HomeMy WebLinkAbout19791114 UC Minutes• • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION RosamouNT. MINN. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 14, 1979, at.the City Hall. Due to the Holiday on November 12, 1979 the meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., November 14, 1979 by President Jensen with Commissioner Westin absent. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the October 9, 1979 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Jensen, Ayes were two. Motion by Jensen to pay the following bills: Ayes were two. SE Mn Water Wrks Assn 10.00 State Treas 15.84 NSP 257.48 Russ Johnson Sales 60.00 Rosemount Dodge 5,257.22 White Bear Office 28.80 Laryy's'Standard 6.00 Coast to Coast 33.53 B & J Auto 1.51 Corcorans 5.52 Water Products 841.34 Ruse Johnson Sales 110.92 Home Federal 20,000.00 Midwest Federal 100,000.00 Peoples Gas 40..26 Ind Black Dirt Co 168.00 Second by Hasbrouck. Don F. Darling Francis J. Goggin General Fund B & J Auto Comm Asphalt Co Coast to Coast Corcorans FeedRite Controls Healy tabs Metro Waste Rosemount Dodge NSP Dept of Revenue Water Products Zeco Co 50.73 57.90 3.25 19.25 96.92 1.15 31.69 177.05 8.64 3,893.65 6.45 110.51 72.40 512.21 120.00 131,898.22 Police Chief Staats and Councilman. Joe Walsh were present to represent the Dakota County Sheriff in his request to place the Dakota County Sheriff's radio system antenna on the City Water Tower. Discussion revealed no opposition to the placement of the antenna on the City Water Tower as long as it does not interfere with the City system and Carlson Tractor's system both in place on the tower. Also a rental and power charge will be established at the same rate as Carlson',Tractor' now pays. Motion by Hasbrouck to recommend that an antenna agreement be drafted for approval and signatures by the City Council. Said agreement to contain the same conditions and charges as the Carlson Tractor and Equipment agreement. Further the agreement shall provide that the Dakota County Shiriff's system will not interfere with the two systems now in place on the tower. Second by Jensen. Ayes were two. ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION ROSEMOUNT. MINN. November 14, 1979 Secretary presented the 1979 delinquent water listing for approval. Motion by Jensen to approve the 1979 Delinquent Water Assessment Roll and order the Assessment Roll sent to the Dakota County Auditor to be placed on the 1980 Tax Rolls for properties listed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Secretary presented the MWCC letter indicating the 1980 monthly installment for sew�ge treatment at $4,175.74. The 1979 monthly charge is $3,893.65, This is a $282.09 monthly increase or 7.247. above the 1979 amo0 t. Don Brown informed khe Utility Commission that he and Richman Cook attended the Water (System School in Northfield and advised that it was an it formative pnd worthwhile school. Don Brown informed Ithe Utility Commission that the new 1979 Dodge Pickup authorized at the October meeting has been delivered and put into service. i Discussion was hel& regarding a request by MWCC for local sewer system operating ex enses. The Utility Commission authorized • completion and forwarding of the information. Motion by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary