HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 UC Minutes6?1 P.O. BOX 510
i6y O 2875 -145TH ST. W.
osernoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on January 9, 1989 at
6:30 p. m. in the Rosemount City Hall by Utilities Commission President, Joseph
Walsh. Present were Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer Hefti and Recording
Secretary Dorniden.
President Walsh called for additions or corrections to the Agenda.
Walsh added Item 2a.- Swearing in of Commission Member Thomas Werner
Urban Design Meeting- January 17, 1989 Special Council Meeting; Cit
Refti.added Item 6c.- Purchase Water Tester.
City Administrator Jilk joined,the Commission meeting and of —
Commission-Member Werner.
Recording Secretary Dorniden informed the Commission that the
Of the last regularly scheduled meeting had been corrected fro
to December 12, 1988. President Walsh asked that the minutes'
be corrected to read that Utility Commission President, Joseph
meeting to order, not Utility Commission President, Joe Walsh.
be executed.
and Item 7a.-
to of the minutes
December 13, 1988
December 12,1988
alsh called
Correction will
MOTION by Werner to approve the''minutes of the December 12, 1988 Regular Utility
Commission meeting as corrected'. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
the 'list of bi
city Engineer Hefti` informed the Co
Shannon of'Sprngsted, Inc!. regarding
just a surcharge, or just a rate incr
tower construction. City Engineer He
increases based upon the ENR index.
should have the figures by this comin
the Commission that they may want to
incoming figures.
that he has had me
a combination rate incre
ease to finance the bonds
fti is also working on th
Mr. Shannon informed City
g Wednesday. City Engine
hold a special meeting to
ngs with Jerry
and surcharge,
r the well and
onnection' charge
gineer Hefti he
Hefti advised
scuss the
MOTION by Walsh to set a Special Utility Commission meeting on January 30, 1989
at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the financing of the water tower and well. SECOND by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
City Engineer Hefti also advised the Commission the Engineering News Record has
increased rates by 2 %. He is asking that the Commission consider this at the
Special meeting also.
City Engineer Hefti introduced Kurt Johnson from TKDA. Mr. Johnson handed out
plans of three different styles of towers; 1) Legged Ellipsoidal, 2) Pedestal
Spheroid and 3) Fluted Column. Mr. Johnson spoke a little on the ongoing cost
for maintenance on any of the towers. The City could be spending as much as
$50,000 on paint for the fluted tower every 10 years.
President Walsh felt the fluted was a good idea because being next to a major
City park we could utilize the storage space in the base. Mr. Johnson agreed but
did inform the Commission that the raining inside the base would require some
addition of a condensation roof above the storage area.
Page 2
Utility Commission Minutes
January 9, 1989
Mr. Johnson also informed the Commission that an altitude valve would be needed
on the existing tank. Even though the two tanks would be the same level, the new
tank would require more time to fill because it's larger. President Walsh
expressed concerns on the valve because the City had one on its old tank and
there were many problems. Mr. Johnson mentioned that the heights of the towers
must have been different to have such problems. With the two towers being the
same altitude or just about the same altitude, we shouldn't experience the past
problems with an altitude valve.
t Walsh wants TKDA to consider good railings because of the'use of radio
Mr. Johnson said they would go with OSHA approved railings.
buanaara Awwa requirements manaaLe neces
said that it shouldn't require more than
Commission, Member Hasbrouck asked if ice
better tank - Mr. Johnson said none of "t
new technology.
y lighting, ladde
e red warning'lig
t inside ,which to
tanks should have
A cathodic protection option is something to con
Mr. Johnson informed the Commission 'tthat he advi
attached to the park shelter. The storage of ch
and the high voltage requires to run the well wo
clot of people, as in a park shelter.
t the
der on the bid.
with the
:s not to have the wells
iicals to be used in the wells
.d not be a good idea around
specifications are complete for
also informed the Commission that the City
p and control of the designated site in a 50'
before they would approve the plans. City
s going through condemnation if that would
the Health Department to see if we could
has started.
The actual construction time is estimated to be 120 calendar days.
City Engineer Hefti presented a memo from Blake Crandall regarding the Gopher
State One Call Equipment. City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that this
all came about with the Mounds View explosion a couple years ago.
The equipment which would be required for this system would be a printer and
modem. The City would have two options to follow: 1) Direct Purchase - $1,200
plus $17.00 per month maintenance charge, or, 2) $50.00 per month lease /purchase
for 24 months with the $50.00 per month including the $17.00 monthly maintenance
charge. Discussion followed as to which price would be more advantageous. City
Engineer Hefti will get more clarification on the pricing.
MOTION by Walsh to purchase /lease, depending which will be the better situation
for the City, of the necessary printer /modem unit for Gopher State One Call.
SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Page 3
Utility Commission Minutes
January 9, 1989
City Engineer Hefti asked the Commission for the approval of the purchase of a
new water tester in the amount of $856.00 plus 52 test vials for $38.60. This
would give the City the capability of running our own testing on acidity (PH),
fluoride, chlorine, lead, etc. By no means would this supercede the necessary
samples sent in for testing to meet our State requirements.
MOTION by Walsh to purchase testing equipment and test vials from Feedrite, Inc.
in the,amount of $856.00 and $38.60. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
President Walsh informed the Commission that all City Commissions and Committees
are being invited to a special Council meeting on January 17, 1989 at 6:30 p.m.
in the Council Chambers. The Urban Design team will be making their presentation
and recommendations.
City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that the City Council had authorized
the condemnation procedure for the property necessary for the tower and well
sites. This, in no means, means that the property owners will not be approached,
but it will keep the City on a timetable if we would have problems negotiating.
The City wants to begin construction in the 1989 season.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that Don Darling, Steve Jilk and he
had met with Roger Lee (Peoples Natural Gas Representative from Rosemount Office)
and Tim Kennealy (Peoples Natural Gas Representative from Omaha Office) to
discuss their office taking over the water billing for the City. They are to get
a proposal together sometime next week and it will be presented at the Special
meeting on 'January 30, 1989.
Much discussion followed the pros and cons of Peoples taking over the billing.
The City would 'have to upgrade any meter that doesn't have an outside reader.
The initial expense would be considerable. Right now the City is in the process
,of changing out meters, but prior to'' this ` the outside reader was an option. It
wouldn't be an option now, it would be mandatory. One aspect of letting them do
the billing would be an increase in cash flow because it would be a monthly
billing as opposed to a quarterly billing.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the
Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on
January 30, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. in the Rosemount City Hall by Utilities
Commission President, Joseph Walsh. Present were members Hasbrouck,
Werner, City Engineer /Director Public Works Hefti and recording
secretary, Linda Jentink. Guests present were Ron Langness from
Springsted Inc.; Bob Schmall, Jim Ashley, Bill Kaphing from NSP; and
Stephan:Jilk, City Administrator /Clerk.
President Walsh called for additions or corrections to the agenda.
Rich Hefti added Item 6 a. Legislative Update - Water Supply Testing.
Discussion on financing of Well No. 8-A and Tower No. 2 began with
Schedules A through K being given to all present by Ron Langness of
Springsted'Inc. These schedules show calculations for bond issues of
$1,320,000 and $1,100,000 with full surcharge, half - surcharge, and no
surcharge. Also the length of the bond was expanded for both 15 year
and 20 year pay off.
Hasbrouck asked what the surcharge amount i's, Hefti indicated from a
report on Item 3 c. that a full residential surcharge is $9.00, half
would be $4.50. Walsh commented that the number of hook ups was
projected to decrease while hook up fees will rise at 2% per year. Jilk
stated that capital construction outlay is tied to growth; if growth
doesn't happen expenditures for capital outlay will not be needed.
"Triggers" have been built into the schedules to tell when more
manpower and /or equipment is needed to maintain the water system.
Tower No. 2 should be needed sometime after 1998. The twenty year
projection indicates a water treatment system would be necessary.
Increased revenues to pay for the water treatment plant would come from
rate increases, the Operating Expense budget, Water Meter Maintenance
(Replacement) Charge.
Walsh thanked Ron Langness for his presentation. The Bond money would
be needed by June, so Council should take action by April. If the Bond
Issue for the Armory could coincide with this Bond Issue money would be
saved. Revenue Bonds for cities must spend 90% of principle within
three years.
Decision on the surcharge amount will be tabled until after the NSP
Natural Gas Franchise Agreement discussion.
Bob Schmall, Community Services Dept. of NSP, Jim Ashley, and Bill
Kaphing, Gas Division of NSP presented a request for a franchise
agreement with the City. Bill Kaphing explained that there would be no
charge for installing mains, customers would only pay for a hook up
that was longer than 75 feet from the main and that customers receive
"customer packets" with conversion service information. Commercial
JANUARY 30, 1989
hook -up charges would depend on amount of usage. Nearly all franchises
are non- exclusive, People's Natural Gas is this type. NSP has 18
customers in Rosemount at this time, near Akron Ave. and 120th Street
by Stonebridge, special exception was allowed five or six years ago
because they were adjacent to the main line. No franchise was
requested from the city at that time. Northern Natural does have some
farm feeds now. Customers would definitely have a choice to accept
natural gas from NSP or to continue with propane or feeds from Northern
Natural. Jim Ashley commented that in the past many people are very
willing to change over because of the cost savings compared to propane.
The "time line" they would hope for would be to begin construction by
April 15 or as soon as the ground is workable, then customers would be
hooked up by winter 1989. Information would be publicized so new home
builders could plan for it. State Highway Permits would be required
along Hwy 3.
Jilk inquired about franchise fees from NSP. Bob Schmall responded that
NSP would rather not pay such fees because utilities are a service and
from an industrialist aspect it penalizes the company and in turn the
customers. South St. Paul has lowered their franchise fees from 5% to
3 %.
Jilk asked about their Economic Development Department for marketing
programs to aid in drawing more industries to Rosemount. Schmall said
he helps cities with the "Star City Program" through the state,
develops manuals and booklets, but no funds are provided for this.
Walsh stated the Commission would compare the example franchise
agreements provided to help develop an agreement for Rosemount and NSP.
Schmall requested that this be done by February 13 for the City Council
Meeting the next day.
Walsh felt further consideration of a franchise fee would be in order.
The Proposal for Water Billing by Peoples Natural Gas was discussed.
This would change quarterly billing to monthly billing which would
increase our cash flow, there would be no need to buy additional
computer software and no maintenance agreements for that software. The
net cost would be $20,000. Apple Valley is going to monthly billing,
but reading still would be quarterly with estimates determined by the
computer, so no added input would be needed for billing to be
determined, the bills three months out of four would be run
Hefti commented we should consider what improvements we could make on
our own system for $20,000, such as added maintenance and hiring
additional manpower. Much preventative maintenance should be done on
our water system.
JANUARY 30, 1989
Walsh reminded the Commission of the six year history built up on this
computer system and that to enter this information into a new computer
system would be a large job. He felt that Utilities should keep their
current computer system.
The Commission requested that Hefti advise Roger Lee of People's
Natural Gas that we will be looking into what we can do in -house before
we consider their proposal. Also to advise the Finance Dept. to
continue their computer purchase proposal by alternates for Public
Discussion followed on approval of
Sewer Rates, Charges, and Deposits.
with possible change from quarterly
was amended.
1989 Resolution Establishing Water &
A half surcharge was agreed upon
to monthly billing. The Resolution
MOTION by Hasbrouck to recommend to City Council the amended
Established Water and Sewer Rates, Charges and Deposits for approval.
SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
The topic returned to the Financing of Well No. 8 -A and Tower No. 2. It
was decided that half surcharge would be recommended with a $1.3
million Bond at a 15 year payoff. A request was made to have Ron
Langness return at the March Utility Commission meeting to explain the
final bond information. This amount would take into consideration
construction of four wells and three towers over a twenty year period.
Hefti informed the Commission that the Minnesota Health Department was
proposing 1989 legislature to include cost for the Safe Water Drink
Test which checks for 83 contaminants. This funding through the
legislature would come from General Fund or an annual service
connection fee of $3.25 per service connection. Depending on the size
of the city, cost would be $830 - $35,000 a year. The Senate has a
similar bill before them with 2.1 cents for every gallon, which is
approximately the same amount. Walsh felt the state should handle the
entire testing process rather than have the City responsible.
Hefti meet with city engineers from Apple Valley, Eagan and Lakeville.
They discussed having similar sprinkling bans because residence on
boarder lines were confused and it made it difficult to enforce. The
system that seemed most effective was 7pm to lam available sprinkling
time. Eagan did not totally agree with this because it still causes a
peak use time and they would have some water system construction to
contend with this summer.
Hasbrouck inquired about the Storm Sewer Master Plan, Hefti advised the
text is being written now. Land locked basins have numbers and they
would like to give them appropriate names.
JANUARY 30, 1989
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Jenti ,
Administrative Secretary
Acting Recording Secretary
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST. W.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on February 13, 1989 in
the Rosemount City Hall by Utilities Commission President, Joseph Walsh Present
were Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer Hefti and City Administrator Jilk
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.
MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the January 9, 1989 Regular Utility
Commission meeting SECOND by Hasbrouck Ayes: 3 Nays: 0
MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the January 30, 1989'Sper_iA Utility
Commission meeting SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the list of bills. SECOND by Walsh Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
City Engineer Hefti introduced Mark Longston from Delta Environmental to give a
presentation on the current status of the Rural Water System Project Mr
Longston handed out a preliminary schedule for work in 1989. He pointed out that
all the leaks were now repaired and the only section of line not to be pressure
tested yet is from Vo -Tech to' Highway 52r The next item for completion will be
the individual service lines, which will begin as soon as weather permits He
also indicated that the construction will begin on the north well next week
Delta Environmental needs to obtain a variance from the Health Department for the
north well because it is less than 50' from the property line as described by the
easement the City obtained from the Vo -Tech. They stated two reasons which
resulted in this variance request The first was because the well had to be
moved because the original well was lost in the Prairie du Chien auquifer This
necessitated in moving the well from its original position The second reason
had to deal with changing the original easement. The original easement was
square and the revised easement was rectangular
Administrator Jilk added that the property has been transferred to the Dakota
County`Vo -Tech and if the variance would not be granted, then any additional
easements would have to be obtained through them
In response to a question from Member Hasbrouck, Mr Longston indicated that the
current distribution system is hooked up to the University water supply system
that is presently serving the Vo -Tech
When asked by Administrator Jilk regarding hook -up to the old city hall, Mr
Longston indicated that that would occur sometime in March When Administrator
Jilk asked about the process in which the University would turn over the well
water system to the City, Mr. Longston suggested that that process be coordinated
with the DeWild & Grant, Rekert Engineers at the time of a final inspection
President Walsh indicated that a contract with the University of Minnesota was
still opened and we could possibly add conditions relating to the final
inspection process to that contract.
Page 2
Utility Commission Minutes
• February 13, 1989
Mr. Longston indicated that the Dakota County Highway Department has denied a
driveway access off of County Road 42 to the well site area City Engineer Hefti
responded that the City does have an easement across the Vo -Tech property
adjacent to County Road 42 for access.
President Walsh brought up that we would require a monitoring system to tie in
the wells to our supervisory control system and that that equipment be installed
with the well house. City Engineer Hefti indicated that he has reviewed the
preliminary plans and made a note of that to the Consulting Engineers
President Walsh asked if the new wells would supply the Vo -Tech school Mr
Longston replied that it would supply domestic use and the University system
would remain to provide fire protection He further indicated that there would
be a physical connection to the system with a check valve placed so that the
rural water system would not flow into the University system, but the University
system could flow into the rural water system should the need arise
President Walsh introduced the next item, Item 6b., N.S.P. Franchise Agreement
Administrator Jilk provided some comments on two.different N S P franchise
agreements One being a general form with the other being an existing N.S P
franchise agreement with South St. Paul.
Some of Administrator
rather than 20 years;
• on page 3, Section 7,
of public right of wa
strictly for economic
90 days to 60 days.
Jilks comments included considering a 10 or 15 year limit
on page 2, change the word "County" to "Dakota County ";
clarify who pays for cost of relocating regarding vacation
y; add a section to include a franchise fee that would be
development; and in section 8 change the time period from
President Walsh requested that a section be added on safety notification and
training This section would require training for our fire department regarding
pipeline safety and emergency phone numbers and services President Walsh
indicated that Peoples Natural Gas has been providing such training on a regular
President Walsh indicated that he can support the 3% franchise fee that will
specifically designated to economic development
Administrator Jilk will make the proposed changes in the franchise agreement and
forward the agreement to N.S.P
President Walsh introduced Item 7a , Dakota Electric Franchise because a
representative from Springsted was not here to discuss Item 6c
Administrator Jilk outlined changes he referenced in his February 10, 1989 memo
to the Commission The areas he highlighted included franchise fee to be used
for economic development, that the City have a say regarding of transfer of
ownership, and that Dakota Electric pay for publication of the franchise
Page 3
Utility Commission Minutes
• February 13, 1989
Dale Detjen and LaDonna Riste of Dakota Electric Association were present. Mr.
Detjen appeared before the Commission to respond to the proposed changes in the
franchise agreement. Mr. Detjen brought to the Commissions attention some
differences between the N.S.P. and Dakota Electric franchise agreement and
suggested that the Dakota Electric franchise wording be changed to follow that of
N -S.P-
Mr. Detjen also asked if all utilities were paying a franchise fee- President
Walsh responded that there are some not paying franchise fees at this time
because those agreements were negotiated in the past- However, he indicated that
before renegotiation, they will be required to pay a franchise fee an amount
equal to that of other utilities
Mr Detjen then asked how the fee would be assessed Administrator Jilk
responded that we would have to determine which residents that Dakota Electric
serves that have a Rosemount address whom actually reside within the Rosemount
corporate limits
President Walsh then raised the question of training and emergency contact Both
Mr Detjen and Ms Riste responded that they would be happy to work with the City
to initiate such training- Mr, Detjen then went on to say that they are working
toward having a 24 hour dispatcher in the near future- But he can give us
special telephone numbers for emergency contacts at the current dispatch
• Administrator Jilk will implement the changes in the franchise agreement and
forward them to Dakota Electric.
President Walsh then introduced Item 9a., KW Monitoring Update City Engineer
Hefti told the Commission that the contractor has installed the hardware and
needs only to program the computer. This should occur within the next two weeks
President Walsh then introduced Item 9b., Annual M H D Inspection Report
President Walsh then summarized City Engineer Heftis' memo regarding that report
President Walsh then introduced Item 9c , Decision Resources Survey -City
Services President Walsh again summarized City Engineer Heftis' memo regarding
the fact that 47% of those surveyed felt that they City had fair to poor water
quality, while 40% of those surveyed.felt that the water quality was good to
excellent. The main problem being that of taste-
The Commission discussed the water quality issue for awhile Member Hasbrouck
felt the problem was much better than it was a few years ago because he had not
been hearing very many complaints regarding the water City Engineer Hefti
informed the Commission that the only complaints he has received since he has
been here has been customers complaining that they could taste chlorine and that
they felt the chlorine content was too high City Engineer Hefti further
indicated, in checking out a recent complaint, the residual chlorine was found to
be less than l part per million. The Commission felt that looking at the data
collected on the questionnaire in further detail would provide clues as to if
• there are certain areas in the City that are perceived to be worse than others
Page 4
Utilities Commission Minutes
February 13, 1989
President Walsh returned to Item 6c , Water Tower and Well Financing
City Administrator Jilk commented on the report Mr Jerry Shannon of Springsted,
Inc_ prepared regarding the sell of 1.32 million dollars worth of General
Obligation- Revenue Bonds. He went on to say that should the Utility Commission
recommend to the Council to approve the bond sale that the bond sale could be
held on March 21, 1989. The Council would authorize going out for bids for the
bonds at the February 21, 1989 . Council meeting-
MOTION by Walsh to recommend that the Council approve the $1,320,000 General
Obligation /Revenue Bond Sales to construct Well and Tower at the Councils
February 21, 1989 meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3, Nays: 0
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3_ Nays: 0. Meeting was
adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Re ctfully Submit d
ichard M. Heft* E.
City Engineer /Pub c Works Director
City O 2875 -145TH ST. W.
osernoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on March 13, 1989 in the
Rosemount City Hall at 6:28 p.m. by Utilities President, Joseph Walsh. Present
were Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer Hefti and Recording Secretary
Commission Member Hasbrouck added Item 8b. - Storm Sewer Update, to the agenda.
MOTION by Walsh to
a bid opening on Fr
3. Nays: 0.
City Engineer Hefti
undertaking of the
"PeoDle;s" were Dres
e all
the,,, plans and specifications for Well #8 and authorize
ril'14, 1989 at 10:00 a.m. SECOND by Werner. Ayes:
esented the proposal from Peoples Natural Gas for the
cessing of our "water bills. Roger Lee and Tim Connealy of
to present their idea and answer questions.
ted out that
time in our o
ional savinzs
However, "Peo
e net cost to th
is loo
ving "Peoples" do t
ice would result in
ould be not having
ing into. This wou
would cost the Cit
e about $17,700.
billing and freeing
estimated $15,600
purchase the new
be a one time cost
bout $33,000 per
Mr. Connealy reminded the Commission that with their program there is no extra
cost for expansion. We can add customers at no additional fee. They also have
no additional maintenance cost to us and have an extensive late payment and
disconnect service notice.
President Walsh mentioned that having "Peoples" read the meters would result in a
more accurate reading. City Engineer Hefti informed Commission that the extra
funding saved could go for a second person. President Walsh felt efficiency wise
he didn't know if an extra person would be that big of an asset. Member
Hasbrouck agreed with President Walsh. They feel we'll have to hire another
person anyway with the growth of the City.
City Engineer Hefti reminded the Commission we would still be responsible for
opening and closing accounts, sealing meters and all maintenance required to
Mr. Connealy apprised the Commission that the cash flow to the City would
increase. President Walsh stated that at this time it would not be a big issue,
however City Administrator Jilk had implied to him that in the future it may be.
• Page 2
Minutes-March 13, 1989 Utility Commission Meeting
City Engineer asked how often "Peoples" would attempt to read a meter if they
came across a working family and couldn't get into the home with an inside meter.
Mr. Connealy stated that once a history is established they could do very
extensive estimates however the history would have to be there first. They would
keep going back until it could be established.
Another concern City Engineer Hefti had was the contract itself. How is the City
protected in a year or two from rate increases? Mr. Connealy said a typical 3 -5
year lock -in is stated in contract with an annual rate adjustment of 4%.
President Walsh asked how they blend the initial start -up with the gas bills.
Mr. Connealy stated that they don't blend at all. Each water service has to have
a new account set up separately by their Staff. City Engineer Hefti asked how
many meters an account can handle, and was told that 4 meters can be added to one
MOTION by Hasbrouck to recommend Administrator Jilk, Finance Director Darling,
City Engineer Hefti and the Utility Commission work out more detailed contract
negotiations in an informal meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
President Walsh thanked Mr. Lee and Mr. Connealy for their time.
President Walsh opened this segment of the meeting explaining that Administrator
• Jilk had another meeting to attend and was sorry he couldn't be in attendance,
however he did send his recommendations and did explain he has been having some
problems in negotiating with Dakota Electric Association on the pending franchise
City Engineer Hefti handed out a memo to Administrator Jilk from LaDonna Riste,
Marketing Representative of DEA, dated today. Administrator Jilk had asked for
DEA contributions in economic development and that is what this memo was in
respond to. The memo listed several projects DEA has performed within the City
of Rosemount. None of the Commission members felt this was a real contribution
to economic development within our City.
According to Administrator Jilk the biggest hang up on the franchise agreement is
with the franchise fee. President Walsh read the recommendation from
Administrator Jilk. One of the major problems in getting money from the
Association is that all the members of the Association would have to vote on the
President Walsh feels, and the Commission members agree, that Administrator Jilk
should continue negotiations with DEA. If the franchise fee is a real problem we
may have to concede it and go for an annual license fee of $1,000 instead. He
should also bring up the economic development issue again.
Moving along to the N.S.P. franchise agreement, President Walsh pointed out that
Administrator Jilk stated N.S.P. paid $78,000 in taxes within the City.
• Commission members want Administrator Jilk to continue negotiating the best he
Page 3
• Minutes -March 13, 1989 Utility Commission Meeting
City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that in our most current test results
there were no volatile substances within the water system. Possibly the reason
for the slight amount last testing could have been the personnel taking the
sample could of had a soap film on his hands and gotten it into the sample that
The lead level in the water was only 2 parts per billion. New maximum levels are
10 parts per billion. Our level is considered negative. Small amounts of lead
occurs naturally in ground water so that is where our level would come from.
City Engineer Hefti explained that homes may have lead soldering, which would
bring levels up. If we would want a random sampling we now have a new testing
equipment which can test for lead.
All in all City Engineer Hefti was very happy with the test results and asked if
the Commission members had any questions.
President Walsh asked if we have a comparison from past samples? City Engineer
Hefti explained at this time he doesn't have, but he is putting information into
a database and once more information is accumulated he'll be able to get that
comparison the Commission is looking for.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission members that the text is being
printed on the storm sewer plan, however he wanted to get hold of Arnie Jensen,
• or someone with a history background of Rosemount pertaining to the northeast
quarter. We would like to be able to name that quarter such as Hawkins Pond,
Keegan Lake, Schwarz Park, Wachter Lake, Carrolls Woods, etc. It would add a
little more personality to our text and to that area.
Commission member Hasbrouck suggested City Engineer Hefti contact his father -in-
law, Fred Uitdenbogerd, since Arnie appears to be out of town for the winter.
His father -in -law use to drive the milk route out in that section and should be
able to provide a name or two which could be used.
City Engineer Hefti also stated that all the land locked areas are nailed down
now, so the text should go along smoothly.
President Walsh brought up the different styles of water towers along I -694 and
I -35W going towards Duluth. He felt the ones that looked like a golf ball on a
pedestal were unsightly. He mentioned the ones in Oakdale, Woodbury and White
Bear Lake. He also feels that Staff should find out how tall different towers
are in surrounding communities.
We have to make sure the Citys new tower looks refreshing to the eye because it
will be among residential, school and park designated areas. President Walsh
asked that the fellow Commission members take note of different towers within the
next month for their feelings. This item will be on the next Utility Commission
agenda for the month of April.
• Page 4
Minutes -March 13, 1989 Utility Commission Meeting
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
(Pity O 2875 -145TH ST. W.
osern ou n ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the special meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on March 27, 1989 in the
Rosemount City Hall at 4:59 p.m. by Utilities President, Joseph Walsh. Present
were Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti, City
Administrator Jilk, Finance Director Darling and Recording Secretary Dorniden.
President Walsh opened the meeting explaining the purpose was to discuss the
Peoples Natural Gas billing proposal. At the March 13, 1989 meeting several
questions were left open and he felt City Administrator Jilk and Finance Director
Darling should be present to discuss the matter further.
After much discussion, the Commission concluded, that the :Peoples Natural Gas
proposal provide utility billing and meter reading services was not economically
prudent at this time. The additional expense above the project savings would be
better used for hiring additional and badly needed maintenance' personnel.
The Commission directed Staff to advise Roger Lee from Peoples Natural Gas that
at this time we are keeping our billing `in- house. They would also like Staff to
come back at the next Commission meeting with recommendations and cost on how to
handle quarterly readings and monthly billings.
Commission Member Hasb
• data collectors that c
President Walsh brough
rouck also asked that-Staff check into hand held electronic
ould be used for meter readinix in the future.
scusson rega
.P. and D. E. A. franchise
City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that he has had further contact
with Peter Krug, the Attorney representing Star Cable in their franchise
agreement. He advised Star Cable that the Commission is not willing to rewrite
our ordinance.
Because the franchise agreement extension is up, the Commission asked that City
Administrator Jilk have our City Attorney contact Star and advise them that "no"
expansion of their system can be done until the franchise is completed, however
the City will not prohibit any maintenance to existing cable system.
President Walsh brought up status of Valley Oak Replat pond because of the quick
snow melt. City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that the crew has been
working around the clock pumping since Sunday afternoon. City Engineer Hefti
• informed the Commission that the ultimate storm water plan calls for transporting
the water south into the Gergen property.
Page 2
SMinutes - March 27, 1989 Utility Commission Meeting
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission of the results from the insurance
company regarding the recent claim from the 150th Street sewer backup. Our
insurance company denied the claim, however, the resident may ask the City to pay
costs his insurance company wouldn't cover. Administrator Jilk informed the
Commission that under the law we are not liable for any of the claim. Only if
"gross negligence" could be proved is when we would be liable. Because the City
responded immediately upon notification of the situation, City Administrator Jilk
said we would be setting a dangerous precedent if we paid anything on this claim.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
(pP.O. BOX 510
ity Q 2875 -145TH ST. W.
osernoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 10, 1989 in the
Rosemount City Hall at 6:34 p.m. by Utilities President, Joseph Walsh. Present
were Members Hasbrouck, Werner and Recording Secretary Dorniden.
There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the March 13, 1989 Regular Utility
Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
brouck to approve
eting. SECOND by
of the March 27
s:_ 3. Nays:
President Walsh made a few comments regarding some of the bills to be approved.
Recording Secretary Dorniden asked what the reasoning behind having the
Commssion' approve the bills when in fact the Council has already approved them
and they have already been paid. Commission Member Hasbrouck stated that it is
just a formality that they approve the list of bills.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the list of bills. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
President Walsh informed the Commission he had spoken with Administrator Jilk
prior, to the meeting regarding the D.E.A. and N.S.P. franchises. Both companys
are 'basically refusing to pay the franchise fee, however after some negotiation
with D,E'.A. they will be helping to finance the Star City brochure. Hopefully
through negot;iations`the City will be able to get N.S.P. to commit to'such a
project., President Walsh suggested to the Commission that the City, continue to
have City,Administrator Jilk negotiate the franchises and commended Administrator
Jilk on'his performance.
President :Walsh called a short recess at 6:44 p.m. so City Engineer Hefti could
get his,files and join the meeting. He had been delayed in arriving.
The meeting was reconvened at 7:49 p.m.
City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that he had met with Steve Kline of
Barr Engineering regarding the Storm Sewer Plan. The text of the report is done
and thanks to Fred Uitdenbogerd, a long time City resident, the maps should be
done in a couple weeks. Mr. Uitdenbogerd supplied Mr. Kline with several names
that could be used in our northeast section of Rosemount for these districts.
Hopefully by May the Commission should be able to view the finished product after
the Advisory Committee has seen it and approved it.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that Council had approved the
purchase of a 6" diameter pump. The estimated charge is around $10,000. We have
purchased the 1,000 feet of discharge hose which was needed. The background that
prompted this purchase was the flooding in Winds Crossing during the week of
• March 26, 1989. We have in the past been able to borrow pumps from other Cities,
and feel it is time to have our own pump for emergencies.
City Engineer Hefti stated the financing has been approved by taking 50% from the
C.I.P. and 50% from the Storm Sewer Core Facility Fund.
Page 2
Minutes - April 10, 1989 Utility Commission Meeting
MOTION by Walsh to concur with Council decision to purchase the 6" diameter pump
and hose with the funds from the C.I.P. and Storm Water Core Facility Fund.
SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
City Engineer Hefti told the Commission that the article in the Countryside paper
regarding the flooding that took place in the Winds Crossing area was not correct
regarding the notification information. The City was notified of the problem by
the homeowner on Sunday afternoon, not Saturday p. m. as the paper stated. He
also informed the Commission that only one home was actually flooded, Mr. Mark
Mardell. A sewer backup occurred in another home which probably came from a
leaking manhole under the pressure of the flooding. The City crew reaction time
was handled in a very timely fashion. They had received the call around 1:30
p.m. Easter Sunday and by 5:00 p.m. they had the pumper from the Fire department
out and working. As a result of pumping for 24 hours, our crew size was limited
Monday, but we still had the sand bags out by 1:00 -1:30 p.m. that afternoon to
investigate Mr. Mardell's damage to his house.
President Walsh directed City Engineer Hefti to contact Scott Aker, Fire Chief,
to ask about refunding the fire department for their time involved in assisting
the crews with the pumping.
President Walsh also asked that City Engineer Hefti make sure that all his staff
know what process to follow in case of any other emergency situation such as
this. City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that this has already been
City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that he had wanted to present them
with an annual report regarding water use and our per capita. He had two graphs
showing this, but is unable to complete the report he wanted to present because
the auditors aren't through with their report yet.
City Engineer Hefti had not yet completed his study on the in -house billing as
far as going to monthly billing, however he should have more information for them
by the May 8, 1989 meeting.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
i i f
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST W.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 8, 1989 in the
Rosemount City Hall at 6:30 p.m. by Utilities President, Joseph Walsh. Present
were Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer Hefti and Recording Secretary
President Walsh called for any additions or corrections to the agenda. City
Engineer Hefti added Item 6d.- Vacation Utility Easement, Lot 5, Block 3, Broback
5th Addition.
MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the April 10, 1989 Regular Utility
Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the list of bills. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that he hadn't had time to get the
information needed on the cost of going to a monthly billing cycle. He informed
the Commission he would place it on the June agenda.
The next item of business was the Dakota Electric Association (DEA) franchise.
Although Administrator Jilk could not attend the meeting this evening he did
prepare a memo and recommendation for the Commission to 'review. LaDonna'Riste,
Community Relations Director, and Dale Detjen, Member Services' Manager, were in
attendance to answer any ;questions that the Commission might have regarding the
Ms. Riste felt that all the questions that the Commission and Administrator Jilk
had asked had been addressed by'DEA. Mr. Detjen informed the Commission that a
24 hour emergency phone line would be available with a technician on hand at all
times. These technicians would also be available for training our personnel.
Changes on the franchise included some minor wording, revising the numbering in
Section 11 and defining energy as "electrical" energy in Section 11, Subd. 9.4.
Another change that will be made will be to set the expiration date of this
franchise so as to coincide with N.S.P. franchise expiration date.
If the revised franchise arrives at City Hall no later than Thursday, May 11,
1989, then it can be put in the Council packets for the Council review at the May
16, 1989 meeting.
MOTION by Walsh to accept the Dakota Electric Association franchise agreement
with stipulated changes that were discussed and recommend Council approve at
their May 16, 1989 regular meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
The next item of business was to consider the N.S.P. franchise agreement.
• According to a memo from Administrator Jilk negotiations appear to be at a stand
still. Because of lack of cooperation with N.S.P., no action was taken.
Page 2
Minutes -May 8, 1989 Utilities Commission Meeting
• The next item of business was approval of plans and specifications for Well Tower
#2. Bids will be taken on two alternate styles - single pedestal spheroid and
fluted column. Much discussion followed about the two different styles -
spheroid type (golf ball) or fluted column (cylindrical shape). President Walsh
asked that a list be put together of where these two types could be located so
the Commission could go out and see the different styles. Also taken into
account was the lighting, security and use of tower base for storage. The latter
will be bid as an alternate.
MOTION by Walsh to recommend that Council approve the plans and specifications
for Well Tower #2 with the correction to the handrails and alternates for storage
and lighting and set a bid opening for June 13, 1989 at 10:00 a.m. SECOND by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
The next item of business regarded the memo against the proposed EPA ruling for
lead and copper. City Engineer Hefti advised the Commission to have the Council
adopt a resolution opposing the new ruling.
MOTION by Walsh to recommend the City Council to pass a resolution opposing the
EPA rules on lead and copper. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
The next item of business was to authorize the preparation of a feasibility
report for Well #9. City Engineer Hefti indicated a definite need for Well #9 in
1990 in order for the City to maintain "Firm Pumping Capacity ". Because of the
lead time necessary to construct a well, we should begin now. Well X69 will be
• located in Jaycee Park north of Well #8.
MOTION by Walsh to have a feasibility report prepared for Well #9. SECOND by
Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
The next item of business was to consider Mr. Gordon Oberg's petition to Council
to vacate a utility easement on his property (Lot 5, Block 3, Broback 5th
Addition). Discussion followed as to the intentions Mr. Oberg has regarding the
easement. City Engineer Hefti agreed that a partial vacation could be done, but
would not recommend full vacation.
MOTION by Walsh to recommend that Council schedule a public hearing for the first
meeting in June to hear the request from the Oberg /Brown Utility Easement
Vacation. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Under the Public Works Director's report, City Engineer Hefti informed the
Commission that we are losing money on the current sanitary sewer rate. Reasons
for this include the fact that Metro Waste Control Commission (MWCC) raised their
rates 35 %. We had budgeted for a 20% increase. Last year we also had a
computer error in which the sewer billing was being charged up at the water rate
(.095/1000 gal) instead of the sewer rate (1.25/1000 gal). Sanitary sewer rate
increases will be discussed further at future meetings. For now City Engineer
recommends that the Commission authorize a transfer of our depreciation and
C.I.P. fund from the water fund and place it into the sewer fund to put us back
on an even keel.
Page 3
• Minutes -May 8, 1989 Utilities Commission Meeting
MOTION by Walsh to authorize a transfer of 1989 depreciation and C.I.P. ($57,500)
from water to sewer funds. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
President Walsh informed the Commission that Council awarded Keyes Well Drilling
the contract for Well #8 and they will be moving their equipment from Hastings
shortly. He also informed them that Council approved the land purchased for Well
#8 and liken it to the purchase of two house lots. The next step will be to
accept a pleasing design that will blend into the community.
City Engineer Hefti updated the Commission on the rural water system.
Restoration should be starting as soon as weather is feasible. They will be
starting to hook services up shortly. One of the first to be hooked up will be
the old City Hall. Staff is recommending that a hydrant be installed off the old
well rather than capping it. President Walsh questioned if we could do that and
much discussion followed on that topic.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
• Public Works Secretary
04 Iddek
�),t) CC, tYf
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST. W.
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on June 12,1989 in the
Rosemount City Hall at 6 :27 p.m. by Utilities President, Joseph Walsh. Present
were Commission members Werner, Hasbrouck, City Engineer Hefti, City
Administrator Jilk and Recording Secretary Dorniden.
President Walsh asked if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda.
Commission member Werner asked to add a product that he was selling, a water
purifier. City Engineer Hefti added Item 5d. -Tower Site Acquisition; Item 6c.-
Authorize Utility Maintenance II; Item 8b.- Preconstruction on Well #8; Item 8c.-
Surcharge feedback; Item 8d.- Master Plan Update.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the May 8, 1989 Regular Utility
Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the list of bills. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
President Walsh informed the Commission that he was in agreement with City
Engineer Hefti's memo regarding monthly utility billing. MOTION by Hasbrouck to
proceed with a quarterly reading and a monthly billing beginning January 1, 1990.
SECOND by Walsh. Ayes,: 3. Nays: 0.
• The next item was a discussion the ,sewer rate. The ,sewer rates are not
sufficient to cover operating costs. One reason is that Metro Waste Control
Commission changes have been going up more than we anticipated. City
Administrator Jilk informed the Commission that the -MWCC is going to have a
meeting in a couple weeks to discuss inflow, infiltration and adjusting rate
City Engineer Hefti said we definitely will have to have some kind of adjustment.
Commission member Hasbrouck suggested putting a set charge for each water
customer and labeling it so they know it is going for Metro Waste. The
Commission all agreed to continue discussion at the July meeting.
For the next item, the N.S.P. Gas Franchise Agreement, Administrator Jilk
introduced Bob Schmall, N.S.P. General Manager, and Tom Lewis, Head of Marketing
for N.S.P. Gas. Administrator Jilk informed the Commission that the copy of the
ordinance they had received to peruse had the items that they had specifically
asked be inplace, however Section 2 was set for 20 years and not 15 years as the
Commission had wanted. Administrator Jilk had spoken to representatives in the
corporate office and they said they could adjust to the 15 years.
Mr. Schmall wanted to state that he felt the company was making every effort in
the field of economic development by making a commitment to the people and also a
financial commitment to the City. Mr. Lewis explained why they prefer longer
franchise agreements. It is because it helps the company reduce risks when they
know they have something binding for a longer period of time.
• MOTION by Walsh to accept N.S.P. Gas Franchise and recommend that the Rosemount
City Council adopt it at their next regularly scheduled meeting, prove ing that
it has the 15 year term included. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission regarding the new water tower site
acquisition. Because the aerial topography of the site designated for Water
Tower #2 was off in the horizontal direction, we need another 100 feet to the
east. City Engineer Hefti reported that Dean Johnson had talked to Tim Dwyer,
representative of the Kelley Trust, about the excess property needed. Mr. Dwyer
indicated he will sign a Right of Entry, however he does want $15,000 an acre,
the same price the City and School District paid for Shannon Elementary School
and Park. Our appraisal was for $12,000 an acre. The Commission agreed that for
the extra money, it would not be worth going through an expensive condemnation
MOTION by Walsh to recommend purchasing the necessary land at $15,000 per acre.
SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
City Engineer Hefti asked the Commission for authorization to hire a full -time
Utility Maintenance Level II to start as soon as possible. If we hired someone
in July it would cost approximately $16,000 for the rest of the year. Our
current manpower only allows us to perform minimal maintenance such as, flushing
hydrants, doing final bills, handling problems. The extra person would allow us
to do more in the area of any preventive maintenance, such as televising the
sewer lines, jetting all sewer lines, exercising gate valves, etc.
MOTION by Walsh to recommend that Council authorize the hiring of a Utility
. Maintenance Level II. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to recess the meeting until Thursday, June 15, 1989 at 6:30 p.m.
SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Meeting recessed at 7:05 p.m.
Respectful Submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
P C BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST. W
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the regularly scheduled Utility Commission
meeting of the City of Rosemount of June 12, 1989 was reconvened by Utility
Commission President, Joseph Walsh, on June 15, 1989 at 6:35 p.m. at the
Rosemount City Hall. Present were Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer Hefti
and Recording Secretary Dorniden.
President Walsh recapped the June 12, 1989 meeting.
City Engineer Hefti lead a discussion regarding the 1990 budget. One of the
major items on the budget was the purchase of a new jet truck which would cost
around $80,000.
President Walsh informed the Commission that he feels Autocon should be able to
make it so we can run two computers on the system. Member Hasbrouck felt a user
group would be a good idea.
The next item discussed in length was on a user fee for street lighting. It was
recommended that we get an inventory from N.S.P. and Dakota Electric. Then maps
should be platted to see how we can justify a reasonable rate.
City Engineer Hefti referred to 'a list that Recording Secretary Dorniden had
compiled from surrounding cities with different styles of water storage tanks.
Discussion followed regarding the list. City Engineer Hefti apprised the
Commission that the bid opening for the tower will be June 23, 1989 with Council
action being July 18,; 1989.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize_ appropriate expenses for Commission Member Hasbrouck
to do 'a photo research on various styles of towers in the metro area. SECOND by
Werner. Ayes 3. Nays: 0.
A short update that the pre - construction meeting for Well #8 took place to let
the Commission know that the project is underway.
City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that he really hasn't received a lot
of feedback regarding the surcharge. He's only had two senior citizens and one
other citizen complain. The Commission discussed senior citizen deferment and
determined they would have to make a determination on a case by case basis
whether to defer or not.
The next item discussed was an update on the storm sewer. There were a few minor
revisions made, but as a whole the advisory committee felt the plan was a good
plan. Steve Klein, Barr Engineering, will be giving an executive summary for
each section of the plan.
President Walsh asked about the problem in Winds Crossing. The way the land is
situated the residents may have to build a berm or dike.
President Walsh was curious as to how the Hawkins Pond assessment was going.
City Engineer Hefti implied that sometime around August the assessment hearing
will take place. The easements were much higher than anticipated so the City may
have to absorb more costs than anticipated.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
&4 000z"VN1_1
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
6 yof
�)?I os""
Utilities Commission
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST W.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on July 10, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. in
the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. Utilities Commission President
Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with members Hasbrouck and Werner
present. Also present was Rich Hefti, City Engineer.
MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the June 12, 1989 Regular Meeting and
June 15, 1989 Reconvened Regular Meeting as presented. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes:
3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills as listed for the July 10, 1989 Regular 'Utilities
Commission Meeting. Second by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
City Engineer Rich Hefti presented a brief review of the 1990 preliminary water and
sewer operating budget. The Metro Waste Control Commission (MWCC) has estimated
a charge of $226,500 for 1990 based on an estimated flow of 200 million gallons. This
breaks down at a cost of $1.13- per thousand gallons compared to a cost of $.87 per
thousand in 1988. Estimated 1990 revenue figures are based on a consumer cost of
$1.60 per thousand gallons. Mr. Hefti indicated he anticipated that the proposed 1990
consumer sewer rates may have to be adjusted upward to absorb the increased metro
charges. Staff will study the budget /revenue' figures further before submitting
recommendations for final budget approval.
Jim Anderson, Minnegasco, was present to request consideration for a franchise
agreement between the City of Rosemount and Minnegasco to allow them to provide
natural gas service to the northwest area of the City. Mr. Anderson was unable- to
present a formal franchise agreement at this time, but will submit one to Staff for
their review and recommendation at his earliest convenience. Mr. Anderson briefly
discussed some of the programs Minnegasco offers cities in relationship to economic
City Engineer Rich Hefti suggested that the Commission may want to examine the
issue, from a safety standpoint, of whether to allow more than one gas line in each
street. He further advised that a meeting with Minnegasco, NSP and Peoples Natural
Gas may be desireable to determine boundaries within the City for each entity. Staff
will pursue this possibility once Minnegasco has submitted a franchise agreement for
review and identifies the property they are proposing to serve in the community.
The Commission reviewed the bids for Water Tower #2 which is to be located in
Country Hills 3rd Addition. It was noted that Pittsburgh -Des Moines, Inc. was low
bidder for both Type A (fluted column) and Type B (single pedestal spheroid) water
towers. Photos of metro area water towers were examined to assist the Commission
in determining which type of tower would be most complimentary and appropriate for
placement in a residential area. Kurt Johnson, TDKA, was present and answered
questions regarding tower height, column length, capacity (gallons), mounting details
and outside lighting.
Regular Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes
July 10, 1989
Page Two
• MOTION by Walsh recommending City Council formally receive the bids and award the
contract for a Type A tank to Pittsburgh -Des Moines, Inc. (PDM) for the low bid
amount of $828,850, including the alternate for a Type A tank overhead door for the
bid of $9,350; and, further, recommending the earthtone color scheme. Second by
Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
In response to several inquiries by senior citizens in the community, discussion was
held regarding what guidelines might be established for surcharge deferment eligibility.
Several suggestions were considered with the Commission favoring the concept to set
a standard criteria to be met for surcharge deferment qualifications for customers age
65 or older provided usage is under a maximum number of gallons per quarter. The
Commission directed that staff work out details for a surcharge deferment policy and
present them for further review.
City Engineer Hefti advised that the Carrollton, 2nd Addition developer ` has
constructed a 16" watermain through his development as required by the City's Master
Water Plan. The development required only a 6" watermain, therefore, according to
City policy, the developer `is entitled to reimbursement of the difference in
construction cost of a 6" versus'- a 16" watermain. However, Mr. Hefti requested
approval of this reimbursement be subject to the developer's' payment of outstanding
bills due the City, as well as a "Waiver of 'Hearing" for additional storm sewer
MOTION by Walsh to approve reimbursement of $47,563 to the Carrollton 2nd Addition
developer subject to receipt of payment of outstanding bills to the City and submittal
of a "Waiver of Hearing" for the additional storm sewer improvements installed under
the 1987 Shannon Parkway project. Second by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
City Engineer Rich Hefti referred to his memo outlining proposed National Primary
and Secondary' Water Regulations. He advised that costs required for testing wells for
contaminates listed will be included in the 1990 budget.
An update on the 'progress of Well #8 was provided by the city engineer who noted
that construction of the well house will ,begin ,'upon further progress of the well
The Engineering/ Public Works Department will be involved in the computer networking
system recently approved by Council. City Engineer Rich Hefti advised that the
Engineering /Public Works Department has been researching software programs that
could prove to be invaluable for the regulation and monitoring of public works
inventory, such as keeping track of manholes, condition of watermains, length of
mains, work orders, etc. Another program being examined would replace the current
utility billing procedure. Staff will continue to research software programs and
analyze program costs.
MOTION' by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Hasbrouck. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
• Donna Quintus
Recording Secretary
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on August 14, 1989 at 6:30 p.m.
in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. Utilities Commission
President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Member Werner,
City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden
MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the July 10, 1989 Regular Utilities
Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills as listed for the August 14, 1989 Regular
Utilities Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: O.
Commission Member Hasbrouck joined the session already in process.
Mark Vratisovsky of 4120 152nd Court West was present and added to the agenda at
this time to ask the Commission for a credit on his first quarter sewer billing.
After explaining his situation and having City Engineer /Public Works Director
Hefti and Billing Clerk Dorniden make brief statements it was the consensus of
the Commission that Mr. Vratisovsky be granted his request.
MOTION by Walsh to authorize an $80.00 credit on the first quarter sewer billing
• of Mr. Mark Vratisovsky of 4120 152nd Court West. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0
Mark Longston of Delta Environmental could not be present this evening, however
he did send a.letter to City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti regarding the
rural water pumphouse. City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission as to the
project status in accordance with Mr. Longston's August, 1989 letter.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that he was meeting with Ray "Jesh of
the Dakota County Vocational Technical Institute to discuss the easement matters
on August 15, 1989. The Commission reviewed the plans and directed the City
Engineer to check into the long term maintenance of the building. The Commission
also directed the City Engineer to make sure that telephone lines are available
to hook into our supervisory system.
In a related matter, residents on the rural water system have noted that the
water has a milky look to it. City Engineer Hefti indicated the chlorine in the
system wasn't flushed well enough, which is the responsibility of the U of M's
MOTION by Walsh to approve the concept of the plans and specifications for the
water pumphouse. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the purchase of the utility hardware /software system
and networking in the amount of $5,600. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
• The Commission directed the City Engineer to insure the Commission pays no more
than its fair share.
MINUTES- August 14, 1989 Regular Utility Commission Meeting
The next item was discussion regarding the Oakdale Alarm System and how the
system could work within the City. The Commission felt the system is rather
expensive, but expressed the merits of the system might be considered in the
The City Engineer informed the Commission that pay estimate #1 was made for Well
#8 construction.
The next item was an update of Water Tower #'2. So far we received a schedule for
the water tower. The City should receive a tank drawing by September and the
base foundation should be in by mid - October. Estimated completion will be the
end of July, 1990.
