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1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice
thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on January 9, 1984 at the
City Hall.
The meeting was called
to order at
6:30 p.m. by President
Walsh with
member Westin absent.
Joseph Walsh having
been reapointed to the Commission
by the City
Council was sworn in
at this time.
MOTION by Walsh to
approve the
Minutes of the December
12, 1983
Regular Meeting as printed. Second
by Hasbrouck. Ayes were
NOTION by Hasbrouck
to pay the following bills as presented. Second
by Walsh. Ayes were
American Payment Center
B & J Auto Supply
Curtis 1000 Inc.
Central Telephone Co.
Coast to Coast
Larry's Standard
Treasurer, St. of MN.
Metro Waste Control
Peoples Natural Gas Co.
Util Comm. Fund Meter
Tom's Red Owl
Mary Vokoun
Dept of Revenue
Don Brown updated the Commission on the MWCC's progress in repair to
the inflow probl ems on the interceptor line. The i r original report
indicated that there were problems on 22 manholes and that 20 Manhole
corrections have been made. Manholes 59 and 68 are not corrected,
with Manhole 62 being questioned as to being corrected. Don Brown
will continue to press for completion of their repair.
Ed Barloon was in attendance requesting various information on the
water system and its operation. His concerns were the water color and
odor, variation in pressure, monthly billings and surcharge billing.
The Commission responded to his concerns to his satisif action.
President Walsh presented color pictures of the areas of the Water
Tower where the paint has come off. It was noted that due to weather
conditions a close inspection has not been made at this time. It was
also noted that 1984 has been the target year for repainting of the
tower. An inspection will be accomplished as soon as the weather will
permit and plans and specifications will be drawn for painting of the
structure this construction season.
Don Brown reported that he has nothing to report on the Exterior
Upgrading on the Lift Station other than he is working with the
• Landscape Architect for the Downtown Project on this and has not had
an opportunity to receive input from him as yet. This could come as
early as tomorrow as the Beautification Committee will be meeting
again and Don will be in attendance and will approach this subject at
that meeting.
JANUARY 9, 1984
Don Brown represented an update on the Water Quality. He indicated
that the g ptist Church has registered a complaint and that the West
Broback A Rc�Itions are at their peak of complaints at this time. Areas
that have had lots of complaints in the past do not seem to be
experiencing as many problems as in the past. He advised the
Commission that he will be directing Flushing efforts at every hydrant
possible during the next few weeks. Weather conditions have not
permitted adequate flushing efforts.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes were two.
Respectfully submitted,
a 4" T
Don F. Darling
�C�litliiWS C kAI'lIJ IIS 14 J I
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility
Commission was duly held on February 13, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all
members present.
The agenda was amended to include items: 6c, Brockway Glass Company
Industrial Waste Discharge: 7a, Request by New Vector for lease at Water
Tower Site: 8b, Review of the Downtown 145th Street Utility and Street
Improvement Plans and Specifications.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the Minutes of the January 9, 1984 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Westin to pay the bills as listed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
Don. Brown presented an update on the InterCity Water connection. The City
of Apple Valley is including this connection project in a larger project
of theirs and are discussing this project as part of an Assessment Hearing
to be held on Thursday, February 23, 1984 at 8:00 p.m. at the Apple Valley
City Hall. The Engineers estimate on the InterCity Connection is $
15,000.00. Utility Commission members will endeavor to attend the Apple
Valley Public Hearing to guarantee and protect the amount the City of
Rosemount will be liable for with regard to this project.
Paint conditions on the Water Tower were discussed. Complete repainting
of tower will be accomplished in 1984 if at all possible. In preparation
for this Don Brown will work with the Engineer and a Testing firm to
determine what will be the best approach to take on this project. Testing
to be done prior to writing the Specs for painting to allow consideration
of what caused the massive peeling of paint from the tank during this past
winter season.
Delmar Schwanz was present to represent Lutheran Church of Our Saviour
request for determination of availabiltiy of sewer and water to their
site and to discuss the possible locations of service lines if indeed they
are to hook up to City Utilities.
MOTION by Walsh that the Utility Commission has determined that water and
sewer is available to the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour Property. Second
by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Discussion was held on the Memo from the Finance Department regarding
continued collection of the Surcharge. Commission unanimously concurred
that it would prudent at this time to recommend to the Council that this
charge be eliminated until such time as it may need to be reimplemented in
some form to cover ongoing development. At this time it was noted that
sufficient funds are on hand to retire the Bonds that these funds have
been pledged to support and it would be in the best interest of the City
to discontinue collecting the surcharge.
FEBRUARY 13, 1984
• MOTION by Hasbrouck to recommend to the City Council that the City
surcharge be discontinued effective January 1,1984. Second by Walsh.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown represented information regarding the revelation by Brockway
Glass that they have repiped their plant and have been dumping Industrial
Sewage into the Metro System for over a year now without our knowledge.
Brown presented information from the Brockway Glass Company outlining what
they felt would be an accurate estimate of their contribution to the flows
into the Metro Plant. In that they are considerably higher than the
estimates we are now using he recommended utilitzing their estimates
immediately for monthly billing. Discussion was also held on Flow Meters
verus Water Meters for the purpose of monitoring the flows they are
producing. Metro Sewer is requesting that they install a Flow Meter at
considerable cost and Brockway Glass is requesting that they be allowed to
use Water Meters on those units producing industrial effluent instead of a
Flow Meter. Don Brown recommended using Water Meters rather than Flow
MOTION by Walsh to start charging Brockway Glass sewer service charges
based on the formula they presented and further that the City concur in
their request to install meters on the industrial waste producing units at
their plant to meter the water going to the units as a means of monitoring
the flows. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Discussion was held on the request by New Vector to place a 170 foot
• antenna on the Water Tower Site. This company has requested siting for
this in the Broback Industrial Park and has met much opposition due to
height and esthetics. Very little information was available but the
Commission could see no reason that this use should not be allowed on a
site that already has an overwhelming tower on it now.
MOTION by Westin that the Utility Commission recommend to the City
Council that they would support placement of the New Vector Tower on the
Water Tower Site with the understanding that the Tenant be totally
responsible for all maintenance and liability associated with their
structure and that a guaranteed rental term and rate be obtained. Second
by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown reported on a broken water service line at 4290 147th Street
West and remedial action taken.
The Plans and Specifications for the Downtown 145th Street Project were
reviewed by the Commission. Chairman Walsh advised the Commission Members
that the City Council Meeting of February 21st will be devote to indepth
discussion of this project and he would urge all members of the Commission
to attend.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling
Vosem ®Z11 "I
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1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility
Commission was duly held on March 12, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all
members present.
The agenda was amended to include items: 6a, Triangle Engineering
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the February 13, 1984
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Westin to pay the bills as listed. Second by Hasbrouck Ayes: 3.
Nays 0.
President Walsh reported on the Apple Valley Public Hearing he attended
regarding the Inter /City Connection. Apple Valley is preparing a Joint
Powers Agreement for consideration by Rosemount to allow this project to
go forward as scheduled. Don Brown was instructed to cause review and
presentation of the Joint Powers Agreement when received. The cost
estimates have remained the same as noted before.
Discussion was held on the New Vector Proposed Tower at the Water Tower
location. Staff was requested to monitor the progress of the approvals on
this project to insure that concerns are addressed as expressed by the
Utility Commission and Staff.
Mr. Bernier Bullart, PE, of Triangle Engineering was present to brief the
Commission on the Energy Audit Service they provide in connection with
Well Operations in an attempt to lower the pumping costs to the City. He
presented a proposal for a full blown report at a quoted cost of $2,800.00
and a letter report at a quoted cost of $1,600.00. Commission directed
that this be placed on the next Regular Agenda for further consideration.
Staff to search the success of this program with other communities that
have employed the services of the Company and report the findings at the
next Regular Meeting.
Chairman Walsh turned the chair over to Vice Chairman Hasbrouck at 7:00
p.m. and departed for another meeting in scheduling conflict with this
Secretary reported that the City Council had accepted the recom mmendations
of the Utility Commission on the surcharge fees and authorized
discontinuing collection of this fee effective January 1, 1984.
• Discussion was held on the Water Tower paint problems. Consideration was
given to bringing the Engineer in on this problem for specification
preparation to assist in obtaining the best paint job available.
Regular Utility Commission Meeting
March 12, 1984
Page Two
• MOTION by Westin to request that the City Engineer be requested to be at
the April Regular Meeting to discuss Water Tower Paint requirements.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented plans and information on the proposed hook up for Our
Saviors Lutheran Church Addition. Commission members off erred comments on
the proposal and directed that Don Brown pass on the informationl to the
Representatives of Our Saviors.
MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Re tfully submitted,
Don F. Dar 1 i ng
0 N
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility
Commission was duly held on April 9, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all
members present.
The agenda was amended to include items: 5d, Update on Grief Brothers
Sewer reconnection: Item 5e, Update on Metro Interceptor infiltration
NOTION by Westin to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1984 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
President Walsh commented on the bills regarding purchasing methods that
could possibly eliminate the need for repeated trips to the hardware or
other vendors by having a stock pile of small copper parts or any other
items that are used repeatedly in minor repairs. Don Brown will look into
this possibility.
Norm Hendrickson was present to discuss the Water Tower paint peeling
problem. He presented a sample analysis of the paint chips form the paint
vendor. They indicated that the problem is not in the paint but in the
original shop blasting and original undercoat. They indicated that all
painting done on the south side of the tower must have been done when the
tower was exposed to hot sun. Hendrickson had with him a thickness guage
and offerred this for City use in testing paint thinkness on the tower to
see where problem spots are. Don Brown will attempt to have this testing
accomplished as soon as possible. It was recommended that all research
continue through the summer and final plans for painting be ready for an
early fall paint application as the tower is going to be needed during the
hot summer months and there is not sufficient time to get all plans and
bidding requirements completed for a spring painting.
The Utility Commission received and energy study proposal from Triangle
Engineering outlining savings they would hope to provide the City in water
pumping charges and the cost of the study. They are proposing to prepare
an indepth study and report as presented for $2,800.00 or a brief letter
report for $1,600.00. The proposal included an option for a five year
annual follow up report at a cost of $560.00 per year.
NOTION by Walsh to enter into an agreement with Triangle Engineering for a
load management study at a cost of $2,800.00 with the 5 annual updates as
an option. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented some rough sketches of exterior changes to the Lift
Station as presented by Carl Dale, landscape architect doing the Downtown
Beautification segement of the 145th Street Project. Estimated cost of
the proposed changes were $200.00 to $ 300.00.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize Don Brown to refurbish the exterior of the
lift station as he see fit at a cost not to exceed $350.00. Second by
Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
APRIL 9, 1984
Don Brown advised the Commission that the Grief Brothers sewer
reconnection was started today.
Don Brown reported that he has received reports from the Metro waste
Control Commission Staff that indicates that all infiltration corrections
needed on the interceptor have been completed.
Don Brown requested authorization to hire one part -time employee for the
summer months to assist with maintenance work. He is planning to repaint
as many fire hydrants as possible this summer using the paint color coding
prescribed by the State. The color coding as explained by Brown denotes
flow capacity available at the individual hydrants.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to authorize the hiring of one part -time summer
employee by the Utility Department to be used in the labor pool for the
summer months. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown reported on the progress of the chlorination of the water
system. Rust is still very much with us at this time but there have been
no calls or complaints regarding a smell problem as experienced prior to
chlorination. Hopefully, with the spring months upon us and an
opportunity to enjoy a vigorous flushing program we may end the rust
problem He did advise the Commission that at present the chlorination
rate is at 3 times what they started out at in an attempt to get the
is chlorine to the outer extremities of the system. Testing has indicated
that there are some outlying sections of the system that has not been
reached as yet. When testing reveals that chlorine saturation has been
reached the rate will be reduced back to the level just to maintain
chlorination throughout the system.
Don Brown reported that the Joint Powers Agreement with Apple Valley is in
its final stages of negotiated changes. He has discussed his concerns
with Apple Valley Staff who have indicated they have no objections to the
changes Rosemount has submitted. This will be presented to the Council as
soon as the final draft is prepared.
MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling
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1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the Utility
Commission was duly held on May 7, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all
members present.
The agenda was amended to include items: 5d, New Vector Tower paint color
MOTION by Westin to approve the minutes of the April 9, 1984 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills as presented. Second by Westin.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Norm Hendrickson of SEH was present to review and recommend painting
specifications for the water tower. Mr. Loyd Quinton of NewVector was also
present to request color selection for the antennea they are erecting as
set forth in the lease agreement with NewVector. He presented a sample of
paint that they feel would be a good match. The sample presented was ITT
Meyers- PNT3894 -Sky Haze Blue. Norm Hendrickson felt that this paint could
be matched for the water tower when the specifications are written. SEH
recommended that the tower be completely sandblasted, primed and painted in
its entirety with a poly vinyl type paint as they are a 14 year paint
instead of a 7 to 8 year paint. Commission members all agreed that the
information presented to them indicated that the best way to proceed would
be a complete repainting with a new system as recommended by SEH.
MOTION by Westin to sandblast, prime and repaint with poly paints the
entire exterior of the water tower using Sky Blue Haze or equivilent and to
repair and recoat the interior of the tower as needed and recommended by
the City Engineer. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize SEH to prepare the plans and specifications,
and advertisements for bids for the complete exterior repainting, interior
coating and repair as need. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown advised the Commission that the Joint Powers Agreement with Apple
Valley has been approved, signed and forwarded to Apple Valley for their
The final plans and specifications for the Inter City Water Connections are
not available this date but will be available tomorrow for review and
approval. Commission requested that the City Engineer review these plans
and be prepared to go before the Council at the May 15th meeting with their
• MOTION by Walsh to request that the City Council consider any
recommendation from the City Engineer as a recommendation from the Utility
Commission with regard to the final plans and specifications for the inter
city water connection. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MAY 7,1984
MOTION by Walsh to approve the color selection of Sky Haze Blue for the
NewVector Tower. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown reported that the Grief Brothers sewer reconnection has been
completed and is in service. Protections of the clean out will be provided
The Commission was advised that the Downtown Project is to get underway on
or about May 15th.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Re tfully s itted,
Don F. Darling
g ity
60i -Of
q,Akhes �ynissu'm
1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455
612. 423.4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on June 11, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
ON by Westin to approve the minutes of the May 7, 1984 Regular
ing as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Tr1 angle En'gi neering prese!n
prepared;. and reviewed the cc
will use this report in an e
costs of water pumping.
e load management study the'
with the Commission. City
to control and reduce the el
The preliminary plat prepared for Ron and Kathy Carlson was presented
for Commission Approval and Recommendation.
MOTION by Walsh to recommend to the City Council that they approve the
plat presented by Ron and Kathy Carlson as it can be served by City
Utilities, further that the lot line between Lot 3 and Lot 4 be
altered to allow the sewer service to Lot 4 to approach the lot in a
straight line and that the Developers extend the Utilities to the
property lines per City Engineer approved plans and specifications.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Res ectfully s mitted,
Don F. Daryl ing
C(/Ltild ies (1-Dom missmu
1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455
612- 423.4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on July 9, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
member Westin absent.
The agenda was amended to include Item 5a, Our Saviours Luthern Church
request to delay sewer hook up.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize the repair to the well house roofs as
requested and to award the contract to Cannon Valley Roofing as
recommended. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Don Brown reported that the pump motor at well # 7 has been failing
during the hot weather. The building has been super insulated and
acould be air conditioned very efficiently or possible cooled by water
in some fashion. He was instructed to continue investigating
solutions to the failure problems at well # 7.
Don Brown reviewed with the Commission the reports on the wells
prepared by McCarthy Well. He advised that everything looked about
the same as last year now that the electric power has been corrected
by changing our the transformer at well # 3. The Utility Commission
accepted the McCarthy Well Co. reports on the wells and ordered them
placed on file.
The Commission received information and asked for guidance on the use
of poly phosphates to alleviate the red water problem. They were
advised that injection of poly phosphates will certainly reduce the
incidents of red water in the system.
It may not completely control the problem but will reduce it to a
manageable inconvenience. Estimated costs of such a program for
Rosemount was presented by both parties presenting the information.
Don Brown was instructed to investigate further the use of poly
phosphates and cause the introduction of this chemical into the system
at well # 7 on a trail basis and report back at a future meeting.
Don Brown reported that the Inter City Water Connection is now
complete except for the installation of the flow meter at the
connection point. Diamond Path School and District 196 Offices are
now customers of Apple Valley.
Don Brown reported on the progress of Coded Painting of the City Fire
Hydrants explaining the coding indicators by color.
Don Brown reported that the City Engineer will have the plans an6t
specifications for the water tower painting project ready for the next
regular meeting.
Don Brown presented the Testing Company's report on the cause of the
multiple failure of the by pass valve at the service locations that
have a problem of freeze up. They report that using Brass Valves
should be discontinued as the failures are caused by high volumes of
water passing through a soft metal (brass) valve. They recommended
replacing these valves with stainless steel valves.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
P,espectf u l ly submitted,
Don 4Daing., Secretary
llvloseni ou "f
�C /�ii�i�w.5 C,cnv�ai�T�s.Su�ra
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on August 13, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
The agenda was amended to include Item 6a, Water Hydrant for Our
Saviours; 8c, Test results on Bypass Value and Item 5f was deleted.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the July 9, 1984 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Westin to approve the bills as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Discussion /action on Highpointe Addition Lift Station Agreement was
laid over to the September 1984 meeting, when it will be discussed in
MOTION by Walsh to approve a 6,000 gallon reduction on the water bill
• for 14906 Cimarron Avenue due to problems encountered with the water as
indicated in customer's letter of July 18, 1984 and that Don Brown
contact customer and attempt to resolve problems. Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to accept the bids for the painting of the elevated
storage tank dated August 3, 1984. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3 Nays:
MOTION by Walsh to reject all bids for painting of the elevated storage
tank because of excessive costs. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays:
MOTION by Walsh to authorize Don Brown to obtain quotes for this fall
re- waxing & cleaning of the inside of the elevated storage tank if
costs are not too excessive, cost to be approved by President Walsh,
and ratified at the next Regular Meeting. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes:
3. Nays: 0.
It was the consensus of the Commission that the Engineers be instructed
to prepare new specifications for the painting of the elevated storage
tank and be prepared to go out for bids in the spring of 1985 to insure
receipt & awarding of bids for a mid - summer 1985 completion.
Don Brown presented a request from Our Saviours Lutheran Church for one
• of the hydrants removed from the Downtown Project for use at the
MOTION by Hasbrouck to permit the usage of one of the hydrants removed
• from the Downtown Project by Our Saviours Lutheran Church with the
church paying for labor and parts necessary for the repairing of the
seats. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown requested direction and comments from the Commission on the
possibility of approaching Apple Valley for possible consideration of a
second inter connection somewhere in the 142nd & Diamond Path area.
The Commission didn't feel this connection should be considered at this
Don Brown informed the Commmission that the repairs on the roofs of all
buildings have been completed, with Well House # 6 needing a new roof.
Don Brown reported to the Commission on the results received from Twin
City Testing on the leakage from by -pass valves. Results indicating an
erosion in the metal. The Commission instructed Don Brown to further
pursue this problem for a possible solution, looking into using steel
instead of brass.
MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Francis J. Gogg i n
Acting Secretary
�(_�Lia vEu�� <ni2i�rt.stiu >ir
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on September 10, 1984 at the City
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
The agenda was amended to include Item 5d, New Vector Tower Site, Item
7a, Past Due Water Bills.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the August 13, 1984 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the bills as presented. Second by
Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Discussion was held on the Highpointe Addition Lift Station Agreement
as it has evolved to date. Inasmuch as the work has stopped on this
addition the Utility Commission will not be changing this agreement
without direct discussion with the Developer. No other action was
Don Brown advised that he is still waiting for the Contractor to make a
proposal on the interior coating of the water tower.
Don Brown updated the Commission on the condition of Well # 6 noting
that every year the well inspection indicates that the vibration is
getting worse. Commission directed that a submersible unit be included
in the 1985 budget for this well in case the well fails in the near
Commissioner Westin presented his concerns regarding the quality of
the grading and blacktopping job at the New Vector Site. Don Brown
advised that he has already met with the Engineer in charge of the
construction on this site and he assured Mr. Brown that his work will
be redone to the City's satisfaction.
Discussion was held on the Brockway Glass billing formula and their
suggested rationale for future billing. They have started dumping all
cooling water and plant effluent now and this should reflect in the
billing. They suggest using 70% of the usage on their water meters as
a basis for billing. Commission directed that Don Brown research the
availability of a meter to place in the outf all line at Brockway to
determine amount of sewage pumped. This information and the pumping
records from Brockway's water system should provide a satisfactory
method of developing a mutually agreeable billing formula.
President Walsh informed the Commission that the Past Due Bills have
been prepared for Certification to the County for collection with a
slight increase in numbers over the past years.
MOTION by Walsh to change the October Regular Meeting to 6:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, October 9, 1984 due to the holiday on Monday, October 8, 1984.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling
V, 01
yY! ri
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on October 9, 1984 at the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
member Westin absent.
The agenda was amended to include Item 5a, Update on Water Tower
Interior Painting; Item 6a, Cindy Corcoran water quality complaint;
Item 6b, Richard Mullen Water Billing; Item 8a, Dennis Heinzen
street problem.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the September 10, 1984
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Don Brown reported that the Dairyland Tank Repair Company
representative that has been working in Apple Valley and promising to
come to Rosemount and prepare an estimate for the interior work needed
on the water tower has left the work site in Apple Valley and still not
arrived at Rosemount to prepare the estimate. He will continue to
pursue this avenue until he determines that Dairyland is not interested
or available and then other alternates will be pursued.
President Walsh referenced a letter from Cindy Corcoran who lives in
Rahn's 7th Addition regarding water quality. She experienced much rust
up to the time that poly phosphates were introduced into the system and
has experienced little problem since. Don Brown advised that the
incidents of rust problems have been greatly reduced since the
introduction of poly phosphates. Monitoring of problem calls has and
will continue, with periodic reports to the Commission. Flushing has
been reduced since the introduction of poly phosphates but before
winter sets in a complete system flushing will be accomplished.
President Walsh presented information on a past due billing where the
ownership of a house had changed and the previous owner is denying any
responsibility for his renters past due billing. The Secretary
reported that he became involved in this billing dispute and advised
the Commission that collection is being handled through the title
insurance company who handled the closing with the new owners. This
information was available to the title insurance company at the time of
closing and payment will be forthcoming from them in the very near
future. The Secretary explained that the policy that is being followed
regarding unpaid billings is to certify those amounts to the County for
collection. This includes renters failing to pay billings as well as
iDon Brown reviewed the water damage problem to 146th Street between
Danbury and Danville Ave. This occurred several years ago and over the
years there has been settling of the roadway and curbing. This creates
a puddling problem across the entire width of Dennis Heinzen's
driveway. He has repeatly asked that repair be made to this area to
eliminate the puddling problem. Estimated cost of repair to the curb,
driveway panel and street is $800.00 to $1,000.00. Commission directed
that City Staff proceed with repair by replacement of curbing, the
first driveway panel and patching of the street with any further
replacement of driveway left to the homeowner.
