• RosamouNT, MINN.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on
April 9, 1979, at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by President Jensen
with all members present.
Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1979
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three.
Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills. Second by Westin. Xyes
were three.
Minn Health Dept 15700 Coast to Coast 12.39
Div of Env 130.00 Carlson Tractor 944.73
NSP 128.24 Corcoran's 2.32
Peoples Gas 492.26 James Cornell 5.05
State Treasurer 5.00 Metro Waste Control 3,893.65
Postmaster Bohnert 88.00 NSP 237.68
NO Central Sec AWWA 115.00 John Reese 23.13
Minn State Treasurer 15.00 Wilroy Inc 7.12
State Treasurer 3.84 Water Products 517.25
B & J Auto 13.37 ZECO 2,965.00
• 9,614.03
The Secretary presented bid information on the insulating of the water
main in Chippendale Ave during reconstruction of Chippendale Ave. Bids
were received by the County for the reconstruction of Chippendale Ave
and includes quantity bids based on 267 square yards of insulating.
material for the insulating of the 16 inch water main in Chippendale
Ave. Project low bidder was Minnesota Valley Surfacing and included
a bid price of $13.20 per square yard; Husting & Engstrom was second
low with a bid price of $20.00 per square yard and Pine Bend Paving
was third low bidder with at,bid price of $21.00 per square yard.
This bid will be awarded at the County Board meeting on April 10, 1979.
Don Brown was instructed to monitor the project and as the work
progresses he is to determine if there will be adequate cover over
the water main and if not he is to contact the Utility Commission
members to obtain authorization to have the insulating project
President Jensen reported that he had been contacted by Vic Rolfing
regarding a $5.00 penalty for non return of a meter reading card.
He complained that he was away from home on vacation at the time.
The Commission did not feel that relief should be granted.
• RosumouNT. MINN. April 9, 1979
Discussion was held regarding changing the water service shut
off policy. The Utility Commission directed that no change be
researched at this time.
Don Brown reported on a request for an alley presented at the
April 3rd City Council meeting by A. J. McDonough. The Utility
Commission does not recommend seeking an alley or utility
easement at this time.
MWCC letter regarding high infiltration rate of storm water was
discussed. No action was taken.
Don Brown reported that Craig Fleming did not attend the Water
Operators School on April 2.thru 4. Request for registration
refund has been made.
Don Brown related information on a water pressure problem
experienced during the last month.
Motion by Jensen to adjourn.. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were
• Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling, Secretary