HomeMy WebLinkAbout19780109 UC MinutesROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSKNOYNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Maeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 9, 1978, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to appoint Arnie Jensen Commission President for 1978. Second by Jones. Ayes were two Jensen abstained. Motion by Jones to approve the minutes of the December 13, 1977 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the following bills: Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Thomas Koehler 25.15 Central Telephone 31.50 Mike Zipoy 17.42 Corcorans 4.46 Harley Swenson 28.50 Carlson Tractor 13.70 Pine Bend Paving 208.12 Don F. Darling 56.15 Short Elliot Hendrickson 140.64 Firestone Stores 87.92 NSP 925.55 Francis J. Goggin 31.80 Peoples Gas 234.12 Genz Ryan Plbg 9.50 Jeff Tabor 81.00 K -R Communications 51.25 Postmaster Bohnert 50.13 Lampert Yards 4.96 Scranton Publishing 20.00 Metro Waste Contool 3,142.00 State Treasurer 8.16 North Star Concrete 65.03 B & J Auto 6.78 Northwestern Aggreg 5.93 Corrigan Electric 9.00 Water Products 774.91 6,033.68 The secretary informed the Commission that budgets have not been finalized. Will be available before the next regular meeting along with income figures for 1977. Don Brown reported that the damaged hydrant by the Liquor Store has been replaced with a larger unit. Don Brown presented two written quotes for repair to the damaged garage door. Allstate American Concrete Co quoted $4,200.00. Ace Incinerator Contractors 'quoted $800.00. Don Brown informed the Commission that Ace Incinerator bid does not include all repairs need and he could not at this time recommend awarding a contract for this repair. He was instructed to continue seeking satisfactory quotes. Don Brown reported that Well #6 was reassembled and found to still have a vibration when operating. Correcting procedures are still under way. Don Brown reported that the Eugene Duff sewer and water service has been connected. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROStMOUNT. MINN. January 9, 1978 Don Brown asked the Commission to consider and study the need for a field foreman and possibly make a recommendation to the City Council. He explained that this had come up at a Council meeting and input is being sought. President Jensen added his input and stated his position, that being in favor of a field foreman. The Commission will be ready to make their recommendation at the next regular meeting. Don Brown presented proposed plans and specifications for Water Tower Maintenance and Repair, requesting authorization to adver- tise for sealed bids. Motion by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to advertise for sealed bids for Maintenance and Repair of the Water Tower using Specific cations as presented, requiring bonding and use dates of May 1st through October 15th as the time during which this work will be completed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown requested that Jerry Olson and Craig Fleming be authorized to attend the Collection Systems Operators Seminar to be held at the Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington on January 18 thru 20, 1978, at a cost of $30.00 per person for the seminar. • Motion by Jensen to authorize payment of Registration fees and attendance by Jerry Olson and Craig Fleming at the Collection Systems Operators Seminar on January 18th, 19th and 20th at the Thunderbird Motel in Bloomington. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that he had attended a pretrial conference regarding the Freske sewer litigation and they have asked for and have been granted a jury trial with no date set as yet. Don Brown reported that the meter in the University of Minnesota pit on Biscayne Way has been replaced w th a valve. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, i Don F. Darling, Secretary 0