HomeMy WebLinkAbout19780408 UC Minutes• • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION R099MOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 8, 1978, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the April 10, 1978 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Motion by Jones to pay Ayes were three. NSP NSP $eoples Nat Gas Dept of Revenue B & J Auto Supply Corcoran's Corrigan Electric Central Telephone Consolidated Electric Lowell Faa Gary Grinstead the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. 381.26 Fluegel Elevator 71.25 7.44 Genz Ryan 7.07 168.77 L & L Welding 470.00 219.46 Lampert Yards 12.65 3.24 Metro Waste 3,142.00 33.30 Rex Electric Motor 62.13 75.61 SERCO Labs 12.00 31.50 Water Products 216.00 563.24 Wilroy Inc 39.29 26.62 Richard Zimmer 20.69 29.34 Waldor Pump 1,011.39 6,604.25 Jerald Olson's resignation was presented for discussion and disposition. Motion by Hasbrouck to accept Jerald Olson's resignation effective May 15, 1978 with regrets and forward a letter of appreciation to Jerald Olson thanking him for his contributions to the City of Rosemount. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to promote Craig Fleming to the position being vacated by Jerald Olson with a $50.00 per month pay increase over his present salary to be effective May 16, 1978. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented the Keys Well Drilling negotiated billing for repair to Well #6 in the amount of $6,161.66 with trade -in of excess materials from Well #6. Motion by Jensen to pay the Keys Well Drilling bill in the amount of $6,161.66 with trade in of excess materials. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT, MINN. May 8, 1978 Don Brown presented information on a "Camper Dump" facility proposed for the Utility Garage site. Don Brown was instructed to prepare final plans for a Camper Dump at the Utility Garage Site and bring them back to the next Regular Meeting for final approval. Don Brown asked the Commission to further consider outside meter readers. He informed the Commission that to purchase new meters with remote readers would cost an additional $11.00 per meter and to purchase remote reader units-.to install on existing Rockwell meters would cost $18.00 per meter. The C mmission asked that he furnish further information at the next"Regular Meeting and try to have samples available for review by the Commission. Don Brown informed the Utility Commission that he has a quote of $1,300.00 for installation of the Lester Freske sewer service and asked the Commission if they preferred contracting this job at the quoted price or should he arrange to effect the connection by using the City Forces. He was directed to install the Lester Freske connection with City Forces. President Jensen informed the Utility Commission that the Park & Recreation Committee is contemplating upgrading the appearance of • the Well #6 area. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary •