HomeMy WebLinkAbout19780911 UC MinutesROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSEMOUNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 11, 1978, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the August 7, 1978 Regular Meeting Minutes. Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Second by Jones. Ayes were three. Ronald Walz 6.75 Patrick Garrity 8.19 NCR Corp 73.87 Richard Jacobson 19.21 North Star Concrete 125.56 John Lutz 6.73 Genz Ryan 16.72 David North 21.98 Fiirst State Bank 45,000.00 Michael Ross 19.75 AP 596.56 Michael Warweg 11.58 Peoples Natural Gas 30.18 Eugene Wisneiwski 15.39 George Bjorgaard 35.00 David Watterson 17.23 Paul Ehrenberg 23.58 Metro Wast Control 3,142.00 Chris Frisbie 17.90 Pine Bend Paving 81.38 • 49,269.56 Gerald Thimsen of 3025 Lower 147th Street West was present to discuss the water pipe breakage that occurred at his residence during the maintenance procedure to the Water Tower. He was informed by the Utility Commission that the property owner is responsible for their water service and the City will not accept any responsibility for replacing of the water service. The Secretary presented a listing of delinquent water accounts requesting authorization to Certify said listing to the Dakota bounty Auditor to be placed on the tax rolls of the individual property owners listed. Motion by Jensen to authorize the City Clerk to Certify the unpaid water accounts to Dakota County on October 1, 1978 for placement on the tax rolls of the individual property owners. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. The Secretary presented the Brian Development Plat to be known as V a lley Oak Addition for review and recommendation. Motion by Jensen to recommend to the City Council that Utilities be extended to and installed in the Valley Oak Addition provided that is would be proven to be fiscally feasible to do so. Second by Jones. • Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSICMOUNT. MINN. September 11, 1978 Don Brown reported that he has received complaints of smelly water from the University of Minnesota Staff House area again. He was instructed to contact the University of Minnesota to see if they could install new fire hydrants and also check into the cost of running a clean out PIG thru certain lines and then have them chlorinated, reporting back to the Utility Commission as soon as possible with this information. Don Brown reported that the sand blaster authorized at the last meeting has arrived. Don Brown reported that he has recieved a damage from paint over spray claim and has forwarded the claim to the proper party. President Jensen brought up for discussion protection for Well House V. He expressed concern due to having observed automobile tracks through the yard next to the Well House. This will be discussed further at a future meeting of the Utility Commission. Motion by Jones to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. • Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary is