Secretary presented the final draft of the 1977 budget for discussion and possible adoption. Motion by Jensen to approve and adopt the 1977 budget as presented. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Jerry Olson was present to update the Commission on the possible use of Poly Pigs. No costs are available as yet. The supplier is very confident that his product would solve the iron bacteria problems encountered in the older water lines in the city. The • Utility Commission directed Jerry Olson to gather further infor- mation regarding cost and implementation and be prepared to report to the Utility Commission at the regular June meeting. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RoszmcuNT, MINN. May 9, 1977 Tom Donahue reported on his research into hook up charges for the Red Owl Store being constructed by IBI, Inc. Motion by Jensen to allow IBI, Inc to hook up to the existing 6" water line for their sprinkler system and that they repair the lines and driveways as needed with the Clerk to review any other charges to be paid the City of Rosemount for this building. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue presented ideas for protecting the elevated storage tank legs from runaway vehicles on County Road 42 Bypass. He presented the idea of either an earthen birm or steel and concrete pillars at intervals around the tank legs. The Utility Commission directed Tom Donahue to research the cost of concrete filled steel pipes of adequate size to afford this protection and report back as soon as possible. Tom Donahue presented Apple Valley's response to our inquiry regarding the possible inter - connection of the two cities water systems. Tom Donahue was instructed to reply to Apple Valley stating that the City of Rosemount is interested in their Alternate No. 2 which was outlined in our minutes of April 12, 1976. • Don Brown reported that Layne Minnesota has removed most of the equipment from Wells No. 1 & 2 and will finish the job after the buildings have been removed. Don Brown asked the Utility Commission to consider installing a fire hydrant in the area of the proposed Red Owl parking Lot. No action was taken at this time. Don Brown reported that his department is in need of a saw capable of cutting water mains. Cost of this piece of equipment could be as high as $300.00. He was instructed to check out various types of cutting tooks, their costs and report back to the Utility Commission with this information and his recommendations. Don Brown reported that Jerald Olson has successfully completed the Water Operators Class B tests and has received his certificate. Don Brown reported that Craig Fleming has successfully completed . the Water Operators Class D tests and has received his certificate. Don Brown reported on the cost of a pager alarm system to be approximately $4,000.00. He recommends going ahead with the phone alarm system as authorized at the November 8, 1976 meeting. He was instructed to proceed as originally planned. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RossMOUNT. MINN. May 9, 1977 Secretary reported that there has been no contact by the three home owners still not hooked up to the sewer system. Utility Commission instructed Don Brown to contact the attorney again to confirm what should be done at this time. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, 1 Don F. rling, Secretary n ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosamouNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on June 13, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 9, 1977, as printed. Second by Jensen ;Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Genz Ryan 106.40 Fluegel Elevator 170.00 United Bldg Centers 37.50 Larry's Standard 7.00 Corrigan Elec 398.40 Lamperts Yard 29.25 Russ Johnson Sales 43.38 McCarthy Well Co 40.00 NSP 333.87 Pine Bend Paving Inc 107.80 City of Rosemount 91.50 Peoples Gas 52.80 Green Tree Agency 1,212.48 SERCO Labs 27.75 Postmaster Bohnert 191.40 Wilroy Inc 38.28 Comm of Revenue 129.99 Elvin Snyder 25.01 Banister Engr 6,647.03 Ralph Swineford 9.47 B & J Auto 11.53 Broco Contracting 23.51 • Central Telephone 31.50 Fairfax Const 25.38 Coast to Coast 24.62 Gerald Karth 24.46 Corcorans 24.62 Sylvester Schwiesow 26.40 Carlson Tractor 170.00 Robert Foss 27.30 9,905.38 Secretary reported on the City Council action regarding the OEA Program and requested that the Utility Commission authorize their participation in paying for the one OEA position starting immediately on a 50/50 basis with the General Fund. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the Secretary's request for authorization to pay for 50% of the cost of the OEA position from Utility Funds. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. President Jensen reported on the progress of the sewer hookups and that he had been contacted about hooking up the new Milw depot to the sewer system. He further directed that the Car Wash be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting for discussion. Don Brown reported that he has discovered that some builders have been straight piping the water in new homes and using the water without meters. He recommended that this be allowed to happen as it does a much better job of flushing the lines before a water meter is installed thereby causing fewer call backs for sand in meters. Commission members agreed to this recommendation. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RossMOUNT, MINN. June 13, 1977 Don Brown reported that Well's 1 & 2 have been sealed and covered up. Don Brown presented a research document regarding a proposed water control board with his replies to the questionaire. The Commission agreed that he has drafted a reasonable reply that reflects their thinking and authorized submission of the questionaire as prepared. Don Brown presented estimates on Poly Pigs. After some dis- cussion Tom Donahue recommended retaining a testing company to determine what is causing the smelly water problem in isolated areas of the system and to make recommendations on how to correct the problem. Motion by Jensai that Tom Donahue research the possibility of hiring an Engineering Testing Lab to find out why our water on the east side of the Old Village smells and if it has iron bacteria, reporting back t0 the Utility Commission at the next regular meeting. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented the idea of mailing out a notice • indicating that flushing water mains may take place on any given Thursday, to allow him to flush lines without waiting on notice in the paper. The Utility Commission agreed with Don Brown's idea and instructed him to send out these notices. Don Brown presented the idea of the city providing a travel trailer sewer dumping station. He explained that Rosemount Dodge has one but it is located in such a way that it can't be used most of the time due to congestion of new equipment in the area. He was instructed to contact Jim Evenson about the possibility of a dumping station at the new location and report back at the next regular meeting. Don Brown presented the 18 point well inspection reports from McCarthy Well Co. He reported that he will have quotes for repair to Well #6 at the next regular meeting. Tom Donahue reported on the progress of his - investigation of storage tower leg protection. Various layouts were discussed. He was instructed to obtain cost estimates on the various types of protection and report back at the next regular meeting. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Re ctfull submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretar ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on July 11, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with Commissioner Jones absent. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 13, 1977 as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. Dakota County Tribune 24.00 Feed Rite Controls 252.32 Metro Waste Comm 1,948.90 Lamperts 2.64 Fischer Sand & Aggre 13.64 Metro Waste Comm 1,948.90 NSP 483.79 Peoples Nat Gas 16.84 Green Tree Agency 77.94 SERCO Labs 27.75 I. A. Balto 735.00 Dept of Rev 455.75 Postmaster Bohnert 44.37 Terrys Skelly 48.55 Metro Waste Comm 742.50 Gary Wong 23.77 State Treasurer 20.65 Water Products 1,950.13 Corcorans 11.28 Wilroy Inc 51.73 8,880.45 Commissioner Jones arrived • at 7:35 p.m. The Secretary requested that the Commission consider changing the penalty for none return of meter cards. He reported that to many cards are not being returned which causes problems in billing. Motion by Jensen to change the penalty rate on meter reading post cards to read " a late charge of $5.00 will be added if the card is not received in the City Office within 15 days of the postmark on the meter reading card." Second by Jones. Ayes were three. The Secretary requested that the Commission consider changing the Sanitary Sewer charge policy to allow billing actual sewer usage for Commercial Customers. He reported that several of our commercial accounts have higher water consumption in the winter quarters than they do in the summer quarters thereby inflating their summer billings. Motion by Jones to bill commercial water customers on actual usage for sewer rather than basing their sewer usage charge on the quarter that January falls in. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. The Utility Commission reviewed the drawings of the proposed tree . and shrub plantings for the water tower site. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSICMOYNT, MINN. July 11, 1977 Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the plans for tree and shrub plantings at the Water tower site and authorize obtaining quotes for the trees and shrubs. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue reported on protection for the water tower legs. Don Brown was instructed to examine the possibility of installing the protection devises with his men and effect installation as soon as possible. Tom Donahue reported on Water Testing costs. Serco Labs has submitted an informal quote of $2,211.00. Twin City Testing has submitted an informal quote of $1,500.00 to $2,000.00. Tom Donahue recommended that Serco Labs be retained for this work as their proposal appears to contain a more comprehensive study and report. Motion by Jensen to authorize a contract with Serco Labs as their letter of June 22, 1977 indicates and that Tom Donahue and Don Brown work with Serco Labs to study the causes of the smelly water condition in certain portions of our water system. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that the IHC pickup is having transmission • problems. He was instructed to obtain firm prices for repair and report back at the next regular meeting. Don Brown reported that he had contacted Jim Evenson regarding a camper dump site. Jim Evenson related that he plans to include this facility at the new Winnebago South location. Don Brown presented informal quotes for a portable water main saw. Homeliie quoted $552.90 and Target quoted $489.70. He recommended purchase of the Target saw at $489.70. Motion by Je�sen to purchase a Target Model 12/65 Saw for $489.70. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on his investigation on hooking up the car wash to the sanitary sewer system. He reported that it will be a very simple procedure. Motion by Jensen directing Don Brown to proceed with hooking up the car wasW to the sanitary sewer system. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented the judges findings on the Lester Freske sewer hook up litigation. • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSKMOYNT, MINN. July 11, 1977 Don Brown was directed by the Utility Commission to contact Lester Freske to determine what he expects from the City and what the City can expect from him and report back to the Commission at their next regular meeting. Don Brown presented a draft advertisement for quotes for repair to Well #6. He was instructed to obtain further information on the pump in Well #6 and report back at the next regular meeting with his findings. Don Brown reported on a volume and pressure problem with the Loftus and Doyle homes on Cameo Ave, due to a common service installed many years ago. He was instructed to provide two curb stops and seperate services if they agree to utilize both services. President Jensen proposed to sell the North 10 to 12 acres of the 56 acres to provide revenue for building an addition to the existing Utility Garage. He proposed selling it to the Park Department if they wish to retain it for park purposes or to sell it on the open Market. Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize the pursuit of the sale of the north 10 to 12 acres of the 56 acres with monies recieved to be • dedicated to building an addition to the existing Utility Garage on Brazil Ave. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. President Jensen expressed concern about signing of Well Houses and buildings owned by the City. These signs should state the facts concerning these edifices and the appurtenants within these buildings. Furhter checking will be done on this and reported on at a future meeting. President Jensen presented the Strength Charge System received from the Metro Waste Control Commission and asked that Tom Donahue provide information regarding its impact on City of Rosemount users. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Da ling, Secretary • 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSSMOYNT, MINN. August 8, 1977 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on August 8, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck.to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 11, 1977 as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay Ayes were three. Postmaster Bohnert Postmaster Bohnert Dept of Revenue Amer Auto Trim B & J Auto Gale Benson Central Telephone S. R. Christenson Dak AVTI (Sery Station) Jerome Ebacher Corcoran's Genz Ryan Intl A.P.M.O. the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. 30.78 31.23 455.72 68.00 7.84 19.65 63.64 15.59 4.50 19.94 24.49 29.80 7.50 Arlyn Lamb David Nielson NSP Patrick Riley SERCO.Labs Robert Thorp Daryl Schmidt Tom's Red Owl Dakota County Trib Hayden Murphy Lamperts Fischer Sand Consolidated Elec Don Brown reviewed the progress on the Lester Freske up with the Commission. 23.73 18.99 503.24 13.62 593.96 12.85 11.05 1.85 106.25 46.00 6.24 21.45 184.50 2,322.41 sewer hook Motion by Jones to authorize Don Brown to settle this matter by agreeing to the City accomplishing this hook up with Lester Freske participating in paying � of the estimated costs. Estimated costs are $1,800.00 as stated in the judges order findings therefore Freske is to advance � of the $1,800.00 or $900.00 to the City prior to the City affecting hook up. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. President Jensen advised the Utility Commission of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission proposal to purchase 600 to 1000 acres of land adjacent to the Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Plant for sludge and ash disposal. He urged the members to be in attend- ance at the August 16th Regular Council meeting at which time this will be discussed with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. The Preliminary Plats for Mickelson's First and Second Additions were presented „for review. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the Planning Commission and the • City Council that they approve these two plats without municipal utilities provided they conform to all city ordinances. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosamouNT, MINN. August 8, 1977 Don Brown reported that Apple Valley has not responded to Tom Donahue's letter of July 11, 1977 regarding the interconnection of the two cities water systems. President Jensen reported that the Park & Recreation Committee has discussed the Commission proposal to sell the north 10 to 12 acres of the 56 acres. They indicated they wish to retain this area for parks but do not intend to pay for it. Don Brown reported that the Car Wash has been hooked up to the sanitary sewer system. President Jensen reported that he has talked to Loftus and Doyle regarding their water pressure problem. He reported thay they feel that the problem could be in Doyle's house. They asked that nothing be done at this time. Motion by Jensen to authorize the purchase of trees and shrubs for the Water Tower site from Cross Nursery and Bailey Nursery to obtain the trees and shrubs at the best possible price. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Tom Donahue reported that they have investigated the strength charge • ordinance proposed by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and find that none of the Rosemount users will be effected by this. Rosemount will probably be required to adopt such an ordinance to regulate future users. Tom Donahue reported that SERCO Labs have made the tests on samples from the water system and are now writing the report. Report will be available prior to the next Regular Meeting. Don Brown reported that the tower leg guards are at the site and will be installed within the next two weeks. Don Brown presented the only quote he could obtain for repairing the International Pickup transmission. Quote is from Terry's Auto Repair of Rosemount in the amount of $436.50. Quote includes complete rebuilding but any parts not required to be replaced would be deleted from the billing in the amounts shown on the quote. Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize repair of the Internation Pickup transmission by Terry's Auto Repair at a cost not to exceed $436.50. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented redrafted specs for repair to Well #6. McCarthy Well Co prepared a letter for him giving all the information they have regarding the make up of Well #6 and these have been included • in the redrafted specs. Motion by Jensen to obtain quotes for repair to Well #6 per specs, from all of the well companies that do this kind of work. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosumouNT, MINN. August 8, 1977 Don Brown presented a set of specs for cleaning and repairing the Water Tower. He asked that he be allowed to include a side entry manhole and painting of the outside of the tower in these specs. Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to obtain quotes for repair to the Water Tower per memo dated August 8, 1977, specs to include outside painting, outside entry manhole and to include a time schedule favorable to the City of Rosemount. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, C�� A�� I Don F. Darling, Secre ry • r 1 • • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosEMOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 12, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the August 8, 1977 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills Ayes were three. NSP 105.25 Ryan Well Metro Waste Comm 1,948.90 Serco Labs H&A Broback 108.15 Terrys Ske Corcorans 5.55 Metro West Donnell Co 95.33 Dept of Re Goodin Co 493.20 Water Prod Green Tree Agcy 559.98 Joe Britti Lampert Yards 6.24 Patrick Th NCR 50.00 Daniel 0'N NSP 325.96 Richard Ne NCR 11.65 Roger Ston B & J Auto 1.60 Stephen Bu Corcorans 16.22 Jeff Jestu City of Rosemount 565.50 Richard Ho Curtis 1000 373.20 Michael Eh Carlson Tractor 65.47 William Me Genz Ryan 45.94 Robert Moe Goodin Co 23.78 1st Fed of Lampert Yards 4.96 Postmaster NSP 11.93 Steve Vanderboom of SERCO Labs was present their report on the Rosemount Water System. Second by Hasbrouck. Co 243.00 1,640.25 lly 410.00 e Comm 1,948.90 v 206.69 ucts 55.22 ngham 35.00 ompson 22.23 eil 22.10 lson 19.15 e 51.49 ck 29.27 s 23.94 bson 22.88 lert 29.34 yer 35.00 de 35.00 Hastings 35,000.00 Bohnert 41.76 44,824.07 to present and discuss Don Brown presented quotes on the Water Tower Maintenance from Municipal Tank & Tower Co of Brandon, So Dak in the amount of $11,700.00 without interior sand blasting and $14,700 with interior sandblasting; quote from Schumann Bros of White Bear Lake, Minn in the amount of $22,500.00 complete. Don Brown had requested quotes from several water tower mainten- ance companies and upon receipt of the quotes realized that the amounts involved are in excess of amounts that can legally be awarded on pencil quotes. He therefore recommended that all quotes be rejected and that he be allowed to advertise for sealed bids at a later date. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. September 12, 1977 Jerry Eleeson of Municipal Tank & Tower Co was present to discuss his quote and time of the repair should he be awarded the contract. Motion by Jensen to set a special meeting for 4 p.m., Friday, September 16, 1977 for the purpose of acting upon the water tower repair quotes thereby allowing additional time to research this matter. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented quotes for repair to Well #6 from Layne Minn- esota of $952.00, Keys Well Drilling of $1,100.00, Bergerson - Caswell Inc of $1,347.00 and McCarthy Well Co of $1y440.00. Don Brown recommended awarding the quote to Keys Well Drilling Co for $1,100.00 as he felt that their bid contained the best rate schedules and would provide the City with a definite maximum cost of repair. Robert Devens of Bergerson - Caswell was present to present their qualifications for the repair to Well #6. Motion by Jensen to delay decision on the awarding of the contract for repair to Well #6 until 4:15 p.m. Friday, September 16, 1977 • to allow further clarification of the contents of the quotes. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on the lack of progress on the Freske sewer connection. Don Brown reported on the progress of the landscaping project at the Well #7 Water Tower site. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, a 4k Don F. Darling, Secretary • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 16, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 4;15 p.m. by President Jensen with Commissioner Jones absent. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to take action on the repair to Well #6 and Maintenance of the Water Tower. Don Brown had prepared information needed to reach a decision on the awarding of the quote for repair to Well #6. He again recommended awarding the contract to Keys Well Drilling Co. Motion by Hasbrouck to award the contract for repair to Well #6 to Keys Well Drilling Co in the amount of $1,100.00. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. The Secretary informed the Commission that Attorney Dave Grannislll had been contacted regarding the method of obtaining quotes and amounts involved in the maintenance of the Water lower and he advised that there will have to be advertisement for sealed bids due to the amounts involved. Motion by Jensen to reject all quotes for the Water Tower repair and maintenance and place this on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Utility Commission for further discussion. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary is • C] • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on October 10, 1977, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the September 12, 1977 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the September 16, 1977 Special Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay Ayes were three. Apple Valley Red -E -Mix Bailey Nursery B & J Auto Central Telephone Curtis 1000 Ronald Kerkvliet the following bills: Second by Jensen. 138.05 Marv's Radiator 125.00 56.00 Metro Waster Contr 1,948.90 1.91 NSP 577.23 31.50 NCR Corp 50.00 18.53 J hn Palmitessa 15.26 14.35 SERCO Labs 12.00 The Lester Freske letter was discussed with Don Brown that the City Attorney was to forward a copy of it to handling the court case to be added to his file. The letter from Mrs. Richard Prigge was discussed. 2,988.13 reporting the Judge Motinn by Jensen to direct the Secretary to respond to Mrs. Prigge stating that the meter card was sent first class mail and not having been returned to the City Hall we must assume that it was delivered and that the $3.93 late charge will be waived provided the $5.00 charge for not returning the card is paid. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Metro Waste Control Commission letter regarding storm water infiltration was discussed. Don Brown will check to see if there was in impact due to the storm they referred to and answer the letter from the MWCC. Don Brown reported on the SERCO Lab letter and asked for direction on the best way to disseminate the information contained in the report. He was instructed to notify those involved that an Independent Testing Service has made a thorough study and the results are available for their inspection at the City Hall. 0 • is ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosumouNT, MINN. October 10, 1977 Don Brown advised the Commission that he will be vacationing out of town the 14th through the 27th of October. Don Brown reported on the progress of the repair to Well #6, advising the Commission that he had authorized sandblasting and painting of the column pipe in addition to the repair called for in the specifications. Don Brown reported that the alarm system for the wells has been installed but due to some problems is still being tested. Don Brown recommended that the Commission authorize advertising for sealed bids for the maintenance and painting of the water tower and that the Engineering Firm handle the Specifications and bidding. Motinn by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to advertise for sealed bids for repair and painting of the Water Tower. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to authorize the purchase of two sets of specialized safety equipment for sewer repair. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on his request to the City Council to consider purchase of a welder and standby generator provided the Utility Commission participate in the purchase. The Commission instructed Don Brown to proceed with obtaining quotes and information on this equipment to allow a further look at the costs. Motion by Jones adjourn. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary 0 • 1977 Budget UTILITY DEPARTMENT (Not including SewerAiater Hook- Up,SAC, Surcharge) Receipts Disbursements Salaries & Benefits $359000.00 Plumbing/Sewer Inspections $2,900.00 1,500.00 WATER 4,000.00 Water Sold 50,000.00 3,030.00 Water Meter Maint. 1,000.00 960.00 Well Maintenance 5,000.00 Distribution System Maint. 7,500.00 Supervisory Cont. Maint. 500.00 Laboratory Analysis 1,000.00 Fluoride 1,000.00 $53;500.00 $15,960.00 SEWER 925.00 Sewer Charges 37,500.00 23,386.80 Metro Sewer Charge System Maintenance 2,000.00 37,500.00 25,298.64 Equipment Maintenance 19200.00 Building Maintenance 59000.00 Administration Computer 19000.00 Communication 1,500.00 Professional Services 4,000.00 Insurance 3,030.00 Miscellaneous 5,000.00 10000.00 5,000.00 10,500-00 SUPPLIES Office 600.00 Operating 200.00 Repair and Maintenance 2,900.00 Small Tools & Equipment 21500.00 5,300.00 Utility Costs Electricity 79500.00 Natural Gas 19000.00 ,500.0000 Capital Outlay 3" Trash Pumps 550.00 Sand Blaster Unit and Helmet 925.00 1,1,T500 TOTALS S9- 6,, 000.00 $109,-821.80 :7 ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIES COMMISSION RosKmouNT. MINN. April 5, 1977 Le Ann Karnes 4126 145th St W Rosemount, Minn 55068 Dear Ms. Karnes: At the last regular meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount there was a motion that reads as follows: Motion by Jensen to direct the Secretary to send letters to these three owners advising them that they have until May 16th, 1977 to arrange to hook up to the sewer. If not arranged for by that date their water service is to be discontinued until such time as arrangements have been made for hooking up. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. This motion is in regard to hooking your sewer system up to the city sewer. Yours is one of three homes still not hooked up to the system. This sewer was available on November 1, 1973 and you were to be hooked up to the system within 2 years of that date. That would cause you to be in violation of City Ordinance and Metropolitan Council policy since November 1, 1975. The Utility Commission will be meeting on April 11th at 7:30 p.m. and again on May 9th at 7:30 p.m. You may call the City Clerk to arrange to be on the agenda for either of these meetings or you may arrange with the Clerk for hooking up immediately. If for some reason you feel you cannot hook up immediately I must impress upon you that you will have to attend one of the aforementioned meetings of the Utility Commission. DFD /n Yours truly, Don F. Darling, Secretary ROSEMOUNT UTIL I TIC'S COMMISSION • ROf[MOUNT. MINN. April 5, 1977 Mr. Russell Lockhart 14580 Danbury Ave W Rosemount, Minn 55068 Dear Mr. Lockhart: At the last regular meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount there was a motion that reads as follows: Motion by Jensen to direct the Secretary to send letters to these three owners advising them that they have until May 16th, 1977 to arrange to hook up to the sewer. If not arranged for by that date their water service is to be discontinued until such time as arrangements have been made for hooking up. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. This motion is in regard to hooking your sewer system up to the city sewer. Yours is one of three homes still not hooked up to the system. This sewer was available on November 1, 1973 and you were to be hooked up to the system within 2 years of that date. That would cause you to be in violation of City Ordinance and Metropolitan Council policy since November 1, 1975. The Utility Commission will be meeting on April 11th at 7:30 p.m. and again on May 9th at 7:30 p.m. You may call the City Clerk to arrange to be on the agenda for either of these meetings or you may arrange with the Clerk for hooking up immediately. If for some reason you feel you cannot hook up immediately I must impress upon you that you will have to attend one of the aforementioned meetings of the Utility Commission. Yours truly, • DFD /n Don F. Darling, Secretar ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION 0 RosKMOUNT. MINN. April 5, 1977 Mr. Lester Freske 4146 147th St W Rosemount, Minn 55068 Dear Mr. Freske: At the last regular meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount there was a motion that reads as follows: Motion by Jensen to direct the Secretary to send letters to these three owners advising them that they have until May 16th, 1977 to arrange to hook up to the sewer. If not arranged for by that date their water service is to be discontinued until such time as arrangements have been made for hooking up. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. This motion is in regard to hooking your sewer system up to the city sewer. Yours is one of three homes still not hooked up to the system. This sewer was available on November 1, 1973 and you were to be hooked up to the system within 2 years of that date. That would cause you to be in violation of City Ordinance and Metropolitan Council policy since November 1, 1975. The Utility Commission will be meeting on April 11th at 7:30 p.m. and again on May 9th at 7:30 p.m. You may call the City Clerk to arrange to be on the agenda for either of these meetings or you may arrange with the Clerk for hooking up immediately. If for some reason you feel you cannot hook up immediately I must impress upon you that you will have to attend one of the aforementioned meetings of the Utility Commission. Yours truly, DFD /n aDonF. Darling, Secretary *m No M @.%RI BANISTER SHORT ELLIOTT HEND C KS N O & ASSOCIATES, INC. • CONSULTING ENGINEERS ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • CHIPPEWA FALLS, WISCONSIN July 8, 1977 RE: ROSEMOUNT -APPLE VALLEY WATER CONNECTION OUR FILE NO. 7108 RECEIVED City of Apple Valley Town Hall JUL 111977 Cedar Avenue Apple Valley, Minnesota 55068Rg'$ OFFICE CIT-Y of RosmuNT Attention: Richard G. Asleson Gentlemen: The Rosemount Utilities Commission has reviewed the above referenced report prepared by Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates and desires that the inter- connection be made as proposed in the Diamond Path 2nd Addition alternate: iAlthough this alternate is slightly more expensive, the Commission feels that the advantages offset the increased cost. The advantages are as follows: 1) No easements required. 2) Connection is between two looped 8 inch watermains instead of one dead end 6 inch watermain (Rosemount) and one dead end 8 inch watermain (Apple Valley) providing better water circulation and flow. Should this alternate be acceptable, please contact the City of Rosemount so that the details of the joint powers agreement can be discussed. Sincerely, Thomas F. Donahue- J CJ cc: � Darling, City Clerk 200 HILLSBOROUGH OFFICE BLDG • 2353 RICE STREET • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55113 • PHONE (612) 484 -0272 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • RosamouNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 7, 1977 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the October 10, 1977 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Postmaster Bohnert 32.94 Genz -Ryan 21.55 Payroll Fund 1,576.45 Metro Waste Control 1,948.90 Steve Broback 22.18 Northern S.P. 627.32 Central Telephone Co. 31.50 Rudolph Olson 17.54 Don F. Darling 111.23 Rosemount Auto 5.72 Mark Deering 20.24 Roy's Rec. .69 Feed -Rite Controls 160.57 Tery Sparks 15.21 Francis J. Goggin 41.85 Serco Labs 77.25 4,711.14 Motion by Jensen to allow mileage at .15 per mile when the Bldg. Official required to come up from Farmington on the days that he is down there to conduct plumbing and sewer inspections in Rosemount. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown brought the Commission up to date on the Department of Transportation letter referring to drainage problem on Highway 3 South in Rosemount. Commission decided to wait for further information on possible development in immediate area, before making a decision. Don Brown brought the Commission up to date on the problem of smelly water in the Staff House area. He is flushing lines every Thursday. Commission directed him to inform the University of Minnesota that we would be installing a Gate Valve in place of the present meter at Biscayne Ave. and Biscayne Way to attempt to alleviate the problem. MOTION by Hasbrouck that the Secretary f6rward a letter to the Dakota AVTZ Landscaping Class expressing our appreciation for the cooperation and work which has been done at the Water Tower and Well #6 sights. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on the progress on Well #6. Bearings and Column pipes are on order and will be installed as soon as they are received. Total Proleot,Cost is erected to be $2,927. Don Brown reported the progress on the Lester Freske Sewer Hook -Up and also that the Attorney informed him that he would have to sign an official complaint of non - compliance to the Ordinances in front of a Judge. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSKNOYNT, MINN. November 7, 1977 Motion by Hasbrouck directing Don Brown to report to the City Attorney and follow the Attorney's advice toward signing complaint as the Utility Superintendent. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. The Secretary was directed to contact the Register of Deeds at Dakota County Court House and request to have a flag put on the Karnes property indicating that it has not been hooked -up to the City Sewer. MOTION by Jensen that the City Engineer will not be required to attend the Utility Commission Meetings unless specifically authorized by the Chairman. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Secretary was directed to request clarification from the City Engineering Firm as to how their fees will be charged for Utility work other than regular City Projects. Secretary was directed to contact the League of Minnesota Municipalities for information and literature on establishing separate sewer and water districts within the City. . Motion by Jensen to Adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Francis J. Goggin, Acting Secretary 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROfICMOYNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on December 12, 1977 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the November S, 1977 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Bailgy Nursery 238.35 Corcorans 3.98 B & J Auto 56.02 Central Telephone 31.50 Corcorans 25.15 Corrigan Electric 12.25 Corrigan Electric 53.85 Don Darling 55.35 Cross Nursery 619.00 Davies Water Equip 51.12 Minnehaha Falls Nursery 158.00 Duffy Bros 80.00 Pine Bend Paving 255.64 Frank Goggin 42.00 NCR Corp 84.96 Wes Hasbrouck 120.00 Util Rev Fund 55.50 Anie Jense 120.00 NSP 85.01 Paul Jones 120.00 Scott Davie 18.52 Frank Kirsebom 22.00 Dean Perkins 35.00 Lamperts Yards 18.70 Wilbur F. Pierce 11.15 Roman Moeller 65.00 Peoples Gas 68.28 Metro Waste Contol39142.00 Strese Union 76 14.75 Rosemount Dodge 5.58 SERCO Labs 12.00 Rosemount Auto 12.12 Brady Margulis 50.02 Dept of Rev 178.36 B -TU -Mix Cc 86.10 SERCO Labs 24.00 Bob's Auto Body 90.00 Tom's Red Owl 32.46 B & J Auto 24.40 Water Products 197.36 6,375.48 Heritage Trail preliminary plat was presented for review. Motion by Jones to recommend to the Planning Commission and the City Council that they approve this plat without municipal utilities. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Metro Sewer Usage Charge for 1978 was discussed. The Commission directed that 1978 budgets be prepared and ready for discussion in January to determine if a rate increase will be needed to meet this expense. Don Brown reported on Well #6. The vibration was still present when reassembled. Motor was them pulled and found to be in need of a new rotor. Motor has been returned to GE for repair at an estimated cost of $600.00 to $800.00. This is in addition to the Soriginal cost estimate for repair.. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. December 12, 1977 Don Brows expressed concern over the connection for the new home being constructed by Eugene Duff. Past experience has been that some of the connections shown on old plans are not where they are shown and if this is the case with this one he will have to dig out to the main in 145th Street and install a connection. Don Brown presented registration forms for a Home Sewage Treat- ment workshop requesting that he and Frank Kirsebom be authorized to attend. Motion by Jensen to authorize one person to attend the Home Sewage Treatment Workshop, Don Brown and Frank Kirsebom are to decide which one of them will attend. Sedond by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Clod Don Brown reported on damage to a door at the Utility Garage. He was instructed to obtain estimates for repair and get it repaired. Don Brown asked the Commission if they would consider a new pickup in 1978 to replace the 1973 IHC. Commission decided to wait until the garage addition is settled to determine if it would be feasible. Don Brown reported that the fire hydrant on Hwy 3 by the Liquor Store had been hit and broken. He was instructed to repair the hydrant replacing it with a 5 inch if the lead is a 5 inch or bigger, also one of the new snap off design is to be used and protection provided. Hydrant locations in the Carrollton Plat were discussed. Recommended intervals are to be used in preparation of the feasibility study. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Seaund by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, a_� I Dan F. Darling, Secreta W_