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January 4, 1985
FROM: Joseph Walsh, President
Subject: January 1985 Regular Meeting
Due to the lack of agenda items I have caused the
January 1985 Regular Utility Commission Meeting
scheduled for January 7, 1985 to be cancelled.
1367-145TH ST. E
612- 423 -441 1
The 1985 organizational meeting will be in February.
I have been advised by Mayor Knutson that Commissioner
Hasbrouck has agreed to reappointment to the Utility
Commission. Thanks Wes.
4 ) (�)1q({
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on Monday, February 11, 1985 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
The agenda was amended to include Item 3a, Election of Officers for
1985: Item 8a, Community Needs Study Discussion.
Newly reappointed commission member Wesley Hasbrouck was sworn into
office for a three year term.
MOTION by Westin to appoint member Walsh, President of the Utility
Commission and member Hasbrouck, Vice President of the Utility
Commission for 1985. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the December 10, 1984
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Discussion was held on the suggested change to the bill approval
process. The commission members and Don Brown felt that the method
allowing the Council to approve all bills including Utility Commission
bills and providing all bills listing to the commission would not in
any way hamper the approval and review process by the Utility
MOTION by Walsh to authorize the bill approval process that would
allow the City Council to first approve the bills with final reviewal
of utility bills by the Utility Commission. Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented a request to authorize the Engineer to proceed
with the advertisement for bids for refurbishing the interior and
exterior of the 500,000 gallon water storage tank. Plans and spec's
were prepared in 1984 and will be reissued for the 1985 bidding
MOTION by Westin to authorize the City Engineer to proceed with the
advertisement for bids for the refurbishing of the water storage tank
as requested. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented a request to insulate well house #6. He noted
that well house #7 was insulated in the past and the resultant savings
in energy bills has been quite dramatic. A similiar insulating
process is being proposed for well house # 6, that is styrofoam
covered with plywood.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to authorize insulating well house # 6 as
proposed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Community Needs Assessment was presented for discussion. President
Walsh advised the commission members of a Special Council Meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, February 26, 1985 for the purpose of reviewing
this study with all who are interested in the study. It was
especially noted that the study recommends review for possible
dissolution of the Utility Commission. The members agreed that such a
study should be made to see how much of the Utility Commission
responsibility is overlapped by the Council and other committees. The
commission members were in agreement that they would support the
Council in a decision to embrace the study recommendations for 1985
and that they would attempt to be at the February 26th Special Council
Meeting to support that position.
Don Brown reported that the Chloride and Poly Phosphate Equipment is
totally installed at well # 6 and they are awaiting the electrician to
complete the installation.
President Walsh advised staff to prepare a follow up questionaire on
the water quality questions of the past years. This to be ready for
review and comment at the next Regular Meeting.
0 MOTION by Westin to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Re tfully itted,
on Dar ing
�� 6 1367 - 145TH ST. E.
�Os e Ii o u n l 612- 423 -4411
WS �,(YY121�12sslorI
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on Monday, March 11, 1985 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the February 11, 1985
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Westin to approve the bills listing as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented the final plans and specifications for the
maintenance specifications for the water tower, recommending that a
bid date be set for April 4, 1985 to receive bids for the project.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the plans and specifications for painting
of the water tower and further setting 2:00 p.m.,Thursday, April 4,
1985 as the date and time to receive bids on this project. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
• Discussion was held on the possible connection charges to be assessed
as part of the 145th Street improvement. All members agreed that this
project should not generate any further hook up or connection charges
as this area is being reconstructed and upgraded rather than newly
MOTION by Walsh directing that no connection or hook up charges are to
be levied in the area of the 145th Street as part of the improvement
project. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented a draft follow up questionnaire on the water
quality question, informing the Commission that he will be causing
delivery of this questionnaire and will compile the results for review
as soon as possible.
MOTION by Westin to approve the questionnaire as to form and authorize
distribution as proposed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Darling updated the Commission on the Council action to date on
the Community Needs Study, informing the Commission of the new
positions and titles that have been created.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
. Res ectfully s tted,
Don F. rling
lei ly o
rsuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular
Commission was duly held on Monday, April 8, 1985 in
the City Hall.
