HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 UC Documents00 011w l il of osemount (U-1;1w--S &II/lISSICM PROPOSED UTILITY BUDGET 1982 1367.145TH ST. E. • P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55MB 612.423.4411 V Vi VLLLL.CLL VLYY LL\ VG OVER & ITEM BUDGETED EXPENDITURES PROPOSED AB VE ACCEPTED 1981 1981 1982 1981 1982 Wages, Clerical 16,634.00 16,585.99 16,924.76 +281:.,76 Wages, Clerical. PT 1,800.00 1,941.48 00.00 -1200.00 Wages, Opr: ' 43,'6061..,7,5-T. 43,,218.53 49,615.02 +6008:27' Wages, -Pr. APT ,2,000::00 '. ' 2,bb9.:75 2,500,00: +500.00 Wages, Insp. S &W ,000rt00 ,000.00 TOTALS 66,040:75 a:_:LL. _:63,815.75 , 74,039.78 4.990:03' 20- Office Supplies 1,000.00 826,26 1,200.00 +200.00 23 -Small Tools 900:00 361.78 900.00 - 25 -Eq. Opr. Repair 19500.00 `19391.18 1,600.00 +100.00 26- Garage Mtn. 4,000'.00 `~ 1.5,785.79 ,1,500.00 - 2500.00 28- Computer Exp. - ;:,2,000.00 902.99 1,500.00 - 500.00 TOTALS 9,400.00 19,068.00 6,700.00 - 2700.00 30- Professional Serv,`�, ,1,400.00. - x.943.26" 1,200.00 +200.00.- 31- Comm: 1,000100 3,163/.87 °, 1,500:00- i -. +500.00 ..e.. 39- Insurance._ 6.._ - C � 7,500.00 .. ., ,5,`681.47 7,500.00 - , TOTALS" 9,500.00 7,788.60 10,200.00 +700.00' 40 -Misc. 900.00 193.03 600.00 - 300.00 TOTAL 900.00 193.03 600.00 - 300.00 52 -Cap. Outlay 4,200.00 6,283.68 3,000.00 - 1200.00 TOTAL 4,200.00 6,283.68 3,000.00 - 1200.00 Collected for others Meter Deposit Refunds Purchase of Investments 82- Mileage Reimbrse. 200.00 12.88 50.00' - 150.00_ TOTALS .200.00 12.88 50.00 - 150.00 601 GENERAL TOTALS:- 90,240.75 97,161.94 94,589.78 +4,340.03 - 1 - • C ITEM 610 WATER BUDGETED EXPENDITURES PROPOSED OVERT' ACCEPTED ,no, ,oe,) ARnVF.'81' 1982 ' 21 -Water Meter Mtn 29000.00 39176.43 2,000.00 - 21a -New Meters 3,000.00 3,000.00 - 22 -Well Mtn. 2,000.00 176.43 5,000.00 +3000.00 23 -Small Tools Eq. 300.00 78.11 300.00 - 24- Suprv. Control 500.00 2,637.97 500.00 - Panel 25 -Eq. Mtn. 400.00 122..92 400.00 - 26 -Water Tower Mtn 3,000.00 2,629.00 1,500.00 - 1500.00 27 -Well House Mtn. 700.00 19.80 1,500.00 +800.00 29- System Mtn. 29500.00 5,045.97 3,000.00 +500.00 TOTALS 14,400.00 13,886.63 17,200.00 +2800.00 .32 -Lab Analys. 600.00 792.14 1,000.00 +400.00 35 -Elec. Power 5,000.00 5,678.78 6,500.00 +1500.00 36 -Gas 4,500.00 2,366.22 4,500.00 - 37- Flouride 1,200.00 1,242.37 11500.00 +300.00 TOTALS 119300.00 10,079.51 13,500.00 +2,200.00 40 -Misc. 300.00 794.97 500.00 +200.00 TOTALS 300.00 794.97 500.00 +200.00 610 TOTALS 269000.00 -24,761.11 31,200.00 +5,200.00 ep - 2 - 615 SEWER • •. • 1981 1981 1982 OVER 19 R TTF:M BUDGETED EXPENDITURES PROPOSED ABOVE ACCEPTED 1 4 123 -Small Tools & Eq. 150.00 - 150.00 - 24 -Jet Machine 350.00 134.37 11500.00 +1150.00 25 -Eq. Opr.. & Mtn. 100.00 11.81 100.00 - 27 -Lift Stat. 1,200.00 366.91 1,200.00 - 29- System Mtn. 300.00 788.24 400.00 +100.00 TOTALS 2,100.00 1,301.33 3,350.00 +1250.00 35-Elec. Useage 750.00 778.82 1,000.00 +250.00 TOTALS .750.00 .778.82 12000:00 +250.00 40 -Misc. 100.00 - 100.00 - TOTAL 100.00 - 100.00 - Metro Sewer Useage Charge 62,243.88 63,361.15 75,651.12 +13,407. 24 TOTAL 62,243.88 63,361.15 75,651.12 +13,407. 24 615 TOTAL 65,193.88 65,441.30 80,101.12 +14,907,.24 GRAND TOTAL 181,434.63 s 187,364.35 205,890.90 +242'447.27 mm 014 • ? coi ty osernounl 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423.4411 W61ties Oomyniss u-), c Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on January 11, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Walsh with all members present. following bills. Second by Westin. 811.67 Corcorans 35,44 .Consolidated 39.11 Coast to'Coa 1,117,27 Flexible Pip Battery & Tire,Whse 9.04 Hach Chemical Postmaster 102..85 Healy Labs To mbs its 658.03 Metro Waste Co Viking lnd Center 102.00 NSP AWWA 35.QO Peoples Gas B d Auto' 4.12 Dept'of Rev Battery & Tire Whse 43.62 Zeca Co Centr Tele al 24.00 Water Products 1 11 43 Randy Oppelt, Park & Rec Director was present to present the Park & Rec Committee request to find the shelter facility at Erickson Park not servicable by Sanitary Sewer. Discussion was held and plans were reviewed for the project. Motion by Hasbrouck that the Utility Commission finds and determines that sanitary sewer is not available to the Park Shelter facility proposed for Erickson Park because of its remote location, elevation and seasonal use, further, the Utility Commission authorizes issuing a permit for a private sanitary sewer system for the proposed Park Shelter. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three, Don Brown presented the already adopted Lift Station Agreement Formula and Fee Schedule for Highpointe Addition for further discussion and clarification. He asked the Utility Commission to be certain in their minds that they can and will defend the proposed agreements. All agreed they are willing to defend and negotiate further refinements if necessary. 004 • { �I ty ® 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ��� /// ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55066 oeL+ ount 612 - 423 -4411 Q161hes �u m Januar y 11, 1982 Don Brown asked the Utility Commission to reconsider their action of December 7, 1981 in the adoption of Option #3 for the Lift Station Maintenance Fee Schedule for the Rosemount Woods Devel- opment Contract, Comments have been received regarding Brockway Glass and the fact that they are a special user in that the City does not sell them water. He requested that consideration be given to recinding their action of Devember 7, 1982 and consider adopting Option #1 as presented on December 7, 1981, thereby eliminating Brockway Glass from any agreement changes. Walsh to concur .of December 7, that was presen unt Woods Lift_ 1981 Fund Balances, 198 be discussed at the Feb ;ets and '1982 Water and Sewer Rates will meetina. three.! informed the Commission that he has the inform 0 allow the Attorney to reui.ew the Utility Ord, end changes needed to a.nsure control over util Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize payment of fees and attendance by Richman Cook at the "Collection System Operator's Seminary" to be held Jan 20th through Jan 22nd in Bloomington. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Don Brown requested authorization to update the Utility Mapping and Ties System. He advised that map printing will be the only expense incurred in this project. Motion by Walsh to authorize Utility Mapping and Ties System updating as requested. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented the 1982 MWCC Annual Charge Information. A review of Rates will be held at the February Meeting at which time this information will be discussed at length to determine rate changes if needed. 1 �1 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 !!// M ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA55068 ® em®ul Gt 612 - 4234411 • Wlties 1 c7iv� vv� � ssirn� Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on February 8, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Coast to Coast 12.34 Kevin Plan 36.25 Corrigan Elec 197.81 Peoples Gas 1,272.13 Central Tele 24.00 Arnold Peterson 20.01 Donald Frame 32.79' Bill'Polta 90.00 Feed -Rite Controls 20.48 Util`Comm Meter Fund 123.38 Genz Ryan 3.58 Tom's Red Owl 7.48 • Fea7y Labs 138.00 David Ziel ke 12:24' Mark Los,tetter 1.62 8' Secretary presented the Stonebridge Addition Plat for review. was noted that no sewer and water service is scheduled to be extended to this area within the time frame of the current Comp re Hens ive`Guide Plan.' Motion by Walsh to recommend to the City Council that they approve the``Stonebridge Addition Plat without Public Utilities. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Discussion was held on the proposed 1982 Budget. Minor adjustments were made during the discussion and review. Motion by Westin to approve the 1982 Budgets as changed for a total 1982 Budget Amount of $203,890.90. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Discussion was held on water and sewer rate adjustments needed. 1981 receipts and disbursements were reviewed indicating a net loss during 1981. Current water and sewer rates were established in 1979 and Metro Sewer increases and inflation have caused the Utility Commission to draw on reserve funds to the point where the reserves are almost non- existant. Adjustments to the water and sewer rates must be effected for 1982 to allow maintaining what reserves do remain. Motion by Hasbrouck to recommend to the City Council an increase in the water and sewer rates from their present 60 cents per thousand gallon rate to 80 cents per thousand gallon rate to be made effective for the April 1, 1982 billing. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. 014 )?City Of osernount wddw-s GO"It"lzssion February 8, 1982 1367.145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423.4411 President Walsh informed the Utility Commission that the City Council has set a Public Hearing on the Water System Chlorination as requested for 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 23, 1982 at the Rosemount High School Student Center. Council motion included direction that Utility Commission Members are to be present. ber Westin excused himself and vacated his chair at 7:45 p.m due a previous commitment. Motion by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were farad: Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary • &I(Pi lyof sernounl WIties C vI 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on March 8, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Motion by Westin to approve the minutes of the February 81) 1982 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck._ Aye were three. Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills: Second by Walsh. ' Ayes were 'three. Postmaster 69.99 Lamperts 9.10 Postmaster 76.39 Metro Waste 6,304.26 B & J Auto Supply 2.39 Northwestern Agg 14.48 Central Tele 24.00 Prof Graphic Art 18.05 Pat Conway 18.93 Peoples Gas 1,001.21 Donald Cole 35.69 NSP 1,808.62 Coast to Coast 32.67 Scorpio Lounge 44.30 Corcorans 0.25 Sunnyside'Chrysler 5.49 Corrigan Electric 1,171.70 Util Comm Meter "' 59.48 Duffv Bros 75.00 Tom's Red Owl 75.01 Motion by Walsh to enforce the Automatic Sprinkler System Charge. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Discussion was held on Flat Rate Charges. Consideration was given to increase the charge for water sold to General Contractors, usage by the Parks Department and the Liquor Store and Fire Hall annual rates. Motion by Walsh to charge General Contractors a $10.00 per load fee plus $1.00 per thousand gallons of water received. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Motion by Walsh to increase the annual charge to $135.00 • for the Liquor Store and Fire Hall and that the Park Depart- ment be charged this adjusted annual fee also. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. t y o 1367. 145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 g6pi semou -nt •1; 6e, (O- o1, .1122'SSN* M March 8, 1982 Don Brown reported that a Senior Citizen had registered a protest to the increased water and sewer rates and asked that Senior Citizens be exempted from this increase. Utility Commission unanimously agreed that the rate increase must stand for all including Senior Citizens. It was pointed out that this group already enjoys being exempt from the Surcharge. Don Brown reported that 65 bypasses have been activated Motion by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, on F. arling, Secretary �� 0 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55066 gl(pi ee ount 612 - 423 -4411 • `aliiies (0- .Yn1Ss1(n2 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on April 12, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with Member Westin absent. Postmaster 125.06 NSP 893.95 Robert Beattie 8.81 Prof Graphic Art 18.05 B & J Auto 16.'66 People Gas 1,036.01 Central Telephone,; 24:00 William Schi1tz 8.05 Crown Auto Store 7.92 State Treasurer 15.00 Corcorans 22.'40 Sunnyside Chry/Ply 18.41 • Coast to Coast loLlt Dehmlow 28.92 5.03 Util Comm Meter Fund Dept of Revenue 88,11 79.74 bin 8rwn informed the Commission that the quote for extending the ilid7n in'Rosemount Woods to the north line of Brazil Ave has not #gee received as yet. He was instructed to'contnue to press the contra td' obtain this information. Don Brown presented quotes on two way radio equipment. Quotes included two radios, 5 mounting brackets and 4 antennas for $1,206.00. Motion by Hasbrouck to authorize purchase of two way radios, antennas and mounting brackets as described in the quote at a cost of $1,206,00. Second by Walsh. Ayes were two. Secretary presented the O'Leary's Hills Addition proposed plat for review. Motion by Walsh to recommend to the City Council approval of the plat with municipal water and sewer and that this plat share 1/3 of the cost of the lift station in Valley Oaks including the maintenance contract and temporary 3 phase electric service. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. The memo from Finance regarding meter deposits was discussed. Motion by Walsh to agree with the request to discontinue the meter deposit • requirement as of this date. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. 014 • • 6pity of osemount (Wines OomVnISSIM April 12, 1982 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 President Walsh reported that the City Council is interested in seeing a more comprehensive survey being taken now that the "Smelly Water" problem has been aired publicly. President Walsh met with Arnold Thommes to review what he has done to his system that he claims has solved a lot of his problem. He has installed a charcoal filter on a dedicated drinking water faucet in his kitchen that has provided them with smell fnee water and also a water softener that has removed the red water oMblem. Don Brown and Don Darlino were instructed to draft a compM- tion "by Walsh to 'adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were ul submitted, L` <� iiy of OSemOZI YEt 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 CW2 %es CoiInnIn.5sim Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on May 10, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda: Item 6d, Health Department Water Test Results; Item 6e, McCarthy Well Co Report on Well condition. Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the April 12, 1982! Regular Meeting as printed, Second by'Walsh. Ayes were three. Motion by Walsh to pay the following bills: Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Williams Steel 21.50 Keys Well Drill 2,146.75 Corrigan Elec 208.00 Kenneth Lorge 14.47 Coast to Coast 70.27 Lamperts 101.94 Cheyenne Copy Center 153,40 Metro Waste Comm 6,304.26 Cartwright Comm 83.39 State Treasurer 15.00 Corcorans 44.87 Munitech, Inc 610.75 Central Telephone 126,57 NSP 744.99 Carlson Tractor, 4.80 Peoples Gas 501.53 V.S. Darley ' 125.00 Rosemount Liquor 209.65 Feed -Rite Control` 14.86 Util' Cow ' Meter Fund 63.88' Goodin-.Co, 160.27 Water Products 773.29' Scott Hanson 11.65 12,511.09 Don Brown informed the Commission that the quote for providing a fut loop to the Rosemount Woods system has not been received. Commissio instructed that the request should be changed to add an alternate of a conduit under the Brazil Ave right -of -way of sufficient size to allow pushing a line through in the future. Repair and painting of the Jet Truck was delayed due to financial conditions as this time. Don Brown reported that the Chippendale Well House area is ready to be transferred to Park & Rec. The Well has been abandoned and all other concerns have been addressed. Park and Rec will be asked to transfer the money as agreed. Discussion was held on the problems being encountered with the Brockway Lift Station. One pump has quit and has been pulled with the second pump showing signs of failing. Don Brown presented several possible correction methods with cost estimates. With the Rosemount Woods Development going into this system this year it was recommended to replace the long shaft pumps with the much more reliable submersible pump. This has be be accomplished as soon as possible. 044 • • CZ 0 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 osemount 612. 423.4411 Wilities k.� mvnission May 10, 1982 Motion by Westin to declare the repair of the Brockway Lift Station a Maintenance Emergency, directing Don Brown to obtain quotes for replacing the long shaft pumps with submersible pumps, authorizing the award of the contract by President Walsh and Don Brown as soon as the quotes are received and reviewed, placing this item on the next regular agenda for ratification. Payment is toa;be made from Core Facility Sewer Hook Up funds. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. President Walsh informed the Commission of the Council actilen -n-:::_ -- w preposed 145th Street Improvement Project and advised them of the.'scope of the project and that future input by the �f1= tftl 6i 1 1 ha rantli rat# Motlon'by Walsh to prepare and mail to all water custol the "Water Quality Questionaire" as corrected as soon as possible. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Motion by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, a: % Don F. Darling, Secretary - 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 Of 4 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 os e / i' [. ou.n t 612. 423-4411 • "16es "D wilv►i-SS10", Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on June 7, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda: item 6a; Financial Status; I Lire t Mardell's. V.S. Darley & Co. 3.93 McCarthy WellCo City of Rosemount 14,464.00 City of Rosemount ap .00 Bal' 1,178 45 42.96 729.67 26.75 41.75 Moti h by Walsh to ratify 'the d`ecisi Motor Replacement to award the'repla Company in the amount of $12,400.00. three. r 75,163.00 689.10 72.21 Jane'groback 26.94 Coast to Coast 16.04 Corrigan Electric Co. 57.38 rleneral Ind_ Sun olv'' 38.24 Walsh questioned whether or not the old motor could be sold. Brown indicated there doesn't appear to be a market for them, but will put the motor in a sheltered area and attempt to find a buyer. Motion by Walsh that the Utility Commission request Council authorization to use Core Facility Monies to cover repairs of Brockway Lift Station in the amount of $12,400.00. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. A copy of Don Brown's memo regarding water main extension to Rosemount Woods, be placed in their file. t Discussion was held on McCarthy Well Company's report on performance of the wells. Well #6 is the only well which appears to have problems • with the motor resistance factor. Westin suggested having Corrigan Electric check out the motor on a regular basis. It was further recommended that Well #6 be used at a minimum in the rotation system, to attempt to prolong the life of the motor. 044 • June 7, 1982 Page 2 ';q'(Pityof WUties emvnz'Ss1M 1367.145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 Motion by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Francis J. Goggin, Acting Secretary 0"144 • C�(9i I Y of osernount 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOU NT, MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 423 -4411 Wltws v-01ALknIsswn Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on July 12, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda: item 6a; Michael Molenda Penalty abatement, item 8b; Report on Fluoride Supply. Nostmaster IU.UI NSP /y`b.53 Postmaster 11.8.04 harry Reese 22,83 Rexnord Safety Prod 85.00 William Stauffer 17.08 B & E Enterprises,..:, 364 <07 Sunnyside Chrysler 35,98 Centel 48.00 B Phanh Sengsvang 29.32 Corcorans 22.28 Util`Comm Fund 196,51 Carlson Tractor 8,90 Tom Vorwerk 50.00 Coast to Coast 3.57 Water Prod 155.00 Feed - Rite Controls 626.90 Dept of Revenue' 73.02 Benz Ryan 36.90 State ;Treasurer` 44.16 Leonard Hughes 20.19 City of Rosemount 1,84 Lakeville Mac: tne 100.00 X3,19 Pat Dolan of Americam Payment Centers was present to discuss with'. the Utility Commission the'possbility of being a spon5rr'in a'. payment box to be located at the KenRos'e Center. Motion by Westin to enter into a Rental Agreement to sponsor a Payment Box at the KenRose Center to replace the Red Owl and: Duffy locations effective January 1, 1983 at $20.00 per month rental for a five year period. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that the Brockway Lift Station is almost complete. Motor Slide Rails have to be installed and maintenance instructions received to complete the installation. President Walsh advised the Commission that the City Council authorized payment from the Sewer Core Facility Fund for the Brockway Lift Station repair. Don Brown reported that during the extremely hot /dry spell we experienced on the 4th of July weekend, Well #7 failed on several occasions due to thermal protection devices kicking out. Tower records indicated that even with Well #7 failing that Well #3 and Well #7 were staying well ahead of the demand. This indicates that these two wells have sufficient capacity to allow Well #6 to be idled until such time that corrections can be made to that system to allow it to return to the pumping rotation. 0044 L.] • 16pi IY of osemount CUl ties emyn-ISSI"I't July 12, 1982 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 Utility Commission reviewed the results of the "Water Quality Survey" Motion by Walsh to recommend to the City Council based on information gleaned from the "Water Quality Survey" and other information and factors received from the City Engineer and the Minnesota Department of Health that we introduce water system chlorination at Wells #3 and 7, Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that there has that there is a shortage of fluori received since it was anndunced b Indication from the Supplier uoride has been ordered and a shortage. brouck. Ayes were three. spectfully submitted Darling, Secreta 01T '161 t yof semount Wlt is k-01 Yn1ss2C n 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on August 9, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with Member Westin absent. Items added to the agenda:. item 6d, Discuss 1st National Bank Project Financial obligation on extra valves: item 8e, Report on Watermain Weak on 146th St W, Walsh to a printed. the July 1 Ayes were Motion by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills'. Second by Walsh. Ayes were two, 1st Fed S & L 25,000.00 Lamperts 28.91 A & "H Cartage Inc 9.18 Jerome Mueller 28.54 B & J Auto 17.66 Metro Waste Control 6,304.26 Jan Booth 29.78 NS:P 1,078.77 Battery & Tire Whse 37.07 Kerry Royce 31.82 David Chevalier' 11.44 Otil Comm Meter Fund 94.18 Coast to Coast -9.74 L & L Wlding & Trkg 375.00 is Don Brown presented information on water pum He feels that the City has adequate supply a Don Brown reported that a break occurred in St W between Danbury Ave and Danville Ave ". ca s time. the water main on 146th The break occurred Sunday, Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted. rling, 0144 • • ?(Oityof osernount Wwit�s (q 1nn1 .ssw- n 1367. 145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on September 13, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by President Walsh with Member Westin absent. tems added to the agenda: item 6e, Building Official Memo egarding Septic System conflict at Corcoran Hardware Build; Motion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the August 9, 1:982 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes were two.' Motion by Walsh to pay the following bills*.. Second by Hasbrouck.' Ayes were two. Taylor Rental 16.50+ International''Hvstr 7.43 Contractor's Machinery 830.54 Metro Waste Control 6,304.26 Water Products Co 2,029.96 State of Minn 197.83 Commercial Asphalt 66.60 NSP 1,419.25 Postmaster 72,44: N'western Aggregates 56.18 B & J Auto 3.60 William Schedin 9.29 Central Telephone 36.00' Util Comm Meter Fund 168.08 Coast to Coast 30.28 Water Products 99.21 Consolidated Electric 84.00 Repairs Inc 40,47 Harvey Denam 7.63 Lakeville Machine 400.04 Feed -Rite Control. 502,22 SEH 75.17 Ronald Johnson 15.00_ X 8.67 8rad'Johnson 46.73` Don Brown' presented a letter from the Minnesota Department of Heal outlining methods of controlling private wells to assure that thos that are abandoned are closed and sealed properly. The '`Commission directed that rather than entering into a lengthy formal agreement that the City will work with the Department of Health. The City will require that before a building or wrecking permit is granted, provisions shall be made to properly maintain or seal any well in the affected area. The City will coordinate the program through the State Health Department Permits Division. Don Brown explained to the Commission that a problem was encountered in televising the sewer lines on 145th Street that has increased the cost. Commission advised that the televising should be completed even if additional costs are incurred, South Rose Park 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat was presented for review and recommendation. Motion by Walsh to recommend to the City Council that they approve the South Rose park 2nd Addition with public utilities and further that any proposed water service extensions be at least 8" in size within the development. