HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 UC MInutes• ROSEMOU NT Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2000 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on January 10, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Don Berg, Paul Heimkes, City Administrator Burt, Mayor Busho and Recording Secretary Dorniden. Also in attendance were Dave Simons of SEH, Inc. and resident Robert J. Cason of 4105 137th Street West. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Recording Secretary Dorniden passed out a letter the City received from Mr. Cason regarding the utility rates. She had notified Mr. Cason of the meeting this evening. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the December 6, 1999 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. OLD BUSINESS 4a. FINAL DRAFT -RATE STUDY Dave Simons of SEH, Inc. led the Commission in a discussion regarding the final draft of the Comprehensive Utility Rate Study for the next five years. The Council approved the rates within the Fee resolution, which was passed at the December 7, 1999 regular Council meeting. These rates will be reflected over the next five years. The Commission will have to start reassessing the rates in 2004. President Mulhern "thanked" Mr. Simons for a nice job and informed him that the City appreciated the effort he put into the Study. The City Administrator apprised the Commission that he was very comfortable with the distribution of funds within the Study. The C.I.P. and C.R.P. are the biggest variables in setting up the rates over the next five years. Discussion revolved around reinstatement of a sprinkler credit, the installation of a second meter for irrigation and a possible new lawn credit. All these items had been talked about before, however with the letter from Mr. Cason it was cause to reevaluate what had been set up and why. Right now a surcharge is not charged on a second UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2000 meter for irrigation in the residential area, however the previous Public Works Director had directed the Billing Clerk to start charging. It has been presented to residents that this wouldn't be charged on their bill, they would just pay for what they use and that's why they were encouraged to install the second meter. This would help them to realize how much water they are using on their lawns and possibly help with water conservation. Commission Members agreed it would be going backwards to start billing the residents when it was presented to them that they would only pay for what they used. Mr. Cason "thanked" the Commission for their time and for listening to him. President Mulhern had a "leak" packet he passed out. The Commission discussed giving these out to residents. Staff was directed to check out pricing. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 7a. PROJECT UPDATE Administrator Burt directed the Commission to defer to the memo which the Engineering Staff put together on the ongoing projects. He did apprise the Commission that the City is watching the process for Bloomfield 2nd Addition closely. The project has already been bonded, but the plat hasn't been finalized as of yet. • The City now owns the 4.2 acres of land that the new water tower will set on out on the east end of the City. The Feasibility Report will be brought to the Council the first meeting in February for County Road 46 (160th Street). The County will be letting the bids and awarding the contract sometime in March. The City will have to hold a public hearing prior to the letting to follow due process because some properties will be assessed. New frontage roads will have to be installed, while sewer and water will have to be installed in the right -of -way on Highway 3. Dakota County Technical College is looking at dormitory style housing. When and if this concept is presented then water and sewer service will have to be brought out to the site. Chances are this concept wouldn't be a reality until the Year 2003 or 2004. At the next Council workshop, Council will be discussing the various projects and also Staffing needs. There should be a City Engineer /Public Works Director on Staff by mid - Spring. 7d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 7, 2000 1. Officer's election • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2000 MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Heimkes. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully subm�itted,,�, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • 0 3 CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 -145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068.4997 Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on March 13, 2000 at 6 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Don Berg, Paul Heimkes, City Administrator Burt. Water Resource Coordinator Morris, Mayor Busho and Recording Secretary Dorniden. Also in attendance was Consulting Engineer Dick Foster of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. • MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2000 - regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. OLD BUSINESS 4a. EAST SIDE WATER TOWER DISCUSSION The meeting was turned over to Alyson Morris, Water Resource Coordinator. She introduced Dick Foster the City's Consulting Engineer from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates who is preparing the East Side Water Tower project. The Commission had each received plans and specifications of the two styles of water towers, the hydropillar and the sphere. Ms. Morris informed the Commission that the land had been acquired for the tower site. The soil report came back and everything appears to be in order. Also, the results of the "Demand" survey came back and there were two companies that showed avid interest. The bids for the two towers have several different alternatives, however the four major ones are: 1) Flood alarm (low temperature alarm); 2) Low water alarm; 3) Paved or gravel driveway ($8,000 - 59,000); 4) Ceiling and Floor. The logo style would also have to be discussed and decided upon. The hydropillar would best supply a storage facility. Structurally either style tower • would support antenna's if tower lease agreements should come up. The plastic piping out of the rural system would be fine in connecting to this tower. 1 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 2000 • Commission Member Heimkes had questions about the building permit fees. He felt the fees were probably being based on the entire tower, and they should only be based on the footing and foundation costs. That should substantially reduce the fees listed. and Staff was directed to check into this issue with the Building Official. Miscellaneous questions were asked of Mr. Foster for clarification purposes. Administrator Burt apprised the Commission of a meeting that was held at Koch Refining request. The Refinery has a well they would like to give the City. It is located by Solberg Aggregate. They had also mentioned moving the water tower onto Koch property however had no suggestions for a site. A lot of exploration would have to be done on the existing well and also where else a tower could go. Some of the questions needing answers would be quality of the well, age of the well and how deep the well is. Because of the contamination out on the east end in the past there could be a public relations issue on the quality of water. Mr. Foster indicated that Bonestroo could probably have the information within a couple of weeks and foresure by the next Utility Commission meeting. They would have to dig into the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Health records to see if there are any "skeletons in the closet" so to speak. The pros and cons would have to be addressed for long term planning. • Staff and Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates were directed to investigate the options and bring the issues back to the April Utility Commission meeting. • NEW BUSINESS 5a. POLICY CHANGES Recording Secretary Dorniden led the Commission in a brief discussion explaining that for the most part what was being presented was either "housekeeping" items or policy which has been followed, but not written regarding fixed fees and surcharges. A brief discussion on what to do with homeowners or businesses that have the ability to have phone activated readings, but don't comply and have a live phone line. The Commission felt it would be alright to establish another surcharge to businesses or homeowners that don't comply and have to have personnel come out to manually read the meter. MOTION by Heimkes to amend the utility billing procedures as presented. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 2000 • 5b. REVIEW BY -LAWS Administrator Burt explained that the Utility Commission is a unique body compared to the other Commission and Committee's run by the City. A lot of the policies, which govern the Commission, are by State Statute and the Public Utilities Commission. The Commission Members were reminded that only three consecutive terms can be served. The Mayor and City Administrator will serve as Ex- Officio Members and will now have voting rights, however there presence will not be counted into the quorum, so two Commission Members must be present to maintain a quorum. "Audience Input" was added to the formal agenda's of all Commission and Committees. All the items were put on paper to clarify what is already being practiced in most instances. • Consensus of the Commission was that these recommended changes were minor and acceptable. 5c. AT & T TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT The standard lease agreement was presented to the Commission. Commission Members felt that the annual rental fee was not adequate. It would suffice for four to six antennas, but not for up to twelve. If they want to install more than other companies then they would have to pay for more. The Commission also felt that the maintenance of the antennas and tower need to be addressed in more detail within the agreement. All the fees pertaining to the tower lease agreements go into the utility maintenance budget. Staff was directed to get in touch with the City Attorney and enter into more negotiations with AT & T. 7a. PROJECT UPDATE The Engineering Staff initiated a new form apprising the Commission of what is going on with the different on -going projects. The Commission expressed their • gratitude in the format for its clear legibility. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 2000 • One of the major projects discussed among the Commission Members was the Kelley Trust property. The builders for the area will be Wensmann, Cud & Mauer, Syntex and Horton, all reputable and upscale builders. Eighteen months from this meeting date the Developer would like to have utilities up and running to the Daley farm, which is the southeastern section. Some of the homes to be built will be in excess of $300,000. The second phase of the project will be new urbanized homes with front porches. The Commission was concerned how the new Category 1 Energy Code will effect the homes. It is very restrictive. It would have to be figured and collected upfront within the Plan review. More discussion will take place on this property as it develops. City Project #299 — Bloomfield 2 "d Addition is for sale. City Administrator Burt informed the Commission that all of Bloomfield is for sale. The City would like to redirect the Chapter 429 (around $2 million) and have given the owners two weeks to get their property under control. The assessments will be transferred to the first phase and that phase will be open to other builders. The City is trying to improve their bond rating and by having our Engineering • Department designing and inspecting, this will cut costs. County Road 46 (1601' Street) is closed from Pilot Knob to Diamond Path. This section of road will be closed for two years. L� Dakota County Highway Department is looking for a new location for the maintenance facility. One option is the land surrounding the new water tower and the other is the Leo Sterns land by the Trunk Highway 3 relocation. They were going on the south side of 160th Street, but wanted Council to extend our sewer into Empire Township, which they denied. The McNamara property has a couple of stores considering locating to this site. U of M Property was discussed. Urban Strategies out of Toronto is developing a concept plan for the land. A lot will be considered out there. DNR preservation will be an issue in developing golf courses and ballfields. Research will be done on different types of seed to be used The study or concept should be complete in about six months. Birger Pond was briefly discussed. The water levels need to be addressed as to w�&ther they will be lowered all at once or gradually brought down. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 2000 • 7d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR APRIL 10, 2000 • • 1. East Side Water Tower Discussion 2. Revised AT & T Tower Lease Agreement 3. Meters (Phone Read) President Mulhern will not be able to attend the April 10, 2000 meeting. MOTION by Busho to change the April 10, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting to April 17, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. SECOND by Burt. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Five candidates will be interviewing on the evening of March 24, 2000 for the City Engineer /Public Works Director position. The Commission felt that Rick Cook should sit in on the interviews in case there were any public works questions, which needed answering. Once the interviews are complete, hopefully an offer will be made and a new Department Head will be on Staff within three to four weeks. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary • CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 145tHA Street West Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068.4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 17, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 17, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Don Berg, Paul Heimkes, Senior Engineering Technician Mark Fremder, Water Resource Coordinator Alyson Morris, Fire Marshall George Lundy, Mayor Busho and Recording Secretary Dorniden. Also in attendance was Consulting Engineer Dick Foster of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates and Julie Townsend, the representative for A T & T Wireless. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Busho added two items to the agenda. Under "Old Business" 5c. the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization Joint Powers Agreement was added; and, under "New Business" 6a. the appointment of the new Public Works Director. AUDIENCE INPUT Under this new category there was no input. MOTION by Busho to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Heimkes. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. OLD BUSINESS 5a. A T & T TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT The Commission had several questions regarding the revised Lease Agreement regarding the fees being charged, the number of antennas proposed and also the maintenance of the tower in relationship to the antennas. The Commission doesn't feel that twelve antennas should be allowed for the same price as six. Julie Townsend, the representative from AT &T Wireless Services Acquisition Department was present to answer questions the Commissioners had. She assured the Commission that other companies wouldn't be placing antennas within their sectors, nor would they want to. Ms. Townsend also apprised the Commission that fees were a concern of all cities, not just within Rosemount. The fees Rosemount are proposing are actually middle line. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 17, 2000 Discussion ensued regarding the maintenance of the tower, i.e. painting. The contractors would be expected to break down the cost of working around the antennas then bill the antenna group directly. Any liability would be handled between the contractor and the company. The Commission wants to make sure that all the items referred to in the Attorney's letter will be added into the Lease Agreement. MOTION by Heimkes to recommend to City Council to approve the revised AT & T Tower Lease Agreement, specifically Item J in Article 1 changing twelve antennas to nine antennas and placing the revisions that the City Attorney has requested be made within the Agreement and authorize the necessary signatures. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. 5b. EAST SIDE WATER TOWER DISCUSSION Dick Foster, the Consulting Engineer from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates apprised the Commission of his findings with Koch on the different wells that they were offering the City. The well in the northwest corner of TH 52 would be $154,000 or more to bring up and running. The different wells don't meet the setback requirements of the • City. One of the wells is in the Jordan Aquifer and the other is in the Mount Sinai. The one in the Mount Sinai could not be used unless that was our only option and nothing else was available. Mr. Foster stated that it would not be politically a good idea to get the wells from Koch. Water Resource Coordinator Morris encouraged the Commission to proceed with the new water tower as planned since it has been delayed long enough. Fire Marshall George Lundy addressed the Commission of his concerns for the new businesses and expanding businesses which have been told there would be fire suppression available to them and they would be expected to hook into this system within a year of their expansions. Spectro Alloy and Wayne Transport had to escrow over a million dollars to have adequate fire suppression. The Mayor asked that the Commission direct Staff to let Koch know of their concerns and offer, and to thank them, but let them know the City is not interested at this time. Marlin Rechtzigel of 14727 Clayton Avenue wanted the Commission to know that he thought site selected for the water tower was a very visible site and would make Rosemount more visible by placing it on that site. • 2 . UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 17, 2000 MOTION by Berg to proceed with the East Side Water Tower project as planned. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Staff will work with the May 2, 2000 Council agenda for approval of Plans and Specifications and ordering the ad for bid so the project can get going as soon as possible. 5c. VERMILLION RIVER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION The Mayor added this topic to the agenda because there is to be a meeting held on April 26, 2000 to discuss the Joint Powers Agreement which is due to expire August 1 St If noone signs the Agreement the Organization is dissolved and the different Communities will be placed in other Watersheds. The rate structure would be quite an impact on the City. The City would be paying more and actually very little of our City's water goes to the Vermillion River. They did imply that the Met Council could possibly be redirecting the flow. If they should decide to assess the City by population we would be assessed too much, however the Finance Department says it could be addressed as long as we know about it. If the City should drop the watershed the County will take over and they would charge us with no knowledge of-how much they would charge. Less than ten percent (10 %) of the City's water goes to the Vermillion River. The watershed needs a more statistical basis on how to figure the charges. Hopefully the consultant at the meeting on April 26th will have the answers the City is looking for. Commission Member Berg and Mayor Busho will attend the meeting and try to get all the proper answers. The City Attorney is recommending that the City stay in the Vermillion River Watershed, if the County takes over it will all be based on politics. NEW BUSINESS 6a. HIRING NEW PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Mayor Busho apprised the Commission that the City Council will be hiring a new City Engineer /Public Works Director tomorrow night. His name is Dan Fick. He will be coming from the City of Austin where he was the Assistant City Engineer. He will be on probation for one year. Council also hired a new Community Development Director who is coming from the City of Hopkins. 