The Commission expressed a concern for the closing of the Brockway
Plant noting that they have been an avid supporter of Rosemount during
their stay here. With the closing scheduled for late this year no
further studies of their sewage flow will be undertaken.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
4 Don F. Darling
1367 - 145TH ST, E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on Tuesday, November 13, 1984 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
The agenda was amended to include Item 6a, Dakota Central Office
Request for 6 inch water service.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the October 9, 1984
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Discussion was held on the effects of Poly Phosphate being added to the
water supply. All agreed that the results have been very positive in
reducing the rust complaints throughout the system. It was noted that
an occassional complaint is received yet, but when questioned the
individuals have to agree that they have not experienced the problems
as in the past. Staff presented a request to consider purchase of Poly
Phosphate equipment for all three wells along with chlorination
equipment for Well #6 as it will be brought back from standby status to
on line for the winter months and should have chlorination equipment
MOTION by Hasbrouck to authorize Staff to seek quotes for the
furnishing of Poly Phosphate injection equipment for Wells #3, #6 and
#7 and Chlorine Injection equipment for Well #6. Second by Westin.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Ed McMenomy was present to represent the Dakota Central Office request
for a 6 inch water service. He advised the Commission that his firm
has commitments from two of their current tenants to occupy the lower
level space when it has been improved. Prior to making the
improvements to the lower level an adequate water supply has to be
provided to allow sprinkling of the lower level. He asked that the
Commission consider his request to provide the service he needs and
further that the review of this project should take into account the
conditions and activities of the other property owners and the City
property adjacent to their site. McMenomy reviewed with the Commission
some of the discussions he has had with neighbors of Dakota Central
Offices as well as City Staff regarding future uses of surrounding
properties and feels that water main extensions as presented in his
proposal would be of benefit to much of the property in this area.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to concur with Dakota Central Office request for
Water Main extension and recommend to the City Council that they
authorize review of this proposal by Council, H.R.A., City Staff and
Professional Staff for recommendations on this proposed project.
Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Richman Cook presented an update on the Dennis Heinzen Curb and
driveway repair noting that Heinzen wishes to wait until spring before
this project goes forward. Commission concurred in the suggested
project starting time.
Richman Cook presented an update on the Interior Coating of the Water
Tower informing the Commission that the Company that was being pursued
to provide a quote on this delayed presenting any information on the
cost estimates for this project until just recently and when received
the estimates were considered out of line. Information on file
indicates that the tank coating will not exceed its expected life span
for a year or more and Staff recommends this project be made a part of
the exterior repair scheduled for 1985. Commission concurred with this
MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
s 4�L Don F. Darling
ilitW's 6cnviill2.s.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof
Utility Commission was duly held on Monday,
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612- 423 -4411
a Regular Meeting of the
December 10, 1984 in the
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
The agenda was amended to include Item 6b, Labor Negotiation Update,
Item 6c, Dakota Central Office water service.
MOTION by Westin to approve the minutes of the November 13, 1984
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the bills as presented. Second by
Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented pencil quotes on the furnishing of Polyphosphate
and Chlorine Injection Equipment for Wells #3, #6 and # 7. Feed -Rite
Controls quote was $910.00 and $3,385.00 respectively. Western
Chemical quote was $ 1,156.00 for Polyphosphate and no quote on the
Chlorine Equipment. Feed -Rite Control quote includes installation
where Western Chemical does not. Don Brown recommended purchase of
three Polyphosphate and one Chlorine Injection Systems from Feed -Rite
MOTION by Walsh to award the contract to Feed -Rite Controls, Inc., for
the furnishing and installation of Polyphosphate Injection Equipment
on Wells #3, # 6 and # 7 at the quoted price of $910.00 each installed
and furnishing and installation of Chlorine Injection Equipment for
Well # 6 at the quoted price of $3,385.00 installed for a total quoted
cost of $6,115.00. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented a brief update on the progress of the Labor
Negotiation to date along with an update on the strike contingency plan
being prepared for the City.
President Walsh advised the Commission that the Council unanimously
voted to deny the Dakota Central Office request for increased water
supply at their regular meeting on December 4, 1984. After reviewing
the Council action he felt that what had taken place was in error and
• he will be asking the Council to reconsider their action and cause
action to be taken to indicate that the City is not interested in
participating in this proposed water service but Dakota Central Offices
could undertake the project on their own.
• Minnesota Health Department Annual report on the wells was presented to
the Commission. They congratulated the superintendent on a good report
and ordered the report placed on file.
President Walsh commented positively on a management letter he had
received a copy of noting his agreement with this type of direction.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Don F. Darling