HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 UC DocumentsP.O. BOX 510 �/ 2875 -145TH ST. W osernoun� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 • • • Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on December 10, 1990 at 6:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions to the agenda, however Recording Secretary Dorniden had informed the Commission of two changes in the copies of the minutes they had to approve. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the November 19, 1990 Regular Utility Commission meeting as corrected. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The November Income Statement did not get copied to the Commission Members so November and December will be reviewed in January. The Commission reviewed a copy of the proposed 1991 Rate Resolution. President Walsh asked why a couple places were listed as "Utility Operating Fund" as a change. One reason was because we don't have a meter maintenance fund and meter maintenance fees are now going into the operating fund. There was no discussion about going back to quarterly billing. It is stated in the resolution as such. The sewer is shown to be based on actual consumption for the 1st, 2nd and 4th quarters. The 3rd quarter will be based on the 1st quarter consumption. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that he increased the connection charges (water & sewer) by 4-%. That corresponds to the increase in the Engineering News Record Construction Index. As for the "City Storm Sewer Connection Charge ", Staff has been working with Springsted, Inc., the City's Financial Consultant, to establish what would work. The rate for residential homes came out to $1,350.00 per unit or $3,250.00 per acre. That's estimating 150 -200 units per year over the next five years. This will pay for new construction without having special assessments. Any shortfall could be made up in a proposed Storm Sewer Utility Charge that can be added to the Water & Sewer Bill. The proposed user rates for 1991 would have a flat charge of $18.00 for water plus whatever meter maintenance is established for the size meter required. This charge would be 0 -6000 gallons per month. Anything above the 6,000 gallons would be charged at $1.10 per thousand gallons above and beyond the minimum usage. The sewer usage would have a flat charge of $27.75 or 0 -5000 gallons per month at $1.85. Anything over the 5,000 gallons would be charged at $1.85 per thousand gallon. These specifics were not outlined in the resolution and Staff was asked to define the minimums within the resolution. These minimum cost should cover the cost of the equipment maintenance and operation in the ground. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 1990 PAGE 2 City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti reminded the Commission of the two goals that they were aiming for last year when they went to the monthly billing: 1) improve cash flow; 2) less delinquent payments. The cash flow did come in steady, however the amount that was made in interest did not exceed the delinquencies. Also the delinquencies did not go down at all, in fact, more was certified this year than ever before. MOTION by Walsh to recommend to the City Council to pass the new 1991 Water and Sewer Rates, Charges and Deposits Resolution establishing the new charges for 1991 and going back to a quarterly utility billing. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission that the Council had held a public hearing on the Valley Oak Pond Outlet, City Project #197 and accepted the project. The Pond had always been • intended to be dry however there is controversy from the residents around the pond wishing it to remain a wet pond. Council agreed to go out for bid on a dry pond with an alternate for the wet pond. Bid opening is set for January 4, 190 and hopefully awarding the bids on January 18, 1990. The Commission talked a little about the assessment, which would be taking place in fall of 1991. If a storm drain utility is set up then there would be no assessment. President Walsh was concerned over the fact that some of the drainage would be going into Empire Township. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that the City has the right to condemn the property, even though not within our City limits, if it was for the good of the project. President Walsh feels it is not the City's place to make "manmade lakes ". In essence that is what we would be creating if we went with a wet pond. He is against it and would like the Council to know the Utility Commission will not endorse it. A natural wetland, that being in existance prior to development, is one thing, but to create a pond is another. The area out around the pond is divided on this matter. Some said they were sold the property with the knowledge from the developer that the pond would be wet while others said they were sold their property with the information being just the opposite. MOTION by Walsh to acknowledge the Commission reviewed the plans for Valley Oak Pond Outlet, City Project #197 and recommend that City Council keep all ponds in natural state. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 1990 PAGE 3 Much discussion followed regarding the locating of curb stops. Some contractors are having trouble locating curb stops. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti opened up for discussion what the Commission thought proper procedure should be for locating curb stops. Commission Member Hasbrouck remembered some occasions when the City paid substantial amounts to have them located. Since 1988 the records on the new construction has been much more accurate than to 1988. Work done in the early 1980's was not inspected as thoroughly and the record keeping wasn't as good. The Commission agreed that once the project is accepted by us, then we must be responsible for the curb stop being there. The Commission believes the contractor should follow the following procedure when they can't locate the curb stop: 1) Notify the City; 2) The City sends out a representative to locate the curb stop; 3) If the City can't locate, the City hires someone to locate it. Commission member Hasbrouck feels the Contractor should have a time requirement before they call the City in to locate. City • Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti said he would check around with other cities to see how they handle this problem. Mr. Larry Gergen has submitted a request to the City for crop damages done to his property as a result of flooding. President Walsh had been out and looked at the area in question. There is no doubt that the silt is built up. Discussion followed regarding the area which the City had pumped water from Winds Crossing. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission that it wouldn't happen again because the City has purchased enough hose to eliminate flooding on Mr. Gergen's property. MOTION by Walsh to pay the claim for use of 1.5 acres in the amount of $576.80. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Discussion followed to clarify that this payment was for use of Mr. Gergen's property to pond water pumped from Winds Crossing Addition Pond in 1989 and 1990. MOTION by Walsh to amend the previous motion paying the claim amount of $576.80 and authorizing Staff to make payment of $1,152.00 to cover use of his property for the past two years with the understanding we will not accept anymore damage around Well #8. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh asked if it would be possible to recuperate some of this • from the Contractor of Well #8. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti said we probably could, but suggested we wait to see if the • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 1990 PAGE 4 contractor asked for any extras and then we could use it to negotiate with. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti met with Dave Bechtold, Park & Rect Director, Mike Widstrom, Public Works Supervisor and Rick Cook, Park Maintenance Supervisor regarding the purchase of the cargo van for the utility maintenance crew. The delivery time on both quotes was 8 to 12 weeks. Public Works Supervisor Widstrom called to see if two dealers could find a van any quicker, which were already in stock. The only one the Ford dealer could find was for $15,500, which is above what can be purchased without formal bids. The Chevrolet dealer found almost what was needed at a dealership in Wisconsin for only $13,000, all that was missing was the rear heater and a radio and they would install both for the $13,000 price. MOTION by Werner to approve the quote of $13,000 to Todd Belzer • Chevrolet for a 1991 Cargo Van. SECOND by Wes. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. A short discussion followed regarding a 1 ton versus 3/4 ton. President Walsh stated, if necessary, the van could always go to Kramer Spring and be upgraded. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti a meeting was scheduled for December 12, Minnesota attorneys, Delta Environmental, City Attorney, Dave Grannis and himself. exactly what needs to be done for the Ci System. apprised the Commission that 1990 with the University of City Administrator Jilk, our This meeting was to lay out ty to accept the Rural Water The Chippendale Water Tower Repair /Repainting is completed. The leaking plug is fixed and holding. The City will be retaining 5% until after spring when any restoration might be needed. The Commission have been receiving a few complaints about the pressure going up and down. Also President Walsh has looked at the charts and they seem to be fluctuating all the time. Much discussion followed regarding the situation and possibilities which could be done to help correct it. President Walsh believes that both towers should be watched closely this winter for a build up of ice within the tank. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti took this time to recognize the landscaping that Mark Joosten has coordinated around Connemara Tower. To date, $6,000 has been spent in landscaping. The Pine trees cost $80.00 a piece and the Ash cost $125.00. Commission Member • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 1990 PAGE 5 Hasbrouck made comment that his church has a big pine tree they would like to get rid of and if the City is interested they can have it if they move it. Come spring Staff may look into it. There will be some "fine tuning" next spring, especially along the north side of the tower. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • P.O. BOX 510 ��/ 2875 -145TH ST. W. ?01 semoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 • Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 19, 1990 at 6:31 p.m. in the Upper Conference Room of the City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti, City Administrator Jilk and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions to the agenda. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the October 15, 1990 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti reviewed the Income Statement the Finance Department provided for the Commission. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that in 1992 the bond for Well #7 (1976) and the 1971 Water Improvement Bond will be paid off and there will be $80,000 left over. The Sewer Fund on the Income Statement has been reflecting a net loss. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti says the loss is a result of our billing procedures, which will e discussed later. Also the MWCC charges which are paid in December of 1989 were included in July in addition to July's MWCC charge. This is an accounting transaction because December 189 MWCC was for January 191 • use. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti handed out information regarding establishing a minimum charge for utility bills. The Commission had much discussion as to what the minimum water rate should be. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti recommended a $6.00 minimum on the water, which was half of what the actual amount could be for operation. President Walsh questioned why the 1/2 factor was proposed. City Administrator Jilk explained that from a sales standpoint, charging the entire amount of the calculated minimum bill would not be acceptable to our customers. The minimum sewer rate was discussed and decided it should be in proportion to the water rate. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti is recommending going back to using actual water usage to base the sewer rate on for the 1st, 2nd and 4th quarters, which amounts to billing about 80% of the water usage. The 3rd quarter would be based on the 1st quarter of the year, which is the April 1st billing. Using 80% of water usage for the minimum sanitary sewer bill works out to be $9.25 per month. Adding the meter maintenance charge to the minimum water bill works out to be $7.00 per month The Commission briefly discussed shut -off policies. Commission Member Hasbrouck felt that any kind of policy should be in writing detailing the whole process. The Commission felt that all steps to not only shut- off policy but billing policies as well should be in writing. Recording Secretary Dorniden was instructed to document, in a notebook, all the • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 2 the utility billing, etc. President Walsh is curious as to what the City Attorney and State Attorney think of a shut -off policy. He feels the Commission should seek legal opinions and instructed Staff to proceed with this and research it. Commission directed Staff to draft the new rate resolution setting the minimum rate effective on April 1, 1991 billing, however the new rates start January 1, 1991. The Commission also instructed Staff to go back to the quarterly billing as the monthly billing did not meet the goals the Commission was hoping for. This resolution will be presented at the next Commission meeting for approval and then on the December 18th Council agenda. City Engineer Hefti asked the Commission if they wanted to consider the $50,000 transfer of funds from 601 to 602 as temporary or permanent? President Walsh noted that if money was taken from an account it should be paid back. This amount could be paid back over the next few years. • The Commission feels each account has to be treated as its own account. In addition, the Commission wants to repay the C.I.P. for any overages resulting from C.I.P. expenditures, such as the new jetter truck and Chippendale Water Tower. Discussion of the final payment for Chippendale Water Tower Work included City Engineer Hefti apprising the Commission there was still a leaky plug that needed to be fixed and that we should keep back 5% for the restoration, clean -up and anything else that might come up in the spring. MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve 95% of the final payment to AEC Engineers for payment of the Chippendale Water Tower Repairs. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve Change Order #1 for extra work for surface repairs on the Chippendale Tower Repairs in the amount of $1,012. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve transfer from 603 (C.I.P.) fund to 602 (Operating) fund in the amount of $82,347.50. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve transfer from 606 (Core Cost) fund to 326 (Debt Service) fund in the amount of $45,632.06. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 3 MOTION by Walsh to approve transfer from 606 (Core Cost) fund to 405 (Construction) fund in the amount of $16,530.38. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti reviewed with the Commission the reports that came back on the Independent Well Inspections. The main concerns were calibration and vibration. They are being handled. Well #6 also needs a new check valve. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti went over the plans and specifications for the full size cargo van that will be used for the Utility personnel out in the field. This van will be much more easily accessed and provide better security for the supplies needed for installing water meters, etc. The cost of the van should be under $15,000 making quotes acceptable. Short box cabinets for the interior shouldn't be over $1,000. With tax, license and radio we are probably looking at a total of $17,750. Staff is recommending that we also keep • the pickup that is being used now as the hoist can be used in many instances. All that needs done to the pickup would be a tune -up. MOTION by Walsh to approve the purchase of a full size cargo van. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission brainstormed a list that would be needed to help the Commission decide on priorities. City Engineer Hefti will put the list together and then a special meeting will be called sometime in early January to discuss the items. Various items that were placed on the table were: policies (written), billing, staffing, vehicles & equipment, storage (meters, vehicles, etc.) and budgeting. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission of the different way the new rural water system will operate within our computer. The State of Minnesota will now be requiring six (6) bacteriological samples instead of three(3) because of our Citys' growth. The Public Works Supervisor, Mike Widstrom, has been notified and has arranged this with our testing company starting in January of 1991. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission of a watermain break and how efficiently our City Crew, along with the hiring of Richard Knutson, Inc., fixed the break and had everything back on line in a matter of hours. Using the outside Contractor saved the City a lot of time and money because of their expertise in the field. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 4 Again Richard Knutson, Inc. was used for a sanitary sewer repair on Canada Avenue which the Commission was informed about at their last meeting. This job was also done quickly and efficiently. The regular Utility Commission meeting took a break to convene the Cable Commission meeting. The regular meeting was reconvened at 8:32 by President Walsh. President Walsh recapped for City Administrator Jilk what the Commission had been over since his absence from the meeting. Administrator Jilk thought the discussion of setting the general rules was an excellent idea to let the Commission know what their mission or task is about. Administrator Jilk spoke to the Commission about letters he had received letters regarding an MWCC Oversite Consultant. Mr. Eugene Franchett, Metro Relations, Inc. has been in contact with Administrator Jilk on the way MWCC handles the funds from municipalities. Noone has a say to what • happens to these funds. They would like to represent the City in how the funds are handled. Administrator Jilk had been to an Administrators meeting regarding this consultant. There was a lot of skeptism, however the majority thought it would be a good idea. Eagan signed up and feels that it is money well spent to belong. Rob DeGhetto of Suburban Rate Authority (SRA) feels that their organization would benefit the City as it has many other. Administrator Jilk felt that after some consideration the Commission may want to look into a membership with the "SRA". Otherwise we could jointly get together and hire someone to do an audit and let MWCC fund such a person. Commission Member Hasbrouck feels the people out at the treatment plant are very willing to give tours, but the City would definitely have to talk to the "big boys ". Administrator Jilk reported that Mike Wozniak and Dean Johnson met with Metropolitan Council. The Commission asked if they could come to the next meeting and put some input to the sewer discussion. MOTION by Werner to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Res ?ectful submitted, Cind y Dorniden Public Works Secretary P.O. BOX 510 O 2875 -145TH ST. W. g6pity sernoun� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA T. W 612-423-4411 • Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on October 15, 1990 at 6:34 p.m. in the Upper Conference Room of the City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden. The following items were added to the agenda: Item 4d. - Fire Hydrants along Shannon Parkway by Shannon Park Elementary School Item 6a. - Review of Utilities Commission Item 5d. - Meeting Date for November MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the September 17, 1990 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that the preliminary report for the Surface Water Management Utility was a combination of a report from Chanhassen, Roseville and other surrounding communities. Springsted, Inc., the Citys' financial consultants, are looking into the figures it would take to launch this program. Discussion ensued about the use of these revenues. President Walsh said • we don't want to get into building "man -made lakes" for a few people and have others financing them. The drainage system has to benefit "all" people. New development would still be 100% responsible for handling runoff within their development. Existing development, such as Highway 3 and Lower 147th Street would be assessed a portion of the storm sewer costs under the new street reconstruction policy and the balance, if any, would come from the storm drain utility. Commission Member Hasbrouck felt that some sort of sliding scale should be used for assessments (revenues) . He felt this fund should generate more revenue from commercial /industrial accounts and was curious if the Springsted report would show just how much revenue would be generated from this. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti said it would. MOTION by Walsh to approve the concept of the Surface Water Management Preliminary Report and that Staff work on guidelines for projects that would be covered under this utility. SECOND by Werner. Some discussion followed the motion to direct Staff as to how the guidelines should be set up to be taken out of the fund. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti gave a brief update on the revenues of the 1991 operating budget. He apprised the Commission that the water fund is doing fine, however the sewer fund is still having problems. He has figured the City is billing about 20% under what MWCC is charging us. The Commission discussed setting a minimum rate for "all" connections and then going above that on the billing. The Commission looked at the figures City Engineer /Public Works Director • Hefti had on the monthly bills to show what should be coming in. The Commission also had a list of the bills that were certified to Dakota • Utility Commission Minutes October 15, 1990 Page 2 County to be placed on property taxes. It was determined that the monthly billing didn't have any kind of impact on that total. It all came down to the fact that a basic rate is probably going to be considered for future billing. Commission Member Hasbrouck expressed his concern that the Commission had not heard of any follow -up to the fire hydrant which wasn't working by Shannon Park Elementary School. He feels that Staff should have that checked out and report back to the Commission as to the status. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti will check into this and send the Commission his findings next week. Also the Commission was curious as to why there were no hydrants between the new section of Shannon Parkway south of the school. City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission when that area is developed the hydrants would be put in under those project costs. President Walsh informed the Commission and City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti about the new fire hydrant on Highway 3 and 160th Street which was hit by a car on October 14th. Public Works Secretary • Dorniden apprised the Commission that the project engineer had been notified and it was being taken care of. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti has been checking into a backup system since the failure of the computer on September 20, 1990 which left the City without water for approximately 1 hour. Jeff Manske from Advance State Security presented City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti with some figures for a backup alarm monitor, where his company would install a monitor device for $600 and also monitor the wells for $15.00 per month. Automatic Systems said for $600 -$700 the old mercury switch could be wired into the motor starter of the computer and serve as a backup. President Walsh didn't feel it was necessary to spend all that money. He felt a pressure switch could be purchased for under $25.00 and wired into our existing pager alarm at City Hall. He doesn't feel monitoring fees is necessary at all. Well #6 could be used as a standby by leaving it on local control. The old flow chart could be hooked up to provide some additional information. The backup power supply is operational with new batteries. Just recently a supplier in St. Paul picked up the line of batteries we need. This will help with delivery. The batteries cost about $86.00 per battery and last about a year. City Engineer recommends testing the batteries every month. President Walsh will draft a memo to Staff as to what direction they should take for the purchasing of a pressure switch and the implementation of this backup system into Well #6. • The Commission discussed the EPA Phase V program. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti communicated that since the water supply is all from the Jordan Aquifer it would only appear sensible to draw the sample • utility Commission Minutes October 15, 1990 Page 3 from one well at a time instead of all three wells. To do the testing it would cost around $500.00. The City has been testing twice a year, but with the rise in cost and testing we will only be testing once a year. The Commission would like to start with a base line to go by so it was directed that all four wells will be done first and then each year thereafter they will be rotated. The Commission received a copy of an agreement between the City and Dave Tkachenko for Mr. Tkachenko to do the specifications and inspect the pulling of Well #7 for refurbishing. Mr. Tkachenko comes highly recommended in his profession. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Mr. Dave Tkachenko to prepare the plans and specifications and assist in the inspection for pulling Well #7 with his consultant fees not to exceed 15% of the project. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Werner to set the meeting in November for the 19th at 6:30 . p.m. since the 12th falls on Veterans Day. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh added a reviewal of the Utility Commissions duties to the agenda. He feels the Commission has lost sight of what their job is and what items they should be reviewing. He feels that the Commission has lost control over the expenditures of funds and the revenues. He feels that a number of items that need to be addressed are the monthly versus quarterly billing, the computer system for the control of the wells & lift stations, the manpower, the storm water drainage problems, etc. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti said he is working with finance to get a general summary of the revenues and expenditures for the Commission to review. President Walsh feels sometime in November a special meeting (workshop) should be held to look at all these objectives. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that the pumphouse for the rural water system is coming along. Public Works Secretary Dorniden informed the Commission that the contractor called today for the color because they were going to start painting tomorrow. It will be matched as closely as possible to the new Pumphouse #8. The Chippendale Water Tower project is on schedule. They are still sandblasting, however the manholes are cut and the inside grease is all out. • The new sewer jetter truck was available in the parking lot for the Commission to look at. President Walsh and Commission Member Hasbrouck • • • Utility Commission Minutes October IS, 1990 Page 4 looked at the machine before the meeting started. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti said the crew has been operating the truck. The jetter got between two lines on Canada and 147th Street and had to be extracted. The crew will have to go back and go under the line to place a concrete cradle underneath. President Walsh felt that it may be possible to put a snowplow on the front of the truck, that way when it goes to the lift stations and wells for checking in the winter it would be able to gain access. Commission Member Hasbrouck disagreed to this idea. This truck has a special use already and it should not be used for anything else in order to preserve it. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission of missing the August water sample and that by law we had to place a notice of violation in the paper explaining to the residents that we missed that sample, however the system is safe. President Walsh read the notice in the paper, he wishes he would have known before that time. City Staff should apprise the Commission of things that happen between meetings either by a note or phone call. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, F Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary C] C I(Pityof osernouni P.O. BOX 510 2875 -145TH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 17, 1990 at 6:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden. The following items were added to the agenda: Item 6a.- Retirement of Commission Member Hasbrouck Item 7c.- Diamond Path Update (LeForet) Item 5k.- Authorization to Purchase Heater for Well #6 MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the August 13, 1990 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Sally McDonald of 3120 -145th Street West was present to disagree about how her sewer charge was derived at in April. She lives alone and doesn't feel she should be penalized because she had a credit balance on her April 1, 1990 billing which set the sewer rate at a minimum of $7.40. Her average billing consumption was only 2,000 gallons which would be $3.70. President Walsh and Commission Member Hasbrouck were in agreement that an adjustment should be made and we would have to look at individual cases if this is brought up again. The Commission stated for the record that the sanitary sewer charge will be re- evaluated at one of the next meetings. President Walsh directed Public Works Secretary to adjust Ms. McDonalds' sewer consumption to 2,000 gallons ($3,70) for the remainder of this year. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission of a meeting he attended with City Administrator Jilk, Finance Director Darling and Dan O'Neill from Springsted, Inc. The meeting was in regard to the Storm Drain Utility. The Commission reviewed a 5 -year budget sheet from the meeting. The estimated operating expenses would be roughly $541,500.00. The Master Storm Sewer Plan will have to be finished and could be funded from the storm sewer funds. The Commission asked that Staff continue working toward a report like the City of Chanhassen has. The Utility Commission reviewed the preliminary plat of Valley Wood Estates. MOTION by Walsh that sanitary sewer and water is not available in the Valley Wood Estates, but it is required that storm drainage easements be obtained and that developer could be responsible for storm sewer connection charges. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Utility Commission reviewed the preliminary plat of South Rose Park 3rd Addition. r-] UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 PAGE 2 MOTION by Walsh that there is sanitary sewer and water available, however a drainage study should be done. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Utility Commission reviewed the preliminary plat for the Heuer Addition. MOTION by Walsh that neither sanitary sewer or water is available to this addition, but it should show dedication of appropriate drainage and utility easements along all lot lines. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Utility Commission reviewed the preliminary plat for Shannon Park School Addition. MOTION by Walsh that sanitary sewer and water is available and appropriate ponding, drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the plat. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • President Walsh expressed his concern in the Shannon Park School Addition regarding the fire hydrants. He felt that a lot of hydrants appear to be missing. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti will look into this. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti handed out a copy of the 1991 preliminary budget. One of the items on the budget was replacing the pickup that is now used for utilities. It is recommended to replace this vehicle with a 3/4 ton van. President Walsh felt that the price should be boosted a little to upgrade the van. He also felt that the amount for replacing and repairing pagers should be upgraded. Discussion followed on the personnel funded by utilities. Right now we have three totally funded by utilities. One of the major expenses that is not listed on the budget was the repairs of Well #7. They figure it would be roughly around $10,000 to pull the pump. It was decided to add $10,000 - $15,000 to account 601 - 49407 -01 -319. Other items that were discussed were chain link fence around the new tower, breathing apparatus for contained spaces, chlorinator and chlorine detector for Well #7. The biggest charge in the budget for the sewer fund is the MWWC charge. MOTION by Walsh to approve the preliminary budget with the recommended changes. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission discussed the 1991 Utility Clerk Position. The • Commission had a draft copy of the job description. President Walsh felt that the clerk should be responsible to City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and his Secretary. City Engineer Hefti felt that the UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 PAGE 3 position would be a border -line area, meaning they would have more accounting. President Walsh felt that eventually Utilities should be able to stand alone and therefore the department should not be broken up into different areas. This position should be a backup to the Public Works Secretary under the direction of the City Engineer. The Commission didn't feel the position was a problem at all, but would like it to stay under Public Works and be represented as a backup if utilities is to fund the position. MOTION by Walsh to approve the waiver of storm sewer connection charges for Wensmann 5th Addition in lieu of ponding dedication and improvements made. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Currently the City is under a Group 1 rate from N. S. P. Either the developer or us install the street lights and then pay a maintenance fee to N. S. P. The N. S. P. Group 5 Rate would allow N.S.P. to install the street lights and charge the developer directly. It also gives them the responsibility of maintaining all the lights in their jurisdiction for 25 years. After 25 years we would have to pay to have them replaced. • President Walsh asked if N.S.P. would then pick up the maintenance again after replacement. That is something that would have to be written. MOTION by Walsh to recommend that the City change from N.S.P. Group 1 Rate to N.S.P. Group 5 Rate. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. All the bids for the interior repair and repainting of the Chippendale Water Tower came in over the engineers estimate. Odlund Protective Coating was the lowest responsible bidder and qualified even if it was $16,000 over budget. The reason for the big difference was because the scraping of the old grease coating has to be done by hand so therefore the labor is much higher. MOTION by Hasbrouck to award the bid for the Chippendale Water Tower Interior Repair /Painting to Odlund Protective Coating in the amount of $91,700. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. It was brought to the attention of the Commission that the City is experiencing some problems with plumbers installing water meters. Many meters are being placed at the wrong home, seals are being broken and inside /outside meters are not corresponding. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that the policy presented was discussed with Building Official Wasmund, Public Works Supervisor Widstrom, Public Works Secretary Dorniden and himself and is the recommended action for the Commission to take. • MOTION by Walsh to approve the water meter installation policy change authorizing our Staff to do the installation of new meters. This policy • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 PAGE 4 will go into effect October 15, 1990. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The heater at Well #6 has served its purpose and is worn out. MOTION by Walsh to authorize purchase of a heater for Well #6 to replace the old heater. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Commission Member Hasbrouck informed the Commission that his term is up at the end of the year and he will be retiring. President Walsh directed City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti to check with the City Clerk for the process of selection for a new Commission Member. Perhaps an article could be placed in the newsletter regarding Wes' s retirement and making a selection for a new member. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission that there was some minor problems with Well #8, however they have been corrected. Mike Wozniak and Mark Joosten are working on the landscape plan for the new tower site. President Walsh expressed his concern that • the trees should be 35' - 40' from the outer perimeter of the bowl instead of 301, just to add a safety zone. The pumphouse for the rural water system should be on line sometime in February or March. The Utilities Department is addressing a problem of storm water off of Diamond Path by the U. S. Home Development. The problem area in the LeForet Addition is owned by Mr. James Sample. He is experiencing problems, so we have dug a swale going down to the pond behind his property. Eventually when the County does the Diamond Path Improvements we will have an overflow pipe to handle the problem. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti is getting some information on radio telemetry for the wells and lift stations. This item could be planned for 1992 and eliminate the need for telephone lease lines. The Control Computer has been moved to the maintenance garage and all the utility and maintenance employees have been given instruction as to its use. The backup power supply doesn't work, so we do need some type of standby power. The Commission feels a training program should be put together for emergency situations. Commission Member Hasbrouck felt that Mike Widstrom, Public Works Supervisor, should work on a written procedure for the wells. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 PAGE 5 MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully SubTitted, n�v�v a�o�� Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • • 011 P.O. BOX 510 6y O 2875 -145TH ST. W. osernouni ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on August 13, 1990 at 6:29 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the July 12, 1990 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Attorney, Roger Knutson, made a brief presentation on just what a Storm Sewer Utility is and how it can be related to the City. He gave a little background information on the different ways available to recover storm sewer costs. In essence the City needs to first establish the storm sewer plan, which has basically been done through our Master Storm Sewer Plan. Next, a formula has to be derived to establish rates, then a public hearing must be held and an ordinance passed to put it all together. Mr. Knutson handed out a copy of "City of Chanhassen" report for the Commission to review. After the Commission had asked several different questions of Mr. Knutson, President Walsh asked that this item be added to the next Utility Commission Agenda for further discussion after reviewal of the • reports received. Mr. Jack Kollmer from AEC Engineers was in attendance to discussed the Chippendale Tower Interior Repairs and go over the plans and specs. The estimated cost would be around $90,635, including engineering fees. The coating on the tower will be identical to that of the new tower. President Walsh expressed concerned about flooding the valve pit at the base of the tower. He feels some sort of a drainage system should be addressed. The Commission wants the specifications changed to say City Engineer wherever City Clerk appears and also City Utility Commission wherever City Council was addressed. MOTION by Walsh to approve the plans and specifications for the cleaning, repairing and painting of Chippendale Tower. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to set a bid opening for the cleaning, repairing and painting of Chippendale Tower on August 29, 1990 at 1:00 p.m. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that the feasibility report for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition has been received by Council and that the plans and specifications have been ordered and received also. A bid • opening was set and the Council went with Alternate A cutting the park dedication at this time. President Walsh felt that the utility portion • Utility Commission Minutes August 13, 1990 Page 2 of the project should have been seen by the Utility Commission before it was approved and acted upon. MOTION by Walsh to acknowledge the review of the feasibility report for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. A copy of a letter from Dr. Faye Thompson, University of Minnesota, was received by the Commission. Dr. Thompson indicated the University will reimburse the City for the hook up of the computer system to the rural water system. He will check and see if the bids were in fact let and what the outcome was. Well #8 was started on August 8, 1990. The RTU hasn't been placed yet, but we may take the one from Well #6 until the new one arrives. President Walsh asked if it was necessary to have the RTU in Well #6. City Engineer Hefti agreed that it probably wasn't necessary to have the RTU in Well #6, but he does feel we should get the extra RTU to have on hand. Well #6 can be operated manually. • City Engineer Hefti apprised the Commission that the Connemara Water Tower went on -line August 1. There are still a few punch list items to be completed, however everything appears to be running smoothly. Once it is completed the Public Works Department will be putting in shelves for storage, which will free up some of the space in the maintenance garage. President Walsh asked about the inside floor of the tower. City Engineer Hefti said it was to have a crushed rock base. The Commission had two letters of complaint on the handling of the sewer charge on their water bills. The Commission acknowledged the complaint, however it was based on an average bill and at this point doesn't feel policy should be changed. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary is P.O. BOX 510 6016 2875 -145TH ST. W. �g(ily sernount ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612 - 423 -4411 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on July 12, 1990 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the June 4, 1990 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti discussed the need for a storm sewer utility charge. He had a couple different ordinances from other cities which could be incorporated as an ordinance for our City. Going with something like this would help to diffuse assessment hearings. President Walsh suggested contacting Roger Knutson for a legal standpoint. > He has had dealings regarding the Vermillion Watershed and knows the different areas we are looking into. Other than raising the Storm Sewer Connection cost the Commission should also think about imposing a storm sewer surcharge on water bills. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti explained the need to transfer funds from the general water operating fund. • MOTION by Walsh to transfer, from the water fund (601) to the C.I.P. fund (603) from the 1989 budget, the amount of $160,000 per the memo dated July 5, 1990. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission that now would be a good time to start proceedings for the Chippendale Water Tower repairs. If a decision can be made the work could probably start in September or October. MOTION by Walsh to have the City Engineer /Public Works Director have specifications prepared for the repairs and inside painting of Chippendale Water Tower. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh questioned the quote from Automatic Systems regarding the additions of the RTU's to Well #8 and Water Tower #2. It appears the quote is just for the RTU's not for the installation and hook -up. The Utility Commission directed City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti to get an estimate for the labor. MOTION by Walsh to approve the purchase of two RTU units for Well #8 and Water Tower #2 from Automatic System Company and authorize City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti to sign the necessary documents. SECOND by Hasbrouck. MOTION by Walsh to amend the original motion as follows to approve the • purchase of two RTU units for Well #8 and Water Tower #2 from Automatic System Company and include the cost for installation of the RTU's authorizing City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti to sign the • Utility Commission Minutes July 12, 1990 Page 2 necessary documents. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Poll on the original motion: Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. It was determined by the Commission that Well #7 has never been pulled or inspected. A discussion followed regarding this matter. MOTION by Walsh to prepare specifications for the inspection of Well #7. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. A brief discussion took place regarding the availability of water and sewer to the proposed Cimarron Village Apartment Plat. MOTION by Walsh to advise that water and sewer is available at the site of Cimarron Village Apartment Plat. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh that the Commission request that only one meter be installed per building. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. On July 26 bids will be let for the rural water system well house. Dr. Faye Thompson should be sending a letter to the City from the University of Minnesota letting us know that we are to go ahead and order the RTUIs • and hook -up from Automatic System Co. and the U of M will reimburse the City for the purchase. The trusses and roof are on Well #8 and shingling will be starting. The City has been having some problems with the chlorination equipment we currently have not switching automatically. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti is checking out some different equipment. The motor has arrived for the pump. The Connemara Water Tower has been chlorinated inside. All that is left is to flush the standpipe, fill it up and let it set for 24 hours. After that it will be ready to use. President Walsh informed the Commission that the fire hydrant to Shannon Park Elementary School at the south entrance is dead. The hydrants within the parking lot are live and flowing at 50 psi with nothing else running. A discussion followed regarding the new school. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 11 P.O. BOX 510 fly O 2875 -145TH ST. W. oseYYLOUn� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -441 1 • Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on June 4, 1990 at 6:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the minutes of the May 7, 1990 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. U. S. Homes had submitted a request to the Commission regarding a refund of their credits on their model homes. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti joined the meeting at this time. He reviewed the standing policy of not allowing refund of credits until a final bill is taken. MOTION by Walsh to deny reimbursement of credits on Utility bills to U. S. Homes in compliance with existing policy. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Knutson Rubbish is expanding their operation out onto 160th Street. In order to get the building permits needed they would have to have water to hook up their sprinkler system to. At this time the City Council • authorized a feasibility report to extend the watermain from Chippendale Avenue along the north side of 160th Street. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that he is now asking for another feasibility report that would take the watermain across country from the Fischer property just north of the old City dump, across Highway 3 between Murgics and Gas Supply Co. The City would be paying minimum core going by Murgics. President Walsh had many negative feelings regarding this proposal. He felt there were a lot of "ifs" involved and also the Englerts and Murgics never asked to have water brought to their property. He felt that the buildings on 160th Street were plumbed for 160th Street, not from behind. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti assured the Commission that this report will look at all the advantages and disadvantages. Once we have a copy it will be forwarded to the Commission. MOTION by Walsh to recommend the City Council to establish a new feasibility report running a watermain across the Englert property, old City dump easterly toward Murgics. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission discussed the Chippendale Avenue Project, Project #191, in regards to extending the watermain from the Valley Oak Addition Replat 450' along the Geronime property rather than going all the way to 160th Street. MOTION by Walsh to recommend the City Council approve the concept of • extending watermain down Chippendale to the best easterly route. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 41 1990 PAGE 2 City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti discussed the need to bring a 12" waterline into the Wensmann 5th Addition (Project #515). This line was missed in the 3rd Addition. The City will have to participate in the oversizing as is policy in residential areas. The Commission reviewed the plans showing the water, sewer and storm sewer lines. MOTION by Walsh to approve the concept of reimbursement of cost from a 6" watermain to a 12" watermain along the western portion of property, future extension of Diamond Path, within the Wensmann 5th Addition. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The City has not been taking in enough revenue to cover the cost of maintaining the sanitary sewer system and the MWCC billing. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission that the Finance Department provided an up -to -date financial statement. The definite money problems lie within the MWCC charges. The Commission discussed how this could be rectified next year. Commission Member • Hasbrouck suggested possibly breaking out the MWCC charge and have a flat rate right on the bill for this item and keep the operating cost minimal. MOTION by Werner to approve transfer of funds of $50,000 from Water Operating Fund (601) to Sewer Operating Fund (602). SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that the Council will be receiving the feasibility report for Birchview Terrace Street and Utility Improvements. This was a petitioned project. The preliminary cost is very substantial. Much discussion followed regarding set backs, septic systems, wells, cost on top of assessments, erosion, etc. MOTION by Walsh to advise that the Utility Commission has reviewed the feasibility report and found water and sewer is available to be extended into the Birchview Terrace Addition. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The process of painting the new water tower has begun. Once it is completed then the landscaping will begin. Mike Wozniak and Mark Joosten will be asked to help with the landscape plan. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti feel we may have budgeted low for the landscaping. President Walsh asked about a fence. A fence is not proposed at this time because having the sheep grazing the area will • result in minimum maintenance for us. A fence will be erected at the • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 41 1990 PAGE 3 first signs of vandalism to the tower. The property owner, Kelley O'Neil, has an electric fence right now to keep his sheep in. The first application for payment is going before Council on Pumphouse #8. So far there have been no delays and a July 1 start -up is still being planned. The new civil defense siren was installed on the site. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • • P.O. BOX 510 City O 2875 -145TH ST. W. osemoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 612- 423 -441-4411 1 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 7, 1990 at 6:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. President Walsh added Item 7a. - Utility Easement West of City Hall. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the April 9, 1990 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Due to other meetings scheduled the agenda was taken out of order. The first item of discussion was the rural water update by City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti. Mr. Hefti informed the Commission that Mark Longston and Dr. Faye Thompson (U of M) updated the Council on this project. Dr. Thompson will be requesting the Regents for an additional $175,000 that was short on the bids for the pumphouse reconstruction. If they accept that new bids will be let sometime in August with construction beginning in September. The City could be looking at a February 1, 1991 start -up for the wells if all goes. Mr. Marshall Pearson, 3175 145th Street East, was in attendance • apprising the Commission he hopes they don't accept the whole project until they are sure it is safe. He informed the Commission that when the company hooked his water up they used the existing piping and did not make a physical break from the old system. The Commission was indicate that the systems should have a physical break. Mr. Pearson informed the Commission he is working with Mr. Ron Wasmund, the Building Official, to get this matter rectified. President Walsh asked that Mr. Pearson keep the Commission informed if the Commission needs to help follow -up. Some discussion took place regarding the abandonment of wells, one question that staff will address was clarification of abandoning existing wells when someone hooks up to a municipal supply. The next item of business discussed was the franchise agreements between the gas companies and the City. City Engineer Hefti and City Administrator Jilk will be meeting with all three companies at different times to present the division split (map) and get their input. Staff will be returning to the Commission to have them adopt the franchise service areas. The Connemara Water Tower (Tower #2) passed the leakage test. The water that was used for the test was drained onto adjacent property (Kelley Estate) . Public Works Supervisor, Bob Raddatz, told the Commission that the tower is dry and waiting for the painters. Mr. Raddatz, along with • the contractor, climbed the tower and inspected all the welds from top to bottom. • UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 7, 1990 The footings are in and the block is laid for the pumphouse at Well #8. At President Walsh request City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that the Park Committee had slotted that land for a "Flower Garden" and gotten approval from the Council. The plan is to run a watermain extension from an existing pipe behind Corcoran's so that it wouldn't have to be torn up at a future date. President Walsh expressed his concern that the Utility Commission had not been advised about the project and the project is in fact taking place on a storm sewer easement. Also, he expressed concern that the waterline may not belong to the City but in fact may belong to Ed McMenomy. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti said the line was on the City Record Plan Sheet. The Commission would like City Engineer Hefti to check into this further to be sure. President Walsh made the statement that the Utility Commission is set by the City as a governing body, while the Parks Committee is an advisory board. The Parks Committee should have brought this project to the Utility Commission before going to the Council. President Walsh feels the Commission is being left out of a lot of decisions that should be made by them and thinks the Council should be made aware of this. • City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti reiterated the Public Works Departments concern over the Jet Truck. Public Works Supervisor, Bob Raddatz, checked into the pricing of downsizing. By downsizing trucks would not save as much as the Commission felt it would. The Public Works Crew felt that the larger capacity would benefit the Department for sewer main cleaning. MOTION by Walsh to receive the April 16, 1990 bids and authorize purchase of a jetter truck from Flexible Pipe Tool Company in the amount of $79,965.00. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. At the present time the City only has one (1) oxygen meter. If that meter would have to go in for repair, the maintenance crew could not legally go down a manhole or confined space for repair. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti estimated the cost of another meter would be around $2,000. Public Works Supervisor Raddatz apprised the Commission that the meters are suppose to be sent in every six (6) months for servicing, whether they have been used or not. MOTION by Walsh to authorize expenditure to buy a oxygen meter not to exceed $2,000. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Secretary Dorniden had supplied the Commission with copies of the Farmington Public Utilities Billing format. This format did not • have a place to put the meter reading and in fact Farmington does not 2 • UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 7, 1990 have meters at this time, but do have a flat charge. Commission Member Hasbrouck apologized to the Commission, but he had given wrong information. The gentleman he had talked to worked in Farmington, but his water bill was from the City of Mankato. Public Works Secretary Dorniden was directed to contact Mankato to see if a copy of their billing could be forwarded to the City. Public Works Secretary Dorniden also informed the Commission she had not been able to get in touch with the software programer to see if it would be possible or just how big of a change would need to be done. She will get back to the Commission as soon as she finds out anything. The Commission briefly touched on some handouts from Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and a letter from Dakota County regarding abandonment of wells. Mr. Pearson also asked the Commission if they thought it would be possible to get natural gas east of County Road 71 (Rich Valley Boulevard) to Highway 52. He was directed to contact Peoples Natural Gas. • MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. • 3 Respectfully submitted, &AL;a� Orvy �* Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 61 1 P.O. BOX 510 O 2875 -145TH ST. W. ?01 sernoun� ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on April 9, 1990 at 6:31 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. No items were added to the agenda. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1990 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The jet truck bids were brought to the Commission because the Jet Truck is a Utility Department purchase. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission only two bids were received and only one actually met specs. The trade -in value was so low that the Public Works and the Park and Recreation Department felt we should keep the old jet truck. Therefore the bids that were received on March 30, 1990 were recommended to be rejected. Staff placed a new ad for bids without the trade -in. New bids will be opened on April 16, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. Commission Member Hasbrouck was very concerned that the Utility • Department budget would have to spend more money than the $60,000 budgeted. President Walsh suggested rewriting the specs' to down size the truck and tank, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti agreed that would help reduce the cost. President Walsh also inquired as to how much work would have to be done on old truck, if any, for the Parks Department to be able to use it effectively. City Engineer Hefti said the old jet truck could serve their purposes with minimal repairs. MOTION by Walsh to reject the bids for the Jetter Truck. SECOND by Hasbrouck Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh that the Utility Commission agrees to sell the "old" jetter truck to the Park & Recreation Department for the amount of $10,001, payable in 1991 and rewrite specs for new truck downsizing and meeting the needs for 1,200 gallons of water. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. A new bid opening date will be set for May 1, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. Steve Toombs, a resident and a representative from the 1st State Bank of Rosemount, was present, to discuss "Direct Pay" option for water bills. After much discussion the Commission felt this payment option would not be appropriate for the following reasons: (1) More work for bank, which may translate into additional • service charges for City and Customer; (2) Can only take out of checking account, • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, 1990 :7 • (3) Bills have to be sent to banks, which would mean our meter reading cards would also have to go to the banks because of how our computer billing program works; and (4) There is no paper trail for accounting purposes. Council Member Hasbrouck indicated that several residents have asked about combining the meter reading card with the water bill. Commission Member Hasbrouck apprised Commission that he believes Farmington has their reading directly on their billing. The Public Works Department will contact Farmington and see about getting a hold of a sample of their cards. Public Works Secretary Dorniden will check with our software programmer to see if it is feasible and cost effective to do this. MOTION by Hasbrouck to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. K Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 1 P.O. BOX 510 Zl� O 2875 -145TH ST. W. osernoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 • 612-423-4411 Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on March 12, 1990 at 6:28 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Under President's report, President Walsh added Item 7a. -Storm Water Pumping and Commission Member Hasbrouck added Item 7b.- a discussion on street lights. MOTION by 'Werner to approve the minutes of the February 12, 1990 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission requested at the last meeting, their desire to adopt a written policy regarding the handling of expenditures from the Utilities Core Facilities Funds. The Commission felt it would be appropriate for them to approve certain one -time expenses prior to the request going to the Council. City Engineer Hefti had given each Commission Member a copy of the Citys' Expenditure Policy. The Commission, after reviewing the policy, felt that with minor heading changes the policy would fit their needs. MOTION by Walsh to adopt the Citys' expenditure policy is but making the changes in the heading to read "Utility Commission Approval" rather than "City Council Approval ". SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Ed Barloon, 4040 154th Court West, was in attendance to voice concerns, both his and his neighbors, and also ask some questions of the Commission regarding the monthly water billing. President Walsh apprised Mr. Barloon there were two major reasons which the Commission took into consideration before going to the monthly billing, which were: 1. To cut down on delinquent payments 2. Provide steady cash flow into the Utilities fund President Walsh explained to Mr. Barloon that the billing system will not allow both quarterly billing and monthly billing. For the reasons President Walsh stated, the Commission decided to go to monthly billing. Mr. Barloon suggested that perhaps communicating the fact that there is no option at the present time, other than pre - paying, would be in order. The Commission requested Staff to prepare an article for the next newsletter to update customers on the monthly billing process. The Commission reviewed a memo from City Engineer Hefti with his recommendations for installing a drive -up drop -off box, to collect water and sewer bills and other City after -hour correspondence. The box would be located within the island in the west parking lot. City Engineer Hefti also informed the Commission that the box at the Ken Rose Center will be discontinued April 1, 1990. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the • purchase of a drop -off box for the City Hall lower level parking lot island in the amount of $664.00. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12, 1990 MOTION by Walsh to authorize City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti negotiate with Automatic Systems to purchase the new RTU's needed for the supervisory control system for Pumphouse #8 and Tower #2. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh stated that in the 3 -1/2 years we've had the computer running the wells and lift stations we've never had a problem until last week when the computer broke down. our findings as a result of this experience let us know that our backup system will operate, however, we also found out that there is no warning if the computer breaks down. The Commission, along with City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti discussed options for a secondary warning system, which he will pursue and report back to the Commission with his findings. President Walsh informed the Commission that he was out on March 11, 1990 watching the maintenance crew pumping water on 156th Street and Shannon Parkway. The new pump and hose was working good, however he felt it took more time and effort to couple the hoses together than should be necessary. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti was asked to check into the couplings and see if maybe they could get a • different kind that would hook together easier, such as the kind of universal coupling the Fire Department has. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that now that the Storm Sewer Plan was complete, a project to install the outflow piping to correct this problem will be done. CJ Commission Member Hasbrouck was asked how the Methodist Church could get a street light for the back of their parking lot. Because the entrance off Lower 147th Street is public right -of -way, he felt that this would be appropriate for the Commission to discuss. Much discussion followed regarding lighting of not only the parking lot but also the backstop at Camfield Park. The Commission did decide that the parking lot would be a higher priority. The indication was that the Church could pursue having a street light installed on one of the existing poles near the northeast corner of their parking lot. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti gave a brief summary of the progress of Well #8, which is complete, Pumphouse #8, which has a preconstruction meeting scheduled for March 14, and Tower #2, which all the steel has arrived for and they are in the process of putting up the sides of the bowl. The Tower will be on line around July 1, 1990. Well #8 should be on line between August and September. The old tower will probably be refurbished in August. 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 12, 1990 • The Public Works Department will be checking into Well #3 so it can be operated automatically by the old pressure system, such as Well #7 does, if the computer ever breaks again. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 3 11 P.O. BOX 510 Zl� O 2875 -145TH ST. W. osernoun� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on February 12, 1990 at 6:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the January 8, 1990 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Discussion followed regarding the list of bills that the Commission receives from the Finance Department. Recording Secretary Dorniden asked the Commission if it was necessary to review and approve the bills since they were already authorized by Council and paid to the vendors. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti asked the Commission if they would like someone from Finance to come to a meeting and explain the print out format that the new computer has supplied. It was the consensus of the Commission that they really don't need a descriptive print out of what the money is going for, however they would like to know how much is being spent and how much is left in the budget. City Engineer Hefti advised that maybe • a trial balance sheet every month would suffice. The Commission directed City Engineer Hefti to discuss the matter with the Finance Director. MOTION by Walsh to approve the list of bills as presented. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti was directed to put together an expenditure policy for the Utility Commission similar to the City Council's. The 1990 Technical Service Agreement for the Supervisory Control System is basically a renewal of last years. MOTION by Walsh to approve the 1990 Technical Service Agreement for the Supervisory Control System. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. U. S. Homes constructed all utilities in the Country Hills 3rd Addition under private contract. A total of $104,137.34 is due them for core facility charges that were incurred during construction. City Engineer Hefti advised the Commission that U. S. Homes has an outstanding debt with the City and should the Commission authorize this payment that it should be withheld until U. S. Homes pays their balance. MOTION by Walsh to approve reimbursement to U. S. Homes in the amount of $104,137.34 for Core Facility Charges in the Country Hills 3rd Addition with the stipulation this not be paid until their account with the City is paid in full. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • The Public Works Department is in need of a new jetter truck. The one the City owns is in need of major repairs, but is also scheduled for retirement in 1990. The Commission went over the specifications and discussed several items within the specifications, also some that were not in the spec's, such as the need for a quick coupler for the hose to fill the tank and also ventilators for the tank to supply a dump shoot. City Engineer Hefti will discuss all these items with the Public Works Foreman, Bob Raddatz. Utility Commission Minutes • February 12, 1990 MOTION by Walsh to approve the specifications for the new jet truck after the modifications and suggestions have been made. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The next item of discussion was the need to replace the 1973 portable air compressor. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the preparation of specifications for a tankless air compressor. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh decided, at this time, to add Item 7a. - Monthly Inspection of Utility Equipment and Supplies. President Walsh feels that the Utility Commission should do spot checks on equipment and supplies used by the Utility Department. Much discussion followed on how to handle this. Commission Member Hasbrouck didn't feel monthly inspections were necessary, but did think it would be nice to have spot checks of the different facilities and equipment. The Commission is hoping by having inspections it will help to improve the cleanliness of the utilities, equipment, pumphouses and also keep the Commission up to date on the equipment and pumphouses. It was decided by all that a quarterly inspection would be a good idea. The City received an addendum to the site plan for Pumphouse #8. A slight modification was made. City Engineer Hefti showed the Commission the modified plans and discussed the driveway access and curbing. The • pumphouse will be sharing a common driveway with the new park that will be constructed in that area. • City Engineer Hefti informed the Commission that we are ready to make the next to final payment on Well #8. All but the 5% retainage fee remains. Water tower construction is moving along nicely. The crew is ready to install the bowl section. DGR Engineering firm for the University of Minnesota is proposing on opening the specifications up to other vendors for the telemetry system on the rural water system. One thing that the City would have to make sure is that the outside contract, if awarded, would interface with what the City already has in operation. The University is hoping to rebid in a month or so. The new utility billing program has been running into some glitches. Cindy Dorniden, Public Works Secretary, updated the Commission on a few of the problems and comments she is receiving from the Public. She also informed the Commission that an extra meter reading card had to go out this period so the April 1, 1990 billing would have an actual month usage to bill the sewer on for the rest of the year. Otherwise the computer would base the sewer on the 4th quarter of 1989, which would not yield accurate results because many people were still irrigating their lawns into last November. 2 • Utility Commission Minutes February 12, 1990 • • Public Works Secretary Dorniden suggested that the City get rid of the one dropbox by the "old" Loch Pharmacy and put a second, more permanent box up in the center island of the lower level parking lot of the City Hall. This way it could be used from a car so people wouldn't have to get out of their vehicles, also it could be for Park & Rec and other City business. The Commission thought this was a good idea, but directed the Staff to find out how much use the old box still received. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m. 3 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 04 Of ose 'my oun� P.O. BOX 510 2875 -145TH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 Pursuant to do call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Utilities Commission of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 8, 1990 at 6:28 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. President Walsh asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Under New Business, Item 6d.- Reimbursement for overcharge on Dr. Kurt Walter- Hanson's water account was added. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the December 11, 1989 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. There were no copies of bills to be approved. Under "Old Business ", the plans and specifications for Pumphouse #8 were discussed. Kurt Johnson from TKDA went over the three areas that were of main concern to the Commission at the December 11th meeting but first he informed the Commission there would only be one (1) electrical service and one future emergency electrical connection for the pumphouse. The reasons being it would not be cost effective to run the submersible pump through • the pumphouse. The submersible pump will have its own service. The second item was relating to the standby generator. The idea of a standby generator running two wells is not realistic, however it would be able to run one well and a treatment plant when it is up and running. The third area discussed was the gears that would be provided. It would relate to the incoming metering section and will have transfer components in place of conduit. The Commission went on to discuss the electrical service for the wells. Dakota Electric services that area, but it will be a little more expensive than N.S.P. The Commission reviewed the plans and specifications. They did discuss some of the aspects of the chemical room. Also, all the members thought the plans had an overabundance of windows. It was decided to reduce, if not eliminate, the number of windows near the peak of the building and add a window or side glass by the door. Mr. Johnson informed the Commission that a no- maintenance type siding is being used with gable corners and a clerestory roof. MOTION by Walsh to approve the plans and specifications for Pumphouse #8 with consideration to the changes in the windows, doors and main roof area. Also, to include, a portable standby generator disconnect to the building at this time. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Mr. Johnson added that the cost estimates have gone up a little because of the different changes that have been made. One of the items added was a 2" finished water line to be able to fill tankers. The Commission agreed that this line would have to be metered and possibly coin operated. President Walsh pointed out that this is basically going to be a generic building. We are planning to use this design for the future. • Utility Commission Minutes January 8, 1990 The next item of business concerned the survey the Utility Commission requested N.S.P. Gas Company to send out. It came back with an overall rating of the service as being 86% good to excellent. There were 93 responses to the survey out of 222 sent out. The main complaint was regarding boulevard restoration. President Walsh asked that City Engineer Hefti send a letter to N.S.P. thanking them for the survey report. Commission Member Hasbrouck felt it was a very good response. The next item of business was consideration of City Engineer Hefti's memo which discuss the transfer of water core funds to reimburse the Park Fund for Jaycee Park watermain costs. MOTION by Walsh to approve the transfer of $5,900 from the Water Core Fund (605) to the Park Dedication Fund (411). SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer Hefti asked for a continuation of Item 6c.- Approve Depreciation Transfers until the final audit is completed. Public Works Secretary Dorniden reported that she spoke with Dr. Kurt Walter- Hanson about finding a discrepancy in his two water accounts. It seems the two accounts, Shamrock Veterinary Clinic and the empty house next door, had been switched at the time of changing the accounts. Therefore, the empty house had been billed an excess of $970.75. The Commission is being asked to refund that total and let the billing process start with a • clean slate rather than carrying that size credit. MOTION by Walsh to refund $970.75 to Dr. Kurt Walter - Hanson for reimbursement of overestimated water and sewer account. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer Hefti reported that Keyes Well Drilling is ready to start test pumping Well #8. He also reported that as of this morning two loads of steel were dropped off at Tower #2 site. They will probably be constructing the tower within the end of this week or first part of next week. President Walsh asked if there is an electrical outlet on top of the tower. He feels it would be an asset to have one because if someone needs electrical tools up on top for something or if we'd want to put some kind of Christmas decoration up on top we'd need it. City Engineer Hefti didn't know for sure or not, but will check on it. City Engineer apprised the Commission that Keyes Well Drilling is "behind" the contract schedule and have been informed as such. • 2 • • Utility Commission Minutes January 8, 1990 MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. 3 Respectfully submitted, &,A,4q Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary