HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 UC MinutesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 1 -14-97 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of November 18, 1996 Regular Meeting (Discussion, MOTION to approve as corrected) 4. CONSENT a. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Update on Water /Sewer Rates (Dave Simons, SEH, Brief presentation, Opened for Public and Commission Review -1 Hour Discussion) b. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study (Brief Review of area on Maps, More next month) C. 6. NEW BUSINESS • a. Sprint PCS Antenna Lease - Chippendale Tower (Discussion, MOTION to recommend .......) b. Receive Feasibility Report - 1997 Street & Utility Reconstruction City Project #277 (MOTION to recommend........) C. Feasibility Report - Broback Industrial Park Street & Utility Improvement, City Project #279 (Discussion, MOTION to recommend......) d. Review Financial Status (Brief discussion and update) e. RMR Meter Reading Contract Renewal (MOTION to approve....► f. a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Update Gliva, Well #9, Well #3) b. C. Set Next Meeting Agenda for February 10, 1997 (set) d. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145thi Street West P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount 55068 0510N Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on January 13, 1997 at Fire Station #2 /Public Works Building. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, Mayor Busho, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda, however City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson did note he had no handouts for Item 6c. as stated on the agenda. The audience consisted of Dave Simons of SEH, Inc., Scott Cook, Jason Funk and Deb Garross (all three from Sprint PCS) and Mike Stratton, a resident. A spelling correction, on page 1, Item 5a., 2nd paragraph, to the minutes of the • November 18, 1996 minutes was mentioned and corrected. Then a comment from Mr. Stratton about the brevity of the November 18, 1996 minutes was noted. He felt the minutes didn't reflect an accurate account of the meeting since he had spent a lengthy amount of time trying to get his points across. The Commission empathized, however they felt the minutes were reflective enough of the meeting. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the November 18, 1996 regular Utility Commission meeting as corrected. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 2. Present: 1 (Berg). Nays: 0. 'p� • �: Dave Simons of SEH, Inc. presented new scenarios should the City decide to go back to a sprinkler credit using the 1 st, 2nd and 4th quarters on actual billing and the 3rd quarter based on the 1 st quarter. He went through Exhibits A through F touching on each one briefly. The numbers and totals within the Exhibits don't include the fixed rate. All figures were rounded to the nearest penny to help reflect the sewer /water budgets. He reminded the Commission that these accounts don't zero out at the end of the year. 0 Commission Member Waldoch asked Mr. Simons for some background on his N,W�iwwKwpaw cmuinirg sox ao#- co�w,mer mareriah. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • JANUARY 13, 1997 Company and their work with different communities. He responded by apprising the Commission that SEH, Inc. has offices throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, and one in Indiana and they service over 100 communities. He commended Rosemount on taking a pro- active approach to their utility services and ranks the current bills as average. He felt the trend is to eliminate the sprinkler credit and going to flat rates. Mr. Stratton feels he is subsidizing the Operating Budget. There was more talk about past rates and also block rates for different consumptions. Mr. Stratton feels a flatter rate is fairer. There seems to be a communication gap between Mr. Stratton and the Commission. Neither seems to understand what the other is trying to say. Mr. Simons let them both know that the rate structure was based on sprinkling getting charged more, however it was all figured into the formula which was used to put the Budget into place. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson summarized by implying some suggestions such as doing a sprinkler credit, or having escalating water rates. He apprised the Commission they have three options: 1) table any action, 2) meet with • Council on a workshop type session, or 3) since we are half way through the 5 year plan, stay on course and let it be. President Mulhern thought the rates should be tabled for now until the Commission could meet with the City Council in the "Committee of Whole" meeting in March. Commission directed Staff to continue billing at the rate we're at, have more models prepared, but promote conservation. It is not a good idea to change just for the sake of changing. The Commission also reminded the audience that the odd /even sprinkling ban will be enacted this year allowing possible exceptions on new landscaping. 111 -1 57 The Commission took a few minutes to read a letter from KLM Engineering and a drawing of the structure. The Lease provided was the same that the Commission had reviewed for APT. It will be a 15 year lease renewable automatically every 5 years. Staff supports KLM's recommendations. Representatives from Sprint PCS were Jason Funk, Deb Garross and Scott Cook. Mr. Cook apprised the Commission that Sprint • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • JANUARY 13, 1997 doesn't do their own work, they contract out. MOTION by Berg to recommend that the City Council approve the Lease with Sprint PCS for the Chippendale Avenue Tower and that the rent be dedicated to the Water Operating Account. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The study was introduced which was based on two premises for the study area: 1) What would it take to provide sanitary sewer for the whole area? and 2) What would it take to provide sewer services only for isolated pockets? The maps were explained to the Commission. It was also explained that it would take less lift stations if the whole area was done at once, which would result in less funding. There are a total of 665 units which would be effected within this study. Creative financing would have to be done in order to provide service for the entire study area. This item will be brought back to the Commission next month with a • complete study. This item had been presented to the City Council the prior week. This week an informational meeting will be held and the Public Hearing will be held on January 21st. Out of the 1.16 million dollars estimated cost for the project, most of the financing will come from the different Utility funds, and from the City operating budget. Questions were asked as to why power, phone and TV cables don't get buried with a simple answer of because of how much it cost. MOTION by Berg to recommend to the City Council that the 1997 Street & Utility Reconstruction Improvements, City Project #277 should be constructed as described in the Feasibility Report. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES . JANUARY 13, 1997 6c. FEASIBILITY REPORT - BROBACK INDUSTRIAL PARK STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS. PROJECT The costs on this project will be very high on a per lot basis. Although the sewer comes off the back of the property and the water is off the front, two catch basins need to be added along with cul- de- sacing both ends of the street when it is done. There needs to be an outlet to the existing pond to 145th Street. The cost per lot would be between $17,000 - $18,000 with the lots as they are now. If they would get replatted the County would take more right -of -way, however as it stands now the curb line will be right on the right -of -way. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend to the City Council that the Broback Industrial Park Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #279 should be constructed as described in the Feasibility Report. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Discussion regarding the City's financial status took place. There is a plan in place with a goal of making at least $20,000 a year. This year there was an excess • because the weather was so dry, however years past fluctuate. A gradual increase in all the Utility Fund balances over the past five years is identified. There was basically little discussion on this item. The Executive Summary was self - explanatory. The funding for this will come from the Operating Budget. MOTION by Mulhern to enter into an agreement with RMR Meter Reading Services for a two year period, 1997 and 1998. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. •: •: -�• Q • Gliva Lawsuit - nothing yet • Well #9 - This is on hold right now due to weather, however the Commission did discuss the upgrading of the pumping capacity, which will be between 1,400 -1,600 gpm. A change order will be made for this bigger pump. This will eliminate the necessity of a new well for another couple of years. 0 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 13, 1997 Well #3 Rehab - Specifications will be done for this well to increase its pumping capacity. Commissioner Waldoch apprised the Commission he would be attending the Suburban Rate Authority meeting. 1 - Water Comp Plan 2- Comp Storm Drain 3- Hawkins Pond Addition 4- Broback Industrial Park Addition 5- Gliva Lawsuit Update MOTION by Waldoch to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. r 5 Respectfully submitted, a4, . Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATE 2 -11-97 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Reorganization of Commission a. Reappointment of Utility Commissioner b. Election of President C. Election of Interim President 2. Call to Order 3. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 4. Approval of Minutes of January 13, 1997 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve...) 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Comprehensive Water Plan (Lengthy discussion, lots of comments. MOTION to recommend.......) b. Suburban Rate Authority Update (Commissioner Waldoch gave update) C. d. e. • 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Set Meeting Dates for 1997 (MOTION to set .........) b. Receive Petition - Sanitary Sewer Extension (MOTION to recommend to City Council ........ ) C. d. 7. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Touched on MUSA Expansion, Well #8, SWMP, NCSSS,Gliva Lawsuit - City won, Broback Industrial Park & Chippendale /42) LI&I C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for March 10, 1997 (set) 9. ADJOURNMENT 8:27 p.m. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT 2875— `;45t "AeeALL tWest P.O. Box 510 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Rosemount, MN 55068 -0510 Phone: 612 - 423 -4411 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on February 10, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Executive Director Bud Osmundson administered the oath to newly reappointed Commission Member Shawn Mulhern. Nominations were entertained for the position of President to the Utility Commission. MOTION by Waldoch to nominate Shawn Mulhern. SECOND by Berg. Osmundson asked if there were anymore nominations. MOTION by Berg to close nominations. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. By unanimous ballot Shawn Mulhern was re- elected as President of the Utility Commission. • Osmundson explained that the most senior member of the Utility Commission, after the President, will act as "Interim" President in the absence of the President, thus Commission Member-Don Berg will be "Interim" President. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. with Commission Members Berg, Waldoch, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda at this time, however Osmundson asked that the President move Item 6b. to the top of the agenda since there was an audience for this item. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the January 13, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. TRINIFff •>, •► Mr. Steve Willner of 13930 South Robert Trail was in the audience to listen to the discussion about the petition he submitted to the Commission for having sanitary • sewer extended to his property. Osmundson explained about failing septic systems and the need to have the sewer available to these properties. Mr. Willner had tried NOW on recycled paper to cantainirg 30% youconsu materials. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1997 to have the car dealership sign the petition, however they weren't interested. Their system is in poor shape also and it is Staff's recommendation that if the line is extended it should go all the way to the south to Alliance Landscaping. This line would come off the back of the properties. In order to help finance this project it would possibly be bid with a bigger project to help keep the cost down. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend that City Council receive the petition and order a Feasibility Report for a sanitary sewer extension. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 'Jn There was discussion regarding the flexibility of the Plan and the purchasing of land as soon as possible for future facilities, even though development might not be immediate. Two major sites are the future water treatment plant site and a water tower site on the east side, possibly near County Road 38 and Bacardi Avenue. The Commission discussed closing of various loops, trunk area charges to developers and • specific details and areas of the report. All Commission Members were in agreement that the City should proceed ahead with looking at acquisitions of property for the new wells, towers and treatment plants. Osmundson asked that the Commission review the Plan carefully for typing errors and get back to him as soon as possible. He hopes to present the Plan to Council sometime in March. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend that City Council adopt a resolution receiving and adopting the Comprehensive Water Plan. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Commissioner Waldoch, as representative from Rosemount, attended the quarterly meeting for the Suburban Rate Authority. There were 23 communities represented. A representative of U.S. West was the guest speaker. Out of all the communications companies around, they only look for 3 -5 to survive over the next few years. Some of the topics addressed at the meeting were right -of -way questions, franchise fees, etc. • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1997 NEW BUSINESS a. SET MEETING DATES FOR 1997 MOTION by Mulhern to set the 1997 Utility Commission meetings per the calendar attached. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • MUSA Expansion - Request was made to Met Council for approximately 1,500 acres. • Well #8 - Will be sending out quotes for pulling the pump and bowl. Should be right around $ 15,000. • Surface Water Management Plan - Isn't complete as of this date. • • North Central Sanitary Sewer Study (NCSSS) - It has been completed, however hasn't been reviewed by Staff yet. • Gliva Lawsuit - City won. Gliva's have 90 days to appeal. The determination was that the City didn't cause the water level to alter. • Broback Industrial Park - Staff will be meeting with Rosemount Woods Cabinet Shop to discuss the improvements and also the possible option of them moving their business. The Brobacks, of course, do not want to pay the high assessments this project will entail. • Chippendale /42 Project - Now that the County has changed their Standards on County Road 42, they won't allow full access. This is causing problems with the planning for the project. County is taking a hard line on this action. d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MARCH 10, 1997 1. Surface Water Management Plan 2. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study 3. Hawkins Pond Feasibility Report 0 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1997 MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary n lJ 0 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 3 -11-97 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of February 10, 1997 Regular Meeting (Approved as corrected) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Stormwater Management Plan (Discussion, will be sent to Met Council & VRWMO) b. North Central Sanitary Sewer Study (Discussion, creative financing to be figured) C. Willner Sanitary Sewer Feasibility Report (MOTION to recommend to City Council) 741 e. • a. b. C. d. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Well #8 Rehab, Well #9,Geronime Pond, #277,Diamond Path,McNamara) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for April 7, 1997 8. ADJOURNMENT 7:45 p.m. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T C145thi 2875 Street West Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -4997 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 6:34 p.m., March 10, 1997 by Acting President Berg with Member Waldoch, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. Commission Member Waldoch had one correction to the February 10, 1997 minutes. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the February 10, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting as corrected. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. • ► '•T The Commission discussed the project of extending the sanitary sewer to the old Sunrise site. However, at this time it is proposed to be extended to the northeast corner of that lot. The extension would service Willner's and the car lot dealership (Todd Franz). Staff feels the most time consuming part of this project will be obtaining the easement from the Mobile Home park. President Mulhern took his chair at 6:41 p.m. Discussion continued regarding the extension. Assessments would have to be spread over a 10 year period because of the cost. MOTION by Berg to recommend to City Council that the Feasibility Report be received and the project should be constructed as described in the report. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. This Plan will be sent to Met Council and the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization. It will take a two months for them to review and make any changes, • Then after Staff receives the changes they will bring it back to the Commission for approval and recommendation to City Council. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10, 1997 The Commission spent a little time going over some of the typing errors within the text and also asking some different questions which Staff will get answers to The Commission was asked to get any feedback back to Staff within the next month. No action was taken on this item at this time. 4b. NORTH CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER STUDY The Study was handed out at the meeting. Staff would like the Commission to take some time and read this study carefully. Discussion about different areas were touched on. Commissioner Waldoch mentioned it would only make sense to do watermain along with sanitary sewer. One of the items all the Commission agreed on was that creative financing would have to be done. At this time just cost estimates were done, however, funding options will be addressed. The Commission will tentatively meet with the Mayor and City Council in June at the Committee of the Whole meeting. Staff reminded the Commission that this is a plan for the future and possibly only portions would be done at a time. • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - 07 • Well #8 Rehab - Bergerson /Casewell is pulling and checking the pump. • Well #9 - Contractor is starting the brick work on the pumphouse. • Geronime Pond Addition - The project is moving forward. • Hawkins Pond - The Public Hearing was held last week. • Project #277 - The bids will be let for this project this coming Friday. • Diamond Path Trunk Watermain - Shield Construction is out of business. Staff's understanding that some of the sub - contractors haven't been paid. There are corrections that still need to be completed. The sub - contractors are going through the bonding company. • McNamara Property - A petition is going before the Council to be approved. 0 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10, 1997 City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson touched briefly on the sewer flows from MCES. The City receives these flows monthly and flows are on there way up. A letter regarding Suburban Rate Authority was handed out to the Commission for their information. . . 1. McNamara Update MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary n �J 0 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 4-8 -97 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of March 10, 1997 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve....) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. b. C. d. e. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Storm Water Utility Complaint (Lengthy discussion, Directed Staff to come up with whatever is fair on the run -off and bring back to Commission in May) • b. U. S. West Tower Lease Agreement (MOTION to recommend.......) C. SAC & WAC Charges for Redevelopment Sites (Discussion, Staff will compose a policy and bring back to Commission) ADD d. Rosemount Relief to Flood Victims (Mayor added. Gentleman wants to take water to Flood area in Montivideo /Granite Falls, needs help getting containers and potable water - Commission discussed and Staff was directed to help in anyway possible.) 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Pictures of Well #9 progress, CR 42 Corridor Study, Broback Industrial Park, SRA meeting, right -of -way issues) Q C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for May 12, 1997 (Set) 8. ADJOURNMENT 8:03 p.m. CITY OF RO S E M O U N T Ci 4TY 5th{Street West 2875 Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -4997 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 6:30 p.m., April 7, 1997 by President Mulhern with Members Waldoch, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Mayor Busho and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Mayor Busho added Item 5d.- Rosemount Relief to Flood Victims. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the March 10, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. •:u ,j _ Xj47; M g I I I WAIK41 u' • Mr. & Mrs. Jay Krech of 12050 Dodd Road requested this item on the agenda to discuss what they felt was an unfair charge of their Storm Water Utility fee. With the change in Policy last November, basing the Storm Water Utility fee on actual use of land rather than zoning, this increased their charges from a $7.00 Agricultural charge to a $215.95 charge for commercial land use (7 acres). John Zangs, a recently retired Attorney, a spokesman for the Krech's, addressed the Commission on the Krech's behalf. He handed out a history and pictures to the Commission. He spoke about how the property use hasn't changed since Krech's purchased it in 1986. When Krech's purchased they went through the Planning Commission and at that time landscaping was considered agricultural use and outside storage was permitted. He spoke of pervious /impervious, runoff from Eagan, maintenance of drainage ditches along Dodd and 120th Street, which Krech's maintain, and no change in use of the property since purchased in 1986. With their computations they figured 6.7% of the property is impervious out of the 7 acres. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson explained that there could have been an error in the computation in charging the Commercial rate on the entire property. However he stated that part of the property should be charged at a commercial rate because of the business being conducted. Zangs argued that no sales take place on this site and all work is done elsewhere. • Mayor Busho believed a compromise should be reached using the $7.00 base fee and UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • APRIL 7, 1997 then a minimum of 1 acre charge for commercial, depending what is found in City Staff measuring the actual impervious area. President Mulhern directed Staff to measure the impervious area and assess the run- off. The Krech's were amenable to Staff coming out, as long as they call first, and that Krech's can be present while the measuring is being done. Mrs. Krech asked Commission about the impending bill which is due April 20, 1997. The penalties on this bill will be waived until this issue is resolved. • :• u• ill 0 1 a-.qA 4 1:1 a 161;12 110161 • u Mayor Busho had spoken to Charlie Ebebach regarding the flooding in Montevideo and Granite Falls. He is a resident who wishes to help in providing potable water to the victims of these two areas. He has the means to get to the area, however he would like help getting containers and the water. The City has no means of supplying the containers, however the City could set up for filling the containers at Well #3. Mr. Eberbach was in the audience and appreciates anything that the Commission would allow. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the • Commission he'd recommend that the water be boiled before consumption simply because the City has no way of knowing if the containers are sterilized before the water goes into them. Mayor Busho and the Commission commended Mr. Eberbach on his efforts to help his fellow man. There were a few changes to this lease compared to the other two which have been issued. U. S. West agreed to all but the added paragraph on page 11, Section 6.14 (H) Miscellaneous. The City Attorney and Staff think the contract should be agreed to as presented by the City initially. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend that City Council approve the Chippendale Tower Lease Agreement to U. S. West as presented. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson explained to the Commission the loss 40 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7, 1997 of revenue the City endured with a redevelopment project because of the way it bases the SAC & WAC charges. As it is right now these figures come from the MECS and they don't take into consideration that some of the properties may never have been charged a SAC or WAC charge before and they are giving credits when none are actually due. It was recommended to the Commission that a Policy be drafted covering the computation of SAC & WAC on redeveloped projects with Staff calculating the fees rather than MECS. The Commission directed Staff to come back next month with a "draft" policy. • Well #9 - Building is going very good and the roofers should be coming soon. • Well #8 - Pulled pump. It had normal wear and tear, the shaft is in good shape. The Well was installed in 1989 and this was the first its ever been pulled and overhauled. • NCSSS - Tim is looking into possible funding mechanisms to proceed with the work laid out in this study. • McNamara Addition - So far the process is continuing. • CSAH 42 Corridor Study - The County has put together a Task Force to study the corridor along CSAH 42 from Shakopee to Trunk Highway 55. • Broback Industrial Park - This development proposal has been tabled. Commissioner Waldoch apprised the Commission that the Suburban Rate Authority meeting will be held next week in New Brighton. The Commission discussed the membership rates and quarterly meetings. NSP right -of -way issues will be discussed at the meeting again. Commissioner Waldoch wondered about conductivity testing in the water lines. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson informed the Commission that the City follows the CEAM Engineering Specifications. 1. Krech outcome • 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 7, 1997 2. Road trip - Antennas, Well #9, Public Works Garage, Fueling Station 3. SAC & WAC Policy MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &U,ce, "4�� Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • • 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 5 -13 -97 AGENDA . REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MAY 12, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of April 7, 1997 Regular Meeting (APPROVED as corrected) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Storm Water Utility Complaint - Continuance (Staff recommendation, rebuttal from complainant, MOTION to approve amended ................) b. Policy for SAC & WAC Charges for Redevelopment Sites (Brief discussion, MOTION to recommend .........) C. d. e. 5. NEW BUSINESS • a. Vermillion River Watershed - 1997 Allocation (Discussion, Commission feels should be billed on flow going to river. Tabled) ADD b. Review of City -owned Facilities - Utility Charge (Discussion on Valley View Golf Course in Apple Valley - Storm Water Utility Charge - MOTION to agree to continue ...) C. d. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Diamond Path Trunk Watermain, Well #9,Hawkins Pond, Geronime Pond, Willner Sanitary Sewer, McNamara, MUSA expansion) C. • d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 9, 1997 (Meeting set) 8. ADJOURNMENT 9:25 p.m. CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 12, 1997 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 6:30 p.m., May 12, 1997 by President Mulhern with Members Waldoch, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Mayor Busho, Civil Engineer Litterer, Engineering Technician Brown and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no items added to the agenda. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson clarified some terminology in the draft minutes of the April 7, 1997 meeting. He had been approached by Mr. Zangs, the spokesman for the Krech's, who requested minor changes. Osmundson reiterated the changes to the Commission and apprised the Commission he had no problem with the changes within the second paragraph of the Krech complaint. • MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the April 7, 1997 regular Utility Commission minutes as corrected. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed Staff's findings and recommendation on the Krech property. Mr. Zangs, the spokesman for the Krech's, handed out copies of a letter to the Commission restating Krech's position and why they felt the $7.00 Agricultural rate should stand. He also handed out a comparison Krech's had done on different properties in similar situations and being charged differently. One of the major conflicts between the Krech's and the City was the determination of land use versus zoning. Staffs interpretation of land use as opposed to Mr. Zang's interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance as regards to land use were not agreed upon. The Krech's had checked into other businesses which are similar, however are not being charged properly. Osmundson noted the City was unaware of some of the uses and that the properties would now be reevaluated. Krech's also noted that the County charges • their taxes on Agricultural property. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • MAY 12, 1997 The Staff recommendation was to charge a fee of $30.85 for one acre of Commercial plus $7.00 for one Agricultural homestead. Staff also suggested as a compromise to just charge the $30.85. Mayor Busho commended Tim Brown, the City Water Resource Coordinator, for an outstanding job and the hard work he did in the recommendation on the Krech property. The Commission all agreed that Staff had done an excellent job in their preparation and recommendation and felt the compromise was a good one. Mr. Zangs didn't agree, he felt less than 6% of the property (under Y2 acre) would be considered impervious. Commission members asked if taking off the $7.00 Ag charge and just charging one unit on the Commercial would set a precedent. This situation is unique in terms of size, most are much larger areas. Mr. Zangs explained that the Krech's do not sell any of the items from their home. Items are just stored there and taken to the job site. MOTION by Berg to approve the amended Storm Water Utility rate for the above properties, with the exclusion of the $7.00 rate on an Agricultural property, at a total of $30.85 on a one acre Commercial rate. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • 4b. POLICY FOR SAC & WAC CHARGES FOR REDEVELOPMENT SITES This policy was presented to the Commission and a brief discussion took place as to how these properties should be handled. Nothing has ever been in writing before. This would give the City the leverage to be able to charge these charges even if the State doesn't. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend to City Council the adoption of the attached Policy for Sanitary Sewer and Water System Capital Charge collection after it has been reviewed by the City Attorney. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission had a brief discussion on this item. Staff and the Commission felt the allocation is not being figured properly and the Commission directed Staff to look into the matter. Right now the City is being billed based on area even if the flow doesn't go to • the river. The Commission and Staff feel the membership fee should be based on what land is draining and the flow to the Vermillion River. 0 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES . MAY 12, 1997 At this time City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson asked the Commission if he could add an item to the agenda. There was no opposition so under New Business, Item 5b. was added to the agenda. This item took into consideration the Storm Water Utility Fee for Valleywood Golf Course, which has a section in the City of Rosemount, however the majority is in the City of Apple Valley. Since the enactment of the Fee, the City of Apple Valley has complained about paying the Fee. Staff doesn't feel this is really a money issue at all, but a policy issue. The Commission briefly discussed options such as leaving the bill as is or a possible land swap to take care of this piece of property. Staff apprised the Commission that at the time Birger Pond is developed, that may be a consideration, as of now the City of Apple Valley doesn't appear interested. MOTION by Mulhern to agree to continue charging the Storm Water Utility Fee on the Valleywood Golf Course owned by the City of Apple Valley unless a compromise can be . reached. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. At this time the Commission went on a tour of some significant areas within the City. While on tour they discussed project updates. The tour route was as follows: 1. Lipinski property - in regard to Storm Water Utility 2. Krech's property - in regards to the earlier decision made by the Commission. 3. Valleywood Golf Course - in regards to Storm Water Utility 4. Connemara Tower - the new antennas 5. Well #9 - The Commission went inside to see the progress, could possibly be on line by June. , 6. Chippendale Tower - the work on the new antenna 7. CMC East along County Road 42 - all residential within MUSA 8. Wenzel Property - checked the expansion and clarified the zoning change and Storm Water Utility Fee which was adjusted. 0 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES . MAY 12, 1997 9. A -1 Concrete - The Commissions decision to leave the Storm Water Utility Fee as it was is justified. They are expanding. 10. USPCI - Didn't really see the operation, however was on the backside of the property. They want to expand their business. 11. Biscayne Point - Off of Biscayne Avenue. This is now in the MUSA. 12. Geronime Pond 13. Shannon Pond East 14. Hampton Developments Shannon Pond South City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson told the Commission the City is going after the bonding company to help recuperate the costs of the Diamond Path Trunk Watermain project. Shield Construction filed bankruptcy. Osmundson will keep the Commission updated as to where the City stands. • Commission Members talked for a few minutes on the sprinkling ban and how they don't feel the public knows about it. Staff will place another article in the paper. They also talked about the consequences if the ban is violated. This item will be added to the June 9th agenda. 111;1:114180PI.-I 401151 \ 1/ 1. Enforcement or Penalty for Water Ban Violation 2. Preliminary Budget 3. Update from Goal Setting Session 4. Update on 10. Year CIP MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. 0 0 4 Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 6 -10-97 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of May 12, 1997 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve...► 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Storm Water Utility Policy- Recommended Changes (Discussion, MOTION to recommend ........ ) 1 C. e. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Renewal of SRA Membership (Discussion, Consensus reached to see how much it 6. is first, however go with what Commissioner Waldoch and Osmundson decide) b. Sprinkling Ban Discussion (Much discussion, Staff directed to type form letter to send to first time offenders, however have Commission review before it goes out.) C. Preliminary Budget for 1998/10 Year CIP Discussion (Brief discussion • w /highlights) ADD d. 2nd Annual SRA Public Law Update (Commissioner Waldoch presented a couple of items that were in a review he had received, Staff will copy it to the Commissioners and pertinent Staff members) a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update ( Osmundson went briefly through all ongoing projects) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 7, 1997 (Meeting set) 8. ADJOURNMENT 7:48 p.m. 11 e. f. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update ( Osmundson went briefly through all ongoing projects) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 7, 1997 (Meeting set) 8. ADJOURNMENT 7:48 p.m. 11 CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145tHA Street West Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -4997 Phone: 612 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612 -423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 9, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 6:30 p.m., June 9, 1997 by President Mulhern with Members Waldoch, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Mayor Busho, and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Commissioner Waldoch added Item 5d. -2nd Annual SRA Public Law Update to the agenda. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the May 12, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The executive summary presented to the Commission had a verbiage change on the Storm Water Utility Policy in Section 5.4. The paragraph on "Land Use" was completely rewritten I• to make it clear what the Policy was stating. It is designating land use and not zoning and is to be used as a guide as to what actually the land is being used for. MOTION by Berg to recommend to City Council the attached Storm Water Utility Policy Language. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. NEW BUSINESS 5a. RENEWAL OF SRA MEMBERSHIP Both Commissioner Waldoch and City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson have attended meetings of the SRA. Although the meetings are informative, they don't feel we are getting the value out of the meetings for the cost of the annual fee. The attorney which handles the business for the SRA is affiliated with our City Attorneys office, so we do have access to the information. Commissioner Berg and Mulhern both agree to go along with whatever Waldoch and Osmundson feel is the best for the City since they have been representing the City at this level. The League of Minnesota Cities basically do the same thing for the City. Osmundson reiterated to the Commission everything that has been sent out or published • regarding the odd /even sprinkling, ie. 3 newspapers, quarterly newsletter and flyer in water /sewer bill. Educating the public seems to be the biggest challenge. Commissioner • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 9, 1997 Berg feels this has to come from the State or Federal government in order for residents to take it seriously. Mayor Busho had made various calls to surrounding communities to check on their policies. Eagan and Rosemount are the only two of those which she was informed that now have a form of sprinkling bans. Eagan has their Code Enforcement Officer issue warnings and then tickets (misdemeanor). The Commission discussed how to handle violators. Educating the Public of why the ban is required is the major focus. Staff was directed to draft a letter (for approval by the Commission) and a policy to address sprinkling ban violators. Commissioner Waldoch is going to the National Convention and he will see if he can pick up some more flyers or literature regarding conservation and sewer charges. The Commission reviewed the rough draft of the preliminary budget for 1998. Some of the highlighted expenses are listed below: 1. Adding the MIU's to the meters 2. Capital Replacement Plan - 145th Street east of City Hall, Valve adjustments, • Chippendale Avenue, South Rose Park overlays 3. Well #3 - increasing capacity by 50 % -60% Well #6 will be abandoned, however Well #9 will be going on -line. The SCADA system computer will need replaced. The Commission discussed the changes when the year 2000 comes into play. Everything within a computer will have to be changed, which could be a very expensive process. Discussion took place regarding a possible new addition to the Public Works Building which would help alleviate the rent being paid for the University of Minnesota property. The "U" has talked about raising the annual rent on the space the Maintenance Department rents. This money could be put towards the addition to the Public Works Building. Commissioner Berg left his seat for the evening at 7:20 p.m. The remainder of the Commission discussed the 10 Year CIP. Osmundson ran through the CIP briefly touching on items that will be costly such as a new water tower in Section 28, and MUSA trunk lines. The Commission likes the fact that Staff is taking a pro- active stand in regards to land purchases. • Commissioner Waldoch added this item to the agenda to let the Commission know what 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES . JUNE 9, 1997 took place and also had a book he wanted to share with them. Staff will make copies for the Members. One of the items which was of great interest to the Commission was the change in State law which states that the Comprehensive Plan Land Use supersedes Zoning. The guidelines and redevelopment took effect immediately after the publication. City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson handed out a book called "Plain Talk about Drinking Water ". He informed the Commission it was very simple reading and appears to be an excellent source of information because it is in terms anyone can understand. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 7a. PROJECT UPDATE Osmundson addressed the status of the following projects: • Well #9 - The pump went on -line last Thursday. It pumped 1,700 g.p.m. at 80 psi. There are a few items left to do on the pumphouse. Well 9 is needed badly. Prior to going on line the City was losing water between 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the evenings. • Hawkins Pond • • Project #277 • Wensmann 10th • Broback Industrial Park • Geronime Pond • Willner Sanitary Sewer Extension • McNamara Development • Shannon Pond East 1st Addition • Project #284 • Well #8 Rehab • Comprehensive Water Plan • MUSA Expansion • Well #9 r� �I 3 n U 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 9, 1997 7d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JULY 7. 1997 Waldoch's review of Conference in Atlanta 2. Budget 3. Policy - Sprinkler Ban MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. 4 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1997 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 6:30 p.m., August 18, 1997 in the Lower Level Conference Room (Karen Monson Conference Room) of the City Hall by President Mulhern with Members Waldoch, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Civil Engineer Litterer and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the June 9, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 4a. APPROV The agenda item regarding the "Budget for 1998/10 Year CIP Discussion" didn't actually include the 10 Year CIP. The CIP has already been reviewed. The discussion on the budget revolved mostly around future sites for wells and towers. The Commission Members all agreed that Staff should be planning ahead for- this. They also spoke about the lease purchase for the proposed maintenance building. Osmundson reminded the Commission that another Sewer & Water Rate Study will be needed in 1999. MOTION by Waldoch to recommend the City Council approve the 1998 Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Operating Budgets. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. The Commission reviewed the letter Osmundson had drafted regarding residents watering on an off day. Since the Commission had the letter in advance the corrections had already been made and they felt the letter was well written. A copy of this letter will go to residents when they are found to be watering when it isn't their designated day. is UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • AUGUST 18, 1997 101 Utility Billing Clerk Werner prepared this item for the Commission. The revisions made within the Policy were basically clarifications. MOTION by Berg to adopt Utility Billing Procedures Policy with recommended changes. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. •• This item was on the agenda as information to the Commission. The MCES is now streamlining their billing. Instead of a two year lag time they will only be billing behind two quarters and have actual usage. This will make it much easier to budget in the future. A drawback will be that MCES doesn't set their budget until December and the City has to set their's in September. COUNTRY 5c. RECEIVE FEASIBILITY REPORT/ORDER PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS. TOWN & is HOMES. PROJECT The Commission looked at the Feasibility Report. They were apprised that a new grading plan has to be drawn because a pond has to be inserted east of Claret Avenue. The future ponds will drain to Wachter Lake. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend that the City Council receive the Feasibility Report and order the project as described for the Town & Country Townhome /Outlot E, McNamara Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #287. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 5d. VERMILLION RIVER WMO JPA City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the Commission he is concerned that the large cities (including Rosemount) would end up paying a disproportionate share of future WMO costs. The Commission directed Osmundson to write a letter to the VRWMO with that idea. There are 22 townships and cities involved in the VRWMO. Currently the WMO dues are calculated on land area and tax base. Osmundson suggested that the new WMO Joint Powers Agreement should include language changing the dues calculation to quantity of run -off basis which would be a great benefit to Rosemount. • 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES i AUGUST 18, 1997 5e. SHANNON POND SOUTH ADDITION The Plan for this Addition shows proposed high water levels in Shannon Pond different than those described in the City's Storm Water Management Plan. The Commission agreed with Staff about retaining the level. MOTION by Waldoch to retain the storage volume as required in the Comprehensive Storm Water Plan in the area known as Shannon Pond South. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. In this new addition a street would run between Biscayne Avenue and 145th Street. The Commission agreed that a R -2 zoning was a good concept for this area and for the residents along Biscayne Way. This was an informational item for the Commission so no action was required. i • • ► T Mucil Commissioner Waldoch attended the AWWA Conference in June. He felt the conference was well attended, however not a lot of new products. The word of the conference was "polyethylene" piping. This piping will be replacing PVC within a few years. The Commission talked about the longevity of the pipe and its use. Waldoch said the whole conference was positive and all the feedback that came from it was positive. •: '•: • Next month the Commission will look at the finished product out at Well #9. • New NSP Substation to be built out by Treatment Plant. • The membership for Suburban Rate Authority has been canceled. • Metropolitan Council has accepted our Water Distribution Plan with the comment that the City should consider having residents pay escalating rates. 40 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • AUGUST 18, 1997 Bonestroo will go through the Plan for typo's then it will come back to the Commission and Council for adoption. The Commission had a brief discussion on the quality of water. Fall Tour Project Update Kelley Trust Property Birger Bond Outlet w /Apple Valley MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Waldoch. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 40 4) 4 Respectfully submittgd, 6A-411 Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF RO S E M O U N T C1ITY 2875 45thi Street West Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -4997 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 7:37 p.m., September 8, 1997 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Mulhern with Commission Members Waldoch, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson and Mayor Busho present. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Waldoch to approve the minutes of the August 18, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting with a minor grammatical change to Item 4b. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed the details in the Feasibility Report for this proposed project. This project would provide sanitary sewer service to the new MUSA addition east and west of Biscayne Avenue and north of CSAH 42 in Section 28. Phase I is proposed to be constructed this fall in association with the Biscayne Pointe Addition project and the CIVIC Heartland Partners 226 acre site. The total project, including Phase I and Phase II would connect the trunk sewer in Connemara Trail at existing Lift Station #3 to the MCES interceptor in Section 28. This project is a Chapter 429 project with a Public Hearing scheduled for October 7, 1997 at the City Council. MOTION by Berg to approve the Feasibility Report for Brockway Draw Trunk Sanitary Sewer Improvements, City Project #286. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. • rialun, 1. .- ;- •I Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed the proposed changes for Capital Charges for stormwater to the Fee Ordinance. Tim Brown, the Water Resource 40 Coordinator, outlined the reasons for the change in his memo dated September 4, UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 1997. The fee would be for new subdivisions and /or development in the rural residential or agricultural areas. The fees include a Trunk Area Charge of $300.00 per acre which the developer would pay at final plat, plus a Connection Charge of $103.00 per lot would be paid with each building permit. For lot splits or single lots created in agricultural or rural residential areas, and where Trunk Area Charges are = collected from a developer, the Connection Charge would be $853.00 per lot. MOTION by Berg to recommend that the City Council amend the Fee Ordinance as described in this Executive Summary. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed the construction status of various City projects. • .. 0 Project Update • Biscayne Pointe Feasibility Report • APWA Update • SCADA System Update • Open House at Public Works for Sunday, October 12, 1997, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Utility Commission was invited. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Waldoch. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Bud Osmundson Executive Director 0 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 8 -19-97 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1997 6:30 P.M. * *MEETING IN UPPER LEVEL CONFERENCE ROOM ** 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of June 9, 1997 Regular Meeting (Approved) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Budget for 1998/10 Year CIP Discussion (Motion to recommend.....) b. Policy - Sprinkler Ban (Discussion, Friendly Reminder Letter) C. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Revision of Utility Billing Procedures Policy (Motion to adopt.......) b. MCES Billing Policy (Brief discussion of changed policies, better for cities) C. Town & Country Homes - City Project #287 (Discussion, Motion to recommend...) • d. Vermillion River WMO JPA (Discussion, may be dissolved, Letter to be written about distributing equally) e. Shannon Pond South, City Project #288 (Discussion on high water level, Motion to retain .....) f. The Enclave, City Project #289 (Brief discussion, R -2 a good zoning for area) M 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT a. ) 7. COMMISSIONER'S REPORT a. Review of AWWA Conference in Atlanta (Held in good location, however not a lot of new items. The upcoming item is "Polyethylene ".) 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (well #9, New NSP Substation, SRA, Water Distribution Plan) b. C. • d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for September 8, 1997 (Fall Tour, Kelley Trust, Birger Pond WAX.) 9. ADJOURNMENT 8:25 p.m. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 10 -14 -97 AGENDA • REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of September 8, 1997 Regular Meeting (MOTION to approve) 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Water Supply & Distribution Plan (Brief Discussion, already accepted, Final draft, Letter from et Council) b. Review Feasibility Report - Biscayne Pointe (Discussion, MOTION to construct.) C. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. DNR Appropriation Permit (Permit denied from DNR, will reapply next year) I� C. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT • ADD a. QBS of Engineering Firms ADD b. Litchfield Open House 7. COMMISSIONER'S REPORT a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for November 10, 1997 9. ADJOURNMENT 7:50 p.m. 0 ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 1997 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 6:35 p.m., October 13, 1997 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Mulhern with Commission Members Waldoch, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Mayor Busho and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. Additions to the agenda were: Item 6a. - Quality Base Selection (QBS) of Engineering Firms and Item 6b. - Litchfield Open House. Mayor Busho asked to have announcements at the end of the meeting. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the September 8, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. r �I R 111141 � Public Works Director Osmundson apprised the Commission that the City did receive final approval of the Plan from Metropolitan Council. He had in his possession a final copy of the Plan and let the Commission know that they were welcomed to check out a copy if they would like to review the completed Plan. This Plan will represent Rosemount for quite some time into the future. This development consists of 65 acres, however only 14 acres will be in the first phase. They are hoping to complete 6 lots this fall. They are hoping to begin construction of the streets and utilities this winter, but complete them this spring. The watermains in the cul -de -sacs will be looped and not dead - ended. Typical cost on this addition is a little high, however there is no public hearing because it was 100% petition. The ponding easement will be left open during this first phase. MOTION by Waldoch to construct the Biscayne Pointe Street and Utility Improvements as described in the Feasibility Report for City Project #285. SECOND 40 by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 1997 NEW BUSINESS Although the Department of Natural Resources denied our request to increase our appropriations, Public Works Director Osmundson informed the Commission he did not intend to protest their decision at this time. Next year we will apply for an increase. It appears through the letter received that the DNR doesn't think we are imposing enough conservation acts on the public. 6a. QUALITY BASE SELECTION (QBS) - CONSULTING ENGINEERS This item was added to the agenda by President Mulhern to apprise the Commission about a worksheet which helps to select an engineer. Request for Proposals are based on price whereas the QBS focuses on qualities. Wisconsin uses the QBS system. • 6b. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CITY STAFF President Mulhern wanted to acknowledge the great job City Staff did for the Open House the City held. He had visited an open house that the City of Litchfield had and informed the Commission of the pancake feed the City put on. These were free to the public and went along with the open house. It was well advertised and brought a lot of goodwill between residents and Staff. He suggested possibly something on that order for Rosemount would work when and if the City host another open house. It needs to be promoted that City government is friendly and Litchfields pancake feed definitely promotes goodwill. PROJECT UPDATE • Project #287 - Town & County, Outlot E, is at a stand still phase. It still hasn't had approval, however is scheduled to go to Council next Tuesday. • City Project #289 - The Enclave - Nothing has started on this project. For 1998, the proposed Chippendale Avenue project between County Road 42 and 160th Street does not include a lot of utility work to be done, except street grading, widening and storm drain. 0 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 1997 There is a Joint Powers Agreement at the Attorney's office regarding the Kelley Trust property. There were no announcements made and at this time the Commission had no additions for the November 10, 1997 Utility Commission agenda. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary 40 0 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UPDATED 12-9 -97 AGENDA REGULAR UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1997 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes of October 13, 1997 Regular Meeting (Approved as corrected) n N Wa] R e7 -, I IT -jIz �J a. b. C. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Review 1998 Fees (Discussion, Water & Sewer stay same, Storm Water Utility Increase - MOTION to recommend......) b. Revision to Utility Billing Policy (Discussion on recommendations by Utility Billing Clerk - MOTION to approve changes .....) a. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Verbal Reports) a. Project Update (Discussions on existing projects and upcoming projects) b. C. d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for January 12, 1998 9. ADJOURNMENT 7:50 p.m. 0 ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1997 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 612- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax: 612- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission Meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order at 6:35 p.m., December 8, 1997 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Mulhern with Commission Members Waldoch, Berg, City Engineer /Public Works Director Osmundson, Mayor Busho and Recording Secretary Dorniden present. There were no additions to the agenda and one grammatical correction to the minutes of the October 13, 1997 regular meeting. MOTION by Waldoch to approve the minutes of the October 13, 1997 regular Utility Commission meeting as corrected. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. An overview of the fees were presented showing no water or sewer user fees increasing for the past 5 years. However, it was noted that next year will be the year to complete another rate study. There is a proposed $ 1.50 increase in the Storm Water Utility Fee. This was discussed in 1996 when it was recommended to raise the rates. This $1.50 would be the second half of the increase recommended. It was discussed about adding Area Charges to the Developer rather than the building permits. These charges would work with the Core Charges for existing and new infrastructure. With the new millennium right around the corner the City will be ready to jump in with new rates. The Commission did talk about explaining the Storm Water Utility Fees better to the Public. It was suggested that a comparison of how bills are laid out and explained by other municipalities could simplify our billing and answer questions. MOTION by Berg to recommend the City Council approve the 1998 Fees as proposed. SECOND by Waldoch. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. 5b. REVISION TO UTILITY BILLING POLICY is It was explained to the Commission the reason this item was on the agenda was UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1997 because bankruptcy is more prew in place right now is costing the written off. It was also noted, aft penalty is an excessive amount ar $ 1.00 minimum. There was little explained to the Commission. ent in our society and the procedures which are City money because the bankruptcies are being r comparison with other cities, that our past due d was recommended to lower it to 6% and have discussion on this item because it was very well MOTION by Waldoch to approve chonges to Utility Billing Procedure Policy, effective immediately. SECOND by Berg. yes: 3. Nays: 0. • Birger Pond - The Commissi portion the Rosemount /Ap Feasibility Report is being January meeting. A brief took place. • • • • • • • • Well #9 is complete. Geronime Pond - The blac building. Willner Sanitary Sewer - F the project by not signing stepped over to the map and were shown what Valley Joint Powers Agreement entailed. The lone for the outlet. It should be done by the scussion on the drainage and where it could go ing needs to be done before they can start nount Woods Mobile Home Court is holding up proper easement documents. McNamara Property - Walgroens is almost complete. Shannon Pond East 1 st Add CSAH 46 - Nothing to - Should be building here shortly. Biscayne Pointe - The develllper just closed on the property today, so should start streets and utilities sh rtly. Brockway Draw Trunk Sa Town & Country, Phase 1 - Sewer - Bids will be let in a month. nothing going on. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 1997 • The Enclave - The Feasibility Report was started. It will consist of multi - family and small lots. • Chippendale Avenue Improvements - There will be little storm sewer work and no water and sewer. • 145th Street West (CSAH 42 to RR Tracks) - Not a lot of utility work, mostly street. • Well #6 - The well has been completely abandoned and sealed. It cost $ 16,000 to close. Mayor Busho talked to Jerry Stelzel, the Chairperson for Empire Township, about purchasing water from Rosemount. The Mayor was to initiate a joint meeting between the Empire Town Board and the City Council. City Engineer Osmundson reviewed a facts sheet he'd received from Metropolitan Council regarding sludge and how it could be handled in the future. Recording Secretary Dorniden explained a written complaint the City had received on a past due notice. No action was necessary, it was information only. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • 3