HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790108 UC MinutesROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSSMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 8, 1979, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with member Westin absent. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the December 11, 1978 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. John Evans 21.96 State Treasurer 9.60 Corcorans 17.11 Coast to Coast 6.27 Genz Ryan 27.00 Don F. Darling 53.60 Larry's Standard'`' 1.10 Genz Ryan 9.70 NSP 7.75 Frank Goggin 39.00 NSP 142.78 Wesley Nelson 9.04 1st State Bank 42,000.00 Thomas Nogosek 13.35 NSP 18.60 Peoples Gaa 317.85 Minn PCA 35.00 Roberts Drug 1.17 State Treasurer 15.00 Water Products Co 46.93 • Postmaster Bohnert 90.50 Water Products Co 112.41 NCR Corp 635.57 Wilroy Inc 58.51 43,689.80 Member Westin arrived at 7:48 p.m. Jack Ryan was present to discuss with the Commission his hook up on his new home. There has been some question as to what is owed. The Commission decided that a 1 inch meter be installed and charges for hook up be based on a 1 inch connection. Jack Ryan was in agreement with this decision. Don Brown reported that he has not received adequate information on the "POLY PIG" cleaners to present to the Commission at this time. Don Brown reported that he had talked to the owner of the only house remaining to be hooked up to sewer and has been advised that the house is to be sold and the sewer connection will be made at the time of sale. Don Brown reported that Dahlen Transport has placed a limit of $150.00 as their share of repainting the pickup truck that was involved in the acid spill. He further reported that he has a quote for fixing the dents in the body and painting the entire truck that totals $325.00. • He was instructed to have the truck painted and bill Dahlen Transport for the total less $60.00 for the body work and let them decide how much they will pay. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. January 8, 1979 Don Brown presented cost figures for signing the Utility Garage, Well #3 and Well #6. The Utility share for this project would be $251.00 and the General Fund share would be about $100.00. If approved by the Utility Commission he will present the proposal to the City Council on January 16th. Motion by Jensen to authorize the cost of placing signs on the Utility Garage, Well #3 and Well #6 as illustrated in the memo from Don Brown with cost to be shared as recommended by Don Brown. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that during a snow removal operation a tree was damaged by the end loader. It was a small tree placed close to a fire hydrant and was accidentally hit and broken off. The home owner is asking that the City repolace the tree in the spring. Motion by Jensen authorizing Don Brown to advise the party whose tree was damaged that the City will replace the tree with the same kind and size as soon as the weather permits. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that he , Dean Johnson and Don Darling will be attending an information trading meeting with Staff Members of the Metro Sewer Board at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 10, 1979. He • advised that a representation from Short Elliot Hendrickson will be in attendance also. Unpaid sewer repair permit was discussed. The Utility Commission directed that the billing be added to the water billing for that individual. Don Brown reported the problem of physically reading water meters. Out of 1,042 accounts there remains 366 unread meters. He requested authorization to hire part time help to finish the meter reading. Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize Don Brown to hire part time help to finish the meter reading project, leaving the selection and hiring up to Don Brown. Second by Jensen. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, qDlv� 41 Don F. Darling, Secretary •