HomeMy WebLinkAbout19780213 UC Minutes• • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROS[MOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on February 13, 1978, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the January 9, 1978 regular meeting as printed. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay the Ayes were three. NCR State Treasurer Minn Pollution Control UBC Peoples Natural Gas NSP Curtiss 1000 Kenneth Downey Clifford Gessner Dale Hahn David Johnson Karl Prikey Stanley Rea Mark Severson Willis Wiger NCR Postmaster Bohnert Dept of Natural Resources following bills: Second by Jensen. 577.68 B & J Auto Supply 8.55 15.00 Central Telephone 31.50 60.00 Carlson Tractor 99.66 40.28 Corcoran's 15.57 386.92 Genz Ryan 10.26 634.42 John Krussow 20.82 351.79 K -R Communications 30.00 9.64 Larry's Standard 3.50 27.23 Motor Parts Service 18.96 13.93 Murgic's Automotive 38.27 3.58 Metro Waste Control 3,142.00 12.57 NSP 10.42 20.64 Rosemount Auto 7.50 17.18 Orville Swenson 27.70 24.88 William Thompson 27.96 44.68 Tom Warner 118.80 30.24 Wilroy Inc 6.41 20.00 5,908.44 Scott Cox of Central Telephone was in attendance to present a new piece of equipment offered by their supplier that would upgrade the telephone alarm system for the well houses. Installation cost would be $45.00. The existing unit costs $10.00 per month as compared to the new model cost of $10.75 per month. The Commission directed that this be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting for further discussion. Woody Holmes of Keys Well Co was present to discuss the problems encountered at Well #6 during the maintenance procedure. He presented information regarding the apparent cause of the vibration problem that being that the well was not drilled perpendicular. They provided an access to check the static and pumping levels to determine the proper length of column pipe as this was the cause of the vibration as the pump was hitting the casing at 180 feet causing the drive shaft to whip. Keys removed 20 feet of column pipe thereby raising the bowl section to a point where it does not touch the casing. The pumping level of this well is 130 feet thereby giving the bowl section 30 feet of water cover which is the recommended minimum cover. The Commission thanked Woody for his interest in Rosemount's problem and directed Don Brown to determine that the work is satisfactory and to present the repair cost at the next regular meeting for payment. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. February 13, 1978 The 1978 budget was presented for discussion. The Commission accepted the budget and directed that it be implemented. Don Brown presented the bids for Water Tower Maintenance. He advised the Commission that he had mailed out eleven sets of specs but received only four bids. Those biding were Municipal Tank and Tower of Brandon, South Dakota $13,950.00: Schuman Bros of White Bear Lake, Minnesota $21,100.00; Watertower Paint and Repair of Clear Lake, Iowa $36,370.00; Tenyer Coatings of Badger, Minn $31,200.00. He has checked some references on the low bidder and recommends awarding to the low bidder excluding Option #4 which may be exercised if inspec- tion at drain down determines the need for this option. Motion by Jensen to award the Watertower Maintenance Bid to the low bidder, Municipal Tank and Tower of Brandon, South Dakota in the amount of $13,950.00 reserving the right to eliminate Option #4 should the inspection at drain down indicate that it is not needed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown asked the Commission to consider outside readers for the water meters, suggesting that a good place to start would be the new Carrollton Plat. The Utility Commission will take this under advisement and discuss it further at the next regular meeting. • Don Brown updated the Commission on the frozen water line problem. Don Brown asked the Commission to consider trading the well equipment that was removed from Well #6, column pipe, shafting and pump bowls, to Keys for credit on the maintenance cost for Well #6. The Commission instructed. Don Brown to obtain a value from Keys and have it ready for the next regular meeting for consideration.. The Commission discussed the Field Supervisor Position with President Jensen reporting that Councilman Ratalaff as liason to Streets and Parks is working with the Department Heads towards a recommendation to the City Council. There was no action taken by the Utility Commission. Motion by Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary