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1983 UC Documents
ty of osemount emnsissi"I C�1.l11 ii�es ADOPTED UTILITY BUDGET 1983 General 601 ITEM 1982 1982 1983 Budgeted Expenditures Proposed 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423.4411 Over and 1983 Above Adopted Wages, Clerical 16,924.76 17,029.00 18,548.00 +1,623,24 18,548.00 Wages, Clerical, P.T. 3,000.00 1,142.43 -0- - 3,000.00 -0- Wages,'Opt. 49,615.02 52,390.00 .57,392.00 +7,776.98 57,392.00 Wages,,Opr. P.T. 29500..00 -0- 2,000.00 -. 500.00 2,000.00 Wages, Insp. S & W 23,000.00 -0- out - 2,000.00 -0- TOTALS $74,039.78 $70,561.43 $77,940.00 +35900.22 77,940.00 20- Office Supplies 1,200.00 1,487.09 231000.00 + 800.00 29000.00 23 -Small Tools 900.00 . 117.01 700.00 - 200.00 700.00 25- Equipment Optr. 1,600.00 1,885.00 1,900.00 +300.00 1,900.00 •26- Garage Mtn. 1,500.00 94.00 1,500.00 -0- 1,500.00 28- Computer Exp 1,500.00 -0- 1,500.00 -0- 1,500.00 TOTALS $ 6,700.00 $3,583.10 $7,600.00 + 900.00 7,600.00 30- Professional Serv. 1,200.00 1,384.32 1,200.00 -0- 1,200.00 31- Communication 1,500.00 1,601.00 2,000.00 + 500.00 2,000.00 39- Insurance 7,500.00 3,865.09 59000.00 - 2,500.00 5,000.00 TOTALS $10,200.00 $6,850.42 $8,200.00 - 2,000.00 8,200.00 40- Miscellaneous 600.00 15.00 300.00 - 300.00 300.00 TOTALS 600.00 15.00 300.00 - 300.00 300.00 52- Capital Outlay 3,000.00 3,633.35 12,000.00 +9,000.00 12,000.00 TOTALS 3,000.00 3,633.25 12,000.00 +9,000.00 12,000.00 Collected for others Meter Deposit Refunds Purchase of Investments 82- Mileage Reimbursement 18 TOTALS $94,539.78 $84,643.20 $106,040.00 +11,500.00 106,040.00 C✓ Z ly 1367.145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 osemount 61244 2311 • C(/(tzliiles &mzssu)�n ADOPTED UTILITY BUDGET 1983 (page 2) 610 ITEM 1982 1982 1983 OVER & 1983 BUDGETED EXPEND. PROPOSED ABOVE ADOPTED 21 -Water Meter Mtn. 2,000.00 1,488.47 2,000.00 - 29000.00 22-Well Mtn. 59000.00 724.58 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 2,000.00 23- Small -Tools Eq. 300.00 284.72 400.00 + 100,00 400.00 24 -Supv. Control Panel 500.00 537.03 700.00 + 200.00 700.00 25-Eq. Mtn. 400.00 135.00 400.00 - 400.00 26 -Water Tower Mtn. 4500.00 49000.00 +-1AS 5,000.00 27 -Well House Mtn. 1,500.00 1,142.00 1,000,00 - 500.00 1,000,00 28 -New Meters 3,000,00 3,137.00 49,000.00 +1,000.00 49000.00 29- System Mtn. 3,000.00 6,436.00 4,000.00 +1,000.00 4,000.00 +2,300.00 TOTALS 17,200.00 13,884.80 18,500.00 -1 -,- 3.-00 19,500.00 •2 -Lab Analysis 1,000.00 394.00 500,00 - 500.00 500.00 35- Electric Power 6,500.00 10,804.00 13,000.00 +6,500.00 13,000.00 36 -Gas 4,500,00 4,226.15 6,000.00 +1,500.00 6,000.00 37- Flouride /Chlorine 1,500.00 1,095.84 2,500.00 +1,000.00 2,500.00 TOTALS 13$00.00 16,519,99 22,000.00 +8,500.00 22,000.00 40- Miscellaneous 500.00 395,00 500.00 - 500.00 TOTALS 500,00 395.00 500.00 - 500.00 82 -Meter Deposit Refund TOTALS 31,200.00 30,799.79 41,000.00 +1 b4,- 42,000.00 • i 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 of i t l ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 ?01 se�r oun� 6'2'24°" Q16 iliiles 640vn"?L5S1oi1 ADOPTED UTILITY BUDGET 1983 (page 3) ITEM 615 1982 19 1983 VER & 1 BUDGETED EXPEND. PROPOSED ABOVE ADOPTED 23 -Small Tools & Eq. 150.00 - 100.00 50.00 100.00 24 -Jet Machine 1,500.00 635.00 2,500.00 +1,000.00 29500.00 25 -Eq. Opr & Mtn 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 27 -Lift Station 1,200.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 29 System Mtn 400.00 400.00 600.00 + 200.00 600 nn 1RTALS 3$50.00 2,535.00 4,500.00 +1,150.00 4,500.00 35 -Elec. Useage 1,000.00 804.00 1,200.00 + 200.00 1,200.00 TOTALS 1,000.00 804.00 1,200.00 + 200.00 1,200.00 40- Miscellaneous 100.00 64.96 100.00 - 100.00 TOTAL 100.00 64.96 100.00 - 100.00 Metro Sewer �Useage Charge 75,651.12 76,257.00 82,926.94 +7,275.82 82,926.64 TOTAL 809101.12 79,660.96 88,726.94 +8,625.82 88,726.94 GRAND TOTAL $205,840.90 $195,103.95 $235,766.94++,6: - 236,766.94 is 01T 0 n LJ osernounl (uhlies 6L"/11Ssx*n/1 1367.145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on January 10, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda; 7c, Grief Bros. Sewer Line Rearrangement. ly reappointed Commission Member Dale Westin was sworn Motion ,by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the 0 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes w Motion by Westin to pay the following bills with co Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Central Telephone Co 66.20 W Grainger' Postmaster 99.00 Healy Ruff Postmaster 40.00 Healy Laboratories Postmaster 37.92 MN Pol Control Age Amer Pymt Centers 90.OQ Metro WsteCtrl Com A &H Cartage Inc 12.24 NSP B &J Auto Supply 6.76 Peoples Nat Gas Coast to Coast Rsmt 8,11 Water Products Co Corcorans 3.'78: Dept of Revenue FME Cor p 213,00 TOTAL Dort Brown presented the 1983 Preliminary Budge '. xpendi Lure figures for ;1982 w i 11 be av ai 1 ab 1 e at Meeting at which time action will be taken on the 19f 58.38 24.90 7.40 40.00 6,910.58 747.58 19.78 am Motion by Walsh to authorize Richman Cook to attend the PriVate Sanitary Sewer System Seminar as requested. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented a request to consider bypassing the lift station with the Grief Bros. sewage. He was directed to continue his investigation and report back with estimated costs and possible funding sources. Don Brown reported that the telemetering system at the Brockway Lift Station is now working. The Winds Crossing system will be activated when telephone lines are available at the site. Secretary reported that the initial CDBG application has been turned down but the City has directed that an application be prepared and presented for the second round of funding. Motion by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Res fully sub - d, Don F. Darling, Secretor 0101 • • 161ty of osernount C�liizes L�ov�.v►a.�sswv� 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612. 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on February 7, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with member Westin absent. Items added to the agenda: 5a, -deleted, "49n by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the January 10 198 Regular 'Meeting as printed. ;Second by Walsh. Ayes were two. M+� it�n by Walsh to pay the following bills as presented.' Second b" Hasbrouck. .Ayes were two. Corrigan Electric Co 40.00 MN Dept Nat Resource SA Corrigan Electric to 170.32 NSP ' 1,215.44 Davis Electronic Ser 11..50 Peoples Nat Gas Co 903.20 Feed -Rite Control 444.71 Util Comm Fund Meter 12.36 Healy Laboratories 21.00 Metro Wste Control Comm 6,910.58 Robert Mickelson 22:64 TOTAL 9,756.75 the 1983 Budgets for discussion. Council will be special meeting ©n February 22nd to discuss the d. id ;by Walsh to ad Jrn. 'Second b. Hasbrouck. Ayes were two'. r0 ectf r i ng u 1 mitted, Secretary 9T )? i�� of osernouni C�11�1Ei ��YINL2�G1.SS1CY�d 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55066 612-423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on February 22, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Walsh at 8:30 p.m. with member Westin absent. e purpose of this meeting was to recommend to the uncil water billing rate increases and miscellaneous ut arge, increases and adopt the 1983 Utility Department Buc ons _u sea to quarters,., ''ar ,er. Seconc MOTION by Walsh rec€mmening to the City Council that RESOLUTION 1973 -1 and all amendments thereto through RESOLUTION Respectfully submitted," Francis J. oggin Acting Secretary 0 0144 • o 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423.4411 Q1611W.'s L?rnMMLSSWn Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Comission was duly held on March 7, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda: 3a, Approval of Minutes of February 22, 1983 Special Meeting, and 7a, Budget Discussion. A & H Cartage 8.50 Healy Laboratories A & B Auto Electric 12.25 Metro Waste Control 14 NSP .25 s Nat- Gas arine & Arctic aw &Tool omm Fund Meter Products Co Comm 6,910.58 1,460.23 1,931.23 5.03 1.70 17.75 1.830., 72 MOTION by Walsh that Don Brown obtain quotes for touch -up of the legs and catwalk area, interior recoating and base security fence. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. MOTION by Walsh authorizing the Utility Department to start up the chlorination system based on the recommendation of the City Engineer and to notify the water customers that the system will be activated, possibly through the April 1, 1983 billing card and also in the Dakota County Tribune. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. MOTION by Hasbrouck that the Utility Department coordinate with Grief • Bros. and proceed with the relocation of the Grief Bros. sewer line at an estimated material cost of $250.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Don Brown to obtain quotes for a heavy duty 2 -ton pickup truck. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. 0 • Regular Utility Commission Meeting March 7, 1983 Page Two Don Brown requested the Utility Commission consider the purchase of a pickup hoist. He informed the Commission that preliminary checking indicated one could be purchased for about $1,600.00. After lengthy discussion, it was decided that Don Brown was to contact the Dakota County Area Vocational and Technical School toward the possiblity of them building a hoist, and come back to the next meeting with the information. Member Westin questioned the status of the sensor for the lift stations, manholes, etc., when it is sent in for replacement. Don Brown will check with the surrounding communities to determine what they use and report back at the next meeting. RESOLUTION 1983 -11 WATER AND SEWER RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS was reviewed, with the Commission satisfied with all contents. MOTION by Westin to authorize George Romo to attend Water Works Operator's School. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, rancis J. gin Acting Secretary 004 r� 1 �iIy o osemount Ct/l i kt --s 6 LvnisSton 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 4234411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission was duly held on April 11, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with member Hasbrouck absent. Items added to the agenda: 5e, Customer Water Pressure Problems; Spring Clean Up; 8e, Utility Box Repair. Westin to approve the—Minutes of the March printed. Second b.v Walsh._ Aves. were two. �T t W11. tin to pq Ft�stmaster X10 . Cents 1 Sec.' AWWA Postma "ter American Payment Ctrs,;,., B &J Auto Supply American Clean 7a, Cc 6.21 Metro Wste Control � 64 NSP Co. Comm 1 J . VV 64.40 6,910.58 1,097.52 587.85 6.00 9.207.92 of ng w Don Brown asked the Commission to consider a hexagon fence at the water tower base to reduce the total installed cost and allow interior yard mowing with the larger mowers as the corner angles would be decreased allowing closer approach to the fence with the larger riding mowers. Commission directed that formal quotes be obtained for the installation of an 84 -inch high chain link fence with a 4 -foot service gate, a 10 -foot truck gate and a triple barb wire Y- barrier on top configured as a hexagon around the leg area of the water tower. Don Brown informed those present that the chlorination equipment was placed in service this date. Extensive flushing will be performed to insure a more rapid system wide effect. Notice of the added flushing and chlorination start up will be in the Dakota County Tribune this week if possible. Don Brown presented quotes for the furnishing of a new pickup. He recommended that Option #2 for a 1983 Ford F150 be accepted as it is the best value and meets specifications. Regular Utility Commission Meeting April 11, 1983 Page Two • MOTION by Hasbrouck to accept the quotes for the furnishing of a pickup and to award the quote to Wilroy, Inc. for Option #2, a 1983 F150 Ford for the quoted price of $7,496.00. Second by Westin. Ayes: Hasbrouck, Westin. Nays: 0. Abstain: Walsh. Don Brown informed the Commission that he has delivered the specifications for a box mounted hoist to the Vo -Tech Welding Class but has not received any cost estimate as yet. Commission directed that the Vo -Tech be allowed to build the unit provided their estimate is less than the regular vendors and their completion date be acceptable. Discussion was held with Mr. & Mrs. James Ahern and Dr. Raymond Mardell about the lack of volume of water to their respective residences. It was noted that several homes in that area are experiencing low volume. Utility Department will provide testing required to determine where the problem is on an individual basis in that area. President Walsh informed the Commission that the City Council has authorized expenditure of Revenue Sharing funds to support the "Spring Clean Up" weekend being sponsored by the Jaycees and other area service groups. Trash containers will be placed at the Utility Garage and Twin Puddles Park for that weekend. • Don Brown reported that the Utility Department has been working closely with MWCC on the storm water infiltration problem. In walking the various trunk 1�'n'eI�s nhole cover was found to be misaligned in a low area. This I Wcbrrected. The M WCC has agreed to check their lines also. Improved marking of manholes in open fields will be accomplished this summer to provide better protection of the manholes. Don Brown presented a concern regarding the oxygen meter. He advised that an annual maintenance must be performed on this unit with a two to three week down time. Commission directed that the individual that uses the meter in performing his duties is to be charged with the responsibility of directing the maintenance of the unit, and that during these periods the blower be utilized to insure safe entry into the manholes and lift stations. Don Brown requested that the jetter hose be replaced. He estimated $1,000.00 replacement costs. MOTION by Walsh to obtain quotes for replacing the jetter hose and to expedite the replacement process Don Brown is to ascertain the low bid and obtain the hose and to bring his decision back to the Utility Commission at their next Regular Meeting for ratification. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented information on repair of the utility body that indicated that the cost of a new body would be the most cost efficient. The cost difference is approximately $500.00 for a new unit versus repairing the old unit. He presented pencil quotes for a new unit with MacQueen Equipment being the low quote at $1,488.00. Regular Utility Commission Meeting April 11, 1983 Page Three • MOTION by Walsh to award the low quote from MacQueen Equipment Company for the furnishing of a Utility Body in the amount of $1,488.00. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. • is Secretary presented a request to consider a maximum utility billing for an individual due to medical disability. Part of the therapy is hot baths. This together with being on a fixed income creates a problem when the rates are increased and the usage is forced up due to the therapy methods. Commission stated that an individual request such as this is clearly understood, but in granting such a request would possibly create an unmanageable situation in that the Commission has no idea of the number of individuals on the system with conditions that warrant individual considerations such as this one. Secretary to relay this to the individual. Ed Barloon was present seeking some direct answers to questions he had about the various charges on the water billing. Commission and Staff addressed his concerns. MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Secretary � 0 1367.145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 14 ®eem ^unt 612- 423 -4411 Wlt;es eminissim Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on May 9, 1983 at the City Maintenance /Utility Garage. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. MOTiiN by Walsh to approve the Minutes of the April 11, 1983 Regular Meting as corlrected� to wit: 2nd page, 5th paragraph, 3rd sentence to read: "This will be corrected." vice, "This has been corrected." Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. MOTION by Hasbrouck to pay'the following bills as presented. Dept, of Revenue'. 105.86 W.W. Grainger 10.85 B & J Auto Supply 6.84 Genz Ryan Plbg. Co. 3.10 Valley Tire & Auto 51.03 Al Krauter 13.58 Boeckermann Heinen 760.00 Metro Waste Control Comm 6,910.58 Big A Auto Parts! 32.95; NSP 1,072.68 Coast -to -Coast Rsmt. 12.54 Gisele O'Leary 40.00 Corcorans Peoples Natural Gas 385.22 Central Telephone Co. 53,90 The PATCO Co. 124.02 • Peter Drodofsky. 21.58 Ut`il. Comm. Fund Meter 59.68 Dakota AVTI 80.00 Cory Wassing` 21.58 Empire -Crown Auto Inc. 16.53 Wilroy Inc. 7,496.0 W 11 i am l an i ngam 23.58 TOTAL Second' by Walsh. Ayes were three. Mr. & Mrs. =:Larry Prichard, 3564 147th Street West, were present to register a camp`la1nt regarding the quality of the City water and the` problems they encountered while filling their 8,000 gallon swimming pool on April 25, 1983. The Commission explained that with the City water system now being chlorinated, when such a large amount of water is withdrawn at one time so soon after chlorination that there would be a problem with rust, etc., as these substances will be broken down by the chlorine, and that in the future this problem should be corrected when the pipes are cleaned. The Commission further assured the Prichards that the quality of the water is good, and to verify this, informed them that since 1976 the City has submitted on a monthly basis four (4) samples of water taken from various locations. One is submitted to the Minnesota Health Department and three to a private testing laboratory, and there has never been a questionable sample. MOTION by Walsh that a one time credit of $8.40 for sewer on the Prichard's water bill be authorized for the 8,000 gallons of water used to fill their swimming pool, since this water will not be entering the sanitary sewer • system. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. MOTION by Walsh to ratify the purchase of the jetter hose from Flexible Pipe Tool Co. in the amount of $1,150.00. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Utility Commission Regular Meeting May 9, 1983 . Page Two Don Brown reported that he is progressing on the water tower site fencing and • expects to call for quotes with an opening date of June 13, 1983 Regular Commission Meeting. Don Brown reported he is still working on the box mounted hoist for the pickup with the Dakota County AVTI and will keep the Commission informed of the progress. Don Brown reported that the new pickup is now on board, but the box has not as yet been mounted or painted as there is a problem with matching the paint. MOTION by Westin that the City personnel mount, dismount, etc., the utility box and return to McQueen Equipment for painting to ensure a match of the paint. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on the flow tests on Cameo Avenue: 14355 - AHERN ......... 2.5 GPM - galvanized lines 14335 - TALBERT ...... 11 GPM - copper lines 14470 - MARDELL ....... 5 GPM - galvanized lines 14340 - RYAN .......... 8 GPM - copper lines Mr. Ahern has indicated to Utility personnel that he will have to put in new copper lines. President Walsh presented a complaint letter from Mrs. Theresa Wallachy, 3330 • 145th Street West, on the condition of her water. An employee of the Health Department and a Utility Department employee went to Mrs. Wallachy's residence for samples and checking of her system. Mrs. Wallachy then submitted a thank - you to the City for the follow -up to her complaint. Discussion was held on the possibility of requiring 1" service lines from the curb stop to residences in new developments to increase the flow. MOTION by Walsh to install full flow valves on selected homes within the City to determine the difference in the flow as opposed to the older style valves. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. After further discussion it was recommended that an attempt be made to include the requirement for a 1" water service line from the curb stop to the residence in the O'Leary's Hi i s development. Don Brown reported to the Commission that he had received approximately 20 severe complaints from residents since the beginning of chlorination, and two reports that it is really great to no longer have an odor in the water. MOTION by Westin to adjourn the Regular Meeting and to proceed on a tour of the Utility Department facilities. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, i Francis J. Goggin Acting Secretary 0144 g6ltyof semount � (/ltilii�s l owt�zz<sswvi 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612. 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Comission was duly held on June 13, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda: 5c, Update on System Chlorination; 6a, Well Maintenance Reports; Be American Water Works Letter. Westin to approve t Printed. Second by sbrouc Minutes of the Ma isbrouck. Ayes were following bills as 7.50 Metro Waste Contrl 1.51 NSP D. 00 Peoples Natu 4.50 James Pasket 1.97 Rosemount Pr 7.$0 Rexnold Elec al Gas ing nic +82.25 6.17 241.88 85.00 .89 rriaen Maiiing tq. L11i.UU La Monte squires 14.17 Farmers Union'Coop. • 50.00 Mark' Schmit 4.75 F16 Able Pipe Co. 1, <150.00 " Paul Thorberg Feed Rite Control 472.32 Jerry Wageman 4.17' Haoh Chemical Co. 106.04 Util. Comm. Find Meter 257.57`` Heady Laboratories 17.00 Wilroy Inc. 42.$t}' nter.sta a Diesel 445._71 Water Products Co. 42.17'' DonBrown presented quotes for fencing the Water Tower Base. Amco. Steel quoted $2,390.00; Montgomery Ward quoted $2,715.87; MN Fence and Iron Works Inc. quoted $3,315.00; Midwest Fence &Ifg. Co. submitted a quote after the closing date and the City Attorney recommended not considering the late quote. Don Brown recommended awarding the contract to Amco Steel. NOTION by Westin to accept the fencing bids received prior to the stated cut off time and award the bid to Amco Steel Fence Company in the amount of $2,390.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Don Brown presented offers to buy the box off the new pickup. Robert Yates offered $502.00 and Oron Weierke offered $327.00. NOTION by Westin to accept the offer from Robert Yates of $502.00 for the pickup box. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported that rust complaints have been numerous since the chlorination system was activated. They have been experimenting with we the flushing schedule to determine if high volume or low volume flushing is more effective. All are being advised that this reaction to chlorination was expected and this fact was voiced at all the public meetings on the possible chlorination of the City Water System. UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS • REGULALR MEETING JUNE 13, 1983 PAGE 2 Don Brown presented the McCarthy Well Company reports on the pump conditions at all three wells. Some review was held. Questions were raised as to some of the findings with a request by the Commission that Don Brown obtain clarification on them and place this on the next Regular Agenda for further discussion. Don Brown reported that the installation of full flow valves is moving rather slow. One valve has been installed with only a slight volume increase noted. Further installations will be accomplished as time permits. Don Brown advised the Commission that replacing regular water meters in good working order with outside reader meters has created a shelf surplus of good meters. He has instructed the maintenance staff to use these meters to replace faulty meters in the older sections of town. New construction and specific requests will be supplied outside reader type meters. Commission agreed with Don Brown's instructions on the use of the surplus meters. Don Brown informed the Commission that the Greif Brothers sewer recommendation has not been accomplished this spring as the area was planted prior to this project being scheduled with the work force. • Higher priority projects caused the delay but this should be accomplished this fall after the crops are harvested. Don Brown advised the Commission that the Utility Body has been mounted on the new pickup and is at MacQueen Equipment for painting. He also advised that the hoist for this unit is being fabricated at the Vo Tech. The winch has been ordered and should be here soon for installation. President Walsh noted receipt of a letter of congratulations from the American Water Works Association siting the Utility Department outstanding safety record for 1982. MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted by, o F. Darling, Secretary :7 • r� 1(pi I Y of osen2ount (W it ies ( 1 /11441.4S1*011 April 18, 1983 Mr. Mike Smol a k 14600 Burma Ave W Rosemount, Minn 55068 Dear Mike: 1367.145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55066 612- 423 -4411 The Utility Commission at their last Regular Meeting revi -ewed your request regarding your water billing_ This request has come before the Utility Commission on several occassions over the past several years and their response has always had to be the same. They wish they could do something for a customer in your situation but they feel they can not. They strongly suggest that you seek aid through County, State or Federal Programs designed to assist families with special burdens such as you have explained. Sorry the Utility Commission i.s unable to help in thi -s way, If you have any questions please feel free to call., Sin Don F, Darling Secretary 7 SHORT - ELLIOTT- HENDRICKSON, INC. I-10 H CONSULTING ENGINEERS ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • CHIPPEWA FALLS, WISCONSIN September 21, 1982 IV- , City of Rosemount Utilities Commission P.O. Box 455 Rosemount, MN 55068 Gentlemen: CHLORINATION OF THE WATER SYSTEM ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA OUR FILE NO. 82000 This letter is intended to update construction costs on • chlorination equipment at Wells No. 3 and 7. At your meeting of August 9, 1982, you authorized us to prepare the plans and specifications for chlorination equipment at Wells No. 3 and 7 providing inside installation on all equipment and appurtenances. • In our report dated August 17, 1981, the estimated costs were calculated on the basis that at Well No. 7 the equipment would be installed in the existing chlorine room and at Well No. 3 the chlorine equipment would be in a metal cabinet that mounts on the outside of the building. Since your instructions require inside installation at Well No. 3 we have revised the cost estimate to include additional items required by inside installation. The additional work includes construction of a chlorine room within the pumphouse by building a concrete block partition wall, installing a ventilator in the existing building wall, installing a window in the new partition wall and moving piping for changes in the gas and water lines and additional electrical work in cluding a separate electrical unit heater for the chlorine room. The estimated total cost for two wells in the August 17, 1981 report was $12,000. The new total estimated cost for Wells 3 and 7 is $18,300, as shown in the breakdown below. 200 GOPHER BUILDING • 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 • PHONE (612) 484 -0272 • City of Rosemount September 21, 1982 Page 2 Well No. 3 Chlorination Equipment, Installed $4,500 Modification of Building 5,400 SUBTOTAL $ 91900 Well No. 7 Chlorination Equipment, Installed 4,500 SUBTOTAL $14,400 PLUS 10% CONTINGENCIES 1,400 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $15,800 PLUS ENGR., LEGAL & MISC. COSTS 2,500 • ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $18,300 If there is any additional information you may need please let me know. Please advise us if you wish to proceed with the project on this basis. jcj F— 1 L_--J Sincerely, Norman E. Henaricxson • m P C` ;C1l 0 1367 -1457H ST E ROSE %IOUNT. MIN%CFOT -� 1400unt 8 , r November 24 1982 TO: Leland S. Knutson, Mayor FROM: Don F. Darling, Clerk /Treasurer Lee the following is a listing of Commission and Committee appointments by date of appointment and length of term. Underlined names indicate term expires this year. Planning Commission Date Term Began Term Chuck Cunningham 1/82 3 Years Steve Toombs 1/82 3 Years Ray Barton 1/81 3 Years Mari Van Kleek 1/81 3 Years Otto Ped 1/80 3 Years Utility Commission Wes Hasbrouck 1/82 3 Years Joe Walsh 1/81 3 Years Dale Westin 1/80 3 Years Park & Rec Committee Kathy Carlson 1/82 3 Years Jerry Weisjahn 1/82 3 Years Doris McCarthy 1/82 3 Years Jim Kehoe Vacant (resigned) 1/81 3 Years Mike Willard 1/81 3 Years Linda Gottsch 1/80 3 Years Barb Toombs 1/80 3 Years The above is a result of my researching the records. If your records indicate differently please advise. 014 coityof osernount `C/l I ties CL "Illsslm 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423.4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on July 11, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. American Payment Centers 60.00 North Star Concrete Co. 65.59 Central Telephone Co. 53.90 Phil's Body Shop 100.00 Corcoran's 39`.01 NSP 1,151.11 Coast to Coast Rsmt. 25_98111 Northwestern Aggregates 13.47 Dakota County Tribune 14.00 This Week 18.90 Elvin Safety Supply, 32.03 Rosemount Saw & Tool 16.60 Empire -Crown Auto 5.52 Util Comm Fund Meter 85.00 • Feed '.Rite Control 15.33 Wilroy Inc. 63450 McQueen Equip. Inc. 1 488.00 Water Products ° Co`. Metro Waste, Control 6,910.58" Dept. of Revenue 15.69 Mcarthy Well Co. 105.0V TOTAL 10,50ti.43 Dori Brown reported that due to McCarthy Well Company not responding t the request for clarification in a timely manner he is unable t' report the concerns expressed at the June Regular Meeting. This 1 6e placed on the August Regular Meeting Agenda. 3 A complaint regarding rusty water was received from Mrs. Folven. This was noted and the letter was ordered placed on file. President Walsh informed the Commission that he will be out of town on the date of the August Regular Meeting. Commissioner Hasbrouck will chair the August Regular Meeting. Don Brown reported that changing of service line valves has shown little improvement in flows or pressure. This project will continue as time allows to determine the value of making the changes. Don Brown reported that the fencing purchased for the water tower base area has not been installed as yet. The contractor has requested a two week extension due to fabric supply not immediately available. The extension has been authorized and a follow -up will be made this • week. UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULALR MEETING JULY 11, 1983 PAGE 2 S Don Brown reported that the electric wench assembly for the pickup box hoist has been delivered to the Vo -Tech and completion of this unit can now be accomplished. President Walsh asked if there was any interest in upgrading the condition of the old utility box as previously discussed. Don Brown recommended that nothing be done to this box as the unit will be used as a back up unit only. No action was taken. Secretary reported that the Payment Center has been well accepted. Over thirty percent of the meter cards mailed out for the last billing was returned through the Payment Center. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Respectfully sub 'tted, Don F. Darling, Secretary • w • of �se®unt 61� <5 C� 11zI/lIss1ail1 1367 - 145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on August 8, 1983. The meeting was called to order by member Hasbrouck at 6:30 p.m. with Chairman Walsh absent. added to the agenda: Item 6a, Water Well Permit Fee I iment Center Discussion. Hasbrouck to approve the Minutes of the ng as printed. Second by Westin Ayes we asbrouck to pay the following bills as pre Ayes were two. Central Telephone 53.90 NSP 1,748.05 Apache Hose & Rubber 85.45 B & J Auto 21.87 Conway Fire & Safety 90.85 Corcorans 1.69 Coast to Coast 9.`84 Computoservice Inc. 34.43 Empire -Crown Auto .89 John Henry Faster Co. 11.93 1st State Bank 7.70 Feed -Rite Control 240.13 Feed Rite Control 126.94 Genz Ryan Plmg. 4.26 Healy Lab. 10.20 L -Z Company 329.00 NSP 57.51 Rosemount Saw & Tool 1.75 Sunnyside Chrysler 46.62 Utility Comm. Fund 70.00! Metro Waste ,Control 6,910.58 Water Products''` 69.50 TOTAL. 9,933.09 The Minnesota Department of Health Inspection Report on the `'wells wa. reviewed. The Commission agreed that this report shows that th+ Rosemount Well System is in the best shape it has ever been', based o the test scoring. Don Brown apprised the group on the increase in the Department of Natural Resources Water Permit. For the past many years the annual cost has been $5.00, this years renewal form shows an annual cost of $60.00. The Commission did not feel that any good would come from protesting this increase but if future increases use the same percentage increase formula a strong stand will have to be taken to halt the increases. Don Brown reported that McCarthy Well Company has reviewed their reports on the condition of the well equipment and have admitted that their inspector had transposed some of the information that caused the reports to show alarming changes in the equipment performance. NSP has agreed to inspect their service to the Well Equipment for imbalance and correct the problem. Don Brown reported that rust is still very prevalent during the flushing periods. Flushing is still being restricted to Thursdays and numerous reports are being received on Thursdays and Fridays. The • • • UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 8, 1983 PAGE 2 Commission requested that all complaints be responded to either in writing or by phone. Education is still needed to make people realize that Thursdays are flushing days and until the chlorination process has cleaned out all of the lines, this is going to be a problem. Don Brown recommended that the Resident Valve Changing program be terminated as there has been no evidence at those residences that have been changed that indicates the program has any value. Commission concurred in Don Browns recommendation. The water tower base fence has been installed. The secretary reported that evidence has been received that would indicate that some people are using the wrong slot in the payment center, thereby causing their water billing accounts to become delinquent. The secretary advised that American Payment Center is forwarding a key for the other two boxes to allow us to monitor them to see if payments and meter cards are actually being placed in the wrong boxes. Commission agreed that should this be found to be true then the check dates will determine if penalties will be assessed or not. NOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Res ctfu11 sub ' ted by, E: 14' P Don F. Darling, Secretary r l 111 4 1367 - 145TH ST. E. / ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 o s e rn o� 1i n l 612 -423 -4411 C /(�ZlitWS C� 4111tIBSU),I Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on September 12, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda: 5c, Intercepter Infiltration Discussion, 7a, Water Bills to Certify. MOTION by Westin to approve the Minutes of the August 8, 1983 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. NOTION by Hasbrouck to pay the following bills as presented. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Postmaster 71.48 Fox Valley Marking Syst. 22.01 Amco Fence Co. Inc. 2,390.00 Genz Ryan Plbg. Co. 9.25 Central Telephone Co. 53.90 Healy Laboratories 20.40 Cheyenne Copy Center 3.20 Lamperts 32.89 B & J Auto Supply 8.21 Mooney & Assoc. 111.00 Coast to Coast Rsmt 31.82 Metro Waste Comm. 6,910.58 • Corcoran's 38.92 NSP 933.31 Contractor's Machinery 47.55 Daniel Stoltz 3.58 Lyle Erickson 4.04 Walter Thomas 27.67 Empire -Crown Auto 7.72 Util Comm Fund Meter 95.00 Friden 237.00 Conny Wenzel 13.58 Corrigan Elec. Co. 415.85 Water Products Co. 36.46 Feed -Rite Control 367.34 Rsmt Dodge 19.28 TOTAL 11,912.04 Don Brown reported that NSP has responded to the imbalance problem at the wells. NSP report along with McCarthy Well Report are to be forwarded to Norm Hendrickson for review and recommendation. Don Brown reviewed the Minnesota Health Department report and advised the Utility Commission that all recommended changes have been accomplished. Sanitary sewer stormwater infiltration was discussed. It was noted that some time back we were advised that the MWCC was inspecting their lines to determine infiltration points and making corrections. Is this being followed up to make sure that they have completed their project. Don Brown advised that he has not checked on it recently, but would do so immediately, further advising that the City lines have all been inspected and irregularities have been corrected. • Ed McMenomy was present to discuss with the Utility Commission the request by Dakota Central Offices for a water service to provide sprinkler capabilities in their building. It was noted that the City C7 • 0 Regular Utility Commission Meeting September 12, 1983 Page Two Council had addressed this request at their last meeting and had directed input from the Utility Commission and McMenomy regarding the location and scope of the project being requested. McMenomy advised that due to the lack of a renter for the lower level of their building they do not plan to install the completed service, but would not wish to miss the opportunity to provide a service of adequate size that could be extended at such time when they do have a renter for the lower level of their building. MOTION by Walsh to concur with the request for service and recommend that the Engineer include in the Plans and Specs for the 145th Street Project a service stub of adequate size and located to best serve the Dakota Central Offices and the area east of Highway 3 and north of 145th Street. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Don Brown requested the Utility Commission to consider an InterCity connection of the Rosemount -Apple Valley water systems in the vicinity of Diamond Path School. This connection was initially discussed a number of years ago prior to the extensive development in Apple Valley that has moved the two water systems to within 50 feet of each other at one point. Cost information available is outdated and cannot be used to estimate the cost of this project due to the change in the Apple Valley water system. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Don Brown to investigate an InterCity water system connection between the Apple Valley- Rosemount systems in the vicinity of the Diamond Path School and report back to the Utility Commission as soon as possible. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. President Walsh informed the Commission that he was signature to approximately 100 letters to water customers advising them of their past due accounts and alerting them to the fact that if the billing was not paid by early September those amounts would be certified to the County for collection. The number of past due accounts has increased over previous years as well as the total amount past due. MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, 4� 8 (L; Don F. D rling Secretary y 367-1 45TH ST. E. 1 OSe1'YLO '1' t ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 612-423-44 1 1 1 1 • Utility Commission Dale Westin Wes Hasbrouck • Joe Walsh Park & Rec Committee 1/83 1/82 1/81 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years Jessica Zuelke 1/83 3 October 7, 1983 (vice Barb Toombs) 1/83 3 TO: Leland S. Knutson, Mayor Szczesniak) 1/83 FROM: Don F. Darling, City Clerk Lee the following is a listing of Commission and Jerry Weisjahn Committee appointments by date of appointment and Years Doris McCarthy length of term. Underlined names indicate term 1/82 3 expires this year. (vacant resigned) 1/81 Planning Commission Years Date Term Began Term Mike Willard Otto Ped 1/81 1/83 3 Years Chuck Cunningham 1/82 3 Years Steve Toombs 1/82 3 Years Mari Van Kleek 1/81 3 Years Rav Barton 1/81 3 Years • Utility Commission Dale Westin Wes Hasbrouck • Joe Walsh Park & Rec Committee 1/83 1/82 1/81 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years Jessica Zuelke 1/83 3 Years Grace Kelly (vice Barb Toombs) 1/83 3 Years Jim Winslow (vice B Szczesniak) 1/83 3 Years Kathy Carlson 1/82 3 Years Jerry Weisjahn 1/82 3 Years Doris McCarthy (vacant resigned) 1/82 3 Years Jim Kehoe (vacant resigned) 1/81 3 Years Mike Willard 1/81 3 Years The above is a result of my researching the records. If your records indicate differently please advise. �IAJZ C. osemoi _" ' I'li (�I,i n 1367 - 145TH ST. E. ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 423 -4411 6.rnvti�ltt.5su >ri Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on October 11, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. Items added to the agenda: 5c, Update on Greif Bros. Sewer Connection; 6a, Northwest AMPS Tower. MOTION by Westin to approve the Minutes of the September 12, 1983 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were three. MOTION by Westin to pay the following bills as presented. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Postmaster 111.32 American Payment Centers 60.00 Bradley Burgeson 3.47 Shirley Bossart 56.83 Battery & Tire Whse 73.62 Corcoran's 34.70 Coast to Coast Rsmt. 11.74 Central Telephone 53.90 Paul Des Lauriers 4.17 Empire -Crown Auto 7.12 Healy Laboratories 20.40 Metro Waste Ctrl Comm 6,910.58 NSP 1,355.31 Util Comm Fund Meter 62.36 Dept of Revenue 152.15 TOTAL 8,917.67 President Walsh presented the letter from the Citizens Commission to Review MWCC. The City Council had referred this item to the Commission for comment and concerns as to the past operations of the MWCC. The following comments were offered and should be included i n the Council's reply to the Review Commission. Don Brown noted a lack of progress in correcting the infiltration problems that were discovered in early 1983. He has requested progress reports and has been advised that a report on the corrections will be forthcoming on October 21st or later. Concern was expressed as to the delay in replacing the Rosemount Treatment Plant with a more efficient larger capacity plant. The lead time for preparation for replacement is a concern also. Concern was expressed for the lack of citizen impact on decisions of the MWCC. Don Brown reported on the Apple Valley /Rosemount Intercity Water Connection. The City of Apple Valley has been contacted regarding this connection, and they in turn have discussed this at the staff level and authorized their City Engineer to contact our City Engineer to work out the arrangements to allow this to be installed. Don Brown has contacted our City Engineer and alerted him that Apple Valley's City Engineer will be in contact with him soon regarding this connection. Regular Utility Commission Meeting October 11, 1983 Page Two Don Brown reported that NSP has responded to the concern over the imbalance of the electric services to Well #3. They have advised that, yes, the system does show an imbalance, but it is within their tolerance, and they will be making no correction to the system. Commission requested that NSP be petitioned to provide corrective measures to eliminate the imbalance problem at this location. Don Brown reported that they are ready to proceed with the Greif Bros. sewer connection. They have established that there is proper elevations to accommodate the change in connections, and they will now be contacting Greif Bros. for authorization to proceed with the reconnection. The Planning Commission has referred a request to install a 167 -foot antenna tower on Lot 5, Block 1, Broback I -Park. It was understood that the only concern to be addressed by the Utility Commission is a willingness to allow placement of the antenna on the water tower if such a request was presented. NOTION by Walsh to declare that the Utility Commission is amenable to reviewing &~request to place another antenna on the water tower. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Don Brown reported on a sewer line problem on the service line to the Pizza Hut. This line was built and placed in service at the time the Pizza Hut opened and had been somewhat of a problem for the business as they experienced sluggish sewer discharge for some time now. On Saturday, October 1, 1983 the City crew was called out to investigate and clear a blockage in their sewer. After considerable investigation it was determined that the invert was not opened at the time the manhole was installed. The City crew opened the invert and corrected the problem. Don Brown was instructed to contact the contractor that built the system and attempt to reclaim the salary costs for the work done. If this is denied, then present a billing to the developer for these costs. NOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. D r l i ng Secretary • 10- • • 1367 - 145TH ST. E. ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 i) ll Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on November 7, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with member Westin absent. There were no items added to the agenda. MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the Minutes of the October 11, 1983 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes were two. MOTION by Walsh to pay the following bills as presented. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Jack Bergacker 21.58 Michael Bensen 51.18 Central Telephone Co. 69.50 Coast to Coast Rsmt. 0.90 Contractors Machinery 2.00 State Treasurer Surplus 15.07 Empire -Crown Auto, Inc. 17.86 Gary's Radiator Repair 60.00 Healy Laboratories 10.20 Kevin Ketelsleger 50.00 Larry's Standard 5.50 Dianne Manselle 11.58 Metro Waste Cntrl 6,910.58 North Star Concrete Co 15.70 NSP 2,408.13 Peoples Natural Gas 10.27 Util Comm Fund Meter 85.89 Water Products Co. 1,794.67 Viking Ind Center 285.15 TOTAL 11,825.76 Don Brown reported that no contact or action has taken place between the City of Rosemount and the City of Apple Valley regarding the InterCity water connection. Apple Valley Staff has authorized their City Engineer to contact our City Engineer as soon as possible. Don will keep on top of this and return at the next meeting with another update. Don Brown reported that NSP will be making corrections on the imbalance problem at Well #3. Don Brown presented an inter - department memo from MWCC indicating that they have been and are working on correcting the surface water inflow problems on the MWCC interceptor. He will continue to press them for corrective measures and reports. Don Brown reported that they have not received the official go ahead from Grief Bros. on the sewer reconnection. He hopes that this can be accomplished before freeze up. If not it will have to be done in the spring. Don Brown reported that the general contractor on the Pizza Hut utilities has paid the city billing for time spent on a weekend making the necessary repair to the line. • Regular Utility Commission Meeting November 7, 1983 Page Two Don Brown informed the Commission that his crew will be making an inspection of the water main at Burma and 145th to determine once and for all that it is or isn't a 12 -inch line. If it is not, it will have to be included in the 145th Street Project to complete the 12 -inch connection to Well #3. Discussion was held on the replacement of the damaged sanitary sewer line east of Burma. Don Brown recommended that if any work is done on that section of street in the 145th Street Project this piece of pipe in question should be replaced. MOTION by Walsh to recommend to the City Council that the damaged sanitary sewer line between Burma and the railroad track, a section approximately 20 feet long, be repaired prior to street repair /overlay work as part of the 145th Street Project. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Don Brown reported that much research and discussion has been held with Staff and others regarding placement of water and sewer stubs along 145th Street. He advised that the gas company will be notified of the expanded project. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Secretary • 1367 - 145TH ST. E. ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 ���� %li��x>s C.tyinalus.�u�rt Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility Commission was duly held on December 12, 1983 at the City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all members present. There were no items added to the agenda. MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the Minutes of the November 7, 1983 Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. MOTION by Westin to pay the following bills as presented. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Joseph Walsh 300.00 Wesley Hasbrouck 300.00 Dale Westin 300.00 Battery & Tire Whse 88.52 Central Telephone Co. 74.70 Coast -to- Coast, Rsmt 65.34 Empire -Crown Auto 2.86 Mickey Frownfelter 21.58 Feed -Rite Control 129.41 GTC Auto Parts 13.66 Hwy 3 Auto Supply 115.17 Healy Laboratories 44.00 Intn'l Hough 34.14 Lamperts 14.84 Metro Waste Ctrl Comm 6,785.00 Jeffrey Nordling 7.72 NSP 998.29 Peoples Natural Gas 25.11 Rick's Auto Repair 29.95 The New Rsmt Dodge 6.95 Util Comm Fund Meter 25.42 Rsmt Saw & Tool 7.95 Water Products Co 13.94 TOTAL 9,404.55 Don Brown reported on a meeting he had attended with the Apple Valley Staff and Engineer to review the InterCity Water Connection. He presented two alternate proposals for making the connection. One of the proposals involved a loop system that Apple Valley is considering, and the Utility Commission indicated that when and if Apple Valley is ready to pursue the loop system then the connection could be made a part of the project thereby causing a savings in construction costs. Utility Commission directed Don Brown to continue to research this connection and be in contact with Apple Valley in anticipation of their Loop System Project to allow both cities to approve plans and specifications satisfactory to both communities. Don Brown asked the Commission to consider increasing the line size requirements for single family dwellings from 3/4 -inch service to f- inch service. MOTION by Walsh directing that all new construction single family services shall be 1 -inch. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Steve Campbell was present to review the Downtown Improvement Water and • Sewer Service Map with the Utility Commission. A review of the service locations and staff recommendations was held. Campbell was instructed to prepare plans to include the direction given at this meeting. Regular Utility Commission Meeting December 12, 1983 Page Two • Don Brown presented a letter and bill from Winds Crossing Company regarding repair to a tail section water service line problem. He explained that the City had installed as part of the utility improvements a 10 -foot tail section on each curb stop that would allow the developer to hook up to the water service without disturbing the 10 -foot utility easement. As it happened one of these tail sections had not been tightened properly, and when the developer made the connection it leaked. Don Brown informed the Commission that he had advised the developer that our ordinance was very clear i n that the City is not responsible for any repair needed beyond the curb stop. The Commission instructed Don Brown to advise the developer that they must go by the ordinance even though the pipe in question was in as part of a City project. MOTION by Hasbrouck to deny payment of the repair billing presented by Winds Crossing per City Ordinance. Second by Walsh. Ayes were three. Don Brown asked the Utility Commission to consider exterior improvements to the lift station on 145th and Burma to coincide with the downtown improvement. Utility Commission directed Don Brown to research ways of making exterior improvements for the least cost and report back as soon as possible. The Secretary reported that a survey was run as part of the last meter reading card cycle. The customers were asked if a monthly billing . would assist them in their family budgetting. 131 Yes, 265 No and 237 No Replies. With this information there will be no attempt to proceed with a full scale change to monthly billing, but a review of the Yes replies will be made in an attempt to assist those needing monthly billing will be accomplished. The computer equipment we have now should provide a way to allow us to help those who need it. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes were three. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Secretary 0