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1980 UC Documents
mETROPOLITAn WAITE conTROL commimon Twin Cities Area 0 • 350 METRO /OUARE BLDG. 7TH 6 ROBERT /TREET/ fAInT PAUL mn 55101 612/222.BA23 mcyded 0 November 3, 1980 To All City Managers: GLI XS ui, 10E City of Rosemount c ry o �,S OFF RoSEMO IVT Enclosed is the statement of 1981 Estimated Cost Allocation for your municipality in accordance with the 1981 Program Budget approved and adopted by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commis- sion and the Metropolitan Council, Reserve Capacity costs will be allocated to your community in accordance with Service Avail- ability Charge (SAC) policies. The SAC unit charge for 1981 is $425. The total annual estimated charges to your municipality are to be remitted to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission in 12 equal monthly installments due on the first day of each month. The Com- mission will bill each municipality by mailing a monthly invoice approximately 30 days prior to due date. The first such install- ment is due on or before January 1, 1981. As a means of keeping local government units well informed, we have enclosed the Commissions' 1981 Program Budget -- a document that will provide you with information on Commission programs and projects. The Commission budget has been prepared on a program budgeting format which emphasizes performance measurement and re- sults. The format tells you a great deal about Waste Control Com- mission activities and how they attempt to meet the needs and re- quirements of the 102 local communities served by the Commission. This format allows the Commission to outline a considerable amount of information in an understandable manner. Please take the time to study the 1981 Budget in detail - -it will be worth your while. Also enclosed is a copy of the 1979 Final Cost Allocation for your community, Report #2 through #5 from our Cost Allocation Program which show the relationship of cost and sewage flow data for all communities using the Metropolitan Disposal System, and the 1979 Financial Report. We would like to call to your attention that expenditures, as in- dicated in the 1979 Financial Report, totaled $49,218,715 or $974,109 less than the $50,192,824 budget. We feel most fortunate to have underspent the 1979 Budget, as various categories such as contracted services- sludge removal, repairs, plant demolitions, and capital outlay, cost significantly higher than anticipated due to escalating and inflationary factors. To All City Managers November 3, 1980 Page Two • We would like to point out that total flow, as indicated in Report #2 of the 1979 Final Cost Allocation, was 94,294 million gallons or 3,245 million gal- lons more than the 91,049 million gallons estimated in the 1979 Estimated Cost Allocation. The combination of the additional flow and the approximately $1 million less expenditures than budgeted resulted in a treatment works cost per million gallons of $369.91 or $16.16 less than originally estimated for 1979. We encourage you to contact the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission if you have any questions regarding the cost allocations for your community, the wastewater collection and treatment facilities serving your community or Commission plans and programs that may effect your municipality in 1981. Sincerely yours, George W. Lusher, Chief Administrator GWL:RLB:ht Enclosures • • METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION STATEMENT OF 1981 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES 176 Rosemount CURRENT USE CHARGES TREATMENT WORKS COSTS SEWER SERVICE AREA NO. 06 TOTAL CHARGES 0 OTHER CREDITS OR CHARGES CURRENT VALUE CREDIT DEBT PAYMENT CREDIT 1979 FINAL COST ALLOCATION TOTAL CREDITS OR CHARGES TOTAL ANNUAL ESTIMATED NET PAYMENT DUE GALLONAGE % OF TOTAL AMOUNT 130 .001375 $ 62,150.43 130 .027117 6,891.89 MONTHLY INSTALLMENT $5,186.99 Due on the first day of each month. Installments not received by the 10th day of each month in which due shall be regarded as delinquent and shall bear interest from the first day of such month at the rate of 6% per annum. 69,042.32 4,372.000R 2,426.49CR 6,798.49CR 62,243.83 REPORT 2 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD _ PROCESS DATE TREATMENT POOL 99 CURRENT COST DETERMINATION 09/04/80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1981 PRIOR YEAR COST ADJ. - DEBT LOCAL GOVT. DEBT SVC. 631,913.87 SEWER BOARD DEBT SVC. 9,285.868.00 ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 9,917,781.87 CURRENTLY USED CAPACITY 94,557 114,165 .828249 CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT 8,214,392.92 CURRENT VALUE CHARGE 579,985.00 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 36,405,936.00 PRIOR YEAR COST ADJ. - OPERATING TOTAL CURRENT COSTS 45,200,313.92 TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 9.917,781.87 LESS CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT 8.214.392.92 RESERVED CAPACITY DEBT 1,703,388.95 REPORT 3 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCESS DATE TREATMENT POOL COST ALLOCATIO OF $45,200,313.92 09104180 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1981 GROS� PLUS /MINUS GALLONS SURFACE NET CURRENT LOCAL GALLONS PRIOR QUALITY ADJ FOR WATER ADJUSTED TREATMENT GOVT. TREATED ERROR ADJ. QUALITY GALLONS GALLONS COST 101 700 0 1.0000 700 0 700 .007403 334,617.92 102 700 O 1.0000 700 O 700 .007403 334,617.93 103 470 O 1.0000 470 0 470 .004970 224,645.56 104 190 0 1.0000 190 0 190 .002010 90,852.63 105 29 O 1.0000 29 0 29 .000306 13,831.30 106 790 0 1.0000 790 O 790 .008355 377,648.62 107 3,050 O 1.0000 3,050 0 3,050 .032256 1,457,981.32 108 .1,120 O _1.0000 1.0000 1,120 0 1.120 .011845 535,397.72 109 1,460 0 1.0000 1.460 O 1,460 .015440 697,892.85 110 1.180 0 1.0000 1,180 0 1,180 .012479 564,054.72 111 76 0 1.0000 76 O 76 .000804 _ 36,341.05 112 280 0 1.0000 280 0 280 .002961 133,838.13 113 320 0 1.0000 320 0 320 .003384 152,957.86 _ 114 98 0 1.0000 98 0 98 .001037 46,872.73 115 700 0 1.0000 700 0 700 .007403 334,617.92 116 1,040 0 1.0000 1,040 0 1,040 .010998 497,113.05 117 600 0 1.0000 600 0 600 .006346 26,841.19 118 910 0 1.0000 910 0 910 .009624 435,007.83 119 142 0 1.0000 142 0 142 .001501 67,845.67 120 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 .000000 .00 121 1,000 O 1.0000 1,000 0 1,000 .010576 478.038.52 122 680 0 1.0000 680 0 680 .007191 325,035.45 _ ^ 123 2,650 0 1.0000 2,650 0 2,650 .028026 1,266,784.00 124 2 0 1.0000 2 0 2 .000021 949.21 125 15 0 1.0000 15 0 15 .000159 7,186.85 126 113 0 1.0000 113 0 113 .001195 54,014.37 127 370 0 1.0000 370 0 370 .003913 176,868.83 128 250 0 1.0000 250 0 250 .002644 119.509.63 129 270 0 1.0000 270 0 270 .002855 129,046.90 130 120 O 1.0000 120 0 120 .001269 57,359.20 131 1,280 0 1.0000 1,280 0 1,280 .013537 611,876.65 132 18 O 1.0000 18 0 18 .000190 8,588.06 133 1,240 0 1.0000 1,240 O 1,240 .013114 592,756.91 134 23 0 1.0000 23 0 23 .000243 10,983.68 135 85 0 1.0000 85 0 85 .000899 40,635.08 136 540 0 1.0000 540 0 540 .005711 258.138.99 137 22 0 1.0000 22 0 22 .000233 10,531.68 138 745 0 1.0000 745 0 745 .007879 356,133.27 139 39 0 1.0000 39 0 39 .000412 18,622.53 140 405 O 1.0000 405 O 405 .004283 193,592.94 REPORT 3 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCESS DATE TREATMENT POOL COST ALLOCATION OF $45,200.313.92 09/04/80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1981 GROSS PLUS /MINUS GALLONS SURFACE NET CURRENT LOCAL _ GALLONS PRIOR QUALITY ADJ FOR WATER ADJUSTED TREATMENT GOVT. TREATED ERROR ADJ. QUALITY GALLONS GALLONS X COST If 520 0 1.0000 520 0 520 .005499 248,556.53 _ _141 142 22 0 1.0000 22 0 22 .000233 10,531.67 144 55 0 1.0000 55 0 55 .000582 26,306.59 46 0 1.0000 46 0 46 .000486 21,967.35 _145 _ 146 _ 23 0 1.0000 23 0 23 .000244 11,028.88 147 22 0 1.0000 22 0 22 .000232 10,486.47 148 275 0 1.0000 275 0 275 .002908 131,442.51 149 _ 75 0 1.0000 75 0 75 .000794 35,889.05 150 123 0 1.0000 123 0 123 .001300 58,760.41 650 0 1.0000 650 0 650 .006875 310.752.16 _151 152 80 0 1.0000 80 0 80 .000846 38,239.46 153 1,560 O 1.0000 1,560 0 1,560 .016498 745.714.78 154 9 0 1.0000 9 0 9 .000095 4,294.03 155 53 0 1.0000 53 0 53 .000560 25,312.18 156 410 0 1.0000 410 0 410 .004336 195,988.56 157 23,900 0 1,0000 23,900 0 23,90_0 _.252758 11,424,740.94 158 1,490 O 1.0000 1,490 O 1,490 .015758 712,266.55 159 24 0 1.0000 24 0 24 .000253 11,435.68 160 405 0 1.0000 405 0 405_ .004284 193,638.15 161 62 0 1.0000 62 0 62 000655 29.606.20 162 440 0 1.0000 440 0 440 .004654 210,362.26 163 800 O 1.0000 800 0 800 .008460 382,394.66 164 920 O 1.0000 920 0 920 .009730 439,799.05 165 122 0 1.0000 122 0 122 .001290 58,308.41 13 0 1.0000 13 0 13 `00_0 t 37 _ 6,192.44 _166 167 525 0 1.0000 525 0 525 .005553 250,997.34 168 540 0 1.0000 540 0 540 .005710 258,093.80 169 105 0 1.0000 105 0 105 .001111 50,217.54 _ 170 190 0 1.0000 190 0 190 .002009 90,807.44 171 122 O 1.0000 122 0 t22 .001290 58,308.40 172 1,790 0 1.0000 1,790 0 1,790 .018931 855,687.14 -'173 305 0 1.0000 305 0 305 .003225 145,771.02 174 1,015 0 1.0000 1,015 0 1,015 .010735 485,225.37 175 505 O 1.0000 505 0 505 .00_5340 241,369.67 176 130 0 1.0000 130 0 130 .001375 62,150.43 177 1,590 0 1.0000 1,590 0 1,590 .016815 760,043.28 178 400 0 1.0000 400 0 400 .004231 191,242.53 179 2,390 0 1.0000 2,390 0 2,390 .025275 1,142,437.93 180 20,500 0 1.0000 20,500 0 20,500 .216801 9,799,473.26 181 140 0 1.0000 140 0 140 .001480 66,896.47 If _REPORT 3 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCESS DATE TREAT ENT POOL COST ALLOCATION OF $45,200.313.92 09 04 80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1981 LESS NET GROSS PLUS /MINUS GALLONS SURFACE NET CURRENT _LOCAL _GALLONS PRIOR QUALITY ADJ FOR WATER ADJUSTED TREATMENT GOVT. TREATED ERROR ADJ. QUALITY GALLONS GALLONS 7. COST 182 165 0 1.0000 165 0 165 .001745 78,874.54 183 750 0 1.0000 750 0 750 .007932 358,528.90 184 670 0 1.0000 670 O 670 .007086 320,289.42 185 190 0 1.0000 190 0 190 .002009 90,807.43 186 2,450 0 1.0000 2,450 0 2,450 .025911 1,171,185.33 187 112 O 1.0000 112 0 112 .001184 53,517.18 188 198 0 1.0000 198 0 198 .002094 94,649.45 -- 189 29 0 1.0000 29 0 29 .000307 13.876.50 190 8.00 0 1.0000 800 0 800 .008460 382,394.66 191 1 0 1.0000 1 0 1 .000011 497.20 192 70 0 1.0000 70 0 70 .000740 33,448.23 193 225 0 1.0000 225 0 225 .002380 107,576.75 194 47 0 1.0000 47 0 47 .000497 22,464.55 _ 195 270 0 1.0000 270 0 270 .002855 129,046.90 196 900 0 1.0000 900 0 900 .0095i8 430.216.59 197 730 0 1.0000 730 0 730 .007720 348,946.42 198 150 0 1.0000 150 0 150 .001587 71.732.90 199 16 0 1.0000 16 O 16 OOOi69 7,638.85 200 540 0 1.0000 540 0 540 .005711 258.139.00 201 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 .000000 .00 202 20 0 1.0000 20 0 20 .000211 9,537.26 205 130 0 1.0000 130 0 130 .001375 62,150.43 206 26 0 1.0000 26 0 26 .000275 _ 12,430.09 207 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 .000000 .00 TOTAL 94,557 0 94,557 0 94,557 1,000000 45.200,313.92 SEWER BOARD DEBT SVC. ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT 315,108.00 METRO INTERCEPTOR CREDIT - DEBT _ TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 338,235.93 CURRENTLY USED CAPACITY 4,794 / 26,273 182469 CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT CURRENT VALUE CHARGE OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 61,717.57 -- 3,930.00 188,506.00 PRIOR YEAR COST ADJ. - OPERATING METRO INTERCEPTOR CREDIT - OPERATING I TOTAL CURRENT COSTS TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 254,153.57 338,235.93 LESS CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT RESERVED CAPACITY DEBT 61,717.57 276,518.36 0 � is - REPORT 5 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCESS DATE SERVICE AREA NO. 06 CURRENT COST ALLOCATION OF $254,153.57 09104180 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1981 GROSS LESS NET CURRENT LOCAL GALLONS SURFACE PLUS /MINUS ADJUSTED SERVICE AREA GOVT INTERCEPTED WATER GALS PRIOR ERROR GALLONS % COST 102 665 O 0 665 138715 35,254.91 104 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 117 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 125 15 0 0 15 .003129 795.25 128 250 0 0 250 .052148 13,253.60 136 0 O 0 0 .000000 .00 140 405 0 0 405 .084481 21,471.15 141 512 0 0 512 .106800 27,143.60 165 122 0 0 122 .025449 6,467.95 169 105 0 0 105 .021902 5.566.47 176 130 0 0 130 .027117 61891.89 181 140 0 0 140 .029204 7,422.30 186 2,450 0 0 2,450 .511055 129,886.45 190 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 191 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 TOTALS 4,794 0 0 4,794 1.000000 254,153.57 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION FINAL COST ALLOCATION FOR BUDGET YEAR 1979 176 Rosemount MILLION GALLONS AMOUNT CURRENT USE CHARGES: TREATMENT WORKS COSTS 108 $ 39,937.84 SEWER SERVICE AREA NO. 06 108 5,341.30 TOTAL CHARGES 45,279.14 OTHER CREDITS OR CHARGES: CURRENT VALUE CREDIT 4,372.000R • DEBT PAYMENT CREDIT 1977 FINAL COST ALLOCATION 3,390.17 TOTAL CREDITS OR CHARGES 981.83CR TOTAL ANNUAL ACTUAL CHARGES 44,297.31 1979 CASH PAYMENTS 46,723.80 NET SURPLUS OR (DEFICIT) 2,426.49 REPORT 2 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCESS DATE TREATMENT POOL 99 CURRENT COST DETERMINATION 02 18 80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1979 AMOUNT PRIOR YEAR COST ADJ. - DEBT LOCAL GOVT. DE ST SVC. 721.511.05 SEWER BOARD DEBT SVC. 8,867,581.00 ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 9,589.092.05 CURRENTLY USED CAPACITY 94,294 1 114,23 .825468 CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT 7,915,488.64 CURRENT VALUE CHARGE 579,985.00 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 26,384,734.52 PRIOR YEAR COST ADJ. - OPERATING TOTAL CURRENT COSTS 34.880,208.16 TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 9;589.092.05 LESS CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT 7.915.488.64 RESERVED CAPACITY DEBT 1,673,603.41 ' REPORT 3 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCESS DATE TREATMENT POOL COST ALLOCATION OF 34,880,208.16 02 19 80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1979 LESS NET GROSS PLUS /MINUS GALLONS SURFACE NET CURRENT LOCAL GALLONS PRIOR QUALITY ADJ FOR WATER ADJUSTED TREATMENT GOVT. TREATED ERROR ADJ. QUALITY GALLONS GALLONS IT COST 101 650 0 1 0000 650 0 650 .006893 240,429.27 102 570 0 1.0000 570 0 570 .006045 210,850.86 103 436 0 1.0000 436 0 436 .004624 161,286.09 104 195 0 1-0000 195 0 195 .002068 72,132.27 _ 105 27 0 1.0000 27 0 27 .000286 9,975.74 106 710 0 1.0000 710 0 710 .007530 262,647.96 107 2,938 0 1.0000 2,938 0 2,938 .031158 1,086,797.53- 109 087 0 1.0000 ,087 0 1,087 .011528 402,099.04 109 1,352 0 1.0000 1,352 0 1,352 .014338 500,112.42 110 1,060 0 1-0000 1,060 0 1,060 .011241 392,088.42 111 72 0 1.0000 72 0 72 .000764 26,648.48 112 241 0 1.0000 241 0 241 .002556 89,153.81 113 330 0 1.0000 330 0 330 .003499 t22,045.85 114 94 0 1.0000 94 0 94 .000997 34,775.57 115 705 0 1.0000 705 0 705 .007477 260.799.32 116 948 0 1.0000 948 0 948 .010054 350,685.61 117 584 0 1.0000 584 0 584 .006193 216.013.13 118 940 0 1.0000 940 0 940 .009969 347.720.79 119 152 0 1-0000 152 O 152 .001612 56,226.90 120 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 .000000 .00 121 938 0 1.0000 938 0 938 .009947 346.953.43 122 484 0 1.0000 484 0 484 .005133 179,040.11 _ 123- 2,658 0 1.0000 2.658 0 2,658 .028189 983.238.19 124 2 0 1.0000 2 0 2 .000021 732.48 125 13 0 1.0000 13 0 13 .000138 4,813.47 126 113 0 1.0000 113 0 113 .001198 41.786.49 127 365 0 1.0000 365 0 365 .003871 135,021.28 