HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 UC MinutesCITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, 1995 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on January 9, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order with Commission Member Walsh, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Item 4c. was deleted from the Agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the December 12, 1994 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. By -Law Change Update . The Commission discussed several items which would be taken care of during the annual meeting in February. A list was compiled with this business: Swearing in New Member Electing President Electing "Interim" President Setting Meeting Dates Adopt Fee Resolution General Budget Review Staff was directed to look at last years format to make sure nothing is missed. Update on Projects Birger Pond - Nothing is really happening at the present time. May still be able to joint venture with Apple Valley outlet into Vermillion River. More thought will be given to this by Staff. Project #266 - Erickson 190, Phase I - The Commission would like this to be added to the Project List. • Wensmann 7th Addition - Will have to bring 12" watermain under County Road 42 to Dodd Road. INPrinted on recycled paper containing 30% post <onwn - materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, 1995 Shannon Pond 4th Addition - This project is on the east side of Shannon Parkway and just north of 160th Street. Grading will be done in the Spring of 1995. Project #261 is on hold. Project #259 - Schwarz Pond - The School District bid the addition to the school, however the bids came in too high and they will be rebidding. Still need to acquire easements to complete outlet. Estimate on Erickson 190, Phase 1, City Project #266 The Commission discussed the project. The estimated project would be $410,000. This wouldn't guarantee fixing the ponding at Lower 147th and Cambrian Avenue. The Commission decided to table this project at the present time. AEC Tower Inspection Reports • An extensive discussion took place regarding the inspection reports. The repairs to Connemara Tower was quite shocking to Staff and the Commission. It was felt by both Staff and the Commission that these repair items need to be prioritized. Staff was also directed to look into the agreement for cathodic protection. • The Commission directed Staff to work with AEC Engineering to prioritize the items for both Towers. Begin Hiring Process for Part -time Secretary MOTION by Walsh to recommend to begin the hiring process for the permanent part - time secretary. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. This position will be physically placed in the Public Works Maintenance Building. Fund Transfer MOTION by Walsh to approve various fund transfers as written in the Executive Summary by Finance Director Jeff May on January 9, 1995. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, 1995 • Set Next Meeting Agenda Annual Meeting Agenda Storm Drainage Plan Proposal Storm Drainage Project List for Prioritization Update on Projects Water Consumption - Government Buildings Discussion over the usage of water within the government buildings was talked about to some extent. The Commission directed Staff to send a bill to the Armory for the 1994 water consumption. They felt this bill should be sent in a form of an invoice instead of placed on the Utility Billing system. Staff was further directed to figure out what the water /sewer bill would be for each of these properties and make sure that the City Council receive a copy of them. MISCELLANEOUS City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson presented the Commission with an elevation graph of Birger Pond. He said Staff could also do a rainfall graph. The Commission discussed the Department of Health reports. It was the consensus that they should be compared from one year to the next, especially where water quality is concerned. The MCWS newspaper called Link was discussed. An article in Link discussed the possibility that the MCWS will have to spend $ 100 million to meet the "Clean Water Act" in the next 10 years.. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson handed out a memo to the Commission Members outlining the repositioning (duties) of Mike Widstrom and Rick Cook. Some printouts of reports were handed out from the computer SCADA system which operates the wells and lift stations. Now that Mike Widstrom has a little more time to spend on the utilities he'll be able to pull more information from this system. There is an AWWA satellite teleconference on March 9, 1995 regarding the "Safe Drinking Water Act ". 3 i� • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, 1995 There is a scholarship offered from the Minnesota Surveyors & Engineers. If the Commission knows of anyone who would need a sponsor he would be happy to sponsor them. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Walsh. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 4 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Reorganization of Commission a. Election of President (Elected Mulhern) b. Election of Interim President (Elected Walsh) 2. Call to Order 3. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 4. Approval of Minutes of January 9, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve....) 5. OLD BUSINESS a. RMR Meter Reading Agreement (MOTION to approve ....) b. Sprinkler Credit Summary (Table for year; Direct Staff write to residence from October meeting) C. Update on Projects (Verbally updated on each project) Storm Drainage Plan Proposal (MOTION to authorize Bonestroo .....1 e. Storm Drainage Project List for Prioritization (Set first 7 priorities, Staff to write memo to Council) f. Tower Repair Project (MOTION to authorize AEC .....) • 9. h. NEW BUSINESS a.. - . Set Meeting Dates for 1995 (MOTION to set .......) b. Vac Truck (MOTION to authorize purchase .......) C. ` Well Head Protection Plan (Discussion only) . d.: General Budget Review (Hand -out and discussion) —_ e.:: -. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT. a. 8 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S 'REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for March 13, 1995 (set) b. Adopted Fee Resolution (Brief Discussion) C. Marcotte Update (Doug Litterer Discussed with Commission) d. SCADA System Update (Discussion w /Supervisor Widstrom) e. Well #7 Check Valve (Replacement- $1,800) f. '. Well #8 Chlorination & Booster Pump Update (Replacement - $2,800) 9.. ADJOURNMENT .(9:10 p.m.) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1995 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612. 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on February 13, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Executive Director Bud Osmundson introduced the new Utility Commission Member, Donald Berg. Mr. Berg was sworn in early in the day by City Administrator /Deputy Clerk Burt. Osmundson opened nominations for the President of the Utility Commission. MOTION by Mulhern to nominate Walsh for President of the Utility Commission. Mr. Walsh declined the nomination. MOTION by Walsh to nominate Mulhern for President of the Utility Commission. • SECOND by Berg. Osmundson asked if there were anymore nominations. MOTION by Walsh to close nominations. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3 By unanimous ballot Shawn Mulhern was re- elected as President of the Utility Commission. • Nominations were opened for "Interim" President. MOTION by Mulhern to nominate Walsh. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3 By unanimous ballot Joseph Walsh was elected as "Interim" President of the Utility Commission. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. with Commission Members Walsh, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Finance Director May, Civil Engineer Litterer, Utilities & Building Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the January 9, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Abstain: Berg. FW 3� ��� ® paa��Materijh. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1995 OLD BUSINESS RMR METER READING AGREEMENT City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson relayed discussion he had with Keith Anderson, President of RMR Services regarding the Meter Reading Contract. It was agreed upon to leave the Meter Reading Agreement and rates the same as in 1994 if the Commission so desires. Staff recommended the Commission enter into the proposed Agreement. MOTION by Walsh to approve Meter Reading Agreement between RMR Services, Inc. and the City of Rosemount. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. SPRINKLER CREDIT SUMMARY The Commission discussed with Staff the summary which was put together for them. It was decided that the sprinkler credit should be tabled for one year to give a true • picture of what the actual usages are during a full year now that all the meters are being read. • The Commission directed Staff to notify the residents who attended the meeting in October of this decision. UPDATE ON PROJECTS City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson went through each project listed and gave new Commission Member Berg, along with the other Commission Members, an update on each individual project. STORM DRAINAGE PLAN PROPOSAL Staff recommended the Commission authorize Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates to prepare the Surface Water Management Plan. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates to prepare a Surface Water Management Plan for the City per the January 26, 1995 proposal for a lump sum fee of $69,100. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1995 STORM DRAINAGE PROJECT LIST FOR PRIORITIZATION The Commission discussed each project which needs to be placed on the priority list and why they need to be addressed. Extensive discussion took place regarding the Erickson 190 Project. The Commission prioritized the first seven projects according to price and necessity as: 1. Schwarz Pond Outlet 2. Gun Club Lake - "Moeller" Wet area 3. White Lake Outlet 4. Wachter 186A Outlet 5. Vermillion 212 > Valley Oak Pond Outlet - Pond No. 4 • 6. Birger Pond Outlet 7. Erickson 190 Drainage District - Drainage Improvements Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates will receive a copy of this priority list and dates. Staff was directed to write a memo to Council explaining that the priority was set by affordability and possible property damages. TOWER REPAIR PROJECT MOTION by Walsh to authorize the preparation of plans and specifications and advertisement of bids for the repairs to Chippendale Avenue Tower. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Abstain: Mulhern. NEW BUSINESS SET MEETING DATES FOR 1995 • K, . UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1995 Commissioners discussed the possible meeting days which they won't be in attendance. Commission Member Walsh won't be in attendance for the July meeting and Commission Member Mulhern will be gone in August. MOTION by Walsh to set the 1995 Utility Commission meetings as follows: March 13; April 10; May 8; June 12; July 10; August 7; September 11; October 16; November 13; December 11; with all meetings starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Rosemount City Hall Council Chambers. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. PURCHASE VAC TRUCK A brief discussion took place regarding the purchase of a new vac truck. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize purchase of a tandem chassis for the Vac Truck through the State bid and begin preparation of the specifications for the Vac Truck equipment. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • WELL HEAD PROTECTION PLAN (WHPP) City Engineer Osmundson explained that Dakota County and surrounding municipalities are meeting once a month regarding the Well Head Protection Plan. A Joint Powers Agreement will be forthcoming for Utility Commission consideration for the preparation of a geologic model required for the WHPP. GENERAL BUDGET REVIEW Spreadsheets were handed out displaying the operating and core fund balances. Overall the Water and Sanitary Sewer Funds are in good shape. The Storm Drainage Funds have low balances when the amount of expenditures is taken into consideration. A brief discussion followed. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MARCH 13, 1995 MEETING Vac Truck Spec's Tower Repair Bid Award Well Head Protection Plan Wensmann 7th Addition • 0 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1995 ADOPTED FEE RESOLUTION This was just informational for the Commission. No questions were asked. MARCOTTE UPDATE Civil Engineer Doug Litterer gave a brief update of the dredging project which the Commission approved at their regular January meeting. The excess material will be removed in the Spring. The Department of Natural Resources have been very cooperative with the needs and wants of this project. SCADA SYSTEM UPDATE Utility Supervisor Widstrom had supplied the Commission with a detailed memo regarding the SCADA System. He further explained some of the more current problems and what Autocon Systems is doing to try and resolve the problems. WELL #7 CHECK VALVE McCarthy Well tested this valve during their rehab last year and it was operating fine. It was just a fluke that it started leaking. Total cost of replacement was $1,800. WELL #8 CHLORINATION & BOOSTER PUMP The chlorination equipment and booster pump in Well #8 needed replacing. The pump was $575.00 and the chlorination equipment cost $2,800, both supplied by Feed -Rite Company. The Commission discussed the article in the paper regarding the residents of Lakeville and their problem with the site where the new water tower is being built. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson felt the Commission might want to appraise the land for the next water tower site which is in the Comprehensive Water Plan and start procedures for purchase even though it is not needed as of yet. This way the land is already targeted and any development around it would be aware of the purpose of the parcel of land. No action was taken by the Commission on this item. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy dorniden Public Works Secretary • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA i REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of February 13, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve..) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Tower Repair Bid Award (Discussion... Tabled) b. Vac Truck Specification Approval & Authorize Bid (MOTION to approve ...1 C. Wensmann 7th Addition /Order Feasibility Report for Watermain (MOTION to request .....) d. Marcotte Request (Update with discussion; MOTION to authorize .... e. f. 9• h. • 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Auto - Dialer Purchase (Much discussion, Tabled) b. Well #3 Chlorination Equipment (MOTION to approve ...) C. d. e. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT ADD a. Utility Billing System Handout (information only) 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for April 10, 1995 (set...) b. New Storm Drainage Rates (Insert for water Bills, Discussion) ADD c. Public Works Computer Cable (cable will be run from city Hall to Public works Garage, Discussion of financing) d. e. f. 8. ADJOURNMENT 7:50 p.m. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 1995 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on March 13, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Mulhern with Commission Member Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Additions to the Agenda were: 6a. - Utility Billing System Handout; 7c. - Public Works Computer Cable. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the February 13, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. • OLD BUSINESS Tower Repair Bid Award A letter from AEC Engineering was passed out to the members regarding the status of the apparent low bidder. The letter shared reasoning for non - responsive bidder and made recommendation that the award be made to TMI Coatings. The Commission tabled the award because of lack of quorum for a successful motion since the President would be abstaining. Vac Truck Specifications Approval & Authorize Ad for Bid The Commission went through the specifications on the Vac Truck. The City Attorney will supply the specifications with verbiage on the warranty needed. All in all, just some minor changes were made to the specifications. MOTION by Mulhern to approve specifications and authorize Ad for Bid for the Vac Truck. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Wensmann 7th Addition /Order Feasibility Report for Watermain The cost of this project was addressed by the Commission. It is being approached as • an assessable project because it would complete a loop and make services accessible to the Wensmann 7th Addition. The higher cost is reflected because of the County ® PnnW on n+tyckdpnper coMin cpNaining 30% pws ms_ mawwh. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 1995 Road 42 crossing. MOTION by Berg to request City Council to authorize a Feasibility Report for the Wensmann 7th Addition Trunk Watermain Project. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Marcotte Request This project was brought back to the Commission so they would know the dredging was complete. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize payment to Scherff Incorporated in the amount of $4,000 for the work completed on Shannon 75 Pond. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. NEW BUSINESS is Auto - Dialer Purchase There was quite an extensive discussion regarding the auto - dialer versus the paging system the City now has for call -back on the wells and lift stations. The Commission would like Staff to look at different cities and how they handle call -back situations. One City which was mentioned was the City of Minnetonka. Discussion of where the funding for this system would come from followed. The Commission wasn't comfortable with the proposal as presented and asked that it be tabled until some more research was done. The Commission directed Staff to visit a few more cities, especially the City of Minnetonka, and report back. Well #3 Chlorination Eouipment There is a small leak in the equipment at Well #3 which needs to be corrected by replacing the chlorination equipment. Although Staff would have rather waited until after the rehab of the well this leak won't give them the opportunity. The new equipment can be put back into the Well once the rehab is done. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the purchase of new chlorination equipment for Well #3. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0 . 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 1995 PRESIDENTS REPORT Utility Billing System Handout President Mulhern handed out some information regarding different Utility Billing Systems. This was just for the other Commission Members information. There was no discussion. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT Set Next Meeting Agenda for April 10, 1995 Receive Bids /Award Contract -Tower Bids Auto - Dialer Update Receive Bids /Award Contract -Vac Truck Receive Feasibility Report - Wensmann 7th Addition Watermain MCWS - 1996 Rates • New Storm Drainage Rates • A handout was passed out as to what the new storm water rates will be on the first quarter billing. These handouts will be included in the April 1, 1995 billing to all residents. Potable Water Quality Discussion of water quality followed and a comparison of Apple Valley and Rosemount's water were talked about. Iron removal is done in Apple Valley and Eagan. MCWS City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the Commission of a pre - budget meeting he attended for MCWS. This was regarding the study of sewer rates all over Minnesota. Interim Financial Report The numbers to look at on the report were pointed out to the Commission. �3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 1995 Letter to Residents on Sprinkler Credit The letter Staff was directed to send after the February 13, 1995 meeting was sent and to -date no response from the recipients. The sprinkler credit will be re- evaluated next winter. Public Works Computer Cable This item was for the information of the Commission regarding the computer cable which will be run from the City Hall to the Public Works Garage. This will enable the Maintenance Crew to be on -line with the network at City Hall. The cost of this project will be taken from the water, sewer, storm sewer operating budgets and the City's general operating fund. Well Head Protection A letter was sent to Dakota County showing support for the Ground Water Modeling Project, which is a major requirement of the WHP Plan. Surface Water Management Plan There was a meeting with Bonestroo to get this Plan started. All appears to be going well. Miscellaneous The well pumping information which is given out every month was gone over briefly by the Commission Members apprising new Member Berg about the fluctuating figures for the different wells. The Rural Water system only serves the 30 some customers and is not capable of fire protection at this time. The City received verbally from Delta Environmental, who engineered the contaminated groundwater clean -up at the University of Minnesota, that the MPCA has stated that the contaminated plume is cleaned up and that the pumping is complete. 0 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 1995 MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. 5 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT' AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of March 13, 1995 Regular Meeting (Motion to approve...) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Tower Repair Bid Award (MOTION to award ......$46,415) b. Accept Bids /Award Contract -Vac Truck (Much discussion; MOTION to recommend award ......MacQueen Equipment....) C. Receive Feasibility Report- Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, City Project #267 (Presentation; MOTION to receive & recommend) d. Update on SCADA System /Auto- Dialer(Discussion; Tabled) ADD e. Storm Water on Lower 147th Street (Discussed Emergency Plan) f. 9• • h. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Clarification of Storm Water Connection Charge (Discussion; MOTION to recommend .....) b. Purchasing of Shoring Shields (MOTION to authorize ......) C. Purchasing of New Discharge Hose (Brief Discussion; MOTION to authorize) d. e. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT ADD a. Update - Wisconsin Rural Water Seminar (stronger laws than MN, Discussion) 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for May 8, 1995 iset) b. 1996 MCWS Rates (Reviewed letter received) ADD c. Purchase of Pumps (Discussion) ADD d. Packet of Information (Handed out from talk w/4th graders) • e. f. 8. ADJOURNMENT 8:06 p.m. ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1995 CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612 - 423 -4411 Fax: 612. 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on April 10, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Mulhern with Commission Members Berg, Walsh, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer, Utilities & Building Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Additions to the Agenda were: 4e. -Storm Water on Lower 147th Street; 6a.- Update on Wisconsin Rural Water Association Meeting. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the March 13, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. is OLD BUSINESS Tower Reoair Bid Award There was a brief discussion regarding Staff recommendation to present the bid award to the second lowest responsible bidder. MOTION by Walsh to award the Chippendale Tower Repair Contract to TMI Coating, Inc. in the amount of $46,415. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Abstain: Mulhern. Accept Bids /Award Contract -Vac Truck The Commission had a brief discussion regarding the three bids received. Steve Bergeron from ABM Equipment presented the Commission with a letter from his Company, which the Commission took approximately 10 minutes to read prior to an in -depth discussion. ABM Equipment admitted to 41 deviations, but still felt the product was speed out so no other company really had a chance. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend to City Council the award of the contract for one new truck mounted combination vacuum and high pressure jet sewer and catch basin • cleaning machine to MacQueen Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $137,298.74 including sales tax. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. ®Printed on recycled paper containing 30% postcwn nner materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1995 Receive Feasibility Report- Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, City Project #267 Civil Engineer Litterer provided a brief summary of the Feasibility Report he prepared for the Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements. The Commission then discussed the crossing of County Road 42, the number of fire hydrants within the property of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior on the corner of County Road 42 and Diamond Path and the possibility of adding another interconnect with the City of Apple Valley. The fire hydrant referred to was the one on the east side in the backyard of the Church coming off of Dodd Boulevard. MOTION by Walsh to receive the Feasibility Report and recommend City Council proceed with the Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, City Project #267 as a public improvement. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Update on SCADA System /Auto - Dialer • As discussed in the past with the Commission, Staff doesn't feel the City is getting vendor support (Auto -Con, Inc.) and in all likelihood will be switching to Automatic Systems. Although the idea of a laptop computer was thought to be a clever way to go, some Commission Members still have reservations regarding the auto - dialer system. This item was tabled and will be placed on the next meeting agenda. • Storm Water on Lower 147th Street Staff was directed to come up with some sort of Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for the flooding of Lower 147th Street. This plan could also be applied to other areas which have flooding problems. Staff was directed to prepare an ERP for Lower 147th Street and bring back to the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS Clarification of Storm Water Connection Charge City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson wanted to clarify when a Storm Water Connection Charge is required. Discussion with the Commission on this topic then proceeded indicating that this Charge is not currently required in unplatted areas. It is only collected in platted areas which develop, although storm drainage facilities such as ditches, culverts and piping are utilized throughout the City. 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1995 • MOTION by Walsh to recommend Council adopt a clarification in the Storm Sewer Connection Charge resolution whereby all properties within the City of Rosemount would pay the Connection Charge. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Purchase of Shoring Shields MOTION by Walsh to authorize Staff to purchase shoring shields not to exceed $7,300 plus tax and to pay for this item out of Sanitary Sewer and Water Core Funds. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Purchase of New Discharge Hose The Commission had a brief discussion regarding the purchase of the new discharge hose to replace the hose which was vandalized last year on ISD #196 property while pumping Schwarz Pond. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the purchase of new 6" discharge hose as stated per memo of Utilities & Buildings Supervisor. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission spoke briefly about a pump. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Update- Wisconsin Rural Water President Mulhern attended the Wisconsin Rural Water Annual Follies and passed out some literature he'd received to Commission Members. He feels that the rules and regulations are a lot stronger in Wisconsin than what the MPCA enforces in Minnesota. Wisconsins' DNR is much more stringent than Minnesotas'. They are also farther along with their Safe Drinking Water Act. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Information on New Pump The City received two quotes from Carlson Equipment for a pump, trailer and hose. One of the pumps was a Wacker 32 HP and the other was a Godwin 59 HP. No decision was made as to which to purchase. 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1995 Set Next Meeting Agenda 1. SCADA System 2. Emergency Response (Flooded Streets) 3. Storm Water Connection Charge 4. Project Updates 5. Vac Truck 6. Trash Pump 1996 MCWS Rates Commission held a brief discussion on a letter which was received from MCWS regarding the new flows for 1996. The flows determine the rate which will be charged and the City is billed behind instead of ahead. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson handed out a packet of materials he'd given to the 4th graders at Shannon Park Elementary School when he went to speak to the class about water. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. CI Respectfully Submitted, D Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ` AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MAY 8, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of April 10, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION TO APPROVE..) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Emergency Response Plan (Flooded Streets) (Discussion, Want Generic Plan) b. Project Update (Scenario on each listed project) C. Well Head Protection - Joint Powers Agreement (MOTION to recommend....) d. e. f. g. h. • 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Replacement of Compactor (MOTION to purchase ....) b. Purchase of 6" Trash Pump (MOTION to purchase ....) C. Birchview Terrace (Residents in attendance - Discussion only) d. e. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT a. Tower Repair Update (Nothing to report) b. Vac Truck Update (Chassis is here) C. Update on SCADA System /Auto - Dialer (Nothing to new to report) d. Storm Water Connection Charge Update (Council approved) e. Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 12, 1995 (set) • f. 8. ADJOURNMENT 8:15 p.m. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 1995 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on May 8, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Mulhern with Commission Members Berg, Walsh, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Utilities & Building Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions to the Agenda. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson asked if Item 5c. could be moved to the top of the Agenda because there were residents attending for that specific item. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the April 10, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • NEW BUSINESS • 5c. - Birchview Terrace A brief description of the problems and past feasibility report was given. For a long term fix and the best interest of the City would be to do a total construction of all utilities and streets. However the bottom dollar has a great impact on all the residents and only 50% of the residents favored such a project. Staff offered the suggestion that the City defer assessments for a time at which the residents would need to hook up to the utilities, using a 10 -year deferment as a cap. Bob Trog and Dean Johnson, both residents of the area, were in attendance and spoke with the Commission about what they feel needs done, which is water control (storm drain). The road continually erodes away from year to year and until something more permanently is done it will continue to do so. Several options were discussed. Staff will work up some figures to bring back to the Commission as an update to the Feasibility Study. INcwtai in recycled papa conpining 30% post co aver materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 1995 5a. - Replacement of Compactor The memo the Commission received from Utilities & Building Supervisor Widstrom explained the need for a new compactor. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Staff to purchase a compactor as specified in the attached memo. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 5b. - Purchase of 6" Trash Pump MOTION by Berg to authorize Staff to purchase an additional 6" Gorman -Rupp pump and trailer as described, and pay for it from the Storm Core Fund. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. A brief discussion followed regarding the purchase of more hose. The trailer would strictly be used for that hose. The pump already comes on a trailer. • OLD BUSINESS • 4a. - Emergency Response Plan The Commission felt the Emergency Response Plan, which was presented by Staff was too specific. They would like to see something more generic and then a list of problem areas would be addressed in the back of the document. The Commission directed Staff to revise the Plan. 4b. - Project Update Listed below is a brief update of all projects presented to the Commission: • Project #245, 145th Street Improvements -Will be assessed in the fall. • Project #246, Wensmann 6th -Final Lift of bituminous • Project #247, Carrousel Plaza Improvements -NURP Pond still needs to be fixed up, City is holding money until job is complete • Project #249, Biscayne Avenue Improvements -Had pre- construction meeting, the railroad is not cooperating, still need to acquire a few easements and rights - of -entry • Project #248, Shannon Pond 3rd & Westridge 5th -Final Lift of bituminous and assessments need to be done 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 1995 • Project #250, CMC, 110 Acre Site -New Vice President, 99% Utility Plans • 3 complete, Railroad spur still not approved • Project #251, Shannon Hills 6th -Last addition, needs lift station, minor grading and final lift of bituminous • Project #252, Country Hills 7th Addition- Cul -de -sac, final lift of bituminous, road is in poor shape already • Project #253 & #254, O'Leary's Hills 7th & 8th Addition -Final lift of bituminous and restoration • Project #255, Shannon Pond 2nd Addition -Final lift of bituminous • Project #256, Rosemount Business Park -Final lift of bituminous, restoration, street lights • Project #257, Wachter 186A Outlet- Received bids, CECA Utilities low bid, Mike McNamara has the majority interest in the property and hasn't signed over easements needed to continue project. He is bartering to develop his land. Bid has not been awarded. • Project #258, CSAH 42 & Canada Avenue Turn Lane -No response on easements • • Project #259, Schwarz Pond Outlet - Finally getting easements so can complete • Project #260, Country Hills 8th Addition -3 lots on Shannon Parkway • Project #261, Shannon Meadows - Another plan has been submitted for 32 single family lots • Project #262, Birger Pond Outlet -Will be meeting with Bonestroo on Surface Water Management and then maybe know a little more. • Project #263, Shannon Pond East -NE corner of 160th Street & Shannon Parkway, Hampton Development; City will co -sign plat and have residents take over property maintenance within the easement • Project #264, Wensmann 7th & 8th Addition - Preconstruction meeting, just east of Apple Valley, 30 single family lots, 60 multiple units • White Lake Acres Outlet- Bacardi Avenue acts as natural dam, City getting easement descriptions from SEH for a temporary fix, property owner having problem with price of easement • Project #265, TH 52 Frontage Road- MNDOT and Inver Grove Heights are in charge, an Agreement is to be reached with Koch. • Project #266, Erickson 190, Phase 1 -ON HOLD • Project #267, Diamond Path Trunk Watermain - Wensmann is the only assessed property • 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 1995 • Staff apprised the Commission from now on only projects the Commission has questions about will be answered instead of a general update on all projects. The Commission can highlight off the Executive Summary. 4c. - Well Head Protection Joint Powers Agreement City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson familiarized the Commission with the meetings he has been attending regarding the Well Head Protection Program. The State has mandated that all cities must have a program in place within the next two years and depending on installation of a new well it may be sooner. Dakota County has taken a very active interest in this Plan that is a benefit to all involved. The cost of entering into a Joint Powers Agreement would depend upon the number of wells in service and the area of the community they would be servicing. The cost sharing was worked out between the Cities involved and Dakota County. There was a brief discussion with the Commission. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend that City Council enter into a Joint Powers Agreement between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount for Cost Sharing of a County -wide Multi -layer Analytical Element Ground Water Model. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 7a. - Tower Repair Update There was nothing to report. 7b. - Vac Truck Ugddate The City received the chassis and Staff has been in contact with the representatives from Vactor. The jet /vactor will take approximately 60 - 90 days to install. 7c. - Update on SCADA System /Auto Dialer The consultant hasn't sent anything to the City yet. Dean Sharp, the consultant, has spoken with Autocon. 7d. - Storm Water Connection Charge Update 9 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 1995 • The City Council accepted the Utility Commission recommendation and passed the resolution with no questions. 7e. - Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 12, 1995 Emergency Response Plan SCADA System Update Project Update (Birchview Terrace, etc.) Budget for 1996 The Commission had a brief discussion as to why the Council hasn't responded to their letter regarding charging water usage to the Armory (National Guard). City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the Commission of the bills he received from the Minnesota Department of Safety for the storage of chemicals within City buildings. The well houses were charged up to $ 100 a piece because of the types of chemicals usually stored on -site. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. E Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Work Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of May 8, 1995 Regular Meeting (Approved) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Emergency Response Plan (MOTION to adopt .....) b. Project Update (Updated) C. d. e. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Budget for 1996 (Discussed) b. Well #3 Rehab (MOTION to authorize ......► C. Emergency Generator (MOTION to authorize ....) d. Authorize Investigation of Rural Water System & Wells (MOTION to authorize....) e. f. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Well Head Protection - Joint Powers Agreement (council approved) b. Birchview Terrace (Brief discussion) C. Keegan Lake Information (Gliva Attorney, Discussion, tabled) d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 10, 1995 (set) e. f. 8. ADJOURNMENT 8:35 p.m. • CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 12, 1995 CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on June 12, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Mulhern with Commission Members Walsh, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions to the agenda, however President Mulhern moved Item 7c. to the head of the agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the May 8, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 7c. Keegan Lake Information • Judson Jones, Attorney for Mr. & Mrs. Marty Gliva of 2500 130th Street, was in attendance, along with the Gliva's, to present a preliminary independent engineer's report. The Commission listen to the problems as the Attorney presented them, often times referring back to the Comprehensive Storm Water Plan which was done back in 1989. The "Engineering Report" shows the effects of the precipitation and what has happened in the drainage areas. The lake levels keep rising with no provision for containment or outlet except for the yards of the abutting properties. Mr. Jones apprised the Commission that the Gliva's will be seeking compensation. Right now his home has "no" resale value. Mr. Gliva spoke to Commission about losing 175' of his front yard to the lake over the past few years. The lake is approximately 20' from his entry door. His drain the is underwater and it is encroaching upon his septic system. Although the Commission could sympathize with Mr. & Mrs. Gliva, this was the first they had heard of the hiring of an Attorney and a independent engineering report. The letters from the Attorney and the report will be forwarded on to the City's Attorney, Charlie LeFevere. ® Pyinted an 30% per pa conpining 30% posttwsumer materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 12, 1995 • OLD BUSINESS 4a. Emergency Response Plan A brief discussion took place regarding the revised Emergency Response Plan which Staff submitted to the Commission. The Commission was pleased with the concept of the Plan. MOTION by Walsh to adopt the Stormwater Emergency Response Plan for the City of Rosemount. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 4b. Project Update The Commission inquired about Project #257, Wachter 186A Outlet. A brief discussion regarding this project took place regarding right -of -entry versus easement acquisition and ditching instead of piping. The fine grading still needs to be done, however the project was completed, for the most part, within a week. Project #261, Shannon Meadows, was presented to Council with 60' lots showing. The Council rejected the concept. Project #267, Diamond Path Trunk Watermain, is still being planned. The Church has not shown any interest in the plans. NEW BUSINESS 5a. Budget for 1996 This item was treated as a Question /Answer discussion regarding the budget. Staff will get a copy of the CRP and CIP to the Commission Members. This item will be further discussed at the July 10, 1995 meeting. 5b. Well #3 Rehab The proposed rehab of this well was explained to the Commission. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Staff to hire a consultant to prepare the specifications for the Well #3 Rehabilitation. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 2 . UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 12, 1995 5c. Emergency Generator The proposed emergency generator is a Capital Improvement Item. A brief discussion took place as to its use. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize Staff to hire a consultant to prepare plans and specifications for an emergency generator. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 5d. Authorize Investigation of Rural Water System & Wells The Commission referred to the Executive Summary for their discussion of the rural water system and wells. It was basically understood that the City more or less received this system and that it has had problems since its start up. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize Staff to hire a consultant to investigate the two items in the executive summary regarding the rural water systems and wells. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • NO PRESIDENT'S REPORT • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 7a. Well Head Protection - Joint Powers Agreement Council approved the Joint Powers Agreement for the Well Head Protection Plan, thus the Plan is being worked on. 7b. Birchview Terrace After speaking with the City Attorney, Charlie LeFevere, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the Commission that deferring the assessment on an improved property (i.e. Birchview Terrace) can't be done, however deferring hook -up charges is possible. SCADA System Report A brief discussion took place on the report received from Sebesta Blomberg & Associates regarding our SCADA System. It would be at a considerable cost to the City if we were to get out of the system. 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 12, 1995 Interim Financial Report The Commission briefly touched on the Cash on Hand and the inconsistency of the Bond Payments. 7d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 10, 1995 1. Budget for 1996 Project Updates Including: • Well #3 Rehab 0 Emergency Generator • Rural Water • Birchview Terrace • Keegan Lake • Project Update The Commission discussed the benefits of a field trip during the next meeting to see where and how the wells, lift stations and towers are operated and to also look at some of the problem areas such as Keegan Lake, Stillwell's, Lockler's, Birger Pond, etc. MOTION by Walsh to start the regular July 10, 1995 meeting at 6:00 p.m. instead of 6:30 p.m. to prioritize the agenda items before recessing the meeting to go on a field trip with the meeting reconvening after the field trip. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 4 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT A ' 411-' AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JULY 10, 1995 6:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of June 12, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve ...) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Budget for 1996 (Tabled until next meeting) b. Project Update (updated on Tour) C. SCADA System (MOTION to authorize purchase .....) ADD d. Easement for White Lake Acres /Manseau Property (MOTION to approve the expenditure .....) e. f. 9• 5. NEW BUSINESS • a. b. C. d. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for August 7, 1995 (Set) e. f. 8. ADJOURNMENT 8:25 p.m. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 CITY thiStreet West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming U Rosemount!! g p Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 0 Phone: 612.423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423.5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on July 10, 1995 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Acting President Walsh with Commission Member Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Utility and Building Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Additions to the agenda were: Item 4d. - Easement Acquisition on White Lake Acres /Manseau Property. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the June 12, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. • President Mulhern joined the meeting at 6:02 p.m. ITEM 4c. - SCADA SYSTEM Walsh advised the Commission and Staff that Autocon is holding an auction this week. A brief discussion took place regarding AutoCon and the new attitude which is being developed between them and the City. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the purchase of the auto - dialer and laptop computer to be paid for out of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Operating Budgets. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. ITEM 4d. - EASEMENT ACQUISITION ON WHITE LAKE ACRES /MANSEAU PROPERTY This item was added to the agenda after City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson visited with Mr. Bob Manseau out on his property today. The flow of the storm water was explained to the Commission. Mr. Manseau agreed to a price of $3,000 for the necessary easement for the direction of this flow. MOTION by Walsh to approve the expenditure of $3,000 for an easement acquisition (6/10 of an acre) to Bob Manseau which outlet from White Lake Acres with the funds It taken from the Storm Sewer Utility Core Fund. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. INR ainin mcycled paper containing M. posttonsu materials. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 1995 ITEM 4b. - PROJECT UPDATE The various projects will be updated on the Utility Commission tour. Acting President Walsh recessed the regular Utility Commission meeting at 6:10 p.m. so the Commission could go on a tour of the various City utility sites and problems. President Mulhern reconvened the regular Utility Commission meeting at 8:20 p.m. ITEM 4a. - BUDGET FOR 1996 The Commission was in agreement to table the Budget discussion until the August 7, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. ITEM 7d. - SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR AUGUST 7, 1995 1. Budget • 2. Project Update • Marty Gliva - Keegan Lake • Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements • Emergency Generator Spec's • Well #3 Spec's 3. Chippendale Tower - AEC Inspection Contract MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary K CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1" AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of July 10, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve...) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Budget for 1996 (Lengthy Discussion, Tabled) b. Project Update (Brief update on several projects) C. Chippendale Tower /AEC Inspection Contract (MOTION TO AUTHORIZE....) d. Shannon Meadows (Brief discussion) e. f. 9- 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Wensmann - The Triangle (Brief Discussion) • b. Water Conservation Discussion (Discussion, Staff to compose ...) C. d. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for September 11, 1995 (set) e. f. 8. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 8:00 p.m. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145thiStreet West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount 55068 0510N Phone: 612.423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on August 7, 1995 at 6:37 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Acting President Walsh with Commission Member Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Finance Director May and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Acting President Walsh let the record show that President Mulhern was absent. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes_ of the July 10, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. • OLD BUSINESS Project Updates r: The Commission listened to a brief overview of different items on the Project List. Chippendale Water Tower /AEC Inspection Contract The City Attorney added an addendum to the contract submitted by AEC. The money for these inspection fees will come from the Water Operating Budget. MOTION by Walsh to enter into a contract with AEC Engineering for inspection services for the Chippendale Avenue Tower Repair for a price not to exceed $14,000 and authorize the necessary signatures. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Shannon Meadows The latest plan for this addition shows lots with 80 foot frontages and 110 foot depth. A brief discussion took place regarding this development. ® Printed on 30% er pap condinhn ing 30% post— rner m teri,i, • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1995 NEW BUSINESS Wensmann - The Triangle The discussion for the Wensmann Triangle centered around the type of homes, the drainage to Hawkins Pond, the extension of the 16" watermain to Covington with an 8" service to the development. A 1 % acre park has been dedicated. All in all this development should be a nice addition to the area. Water Conservation Discussion The Commission had a major discussion regarding the conservation of water in the City of Rosemount. An odd /even sprinkling ban was addressed. Commissioner Walsh was very clear about the fact that if such a ban was put in place the City would be expected to follow it. He feels a lot of waste is being placed on the grass by the City, which makes it hard to ask residents to conserve if the City can't conserve. A brief discussion regarding rain sensitive automatic sprinklers was held because of the • amount of water wasted through irrigation systems while it is raining out. The Commission directed Staff to prepare some type of permanent water conservation plan and bring it back for more discussion. OLD BUSINESS Budget for 1996 Finance Director May handed out a clean typed copy of the budget. There was a lengthy discussion regarding several aspects of the budget. Commissioner Walsh was concerned with the funds for the new jet truck and the old jet truck. If the old jet truck is repaired it will come out of a general account. The majority of revenue for sanitary sewer goes to the MCES charge; also money is being set aside for the maintenance of Tower #2. Conversation centered around Birger Pond and what type of expenses could be incurred should that develop, the need for another storage facility for vehicles, an update of the Comp Water plan, a mini treatment plant versus a big treatment plant, another well at Jaycee Park and many other items which would need to be researched. K • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1995 • The Commission unanimously decided to table the budget until the September 11, 1995 meeting when President Mulhern would be present for any input. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Set Next Meeting Agenda for September 11. 1995 • Budget for 1996 • Project Update Shannon Meadows Chippendale Tower White Lake Acres Keegan Lake Wensmann Triangle The Commission touched lightly on the flooding of Lower 147th Street and Cameo Avenue. The Feasibility Report would be done in- house, however the Plans and Specifications would be hired out. It was explained that this project cannot be started until after the Council accepts the final levy for next year. That would happen in September. Commission Member Berg expressed his gratitude for the tour the Commission took at the last regular Utility Commission meeting. He felt it was a very good idea and it definitely benefitted him. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 3 Respectfully submitted, r Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT1 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of August 7, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve ...) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Adopt Operating Budget for 1996 (MOTION To ADoF r .....) b. Project Update (Brief discussion on various projects) C. Ad for Bid - Emergency Generator (MOTION to recommend .....) d. Emergency Preparedness Water Conservation Plan (MOTION to authorize ..... not to exceed $10,000) e. f. 9• 5. NEW BUSINESS • ADD a. Installation of Fire Hydrant & Gate Valve at Bottom of Chippendale Water Tower (MOTION to approve installation .....) C. d. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for October 16, 1995 (Agenda set) e. f. • 8. ADJOURNMENT 7:38 p.m. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875 C1ILL 45t"SteetWest P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming U Rosemount!! C Rosemount, MN g p 55068.0510 0 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 to Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the September 11, 1995 Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was duly held on September 11, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Mulhern with Commission Members Walsh, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Additions to the Agenda included 5a.- Installation of Fire Hydrant and Gate Valve at the bottom of Chippendale Water Tower. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the August 7, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • OLD BUSINESS Adopt Operating Budget for 1996 0 Minor changes were made and pointed out from previous discussions. MOTION by Mulhern to adopt the 1996 Operating Budget for Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Utility. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Project Update All the utility work is done on the Biscayne Avenue Improvements. A resident in the Birger Pond area is concerned about the high water level. John McMenomy stopped crews from working on the drainage ditch for the White Lake Acre Outlet. Keith Yapp of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates confirmed that water goes the way it is being channeled and it always has gone that way. All this project would be doing is stabilizing the water. On the Diamond Path Watermain Improvements, crews will probably have to open cut across CSAH 42 instead of boring under. The Commission agreed that that is the way to go. ®Rrradun recycledpape containing 30% po#conwmer materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 Ad for Bid - Emergency Generator Although not at the meeting, Dean Sharpe of Sebesta, Blomberg & Associates, had finished the specifications for the emergency generator. After a rather detailed discussion, the Commission directed Staff to get a quote from an electrician to look into the wiring of Well #3 for emergency power for the chemical feed pumps. MOTION by Walsh to recommend to City Council to proceed with the process for the purchase of the emergency generator. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Emergency Preparedness Water Conservation Plan City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson presented the Commission with a proposal from P.C.E., Inc. for doing an Emergency Preparedness and Water Conservation Plan. Staff had hoped to complete the Plan in- house, however it is due the first of the year and time is running out. • MOTION by Walsh to authorize Staff to hire a consultant to complete the Emergency Preparedness and Water Conservation Plan for a cost not to exceed $10,000. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 0 NEW BUSINESS Installation of Fire Hydrant & Gate Valve at bottom of Chippendale Water Tower The Commission listened intently while City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson showed them the as- builts locating where Staff recommended the installation of the fire hydrant and gate valve so maintenance would be able to flush the system. The cost of the project would be estimated at $5,000. City Staff would not be able to do the work themselves, it would need to be contracted out. Now is the perfect time to do the work with the Tower being shut down for refurbishing. This would allow a separation of the Tower and Well #7. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the installation of a fire hydrant and gate valve at the bottom of Chippendale Water Tower near the area of Well #7 and take the funds from the Water Tower Repair Fund. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. E • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 i Set Next Meeting Agenda - October 16. 1995 • Recommend Award of Bid - Emergency Generator • Project Update Installation of Fire Hydrant Update • Water Surface Management Update The Commission looked at maps which the City had received from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates regarding Surface Water Management. The maps will become part of the comprehensive SWMP maps within the City. The Commission addressed water conservation, especially in regards to government buildings and parks. They feel too much is being used for irrigation and the City can't promote conservation if it is using out of control. The Commission talked about sending another letter to Council voicing their concerns, however since they didn't get a response to their last letter they hesitate to do so. The letter the Commission received from Met Council regarding the sewage is close to what the Commission had projected at budget time. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 a.m. 3 Respectfully Submitted, C� Y Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 10 -17 -95 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1995 6:30 P.M. ** *MEETING WILL BE IN UPPER LEVEL CONFERENCE ROOM * ** 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of September 11, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve....) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Update (verbal update) b. Receive Bids /Recommend Award - Emergency Generator (MOTION to receive bids /Deny Award....) C. Receive Quotes - Repair to Well #3 (MOTION to receive.... award to..) d. Water Surface Management Update (Bonestroo Representatives Presentation) e. f. 9• 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Request for Reduction in Storm Water Utility Fee (Discussion w /Eleanor Twining, Directive to Staff) b. Request Waiver of SAC Charges (MOTION to deny .....) C. Proposed Word Change of Current Utility Billing Procedures (MOTION to approve changes ...) • a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) ADD a. Ertmann & Coffee Letter (MOTION to direct Staff to credit ..... on Ertmann. Discussion on Coffee letter) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for November 13, 1995 (set) • e. 11 8. ADJOURNMENT (8:55 p.m.) CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145thiStreet West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount 55068 0510N Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the October 16, 1995 regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall at 6:32 p.m. by Acting President Walsh. Commission Member Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer and Recording Secretary Dorniden were present. Additions to the Agenda included Item 7a. - Ertmann & Coffee Letter. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the September 11, 1995 regular Utility Commission minutes. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. • 5a. Request for Reduction in Storm Water Utility Fee Eleanor and Mary Twining, owners of the property known as A -1 Concrete, were present to ask that the Commission adjust their Storm Water Utility Fee to be more equitable with surrounding areas. They are zoned "Commercial ", whereas they contend that other surrounding properties with businesses are zoned "Agricultural ". One of the questions Ms. Twining asked was why can't there be a designation to differentiate between big business versus small business? Although the Commission didn't adjust the Twinings' Storm Water Utility Fee, they did direct Staff to check on a more equitable way to bill big business versus small business. 4d. Water Surface Management Update Dan Edgerton and Karen Shimon from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. This firm is doing the City's Storm Water Management Plan. Ms. Shimmer went over the computer program, SWIM, which is what they are using to build our Plan. The • team went over the goals and policies they are developing for Rosemount. For a visual aid they had produced a large map showing the flows, old pipe, proposed new ® on pe recycieepa cwta containing 309 postconsumer materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1995 pipes, etc. The Commission asked many questions and had much discussion. They should have the draft plan ready by Thanksgiving. 4a. Project Update City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson updated the Commission on several different projects. He also apprised the Commission that Debbie Moeller has talked to Council Members regarding the ponding in her yard. Since this is not a life, health or safety issue, Engineering is waiting until the Storm Water Management Plan is finished to further address her problem. 4b. Receive Bids /Recommend Award - Emergency Generator There was a slight discussion on this generator. Only one bid was received. MOTION by Walsh to receive bids and recommend to City Council to reject the contract for the Utility Standby Power Provisions. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. • Nays: 0. 4c. Receive Quotes - Repair to Well #3 The City received 5 quotes with the low bid being $16,524, for further investigation and repair of Well #3. MOTION by Walsh to receive quotes /award contract for the repairs of Well #3 to Keys Well Drilling in the amount of $16,524 with the money to come out of the Water Operating Fund. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. • 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1995 5b. Request Waiver of SAC Charges Markos Chouliaris was not present, however he had spoken with City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson regarding a waiver of the additional SAC Charges for the remodeling of TOPS Pizza. Paul Heimkes, Interim Building Official, supplied the Commission with chronological information regarding the SAC Charges and how they connect with TOPS Pizza building as it is today. MOTION by Berg to deny the waiver of SAC Charges to Markos Chouliaris of TOPS Pizza. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. 5c. Proposed Word Change of Current Utility Billing Procedures MOTION by Walsh to approve changing the Finance Department phone number in the Utility Billing procedures from 322 -2032 to 322 -2030. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. D : 4 ; : q : 7a. Ertmann & Coffee Letters These items were added to the agenda because the Commission had received letters from these customers. The Ertmann letter was very detailed and explained exactly why he was requesting a credit. The consensus of the Commission and Staff was to go back to the third quarter of last year and use that as an amount for the sewer bill. Commission wanted Staff to write a letter informing Mr. Ertmann of this and also advise him this would be his one -time courtesy credit. The Coffee letter was addressed in a letter from Doug Litterer to the Coffees'. The letter was in reply to the Coffee letter prior to the Commission meeting. Hopefully with Doug Litterers' response, this will appease the Coffees'. 7d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for November 13, 1995 1 - Project Update 2- Review Fee Schedule 3- Ertmann Credit (Formal action) 0 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1995 MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • 0 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 11 -14 -95 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of October 16, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve...) 4. CONSENT (MOTION to approve.....) a. Request for Sewer Credit 31 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Update (Updated on several projects) b. Appeal Motion on SAC Charges (MOTION to compromise for one SAC ......1 C. .111 • e. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Review Sewer Rate on Billings (Several Residents, Lengthy Discussion, Staff directed) b. Review Fee Schedule (MOTION to recommend to the City Council to adopt...) C. d. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT ADD a. Environmental Solutions for Minnesota Communities (President Mulhem attended a conference, shared information) 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) ADD a. WaterPro Phone Read System ADD b. Nitrates at the University of Minnesota Property C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for December 11, 1995 (set Agenda) • e. f. CITY OF RO S E M O u N T 2875 -1I HALL 45th Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, 55068 -0510 0 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the November 13, 1995 regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 6:30 p.m. by President Mulhern. Commission Members Berg, Walsh, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden were present. Additions to the Agenda included Item 7a.- Environmental Solutions for Minnesota Communities. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the October 16, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. This item was presented at the October 16, 1995 regarding Markos Chouliaris, owner /operator of TOPS Pizza. He was requesting a waiver of the two City SAC charges and also to see if the City could waive the Metro SAC Charges which he has already paid. He was not at the meeting in October at which time the Commission had denied the waiver. He then contacted Staff and asked for another chance to appeal in person. Mr Chouliaris does not feel it is fair that the City is charging him for his existing building. He feels he has been asked to pay for the other businesses, that didn't have to pay, that occupied that space prior to him. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and the Commission "tried" to explain to Mr. Chouliaris the system and tried to explain to him we don't regulate Metro SAC, he'd have to take up his appeal regarding those two SAC units with Metro. • MOTION by Berg to compromise for one (1) City SAC Charge and investigate why MCES charged two (2) charges. SECONDED by Walsh. More discussion insued moinirw 30% pu"-cmw R a als. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1995 clarifying City SAC versus Metro SAC. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Mr. Chouliaris asked to appeal this to the November 21, 1995 regular City Council meeting. He was assured he would be put on the agenda. Commission directed Staff to make up a list as to when SAC charges were initiated. 9:1111671"111:114 ► . This became a lengthy topic with several residents from a neighborhood responding. As happened last year, a new neighborhood came in to express their dismay over having to pay for sewage at the same consumption as their water while watering their new sod. Staff reiterated the "Rate Study" which was completed in the spring of 1994 established the new rates, and this situation was taken into consideration in the establishment of the rates. It was explained that if the sprinkler credit was re- established, the sewer rate would have to be increased. Also, irrigation meters are available if a resident wants to go that route. Commissioner Walsh gave several scenarios as to problems that have been experienced in the past. A lot of different suggestions were made from averaging usage to a flat fee for one time new sod credit. Each resident present had the opportunity to speak to the Commission and give their opinions. The Commission directed Staff to check into different solutions for one -time sod credit for new homes by going back to 1994 and identifying 200 new single family homes, then determine what type of rate structure should be used. Any funds that would be used to reimburse these accounts would have to be taken from the Sewer Operating Budget. MOTION by Walsh to recess for 10 minutes. SECOND by Berg. • 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1995 President Mulhern reconvened the meeting at 8:55 p.m. where more discussion ensued regarding the sewer charges. DT811iffiTMAWIM 9:4 �&*41 MM 1:1 The Capital Charges for WAC and SAC were discussed along with meter installations. The Commission also discussed a price comparison for STAC versus Trunk Area Charge. It was explained that the STAC is always collected with the Building Permit, so Rosemount has the reputation as always having the highest charges for Building Permits. Most cities collect a Trunk Area Charge as part of the Development Agreement where the Developer pays the cost upfront with the project. • MOTION by Mulhern to recommend that City Council to adopt the fees for 1996 as attached. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Surface Water Management Plan will probably recommend adjustments but will be considered at a later date. - 0 -*. Highlights of the project update were as follows: Wensmann 9th Utilities are about complete and they are hoping to get partial streets in within the next couple weeks. Keys Well Drilling started the refurbishing of Well #3 today. The drainage (ditch work) for Bacardi Avenue was completed. Rebids on the Emergency Generator will be this Thursday. • 3 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1995 The work of the contractor, Schields Construction, was not a completed in a very professional manner on the Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, requiring additional Staff time. Project #266, which was labeled Erickson 190 Drainage Improvements, has been renamed to 1996 Reconstruction Street & Utilities Improvements. Shannon Meadows has a new plan which will probably be accepted. The City received a compliment on the Wachter 186A project. Biscayne Avenue is now opened to traffic. • The CMC 110 Acre site is just sitting until the settlemet with the railroad is reached. This is the single family units. On multiple family plats such as Wensmann 6, 7, 8 and 9, the property owner will be responsible from the sewer line main to the home, rather than the curb stop to the home. 1' 4 \ k d&M".1 9 i A iG,11 Lim IFTAI • •l • 11 llV • - •11(1 President Mulhern attended a meeting in St. Peter on environmental solutions. He informed the Commission it was a very informative meeting and he had some interesting reading which he will share with Commission Members. Testing for ground water contamination is one of the most prevelant ways to check for environmental problems, however next would be the solutions. The meeting stressed conservation and management practices. One of the observations all the Commission Members seem to realize is that the Minnesota population take water for granted and they need to be more educated in the "Whys" of why we shouldn't take it for granted and learn to conserve more. 4 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1995 The City has received some of the pricing from WaterPro for our 1996 meter purchases. Todd Bredesen will be attending the December 11, 1996 meeting to make a presentation on the Phone Read System. The Minnesota Department of Health contacted the City to apprise Staff that there was a high level of nitrates found at the University of Minnesota main well. Our rural water system uses the University's system as a back -up. A new plan will have to be devised because our system has to be totally disconnected from the University's . 8c. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR DECEMBER 11. 1995 1. WaterPro 2. Update on City Council Decision on SAC Waiver 3. Generator - Project Update 4. A -1 Concrete - Small Business versus Large Business - Storm Water Utility for Commercial use of Agricultural property. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Walsh. Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 0 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 12 -12 -95 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1995 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of November 11, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve ...... ) 4. CONSENT (MOTION to approve ..... & authorize necessary signatures) a. Fund Transfer b. RMR Contract Fee Change for 1996 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Update (Much discussion, especially regarding City Project #266) b. C. d. e. • 6. NEW BUSINESS a. WaterPro Presentation on Phone Read (Representatives made lengthy presentation, Very interesting) b. LOGIS Proposal (Finance Director discussed new software, especially for Utility Billing however not to exclude other applications City has, Commission directed more research) a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Council Decision on SAC Appeal (Council upheld Commission decision) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for January 8, 1996 (Meeting Set) e. f. 9. ADJOURNMENT 9:03 p.m. C. d. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Council Decision on SAC Appeal (Council upheld Commission decision) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for January 8, 1996 (Meeting Set) e. f. 9. ADJOURNMENT 9:03 p.m. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145thiStreet West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Rosemount Utility Commission was called to order on Monday, December 11, 1995 at 6:37 p.m. by President Mulhern. The meeting was conducted in the Council Chambers of the City hall with Commission Members Berg, Walsh, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Finance Director May, Utility & Building Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions to the agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the minutes of the November 13, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. CONSENT AGENDA • MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Agenda as presented and authorize the necessary signatures needed. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. In his Executive Summary on the above topic, Finance Director May apprised the Commission that when the City went to the present Utility Billing system that we have now, the city took a step backwards. The cost of the LOGIS system would cost $15,000 - $20,000 a year just for the Utility package. The City only pays $10,000 now for all our applications: Utility Billing, Fund Accounting and Payroll. Commission Members directed Staff to look at every possibility, such as NSP, Peoples and Dakota Electric, for reading the water meters and processing bills. The item was tabled and more work will be done next year. Todd Bredesen of WaterPro and Jim Grillo of Sensus Technologies were in attendance • and made a lengthy presentation on the conveniences of installing phone reads on the water meters for new construction. Once their presentation was concluded, the EmPrinted on nxyrled paper conhfning 30% post- cnnwmirm tmiak • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1995 Commission asked a variety of questions. No action was taken and we will get back to WaterPro once Staff and the Commission discuss what is needed. ':• 'b: • McNamara Property - Next 5 years will be built up. 12" line for water. • Wensmann 9th - All utilities are in. • Keegan Lake - nothing to report • Well #3 Rehab - Got started, but is too cold, equipment won't start. Brush inside casing and bailing. Will be done in a couple weeks. • Emergency Generator - Ordered through Ziegler, who was low bid. Will buy electrical parts. • Diamond Path Trunk Watermain - Holding retainage check. • Erickson 190, Phase 1 - Renamed as Project #266, 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements. Commission Member Walsh was concerned. He felt the Utility Commission should be first to hear about the utility end of • this project since they are an advisory board to the Council. The Council will receive the Feasibility Report and order a Public Hearing on December 19th without any input from the Commission. He feels their is a definite lack of communication. A Special meeting can always be called if information comes up to be acted on. • Birger Pond - Staff has met with Apple Valley concerning Birger Pond. The next step will be a meeting with Apple Valley and Lakeville. It appears that Bob Harpers property is the most affected and will require a storm water easement. Staff will be meeting with Birch view Terrace residents within the next months to discuss sewer, water and streets. • Shannon Meadows - Received Preliminary Plat approval for 29 lots. The plans for the water and sewer haven't been drafted yet, however the sewer will need to be brought to the old Strese and Knick houses through Shannon Meadows. • Carrousel Plaza - This project is finally finished and the storm drain trunk oversizing was finally paid for. • lei 0 11010 The SAC Charges levied against Markos Chourilias were appealed at Council level and • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1995 the Council stood behind the Utility Commissions decision to waive one SAC Unit out of the two. If this is not paid, Council directed Staff to assess this charge to his property. City Engineer /Public Works Director explained that he had more requests to lease space on top of the water tower to place cellular phone antennas. The City Attorney will be checking into the possibilities and what type of legal ramifications this could have. The Commission felt this could bring in some extra income for the City. 1- Update on Project #266 2- Update on Surface Water Management Plan 3- Update on Water Conservation Plan 4- A -1 Concrete - large versus small • MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • 3