HomeMy WebLinkAbout19790507 UC Minutes0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT, MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 7, 1979, at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Jensen with all members present. Motion by Jensen to approve the minutes of the April 9, 1979 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. B & J Auto 11.91 Dakota Cty Trib 50.50 Corcorans 1.78 Healy Labs 8.64 Wilroy Inc 7.20 Fred L. Hagen 26.49 1st State Bank 30,000.00 Keys Welk Drilling 50.00 City of Rosemount :1-39,000.00 Metro Waste 3,893.65 Peoples Gas 4123.60 R.E. Mooney 16.66 NSP 686.51 Ronald Pederson 33.84 1st State Bank 100,000.00 John Reese 11.87 Corrigan Elect 347.74 Dept of Rev 319.65 Ed Culver 20.00 Delores Smith 25.13 174,925.17 Richman Cook was in attendance in Don Brown's capacity. Richman Cook advised the Utility Commission that the 1973 Intl 4x4 was out of service again due to transmission problems. Needed repair will cost between $450.00 and $500.00. Trade in value of the unit is $500.00 unrepaired and $1,000.00 to 1,100.00 if repaired and running. Motion.by Jensen to authorize repair to the Internation 4x4 for the least cost possible, advertise the unit in an attempt to sell it and to authorize Don Brown to go out for bids for a 1/2 ton pickup using no special specs. New vehicle should be as economically equipped as possible and shall not require the standard city paint Dupont 7744D color. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Chippendale water main insulating project was discussed. It was reported that the contractor is demanding to know at this time if this is going to be required or not. It was felt by the Utility Commission that the bid specs will allow that dicision after it is determined how much cover will be over the main after the project is complete. Don Brownaand President Jensen will monitor the D project and Ball a special meeting if needed to take the necessary action. 0 ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROS[MOUNT, MILAN. May 7, 1979 Richman Cook reported that Craig Flemings last day will be Friday May 11th. He asked the Utility Commission to consider promoting George Romo into the slot being vacated by Craig Fleming with a $25.00 per month increase and after the 6 month probation period be considered for permanent status in that position and an addi- tional $25.00 increase. Richman Cook advised that George Romo is qualified and deserving of the promotion. Motion by Jensen to promote George Romo to the position being vacated by Craig Fleming as recommended in Don Brown's letter of May 4, 1979, further authorizing a $25.00 per month increase effective May 16th with review at the end of the 6 month pro - bationary period. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Richman Cook reported that the camper dump station installation is completed with the curb replacement, final grading and surfac- ing left to do. Motion by Jensen directing the Secretary to send a letter to Craig Fleming thanking him for his service to the City of Rosemount and wish him well in his new endeavor. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayesxvere three. ResPPctfully submitted, II. Don F. Darlix •