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Q 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ` ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 ®S G q ��y ® VG / iM � 612 - 423 -4411 (Abw- s l(ovvwnzssl Don Brown explained to the Commission that the Rosemount National Bank Contractor had neglected to install a curb box at the property line but had installed a post indicator valve some 100 feet into the property. They have requested a variance to the City Code to allow the post indicator valve to be considered as the required gate valve. Motion by Walsh that the Utility Commision finds and determines that sanitary sewer is still not available to the Maintenance Shop on the Corcoran Hardware property to allow the abandonment of the private septic system serving that building and further that the inplace system can remain as is even though it will be within the new building as easy access for maintenance can be gained due to the fact that no permanent floor is to be installed in the new building. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. • First Time Meter installation costs were discussed, 0144 • • 16 iiy o osemount WItLes (0cn V 1881M. 1367 - 145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612.423 -4411 Motion by Hasbrouck that all first time meter installations be paid for by the Owner, Developer or Builder, said meters to be approved by the City prior to installation and dedicated to the City after installation for perpetual maintenance and ownership. Second by Walsh. Ayes were two. Motion by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes we Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Secretary *A • C] o� t i � osernount 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423.4411 Wilities (,on/iML*5S"* /I Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on October 12, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. by Walsh to approve the minutes of the September 13, 1 Meeting as printed. Second by Westin. Ayes were thy by Westin to pay the followi re three. ter 209.56 L rg & Assoc 14.32 M uto Supply 14.62 M E1ec 201.00 N nc - 40 OT N Carlson Tractor Coast to Coast Central Tele Comm Asphalt Genz Ryan bills: Second 2,35 Dept of Rev 29.96 Phil's Body„ 89.65 Wilroy_ 36.01 Water Prod $.8Q Water Prod 908.00 1, 263.`07 61.97 200.00 8.25 531.50 156.80 10,024.54 imates o with the Commission eting the requireme be approximately $'. this savings as mop utside and seem to' problem as they are .:l Motion by Walsh to direct the Engineer to prepare final Plans and Specifications for chlorination equipment for Wells #3 & #7, removing the inside installation at Well #3, further authorizing a bid opening at 2:.00 p.m., Friday, November 5, 1982. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. The Novack Co. report on televising of the sewer lines will be reviewed at the November 8, 1982 Regular Meeting. Secretary was instructed to attempt to secure a video cassette system to review the tapes of the inspection. Secretary empowered to change the meeting location should the equipment needed not be portable. Motion by Hasbrouck to Certify Delinquent Water Bills to the County Auditor per listing prepared by City Staff. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Motion by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. R ec fu y u m tted,. r Don F. Darling, Secreeta y �Z �Y O 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 ®S B�I/fA o / lV/ t 612- 4214411 WJI,�, en/tml 8swn Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on November 8., 1982 at the Dakota County VoTech in the Cable Vision Class Rooms,, The meeting was called to order at 6 :30 p.m, by President Walsh with Member Westin absent,_ s added to the agenda;_ 8a, Di.scussi -on on serving a propos in`Section 30 adjacent to Broback 8th Addition. tntion'by Walsh to approve the minutes of the October 12,, '1982 egu1ar Meeting as pri.ntoC. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were tiro., Mation'by Hasbrouck t4 pay :the following bills. Second by Walsh,, Ayes were two. Art Broback 22.78 Healy Labs 9412'' Tim Broback 21.57 Robert Kluge 22.94 Don Blumenstein 29,.80 Metro Waste Comm 63304,26 B & J Auto 33.35 Northland Mortgage 6.68 Consol E1ec 291.00 NSP 1,018.41 Coast to Coast 2,29 Earl W. Quintus 21.02 Central Tele 48.00 Strese Oil Co'' 5.00 Empire -Crown Auto 9.12 Utii Comm 100,21 • 7, Member.Westin arrived `'and assumed his chair at 6:34 p.m. This meeting was held :at the Dakota County. VoTech to allow the Utility Commission to `review the video tapes of the sewer !line televising I on the video equipment at the VoTech. The video taping of the sewer lines was accomplished on September 29, 1982, Viewing began at 6:.35 p.m. and continued to 7:40 p.m. All problem areas were reviewed and discussed. The Utility Commission will consider and make their recommendation at the December 1.3, 1982 Regular Meeting, City Engineer Norm Hendrickson presented the bid tabulations for the chlorination equipment. Two bids were presented; A & K Construction at $10,935.00 and Lysne Construction at $13,600.00. Mr. Hendrickson recommended awarding the contract to the low bidder A & K Construction utilizing equipment manufactured by Advance Equipment Company. Motion by Walsh to accept the bids for the installation of chlorination equipment at Wells # 3 & 7 and further to award the bid to the low bidder A & K Construction in the amount of $10,935,00 and directing that chlorination equipment installed shall be manufactured by Advance Equipment Co. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. • • • November 8, 1982 Don Brown presented a proposed plat to be known as the "LEO Addition" for discussion. More information is needed prior to any recommendation by the Utility Commission. This item to be placed on the December 13, 1982 agenda. Motion by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck.. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, C - — " Don F. Darling, Secretar 044 • 161 t yof osernount 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 423 -4411 CUlizes l omvnzsslov� Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on December 13, 1982 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. ion by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the November 8 ular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes were thr Motion by Walsh to pay the following bills. Second by Ayes were three. Kevin !Rolfing 37.88 Gertz Ryan Jeffrey Plan 24.30 WW Grainger Postmaster 74.73 Healy Labs B & J` Auto 60.31 Lamperts Richard Battaglia 13.72 Metro Waste Contl Tim Broback 70.00 North Star Concrete Corrigan Electric 814,00 NSP Corcorans 22,67 Nevada Poole Coast to Coast 23.71 Repairs Inc` Central Tele 117.64' David Stauffer. Cheyenne Copy Ctr 3.08 Util Comm Meter Fund Carlson Tractor 59.75 Water Products Mpire -Crown Auto 31.00 Water Products Feed -Rite Contrail 34.50 Waldor Pump iscussion`of the sewer tape presentation was held. C unanimously agreed that 11 replacement of'the entire syst desirable than patching the system. 28.00 218.67 6,910.58 219.76 951.91 14.39 2.00 20.95 106.76 Motion by Walsh to recommend to the City Council that the Sanitary Sewer lines and services in 145th Street between Cameo Ave and Burma Avenue be replaced as part of the 145th Street Reconstruction Improvement Project. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that some of the chlorination equipment has been delivered. He asked the Utility Commission for permission to withhold full time operation of the system until early spring to allow adequate flushing during first operation. Commission agreed that the system should remain off line after testing until such time as adequate flushing can be accomplished without inconvenience to residents in the areas of hydrants used in flushing. LEO Addition preliminary plat was presented for review and recommendation. • Motion by Hasbrouck to recommend to the City Council that they approve the LEO Addition preliminary plat with public utilities provided that all properties without,public utilities adjacent to the proposed plat be served at the same time. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. 01T • • o osemount Wilities C wn December 13, 1982 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 University Second Addition preliminary plat was presented for review and recommendation. Re sti "n. F. Darling: tes were three.