128 279 0 1.0000 279 0 279 .002959 103,210.54 129 281 0 1.0000 281 0 281 .002980 103.943.02 130 115 0 1.0000 115 0 115 .001219 42.518.97 131 1,204 - 0 1.0000 1,204 0 1,204 .012769 44.5,385.38_ 132 18 0 •1.0000 t8 0 18 .000191 6.662.12 133 1.277 0 1.0000 1.277 0 1,277 .013543 472,382.66 134 23 0 140000 23 0 23 .000244 8,510.77 135 71 0 1.0000 71 0 71 .000753 26,264.80 136 495 0 1.0000 495 0 495 .005249 183,086.21 137 22 0 1.0000 22 0 22 .000233 8,127.09 138 749 0 1.0000 749 0 749 .007944 277.088.37 139 39 0 1.0000 39 0 39 .000413 14.405.53 140 386 0 1.0000 386 0 386 .004094 142,799.57 REPORT 3 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCESS DATE TREATMENT POOL COST ALLOCATION OF $34,880.208.16 02 19 80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1979 LESS NET GROSS PLUS /MINUS GALLONS SURFACE NET CURRENT LOCAL GALLONS PRIOR QUALITY ADJ FOR WATER ADJUSTED TREATMENT GOVT. TREATED ERROR ADJ. QUALITY GALLONS GALLONS COST 141 458 0 1.0000 459 0 458 .004857 169,413.17 142 22 0 1.0000 22 0 22 .000233 8,127.09 144 55 0 1.0000 55 0 55 .000584 20,370.04 145 40 0 1.0000 40 0 40 .000424 14,789.21 - 146 22 0 1.0000 22 0 22 .000233 8.127.09 147 20 0 1.0000 20 0 20 .000212 7,394.60 148 275 0 1.0000 275 0 275 .002917 101,745.57 149 96 0 1.0000 96 0 96 .001018 35,508.05 150 123 0 1.0000 123 0 123 .001304 45.483.79 151 471 0 1.0000 471 0 471 .004995 174,226.64 152 93 0 1.0000 93 0 93 .000986 34,391.89 153 1,532 0 1.0000 1,532 0 1.532 .016247 566.698.74 154 9 0 1.0000 9 0 9 .000096 3.348.50 155 51 0 1.0000 51 0 51 .000541 18,870.19 155 399 0 1.0000 399 0 399 .004231 147,578.16 157 24,085 0 1.0000 24,085 0 24.085 .255425 8,909.277.17 158 1,370 0 1.0000 1,370 0 1,370 .014529 506,774.55 159 23 0 1.0000 23 0 23 .000244 8,510.77 160 401 0 1.0000 401 0 401 .004252 148,310.64 161 97 0 1.0000 97 O 97 .001029 35,891.74 162 436 0 1.0000 436 0 436 .004624 161,286.08 163 759 O 1.0000 759 0 759 .008049 280,750.80 164 964 0 1.0000 964 0 964 .010224 356,615.24 165 122 0 1.0000 122 0 122 .001293 45.100.11 1GG 11 0 1.0000 11 0 11 .000117_ 4,080.99 167 543 0 1.0000 543 0 543 .005759 200,875.12 168 532 0 1.0000 532 0 532 .005642 196,794.13 169 112 O .1 .0000 112 0 112 .001187 41,402.81 170 181 0 1.0000 181 0 181 .001920 66,970.00 171 124 0 1.0000 124 0 124 .001315 45,867.47 1,559 0 1.0000 1,559 0 1,_559 .016533 576,674.48 _172 173 290 0 1.0000 290 0 290 .003076 107,291.52 174 1.004 0 1.0000 1.004 0 1.004 .010647 371,369.58 175 450 O 1.0000 _ 450 -- -�- 450 .004773 166,483.23 176 108 0 1.0000 108 0 108 .001145 39,937.84 177 1,542 0 1.0000 1.542 0 1,542 .016353 570,396.05 178 387 0 1.0000 387 0 387 .004104 143,148.37 179 2,454 0 1.0000 2,454 0 2,454 .026025 907,757.42 180 21,423 0 1.0000 21.423 0 21,423 .227194 7.924,574.01 181' 135 0 1.0000 135 0 135 .001432 49,948.46 REPORT 3 METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD PROCES DATE TREATMENT POOL COST LLOC TI OF 34.880,208.1 02/19/80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1979 LESS NET GROSS PLUS /MINUS GALLONS SURFACE NET CURRENT LOCAL GALLONS PRIOR QUALITY ADJ FOR WATER ADJUSTED TREATMENT n_nvT TOL'ATCn clsimno