HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790212 UC Minutes11 CJ • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROfKMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on February 12, 1979, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the January 8, 1979 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. AWWA 12.00 Richard Buskirk 12.24 Central Telephone 31.50 Bernier Notor Co 1.92 Coast to Coast 6.08 Corrigan Electric 162.77 Terry Eliason 14.42 Gary Deering 29.20 Metro Waste 3,893.65 Donnell Co 358.83 Water Products 67.10 Feed -Rite Controls 10.11 NCR Corp 33.33 Healy Labs 8.64 NSP 490.90 Catherine Haverty 32.39 Northern Federal 40,000.00 Russell LaVan 33.15 First Federal 40,000.00 Richard Moulzolf 12.62 1st State Bank 19,000.00 Metro Wast 3,893.65 Bond Acct #524 6,000.00 Phong Nguyen 1.06 NSP 39.60 NW Aggregates 7.45 Peoples Gas 544.27 John R. Watkins 1.19 Battery & Tire Wshe 50.17 John P. Young 32.61 Scott Ashton 11.37 Dept of Rev 410.07 115,201.69 The Secretary asked if he could research programming changes and costs to allow a speed up of water billing. The Commission agreed to study the costs when presented to them. Don Brown reported that the house left to be hooked up to sewer in the Broback Addition has been sold and all concerned are aware that it must be hooked up before the new owner can occupy the house. Don Brown reported that he has had the repair and painting done on the pickup that was involved in the acid spill, presented the bill to Dahlen Transport and received a check in the amount of $150.00 with a declaration by Dahlen Transport that the $150.00 is being considered by them as a fair and just settlement for the damage. Motion by Jensen to accept the check in the amount of $150.00 from Dahlen Transport for damages to the pickup involved in the acid spill and not pursue the matter any further. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION • ROSKNOUNT. MINN. February 12, 1979 Don Brown reported that he has hired Richard Dorniden on an hourly part time basis to read water meters. He further reported that Richard Dorniden has gotten readings on a substantial number of meters to date. Don Brown presented the request of John Yeager to shut off the water at 3566 146th St W. Mr. Yaeger states that he is the owner of the house and is experiencing difficulty in collecting rents and he has been informed that none of the utility bills are being paid. The Utility Commission advised Don Brown not to shut off the water to the residence. Don Brown reported that water line freezing has been experienced again this winter. All by passes are operating. Three services have frozen to date that have never frozen before. 1979 Budgets were presented for discussion. The budgets were discussed and compared to 1978 budgets and actual expenditures. It was deterimined that rate adjustments may have to be considered as well as alternate ways of collecting the reserve capacity charges. Rate adjustments will be discussed further at the March Regular Meeting. Motion by Jensen to adopt the 1979 Budget as presented in the amount of $144,140.00. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Motion by _Hasbrouck to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary •