HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 UC MinutesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 1 -09-96 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1996 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of December 11, 1995 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve....) 4. CONSENT a. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Update (Updated, various small discussions) Delete b. Update on 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements City Project #266 C. Update on Surface Water Management Plan (Updated) d. Update on Emergency Water Conservation Plan (Updated) • e. Birger Pond /Bob Harper Easement (MOTION to negotiate & purchase.....) f. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Fire Station /Oster Watermain Extension (Staff directed to send letters after discussion) b. Cable Complaint (Mr. Wettstaedt was in attendance -City can't do anything,discussion) ADD c. Cable Review & City Hall Update (Directed Staff to get an audit and write up an annual report on how services are going) 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) ADD a. Franchise Agreement Update (Discussion on NSP Electric & Dakota Electric, Attorney is reviewing Suburban Rate Authority) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for February 12, 1996 (Agenda Set) It e. f. 9. ADJOURNMENT 8:15 p.m. ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 8, 1996 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612. 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Rosemount Utility Commission was called to order on Monday, January 8, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. by Acting President Walsh. The meeting was conducted in the Council Chambers of the City Hall with Commission Member Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. President Mulhern was absent. Additions to the Agenda were Item 6c. -Cable Review & City Hall Update; Item 8a.- Franchise Agreement Update. Item 5b.- Update on 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #266 was pulled from the agenda. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson suggested that Item 6b be moved to • the top of the agenda since the complainant is in the audience. • MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the December 11, 1995 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Mr. Wettstaedt met with the Commission regarding the complaint he had written to them about. He discussed the different programs that Marcus Cable has now gone to and the increase in cost for the programs. Although the Commission sympathized with Mr. Wettstaedt there is nothing they can really do except write a letter to Marcus Cable apprising them that the City has received a complaint. The Commission agreed that sor4e type of annual report needs to be completed regarding the services of MarcusCable and the franchise fees. An audit of the franchise fees should be received from Marcus Cable showing how they arrived at the fees they are supplying us. ®Rioted on mcyrled paper containing 30% pasFCOnsomn materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 8, 1996 MOTION by Walsh to direct the City Administrator to do an annual audit of Marcus to determine if the number of customers and fees are appropriate. Also, have a report prepared on the Cable Company in regards to the Franchise Agreement. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. 11!117L� 111111T MEIJI LIFT MR, H. The proposed Dodd Boulevard extension from Covington to Dallara was explained to the Commission. It will complete an additional supply line to the Broback Additions in the SW 1/4 of Section 30 which will supply more volume and supply better fire protection. Staff was directed to send letters to the three affected properties advising them of the project and the estimated costs to their individual property. This item will be back on the February agenda. 5a. PROJECT UPDATE • Biscayne Avenue Improvements - Awaiting final lift of bituminous in Spring of 1996. • CMC -110 Acre - Still waiting for the move of the railroad spur • Shannon Meadows - Proposal is for a long cul -de -sac w/29 lots. • Birger Pond Outlet - Apple Valley & Lakeville had a meeting. Thoughts of taking Birger Outlet to the Wensmann Pond south of 42 by Shannon Parkway as a temporary solution, then to the gravel pit in Apple Valley when that develops. • Shannon Pond East - East side of Shannon Parkway north of 160th Street. Grading to begin in spring. • Wensmann 7th & 8th Addition - Awaiting final lift of bituminous • Diamond Path Trunk Watermain - Punch list items left • Emergency Generator - Purchased from Ziegler • Well #3 Rehab - Done with underground. Pumped, televised it. Needs some repiping. Not on line yet, will be in a week or so. • Wensmann 9th - Quad up on Dodd side. Completed 90% utilities • McNamara Property - 12" Trunk watermain, plenty of ponding, however it is still in the rough planning stages, no preliminary plat as of yet. • CMC Multiple Family - Approval last spring, approved as soon as railroad moves. • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 8, 1996 Bonestroo is still working on the western 1/3 of the City. Hopefully they will have a presentation at the next meeting to begin the approval process for the Plans. It will take quite a while to go through the approval process. The State has mandated that cities complete a Conservation and Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) which is to be approved by Met Council and the DNR. PCE is nearing completion of Rosemount's CEMP. A draft of the Plan should be ready for review at the next Utility Commission meeting. Mr. Harper is an elderly gentleman who wishes this easement is taken care of before he sells his home. Commission discussed the cost and purchase of the easement is along with the different water levels which have been registered. MOTION by Walsh to have Staff negotiate and purchase the easement needed on the Bob Harper property and have the funds taken from the Storm Water Core Fund. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. i • ; :4;Lgj;jj The Suburban Rate Authority is completing a new F.A. for statewide use, which will be approved in two weeks. The City can then use this for new Franchise Agreements with Northern States Power Electric and Dakota Electric Association. In the new Franchise Agreement being negotiated, the City will be asking for the authority to collect Franchise Fees. • Moeller /Hwy 3 Drainage • Organizational Meeting 1. Swearing in • 2. Elect President 3. Set Meetings for 1996 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 8, 1996 • Project Update • Birch View Terrace - Informational Meeting • Look at how to service whole north area east of Hwy 3 • A -1 Concrete - Eleanor Twining: Big Business versus Small Business • Updates on Surface Water Management Plan and the Emergency Water Conservation Plan MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • E CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 02 -13-96 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1996 6:30 P.M. 1. Reorganization of Commission a. Swearing In of New Member (Dave waldoch) b. Election of President (Shawn Mulhern) C. Election of Interim President (Don Berg) 2. Call to Order (6:45 p.m.) 3. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda (None at this tme) 4. Approval of Minutes of January 8, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve.....) a a. 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Moeller /Hwy 3 Drainage (Discussion only) b. Project Update (Brief update on each project) C. Fire Station /Oster Watermain Update (Discussion only) d. Potable Water Conservation and Emergency Management Plan is (CEMP) (MOTION to approve .......I e. Antenna Discussion (Discussion only, further investigation required) 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Set Meeting Dates for 1996 (MOTION to set ......) b. Authorize Hiring /Prepare Plans & Spec -Well #9 (MOTION to authorize hiring...) C. Authorize Hiring /Update the Comprehensive Potable Water Plan (MOTION to authorize hiring .........) d. 8. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) ADD a. Birger Pond Update (Discussion regarding bonding) ADD b. Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) (Discussion and update) • ADD c. New Public Works Maintenance Employee (Travis Jurek) d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for March 11, 1996 10. ADJOURNMENT 9:00 p.m. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145thiStreet West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423.5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on February 12, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Executive Director Bud Osmundson introduced the new Utility Commission Member, Dave Waldoch. Mayor Cathy Busho administered the oath to newly appointed Commission Member Dave Waldoch and welcomed him onboard. Mayor Busho also presented Commissioners Berg and Mulhern with a "Certificate of Appreciation" for their past years' work. Mayor Busho presented outgoing Commission Member Joseph Walsh with a plaque of "Appreciation" for his past 15 years as a Utility Commission Member. His service and dedication to the City of Rosemount has been unsurpassable. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and the remaining Commission Members • thanked Mr. Walsh for his service and leadership and also wished him well in future endeavors. Nominations were entertained for the position of President to the Utility Commission. MOTION by Berg to nominate Shawn Mulhern. SECOND by Waldoch. Osmundson asked if there were anymore nominations. MOTION by Mulhern to close nominations. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3 By unanimous ballot Shawn Mulhern was re- elected as President of the Utility Commission. Osmundson explained that the most senior member of the Utility Commission, after the President, will act as "Interim" President in the absence of the President, thus Commission Member Don Berg will be "Interim" President. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer, Utility & Building Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. . There were no additions or corrections to the agenda at this time. 1W.W- .e<reWpv� Em —Owi g30% pastKOnsu materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 1996 MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the January 8, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. There was no business under the Consent Agenda. This item was added to the agenda because the property owner, Deb Moeller, wanted to come and speak to the Commission regarding her drainage problem. Ms. Moeller contacted the City and apprised them that she wouldn't be able to make the meeting after the agenda had been set. The Commission discussed her problem, but agreed they really didn't think there was anything the City could do for the Moellers. Once the Surface Water Management Plan has been completed perhaps the Commission and Staff can take another look. • Biscayne Avenue Improvements - 99% done • CMC- Eastbridge Single Family - Project on hold. • Shannon Meadows - City has received plans - Explained Burkhalter involvement for change - 29 Single family homes • Birger Pond Outlet Improvements - Will talk about this at a later time • Shannon Pond East - Grading Plan is in - 40 Acres - 80 lots • Wensmann 7th & 8th Addition - Will be taken off the list. It is completed. • 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements - Right of Entries being obtained, not getting a good response, taxpayers don't realize it will cost everyone if goes to eminent domain. • Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Punch list items are left • Emergency Generator - Has been ordered from Ziegler • Well #3 Rehab - the well is done, however electrical panel & piping left to complete. • Wensmann 9th Addition - 90% completed. Will be finished in Spring • McNamara Property - Still in discussion stage - waiting for concept approval • CMC - Eastbridge Multiple Family - Preliminary Plat approval • Birchview Terrace - From informational meeting - majority of people don't want sewer and water • Gliva - Keegan Lake - Brought suit against City - April 1st court date. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 1996 • •► • lk A VIV VA r-Al 10 '•_ This was basically an informational item. The City has heard from two out of three residents which would be included if the loop was completed on the watermain at the time the fire station is being built. Staff will try to make contact with the third resident to get their input. wk The Commission entertained a brief discussion regarding the "draft" copy of the CEMP they had received. There should be feedback on the Plan over the next few weeks from the DNR and Metropolitan Council. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the Conservation and Emergency Management Plan for Rosemount and authorize Staff to send to the appropriate agencies. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • 6e. ANTENNA DISCUSSION Three companies have approached the City to place antennas on the water towers. The Commission discussed the different aspects of the lease agreement which is being held on the one antenna that we do have. The City Attorney has to go through the lease and make sure everything is in order. It was recommended that monies collected from a lease should go into the Tower Water Core fund and not the General fund. No action was necessary on this item, however more thought will be brought back to the Commission after hearing from the Attorney. The thought of hiring a technical advisor was brought out. ► j ► A brief discussion regarding the 1996 calendar took place. MOTION by Mulhern to set the 1996 Utility Commission Meetings per the calendar attached with the exception of the November meeting which will be held on November 18, 1996. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 1996 • .•: ,, 1110 MI With the growth of Rosemount, it is time for the next well to be installed. The Commission looked at the two recommended sites for Well #9 and a possible third site. MOTION to authorize hiring of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates to prepare Plans and Specifications for Well #9. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. .•: . : M197-211X491 u1;1 : . '• This plan will combine the west and east sides of Rosemount. Discussion was held as to the two consulting firms and their proposals. MOTION by Berg to authorize entering into a contract with Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates to complete an update to the Comprehensive Potable Water System Plan. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 0 .:_44 •• City Engineer Osmundson reviewed the Financial Report for the new Commission member. He also explained the problems and expectations of Birger Pond. Also, there was a brief discussion on bonding of projects. Civil Engineer Litterer handed out the preliminary draft of the SWMP. Discussion regarding the Plan took place. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the Commission that the hiring of Travis Jurek has taken place. Mr. Jurek has his Water Operator's License and his Sewer Collection Operators License. He will begin work on March 4, 1996. The Commission was also informed that 47 applications were received for the Water Resource Coordinator. The interview process should begin in approximately two • weeks. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 1996 • Review SWMP • Interview Plan - Water Resource Coordinator • Antenna Update • CEMP Update • Fire Station /Oster Watermain Update • Moeller /Hwy 3 Drainage Update (possibly) • Springsted - Storm water Finances • Hire Consultant - Feasibility Report of Sewer in Jay Simons Addition, Oakwood Estates and Lan -o -Ken. President Mulhern indicated that he felt a tour of the City and ponds should be taken again this year in the Spring when the evenings stay lighter. He did suggest two separate tours because there is just too much to cover in one evening. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Meeting was . adjourned at 9:00 p.m. C Respectfully Submitted, Cindy D rniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 4 -9-96 AGENDA . REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1996 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda (None) 3. Approval of Minutes of March 11, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve....) 4. CONSENT a. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Update (updated......) b. Antenna Lease Update (Discussion on APT changes to lease... Commission wants to stand firm on original lease fees...) C. d. e. • f. 9• 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Storm Water Utility Rates (Much discussion.... MOTION to recommend Council increase ....... $1.50 per quarter .... SF ... ) B a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Update of Engineering Technician Water Resource Coordinator (still interviewing, had iscussion regarding length of stay...) b. Utility Franchise Update (Will be mailing to Dakota Electric & NSP) C. • d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for May 13, 1996 (Tour of wells & Lift Stations) 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:04 p.m. ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 8, 1996 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on April 8, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the Agenda. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the March 11, 1996. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • There was nothing under the Consent Agenda. OLD BUSINESS • Shannon Meadows - Final plans have been submitted. It will be an extension to 143rd Street and a cul -de -sac. There are 29 lots. • Hawkins Pond /Basic Builders - This is west of Shannon Meadows. There are 16 lots, four of which front 145th Street. It is in the Planning Commissions hands for concept approval. • McNamara Property - A Traffic Study is being done for this plan. The PUD Concept Plan approval has taken place and the western area will probably be where the project will start this year. • Shannon Pond East - They will grade the whole 40 acres, however only develop the top (north) part first. • Geronime Property - This 40 acres drains to the west. The developer has a concept plan for 65 homes. Would like some multi - family, however not zoned for that and it doesn't look like they would be given approval in that area. ®cwteding 30 ckd paper containing 30% pws wwmea materials. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • APRIL 8, 1996 • E.B. McMenomy Property - This is 10 acres and probably would be considered for multi - family or apartments. • Ruth Englert Property - Winkler is developing. The sewer would cross the Geronime property to service this area. • Kelley Property The Kelley Trust has finally decided to sell. There is approximately 540 acres which is zoned R -1 at the present time. The Council would like to see "estate" homes or something similar. • Business Park - The City is just inches away from signing with Cannon Equipment which is a material handling equipment business. It would reflect about 200 jobs with the average job paying an average of $40,000 per year. • Corrigan Property - There is an option on this property. The property is north of 145th Street and the Dakota County Maintenance Facility on Biscayne Avenue. Right now they are looking at single family residential. • CIVIC Property - This piece of CIVIC property is next to the Corrigan property. The MCES sewer main runs through this property. This would also be single family. Between the Corrigan property and the CIVIC property the City would have to petition to extend our MUSA district. In 1999 the Sanitary Sewer Plant operated by MCES may be changed into strictly a pumping station eliminating the treatment of sewage. • 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements - This project was awarded to Arcon Construction in the amount of $1.61 million. There are four people the City was unable to obtain the "Right or Entries" for. These properties are now under condemnation. • Emergency Generator - The generator is still two weeks away on delivery. • Well #9 - The site is still on the north side of the outlot (as stated at the last meeting) on the east side of Shannon Parkway. The City would like to stay with a brick building. • Gliva /Keegan Lake - The City Attorney returned the "Writ of Mandamus" which is our response to the claim, and now it is in the Judges hands. • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • APRIL 8, 1996 • Fire Station /Oster Watermain - Still heard nothing from the third resident. This watermain will not be put in with the Fire Station extension, however will be done when Dodd Boulevard is upgraded. • CEMP Update - There are still a few items which Met Council are requesting. • North Central Sanitary Sewer Study - Nothing has been done on this to -date. • Surface Water Management Plan - This plan is still being reviewed by the consulting engineers. The dollar amount of the Lease Agreement seems to be the big hold up right now along with some other minor changes. The Commission, as a whole, decided that they didn't feel we needed to budge on the lease amount. Some of the other items are negotiable, but not the amount or the placement of the antenna's on the roof of the tower. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson was directed by the Commission to write a letter, on behalf of the Commission, expressing their views to the City Council regarding the placement of the fees received. The Commission doesn't feel these fees should be placed into the General Fund, unless the General Fund is willing to help pay any maintenance fees regarding the towers. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the Storm Water Utility Fees and how they affect the bonding of different projects. The Commission looked at comparisons to other cities and listened to the reasons why the Financial Consultants feel the rate needs to be increased as soon as possible. The Commission felt that raising the rates on single family $1.00 per quarter each year, for 3 years would lead to aggravating residents. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend the City Council increase the Storm Water Utility Rate Fee by $1.50 for the next year and a half (1 %) and to be reviewed after that for • 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES . APRIL 8, 1996 further increases. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. : PUM14:10 : Eight applicants were interviewed and all were well qualified. They still have two more that they are going to do a second interview with. Staff would like to find someone who would stay around for at least 5 -6 years. \ ■ I Ri Staff will be mailing out the new Franchise Agreement to Dakota Electric and Northern States Power. A tour of the wells and lift stations will be held the next meeting. Updating of is projects will take place in the van on the tour. Commission Members all agreed to change the meeting time to 6:00 p.m. on May 13, 1996. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the Commission of a meeting at the City Hall on April 10, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be hosted by the University of Minnesota Extension Services and will be apprising surrounding communities and businesses of their options in regards to the University property in Rosemount and Empire Township. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 5 -15-96 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MAY 13, 1996 6:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of April 8, 1996 Regular Meeting (Approved as corrected) 4. CONSENT a. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Tour Of Wells & Lift Stations (Brief Discussion on Various Sites) b. Project Update (updated while on Tour) C. d. e. • f. 9• n 6. NEW BUSINESS a. b. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Introduction of Engineering Technician Water Resource Coordinator Tim Brown (Introduced, Brief outline of duties) Q C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 10, 1996 (set) CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145th{ Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! , M N 55068-0510 RosemountemountM Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 13, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on May 13, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer, Water Resource Coordinator Brown, Utility & Building Supervisor Widstrom and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Recording Secretary Dorniden pointed out two corrections to the April 8, 1996 minutes. The first reflected on the first page regarding the McNamara property changing "Preliminary Plat" to "PUD Concept Plan" and the second on page 3 was a grammatical change in the motion regarding the increase of the Storm Utility Fee. The word "to" was replaced with "by ". • There were no other additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the April 8, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting as corrected. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 1 *:4:101119 VIM D i_ q i i q • I • • 1 • I I " " 1 1 1 I A i " • • • • I I I • • 11 • Tim Brown was introduced to the Commission as the new Water Resource Coordinator. Tim briefly told the Commission a little about himself and then went into the Storm Drain Stenciling program which he got underway. This project had him working with students from the ISD #196 School of Environmental Studies. • r-im] 17VIIII wi I • The tour of the wells and lift stations started at 6:25 p.m. The first destination was Well #7 and Chippendale Tower. On the way to Well #7 discussion on City Project #266 took place. The Commission Members were apprised that all right -of- entries, • with the exception of one, had been obtained thanks to the Mayor. The one remaining will be negotiated between the resident and the City Administrator. ® coroinon mcytkdpa coMa per iniig 30% poA-con -- &Vals. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 13, 1996 Once at Well #7 a brief background was given on the Well and an update on water quality was given. On the way to Lift Station #3, Wachter Lake was pointed out along with the Harold Wachter property, Ruth Englert property, Geronime property and E.B. McMenomy property on which development is imminent. All these parcels are in the preliminary development stages, concept plans haven't yet been received. It was explained how sewer and water service would be provided to each area. Shannon Pond East has 70 -80 lots and final plat has been accepted for the north half. The tour van reached Lift Station #3 at the corner of Shannon Parkway and 160th Street. There are approximately 800 homes and businesses which flow through this lift station. This lift station pumps to the Empire Treatment Plant, Continuing on the tour stops were made at Well #8 by Jaycee Park, the new Well #9 site, which is bordered by O'Leary's Hills and the new McNamara site where multiple housing and commercial businesses will be taking place. We drove by Well #6, which • will be capped once Well #9 is online, on the way to Lift Station #4 which is located near Hawkins Pond. This lift station is a different type of lift station. Copper Pond Storm Drain Lift Station was the next stop before heading to Connemara Tower. Many questions were answered at the Tower before heading to Lift Station #5 which overlooks Birger Pond. The next leg of the tour found the Commission out at the Rural Water well site. After the first well house, the Commission went into the hydro - pneumatic tank house. Questions were asked regarding how this well worked. The second well on the rural system is not in a well house. After the tour the Commission was back in Chamber by 8:30 p.m. and set the next meeting agenda for June 10, 1996. 1. Antenna Leases - APT hasn't responded once we replied we were firm at $ 12,000. - OneComm wants to put 3 whips on top, will revise lease and send to them. 2. Well #9 Bids 3. Variable Frequency Drive Motor for Rural Wells 4. Connemara Tower Repair Spec's • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 13, 1996 Questions were asked regarding the meter flows supplied by the MCES. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary n U 0 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 6 -11 -96 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1996 6:30 P.M. - UPPER LEVEL CONFERENCE ROOM 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of May 13, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve.....) •► k a. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Moeller Drainage Issue (Much discussion, Staff directed to contact MNDOT hydrologist) b. Update on CEMP (Discussion regarding ordinance change, clarification, odd /even sprinkling, priority usage) C. Well #9 Bids (Council awarded contract, brief discusssion) d. Final Aroval of Utility Plans- Shannon Meadows - City Project #261 (MOTION to approve......) e. Final Aroval of Utility Plans- Shannon Pond East - City Project #263 (MOTION to approve .....) • f. Comprehensive Water Plan Update (Much discussion, need to acquire property for treatment plant, several different sites) 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Variable Frequency Drive Motor - Rural Wells (MOTION to approve ... .....) b. Storm Water Utility Fee Dispute (Discussion on changes, MOTION to direct Staff to negotiate a credit with Gas Supply...........) C. 1997 Operating Budget (Discussion only) d. a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Brief update on select few) • b. C. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 8, 1996 (set) t ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 10, 1996 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612 - 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on June 10, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commission Member Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the May 13, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 5a. Moeller Drainage Issue • City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson introduced Debbie Moeller and Dick Pepin, the effected property owners. He went on to explain the problem to the Commission showing overheads of the area. After a rainfall, water sits in low spot bisected by the property line of the two residents. The culvert that is in place to carry the water across Trunk Highway 3 is not deep enough to drain. Keeping in mind that this is a State highway, the residents were asked what they would like to see done. Ms. Moeller and Mr. Pepin both spoke with the Commission as to the length they have lived at their residence and when they felt the problem began with this low area. Ms. Moeller had several pictures she showed the Commission. She very simply "would like to have dry land back ". Civil Engineer Litterer said lowering the ditch would make no guarantees that the problem would be solved. Staff will contact MNDOT and see if the City can get a hydrologist out to make some suggestions. Staff reminded Ms. Moeller and Mr. Pepin that only 50 cubic -yards of fill can be hauled in per property in a years time, without having a grading permit. u' • The Conservation Emergency Management Plan for the City water system has Met Council approval, however the City is still awaiting for DNR approval. There are some Ri,,W m recycled paper cmiainirq 30% post-comomer materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 10, 1996 emergency measures which need changed. The priority usages are defined by State Statute. In order to cut back or eliminate, the proper place would be to start on the bottom priority. The Commission also talked about changing the ordinance to enforce odd /even sprinkling instead of having it at the discretion of the Commission. There will be more information and clarification at the next meeting. Hopefully Staff will have heard from the DNR by then. Staff apprised the Commission that the Council awarded the bid for the drilling of Well #9 in the amount of $152,540 to Keys Well Drilling. • 09 �. ' �• • • .I 1,11.1 1l "••• • - • is Staff has reviewed the utility plans for Shannon Meadows although they haven't heard back from the developer or the engineer as to when they would like to start this project or if the project is being dropped. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend approval of the utilities for Shannon Meadows Addition subject to: 1) incorporation of recommendations relating to utilities identified by the Public Works /Engineering Departments; and, 2) execution of a Development Agreement to secure public improvements. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Staff apprised the Commission that they have reviewed the utility plans, however they are recommending a 12" line instead of the 8" which is on the plans. This will allow better fire flow south and east and also allow for a future well to the south. MOTION by Busho to recommend approval of the utilities for Shannon Pond East Addition, Phase 1, subject to: 1) incorporation of recommendations relating to utilities identified by the Public Works /Engineering Department; and, 2) execution of a Development Agreement to secure public improvements. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • The Commission took a break at 7:28 p.m. to move to the Upper Level Conference • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 10, 1996 Room. President Mulhern reconvened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. i� •,�. -, -, ,, ... The Commission went over the map that was supplied showing 5 possible sites for a future water treatment site. The five sites: 1)Shannon Pond; 2)Wachter Lake; 3)McMenomy; 4)Chippendale Partnership; and, 5)Business Park. It was suggested that the property be purchased now for future use. The sites aren't in any type of order and the number one site will be brought out if it is selected. Bonestroo is still studying the sites and will have more on this when it comes back to the Commission. Staff obtained two quotes for a VFD on one of the Rural Wells. Since it is an expensive item Staff felt only one well should have the motor installed to make sure it does what is expected, which is to alleviate the hammer experienced at this time. The Commission discussed the possibility of the University of Minnesota sharing the cost for these motors. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the quote from AutoCon Industries in the amount of $ 15,950 for the purchase of the VFD and Control Box for one of the Rural Wells to possibly increase the water flow. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. This Storm Water Utility Fee dispute involves Gas Supply, Inc. on the corner of 160th Street and Trunk Highway 3. They have been billed at a Commercial rate on all their property, when in fact one of 3 parcels at this site is split between General Industrial and Agricultural. The Engineering Department has reviewed the acreage and the Utility Billing has re- figured the billing since 1993. The Utility Commission discussed this credit because "Policy" states only going back one quarter. Because it was an • error on the figuring of the zoning, the City will have to go back and give the credit. Since the credit is approximately $9,000 the Commission suggested Staff negotiate n U UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 10, 1996 with Gas Supply and see if this could just be credited to their account. If an understanding can't be reached then a refund will have to be issued. MOTION by Mulhern directing Staff to negotiate a Storm Water Utility Fee credit to the account of Gas Supply, Inc. and if a credit can't be agreed upon then authorize a refund. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. A discussion regarding the understanding of the AG property zoning as related to the Storm Water Utility Fee took a great deal of time. The understanding of the Commission and Staff is that the AG zone parcel rate is the first 10 acres at $7.60 and any acreage after that would be 100 per acre. The extra acreage is as "undeveloped" property because there are no buildings attached. 6c. 1997 Operating Budget • Staff took a conservative approach to revenue. The Commission and Staff did a brief overview of the existing budget and the minor changes Staff wishes to incorporate. Staff looked at the Ground Water Modeling Book which was just received by Staff earlier in the day. Staff pointed out that this is "state of the art" in ground modeling. They highlighted different areas within the book. • Gliva- Keegan Lake - Court date September 25, 1996 • Eastbridge PUD Change - The railroad spur still needs moved. The railroad wants a turnaround so a spur isn't in the works. • Biscayne Pointe - Render, Prins, Putman are the developers for this all single family addition. This area is outside the MUSA requiring a Comp Guide Plan Amendment. • • CIVIC East - 226 acre site east of Hwy 3. This would consist of town homes, several small lots (45') and lots 60' to 70'. From a Public Works standpoint • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 10, 1996 snowplowing and sanitary sewer maintenance is a concern. This development is also outside the MUSA so another Comp Plan revision would have to be made. Staff in general didn't think much of the plan and the Utility Commission agreed. • 1996 Street and Utility Reconstruction Improvements - The project is on schedule as of this meeting. NSP is burying cable. 1. SWMP Update 2. Comprehensive Water Plan Update 3. Moeller Update 4. CEMP Update 5. Update on Negotiations for Storm Water Utility Fee Dispute 6. 1996 Operating Budget Commission Member Waldoch will be attending the AWWA convention in Toronto. He will bring back information and have it for the Commission members at the next meeting. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Waldoch. Meeting was adjourned at 9:18 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 7 -9-96 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JULY 8, 1996 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of June 10, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve....) 4. CONSENT a. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. APT Tower Lease Agreement (MOTION to request city Council approve ......► b. Telephone Water Meter Readers (MOTION to direct staff .....) C. Comprehensive Water Plan Update (Bonestroo representatives presentation) d. 1997 Operating Budget (Discussion & Questions) e. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. b. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (updated) b. Storm Water Utility Fee Dispute Update (Refund given) C. Set Next Meeting Agenda for August 12, 1996 (Agenda set) d. e. • 10. ADJOURNMENT 9:05 P.M. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145th{Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount 55068 -0510N Phone: 612 -423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on July 8, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commission Member Berg, Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the June 10, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. [O 5c. COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN UPDATE • Mark Wallis and Karen Cavett from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates made a presentation regarding the Comprehensive Water Plan. They were very excited about the Plan and were very pleased to be given the opportunity to expand and revise their 1993 Plan which was only the Eastern area. The new plan still excludes the main area where Koch Refinery exists today. Once this Plan is passed a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment to Met Council would have to be presented. Bonestroo should have a "draft" to the City by July 19, 1996. The "draft" will be sent to the Commission immediately so they have time to review it before the August 12, 1996 meeting. This item will be back on the agenda for August 12, 1996 with a recommendation that the City Council approve the Plan. 5a. APT TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT Glenn Wolffe, representing APT, Inc., was in attendance to discuss some of the major issues holding up this lease agreement. APT now wishes to place the nine antenna's on top of the tower rather than on the side. Since this would involve a structural change a consulting engineer would have to be contacted for some input on this. The Commission touched on many of the different changes within the agreement and were assured by City Engineer /Pubic Works Director Osmundson that the City • Attorney has gone through the Lease and everything appears to be in order. One of the other major issues was the fee to be collected. The City Staff and APT have ®P;,WirW 30% a� cwuam ;� sox ao#-rnw materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1996 negotiated a $ 11,000 annual lease payment with a minimum 4% annual increase, which the Commission agreed to, however the Commission wants it stipulated to Council that they wish these funds be placed in an account of its own and not in the General Operating Fund. They want to see it go into the "Water" fund pertaining to the maintenance and upkeep of water towers. If the equipment isn't being updated or used it would be taken down. While the tower is being maintained it may be necessary for the antennas to be taken out of service, if this should happen APT would use a COW (cellular on wheels). MOTION by Berg to request City Council approve the Tower Lease Agreement with the Letter requesting that the payment be put into the Water Utility Fund to pay for future tower maintenance. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission continued a brief discussion regarding the tower and also where APT wants to install a 2nd tower. - • l I _ a Staff proposed to have the "phonread" system to be installed on new house water meters only beginning in 1997. This system would eliminate meter reading on all housing constructed after 1997. A detailed presentation was given to the Utility Commission earlier this year on this system. Installing these type of readers into new construction would give the City a 5 Y2 year payback from the present meter reading cost. MOTION by Mulhern to direct Staff to take action necessary to have the Phonread system installed by 1997. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The proposed 1997 Operating Budgets were presented to the Utility Commission for the water, sanitary sewer and storm drain accounts. • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1996 The figures for the revenues and expenditures were conservative. A brief discussion regarding next years reconstruction project took place. Commission Member Waldoch expressed his thoughts as to the Public Works Director and Utilities Supervisor going to different National conferences at least once every other year or so. He felt the AWWA Distribution System Symposium and Exhibition would be an excellent conference for the Utilities Supervisor to attend because it is more of a hands on type conference. These conferences can be expensive and are generally out of State, however he feels they would be well worth the time and money. There was a lot of discussion on different items within the budget, such as the salaries, which in the past have been broken down by position, they are now lumped all together. Also, telephone costs for each well was talked about. • AWWA UPDATE Commission Member Waldoch attended the AWWA Conference in Toronto. He did see some of the new products, one of which was a new polyethylene pipe. This conference was record breaking in attendance. Next years conference will be held in Atlanta. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT ..0 .b. • 1. • Shannon Meadows - A pre - construction meeting was held today. They hope to start the utilities within the next 3 weeks, but are waiting for the Development Contract. • Shannon Pond East - A pre- construction meeting was held last week. The City is still waiting for a signed Development Agreement. • City Project #266 - 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction - Project is on schedule. They are removing the unsuitable soils from Lower 147th Street 0 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1996 west of Highway 3 now. The City also found out that NSP can bury "service" lines for residents if the residents want to pay to have this done at this time. • Emergency Generator - The connecting devices need to be hooked up for Well #7 & #8 and Lift Stations #3, #4 and #5. The City has the electrical connection hardware, and were in the process of receiving quotes from a contractor to do the work. • City Project 273A - Well #9 - Tomorrow evening a site plan will be presented to the Planning Commission for their approval. This should be a formality to let them know how the pump house will blend in with the neighborhood. • Basic Builders /Hawkins - The Baptist Church is talking about developing part of their property also. This would probably mean Dekalb Avenue would be • extended to 145th Street. The Developer is working on the concept. This would also complete a key 12" watermain link to the Country Hills area. • McNamara Property - This Preliminary Plat is going before the Planning Commission on July 23rd. The utilities have been worked out. Access issues are still being addressed. • Gliva- Keegan Lawsuit - Hopefully this will be settled out of court. • Shannon /Dodd Fire Station - All the site utilities are done. • CEMP - Nothing to report. • NCSSS - This regards the study for sanitary sewer on the north end of Rosemount. It was hoped that this report could be done in- house, however it doesn't look as though Staff will get to it. Possibly could be done by a consultant. • SWMP - City engineer needs to review the Plan and send it along. • Connemara Tower Refurbishing - There will be a pre -bid meeting next Tuesday. 0 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1996 • Eastbridge - nothing has changed • Biscayne Pointe - Preliminary Plat has been submitted. Approval is pending Met Council approval of MUSA • CMC "East" - This plat was tabled by the Planning Commission. • Geronime Pond - This is 40 acres at the south end of Chippendale Avenue. The concept plan calls for single family except around the edges and then they are calling for twin homes. A Feasibility Report will be done if the concept gets approval. • Rose Park Village - This area is next to the theater and north of Harold . Wachters. It is proposed for town homes. The sewer will be brought over from O'Leary's 4th and 5th Additions. These town homes couldn't be walkouts with the elevations in place. • Erosion Control - The new Water Resource Coordinator, Tim Brown, has been doing a good job keeping the projects under control. • Moeller Drainage Issue - City Engineer /Public Works Director has been playing telephone tag with MNDOT hydrology. This item was briefly discussed. Gas Supply and CarNav Five agreed to the credit which was figured by the Finance Department. A check will be refunded to CarNav Five and taken from the Storm Water Utility budget. The Commission discussed land use versus zoning for the Storm Water Utility Fee. 8c. SET MEETING AGENDA • Budget Approval 0 5 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 8, 1996 • APT Update • Project Update • Telephone Water Meter Reading • SWMP - Presentation • Adopt Comprehensive Water Plan MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Waldoch. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, G'-�J Cindv D rniden Public Works Secretary E 0 6 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 8 -13-98 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1996 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of July 8, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve ....) 4. CONSENT 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Comprehensive Water Plan Update Discussion (Lengthy discussion, will bring back next month for adoption) b. Approval of 1997 Operating Budget (MOTION to recommend .....) C. Clarification of Storm Water Utility Policies (Discussion, Land Use versus Zoning, simplification of explanation, tabled until next meeting) 76111 e. • 6. NEW BUSINESS ADD a. Suburban Rate Authority b. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Pumphouse for Well #9; Connemara Tower; Diamond Path Watermain Lwsuit; Gliva- Keegan Lake Lawsuit; Well #9; Shannon Meadows; Basic Builders /Hawkins; Baptist Church property; sanitary sewer study; 1996 Reconstruction Project; generator) Q C. Set Next Meeting Agenda for September 9, 1996 (set) d. e. • ADJOURNMENT 8:5: . CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145th{Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 12, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on August 12, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. The Mayor added Item 6a.- Suburban Rate Authority. A correction to the minutes of July 8, 1996 were made regarding the installation of the telephone reads to be installed in new construction only "beginning" in 1997. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting as corrected. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • 311 • b • The Commission spent a great deal of time discussing the Plan thoroughly. Commission Member Waldoch had read the Plan thoroughly and mentioned several pages he had questions on. President Mulhern then took a turn and went through his questions. Commissioner Berg didn't remember receiving the Plan so Recording Secretary Dorniden will check with the Police Department to see if a Plan was delivered. The Commission Members agreed that once all the suggestions are incorporated into the Plan, the Plan should be brought back next month for adoption. The Commission spent a brief time discussing a couple issues on the budget, one being the bonding of Storm Water Utility projects and the other regarding the difference in the way the salaries were divided up. It was explained the salaries are being distributed more equally than in the past. The General Operating Budget had taken more of the salaries in the past. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend the City Council approve the 1997 Water, Sanitary • Sewer and Storm Sewer Operating Budgets. SECOND by Waldoch. IMPrinted on recycled paper containing 30% pastcon — materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 12, 1996 The vote on the motion is as follows: Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission had a very perspicacious conversation regarding the Storm Water Utility Policy. It was unanimously agreed upon that the Policy needs to be simplified so the residents can understand it. Within the Policy, it discusses basing the run -off and the resulting fees on land use, but the Fee Schedule has the fees based on Zoning. This "land use" versus "zoning" basis needs clarification. One of the things that was brought up and spoke about was the run off on undeveloped lots and how it changes with impervious land. Another topic discussed was billing for Agricultural land and how it should possibly be • changed. r� U Staff will have the billing Department check into the possibility of billing some accounts once a year and also not having credit billings print out and mailed. This could save money each billing cycle. This item will be tabled until the September 9th meeting at which time simplification and restructure to land use will be addressed. NEW BUSINESS The Mayor added this item to the agenda. Mayor Busho brought this up to the Commission asking if they felt the City should become a member. The membership dues were thought to be approximately $1,000 annually. The "Authority" lobbies the House to keep control of the different utilities (gas, electric, etc.). One of the issues before the "Authority" now is the right -of -way issue. This issue was tabled to give the Commission Members more time to read the information the Mayor handed out. K UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 12, 1996 0 JAY • Pumphouse for Well #9, City Project #27313 - This will consist of three rooms which will house the well, the chemicals and storage. The storage area will be 24' x 36' and will store water meters and the new emergency generator. The total building will be 41'4" x 36. The project will be let on August 30, 1996. • Connemara Water Tower - V.E. Gray & Sons were the low bidder for the refurbishing. The work may begin by September 15th. • Diamond Path Watermain - Schield Construction is suing a sub - contractor and the City is being drawn into the suit. There was a meeting between the Attorneys and • the City on the lawsuit. • Gliva Lawsuit - Keegan Lake - Representatives for Gliva, The City's Attorney, Keith Yapp of Bonestroo and City Engineer Osmundson met to discuss the upcoming court case. • Well #9, City Project #273A - To -date the drillers are down 100'. The Commission will take a side trip at the beginning of the September meeting. • Shannon Pond East and Shannon Meadows are on hold at this time for different reasons. • North Sanitary Sewer Study - Staff isn't able to get to this study. Staff will get prices from Consultants for their services to perform this study and bring them back at the next meeting. • 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction Project, City Project #266 is on schedule. Hopefully it will be complete by September 10th. IM 1111T •. �- • Suburban Rate Authority 3 0 0 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 12, 1996 • Storm Water Utility • Adopt Comprehensive Water Plan • Adopt Surface Water Management Plan Corrigan Electric are going to be wiring Well #7 and #8 and Lift Stations #3 & #5 for the new generator. The Commission had another brief discussion on water conservation. Another drought will cause a more strict restriction other than voluntary. Conservation is a long education process. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. 0 Respectfully submitteo, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING ...... E::. :::::::::::::::: _::::::::.:::::::: ::::.:::::::: :::::::::: :::.. ........:::::::;. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda (Corrected Item 9c., Deb Moeller property)) 3. Approval of Minutes of August 12, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve.... 4. Trip to Well #9 Site (At end of meeting) 5. CONSENT a. 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Comprehensive Water Plan Discussion (Brief discussion, Funding needs more direction) b. Suburban Rate Authority Consideration (Brief discussion, MOTION to recommend C. Receive Bids /Recommend Award of Contract Pumphouse #9, City Project #273B (MOTION to receive bids and recommend.....) d. • e. 7. NEW BUSINESS a. b. 8. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a.. Project Update (Brief discussion on Moeller property, erosion control, McNamara property, Connemara Tower, Keegan Lake (Gliva Lawsuit), 1 st Baptist Church property, Hawkins Pond, ) C. Set Next Meeting Agenda for November 18, 1996 (Changed to October 7, set agenda) d. e. � � . • -I1 CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on September 9, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer/Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Additions or corrections to the agenda are as follows: Item 9c. - Corrected the meeting date from November 18 to October 7. Mayor Busho wanted to add, under "Project Update ", the Deb Moeller property. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the August 12, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 0The Commission decided to delay the road trip out to the new well site until all business has been completed. 0 OLD BUSINESS 6a. COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN DISCUSSION The Commission discussed the Plan, however not in as much detail as the previous meeting. The portion on funding needs more direction. The main idea is an Area Trunk Charge which would be collected up -front from the Developer and would lower the Water Connection Charge paid by the builder. Discussion on the cost estimates from Appendix B were talked about. The Plan will be put in final draft form incorporating the Commissions changes and then be brought back in October for final adoption by the Utility Commission and recommendation to City Council. 6b. SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY MEMBERSHIP CONSIDERATION The Commission had a brief discussion regarding the Suburban Rate Authority. They felt it would be a good association to be involved in especially when de- regulations could cause problems. There are only four meetings a year so the time commitment wouldn't be a hardship. The cost of membership for the City would be $800, however it is based on population and will vary in the future. MOTION by Berg to recommend that the City Council join the Suburban Rate Authority. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 6c. RECEIVE BIDS/RECOMMEND AWARD OF CONTRACT, PUMPHOUSE #9, CITY PROJECT #273B The City received 8 bids. The Commission was apprised that all the bids were good and the Consulting Engineers ofBonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates and City Staff recommend the bid be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Municipal Builders, Inc. MOTION by Mulhern to receive bids and recommend to City Council award of Bid to Municipal Builders, Inc. in the amount of $305,700. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE • Deb Moeller Property - Water Resource Coordinator Brown and Civil Engineer Litterer met with MNDOT regarding the drainage problem. MNDOT is going to do some ditching and clean out the culvert. A swale will hopefully alleviate the ponding. Mrs. Moeller was very pleased with the way this project was handled. •• Erosion Control - Water Resource Coordinator Brown shut down a Building Permit on Clover Lane as the builder failed to use any erosion control. • McNamara Property - The Public Hearing for this project has been continued on the Planning Commission level. • Connemara Water Tower - The City is waiting for the signed contracts to come back. Work should begin September 23, 1996. • Keegan Lake - Both Attorney's and the City team met out at the Gliva residence to re- evaluate the issue. The hearing for this case is set for September 25, 1996. It is very unlikely that it will be settled without going to court. • 1 st Baptist Church Property - The feasibility process has been started. This property abuts Hawkins Pond Addition. • Hawkins Pond Addition - The Project will be going to the Council at the next regular meeting. At that time Council will authorize Ad for Bid for October 11th and the award of the Bid would be October 15th. This will include the extension of 143rd Street through the John Hawkins property. • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 A brief discussion took place about lining the bottom of the pond to make it hold water. The Valley Oak Pond is the source which caused the Storm Water Utility Fee to be created. What the developer would like and what would be feasible is still yet to be determined. There will be 30 homes around the pond. It could be up to the owners to bring in the clay and make their wet pond, however there would be some concern for the children. • Mike Widstroms' position has been eliminated from the budget due to financial constraints. City Administrator Burt feels cost cutting and downsizing is the way to help the budget. In actuality there are two Public Works Supervisors and Staff feels only one is needed. Rick Cook will replace Mike Widstrom as overall Public Works Supervisor. Mr. Cook will attend the October 7th meeting and be introduced to the Commission. Mr. Cook has both his licenses for Water Operator and Wastewater Operator. • City Project #266 - The 1996 Street & Utility Reconstruction project is going very good. The Commission had a brief discussion regarding a letter which Doug Litterer had received from Joseph Walsh. The letter inferred a lot of concerns, but no solutions. Staff is still reviewing the letter. 9c. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 7, 1996 �• Comprehensive Water Plan • Storm Water Utility • Surface Water Management Plan • Court Case Outcome (Gliva- Keegan Lake) • Water Ordinance Changes MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn to field trip. SECOND by Berg. The Commission and Staff took a field trip out to the new Well #9 site and other utility projects going on within the City. The meeting adjourned in the parking lot of City Hall at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Cindy Dorni1lden Public Works Secretary n �J CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 10446 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1996 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of September 9, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve) 4. CONSENT 5. a. a. Storm Water Utility Clarifications (Lengthy discussion. Eleanor Twining and her husband spoke to Commission on what they felt were inequities in the Fee. MOTION to recommend to City Council .......) b. Water Ordinance Changes (MOTION to recommend tabling adoption with exceptions of .......) C. d. • e. 6. NI a. AAA Auto Salvage Storm Water Area & Connection Charges (MOTION to recommend that City Council accept.......) b. Sewer Bill Usage Complaints (P.W.Director explained "how" & "why" the sewer usage was calculated the way it is. Resident in attendance understood. Staff directed to write letter to other complaintants who didn't come to meeting but wrote letters) ADD c. NSP Complaint (Brown outs in O'Leary's Hills area, no one will respond to resident. Staff will continue to check out) i 1114 0 4;L4113 A a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Highlighted just a few of the projects along with the Gliva- Keegan Lawsuit) • C. Set Next Meeting Agenda for November 18, 1996 (Agenda set) d. aZa �i u_ • CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875 1CILL 45t"AeetWest P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on October 7, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer, Water Resource Coordinator Brown and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Under New Business Item 6c was added: NSP Complaint. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • WANTM- =F-k • This item is back on the agenda now that Staff has had a chance to review it and make some recommendations. Eleanor Twining and her husband, property owners of 5480 142nd Street East, were in attendance to talk to the Commission regarding their Storm Water Utility Fee. Mrs. Twining was in attendance a year ago for the same item. She talked about what she felt were inequities of the fee structure in that her parcel (A -1 Concrete) pays what she considered too high of a fee. She also referred to a couple of property owners out in the same area who she felt were paying inadequate fees. She questioned the City's authority to raise the rate 29 %. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson addressed the Commission and Mrs. Twining as to how the Policy works with zoning, land use and impervious areas. He reminded the Commission that the culverts under the County roads are maintained and paid for by the City not the County, which is all part of the Storm Water Utility Fee. Tim Brown, the Water Resource Coordinator, reviewed the memo he had written to the City Engineer regarding the Storm Water Utility Fee Calculations and his Executive Summary to the Commission. The main points made by Brown were as follows: • Clarify the policy and firmly root fees in current land use, not zoning • 0 Simplify and trim the number of land use categories 0 Establish a rate for platted but undeveloped lots Printed m tecKW paper to —rainhw 30% paut'onwmnm &- As. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1996 • Establish minimum fee for all properties • Clarify rates for multi - residential use Examples were looked at as to how the minimum would work. MOTION by Berg to recommend to City Council the changes to the Storm Water Utility Fee Policy. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. IRIATITNAR-11411INNIOW 46161 if, IV W-111 011&1 It was explained to the audience how the sewer charges were derived and changed in July of 1994. The Rate Study which was done actually lowered the rates. The major portion that sewer usage charges are used is for what the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) charges the City to treat the sewage. The Rate Study which was done and put into effect was for a 5 -year plan period with no increases. The offer of a second meter monitoring the irrigation was mentioned as a way to control exactly what does go down the sewer and what does go on a lawn. • Wendy Hartley - 14069 Crocus Way - spoke to the Commission explaining how surprised she was at the amount of her billing, especially the sewer portion. She would like the Billing Department to be a little more informed and not give out misinformation. She was not aware of the overall use of the sewer usage fees, and even though she didn't like the high bill, she accepted the explanation. The Commission directed Staff to address a letter to the residents who weren't in attendance and explain what was explained to Ms. Hartley in lay terms. President Mulhern called a recess at 8:07 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:14 p.m. as all Members took their chairs. 3 0 P 1 Di-M-1 \ ■Gl Three items of need were discussed as referred to in these ordinance changes. They are: • Establishing a permanent odd /even sprinkling system. • Begin a program whereby all new houses are connected with a phone read is 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1996 water billing system. • To ensure that all fire hydrants are maintained properly. Many of the areas in the Ordinance overlap with the Building Code so therefore they can be eliminated from the Ordinance. The City Attorney hasn't reviewed the different changes as of yet, however he will be given an opportunity before the Council meeting. The Commission would like to see the changes and further discuss the Ordinance once the Attorney has had the opportunity to review, however they all agreed that the Council should get these changes by the second meeting in November. This way the new phone read system can be put into effect. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend tabling the adoption of the Water and Sewer areas of the City Code with the exception of all new houses receiving the new phone read system, permanent odd /even sprinkling system and to ensure that all fire hydrants are maintained properly. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 6a. AAA Auto Salvage Storm Water Area & Connection Charges • City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson gave a review of the AAA Auto Salvage properties and exactly what the company would like to do with their parcels. Staff recommends that the AAA Auto Salvage be charged the Storm Water Area and Connection Charge amounts as described in the letter dated September 18, 1996. Staff felt that the fees are justified since the original 20 -acre did not require STAC Fees when originally constructed and the developer is dedicating acreage for future ponding on the original 20 -acre site. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend that City Council accept the Storm Water Area Connection Charges per the September 18th letter for AAA Auto Salvage. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. This item was added to the agenda after a call was received from a resident along 156th Street. It has been brought to the City's attention that an area spread throughout the O'Leary's Hills Additions is having some major problems with electrical power from Northern States Power Company. Residents have tried contacting NSP without any satisfaction, so they have asked the City for help. When NSP did • 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1996 respond and came out to measure voltage they came up with 94 volts one time and 96 another. The fluctuation is allegedly ruining appliances, computers, air conditioners, etc. Some of the downtown areas are having a similar problem. The Commission feels the City should get involved and City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson will contact NSP and follow up with the problem. 4 :4 a • ;j II • McNamara Property - Preliminary Plat approved. • Shannon Pond East - Blacktop down • Shannon Meadows - Blacktop down • Well #9 - Surging and removal of materials continue. • Gliva /Keegan Lake Lawsuit - Was in the Courts September 25, 26 and 27. When the closing argument briefs are available they will be copied to the Commission. A decision won't be made until January or February. • 1st Baptist Church - waiting for Preliminary Plat /Feasibility Report. • All other projects appear to be on hold. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson had a two year comparison written down on the Cash On Hand Report. He felt the Commission would like a comparison. Rick Cook was introduced to the Commission. When Mike Widstrom's position was terminated, Rick Cook, because of seniority and experience, was given the position to cover all aspects of Public Works Maintenance Department (Streets, Utilities, Parks & Buildings). 2000614A mi, • Water Ordinance Changes • Water Comp Plan Adoption is 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1996 • Surface Water Management Plan Update • Miscellaneous Updates MOTION by Berg to adjourn. SECOND by Waldoch. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy orniden Public Works Secretary 9 0 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 11 -19 -96 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1996 6:30 P.M. 0 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of October 7, 1996 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve.....) 4. CONSENT a. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Sewer BIII Usage Complaint (1 hour 40 minute discussion, several residents spoke regarding what they felt are inequities in the system, Staff directed to investigate) b. Storm Water Management Ordinance (Introduced) C. Miscellaneous Updates (SRA, A -1 Concrete,Gliva Lawsuit, Drinking Water Revolving Fund, NSP update - brief discussions on each of these items) d. e. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. b. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Update on Well #9, Wensmann 10th Utilities and various other projects within the City) b. C. Set Next Meeting Agenda for December 9, 1996 (Set agenda) d. e. 40 9. ADJOURNMENT 8:50 p.m. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C1ITY 45th{ Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Rosemount!! Y g� s C g U P R t!! Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 0 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on November 18, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. with Commission Member Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer, Public Works Supervisor Cook and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the October 7, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. This item was back on the agenda this month because of a letter which was received after the last meeting. Mike Stratton failed to get his letter to the Commission on time for the October meeting, so he asked that he be heard at this meeting. The floor was turned over to Mr. Stratton who admittedly used an enormous amount of water because of new sod and the beautification of his property. He apprised the Commission that out of his 168,000 gallons of water only 20,000- 25,000 could have possibly went down the sewer. Mr. Stratton said he doesn't mind paying for his water because he does use the water, however he feels the sewer usage charge is unfair. Denise Chapple of 14291 Cranberry Way told the Commission that she was upset with the method of sewer billing and has been to this Commission before (1994). She doesn't care if the rates are comparable, the bills are not comparable to other cities. She's also tired of hearing the cop -out about this being an "old" City. The Commission reiterated that they are not blind to the concerns of the residents. The two major cost items that make up the sewer bills are the MCES charges for treatment and the reconstruction of old sewer mains. • Dave Ganfield of 13728 Danbury Path addressed the Commission going back to his bills from 1992. He thinks the bills should be made fair again by going back to the ®c-tedon mrydedPaPer containing 30% posftawiime/metai h • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1996 third quarter sprinkler credit and raising the rates if need be. Jerrod Stenzel of 15125 December Trail told the Commission he figured he'd paid $100 too much on this past bill due to the water reading method of billing for sewer usage. Commission Members asked the residents in attendance what they feel would be fair. All agreed to the sprinkler credit and improving /clarifying the invoices. The Commission directed Staff to look into the rate change going back to third quarter billing. The Mayor and Commission "thanked" the residents for their input. 5b. Storm Water Management Ordinance • The Commission briefly praised the work that has gone into the "Draft" ordinance before them. The Water Resource Management Plan and Surface Water Management Plan, plus land use issues will be incorporated into the plan. Some of the regulations regarding the Comprehensive Study, Shoreland regulations and wetland regulations will also be incorporated. It will probably take another 6 months before this Ordinance will be adopted. 5c. Miscellaneous Updates • Suburban Rate Authority - Osmundson attended the meeting in October. The attorney for SRA apprised the audience of the different issues that are being handled. • A -1 Concrete Letter - Staff went out on site to check the impervious surface. It was determined that there was a lot more impervious surface than Eleanor Twining had eluded to. Staff sent a letter to Twinings regarding this issue and have not had a response to the letter as of this meeting. • Gliva Lawsuit - Along with the packet was the briefs that were sent down from the two sides /attorneys in the case. The ruling is expected in January. • 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1996 • Drinking Water Revolving Fund - There is money available through the Department of Health for improvements to systems. Possibly the City could use this "Revolving" fund to put in a storage tank out by Hwy 52 and County Road 42 due to the contaminated groundwater in that area. • NSP Update - The brown -out areas which were discussed at the last Utility Commission meeting was brought up at a meeting with representatives of NSP. The representatives spoke of a new substation that is being built out by Koch, The brown -out areas are being temporarily taken care of, however, the new substation should be completed in June of 1998 which should fix the situation permanently. 8a. PROJECT UPDATES • • Well #9 - Keys Well Drilling should be pulling off the site this week. Right now we are looking at 1,400 - 1,600 gpm as a range for the new pump. The wellhouse should start as soon as the rig has been removed. One minor glitch has been a slope easement the City needs to obtain. Staff is working on this. • Wensmann 10th Addition - This area is where a land swap was conducted with the Wensmann's along Cobalt Avenue. Ryan Contracting was the low bidder to extend the water and sewer service needed for these units. • Hawkins Pond Addition & 1st Baptist Church Addition - These two additions will probably be working together next spring. • 1997 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements - This has been labeled City Project #277 and the preliminary engineering work has already begun. • Broback Industrial Park - The property along Diamond Path between 145th Street and 148th Street has been rezoned from Industrial to R -1 Residential. The area where the building and pond are at will stay Industrial. The Brobacks, who own the property, petitioned for street improvements. This would encompass 8 lots. 0 3 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 18, 1996 • Cannon Equipment - The building itself is all sealed in and everything appears to be going according to their schedule. • New Fire Station - The parking lot has been blacktopped and things are progressing nicely. The Commission spoke briefly about wireless phones. They were apprised that the City still doesn't have a signed lease from APT for the Antenna Agreement on the Connemara Tower. • Comprehensive Water Report • Surface Water Management Plan • Preliminary Update on Rates President Mulhern passed a letter around, which he received from Lisa Washa, the General Manager of Marcus Cable. She is leaving this area and by letter introduced John Shimko who will be in charge of Office Operations. His direct line will be 432- 2575, extension 3007. A resident sent a letter to President Mulhern letting him know she thinks the City should work toward utility billing automation for payment. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Waldoch. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 0 4