An.1 AiJAI VVV f2AM A AMC OA 1 r JC 9E FACT 182 158 0 1.0000 158 0 158 .001675 58 424.35 1 3 714 O 714 0 714 .007572 264,11 .93 184 623 0 1.0000 623 0 623 .006607 230,453.54 18.5 229 O 1.0000 229 0 229 .002429 84,724.02 186 2,890 0 1.0000 2.890 0 2,890 .030649 1.069,043.50 187 105 O 1.0000 105 0 105 .001113 38,821.68 188 195 0 1.0000 195 0 195 .002068 72.132.27 189 27 0 1.0000 27 0 27 .000287 10,010.62 190 803 0 1.0000 803 0 803 .008515 297,004.97 191 2 0 1.0000 2 0 2 .000022 767.36 192 67 0 1.0000 67 0 6 .000710 24,764.95 193 262 0 1.0000 262 0 262 .002779 96.932.10 194 36 0 1.0000 36 0 36 .000382 13.324.24 195 265 O 1.0000 265 0 265 .002810 98.013.38 196 940 O 1.0000 940 0 940 .009969 347,720.80 197 749 0 1.0000 749 O 749 .007943 277,053.49 198 125 0 1.0000 125 0 125 .001326 46.251.16 199 15 0 1.0000 15 0 15 .000159 5,545.93 200 525 0 1.0000 525 0 525 .005567 194,f78.12 202 13 0 1.0000 13 0 13 .000138 4.813.47 205 128 0 1.0000 128 0 128 .001358 47.367.32 206 22 0 1.0000 22 0 22 .000233 8.127.09 TOTAL 94,294 0 94.294 0 94,294 1.000000 34,680.208.16 REPORT 4 METROPOLITAN SEVER BOARD PROCESS DATE SERVICE AREA NO. 08 CURRENT COST DETEOMMATIN 02/19/80 FOR BUDGET YEAR 1999 AMOUNT PRIOR YEAR COST ADJ. - DEBT LOCAL GOVT. DEBT SVC. 24,404.94 SEVER BOARD DEBT SVC. 359,778.00 ACQUISITION AND BETTERMENT METRO INTERCEPTOR CREDIT - DEBT TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 384,180.94 CURRENTLY USED CAPACITY 4,619 / 23,790 .194157 CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT 74,691.42 CURRENT VALUE CHARGE 31930.00 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE 149,924.81 _ PRIOR YEAR COST ADJ. - OPERATING METRO INTERCEPTOR CREDIT - OPERATING TOTAL CURRENT COSTS 228,448.93 TOTAL DEBT AND BETTERMENT 384,180.94 LESS CURRENT DEBT AND BETTERMENT 74.591.42 RESERVED CAPACITY DEBT 309,589.52 __ REPORT 5 METROPOLITAN SEVER BOARD PROCESS DATE SERVICE RE CURRENT COSTALLOCATION OF $228,445.92 o2lig7so FOR BUDGET YEAR 1979 GROSS LESS NET CURRENT LOCAL GALLONS SURFACE PLUS /MINUS ADJUSTED SERVICE AREA GOVT INTERCEPTED WATER GALS PRIOR ERROR GALLONS % COST 102 490 O 0 490 .106084 24,234.46 104 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 7 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 125 4 0 0 4 .000866 197.83 128 75 0 0 75 .018237 3,709.28 _ 136 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 140 386 0 0 386 .083566 19.090.77 141. 297 0 0 297 .064299 14,688 . 94 165 122 0 O 122 .026413 6.033.9 169, 112 0 O 112 .024248 5,539.35 176 108 1 0 0 108 .023381 5,341.30 181. 13S 0 0 1 3 .029227 6,676.79 186 71890 0 0 2.890 .625677 142.933.36 19Q 0 0 0 0 .000000 .00 191 O 0 O O .000000 .00 TOTALS 4,819 0 0 4,619 1:000000 229,445.93 • Raymond Rother 20735 Chippendale Ave. Farmington, MN 55068 463 -7415 October 29, 1980 City of Rosemount 1367 145th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCHRN: I, Raymond Rother, authorize the City of Rosemount to shut off the water at 14550 South Robert Trail if the. tenants become delinquest on their water bill. Signed this 29th day of October, 1980 i Raymond Rother RECEIVED. OCT 2 9 1960 M P M "V M•