HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 UC MinutesP.O. BOX 510 qty of 2875 -145TH ST. W. osernount ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 • Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 7, 1991 at 6:32 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Hasbrouck, Werner, City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. The City Engineer /Public Works Director asked that Item 7c. be added to the agenda. Information regarding the item would follow at the appropriate time. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the December 10, 1990 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that City Administrator Jilk is asking the Finance Department to revise the Income Statement that the Commission gets to have a "Net Income" column before the construction cost so the Commission can see the bottom line before the construction cost are entered in. A brief discussion followed regarding the water and sewer funds at the end of December. MOTION by Walsh to approve Change Order #1 for Connemara Water Tower, eliminating the inside ladder and lowering the contract by $672.00. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes:,: 3 Nays: 0. It was brought to the attention of the Commission that Administrator Jilk and the City Council felt that the increase in the Storm Drain Connection Charge was totally unacceptable. City Engineer /Public Works Director felt that raising the charge to $980.00 would bring the charge in line with the Water and Sewer Connection Charges and then only one figure would have to be remembered. If it is necessary it could be adjusted again in 1992 or incorporated into a surcharge as a storm drain utility. The Commission discussed the options open to 'them. MOTION by Walsh to recommend Council adopt the 1991 Storm Drain Connection Charge of $980.00 and add it to the standing Resolution. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. More discussion followed regarding how this charge could effect the new homes being built within Rosemount. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti apprised the Commission that the RTU's are in for Well #8 and Connemara Tower and he will arrange with Twin City Electric to install them and then contact Automatic Systems to set them up. MOTION by Walsh to approve partial payment for Well #8 and Connemara Tower RTU's in the amount of $12,000. This money to be taken from the General Operating Fund. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. CJ UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1991 PAGE 2 City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti informed the Commission that at the December 4, 1990 regular Council meeting the Council terminated the Limerick Way Watermain Extension Contract. This project was incorporating the north east corner of Dodd Boulevard and Shannon Parkway. Now final payment is being requested to officially end the project. Discussion followed by the Commission state that the City should make sure a plat is final before awarding any contracts in the future. MOTION by Walsh to approve the final payment of $62.85 to Brown & Cris and to make sure the amount which has been paid out to date be included in the assessment when this project is ever completed. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Hasbrouck to approve the purchase of safety equipment needed for confined space entry not to exceed $2,200. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti was asked by City Administrator Jilk to have the Utility Commission revisit the topic of a "Utility Billing Personnel ". There was general discussion regarding this position. President Walsh had an absolute "no ". He feels the City should have a Utility Manager and the billing clerk would answer to that position. After discussion it was decided to wait and see what happens with personnel changes. At this time President Walsh added Item 6a. -Meter Replacement Program. The Commission discussed at length the need to get the meter replacement program underway. If nothing else the City should go out for a contract and have this job done outside the City staff. It would be an on -going project, which could develop into a full -time position. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti updated the Commission on a meeting between the people from the University, the University of Minnesota attorney, the City Attorney and Staff members of the City. The University would like to turn the rural water system over to the City as quickly as possible. Staff recommends that the University pays for at least two employees to attend a schooling for rural water systems. The Commission discussed the transition and agreed that the University should set up a meeting with the residents to explain billing procedures and how the system operates. They should name a contact person to handle warranty related problems after the system is in place. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 71 1991 PAGE 3 person to handle warranty related problems after the system is in place. President Walsh feels that the City should let the attorneys work out all the necessary details. City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti had pictures to show the Commission regarding the ice level in the two water towers. The City crew is monitoring the ice levels closely. Crews are filling the tanks at night so the water will stay warmer during the coldest part of the day. Item 7c. was brought out by City Engineer /Public Works Director Hefti. He will be leaving the City effective February 1, 1991. He has accepted a position in Menominie, Wisconsin with a consulting engineering firm. President Walsh expressed his appreciation, as did all the Commission Members, for a job well done, especially in the area of the supervisory control system (computer). Commission Member Hasbrouck reiterated that when Arnie Jensen was on the City Council many years ago he had foreseen having an Engineer on Staff. It really made a difference on the Consultants once an engineer was brought on board to supervise and direct. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Hasbrouck. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 1 P.O. BOX 510 � t Y O 2875 -145TH ST. W. Osernouni ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -441 1 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on February 11, 1991 at 6:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Joseph Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Assistant Finance Director May, Public Works Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Previous to calling the meeting to order, City Administrator swore in the new Utility Commission Member, Shawn Mulhern. The Commission Members welcomed him. President Walsh added item 5g.- Utilities Department Computer. There were no other additions.= MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the January 7, 1991 'Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2.' Nays: 0. Abstain: 1. City Administrator Jilk presented the 1991 Technical Service Agreement for the Supervisory'Control`System. Before his leaving, City Engineer Hefti had been in contact with Automat Agreement. This Agreement has nothing'; to hardware. The Commission was in agreement • however since last years Agreement had a 6 Administrator Jilk concurred with City Engi Agreement should be `'extended from July 1,` MOTION by Walsh to approve the 1991 T Supervisory Control 'System with modificat' i 6 month extension of the 199`0 Agreement a signatures. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3.` Systems regarding this with software, only the It this should be renewed, nth extension to it, City .r Heftis' report that the 1 to June 30,'1992. echnical ons to t id author Nays: 0. for the to the ropriate City Administrator Jilk has been in contact with Bruce Wirth, Automatic Systems, regarding the furnishing and installation of the RTU's for the Rural Water System. Mike Widstrom, Public Works Supervisor, has met with Bruce Wirth and gone over the needs for the system, such as check points, air compressor and start -up check points, security, temperature, etc. The cost for the RTU's will be reimbursed by the University of Minnesota and the City won't take the system over until it can do exactly what we expect it to do. The City is requesting training on the operation of the system before accepting it. Also we would like to know any liabilities and the total cost of manpower for operation. The Commission still sees acceptance of the system as a ways off. The repairs to Chippendale Water tower have been complete. AEC Engineers are requesting Payment #2 and Final in the amount of $4,649. • Commission Members felt that the City should retain a small portion incase some restoration is needed in the Spring. El • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1991 PAGE 2 MOTION by Walsh to approve Payment #2, retaining $250.00 for possible site work 5 months, to Odland Protective Coatings. Nays: 0. not to be the final payment, in the Spring for approximately SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. City Engineer Hefti had Dave Tkachenko provide consulting services on pulling Well #7 for refurbishing. MOTION by Walsh to approve payment of $1,907.00 to Dave Tkachenko for consulting services on Well #7. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Administrator Jilk discussed the primary reasons why the Commission should consider turning the Utility Billing Clerk Position back to the Finance Department. Assistant Finance Director May was also in attendance to offer any insight into this prospect. The position would not only handle the Utility Billing but would be responsible for ordering of office supplies, backing up the Deputy Registrar and working on different aspects of the Finance Department. President Walsh asked if the cost of this position would still then come entirely from the Utility budget. The answer to the question was "yes" , even though it is a shared position the cost would not be shared there are other services provided by the Finance Department to the utilities by other Finance Department Staff. One thing that Assistant Finance Director May did reiterate for the Commission was that the job description says "capable of" not necessarily responsible for. The Finance Department will be accountable to the Utility Commission when it comes to this position. MOTION by Walsh to approve the job description, as written, and recommend the Council approve an accountant for the Finance Department as outlined in the write up of January 31, 1991. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to request advertisement for an accountant. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Steve Klein of Barr Engineering was present with a draft of a "Storm Water Utility ". He informed the Commission that this is a fairly new approach to financing the cost of constructing and maintaining storm rate systems. It is costly and laborious to try and get funding from assessments on Storm Sewers. He went through the draft that he presented touching on several different aspects. He advised the Commission that public informational meetings should be held to get the • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1991 PAGE 3 word out before operating such a utility. An Advisory Board should be formed and questionnaires should be sent out. The Commission agrees that they definitely need to get public opinion. Before finalizing a utility such as proposed, further discussion will be held on this at the March 11, 1991 Utility Commission meeting. The Commission next took up discussion on the City Councils request to reconsider the minimum charge for water and sewer. The Commission was in complete agreement that the public needs to be educated where water is concerned. Water is not a commodity anymore and with all the testing the State and Federal Governments are invoking upon cities it will be necessary to have that "fixed" non - operating cost. The Commission will have a more in depth discussion at their March 11, 1991 meeting. City Administrator Jilk will run some different scenarios • prior to that meeting to give the Commission some things to consider. Assistant Finance Director May informed the Commission that the bottom line is that with the way they have the billing structured now the water and sewer funds would have a minimal profit. If we rely on usage revenue alone it would become a loss. A minimum rate has be set to cover the "fixed" cost. Assistant Finance Director May discussed debt service with the Commission. A transfer of funds to cover a bond payment of $30,000 is necessary. The Council is looking to pay off older bonds in the G.O. Revenue Water Bonds. In doing this it would allow the City an excess of $80,000 - $85,000. MOTION by Walsh to transfer funds from Account 605 (Water Core Facility Funds) to Account 612 (Debt Service G.O. Revenue Water Bonds) in the amount of $30,000. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Discussion regarding the meter replacement program took place at this time. It was pointed out that $24,000 was budgeted for 300 meter replacements this year. Hopefully the program will get underway soon. Todd Bredesen, a sales representative from Water Products Company, the company the city buys meters from, was on hand to demonstrate the newest technology in water meters. These meters are electronic with an electronic reading head for the outside of the building. They can also • install a phone line which will interface with our computer system. Our computer billing program does have the capacity to operate with this new type of reader. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1991 PAGE 4 The Commission concurred that the Utilities Department should switch to the electronic meter w /touchpad reader. Public Works Secretary Dorniden will be ordering the new meters on Friday. MOTION by Walsh to purchase the visual reader for touch read meter system and authorize funds out of the meter replacement funds not to exceed $1,000.00. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Supervisor Widstrom presented the plans and specifications for the repairs of Well #7. It is recommended that someone from the City inspect each phase of this project. The specifications are very complex, but necessary. Commission Member Mulhern asked what the expected time frame would be on the project. It should be completed before spring. The bids are open to the public, however there are limited companies that do this type of work. City Administrator recommended the Commission hire Dave Tkachenko to be project manager. • Commission Member Mulhern asked if it would be possible for Public Works Supervisor Widstrom to work with the project to get an overall knowledge of what is being accomplished. This will be done. MOTION by Walsh to authorize advertising for bids on the repairs and /or replacement of Well #7. SECOND by WErner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Administrator Jilk will see if Dave Tkachenko is available as consultant on the above project and let the Commission know at the March 11, 1991 meeting. Public Works Supervisor Widstrom handed out a brief summary of the call - out requirements regarding wells and ,lift stations. The State of Minnesota requires a certified person to be on call -out in case of emergency with any well or lift station problems. President Walsh asked how that would effect the union contract and overtime planning. It was decided that it would be a management decision as to how the overtime would be handled. MOTION by Walsh to approve replacement of a trash pump for a cost not to exceed $1,756.96. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh apprised the Commission that he could get a used P.C. for the Public Works Supervisor to use over at the shop for under $1,000. It would include the computer, wide carriage printer and power tray. It could be used for the hydrant maintenance program, vehicle maintenance program and a variety of other things. It was also mentioned that possibly the Parks Department could contribute some of • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1991 PAGE 5 the funding because there could be a program for a tree inventory provided also. City Administrator Jilk felt he could provide $250 for software or whatever they might need extra funding for. MOTION by Walsh to purchase a computer for the Utilities Garage with funds of $750 coming from Account 601 - 49400 -01 -394 and the remaining cost being provided from the general fund. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Wells #3 & 6 have been repaired by Lange of Minnesota. City Crews still have to install a 6" valve, which has been scheduled for March 2, 1991. Also the Crew will do the painting of the chemical lines and floors. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 1 P.O. BOX 510 il� 2875 -145TH ST. W. osernoun� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 • Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on March 11, 1991 at 6:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund, Council Member Klassen and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. President Walsh added item 4d. - Valley Oak Pond Update. There were no other additions. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the February 11, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Administrator Jilk handed out various scenarios of the water and sewer rates. First he led the Commission in a discussion about the present rates that were adopted. With the 'rates as they are the actual fixed cost is only recup'ng 55% of the operational fund for 1991. The alternatives presented were: 1. Eliminate fixed cost and raise rates. 2. Adopt lower fixed rate and maintain overall rate and charge user rate on all metered usage. 3. Adopt increasing rate scale. • This of course has no emphasis on conservation of water. President Walsh added a fourth alternative which would be to add all the budgeted items and assess each number of user equally for the budgeted amount and then charge the usage. One other alternative is to have a fixed rate and then so much per thousand after the fixed rate. One way to look at it 'would be to decrease the minimum rate to $11.00 versus $18.00 and reduce the rate per thousand to 50 cents. President Walsh said none of the alternatives are thrilling but the people have to realize it cost money to operate a system. Administrator Jilk asked the Commission if possibly they would like to combine Alternative 2 and 3. That way you maintain financial security however people would still be conservation wise. Commission Member Mulhern thinks that the customers are just unaware of what the fixed charges are covering and we need to educate the people, especially to the AWWA Standards in regard to testing. Commission Members showed concern for those who have swimming pools. Public Works Director Wasmund implied that a water use permit could be implemented for such a thing. Mr. Matt Huerta, a resident of Rosemount for over 35 years, was present to protest the new fixed rate. He feels that the rates should be raised and no fixed minimum. People should just have to pay for what they use. His rates will be going up 305 %. If he has to he will just let his • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 11, 1991 PAGE 2 water run. He's always been one to save energy and conserve water, but if we stay with this fixed charge he will let it run. President Walsh asked that something be built into the scenario to protect the fixed cost. Administrator Jilk will prepare some quattro spreadsheets for the next regular meeting. Council Member Klassen stated that the Council had expressed some concerns at their last meeting. The Mayor had indicated he had several calls complaining about the fixed charges. Council Member Wippermann had indicated he's worried about the conservation aspect of the billing. Council Member Klassen feels that the letter that went out should have been worded differently with more explanation as to why the fixed charge was being implemented. She feels an educational campaign needs to be started. • Steve Klein was in the audience and asked if we had a provision for hardship cases and if so how they are handled. There is not a provision and it was felt because of the pride factor a lot of cases wouldn't come forward anyway. Commission Member Mulhern asked how our hook -up charges compare to the surrounding areas. Administrator Jilk stated we are now the highest in the County, however in the past we were low. A lot of Rosemounts' problem seems to be in demographics. We just don't have the population like the other cities to handle the operating cost of our system. Public Works Director Wasmund presented the consultant services that Mr. Dave Tkachenko will supply in respect to Well #7 refurbishing and repairs. The Public Works Supervisor, Mike Widstrom, and our other water operators will work with Mr. Tkachenko and be involved in the project. The estimated cost of the service will be around $800.00. It should only fluctuate $200.00 either way. Commission members wanted to make sure it wouldn't exceed $1,000. MOTION by Walsh to authorize hiring Mr. Tkachenko as a consultant in the inspection and pulling of Well #7 casing as per Public Works Director Wasmunds memo. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • Steve Klein, our representative from Barr Engineering, led the discussion on the Storm Sewer Utility. He handed out the preliminary UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 11, 1991 PAGE 3 report of the Financing Storm Water Projects Using a Surface Water Management Utility. He went over the 5 year CIB referenced on page 11 and then went on to explain how the figures were arrived at. The core was basically figured on the west 1/3 of the City. The east 2/3 of the City is hard to figure because of the different status of land. The Commission had questions regarding the run -off figures. Public Works Director Wasmund was concerned about farm tiles and how that effected run -off. Mr. Klein said the tiles are 10 -12' below so it really doesn't have that great an impact. Mr. Klein apprised the Commission that a short report would accompany the documents with the logics of the system and flags of the questions that may come up in the next 5 years. This would help any other people just coming on board know what is going on. • The next step to the program would be public awareness. All the Commission agreed the brochure angle was a good way to go. The City of Eagan had a very well executed brochure. No one was excited about doing a questionnaire. Mr. Klein received the Commissions consent to prepare the entire document and then they will invite the Council and other Committees to an informational meeting. The Commission does feel that there needs to be something to cover hardship cases otherwise the numbers seem logical. Council Member Klassen was concerned with the way the Rural Residential figures added up to. Why should Rural Residential have to pay for water that is draining into their own ponds? She feels that should be looked into for exemptions. The Commission assured Council Member Klassen her reservations would be addressed. The Commission wants Mr. Klein to redo Item C on page 21. MOTION by Walsh to hold a Special Utility Commission meeting on March 25, 1991 regarding the Storm Sewer Utility. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund, City Administrator Jilk and Steve Klein will meet prior to this meeting to set up a tentative schedule for this Utility. • r� L UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 11, 1991 PAGE 4 President Walsh had added the Valley Oak Pond Update to the agenda. He had been at the Council meeting and heard about the project so he felt the Utility Commission was being left out in the cold. This is a storm sewer project and should have been addressed by the Utility Commission for their input before going to Council. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission that the project will create a "wet pond" and that Ducks Unlimited found a sponsor, Koch Refining, to pick up the cost to make this a "wet pond ". Commission supported the project however had questions regarding the maintenance of the "wet pond ". Public Works Director Wasmund informed the Commission that natural prairie grass will be used and the only time there might be a problem would be if large rains extended the water area. Then the City would have to reseed. This is a new concept for Rosemount and the first in an urban setting for Ducks Unlimited. • Public Works Director Wasmund spoke to the Commission regarding the STAC fees which were adopted January 15, 1991. Some contractors were caught unaware of this increase from $212.00 to $980.00, the difference being $768.00. We are aware of five purchase agreements which were made before this amount went into effect, however the contractors had to pay the higher because the permits were pulled after. Public Works Director Wasmund has always felt that increases should not go without notification. Also within this period, the Cimarron Village plat was approved and the building permit application was submitted in December so therefore it is felt they should pay the 1990 fees. If these fees weren't allowed the City doesn't know what the legal ramifications could be. MOTION by Walsh to recommend to the City Council reimbursing the difference between the 1990 -1991 STAC fees to cases with purchase agreements before the adoption date. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve the payment of $2,136.00 to Barr Engineering for work done on the Storm Sewer Utility to be paid out of the Storm Sewer Core Fund. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh was upset that the Utility Commission had no knowledge of the Diamond Path /145th Street Project seeing how the Diamond Path portion especially would be involved in major storm sewer construction. Administrator Jilk wasn't aware that the Commission didn't know about • the project and assured them that once the plans and specifications were complete he would have Bud Osmundson from OSM and Steve Klein from Barr • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 11, 1991 PAGE 5 Engineering make a presentation on the project before they go to Council. President Walsh acknowledge Ron Wasmund as the new Public Works Director to the rest of the Commission. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • 61ty of osernoun� P.O. BOX 510 2875 -145TH ST. W. ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612- 423 -4411 uant to due call and notice thereof the Special Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on March 25, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund and Council Member Klassen present. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the storm sewer utility.: City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that the University of Minnesota has approached the City on an interim agreement for the City to operate the rural water system. The Commission has questions as to how they will get billed, the liability and if we would use the same rate. This item will be added to the April 8, 1991° regular Utility Commission meeting. Recording Secretary Dorniden joined the meeting at 6:38 p.m. President Walsh informed the Commission that the City Council approved Payment #5 and Final payment for Pumphouse #8 at their last regular meeting. • NOTION by Walsh to approve the Barr Engineering bill, for work done on the Storm Sewer Utility, in the amount of $2,523.80 to be taken from the Sturm Sewer Core Fund. SECOND ''by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: o. Steve Klein' from Barr ;Engineering had handed`' out "draft" Storm Sewer Utility plan prior to the beginning of the meeting. At this time he made his presentation regarding the changes that he incorporated into the plan. After the last regular meeting he had to re -think the whole standpoint of the Commission. Council Member Klassen had strongly felt that the Rural Residential was not benefiting from this charge and this was one of the changes that had to be considered. This charge has to be determined if it is 1) storm water related, and 2) service related. One of the points of benefiting comes from operations and maintenance. It has to be determined if the operations and maintenance of rural residential and agricultural property warrant having a storm sewer utility. In the plan right now there are three accounts set up: 1) Construction; 2) Contingency; 3) Operation & Maintenance The Commission will have to determine if these are in fact the accounts to be used and if so to what degree. The connection charges collected on properties would go into the contingency account. Money from the contingency account would be used to pay on the construction account. These two accounts could be merged as one account. Once the contingency account is built up it would be used to pay the construction accounts • bills. This should work so the City would not have to bond big portions of projects. The Commission was confused as to how these accounts will work. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 1991 PAGE 2 City Administrator Jilk gave examples as to how the source of recovery would work. You need capital to operate your budget. The money would actually be turning around from one account to another. The Commission asked that examples be inserted into the plan as an exhibit or appendix to the plan. Steve Klein will prepare a decision making report for the Commission on how to use the accounts and how the figures were arrived at. Every year there would be changes on various pages because the figures would change annually. City Administrator Jilk reminded the Commission this is not a tax, it is a utility based on users. It would eliminate having assessment hearings for storm sewer projects • Steve Klein and some of the Commission Members are concerned with the people on fixed incomes. This would be under possible exemptions. It would have to be handled as discretely as possible. The Commission discussed briefly the proper way to get the information out to the public and also with the guidance of the City Administrator how to adopt the policy. The Utility Commission would hold the informational meeting along with the City Council, however the Commission would make a recommendation to the City Council in the form of an ordinance. City Administrator Jilk will check with legal services to find out just how to comply with the law in this matter. President Walsh asked that Mr. Klein prepare a scenario of how this storm sewer utility will operate and also write up the 5 year C.I.B. The whole plan needs to be summarized and show an appendix section of how it is figured and how each account works. Mr. Klein was directed to work from that aspect and report back at the April 8, 1991 regular meeting. Public Works Director Wasmund extended his apologies to the Commission for the Payment of the Pumphouse #8 going to Council before being presented to the Commission. He will try to have this type of item go • before the Commission first. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 1991 PAGE 3 MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • • u 1 t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1991 - 1 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION 1989 -1 AND ADOPTING A RESOLUTION STATING POLICY FOR SENIOR CITIZENS EXEMPTION FROM MINIMUM WATER AND SEWER RATES AND SURCHARGE FEE WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount re- initiated a water surcharge fee to help pay for the construction of a new well and water tower caused by increased demand; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount recognizes senior citizens are on fixed incomes and generally use small amounts of water, thereby not adding significantly to the demand. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Utilities Commission that the policy for exempting senior citizens from paying the minimum water and sewer rates and surcharge feeds as follows: 1. Senior must make application to Public Works Director on forms provided. 2. Senior must be 65 years of age or older with proof being in form of drivers license or birth certificate. 3. Senior must reside at the residence and be responsible for the billing. 4. Senior's average quarterly use for the past four quarters from the time of the application must be 10,000 gallons or less. 5. If qualified senior's usage ever exceed 10,000 gallons for more than two consecutive quarters, then the surcharge exemption will be revoked and senior must reapply and meet water usage requirements unless waived by Commission based on extenuating circumstances. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such policy become effective upon the adoption of this resolution by the Utilities Commission. ADOPTED this 8th day of April, 1991. ATTEST: Ron Wasmund, Executive Director Utilities commission Yresiaenz IIY o gosemount 0. SPHONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 -145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS John Oxborough REGULAR MEETING Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann APRIL 8, 1991 ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on April 8, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund, Finance Director May, Building Department Secretary Stoffel and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additional items added to the agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the March 11, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the March 25, 1991 Special Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Administrator Jilk reiterated the current water and sewer billing process for the Commission `and ` how it effects the fixed costs and the operating costs. In the water utility the total fixed cost versus the total revenue fixed leaves a shortfall of 15 %. If we changed the rates and billed just for usage we would have to raise the water to $1.71 per thousand to make the fixed costs. The sewer utility basically works the same as the water, keeping in mind that we took 80% of the water usage to base the sewer use. The difference between the fixed costs and fixed revenue would be a net gain of $90,786. If we'd base on actual usage we could lower sewage approximately $.23 per thousand gallon. Finance Director May apprised the Commission of an $18,000 deficit within the sewer utility from last year because of the MWCC billing. That deficit will be made up this year, however not knowing what might happen with MWCC billings in 1991 there was no discussion of lowering that rate. City Administrator Jilk went over three alternatives which he presented in writing to the Commission. All three of these alternatives took the fixed minimum and cut it in half to $3.00. Alternate #1 cuts the minimum in half and charging $1.10 on all thousand gallons metered. This would show a net loss for the City. Alternate #2 is to set the minimum at $3.00 and charge $1.40 per thousand on water, which would only bring an annual net gain of $319. Alternate #3 would be keeping the $3.00 minimum per month, but having a sliding scale on the ' consumption. It would discourage waste of water and take in the whole community. It was figured that the average user uses 8,000 gallons per 1 6veryihing r n� s Coming ` p osemounlP Js 100 %— ,drApq- 0 UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 8, 1991 month. Alternate #1 doesn't meet the Citys' fixed costs. Alternate #2 provides a small increase for 11% of the current user leaving the small net gain. Alternate #3 would affect similarly 11.7% of the users. Either Alternate 2 or 3 causes an increase in utility bills for approximately 89% of users. President Walsh expressed his concern that we can play with the rates and push water conservation, but you can't change the fact that there are fixed costs that have to be recuperated. He thinks the structure that we set in place will work so we should not change it. President Walsh asked for comments from the audience. Ann Marie Phillips from 144th Street stated that she lives alone and only uses 3,000 gallons per month. She feels the little people are being discriminated against and wanted to share her feelings with the • Commission. President Walsh explained, to the audience, what the fixed cost are for. The testing of wells now run about $4,500 a year now and everytime a pump goes on it cost the City $200 whether it pumps 1 gallon or 1,000,000 gallons. He also apprised the residents of the number of delinquent bills that we have each year with no general levy to pay this shortfall during the year. President Walsh spoke about information that was received on the National level regarding water. • Commission Member Mulhern showed great concern regarding the amount of delinquent accounts. Finance Director May said we really can't anticipate what they will be for this year, however from the balance sheet for the April 1, 1991 billing it is already over $18,000. If we change the rates for a small amount of people the average amount of people will be upset. The way the billing is now affects the smallest percentage of people that could have been affected. The Commission wants to be as fair as possible. They feel that the current rate structure achieves that. City Administrator Jilk explained that we do receive the delinquents through the taxes, but the interest is not there once we get it back. Public Works Director Wasmund thought perhaps the Commission would like to give some kind of exemption like the Surcharge has. To date, we have 19 residents qualify for the Surcharge Exemption. A lot of seniors are • UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 8, 1991 on fixed incomes and can use this exemption if they are not high volume water users. MOTION by Walsh to adopt a resolution rescinding Resolution 1989 -1 and adopt a resolution stating policy for Senior Citizens Exemption from Minimum Water and Sewer Rates and Surcharge Fee. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh advised that this issue be told to Council in the form of a letter to the residents. Hopefully the letter that Public Works Director Wasmund has written will calm some of the residents down. Since the first quarter billing Public Works has received approximately 50 calls, which represents 2% of our customers. Finance Director May apprised the Commission that City Administrator Jilk, Roger Schanus of Boeckermann, Heinen & Mayer and he had interviewed five candidates for the accountant position. The selection was from well over 300 applicants. Out of those applicants they narrowed the field down to two and ended up offering the job to Jane Gilb. She has 16 years of experience, a 2 year degree in accounting, a certificate in computer programming, working on her 4 year degree in accounting (hoping to complete this year), impressive skills, positive attitude, very easy going and competent. Roger Schanus recommended salary starting range at $26,122, which is at the mid - point, rather than at entry level, which was what the Utility Commission had in mind. This was information handed to the Commission as a courtesy, just to let them know who was being recommended. Public Works Director Wasmund shared with the Commission his knowledge of Country Hills 4th Addition. Council did call for a feasibility report and called for plans and specifications. U. S. Homes proposed the 4th Addition across from Shannon Park Elementary School at this time because the sanitary sewer is in place from that project. With this project there is an 11 acre park dedication with a portion of that being Birger Pond. Again, the Rural Water Agreement was presented to the Commission. This agreement is strictly for the operation of the system at this time. The University does not have the qualified manpower to expend on this project until the system is completely ready for City take over. The University will still be paying for any chemicals, electrical, etc. • 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 8, 1991 Once the City does take over completely there will be a five (5) year warranty and perpetual warranty on the quality of the water. The billing procedure will also take place at that time. As of April 19th the Farmington Independent will become the "Official Newspaper" of the City. All legal notices will appear in it. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, a;4,� /D,0� Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 0 4 (Pity of gosemount HONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS Sheila Klassen REGULAR MEETING John Oxborough Harry Willcox MAY 14, 1991 Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 14, 1991 at 6:23 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. Commission Member Werner called the meeting to order, in the absence of President Walsh, with Commission Member Mulhern, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions to the agenda. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the April 8, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. City Administrator Jilk asked that the Commission schedule a special Utility Commission meeting for the discussion of the Storm Water Utility since President Walsh wasn't in attendance. This is an item which has to be thoroughly reviewed and discussed by all. Commission Members agreed to call a special meeting Monday, May 20, 1991 at 6:00 p.m in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. City Administrator Jilk had to excuse himself to attend another meeting. Public Works Director Wasmund reiterated the Call -Out Procedure, which was presented back in February, , however it does have some changes. The Police Department or Sheriff's Office will call a supervisor in case of a malfunction or emergency. The supervisor will then get a hold of the proper call -out personnel. There has to be certified water /sewer personnel on call at all times. The supervisor will be able to handle the balancing of the overtime a little closer with this procedure and also be made aware if there are any problems during the off hours and weekends. MOTION by Werner to approve the call -out procedure as outlined in the memo from Public Works Director Wasmund. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. The next item on the agenda was the Diamond Path /145th Project. Commission Member Werner apprised the Commission that he had a call from Steve Loeding, County Commissioner. Commissioner Loeding is • not a very happy person. Public Works Director Wasmund, along with 6veriyikings Coming `ULb gosemounlY {� 100 %r V,1*dpV& UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 141 1991 City Administrator Jilk, has had a meeting with Commissioner Loeding to try and explain the Citys' position. A lot of concerns have come up regarding Birger Pond and the storm sewer outlet. Public Works Director Wasmund informed the Commission of three major reasons why the project has been delayed: 1) Right of Entry to install storm sewer pipe; 2) Obtaining required easements; 3) Funding. The first two reasons are self - explanatory, however the funding is a little more complicated. Council has been working to adopt an assessment policy and the Utility Commission has been working on the Storm Sewer Utility. Both policies are very close, but Council would like both to be inplace before new projects are started. The Council formally asked the County for a delay of project, so therefore the County Commissioners are getting a lot of heat from constituents. If everything gets completed we will be looking at a letting in August with the award made the end of August and work starting possibly in September. • Finance Director, Jeff May, was on hand to discuss the transfer of funds with the Commission. The first transfer regarded 160th Street, Project #213. The monies for this project have been taken from the general construction fund as the bond issue didn't work out last fall. Springsted, Inc., our financial consultants, recommend the transfer be made from the Water Core Fund to reduce the amount which will have to be financed. The Core Fund would still have over $750,000 left. The project was basically complete last summer, however all easement cost are not in as of yet. MOTION by Werner to transfer funds of $125,000.00 from the Water Core Fund (605- 49501 -01 -710) to the General Construction Fund Account (418- 39204 -00 -000) for Project #213. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Finance Director May explained the next two transfer were Council approved at the April 2, 1991 meeting. When a bond has more money than necessary it can be called and paid off within a defeasement package, thus distributing the funds to other bond accounts. The surcharge account has a shortfall so these transfers would help to cover that. MOTION by Werner to transfer funds of $45,000.00 from the Debt Service Water Bonds (610- 47000 -01 -710) to the Debt Service G.O. 0 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 141 1991 Revenue Bond, 1989A (612- 39203 -00 -000) to offset the deficit in the surcharge collections. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. NOTION by Werner to transfer funds of $37,000.00 from the Debt Service Well #7, 1975 Bond (611- 47000 -01 -710) to the Debt Service G.O. Revenue Bond, 1989A (612- 39203 -00 -000) to offset the deficit in the surcharge collections. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Commission Member Mulhern asked that Finance Director May keep the Commission informed as to the status of the surcharge account and bonds. Public Works Director Wasmund presented a request from Mrs. Elizabeth Stein to subdivide 35 acres of her land. After checking into the land, it was found that three ponds on the property are • listed in the Master Storm Water Plan. An effective acquisition method would be to exchange the Storm Water Availability Charge for the ponds and easements on the property. Looking at the property and what would be required, we would be looking at approximately $85,000 in STAC fees for the 35 acres. The Planning Commission acted on the land division, so now it would be up to the Utility Commission to obtain the utility easements, possibly through the waiver of STAC fees. Public Works Director Wasmund also apprised the Commission that the neighboring property owner wants to dedicate 20 -25 acres to the City as a natural park. Along with these ponds it could warrant consideration as a joint use of property. Possibly the Parks and Utilities could share the responsibilities. MOTION by Werner to approve the waiver of the STAC fees on the Elizabeth Stein property. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. The Commission wandered a little onto the issue of "Recomp" since the Metropolitan Council was meeting on that topic. They agreed that Rosemount seems to be the general dumping ground set for Dakota County or surrounding communities. If they don't know what to do with it send it to Rosemount. • 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 1991 Public Works Director Wasmund presented the request for final payment for the new Connemara Elevated Water Tower from TKDA. All items that were on the punch list have been completed and verified from Dave Moore of TKDA. The wire for power and the RTU monitor have been installed and program modifications have been completed. Commission Member Mulhern asked about the warranty start date. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission that warranty would start from the date of final payment. MOTION by Werner to approve the final payment of $9,328.00 to Pitt - Des Moines for the 1 m.g. elevated water tower. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Commission Member Mulhern apprised the Commission that the total price for the tower project was a really good price. • Public Works Director Wasmund informed the Commission of another water outage on April 21, 1991. He reiterated the events for the Commission and commended Public Works Supervisor Widstrom on his calm and fast actions in restoring water to the system. Rich Hefti did come in and get the computer operational again by reconfiguring the files. Public Works Director Wasmund is looking into another backup system and also an updated system of what we have. He doesn't have any figures as of yet, but does have a representative from Automatic Systems coming in to speak with him regarding the Citys needs. Once everything is in place there should be training for all call -out employees. At least five personnel will be trained on the system for sure. Once all the cost are in Public Works Director Wasmund will be coming back to the Commission regarding funding for training and hardware. The Commission expressed their concern about the alarm system, obviously it doesn't work. For the most part, both instances where we have lost water has been the result of the computer misreading. Commission Members asked if Rich Hefti is being compensated for his time and work. Public Works Director Wasmund said he didn't want anything, he was glad to help the City out and holds no grudge against Staff. Public Works Director extended his gratitude for the help. Commission Member Mulhern asked that a formal letter of thanks be sent. • 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 1991 MOTION by Werner to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Retf uf4 y submitte d, Cindy Mniden Public Works Secretary • • 5 of (Rosemount iHONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING Sheila Klassen MAY 20# 1991 John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 20, 1991 at 6:02 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner,.City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund and Consulting Engineer Steve Klein of Barr Engineering present. The topic of discussion for this special meeting was for consideration of a schedule for the adoption of Storm Water Utility. President Walsh ex ,pressed concern with the July 8, 1991 Public Informational hearing. After discussion, it was mutually agreed that to meet the deadlines set out, the scheduled meetings would have to be maintained. The second concern was whether or not'ths would allow the Utility to be in place to meet the tentative construction time frame of • Diamond Path /145th Street project. The general consensus was that this would accomplish this task. This Utility would not be a factor in holding up the project once in place. • Steve Klein reviewed the two page handout, Items 1 -12 and Tables 1 -8 in the Utility document, as revised. Discussion concentrated on the where, hows and whys of the Utility policy. Steve Klein had to leave at 7 :10 p.m. so the Commission continued their discussion without him. MOTION by Mulhern to hold a joint meeting with City Council and Planning Commission on June 10, 1991. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund was directed to send invitation to the City Council and Planning Commission regarding this informational meeting. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ron Wasmund Public Works Director (SverylLng s 00mi,ng ( p RosemouvdY Co 100% -yc /*spdp.. (Pity of (Rosemount `PHONE (612) 423 -4411 FAX (612) 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 101 1991 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS PROCEEDINGS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on June 10, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission members Mulhern, Werner, City Council members Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Oxborough, Planning Commissioner Busho, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund, Finance Director May, Parks Director Bechtold and Recording Secretary Stoffel present. There were no additions to the agenda. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the May 14, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the May 20, 1991 Special • Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • Steve Klein from Barr Engineering was in attendance to answer any questions the Utilities Commission had of a storm water utility. Mr. Klein presented the Commission with a overview of what a storm water utility is, why cities have a utility, how the utility could be funded, the benefits of such a utility and how the utility would affect property owners. President Walsh called a recess at 7:33 pm. The Regular Utility Commission reconvened at 7 :38 pm. Discussion continued with reference to a storm water utility. A brochure is being developed to inform the residents of the usefulness of a storm water utility. The brochure is to be distributed to every household and an informal meeting to be held on Monday, July 8, 1991 at City Hall. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission regarding Country Hills Fourth Addition. Wasmund indicated a portion of the water main would be the only item being taken out of the core facility, the balance of the project would be one hundred percent assessable to the Country Hills Addition - U.S. Homes, Orrin Thompson. i6veryikings (Poming `Up gosemounlP JJ ,009E wycMC p,*w • UTILITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 10, 1991 Public Works Director Wasmund requested authorization from the Commission to purchase one weed whip and one small push type power mower for the maintenance of the Citys' utility sites. MOTION by Walsh to authorize staff to purchase a weed whip and power mower for a cost not to exceed $500.00 to be expended from the utility account. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Director Wasmund updated the Commission regarding the high water levels at the Diamond Path and Brockway ponding areas. The water level at the Diamond Path pond has increased enough to cause the pond to overflow onto adjacent properties. Director Wasmund has obtained permission from the City of Apple Valley and surrounding property owners to discharge excess water on their properties. The pumping of the pond at twelve hour intervals has been sufficient to reduce the high levels. It is anticipated that no further • pumping will be needed until possibly fall. The pond located at Brockway is situated on private property. It was the consensus of the Commission that the property owner is responsible to maintain acceptable water levels. A letter has been submitted to Brockways' attorney informing Brockway of the Citys' position. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -7n S &e;� MaryanK Stoffel Public Works Secretary 0 2 City of Rosemount OHONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Vernon Na r FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: ppe P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular UtilittelSKlassen Commission Meeting f the City of Rosemount was duly held on ��pphh borough g Y Y WiIICOx 8, 1991 at 6:29 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City H]' llWippermann President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission MemTRATOR Werner, Mayor Napper, City Council Member Klassen, PlanninganJilk Commission Member Busho, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund, and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the June 10, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. President Walsh outlined the format the meeting would take this evening since it was slated as a public informational meeting on the Storm Water Utility. He assured everyone in the audience that they would have a chance to speak, if not tonight, at the Public Hearing to be held at a later date: Public Works Director Wasmund made a brief opening statement regarding the Storm Water Utility. He apprised the audience that this utility was a tool to develop, plan and implement a Five (5) Year Capital Improvement Budget. The Master Storm Drainage Plan has been completed for the western 1/3 of the City. The utility would be a source of revenue to cover projects rather than special assessments and bonding. Public Works Director Wasmund` introduced Steve Klein of Barr Engineering, who prepared all the figures for the Storm Water Utility. Mr. Klein gave some background as to what led up to the approach the Utility Commission and Council are pursuing. The Council wants to commit to providing a utility with the least possible cost. First, this utility has become necessary to help defray cost with problems regarding rainfalls causing erosion and ponding. The City needs a drainage system to handle these problems. Secondly, funds through assessments for these types of projects have been contested more and more in court hence adding cost for attorneys, engineers and administration which is not assessable. These costs are all paid through taxes. This new approach is coming at an opportune time for the City. Right now the City's major portion is undeveloped, so the connection charge will help to connect new construction into the drainage system, however the tax portion is what this Storm Water Utility charge will help reduce. City Administrator Jilk questioned what would be spent in the next five (5) years. The operation cost versus the 5 year budget would • be itemized. Maintenance items would be covered under this utility however watershed projects would not. 6veryikings (Pouring (Up gosemouni // L, 1009biecv,VdP.pn UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1991 PAGE 2 Some of the items covered under this utility would be street sweeping, cleaning ditches, mowing, retrofitting older and deteriorating parts of projects not assessable, such as the Diamond Path Project, etc. This utility would cover things that aren't assessed but are taxed. It would help bring the taxes down by deferring the money expended for storm sewer to other areas of the budget. Annual expenditures would be made as debt service. Mr. Klein gave several examples of how this utility would save the property owner money. President Walsh opened the informational meeting up to the public for comments. Listed below are the names, addresses and concerns of the individuals who spoke: • Arnie Jensen - 14625 Chianti - He wanted to know who thought up this new tax, because no matter what name you give it, it is still another tax. People are tired of taxes. He paid for his storm sewer over the years and he's also paid taxes all these years. Broback developed /created the problem. Ted Northwick - 3645 148th Street West - In the early 80's their area had water problems and the City put in storm sewer and assured the residents they wouldn't have to pay for storm sewer ever again because the people to the west would be paying, however that developed with no storm sewer. He feels they have "paid their dues and should be left alone ". Marlin Rechtzigel - 14727 Clayton Avenue - He apprised the Commission that Agricultural land can't be taxed for more that it can produce. He can't see any advantage to this utility and he has no water problems. His flow does not create a problem for anyone. He was assessed $22,000 for County Road 42 at 8.2% interest. This utility would "eat up value of property ". He implied he doesn't have another $500 to spend every year. President Walsh asked Mr. Rechtzigel if he had figured the fee reduction. Mr. Rechtzigel said "no" he only had the information available in the pamphlet and it said nothing about a fee reduction. • City Administrator Jilk said it is a proposed utility fee not an UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY So 1991 PAGE 3 assessment. It would be an annual assessment if not paid because it would be placed on your property taxes and paid the same as a delinquent water bill. Joanne Rechtzigel - 14727 Clayton Avenue - Even at a 50% reduction the farmers are still paying more. There is no benefit. They never received any notice. It ticks them off that the City is trying to pull this. There was nothing in the paper. President Walsh said there could possibly be something written to clarify low income credits. It is not linked to where you live. Possibly the pamphlet should have been written differently and was misleading, however the City wanted to have as much information as they could in a limited amount of space. • Donna McDonough - 3215 Lower 147th Street - In 1973 the City got rid of the water off Canada Avenue by grading and assessing by square footage. The water goes to Wachter Pond from Lower 147th Street and Canada. She feels they have paid their dues and there is no need to dig up the streets. President Walsh wanted the public to know that Wachter Lake has needed dredging because of flow. The fine sand builds up so it does need dredging and it does cost money to dredge. City Administrator Jilk stated that dredging, street sweeping and maintenance would be coming out of this utility. All storm sewers have a different life expectancy. Mr. Klein gave a rough estimate of 30 -70 years for concrete pipes and 10 -15 years for corrugated metal pipe, thence anywhere from 20 -30 years you could be replacing systems. Mr. Klein also explained some very good points as to why sweep streets; 1) keep debris and sand out of the storm sewers, 2) to get the dirt off the roads so it doesn't scour the road, 3) takes care of debris and sand before it gets to ponds and lakes to contaminate the water. Mrs. McDonough still feels that people that have been assessed shouldn't pay for more. Also, how can the people be guaranteed this will be used for what it is intended within the budget and not for other items after the fact. Water will never have pipes underground. Public Works Director Wasmund said "never say never ". • If the system (street) is updated the City may have storm sewer installed. Also the utility will be an Enterprise Fund and can not • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY So 1991 PAGE 4 be used for unidentified expenditures. Tom McCarty - 14037 Dartmouth Path - formerly on 144th Street - He specifically built in new area because he felt the old area would deteriorate. He paid assessments on his new home and it is annoying to think the City wants to charge him again. He can deduct this fee within his taxes but if you put it as a utility he won't be able to deduct it. The money should be in the budget and the City should allow for it. City shouldn't change in mid - stream by levying a non - deductible tax on residents. Actually the residents have very limited control over what happens except through these meetings. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the public that the City still budgets for items, this would not be eradicated it would just • be redirected funds for the overall levy limit. Also the comment about not being a tax deduction is well taken and will be considered in further discussion. The Master Storm Water Plan calls for a series of ponds and then an ultimate outlet. Acquisitions need to be made and the cost will not be directly assessable. Barb Jones - 12510 Danbury Way - She lives on acreage and six out of the seven categories are acre properties. She has never seen a street sweeper and they enjoy the rural atmosphere. This will be more like an assessment and not a utility. City Administrator Jilk reiterated that the fee would be $2.44 up to a maximum acreage and then anything above that would only be 50 cents an acre. The plan allows for 1/3 acre as a single family dwelling. He tried to explain run -off a little more clearly. Shelby Penrod - 1065 121st Street West - The way he sees it single family are paying six times more, but then they are getting more benefits. A five acre rural residential has no benefit. There is no long range plans so therefore it is more or less penalizing people with acreage. Property values are different in different areas and run -off is different in different areas. City Administrator Jilk said the formula used was for storm water and services needed. Storm water does not stay on -site. All water ends up in the Vermillion River underground from water table. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY Sr 1991 PAGE 5 Ed Barloon - 4040 154th Court West - past address of 14570 Damask Avenue - He has just paid $980 hook -up fee which was charged to his developer and then in turn charged to him the homeowner. If this is a new fee how was it ever paid in the past? Any new construction the developer should have to pay the storm sewer fee in the development fee. Right now he's looking at a special assessment for Valley Oak Pond, if this would go through he'd be looking at $20.00 versus $900 for the Pond. That would be favorable. City Administrator Jilk informed the public that the $980.00 was passed at the beginning of the year. This is so the part of the project that is assessed is not as high. In the past it has been assessed at a higher rate because we didn't collect that storm sewer connection charge. Public Works Director Wasmund said the Storm Sewer Availability Charge was implemented in 1988 at $200 per connection. The City has developing at roughly 200 single family homes per year since so the rate of connection charge has not been keeping pace with costs. The $980.00 charge is more acceptable to builders than what had been proposed for 1991. President Walsh reiterated we would like to bring this discussion to a close so there would only be two more speakers. Henry Fox - 15391 Emery - Rural area - No one has ever swept his gravel road and he's five or six miles from the nearest storm sewer. He's not in favor of this utility. Marie Jensen - 14325 Cameo Avenue - The drainage from 143rd Street goes down the street. There are no pipes underground. Cars can't park on the side of the street because the curb is so high it rips the exhaust system or car doors. It shouldn't be necessary to tax the whole town to correct a problem area. "How do we know it won't be given to another fund ?" "What did the new tower cost us ?" City Administrator Jilk answered the question regarding the tower. The new tower and wells cost $1.3 million dollars, $850,000 was for the tower. Ms. Jensen asked if we own the property under the tower. Right now the property is negotiated under an easement. The easement will be permanent after all the paperwork is executed. �1 L.J UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8o 1991 PAGE 6 Carol Wachter - 15247 Biscayne Avenue - Not in favor of utility. Also, she lives on Knutson Alley and they need salt on their gravel road. It had been identified that not everybody received the informational pamphlet. City Administrator Jilk extended an apology to the audience on behalf of the City for several residents not receiving the pamphlet which was mailed out. Unfortunately once the City drops them off at the post office it is out of our hands on how they are delivered. President Walsh called for a 10 minute recess at 8:05 p.m., however he did apprise the audience that the Council would have to formally adopt this utility and before that happens there would be a formal public hearing. He also assured them there would probably be some . changes made because of comments made this evening. The meeting reconvened at 8 :15 p.m. MOTION by Walsh to change the regularly scheduled August 12, 1991 meeting to August 5, 1991. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund added Item 6b. - Approve Expense - Water Hydrant Parts. MOTION by Walsh to approve the purchase of water hydrant parts and gate valves not to exceed $2,000. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. President Walsh thanked Steve Klein for his presentation regarding the Storm Water Utility. He also asked that when the public notice is drafted it should mention the credits and benefits of the utility. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that there are strict laws regarding the use of utility funds. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission that the City has purchased the mower and weed whip which was authorized at the • last meeting. The two items came to less than $500.00. He is also asking the approval of two new pagers. When the towers failed on • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1991 PAGE 7 April 21st the problem was compounded due to lack of notification. One of the elements in the paging system need replaced. We have received a quote of $800 for two (2) new pagers with a delivery date of July 15. These pagers would be upgraded and compatible. The agenda listed Item 7a. as Reorganization of Utility Commission. President Walsh would like it restated as Discussion of Utility Commission. He feels the Commission should evaluate what they are doing and what is intended of them. He feels the Commission is only getting very minimum if any information on projects which are going on. The Commission use to be involved and make comments and reviews on different projects. The Commission should really review the concept of a plat with the plans as related to the utilities. It should be one of the processes which a developer should have to go through. One very good example President Walsh cited was the Valley Oak Pond Project. This project has never been before the Utility Commission and the Utility Commission has never been formally notified that Koch Refinery or Ducks Unlimited are financing part of the project. He never would have known about the project if he hadn't been at a Council meeting. Another project in the works right now is Birger Pond. The Park & Recreation Committee have been approaching different concepts of this pond, however the pond it self is part of the storm water drainage concept in the Master Storm Plan. The Commissions and Committees involved have got to work together. President Walsh has major concerns that the Commission is lacking severely in communication with the rest of the City. Country Hills 4th Addition is now underway and the Commission was never approached regarding the Core Charges, Plans and Specifications, whether water and sewer is available to that area or if upsizing the watermain may be an issue. City Administrator Jilk agreed almost entirely that Staff doesn't follow what should be due process. However a process has to be in place before it can be followed. The City will have to let the developer know that they have to make a presentation to the Utility Commission and it will take one more month of the process to present a preliminary plat before a final plat approval by Council. Council is the ultimate authority and approve or disapprove any project upon recommendations from the Planning Commission, Utility Commission and Park & Recreation Committee. • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1991 PAGE 8 President Walsh detests the idea of the Park & Recreation Advisory Committee telling the City and Utility Commission that Birger Pond should be a natural lake with beaches. A decision will have to be made if this is to be a storm water pond or a park pond. All the drainage from the Baptist Church area flows to Birger Pond. President Walsh feels that Staff should be the go- between. Every effort should be made to pass information along and make sure it is understood. Where do reviews fit in the process? City Administrator Jilk feels the developers should make their presentation directly to the Commission. The process needs to be clarified and strengthened. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submittgd, 00_L_�� Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary (Pily of (Rosemount *HONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING Sheila Klassen JULY 11 1991 John Oxb / Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on July 11, 1991 at 6:00 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner and Public Works Director Wasmund present. Public Works Director Wasmund and President Walsh provided a summary of the July 8, 1991 regular meeting for Commission Member Mulhern, who was unable to attend the regular meeting. Discussion followed opportunity for all • Discussion included Budget,. 5 Year CI B Commission expressed be reviewed. on the Storm Water Utility to provide an Commission Members to comment. concerns regarding Operating & Maintenance and specific items included within them. concern that specific budgeted items should Consensus was reached with the Utility concept of a Utility, however before a for a public hearing and adoption, Staff fee schedule and show what services are rates. Commission endorsing the recommendation to Council must revise the quarterly provided for the various It was suggested that Staff be more involved with development of the policy and less dependent on the consultant. Public Work Director Wasmund informed the Commission that Springsted, Inc., the City's financial consultant, was preparing an analysis and comparison of rates. Specifically the study will show the effect of the 5 year CIB on property taxes if not funded exclusively by the Storm Water Utility. This report will be forthcoming. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ron Wasmund Public Works Director 6vertyihings Coming (Up gosemounlY () 100 %— ycArCpop& HONE (612) 423 -4411 FAX (612) 423 -5203 �iiy of �osemounl 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 MAYOR Vernon Napper COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilit W�xill,oxh g rTy Willcox Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on AucjA stvippermann 5, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the GAYISTRATOR Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with COmmiSSibn hanJill Members Mulhern, Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund, Public Works Supervisor Widstrom, Finance Director May, Finance Accountant Korpela and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the July 11, 1991 Special Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh changed the order of the agenda to accommodate the Finance Department representative. • The first item of discussion - was Item 6c.- Utility Billing Collection Procedure. Finance Director May indicated since his department has taken over the utility billing they would like to have written procedures because of the enormous amount of time they are spending on calls. Since the City is growing and many different questions arise with no support it would be in the Citys best interest to have the policies followed in writing. For years the different procedures followed have been on a case by case instance. The growth of the City has made a revised plan necessary to treat everyone fairly. He would like to mail these procedures out to the residents. MOTION by Walsh to concur with the concept of a written policy on the utility billing procedures and have the Finance Department finalize the billing procedures and bring back to the Commission for approval. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Next was Item 6d.- Additional Drop Box - American Payment Center. Finance Accountant Korpela addressed the Commission as to the need for the upstairs drop box to be placed outside the doors of the City Hall rather than in the lobby area. The major reason for this is so that there is no question if a payment or meter reading card is late after the designated delinquent date. There was much discussion on this, directed from. President Walsh. City Administrator Jilk asked if the major reason for concern was the • price of the payment box. President Walsh feels it is not 6verylkings Doming (Up gosemounill JrJ Y00%­VcAvdwpr s UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 5o 1991 PAGE 2 necessary to'have two payment boxes less than 150 feet apart, such as a lower level drive -up box and an upper level drop box. The cost of the box is not a factor as far as he is concerned. Having this box outside the City Hall would mean the residents would have to put their payments in an outside source with no personal contact with City Hall personnel. This way no one would be to blame but the resident themselves if the payment is late. MOTION by Walsh to install a new drop box outside the front door of the upper level with a cost not to exceed $650 and removing the drop box from inside the lobby. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Finance Director May apprised the Commission that Water /Sewer is a business, a little differently operated than the rest of City business. We will try not to make the people think we are a • collection agency or an uncaring government, but the bills do have to be paid. After this discussion, Finance Director May left the meeting. Public Works Director Wasmund reiterated the reason for the Storm Water Utility being on the agenda and made reference to the memo of July 12th he had sent to Council. He also introduced Dan O'Neill from Springsted, Inc. who brought with him some numbers generated by his company to show the rates of the Utility compared with taxes. The Commission as well as the Council have already endorsed the concept of the Utility however the overwhelming message received from those in attendance at the informational meeting was that the rates had to be examined closely. Dan O'Neill clarified what his tables meant and how the figures were arrived at. Because of the Vermillion Watershed there could be no exemptions to this Utility. To determine the budget the number of acres had to be figured. President Walsh feels that commercial /industrial should pay a higher rate. There are a number of storm water related fees that can't be picked up through taxes but with the Utility this would help defray them. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that a more definitive operational budget showing what and where the money goes • to would probably help to "sell" the public. He asked if it would be feasible for Public Works Director Wasmund to be ready with the LJ UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST So 1991 PAGE 3 budget figures within a couple weeks. If he can get them ready then Steve Klein from Barr Engineering could apply them toward the rates. President Walsh feels the fees should relate somewhat to actual run -off. For instance the amount of work that has to be done in comparison to the run -off. Public Works Supervisor Widstrom stated there is minimal maintenance to some of the outlying gravel roads in comparison to run -off. MOTION by Walsh to call for a Special Utility Commission meeting on August 19, 1991 at 6:00 p.m. to further discuss the Storm Water Utility. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. A little more talk resumed about the Vermillion Watershed. Dan O'Neill quoted the formula figured as being Value plus Acreage • equals Watershed. Parks and Citys should be paying minimum for the Vermillion Watershed. President Walsh thanked Mr. O'Neill for his input and attendance. Public Works Director Wasmund informed the Commission that the City is getting closer to the take over of the Rural Water System. He explained there has been some minor problems since we have entered into the Interim Operational Agreement. Most of these problems have been with the telemetry unit, however Public Works Supervisor Widstrom has been working with Autocon to get these problems resolved. The testing on the wells and the residents have been completed and are being monitored also. As of now we basically are in charge of the system operation. The City maintains the grounds and operates the system. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that the University wants us to take over the system as soon as possible, however there are two sides that need to be worked through. The technical side of the system is not really that complicated. The political side is a little more touchy. Common sense delegates that "yes" we do take over the system, however how do you handle the residents that didn't sign the waiver. Will those people be able to hook up for free like the others? Should the City have taken money for a municipal system and not a rural system? President Walsh, in essence, implied the system will be a municipal system once the City takes it over. It will be like receiving free pumps and well UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 5o 1991 PAGE 4 houses. City Administrator Jilk said a copy of a draft agreement is being reviewed. We would get a five (5) year warranty on everything, that would be labor and materials. The water supply itself would have to have a lifetime warranty against future contamination from University contamination. City Administrator asked that the Commission list their concerns for the next meeting. President Walsh indicated that if the wells would lose power, fire suppression for DCTC would be run off the University wells. City Administrator Jilk said the Dakota County Incinerator would need a fire suppressing sprinkler system with a storage tank. There may be an opportunity to share the cost of a large elevated storage tank. • Public Works Director Wasmund is asking for the Commissions support and funding for the water and sewer hook -ups to the Armory Site. It was in the agreement with the National Guard that the City would supply the water and sewer to this property. Now the question is where to bring the water and sewer from. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that the Armory project has pushed this decision ahead, however we don't want to make a hasty decision as to where to bring the water and sewer from. We want to look at long range effect. The Armory Project itself would share cost of the feasibility study. The Commission looked at several different options. Commission Member Mulhern asked about the proposed line coming from the new water tower down the proposed Connemara Trail. Public Works Director Wasmund mentioned tying into existing water lines going down along Highway 3. The water maps showed the existing lines. The 6" water line running part way up Highway 3 would be undersized to operate this capacity of facility. President Walsh thought the sewer line could come from Rosemount Woods. There should be a shut off by the driveway that could access the Brockway Lift Station. Public Works Supervisor said all Rosemount Woods is private and the City would have to negotiate with them. Public Works Director Wasmund said a scope of studies should be done. O.S.M. would be responsible to put the whole feasibility together with assistance from S.E.H. because of their involvement . with the Comp Sewer Plan. He hasn't heard anything from Barr r1 LJ UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1991 PAGE 5 Engineering, but they have been asked for an estimate regarding the storm sewer charges. City Administrator Jilk advised that a cap should be set on the costs for these projects. President Walsh feels the Utilities should only pay a certain portion, being the core facility costs. Public Works Director Wasmund agreed that it is not the intention of the City that Utilities pay for it all. City Administrator Jilk is just asking that the Core Fund help to pay for the feasibility study at this time. President Walsh asked that Staff prepare cost estimates for bringing water /sewer to the Armory Site as part of the studies. MOTION by Walsh to approve the purchase of a Fluoride Pump for Well #3. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • Public Works Director Wasmund presented Standard Operating Procedures on Water Line Services as prepared by Public Works Supervisor Widstrom. These procedures have been talked about over the past years and now they have been put into written form. MOTION by Mulhern to adopt the Standard Operating Procedures on Water Line Services. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. President Walsh brought up the HDR -Safe Drinking Act Update. Some minor discussion took place regarding that. The rules the Citys will have to follow are 30 pages long. Public Works Director Wasmund said there are some serious rules coming down and the City will be forced into the management of them. Eventually it will come down to hiring enforcement personnel to maintain water quality on ponds, storm water, conservation, etc. Right now the whole state only has two people running the safe drinking water department. Public Works Director Wasmund presented a verbal update of the pagers which the Commission authorized purchasing at the last meeting. We did receive one new pager and had an encoder board installed. Because the cost of the encoder board was not figured in with the pager we were only able to cover one pager with the $800 allotted. Public Works Director Wasmund and Public Works Supervisor Widstrom feel it is quite necessary to have a second 40 pager for a backup. President Walsh directed Staff to find out the UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 5o 1991 PAGE 6 tones of the pager and if compatible check with the Metro Bid on the Motorola type pager. Commission Member Mulhern inquired as to the cost of the encoder board. It was $278.00 installed. The Commission agrees that another pager is needed for backup Public Works Director Wasmund will check on the tones and look for a cheaper compatible pager. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden is Public Works Secretary • �iiy of gosemount SPHONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address' P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 MAYOR Vernon Napper COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxbgrough Harry Willcox Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special UtilitiesDennis Wippermann Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on ADMINISTRATOR August 19, 1991 at 6:00 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room;tephanJilk of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works'Director Wasmund, Finance Accountant Korpela, Kathy Busho, a member of the Planning Commission and Recording Secretary Dorniden in attendance. President Walsh added Item 2d. -Data Voice Bill Collection. The first item on the agenda for this special meeting was the Utility Billing Procedures and Guidelines. The Finance Department has completed a draft of procedures and guidelines which were requested at the regular meeting on August 5, 1991. President Walsh was concerned with the procedures for final bills and water /sewer maintenance'. He felt that the daily business hours on Monday through Friday should be interjected for finals so that the public wouldn't think they could call on Friday and expect service on Saturday or Sunday. He also felt that if you • have water /sewer problems, you 'should consult with your plumber before the City. Public Works Director Wasmund will work with Finance Accountant Korpela and Public Works Secretary Dorniden to get the correct verbiage for the procedures. President Walsh was glad to see the last sentence notifying the public of the need to use the dropboxes was highlighted President Walsh would like to see the Standard Operating Procedures for Water 'Service included with the Procedures and Guidelines when they are mailed out to the residents. Finance Accountant Korpela asked the Commission if the procedures could be mailed out once the suggested changes,were made. President Walsh agreed to that as long as Public Works Director Wasmund and City Administrator Jilk look it over before mailing. MOTION by Walsh to accept the Procedures and Guidelines for Utility Billing as corrected. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The next item of this special meeting was discussion on the Storm Sewer Utility. Public Works Director Wasmund went over the budget breakdown for just the cost of operating the Storm Sewer. The total budget expense is an estimated $90,877.75 for the year. • The Commission had some serious questions regarding the project sheets they had in their possession. Public Works Director Wasmund apologized that he had not had a chance to review the 6S verylhings (90ming `U P gosemounill C) 1009b,«v.Hav yr • SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19, 1991 PAGE 2 sheets as thoroughly as he would have liked to. He will do so and get back to them with the formulas used for the figures. He will also correlate the maintenance project costs with the administrative budget. President Walsh asked how the proposed utility rates compared using the new if we were close to the fees using the itemized operating & maintenance budget. The total budget was comparable with the proposed rates still to low to generate budgeted needs. Kathy Busho, a Planning Commission Member, interjected that the Council and Commission have to sell this to the public. Let the public know exactly what the utility is for. . President Walsh appreciated the numbers given, however he feels they need to be reviewed more. Public Works Director Wasmund informed the Commission that Public Works Supervisor, Mike Widstrom, deserved a lot of credit for getting some of the figures together. President Walsh reiterated that there are a lot of different items that have not been taken into consideration for the budget and should be figured in. He briefly provided examples. City Administrator Jilk informed the Commission that the utility should be run like a business and the cost should be allocated. The rates should be reflective of the business. President Walsh said we shouldn't get too nitpicky, we have to be more realistic to sell this to John Doe citizen. The next topic on this special agenda was cost sharing for the Armory site. Public Works Director Wasmund now has the consultants firm quotes totalling $14,600. He asked the Commission to pay 80% of the cost of the studies, which would be $11,680. He was asking for funding of the studies only at this time. • President Walsh asked if it would be possible to recoup some of this cost back if other businesses would develop. Public Works Director Wasmund said that could happen. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that this could happen when the Daley property or Steve Fittermann develop their property. This could • SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19, 1991 PAGE 3 be added within any development agreements that are made for that area. President Walsh suggested the watermain should be looped in order to make a better and more efficient system. MOTION by Mulhern to accept the quoted co Inc. and Barr Engineering, cost share not and merge the studies for the Armory Site completed. President Walsh interjected that he wants Consultants are looking at long range and SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. sts from OSM, S.E.H., to exceed $11,680.00 Utilities once they are to make sure the not short term. Linda Ladzun from Dakota Data Voice Service upon the recommendation of Mayor Napper was present to apprise the • Commission of her new business in town and how she might be able to help the City recoup funds on delinquent water bills. Financial Accountant Korpela informed Ms. Ladzun that we have approximately $55,000 outstanding water bills to date which is about 11% of total bills. September 9, 1991 is our cut -off so that would not give us time to try to collect by a phone service. In essence, President Walsh pointed out, bad water bills is actually a good investment for the City. Last year the City certified over $23,000 which was approximately 5 %. Ms. Ladzun indicated her service is only 254� per call and usually 3/4 of the people don't look at their mail therefore a call may enlighten them. A tactful phone call is a little more assertive than a letter. Her system runs on a computer and could deliver a simple recorded message. City Administrator Jilk informed the Commission that this may help the cash flow, but notices would still have to be sent out and the penalties and interest would cover those charges. The Commission feels it would be of use to see the relationship from the last years "Year to Date" versus "Certification ". Public Works Director Wasmund will get this together for them. Ms. Ladzun thought maybe she could help with some other projects, such as a notice center. She can run 50 messages per hour, all she has to do is set up a phone directory. • 0 SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19, 1991 PAGE 4 President Walsh expressed his appreciation to Linda for her attendance and input regarding her service. NOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • City of (Y HONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utili i'- Willcox Commission Meeting f the City of Rosemount was duly hel'J nn�i;%]'�ippermann g Y DIVTINISTRATOR September 9, 1991 at 6:33 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference KOgWanJilk of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Members Mulhern, Werner, Public Works Director Wasmund, Public Works Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Public Works Director Wasmund added Item 6c.- Safety Hit Markers on Hydrants. President Walsh added Item 6d. -Lower 147th Street Flooding -Storm Water. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the August 5, 1991 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to` approve ' the minutes of the August 19, 1991 special Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund handed out a copy of the proposed • budget for operating the Storm Water Utility with the revised numbers from the last meeting. He explained that the project sheets they received have been incorporated into the budget. Public Works Director Wasmund went through each new or changed line item with the Commission. Total budget before the revisions was $218,470 for the Operating & Maintenance Budget compared to $229,700 with the 1991 Operating &Maintenance Budget. The budget has to parallel with the other budgets such as water, sewer and general. Public Works Director Wasmund asked that the Commission look closely at the budget and give him a call with any changes or corrections they feel necessary.- He will be sending the figures on to Barr Engineering to have them incorporate into the present document and see how the figures change. Once the Commission gets them back and has endorsed the budget he will take it to the Council. Right now the fees are not supporting. Public Works Director Wasmund said we've tried the scientific approach and that didn't work out so now we have to try something else in order to sell this to the community. Agricultural, undeveloped and rural residential seem to be the areas that are causing the most concern. President Walsh has a real conflict regarding Hawkins Pond if we should decide to adopt this policy. He doesn't feel that the assessment for Hawkins Pond should be deleted, its already a done 6verylhings (9oming `Ub RosemouvttP 0 100 %wycArdp pw UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 PAGE 2 deal. New and upcoming projects would have that option however. Commission Member Mulhern asked if we keep track of how much is spent on the different projects. Public Works Supervisor Widstrom apprised him we do keep track of projects through timesheets, but not the specific locations. The Commission acknowledged the receipt of a letter from Mrs. Earl Knodt objecting to the storm water utility because they are agricultural property deferred from assessments and should be deferred from this also. President Walsh said yes in fact they may be deferred from assessments but this is not an assessment, it is paying for a ongoing service. Public Works Director Wasmund suggested he may submit the letter to legal counsel. The • Commission concurred. Public Works Director Wasmund passed pictures around showing the planting of the trees around Well #8 and Connemara Tower and the need for the extra trees. He is asking for authorization to purchase more trees to complete the project. MOTION by Walsh to approve the purchase of trees not to exceed $400.00 SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Also included in the pictures was the works the maintenance crew had done on Danville Avenue in the Birchview Terrace Addition. President Walsh felt work should not have been done there since the people decided they didn't like the numbers to upgrade the area. Public Works Director Wasmund said you still have to make a passable surface, if not for the people for our maintenance and emergency vehicles. Public Works Director Wasmund outlined his memo regarding the need for a sewer /water study for Eastern Rosemount. ABB, the contractor for D.C.W.E., has approached the City as to the need for 300,000 gallon tank needed for their new facility and fire suppression system and the possibility of a contribution from D.C.W.E. to the City for the City to supply them with the necessary system. With all the other projects possibly going on in the east end of town it may be to the Citys benefit to look into supplying water and • sewer to that end. Right now the pipe in the ground from the new rural water system would not be big enough to handle the flow UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 PAGE 3 capacity that would be needed, however it could be upgraded. To analyze this size project it would have to be done by people outside of Staff. President Walsh asked if ABB is the contractor that would be building the incinerator in Rosemount. Public Works Director Wasmund said they would be. With all the different industries coming to the east end, such as USPCI, Recomp, D.C.W.E. and the current industries that are already out there such as Spectro Alloy, C.F. Industries, Koch Refining, etc., this could be a perfect time to supply utilities. Public Works Director Wasmund stated if we would install an elevated storage tank we would look at a 1 -1/2 million to 5 million • gallon tank. The companies would probably be looking at putting in at least two wells and a storage tank for fire suppression so it would be to their benefit and ours to enter into an agreement. President Walsh felt that the concept was there but who would pay for the RFP's that would be done if it was not agreed upon. Public Works Director Wasmund implied he felt the studies could be paid from Core Facility money. Commission Member Mulhern suggested the City go out for bids to see what the cost of the study would be. Public Works Supervisor Widstrom was present to make comments as to the hydrant safety markers which have been used for the past 6- 1/2 months in different areas of the City. He felt they have been accepted in the areas and no negative criticism has been heard. The metal flags on the hydrants are dangerous and the City has had some complaints regarding them. Commission Member Mulhern asked how many total markers the City would be looking at down the line. New developments are getting them now, but we would want to see how the ones in place do over the winter. They are suppose to be durable enough to withstand all weather and are flexible enough that they won't just spring back and snap anyone. MOTION by Walsh to approve the purchase of 25 more hydrant safety markers at $17.65 per marker this fall and another 25 the spring of 1992. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • President Walsh reiterated that something has to be done about the drainage on Lower 147th Street, specifically at the corner of • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 PAGE 4 Cambrian Avenue. This has been a problem that has been put off while waiting for the State of Minnesota to do the Highway 3 reconstruction. Actually it goes back before the State was even considering the reconstruction but it keeps getting swept under the rug. This area is not a storm water area for the downtown, however the more the grassy areas have disappeared the more the water has been shedding. In his research, President Walsh noted that the easements along Lower 147th Street were removed in 1957 and he can find nothing showing them being reinstated, so therefore the City does not have any easements for storm water drainage. Commission Member Mulhern asked Public Works Supervisor Widstrom what needs to be done to correct the problem. A larger pipe is a definite possibility. Much discussion followed apprising the newer • Commission Members about the problems and when they started with the reconstruction of the downtown area. Public Works Director Wasmund believes a mini -study of this problem was conducted by Barr Engineering showing how the water could be diverted. He also stated that he knows that this project has been put in the 5 year C.I.P. and believes it is slated for 1992 or 1993. Public Works Director Wasmund presented the letter to the Commission which was mailed out on September 6, 1991 to the public. Also attached to the packet was a bar graph denoting the total water billings from 1987 -1990 and the amount of the billing which was certified on the property taxes. Public Works Director Wasmund asked the Commission if they had ever considered termination. Public Works Secretary Dorniden apprised Public Works Director Wasmund that they had done some research on termination, however it appears to be more of a headache than certification. It would involve a lot more man hours, in -house and out in the field. More Staffing would be necessary. Public Works Director Wasmund wanted the Commission to be apprised of the different meetings which the Metropolitan Council was holding in reference to possibly taking over the water supply, rather managing it as Metropolitan Waste Control Commission handles sewer. He had read an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune where the Met Council is indirectly blaming the suburbs of using • all the water supply in the Prairie Du Chien and Jordan Aquifer and feels someone needs to be directing use of the water supply. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 91 1991 PAGE 5 Public Works Director Wasmund along with Commission Member Mulhern and President Walsh feel that regional control of water would be a big mistake. Public Works Director Wasmund had presented, in the packets, an invitation to a tour of the Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Plant on September 21, 1991. He felt this would be an interesting tour for the Commission if they have the time. The Commission talked a little among themselves regarding possibilities of recycling the waste water for the U.S.P.C.I. project or other energy related projects as a test project. Some other talk relating to cities banning together to ward off regional takeover led to possible sprinkling bans and ways to enforce sprinkling bans. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary C �iiy of (O?osemouni HONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES Sheila Klassen OCTOBER 7 1991 JohnOgh / Willcox Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on October 7, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Member Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund, Public Works Supervisor Widstrom, Finance Accountant Korpela and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. President Walsh asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Public Works Director Wasmund added Item 7b.- Verbal Review of Regional Water Meeting. President Walsh 'added Item 6a.- Letter of Resignation and Item 5e. -John Morrison Water Bill. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. • Public Works Director Wasmund conducted the discussion regarding the Storm Sewer Utility. He reviewed the Operating and Maintenance Budget from the last meeting and showed how those figures were incorporated into the new tables for the Utility 5 year CIB. The rates for Agriculture and Undeveloped land have been reduced from .50 /acre to .10 /acre. The rates for Rural Residential have been reduced from $2.44 /acre to $4.88 for the first acre and .10 /acre for each additional acre as undeveloped. Using the reduced rate for Agricultural and Undeveloped made significant changes to the revenue as did the reduced rates for Rural Residential. By using these reduced rates and carrying on for 5 years the fund would be operating with a deficit each year the cost of operation has to be identified and then the public has to be educated as to what the expenditures are and why these costs have to be incurred. President Walsh commented that you can't operate the utility in the red. If a system would need replaced it would jeopardize the utility even further. . If we cut the cost to Agricultural, Undeveloped and Rural Residential then they would also have substantial cuts in service to go along with that. The way it's set now the other land uses would be subsidizing the Agricultural, Undeveloped and Rural Residential. Public Works Director Wasmund commented that the Operating and Maintenance Budget could be prioritized more. Several ideas were mentioned. 6veryihing s Coming `U fi RosemouvdY JrJ I0096 racycNOp pw • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 71 1991 City Administrator Jilk indicated that a combination of different items could be looked into. For instance, the Hawkins Pond Project was direct dollar amounts. Valley Oak Pond was presented as an assessed project and that could stay that way instead of relying on the utility. The biggest revenue from this utility would be from the industrial and commercial areas. The Commission has to look at combinations. It can't operate at a loss. When the City is providing services it needs to pay for those services. Adjustments would have to be made over the years. President Walsh described the utility as a user fee and not a tax. Words make a big difference when presenting an idea to the public. President Walsh felt a workshop on the Storm Water Utility should be set up around 4:00 p.m. some day to examine the Operating and Maintenance Budget. City Administrator Jilk and Public Works Director Wasmund will set up a time and day and get back to the • Commission Members. Public Works Director Wasmund reiterated that the preference would be a combination of all that has been set up. City Administrator Jilk said a budget should be set and then tell the public what is needed. It was established that no income would be anticipated for this fund in 1991. The next item of discussion was Direct Billing to Owners. Public Works Director Wasmund turned the topic of direct water billing to property owners over to Finance Accountant Korpela and Public Works Secretary Dorniden. Public Works Secretary Dorniden reiterated a meeting that she and Finance Accountant Korpela had had with City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund and Finance Director May regarding the problems that come up, especially at certification time, considering delinquent bills. The time and effort spent could be cut down if everyone who was billed were the present property owners and not renters. At this time, since contemplation of the Storm Water Utility, every account will have to be gone through anyway to apply the Utility, the Parcel Identification Number could be added at the same time to the accounts and all billings placed in the owners name. • 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1991 MOTION by Walsh to make a suggested change in the rate resolution, when the time comes, to have all billing go directly to the property owner and not renters. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. President Walsh asked to get copies of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights' rate resolutions for the wording on the direct billing. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission that Public Works Supervisor Widstrom will be obtaining four quotes for the installation of a hydrant to correct a sand and gravel problem at 14521 Danbury Avenue. We have received complaints from this area and since it is a dead end line there is no way to flush the area and some outlet is needed. City Crews will make the neighbors aware of the project notifying them more gravel may appear in the lines before it is completed. Public Works Supervisor Widstrom will notify the Fire Department that this hydrant is for flushing • only and a low volume hydrant. MOTION by Walsh to install a fire hydrant in the cul -de -sac of Danbury Avenue and Upper 145th Street to clear out lines. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund wanted to update the Commission on the Roy Abbott property, which is located east of Highway 3, south of County Road 42 and abuts Biscayne Avenue. The EDA Board is looking at purchasing this property as an industrial park. It is approximately 80 acres and reasonably priced. They already have an interested business which would utilize approximately 10 -15 acres with a 25,000- 30,000 square foot building. Consulting Engineer, Bud Osmundson, is working on a cost estimate for the extension of utilities, storm water management, water and sewer. The Utility Commission will get the overview once it is given. Sewer is available from a 21" stub off the MWCC interceptor line on the south side of Country Road 42 at the midpoint of the property. Water would be extended south across Country Road 42 from Biscayne. Public Works Director Wasmund took the opportunity to introduce the Commission to Country Hills 5th Addition. Each Commission Member had a map showing the two streets this addition included. The utilities will be stubbed out of the 4th Addition and Shannon • 3 • UTILITY CONNISSION NINUTES OCTOBER 7,, 1991 Parkway. Instead of leaving 133rd Street as a dead end as indicated, the City is proposing a permanent cul -de -sac. It would be more feasible to do that since it abutts property under different ownership. President Walsh sees no problem with the way Public Works Director Wasmund outlined the 5th Addition. Public Works Director Wasmund, however, did apprise the Commission that U. S. Homes wants to drop the inlet for the sewer line at 133rd and Shannon Parkway. They are about 12,000 cubic yards of fill short to balance site work and meet the sewer depth. Public Works Director Wasmund stated he already told U. S. Homes he's not allowing them to dig into the intersection. The City shouldn't allow for the disruption of the intersection. The elevation was established to extend the sewer line to the west by U. S. Homes engineers. President Walsh agreed that this is a main route for trafficking and shouldn't be disrupted, especially while school is in session. The Commission • advised Public Works Director Wasmund to stick to his guns during negotiations and don't change the depth unless absolutely necessary. If it's necessary to dig into the intersection, U. S. Homes may have to wait until school is out next summer. This winter U. S. Homes is looking at the 'possible extension of Danube Lane in the Country Hills 6th Addition. Mr. John Morrison of 14896 Cimarron Avenue was in attendance to contest his 3rd quarter sewer bill based on the first quarter billing. He admitted he had problems with his water softener during the first quarter and feels, due to that fact, that he should have some compensation on his sewer billing this time. He did pay the first quarter bill because the water did go down the drain. Public Works Secretary Dorniden had included in the packets, Mr. Morrisons' history this year. President Walsh could understand the need for an adjustment, but wanted Mr. Morrison and the Commission to realize this does not set a precedent for anyone coming in. The adjustment does bear itself out through the usage. NOTION by Walsh to adjust the third (3rd) quarter sewer bill of Mr. John Morrison, 14896 Cimarron Avenue, to a credit of $20.35 because the water of the first (1st) quarter upset actual usage in later quarters. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. 0 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1991 President Walsh had in his possession a letter of resignation from Commission Member Tom Werner. Commission Member Werner is resigning his Commission as of December 31, 1991. MOTION by Walsh to accept the letter of resignation from Commission Member Tom Werner effective December 31, 1991. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. President Walsh directed Staff to make up necessary plaque for Tom. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission that anytime the Commission would like a private tour of the Waste Water Treatment Plant run by Metropolitan Waste Control Commission all that has to be done is call a contact that Public Works Secretary Dorniden has. Possibly a joint tour with the City Council and other Commissions could be arranged if there is any interest. . The Commission talked a little about the use of the water treatment and how it the treated water could possibly be passed along to USPCI for dust control or the golf course for their irrigation system. Public Works Director Wasmund had attended the Regional Water Meeting with Commission Member Mulhern. He said Met Council wanted to "assure" the cities that it was strictly a myth that they wanted control of the water supply, growth of cities and replacement of municipal distribution systems. Public Works Director Wasmund spoke at the meeting specifically telling Met Council about the pride in operation and ownership of your own system. The rates have to be adjusted and established by users of the utility. Any action taken at this time has been mandated by legislature however no one municipality or entity should govern regional water supply. Met Council will complete their draft report on findings, regulation and recommendations by December 12, 1991. It will be presented to the legislature in January of 1992. Public Works Director Wasmund doesn't really know if anything can be done to stop the direction the legislature is possibly taking toward Met Council. President Walsh commented on the idea of seeing documents after the fact. The Master Park Plan was never brought before the Utility Commission. Public Works Director Wasmund read the document • 5 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1991 because it had issues in it that he was interested in. He was able to identify questions regarding water quality, storm sewer availability and joint use of facilities. Public Works Director Wasmund will bring these concerns to the Park Director. NOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • 6 �iiy of gosemount HONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: Vernon Napper P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Willcox UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES Harry ipperm Dennis Wippermann NOVEMBER 4,r 1991 ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 4, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Member Werner, Public Works Director Wasmund and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. President Walsh asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Public Works Director Wasmund added Item 7a.- Master Park Plan, Water Quality. MOTION by Werner to approve the minutes of the October 7, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. The first item of discussion on the agenda was the Storm Sewer • Utility Budget. President Walsh reiterated to Commission Member Werner the workshop that was held the hour before the meeting was called to order. The numbers aren't matching up. The fund still needs another $28,000, either that much more in income or less expense. Commission Member Mulhern joined the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission that more discussion needs to be had with Steve Klein, the representative from Barr Engineering, who is doing the number crunching. A meeting will be set up with City Administrator Jilk, Steve Klein and Public Works Director Wasmund to discuss how some of the bond payment amounts were derived. The next item on the agenda is an appeal of a penalty on the third quarter water billing for Mr. Steve Loeding of 3260 147th Street West, Account #30150.00. Mr. Loeding was in attendance. Understanding that Mr. Loeding had placed his bill in the mailbox outside his home on the 18th of October and the City did not receive it until the 22nd, President Walsh reiterated the Citys position as to using the dropboxes in town and also that policy states the payment must be in the office on or by the 20th of the month. His past history has shown the bills always here on time, therefore it could be possible the post office was at fault with • their delivery. A memo from Finance Accountant Korpela addresses her findings regarding the post office. Commission Members felt (Sverylking s (Poming (Ul b RosemounlP JrJ 100%4 ycado va • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1991 an article should be placed in the Town Pages explaining the billing process and that the payments have to be in the office on or before the 20th of the month, also stating the three dropboxes are there for their convenience. Mr. Loeding knew the dropboxes were available but thought the post office was reliable until this incident. Mr. Loeding feels the purpose of government is to serve the people, not to have the people live by the government bureaucracy. He feels he "should get Ramstad and Durenburger down here to meet with the Postmaster of Rosemount and get to the root of the problem ". Government should work to solve the problems. He also felt that the postmarked date should suffice if marked prior to the due date. President Walsh stressed that in order to function you have to have a due date and hold by that due date. • MOTION by Walsh to waive the late fees for this billing period that were received after the due date of the 20th due to difficulties of the U. S. Postal Services, allowing a reasonable time of 3 -4 days. Those having a history of paying bills on time would receive credit for late fee. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Mr. Loeding asked about Storm Water Utility in respect to building roads. Public Works Director Wasmund reiterated again Item 4a. After another workshop, it will be recommended to Council for adoption in December and hopefully in place for the first quarter billing. If all goes according to plan then street projects can proceed. Item 5b.- Transfer of Funds -Water Core to Construction for Project #222, Country Hills 4th Addition was the next item of discussion. Commission Member Mulhern asked about the oversizing of the watermain. Public Works Director Wasmund explained the stub was sized by O.S.M., our consulting engineer firm. It was decided because of the density of the housing that would be to the west that this size would be necessary. MOTION by Mulhern to transfer $7,200.00 from the Water Core Fund to the Construction Fund for Project #222, Country Hills 4th • 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1991 Addition Street and Utilities. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 1. Discussion followed regarding the responsibility of the Utility Commission to different funds under the control of the Utility Commission. Commission Member Mulhern felt a draft letter to other Commissions, Committees and the Council explaining the Utility Commissions position and intention. If they are to give their opinion or approval of a project that they have to have some kind of checklist before approval can be given. Public Works Director Wasmund suggested that the developers could give a presentation to each Commission and Staff will attempt to inform the Commission of any upcoming projects. A drawback to this could be two meetings a • month for the Utility Commission. The next item of discussion was transferring funds for the Water Tower Site. President Walsh questioned if we would need a right of access easement or if that is included in the property. Public Works Director Wasmund will have the City attorney review the legal description. In any case the City does have the Right -of -Entry within the 3001x300' piece of property. It could be possible to have the Kelly Trust dedicate the right -of -way for extension on Connemara Trail if additional access is needed. MOTION by Walsh to transfer $30,900.00 from the Water Core Fund for the land acquisition of the Water Tower Site pending review of the legal description in acquisition or dedication. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Commission Member Mulhern was curious as to whether the purchase amount was included in the bonding, also if the condensation ceiling was put in. He will check out the condensation ceiling. Public Works Director Wasmund was unable to answer the question about funding but offered to research the question. A transfer of $46,129.04 from the Storm Sewer Core Fund of Project #216, Shannon Hills 2nd Addition, is necessary to the Debt Service • 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1991 Fund. This would be a repayment to the Debt Service Fund. President Walsh mentioned that there is a low area of this project which drains into Carrolls Woods instead of Wachter Lake. Public Works Director Wasmund will have the engineers research this for accuracy and impact. MOTION by Walsh to transfer $46,129.04 from the Storm Sewer Core Fund to Debt Service Fund for Project #216, Shannon Hills 2nd Addition. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund reiterated his memo regarding clarification of water surcharge. This topic all started with a complaint from a Mr. Tom Piekarski, 14800 Dodd Boulevard. All the customers who are hooked up to "sewer only" are also paying the $4.50 surcharge quarterly. The rate resolution states the surcharge is "for debt service of the core water facilities ", and the revenue will be put into the Water Surcharge Fund. It has nothing to do with the sewer accounts. Also under the Piekarski complaint it was registered that "sewered only" customers were paying $37.00 as opposed to the $27.75 minimum. The $37.00 is based on average usage, not minimum. If the "sewered only" customer can prove they are using under minimum then they can be billed accordingly, however to do that a meter would be installed and then a meter maintenance charge would be collected. MOTION by Walsh, effective immediately, "sewer only" customers will not be charged a Water Surcharge. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund led a brief discussion regarding the rates for 1992. In his opinion, it would be legitimate to leave the rates in place for 1992. All the connection charges appear to be in order. Last year the Storm Sewer Connection charge raised quite a ruckus. Builders were threatening to leave town, thus some rebates were given to builders that had purchase agreements dated prior to 1991. Public Works Director Wasmund handed out the Monthly Income Statement for Water and Sewer. President Walsh noted that basically the accounts are running evenly. • 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1991 Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission if an increase in connection charges were necessary, then the 4% recommended by the "Engineering News Record" would be appropriate. The building community are stating they can't afford anymore increases. The City doesn't want to be in the position to have another huge jump after 3 years so gradual increases are better. MOTION by Walsh to readopt Resolution 1991 -4 -A resolution rescinding resolution 1990 -111 and adopting a resolution establishing water and sewer rates, charges and deposits for 1991 - and find no adjustments need to be made and request Council adopt a new resolution in December to said effect for 1992. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund added this item to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. He wanted to apprise the Commission that is he had spoke at the Planning Commission meeting about the Utility Commission not being informed regarding the Master Park Plan and that the Water Quality mentioned had not been reviewed by the Utility Commission. MOTION by Walsh that the Utility. Commission should have the same presentation from the Master Park Plan that the City Council had. More discussion followed the motion. The motion was never acted on. Public Works Director Wasmund informed the Commission that he and Parks Director Bechtold had met and discussed the water quality issues and references to them in M.P.P. In turn Park Director Bechtold met with the consultant and changes have been made. Public Works Director Wasmund distributed copies of the changes and expressed his satisfaction with the new material. The Utility Commission can establish water quality standards for the City. The City of Eagan has a water quality plan which is nationally noted. The Master Park Plan will be presented to the Council on November 19, 1991 and President Walsh will be their to represent the Utility Commission. NOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary F (0.iy of (Y osemouni HONE (612) 423 -4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423 -5203 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -0510 SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 1991 MAYOR Vernon Napper COUNCfLMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on November 25, 1991 at 4:12 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Member Werner, Public Works Director Wasmund, Finance Director May and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. The first item on the agenda for this Special meeting was regarding a motion made at the November 4, 1991 regular meeting concerning the refund of late penalties. Public Works Director Wasmund addressed this issue relating the impact the motion could have on the City. City Administrator Jilk joined the meeting. Finance Director May apprised the Commission if a refund was given • to all late customers an adjustment between $3,000 - $6,000 could be possible. This would also defeat the new collection policy which was put in place just prior to this billing. The "Due Dates" were addressed within the policy and every customer should have received a copy of the policy. He is afraid if we credit penalties under the motion of November 4, 1991 the City will be opening a real "Pandora's Box ". President Walsh asked how many late penalties the City would be looking at. There were 677 late notices which went out. All of them would have to be credited. Donna McDonough of 3215 Lower 147th Street was present because she felt since her bill was in the box the day after the due date, which was a Sunday, it should be accounted for. She stated different policies from other business such as gas, electric, telephone, etc. City policy is that the bill has to be "physically received" in the office. Ms. McDonough stated the policy really doesn't cover the week -end which is when the 20th fell on this time. It should allow a grace period. President Walsh could understand where a word change could be stated in the policy. Finance Director May reiterated that you'll always have people that play with the system no matter how it is presented. While Finance Director May went to check on the number of billings • which were collected on October 22, 1991 the Commission went on to discussion regarding the Armory Site Utilities. i6veryihing s Coming (Up gosemouvdY Li /QO %r ydsdpW- • SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 1991 Public Works Director Wasmund turned the section of the topic as relating to water over to Bud Osmundson, Consulting Engineer from O.S.M. Mr. Osmundson had a copy of the feasibility study which was done to show the water utility as related to this site. The total estimated cost of the project running the watermain down Highway 3 would be approximately $138,000. The Commission also discussed the 8" line in Brazil Avenue. Public Works Director Wasmund asked Mr. Osmundson what benefit is gained by increasing to a 12" line. Capacity for future users would be gained. This size line would also allow additional fire protection. Mr. Osmundson also mentioned tying into the 6" line off the high school field. This loop would increase flow capacity to the school and Armory. President Walsh expressed a concern that that line was not a water line per say. He believes it was installed for irrigation with water from Schwarz Pond. Staff will check the accuracy of the as- built drawings and inform O.S.M. Finance Director May approached the penalties from the October 1, 1991 billing again. He had 130 payments receipted on October 22, 1991. A brief discussion followed regarding these bills and what action could be taken. MOTION by Walsh to rescind the motion made at the November 4, 1991 regular Utility Commission meeting reflecting the crediting of the late penalties from the October 1, 1991 utility billing. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to rescind all penalties from payments received on October 22, 1991 for the third quarter billing period since the actual due date occurred over a week -end. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh directing Staff to change the verbiage on the policy, reflecting the "due date ", which was adopted at the August 19, 1991 Special Utility Commission meeting and present it at the regular December meeting. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Finance Director May briefly discussed and explained the policy the Council has adopted regarding Administrative Fees for Handling Fund Accounting. Basically it is arranged so all departments are equally charged their fair share for financial transactions and is 2 • SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 1991 auditing. President Walsh was under the impression that the water and sewer core had their own separate audit. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that the utilities haven't had their own audit for a number of years now. Any items of concern need to be dealt with between the Commission and the Staff. Finance Director May indicated the lack of communication between the Commission and Staff has been a problem, however the customers could suffer if the water and sewer funds were made a separate entity. More costs would be associated by operating the utilities separately because full cost of overhead, including staffing, would be born by them. President Walsh commented that he felt communication is opening now that Public Works Director Wasmund and Finance Director May have • been actively working with the Commission. Twice a month meetings were brought up with specific agendas. City Administrator Jilk felt a workshop should be set up to determine what specific areas need to be addressed. At the time of the workshop a list should be made. At this point the Commission continued with its discussion on the Armory Utility, specifically the water line from the high school. The Commission instructed Mr. Osmundson and Staff to investigate the line. Public Works Director Wasmund reviewed the options for the installation of sanitary sewer to the Armory site. Out of the three options, President Walsh felt Option B, running a 27" trunk main down Connemara and relocating Lift Station #2, was the best option at $386,000. Public Works Director Wasmund reviewed the options for the storm sewer to the Armory Site. Either of the two options provided were quite extensive and expensive. City Administrator Jilk asked why the storm water couldn't be kept on site. Public Works Director Wasmund will investigate this possibility in his next talks with Steve Klein from Barr Engineering. The major purpose of this special meeting was to discuss the Storm • 3 • SPECIAL UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 25# 1991 Water Utility in depth so it can be presented to the Council at their regular meeting in December. Public Works Director Wasmund and City Administrator Jilk worked together to present the facts and numbers to the Commission regarding this Utility. The Council hasn't seen any of the new figures that the Commission has been working with. City Administrator Jilk would like to have the Council schedule a Public Hearing for December 17, 1991 with an informational letter going out prior to the Public Hearing. Utility Commission recommended that Council discuss and set a public hearing for December 17, 1991. Public Works Director Wasmund asked the Commission to consider • transferring funds from the Water Core Fund and the Storm Sewer Core Fund to the Debt Service Fund for Shannon Parkway, Project #194. All work was consistent with plans and policy. • MOTION by Walsh to approve the transfer of funds from Water Core Fund and Storm Sewer Core Fund to Debt Service Fund for Shannon Parkway, Project #194. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. President Walsh asked Public Works Director Wasmund if Star Cable had pulled permits for road closures and street openings. Public Works Director Wasmund said no permits had been pulled to date. President Walsh also expressed his concern over the public access channels and that the City should require an access channel for 1992. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 4 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary �dy of gosemount *PHONE (612) 423 -4411 FAX (612) 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 9, 1991 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willoox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on December 9, 1991 at 6:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Walsh called the meeting to order with Commission Member Werner, City Administrator Jilk, Public Works Director Wasmund, Finance Accountant Korpela and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. President Walsh asked for any additions or corrections to the agenda. Public Works Director Wasmund: added Item 6c.- Sunrise Property. MOTION by Werner to approve' the minutes of the November 4, 1991 Regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. MOTION . Special Nays: by Walsh to a Utility Commi 0. Public Works Director Wasmund' regarding late payments that t 25 meetings. The Commission policy be revised regarding t late policy. He also present the November 25, 1991 ,by Werner. Ayes: 2. rated the Utility Billing Policy .scussed from the November 4 and asked that the language of the ceipt of and timeline as to the e Commission with the new draft format that the City is using to adopt policy. Some of the changes made were the meter reading cards with a due date of the 15th and a due date of the 20th or as close thereafter as possible, depending on weekends and holidays. President Walsh was concerned that we had meter reading cards with the 20th due date and we would be throwing them away. Finance Accountant Korpela assured the Commission that nothing would be lost because we need to order more cards for next years stock anyway. Commission Member Mulhern arrived at the meeting and took his chair at 6:48 p.m. More discussion followed regarding the procedures and policies. Public Works Director Wasmund spoke a little on the guidelines and procedures. All Commission Members were concerned about service to residents after hours. It was explained that the number • provided would connect the caller with instructions to follow in 6very1hing s (9oming VJi RosemounlY 0 recycMd paw • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 90 1991 case of emergency. This would be included in the guidelines and procedures. Public Works Director Wasmund reiterated the direct billing to owners rather than tenants. The verbiage in the draft procedures is listed under Page 1, Section 1. President Walsh feels government agencies should be listed along with persons or companies. All the Commission Members felt the format of the procedures were alright, however President Walsh felt that somewhere within the procedures the rate resolution should be mentioned so the Public would know where to go to find the rates. Commission Member Mulhern agreed with this. Public Works Director Wasmund will be accepting any other changes or comments that the Commission Members may have either by phone or in writing. Public Works Director Wasmund moved on to a fund transfer. Limerick Way Watermain Extension was an accepted project in 1989. • The bid was let in the spring of 1990, however because the developer couldn't get financial backing the project was dropped for the time. A cost of $10,991.94 was incurred and paid. Finance is asking this money be transferred from the Water Core Fund to be recuperated if and when the property is ever developed. Public Works Director Wasmund was instructed to maintain a file on the project and property so if it should ever come up again this money could be collected upfront. MOTION by Walsh to transfer $10,991.94 from the Water Core Fund, Project #201, Limerck Way, Phase II and list it in the project files as a bill which needs to be recovered on any future projects on this property. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission that he has been approached by Minnegasco to enter into a Franchise Agreement. He met with Kimberly Rodin and Rick Pilon. Minnegasco operates a small portion of Rosemount and as of now is not held under franchise. This was due to no fault of theirs. City Administrator Jilk introduced Mr. Rick Pilon to the Commission. Mr. Pilon handed out a map indicating the territory which Minnegasco has service and apprised the Commission their company wants to make themselves legal by obtaining a franchise agreement. President Walsh asked Mr. Pilon if he had seen a copy of the map 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 1991 which the City is using to establish territories. Since he had not, Staff was directed to send him a copy. City Administrator Jilk advised the Commission that the City Attorney is reviewing the Franchise Agreement, which is basically the same as N.S.P. Gas and Peoples Natural Gas. Mr. Pilon had only one change in the agreement regarding Gopher State One Call. MOTION by Walsh to recommend to the City Council to adopt an ordinance granting the necessary franchise with Minnegasco pending approval of the City Attorney. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Administrator Jilk apprised the Commission of Staffs recommendation to the Council in regards to the McDonough Property. Last October Staff recommended not to purchase the property, however through negotiations and figures for financing Staff will • be recommending at the December 17th Council meeting to purchase the 10.8 acres. This property had been figured into a long range plan, it will be happening sooner than expected. • President Walsh expressed concern which he had heard from a citizen regarding the utilities picking up 1/3 of the cost. City Administrator Jilk assured him at this time this would not be the case and the money was coming from the C.I.P. There is no type of financial involvement for storm water at this time, however when and if this is developed then utilities may become involved. President Walsh is concerned with the holding pond in the area and also apprised the Commission that the EDA couldn't justify spending a lot of money to develop the land. Commission Member Mulhern inquired as to the financial stability of the mortgage. The discussion included the National Guard Maintenance Facility and its need for sewer, water and storm sewer. City Administrator Jilk again reiterated that Council will take action December 17, however no action will be taken on the Armory without Utility Commission approval for dedicated funds. 3 r1 LJ • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 9j 1991 President Walsh extended his appreciation to Tom Werner for his three years of service on the Utility Commission and wished him well in his future endeavors. He also apprised Council Member Mulhern that the appointment procedure is in process and the Council should appoint someone at the second meeting in January. The new member will be sworn in at the February meeting. Public Works Director Wasmund apprised the Commission of the next meeting regarding the Metropolitan Area Water Supply. Metropolitan Council has the meeting scheduled and he will be attending. Commission Member Mulhern expressed an interest in attending the meeting. He had attended the last meeting with Public Works Director Wasmund and feels that the City definitely should be represented. The meeting is December 12, 1991 at 4:00 p.m. and will be a public hearing on a plan of action. City Administrator Jilk informed the Commission that the AMM is lobbying heavily against Met Council as a controlling agency for water. They want them to stay out of City affairs. Public Works Director Wasmund said it was ironic how Met Council preached that they didn't want to control the water supply, establish regulations or control municipal water supply managers. They already control growth of communities through sewer regulations. Despite what they say everything points to controlling the 7 county area. Commission Member Mulhern apprised the Commission that Minneapolis only has 24 hour storage and would have to draw from the 7 county area if a severe drought would occur. Public Works Director Wasmund doesn't know how effective his comments would be at the meeting however it will allow him to express displeasure and emphasis on certain items on behalf of the City. Public Works Director Wasmund will be talking to connecting cities regarding interconnections of water supplies. Also there is a meeting scheduled with surrounding communities regarding the new lead testing policy and how they will be handling it. Public Works Director Wasmund will be presenting the new figures to the Council regarding the Storm Water Utility. With the new figures in place it is hoped that the Council will set a public hearing for the second meeting in January. Once all the new 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 1991 figures regarding undeveloped land, ag land, golf courses, cemeteries, etc. are done Public Works Director Wasmund will have them for the Commission at the first meeting in January. President Walsh stated that the reality of the matter is, projects can't be put off. The City will have to stop relying on the storm water utility and start planning the projects without it. The Public has to be educated by physically showing them where the funds will be going and how it will change the general tax levy, however with the increase in service and general operating budget the affect won't show a reduction. President Walsh feels that absolutely no one should be exempt or eliminated from this utility. The new Council Members aren't going to know what is going on and it would be better if the old Council would make the decision. Public Works Director Wasmund feels this won't be voted down right away, however it will be dragged out because of questions that aren't going to be able to be answered. One question, for example, will be how Valley Oak Pond Outlet will be handled if this policy does go into effect. Will the pending assessment be eliminated or still considered a pending assessment? MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Werner. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, 2) Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 0 5