1367 -145TH ST. E.
61 2- 423 -441 1
Meeting of the Utility
the Council Chambers of
The meeting was called to order by President Walsh at 6:30 p.m. with member
Westin absent.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the March 11, 1985 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes 2; Nays 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills listing as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes 2; Nays 0.
The Commission reviewed the Water Tower Maintenance Bid Proposals.
MOTION by Walsh to accept the bids for the painting and maintenance of the
water tower and award the contract to Valley Contracting Inc. in the amount of
$51,000.00, authorizing block lettering for this project, dropping the
alternate special lettering. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes 2; Nays 0.
Discussion was held with regard to inspection of the water tower painting and
maintenance contract work. A recommendation was received from the City
Engineer to hire an outside inspection company to monitor this project.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize Don Brown to contact inspection firms who provide
water tower maintenance inspections and contract with one to provide
inspection on the work in progress on our water tower at the discretion of the
Public Works Director at a maximum cost of $5,000.00. Second by Hasbrouck.
Ayes 2; Nays 0.
The Commission reviewed the DARTS request for an antenna location for their
communications system. It was noted that the tower already has three systems
on it, and the New Vector system adjacent to it. It was felt that an
additional system as proposed may be costly to filter and would best be served
from some other site. The Commission agreed that this would not be the best
site, but not an impossible site, therefore, DARTS should submit additional
information regarding the proposed system and its impact on the adjacent
systems that are in place for further consideration, if they so desire.
Secretary Darling advised that he and Mayor Knutson would be attending the
breakfast meeting in Apple Valley being hosted by Peter E. Meintsma, Chairman
of the MWCC. All Commission members are invited to attend.
Don Brown advised that the return so far on the questionnaire has been great.
Twenty percent of the questionnaires have been returned already. Replies
indicate that a flushing is needed at this time.
MOTION by Walsh to change the meeting date for the November, 1985 Regular
Meeting to November 12, 1985 due to the holiday on the 11th of November.
Commissioner Hasbrouck questioned the infiltration problems of the past asking
if all repairs have been made. Don Brown advised that he has not caused the
inspection of the lines recently, but has been advised that all known problems
have been corrected by the MWCC.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes 2; Nays 0.
fuRx tedj
F. —Dar Ong; Secretar,
32 O
cisemou n
�I,b GI,✓,�1�5 �7.7�C1422.SSZC>vl
1367 - 145TH ST. E. - P. O. BOX 455
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on Monday, May 13, 1985 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the March 11, 1985
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the bills listing as presented. Second
by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented a request to consider the purchase of a hoist for
the back of a'pickup unit. This request will fulfill the Utility
D'epartment's attempt, at acquiring a hoist two years ago. The winch
for that system was purchased and delivered to the Vo -Tech and they
were to construct the hoist. Upon checking on this unit recently, it
was disclosed that the hoist had been misplaced or lost and with this
in mind, it was felt it would be best to pursue purchase of a ready
made unit. Estimated cost of a unit of sufficient size would be
$1,200.00 to $,1,500.00.
• MOTION by Westin to authorize the purchase of a hoist to be mounted on
the Utility Department's pickup. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3, Nays:
Don Brown presented the tabulated results of the Water Questionnaire
noting that there is no definite pattern' in the locations or frequency
of the various water problems that comments were requested on. He was
directed to obtain professional assistance if possible to determine if
anyone could read some conclusions into the results received. He
°advised the Commission that part of the most recent rust complaints
was due to connecting into the Apple Valley system during the down
time of our tower and having Apple Valley flush hydrants in their
system that cause considerable surging within our system. Well #6 is
on line in the variable speed mode and is supplying most of the water
needs of the City. Very little water is being used from Apple Valley
System that is not being replaced at some time during this
interconnect mode. A follow up will be done on several individual
complaints, working with SEH and others to determine what benefit is
being provided by the addition of chlorine and polyphosphate
throughout the system.
Don Brown presented a request to consider refurbishing the jet truck.
He presented an estimate for body work totalling over $1,900. The
Commission directed that he look into purchase or trading up to a
• newer unit before any decision is made o refurbishing of this 1968
model truck.
Don Brown presented an update on the water tower maintenance work
advising the Commission that the contractor is doing good work and is
completing the project in good time. The interior is completed and
the exterior is sand blasted and primed. All that remains is the
final painting process.
Don Brown advised the Commission that the intercity water connection
is doing what it was designed to do very effectively at this time.
Both entities have agreed that flushing on either system is to be
suspended when the connection is open.
President Walsh presented the M WCC letter indicating that the
Rosemount Treatment plant is scheduled for replacement in 1987.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
ful ly_ mbrn4tted,
Don F. I)arling
1367 - 145TH ST. E.
612 - 423 -4411
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on Monday, June 10, 1985 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
Items added to the Agenda: 5c, Commissioner Hasbrouck's Survey
MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the May 13, 1985 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills listing as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Discussion was held on the options for the jet truck replacement or
refurbishing. It was agreed that the most feasible option is to
refurbish the existing unit and return it to service for at least
another five years.
70 MOTION by Westin to authorize the refurbishing of the 1968
International jet truck and painting of the jet machine as outlined in
the quote presented in the amount of approximately $2,000.00. Second
by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Commissioner Hasbrouck presented an overview of his findings in
reviewing the three water quality surveys that have gone out since
1980. His findings indicate that although people are not pleased with
the chlorine system, those that truely had a smelly water problem are
no longer having that problem. He encouraged all Commission members
to take the opportunity to personally review these survey comments.
Public Works Director Don Brown advised the Commission that the water
tower painting project is approximately 99 percent complete. The
inspection firm presented a punch list of items that needed
correction, and the contractor has been working towards correcting the
items on the punch list. Claims resulting from the painting of the
tower are being presented. It is expected that fewer claims will be
handled due to the method of painting used in this project. The
contractor has approached Mr. Brown regarding a partial payment of
which the contract does not allow. Mr. Brown recommended that payment
be made in lump sum when the project is finalized.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Res ectfully sub 'tted,
on F. arl
�iy 1 367-1 45TH ST. E.
osernoun� ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068
61 2- 423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utility Commission was duly held on Monday, July 8, 1985 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
Commissioner Westin absent.
Items added to the Agenda: Erickson Park Watermain.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the June 10, 1985 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills listing as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Don Brown reported to the Commission that the jet truck was sent to
Quality Truck Painting this date for the refurbishing work that was
authorized at the last Commission meeting. The Chevrolet firetruck is
being used in place of the jet truck for watering purposes.
Don Brown reported that the water tower painting project has been
completed. The contractor has been rather slow in responding to punch
• list corrections. The paint supplier has been brought into the
project to ascertain if the paint vendor will stand behind this
project. Recom mendationw as presented to the Board that the project
was complete and satisfactory and full payment can be made.
Don Brown updated the Commission on the need for two four inch taps on
the watermain running north on Brazil to the Rosemount Woods Addition
as part of the installation of the irrigation system for the ball
MOTION by Walsh that the Utiulity Commission has no objejction to the
two four inch taps on the Rosemount Woods watermain as proposed.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Re ectfu'
n . D
� � 1 367-1 45TH ST. E.
'se of mount ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068
61 2- 423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utilities Commission was duly held on Monday, August 12, 1985 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
all members present.
Items added to the Agenda: Enforcement of Water Hookup Ordinance;
Holiday Station Store, Sewer and Water Hookup Report.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1985 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills listing as presented. Second by
Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented a report showing that we still have four single
family residence units with City water available and not hooked up to
the City system. Further information was presented from the State
Plumbing Code indicating that residents are obligated and required to
hook up to a municipal water system as soon as the system becomes
available. The Utilities Commission unanimously agreed that the
Public Works Director notify those residents that are not hooked up to
• the system that they have until two years from this date to accomplish
hooking up to the City water system. Furthermore, the Utilities
Commission directed that any other units discovered that are not
hooked up to either sewer or water be afforded this same notice and
time period to accomplish the hook up.
Don Brown presented information to the Utilities Commission requesting
he be authorized to purchase an oxygen sensing meter to be used by the
utilities personnel to determine the safety of air in man holes prior
to entry. The current is noted for its failures, and the repair
process is quite lengthy. The unit proposed can and will be repaired
in the Twin Cities thereby utilizing a shorter time frame for repair
when needed. The quoted price as recommended by Don Brown is $1,187.
MOTION by Westin to authorize the purchase of a new oxygen meter at
the quoted price of $1,187. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays:
Don Brown presented information regarding the configuration of sewer
and water hook ups for the proposed Holiday Stationstore being built
at the intersection of Chippendale and County Road 42 in South Rose
Park, indicating the problems he has encountered in obtaining
agreements to the water and sewer line locations for this pending
site. Don Brown was instructed by the Utilities Commission to notify
all concerned that the water system he has proposed that requires a 15
• foot easement on the north edge on Parcel D will be required prior to
approval of the plumbing and sewer permits for this site.
Don Brown informed the Commission that the curb and driveway
corrections at the Dennis Heinzen properties has finally been started.
This project should be complete within the week.
Don Brown presented information on the water system performance during
the dry spell that was experienced this summer. The performance
indicators show that the system is able to hold its own at the level
of use experienced this year, but any additional requirements will
cause deficiencies, and he suggested that the Utilities Commission and
Council begin the process for providing an additional well in the next
two to three years. He advised that the City is still in a position
of adequate water supply, and there is no threat at this time of any
water issue bands.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
CDo Da ing
1 367-1 45TH ST. E.
61 2- 423 -441 1
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utilities Commission was duly held on Monday, September 9, 1985 in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with
Commissioner Westin absent.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the August 12, 1985
Regular Meeting as printed. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills listing as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Public Works Director Don Brown presented the concept of establishing
an equipment and project five year C.I.P. program for the utilities
fund portion of the City. The Utilities Commission concurred that
this fund should be established and a program be prepared based on the
draft submitted by the Public Works Director.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize the establishing of a five year revolving
C.I.P. fund for the acquisition of equipment and funding of projects.
Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Don Brown reported to the Utilities Commission that at this time all
fire hydrants have been color coded and that a driving tour will be
made to insure same. He also advised that possibly the fire hydrant
in the center of Rosemount Plaza may still need the color coding
paint. Mr. Brown requested that anyone finding a hydrant that is not
color coded to advise him of this fact.
Don Brown reported to the Utilities Commission that the correction to
the pump control panel has been a longer process than anyone figured
it would be. Waldorf Plumbing is performing the corrective measures
at this time and has not received the greatest cooperation from
Consolidated Electric in supplying the necessary schematics and
drawings needed to search out the problems within the panel. They
will continue their efforts until the panel is either declared
repaired or recommend panel changes to put it back in services as it
should be.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
lei iy o
ursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular
Utilities Commission was duly held on Monday, October
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
1367 -145TH ST. E.
61 2- 423 -441 1
Meeting of the
7, 1985, in the
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Walsh with all
members present.
Items added to the Agenda: Dakota Central water service installation
MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1985 Regular
Meeting as printed. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills listing as presented. Second by
Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown updated the Commission on the Well Control System trouble
shooting. Consolidated Electric has been unable to find the problem
that has been plaguing the system. It was noted that this system has
always had some type of minor problem that created a need to have
employees available on weekends and holidays to reset the system should
it fail. Discussion was held on retrofitting a new control system into
the existing cabinets or some other corrective measure. President Walsh
directed that a demonstration be requested for the evening of October
21st. If this demonstration can be scheduled he will call a special
meeting to allow the Commission to review the demonstration and possibly
make a decision to replace the existing system with a current state of
the art control panel.
Don Brown presented a draft 5 Year CIP for the Utilities Fund. This
would allow the reasonable implementation of system upgrades at a time
that the City Council is considering upgrading of streets and curbs.
This CIP system would be the means of funding some large cost repairs
and replacement to the system in the future. The Commission accepted
this concept and agreed that a fund should be established to provide the
funding source for the CIP. Discussion revealed that $15,000 per year
starting with 1985 would provide the needed funding for this program in
the amount of $90,000. Annual review and update will be undertaken by
the Commission and Staff.
MOTION by Walsh to adopt a 5 Year Utilities Capital Improvement Program
and fix a funding rate of $15,000 per year starting in 1985 for this
program. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
President Walsh and Don Brown updated the Commission on the problems
created by the Dakota Central Office contractor while putting in the
water service line over the weekend. The problems created caused the
City to call out staff to repair and place equipment back on line.
Staff was instructed to bill the contractor for employee payroll and
other costs related to the call out.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
P rin itte , Se cretary
% i ty 1367 -145TH ST. E. - P. 0. BOX 455
®s G ®u n t 612-423-4411
qlb " C' zMISSwvl
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utilities Commission was duly held on Tuesday, November 12, 1985, in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Walsh with Commissioner
Westin absent.
ded to the agenda: MWCC Billing for 1986; MWCC
ion _Update.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the
minutes of the October 7, 1985 regular
meeting. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes:" 2. Nays. 0.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve
the bills listing as presented. Second'
by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented information
on the long term problems that the City
has experienced with the _well :
control `system that has been in place
since 1972. Discussion was held
on updating the control system through
computerization of the controls.
Don Brown introduced Gary Warner of Vessco a firm representing the
• Autocon Industries equipment that has been demonstrated to President
Walsh,' Mr. Brown and Mr. Cook. Much discussion followed as toe the
possibilities available in equipment configurations
and equipment'.
MOTION by Walsh,to authorize Don
Brown and Don 'Darling to work with the'
city engineer to prepare'plans'
and specifications to allow bidding a
computer based control for 'three
wells and a tank level monitor. Second'.
by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays:''
Don Brown' presented information on the MWCC annual single billing for
1986 noting that the billing will increase from $83,227 to $101,025
which is a $17,798 increase. Information was presented to the
Commission to indicate that a single rate adjustment is not needed even
though there is a considerable increase in the Metro sewer billings for
1986. Don Brown answered questions on the MWCC ground water inflow
infiltration problems involved in the past noting that all discrepancies
from the report of some years ago have been corrected and that the MWCC
has advised that a new manhole cover seal has been designed that is more
water proof and will be installed as time and money allows.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
s tf submitted,
• o Da , ecretar
WHEREAS, the Rosemount Cable TV Commission is an advisory
body to the Rosemount City Council on matters related to
cable television; and
WHEREAS it has come to the attention of the Commission that
efforts are currently underway to establish a community
public access television group; and
WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Cable TV Commission that
public access television is an important and desirable
element in the overall provision of cable television
service; and
WHEREAS, efforts which are undertaken to provide such an
element are worthy of commendation and encouragement.
• NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Rosemount Cable TV
Commission that it wishes to heartily and enthusiastically
applaud the efforts and initiative of the Community
Television Group and Metro Cable, Inc. in undertaking the
establishment of a viable public access television operation
within the community.
ADOPTED this 9th day of December, 1985.
Tprepth P. Walsh, Chairman
City� 1 367 -145`H SL F - P_ O BOX 455
,0016 ��� ��� RO 7- 1 45T T. ^ I N N F„ „SOYA X 455
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the
Utilities Commission was duly held on Monday, December 9, 1985, in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by President Walsh with all members
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the November 12, 1985
regular meeting. Second by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bill listing as presented. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown presented information he had received from SEH regarding their
proposed participation in a program to study and acquire a computer
oriented well and lift station monitoring system. The representative
from SEH was present to discuss the proposal with the Utilities
Commission. Much discussion followed.
MOTION by Walsh to allow SEH to prepare a feasibility study to include
steps 1, 2 and 3 of their letter of December 6, 1985. Second by Westin.
Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
• Don Brown presented information on bids for a 1986 half ton pickup for
use by the Utilities Department. The bid information is from the
Hennepin County Cooperative Purchasing Association.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to authorize purchase through the Hennepin County
Cooperative Purchasing Association a 1986 Chevrolet half ton pickup from
Viking Chevrolet for the bid amount of $7,029. Second by Walsh. Ayes:
3. Nays: 0.
Don Brown requested authorization to insulate Well No. 3 similar to the
Well House No. 7 project.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize the insulation of Well No. 3 as requested.
Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Westin. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.