City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission that we are
caught in the middle of a gas franchise war. He felt he had to set boundaries
for the safety of the public and wrote a letter to Peoples Natural Gas informing
them of this. They did not take the news to kindly and will be meeting with City
Engineer Hefti on August 16, 1989. In a prior meeting he had met with N.S.P. to
discuss boundaries, which included areas north of 132nd Street. However, in
retrospect it appears he should have considered 131st Street instead.
Commission member Hasbrouck had to leave the meeting.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 7 :32 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
69i t yof
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST. W.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 11, 1989 at 6:30
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. Acting President Wes
Hasbrouck called the meeting to order with Commission Member Werner, City
Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present.
Acting, President Hasbrouck added Item 6a. - 145th Street.
MOTION'by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the August 14,1198'9 -:$9,W
Utilities Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays :(1
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the bills as' listed for the Septemrber'li, 1989
Regular Utilities Commission meeting': SECOND by Werner.'' Ayes`: 2. Nays: 0.
Discussion followed regarding the Senior Citizen Surcharge Exemption Policy.
Acting President Hasbrouck asked that we table the resolution or any action until
the October meeting so President Walsh can add any input he may have.
Acting President inquired about the 145th Street Project. City Engineer /Public
Works apprised Commission that this project would 'include reconstruction of 145th
Street from Cameo Avenue to Diamond Path, new watermains, televising sewer lines
to see where new upgrades need, etc. He stated that the upgrading to 12"
watermain in the area of the Middle School would be a separate project
tentatively scheduled for 1990.
City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that a 2nd partial payment cam
through on Well #8. Kurt Johnson is starting to look at the pumphouse pla
Estimated completion is May or June of 1990.
The pre-construction meeting was held for 'Tower #2. Since the,City';is building a
million gallon tower, City Engineer Hefti asked the Commission if they would be
interested in a ground breaking ceremony. Acting President Hasbrouck thinks it
would be nice to have some kind of article about the tower in our City
newsletter. City Engineer Hefti will call the paper and schedule a ground
breaking ceremony.
The tower should be on line next July. The paint specified is a silicon alkalyd.
Although the old tower used a polyurathane paint, it's use poses health hazards
because of its composition. In addition it is difficult to apply.
There was discussion on the natural gas franchises. Both companies want to
service some of the same area. Nothing has been heard from Minnegasco as to
their franchise request. Hefti said since they only have three customers,
perhaps we shouldn't give them a franchise but permit them to continue the way
they have been.
Page 2
Minutes - September 11, 1989 Utilities Commission Meeting
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that he has had a resident show
interest in the installation of sewer in the Birchview Terrace Addition (135th
Street). Dean Johnson (resident) approached him what procedure to follow. City
Engineer Hefti sent out a petition.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
)?(Pity of
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST. W.
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 21, 1989 at 6:32
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. Utilities Commission
President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members.
Hasbrouck, Werner and City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti present.
City Engineer Hefti made a presentation to the Commission regarding the Storm
Sewer Master Plan after which he introduced Steve Klien of Barr Engineering who
along with the help of the Storm Sewer Ad Hoc Committee drafted the Plan. Mr.
Klien reviewed the Plan for the Commission.
Discussion followed regarding impact near Apple Valley, Eagan and Inver Grove
Heights boundaries, the possibility of directing flows across watershed lines,
and future operation of land - locked ponds`.
It was discussed that the Vermillion Watershed Board '`review our plan after the
Council adopts it. Preliminary indications from the Board and its engineers do
not indicate any problems,.
MOTION by Walsh to recommend Council adopt the Storm Sewer Master Drainage Plan
and pass it onto the Vermillion Watershed Board. 'SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0.
to recommend developing and implementing a plan
land - locked ponds. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3.
to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Na,
50 p.m.
.or operating
Nays: 0.
;: 0. Meeting
=ugly Submitted,
Richard M. Hef/�i�. E
Executive Dir t
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST. W.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on October 16, 1989 at 6:34
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. Acting President Wes
Hasbrouck called the meeting to order with Commission Member Werner, City
Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti, City Administrator Jilk and Recording
Secretary Dorniden present.
MOTION; by Werner to approve the minutes of the September 21, 1989 Special Utility
Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the September 11, 1989 Regular
Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the bills as listed for the October 16, 1989
Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes:` 2`. Nays: 0.
Mark Longston with Delta Environmental and Faye Thompson with the University of
Minnesota were present to inform the Commission of the progress of the rural
water system out on the University property and east end of Rosemount. Mr.
Longston informed the Commission that all-but 2 or 3 of the homes that were
effected by the contaminated water have been hooked up and are using the system.
The University of Minnesota is 'temporarily supplying the water to those residence
from the well at the Research Center. Faye Thompson apprised the Commission that
• she and City Engineer Hefti had discussed and decided that noone other than those
who are already hooked up will be allowed to hook up until after the entire
project is completed and turned over to the City. The three bids for the
wellhouse were rejected because of the high bids and the project is being
reassessed to hopefully make adjustments that will result in lower bids. They are
'hoping for complete implementation by July or August of 1990.
Commission Member Hasbrouck asked several' questions regarding the quality of the
water and if there has been any complaints. Mr. Longston stated he hasn't heard
of any complaints, but takes that as a positive sign. City Engineer Hefti
informed the Commission that one resident complained because the water appeared
milky, probably the result of residual chlorine. That will clear up after the
system is used more.
City Administrator Jilk asked how many are up on the system as of now? Mr.
Longston didn't have the exact number, but he figured right around thirty. Their
were two or three who elected not to hook up because they are fighting the
City Administrator Jilk asked what the potential was for the City of Coates to
hook up? Mr. Longston informed the Commission that a 4" pipe is stubbed to the
north limits of Coates. Karen Mogan, Coates Mayor, informed the Commission that
the City of Coates would probably be dependent on the City of Rosemount for
maintenance, billing, etc. because they have no City Staff.
• Mr. Longston stated the rural water system won't be able to provide fire
protection to the Vocational School, but the University of Minnesota system will
be maintained to provide fire protection.
Page 2
• Minutes - October 16, 1989 Utility Commission Meeting
The new well is 400' deep and into the Jordan Aquifer. A water quality test was
performed and once the whole project is complete Mr. Longston will forward a copy
to the City.
Dave Bechtold, Rosemount Park & Rec Director, was on hand to ask the Commission
to help fund the fencing of a pond in Connemara Park. This is a drainage pond
that will hold water all the time. He is asking for the fencing around the pond
and the Park funds will cover the vertical fence.
City Engineer Hefti proposed that the fencing could come from the Storm Sewer
Core Facility Fund.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to pay the cost of the fencing around the pond in Connemara
Park. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
The next item of business was the Senior Citizen Surcharge Exemption. There was
discussion as to if President Walsh had any concerns with this item because he
had not been able to attend this meeting or the previous one this item was
discussed at. Because President Walsh received a packet at the last meeting and
did not contact anyone about any concerns he might have, the Commission felt the
resolution was adequate. City Administrator Jilk added that stipulation #4 of
the resolution should add "per quarter" at the end. That would clarify that it
• is 10,000 gallons per quarter, not just 10,000 gallons.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to adopt Resolution 1989 -1, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICY FOR
SENIOR CITIZENS EXEMPTION FROM SURCHARGE FEE, but adding the correction that City
Administrator Jilk had suggested. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
The meeting was recessed to the Council Lounge at 7:31 p.m. because the regularly
scheduled Park Committee meeting was due to start. The Utility Commission
meeting was reconvened in the Council Lounge at 7:35 p.m.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission of Water Quality Tests that we had
performed All the tests appeared within acceptable limits. he reported that we
will keep testing in accordance with the EPA recommended guidelines.
City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that the drilling is done on Well #8
and now they are grouting the casing and dynamiting a cavitity. The well is to
be developed to obtain a pumping rate of 1,000 gallons per minute. The plans and
specifications for the wellhouse are supposed to be under way, but it probably
won't be bid until spring.
The footings around the new water tower have been poured and the steel should be
coming the first of the year. Manufacturer is forming the steel right now. The
tower will be between 120' to 125' high from the base.
Page 3
• Minutes - October 16, 1989 Utility Commission Minutes
MOTION by Werner to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount re- initiated a water surcharge fee to help pay for
the construction of a new well and water tower caused by increased demand; and
WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount recognizes senior citizens are on fixed incomes
and generally use small amounts of water, thereby not adding significantly to the
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Utilities Commission that the policy for
exempting senior citizens from paying the surcharge fee is as follows:
1. Senior must make application to Public Works Director on forms
2. Senior must be 65 years of age or older with proof being in form of
drivers license or birth certificate.
3. Senior must reside at the residence and be responsible for the billing.
4. Senior's average quarterly use for the past four quarters from the time
of -the application must be 10,000 gallons or less per quarter.
5. If qualified senior's usage ever exceed 10,000 gallons for more -than
two consecutive quarters, then the surcharge exemption will be revoked
and senior must reapply and meet water usage requirements unless waived
by Commission based on extenuating circumstances.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such policy become effective upon the
adoption of this resolution by the Utilities Commission.
ADOPTED this 16th day of .October, 1989.
o p Walsh
Utilities Commission President
P.O. BOX 510
City Q 2875 -145TH ST. W.
4 Ir ?Olsemount ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 13, 1989 at 6:32
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh
called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City
Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present.
President Walsh asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Under
Presidents Report, Item 7a. was added - Gas Pipeline Survey. Under New Business,
City Engineer Hefti removed Item 6a. and added Item 6b. - Natural foss.- Franchise.
City Engineer Hefti referred to the minutes of the October 16 19$9 '*+eating
informing the Commission that the motion regarding the funding for the fence
around Connemara Park Pond had been questioned by Park Director Bechtold. Mr.
Bechtold had requested the Utility Commission to authorize funding; for the fence
around the entire pond, not 50% of the entire project. After a brief discussion
the Commission agreed the minutes of the October 16, 1989 meeting should be
changed to read that the Commission approved funding for the entire fence around
the perimeter of the pond in Connemara Park.
MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the October 16, 1989 Regular Utility
Commission meeting as corrected. SECOND 'by'Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by Walsh to approve the bills as listed for the November 13, 1989 Regular
• Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Item 5a. on the agenda was a discussion on the 1990 Operating Budget. The
proposed water operating budget was $427,805. The proposed sewer budget is
$435,079, but $226,000 of that is due to MWCC' charges. In order to cover these
expenses, City Engineer Hefti is proposing to 'increase the water rate from
$.95/1000 'gal to $1.10 /1000 gal and the sewer rate from $1.25 /1000 gal to
$1.85/1000 gal. President Walsh felt the sewer rate increase was out of line,
but after 'a brief explanation from City Engineer Hefti regarding the sewer
expenses', the Commission felt the rates would have to be increased because there
was no room for cutting expenses.
MOTION by Walsh to recommend that the Council adopt the 1990 Operating Budget as
presented and also recommend that Council adopt the resolution setting the rate
changes for 1990. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
Item 6b. was a discussion regarding setting limits for natural gas franchises.
There are three natural gas companies doing business in Rosemount - Peoples
Natural Gas, Northern States Power Gas Company and Minnegasco. The first two are
operating under franchises and Minnegasco, at this time, is not. City Engineer
Hefti wanted the Commissions input as to how they felt about setting up service
areas for each company to reduce territorial conflicts between companies.
President Walsh stated that there should definitely be districts established on a
map and directed City Engineer Hefti to have this done. The Commission was in
complete agreement that the territory east of Highway 55 to Nininger, Inver Grove
• Heights and Coates should be left open and not designated so as to allow
potential new industry the opportunity to get natural gas at the most competitive
Page 2
Minutes - November 13, 1989 Utility Commission Meeting
• Regarding Item 7a., President Walsh informed the Commission that he has had
several complaints regarding the Contractor which did the work for the
installation of N.S.P. gas line in the northern section of the rural residential
area. He feels that either the City or N.S.P. should send out a "Customer
Satisfaction Survey" to see just what areas had problems so that complaints can
be located and corrected.
President Walsh asked that City Engineer Hefti check with City Administrator Jilk
if our franchise would allow something like this to be done at the expense of the
Item 8a. was an update from City Engineer Hefti on the progress of WEll #8 and
Tower #2. The drilling rig has been taken down at Well #8. Test pumping is
basically all that remains.
As for Water Tower #2, the tower base is all done. The watermain is done from
the end of Connemara Trail up to the tower base. The steel may be ready by the
first of the year. They will be putting conduit through the steel walls in a
feeder pipe.
Item 8b. was an update on the new utility billing program which has its glitches.
Cindy Dorniden, Public Works Secretary has hired four temporaries to input the
necessary data. We are estimating that it will take approximately 150 hours to
input all the customers and services. A training session has been arranged for
November 30, 1989 to see what the program will actually do.
• Item 8c, was an update on the Storm Sewer Master Plan with some revisions on
November 21, 1989. Drainage arrows will be placed on Figure X65 and a disclaimer
will be added regarding land use assumptions.
City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that Mike Widstrom and Steve Strese
have passed their Water Operators test and have earned their Class C operators
license. Also, A. J. Korpela has passed his Class D license and has been
promoted to fill the Maintenance Level II, the Commission and Council approved
this summer.
MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary
16?i of
P.O. BOX 510
2875 -145TH ST. W.
612- 423 -4411
Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities
Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on December 11, 1989 at 6:26
p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh
called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City
Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present.
President Walsh asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Under
Presidents Report, Item 7a. - Safe Drinking Water was added.
MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the November 13, 1989:ret*r Utility
Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0.
MOTION by 'Hasbrouck to approve the ;list of bills as presented!. SECOND by
Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays': 0.
City Engineer Hefti introduced Kurt.Johnson from TKDA and then went over his memo
regarding three concerns on the new pumphouse. The Commission has to address the
architectural considerations for this new pumphouse. It was suggested that we
deal with the Parks Department so the building will fit into the concept of the
park and their future buildings. Another consideration the Commission needs to
deal with is whether', or not to provide emergency backup power and if so, what
type. A mobile generator or aright angle drive were options discussed. The
next; item discussed regarded how best to deal with the rising costs of connecting
the new well to our existing supervisory control system. Mr. Johnson feels the
City would be better off to deal with Automatic Systems directly rather: than go
through a subcontractor. The building will have natural gas heat in the pump
room and electric heat in the chemical room. Finally, the Commission discussed
with Mr. Johnson the needs of space usage. The Commission feels that they won't
be ready to let bids in January. They want to 'see actual drawings showing all
the concerns that have been addressed. If Mr. Johnson gets everything together a
special meeting will be set after Christmas to firm up plans.,
Mr. David R. Henningsgaard, the Director of Local Government Relations from
Minnegasco, was on hand to discuss the proposed franchise agreement between the
City of Rosemount and Minnegasco. He asked the Commission if there was anything
specific that he needed to address. The Commission, City Engineer Hefti and Mr.
Henningsgaard reviewed a map provided by Peoples Natural Gas that showed Peoples
and N.S.P.'s service areas. The Commission went over the proposed boundaries
they expected Minnegasco to follow, that being east of U.S. Hwy 52 and a mile
north of 160th Street (C.R.48). Right now Minnegasco only has thirteen services
off the line they have in place along C.R. 48. The Commission was not opposed to
a franchise however they do want the boundaries spelled out. City Engineer Hefti
was directed to contact the City Attorney and have him draft an agreement with
boundary lines within Section 31, 32 and 33, Range 18. Because Peoples is
currently serving all areas in the westerly portion of the City, the line
Minnegasco has west of Diamond Path should not be allowed any service area.
The next item on the agenda concerned the Minnesota Department of Health Water
Supply Report. City Engineer Hefti touched lightly on the report regarding our
water quality.
The new Utility Billing Program is coming along. The Commission discussed
several concerns of the billing clerk. We will use the April 1, 1990 billing for
the sewer for the remaining months of the year. Cindy was directed to find out
if CSI can modify their program for monthly billing, in case we run into
insurmountable problems with the new program.
President Walsh had added "Safe Drinking Water" to the agenda. After attending a
conference in Atlanta he came back with much information for the Commission. By
the year 2000 EBA is talking about testing for 200 items in public water rather
than the current 22 items. Monitoring will become quite extensive and testing
equipment will be quite expensive. They stated some States might have to buy
testing equipment together because of the cost. President Walsh said some of the
figures they were throwing out were staggering and scary.
The contractor is test pumping Well #8. The steel for Tower #2 should be in
sometime this week. The foundation is done and the piping is all in. The
project is on schedule and should meet the deadline of July 1, 1990.
The reception area is taking in a number of applications for the Senior Citizen
Surcharge Exemption. They started coming in right after the newsletter was
received. The 10,000 gallon limit was reiterated to be the cut -off. We have
received some applications that were just over 10,000 gallons per quarter, but to
be fair, we must strictly adhere to the cut -off.
• President Walsh informed the Commission that he will be writing a letter to the
Council to apply for another term on the Commission. His term expires next year
and he would like to be re- appointed. Commission Member Hasbrouck has a year
left and Commission Member Werner has two years.
MOTION by Hasbrouck to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting
adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
I �Ltit,�
Cindy Dorniden
Public Works Secretary