0 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 17, 2000 The new Human Resource Coordinator, Paula Graff, started work today. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern handed out a couple of items he'd received at various trade shows. 1. Rapid Seal — Used for manhole covers 2. Article on bottled water 3. Article on steel water tanks 4. Turbo flare (circle rechargeable flashing lights) 5. Sponge (drip of water makes it balloon) A short discussion on the letter that went out to the parties regarding work being done on the water towers in relationship to the Tower Lease Agreements. The Commission was in agreement that this letter needed to be sent informing the companies that they have to notify the City if work is going to be done. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • A brief discussion on the Business Park took place. Project W is in at the City under review and Company A has a letter of intent into the City. The work along Diamond Path is continuing. The new water bills will be coming out July 1, 2000. These will be much easier for the residents to read. The Finance Staff will be going to training on the new program the first week in May. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MAY 8. 2000 1. Water Tower update 2. VRWMO — Update (Consultant) 3. Approve Section 31 Sanitary Sewer Improvements MOTION by Heimkes to adjourn. SECOND by Berg. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respec,Ifully submitted, - &44 97t-��� Cindy Eforniden, Public Works Secretary • 4 ROSEMOU NT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 2000 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 8, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, City Administrator Burt, Mayor Busho and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Busho added, under "New Business ", Suburban Rate Authority. AUDIENCE INPUT No audience. • MOTION by Busho to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Heimkes. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. OLD BUSINESS 5a. VERMILLION RIVER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION UPDATE Mayor Busho apprised the Commission that there was no consensus on the matter of keeping the Joint Powers Agreement for the Watershed alive, however if the County takes it over we won't know how much will be assessed to each populace. Discussion took place regarding the cost and the political issues that could arise. August 1, 2000 is the extended deadline and as it stands now the different communities are at an impasse. Although every community has an impact, Rosemount is less than 10 %, whereas Lakeville, Farmington, Apple Valley, Empire and New Market have the greatest impact. Most of Rosemount's water is contained within Rosemount or goes to the Mississippi. NEW BUSINESS 6a. NEW CABLE FRANCHISE • Administrator Burt apprised the Commission that other companies have expressed interest in the over building cable, which would bring about the negotiation of a • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 2000 franchise agreement. WOW (Wide Open West) and Everest Connection are the two pending companies. There are three positives to having more than one franchise within the City and they are 1) more competition; 2) stabilized rates; and, 3) high speed data transfer. This could be more of an open system, which would give residents more options to pick from. The Commission talked about protecting the right -of -way, keeping it limited to one gas, one electric and one phone line. The cable areas would have to also be limited if their cable is going into the ground. As of now the City doesn't have any form of right -of -way ordinance. Charter Communications just renegotiated their franchise for another ten years. Any new franchise agreements would be negotiated jointly, but signed singularly by each municipality. MOTION by Berg to make a recommendation to City Council to adopt policy and . procedures for governing application, review and recommendation regarding grant and competitive cable franchises. SECOND by Mulhem. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. 0 6b. SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY The City had belonged for a year to the Suburban Rate Authority, however our City Attorney's firm is the attorney for the Authority so we can get the information we need through them and at this time the City chooses not to belong to the Authority. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Bids for the East Side Water Tower will be opened May 24, 2000. There are two businesses seriously considering the Rosemount Business Park. The closing on the properties should be forthcoming, however for one the plat has to be filed before the sell can go through. Webb Company will be located on the west side of Cannon Equipment and Associated Wood Products, which is a high end wood shop, will be located on the east side of Boulder Avenue. There will be seven acres left in the Business Park after these lots are developed. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 8, 2000 Awesome Corporation is a 180,000 square foot manufacturing building which specializes in furniture and cabinetry. They are talking to Don Wachter regarding his property. Different commercial development coming to town in the McNamara Addition are a Goodyear Tire Store, a liquor store and an 80,000 square foot company, which at this time shall remain nameless. The Quonset but at the corner of Country Road 42 and Trunk Highway 3 is being purchased by the Port Authority from the Union Pacific Railroad. The City is just waiting to sign the purchase agreement, then the current renter, Marvin Fritz will be relocated and treated fairly by the City. St. John's Lutheran Church purchased the CIVIC property between CR 42 and 145th Street behind Grief Brothers. The church is going to be called Lighthouse Community Church. St. Joseph's Catholic Church are still looking for a new site, however will probably settle there new home on the old Sunrise site which they own. It is to the north of their . cemetery. A new driving range is being built out on the blintz property north of town. There are no regulations on driving ranges. The Brockway Golf Course will be running it. • 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JUNE 12, 2000 1. Introduction of New City Engineer /Public Works Director 2. VRWMO- Update 3. Water Tower Bids — Recommendation to City Council 4. RFP — East Side Watermain 5. Spring Tour starting at 6:00 p.m. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SECOND by Heimkes. Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. 3 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145thiStreet West Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -4997 Phone: 651-423-4411 Hearing impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651- 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 12, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on June 12, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Dan Fick, City Engineer/Public Works Director, Mayor Busho, Tom Burt, City Administrator, Consulting Engineer Bret Weiss of WSB & Associates, Alyson Morris, Water Resource Coordinator, Rick Cook, Public Works Superintendent and Recording Secretary Domiden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Busho added to Item 8d. — Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization AUDIENCE INPUT No audience in attendance. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. EXECUTIVE'S DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE City Engineer/Public Works Director Fick briefly went over a few of the ongoing City Projects. Birger Pond needs to be at an 896.0' elevation, so another 4' needs to be pumped. There was a problem with the second pump so only one pump is being utilized. A 21" outlet was added at Wensmann to minimize shoreline erosion and water level fluctuations. On June 26, 2000 the bid opening for the County Road 46 project is to take place. This project is already about two months behind the original schedule. A phone call was received from Concourse Industries requesting better storm drainage. This would be something that would have to be added either as a change order to the project or done privately by Concourse. Centex has a purchase agreement on the Bloomfield and Bloomfield 2nd Addition property. So far there has been no activity except the agreement. The Commission listed a number of places they want to visit on their annual tour, which took • place directly. Some of the places included Birger Pond, County Road 46, Trunk Highway 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 12, 2000 • Park & Ride Lot, Dodd Boulevard Reconstruction project, Evermoor, East Side Water Tower site, Endres property and Oakridge Estates. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JULY 10, 2000 The Mayor apprised the Commission that Laura Jester of the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization will be coming to the July 10, 2000 meeting to talk to the Commission about the Watershed and try to answer questions regarding the Organization. A decision will be made by July 31, 2000 if the Organization will stay together or disband. City Administrator Burt will have more information on the Cable TV Franchise Agreement. Procedures need to be adopted for handling trade secrets and privileged data. The Mayor and City Administrator had to leave and go to another meeting. The Commission moved to the City van for the annual spring tour at 6:25 p.m. First stop was the new East Side Water Tower site. From there, Consulting Engineer Weiss explained the route that the East Side Watermain was going to take. It will be extending up Trunk Highway 52 on the east side of the road going to Spectro Alloy. The determination of how to loop it or if it will be dead -ended hasn't been addressed yet. Definite hook -ups have to be established for the feasibility. As of now the City knows that Spectro Alloy, Continental Nitrogen and Koch would be hooking up, but other businesses have to be approached. Hopefully the Feasibility Report will be ready to bring to the Commission by July or August. According to the arrangements made with Spectro, the City should have water to them by July 2001. The tour took the group to the Endres site then onto Biscayne Avenue past the Business Park, up 160a' Street and over to Shannon Pond, then Wensmann Pond. They spoke briefly about each of these projects. Moving along to Dodd Boulevard showing the Commission where the major reconstruction project will take place along with the expansion of the Fire Hall parking lot. The irrigation system will be moved and a larger capacity pump has been added into the cost of the project. The west side of Shannon Parkway along Dodd will be done next year for the watermain that needs to be installed, however there are three properties further west that will have sewer installed as part of this year's project. Next stop took the Commission to Birger Pond. The Commission got out and looked at the water level of the Pond. Discussion on the pumping, elevation and lift station was discussed before moving on to Oakridge Estates, then to the Trunk Highway 3 Park & Ride. An erosion • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 12, 2000 plan has to be developed for this area and a storm sewer needs to be run through. Decorative lighting and fancy fencing is being planned. The Commission arrived back at City Hall at 8:00 p.m. and resumed normal business on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 5a. EAST SIDE WATER TOWER — BID TABULATION & ALTERNATE SELECTION Dick Foster, Consulting Engineer from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates joined the meeting. He explained the bids and felt they were all in line. The bituminous prices on the alternate is high, but the prices are higher this year. Staff recommends going with the spheroid tank and all the alternatives. Briefly they discussed the lettering for the logo, the concrete base, valve pit and no condensation on the ceiling. There will be an isolated hydrant on site for drainage. MOTION by Heimkes to recommend City Council authorize the bid of the East Side Water Tower to be a spheroid tower to CB &I in the amount of $793,064. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 40 Heimkes, Berg. Nays: 0. Abstain: Mulhern. Motion passed. 5b. EAST SIDE WATERMAIN UPDATE This item was discussed on the tour. No action was necessary. NEW BUSINESS 6a. EVERMOOR — PAYMENT METHOD FOR TRUNK WATER AND SEWER FEES Consulting Engineer Weiss apprised the Commission that the owners of the Evermoor project were surprised to hear about the new trunk area charges. They don't have a problem with the fact that they need to be paid, however, they didn't factor them into the prices when they sold the builders rights. They are asking that the fees be paid with the building permit, which would change the policy as it was set up. Another issue was how the charge was defined in the resolution and how it was intended. In the resolution it is defined as acreage charges, however that was basically meant for commercial and industrial. The residential and multi- family residential were to be figured on a per unit basis. The Commission had concerns that the Evermoor exception would set a precedent if we allow this development to pay with the building permit. Because there are no other new developments in the same situation as Evermoor, Staff feels it wouldn't be setting precedent. 0 3 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 12, 2000 The Commission also is concerned with the five year budget and if doing this development in this manner if the funds would be short in five years. Weiss informed the Commission that the Rate Study was very conservative. He had talked to Dave Simons of SEH, Inc. and was told the different funds could handle the payments along with the building permits. In fact the amounts would go up each year so it could provide a slight cushion using a three unit per acre for residential and multi - residential. The developers are willing to obtain a "Letter of Credit" to cover the charges if the City would want one. The language regarding land use differential should be addressed at Council level and changed within the Study. MOTION by Berg to allow the Evermoor project trunk sanitary sewer and watermain charges to be collected on a unit basis at the time the building permit is received. SECOND by Heimkes. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. MOTION by Heimkes to recommend City Council adopt a resolution at the June 20, 2000 meeting allowing the City to charge trunk watermain and sanitary sewer trunk fees at an appropriate per unit rate for residential and multi - family residential and a per acreage rate for commercial and industrial. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. City Engineer/Public Works Director Fick feels the barbwire around the top of the fence at Chippendale Tower should come off. The Commission ask that this item be placed on the next agenda. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (Continued) 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JULY 10, 2000 (Continued) 1. VRWMO Update 2. Cable TV Franchise — Proprietary Information Policy 3. Fencing around Chippendale Tower MOTION by Heimkes to adjourn. SECOND by Mulhern. Meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m. Res ectfully submitted, Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! S COMMISSION MINUTES 10, 2000 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651.423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 10, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Dan Fick, City Engineer/Public Works Director, Alyson Morris, Water Resource Coordinator, Mayor Busho, Tom Burt, City Administrator, Rick Cook, Public Works Superintendent and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Busho added Item 8b. — Ponding Update/Problems. City Administrator Burt apprised the Commission that Public Works Superintendent Cook was in attendance for a quick response answer to a flooding problem from the weekend rain. The City is looking at pumping McAndrews Road, which is under water just west of Shannon Parkway. He had a bid right around $100,000 for a temporary pipe to pump the water out. Even at that it would probably take up to 24 to 48 hours to get the pipe operational. That would be pumping up to Birger Pond and then out to Wensmann Pond ending up in Shannon Pond. The Commission suggested pumping north to Jensen Lake. The Mayor suggested that the Commission get in the City van and go take a look at the problem then assess it. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg, Heimkes, Busho, Burt. Nays: 0. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. VERMILLION RIVER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION UPDATE Mayor Busho introduced Jerry Stelzel, Chairperson for Empire Township, and Ed Matthiesen of Montgomery Watson, the Engineer for the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization. The two were invited by the Mayor to enlighten the Commission as to how the Watershed works and try to explain why the funding has increased so much. Mr. Matthiesen apprised the Commission much of the funding is used for flood control/stream erosion. The VRWMO is working with the Dakota County Environmental Agency to acquire land to help protect the land and river. It is also being used for wetland restoration in Farmington, monitoring flow, water quality and educational components. Some of the funding goes into administrative costs such as project reviews and EAW requests. Current TOPO maps are not available at this time, however it would be nice to get away from planning and start • implementing some plans. The work along the river will continue whether the watershed disbands or not. There are twenty -one communities within the VRWMO at this time. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 Mr. Stelzel appealed to the Commission to keep the Watershed alive. There is a meeting July 19, 2000 to see if the VRWMO will stay alive. Right now Vermillion Township does not want to be involved, however Mr. Stelzel is working to keep it alive. He feels that if the VRWMO is disbanded, the communities will never get it back. The law says you have to belong to at least one watershed. Empire wants to preserve wetlands and has applied for a grant to do so. The Townships organized the VRWMO in 1981 and in 1984 cities became involved. The watershed district covers 335 square miles. They are working with a $200,000 minimal budget and proceeding cautiously. The Watershed doesn't have any taxing authority, however if it disbands and is turned over to the County, they do have taxing authority. The County would appoint Board members for a three -year term The Mayor felt the VRWMO has a viable plan and as members the City would be working with local people not strangers. The Joint Powers Agreement is renewed for a ten -year term. MOTION by Berg to approve the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization Joint Powers Agreement with dues of $24,230 being taken from the Storm Water Trunk Fees and ask that the City Council enter into the Agreement. SECOND by Heimkes. Discussion ensued reiterating a 3% annual adjustment; the ten -year term can be terminated with a majority vote. Poll on Motion: Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Busho, Burt, Mulhern. Nays: None. Mr. Stelzel's final word on the subject besides "Thank you" was "We have control, don't give it away." 5b. CABLE UPDATE Administrator Burt handed out "Policies and Procedures Governing Application, Review and Recommendations Regarding Grant of Competitive Cable Franchises" and wanted to discuss with the Commission the need for these policies and procedures along with the policy for "Procedures for Handling Trade Secret and Privileged Data." With the possibility of Wide Open West and Everest showing interest in coming to Rosemount, these Policies and Procedures need to be addressed and acted on. Right now the City has Basic Cable and a basic system, however if the City should choose to let other companies into the City it would become more competitive. The new cable would be 100% fiberoptic drawing into video, telephone, cable TV and much much more. Some cities have placed conduit into the ground and then been able to sell the use to the companies for their cable. With the changing legislature, franchise fees will probably be eliminated within the next few years and this would give cities potential money to operate systems. The City should talk to various companies and ask if they are interested in the new technology, which would make it essential to the City to invest. Right now there is nothing in- place and usually the cable is placed in the right -of -way. Any profit is open for discussion as it • relates to expenditure /revenue sources. 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 MOTION by Berg to authorize the necessary signatures for the "Procedures for Handling Trade Secret and Privileged Data ". SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: Heimkes, Busho, Burt, Mulhern, Berg. Nays: 0. MOTION by Heimkes to recommend City Council approve the "Policies and Procedures Governing Application, Review and Recommendations regarding Grant of Competitive Cable Franchises ". SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. 5c. BROBACK 3RD ADDITION STORM SEWER PROJECT This is a small project, which Staff feels needs taken care of It would eliminate a problem area, which has been chronic, since the Broback 3rd Addition was built. The surface water would be diverted to Hawkins Pond and although the City just underwent a major flooding within the pond, this was an unusual event. This project would not generate that much water to cause problems for Hawkins Pond. The Hawkins Pond Outlet is slated for the year 2003 CIP. The Commission did express their concerns that the City would be moving sheds and fences. If sheds and fences are encroaching on the drainage easement the Commission didn't feel the City should be responsible to move them. It was decided to table the discussion on Broback 3rd Addition at 7:15 p.m. and head out to McAndrews Road to discuss the pumping of McAndrews and to look at the other storm damaged sites. City Engineer/Public Works Director Fick gave the Commission a brief PROJECT UPDATE in the van while touring to the different sites. Because of the storm Birger Pond is back up, but still being pumped to Wensmann Pond. No pre - construction meeting has been set for the East Side Water Tower yet, however the Shop Drawings are in. The Trunk Highway 3 Park & Ride Feasibility is still being worked on. While out at McAndrews, the contractor on -site giving estimates, estimated about an $80,000 set up fee, which would take 24 — 48 hours and then pump it out in a little more than a day. To fill tankers it would probably be right around the same amount and still take around three days to truck it out. The City would get all the numbers in the morning and make a decision, but it was the consensus of the Commission to get the job done. The Utilities Commission extended their thanks to all the Public Works Department for their hard work and efforts in this time of catastrophe. City Administrator Burt and Water Resource Coordinator Morris took their leave. The meeting reconvened at City Hall at 9:15 p.m. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 The Commission re- opened the discussion on the Broback 3rd Addition Storm Sewer project. Al the August meeting changes to the C.I.P. will have to be made, however this project was already allowed for. Mayor Busho apprised the Commission that Council would not accept quotes, this project will have to go through the bidding process. MOTION by Heimkes to recommend that City Council receive the Feasibility Report for the Broback 3rd Addition Storm Sewer Project, City Project #319, and proceed with the project. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Public Works Superintendent Cook is getting quotes for pumping McAndrews Road. Thoughts had steered to pumping into the sanitary sewer system then asking Metropolitan Commission of Environmental Services for a break in fees. The Commission directed Staff to let Public Works Superintendent Cook and City Administrator Burt get the job done the most efficient and cost effective way possible making sure everything is documented for disaster allocation. The Commission directed Staff to prioritize the problem areas such as Hawkins and Keegan. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT (continued) 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR AUGUST 7,200 1. Pre- Budget Meeting 2. Ponding Update 3. VRWMO Update Usually topography maps are flown in November and April. Commission Member Heimkes asked that August packets be delivered on Thursday, August 3rd. Commission consensus is not to worry about the fence around the Chippendale Water Tower unless it should become an issue. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 64t'� P0711� Cindy Dorni en Public Works Secretary 0 4 C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U N T 45thiSt 2875 1CI eet West Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068 -4997 COMMISSION MINUTES 3-4411 Phone: 4 1- Hearing Impaired 651- 423 -6219 iced 6 3- 7, 2000 Fax: 651- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 7, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Mayor Busho, City Administrator Burt, Finance Director May, Interim City Engineer Weiss and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Busho added to Item 6b. — Hawkins Pond. She would like to address Marcotte Pond, Keegan Lake and Wachter Lake since the discussion will revolve around outletting the ponds. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg, Heimkes, Busho, Burt. Nays: 0. NEW BUSINESS • 6a. WATER USAGE COMPLAINT — BARR Finance Director May summarized the Executive Summary for the Commission basically letting the Commission know that the water went through the water meter, the meter was checked and functioning properly. The water was used and should be paid for. Mr. Howard Barr of 14633 Cobalt Drive, an 81 year old man, was in attendance to address the Commission. He finds it hard to believe that he would use that much water. He has no explanation, but feels anything mechanical can go wrong. He's only home four days out of the week and he's the only one there. The Commission discussed the different scenarios and questioned Finance Director May. After much discussion Mayor Busho asked Mr. Barr if he would accept an average bill over the past four quarters and then not bring a high usage complaint back to the Commission because if he should have another high usage it will not be addressed again. MOTION by Mulhern to direct Staff to figure an average billing over the last four quarters and make an adjustment to Howard Barr 's bill. SECOND by Heimkes. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Busho, Burt, Mulhern. Nays: 0. 0 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 2000 6b. HAWKINS POND, MARCOTTE POND, KEEGAN LAKE, WACHTER LAKE This item originally was on the agenda as Hawkins Pond, however Mayor Busho wanted all the landlocked ponds addressed if possible. Mayor Busho had added Marcotte Pond, Keegan Lake and Wachter Lake. As of now there is no way Keegan Lake can be addressed without some major development around it. City Administrator Burt apprised the Commission of the calls he'd received from Hawkins Pond resident's, several which are present this evening, requesting the storm water lift station, which is proposed for the Year 2003, be accelerated to Year 2001. A lengthy discussion took place regarding Hawkins Pond and lifting the water to Wensmann Pond then down to Shannon Pond. Shannon Pond would need some work in order to do this. The Commission and resident's were informed that Hawkins Pond probably wouldn't have had the problem it had had it been left to nature rather than having a clay lining created on the bottom. That is what created the problem. The main issue is flooding. Dan Huberty of 4212 143rd Street West spoke to the Commission letting them know that the residents don't feel their pond (Hawkins Pond) should be used to take water from other ponds • and that something really needs to be done to ensure they don't have the same thing happen again. He had asked if the Commission had criteria on how they prioritize issues such as this. 0 Everyone agreed that the teamwork and united front of all during this time was amazing and the help of Koch Refining really proved as a community effort. President Mulhern reminded the audience that you can't control Mother Nature. The Commission directed Staff to look over the budget, C.I.P. and C.R.P., then prioritize how it should be distributed. If a problem effects property then it should be a higher priority. Safety first, then property. The Marcotte Pond had a lot of the water within the City easement where the trees were endangered. Property owners don't seem to understand drainage easements, so an awareness needs to be addressed. Staff needs to better educate residents as to where easements are and also need to control the environment by the easements. Commission Members feel a neighborhood meeting is in order. At the meeting the Engineering Consultant could let residents know what the "High Water Level" is. Acting Engineer Weiss will be attending a work session with the City Council and thought perhaps the Utility Commission would like to attend. He will be addressing the different ponding problems that have been noted. He feels it could take a couple months to get everything together for the Council. Criteria need to be established to set the priorities. 2 �J UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 2000 Steve Anderson at 14382 Davenport Avenue asked what other ponds drain into Hawkins Pond. This is one of the items, which will be addressed at the neighborhood meeting after the research has been done. Any questions the residents have should be sent to Public Works Secretary Dorniden and she will set it up with Acting Engineer Weiss as to when to schedule a neighborhood meeting. Any communication prior to that neighborhood meeting will come from City Administrator Burt in order to keep the lines of communications open with the residents of Hawkins Pond. Finance Director May went down the list in the C.I.P. as to year, item and amounts. Wachter Lake outlet is slated for 2001 while Hawkins and Keegan aren't slated until 2003. Damages are being assessed and bills will be put in for reimbursement from FEMA, however the City won't look for anything for at least six months. A request to move the sanitary sewer lift station control panel closer to the street has been applied for. Mr. Anderson wanted to know what happened to the pipe which was suppose to be stubbed out to Diamond Path and how the money for the cost of that was distributed. The developer paid to have the piping put in the ground and he would have recouped his cost in the cost of the lots. Jeff Olson at 4158 143rd Street West expressed his concerns about his two 100 year old Oak trees, which have been in the water. He's afraid that all this flooding could kill them and they are part of the reason he purchased his lot in 1998. The culverts which used to show when he first moved in have been covered since and he hasn't seen them since 1998. Staff will look at the elevations more closely. Mayor Busho informed the ten residents from Hawkins Pond that she is the Council liaison from the Utility Commission and she will take all that has been addressed here this evening back to the Council. She asked that the residents realize that safety is the first issue to deal with and then the homeowners' property is next. Finance Director May reminded all that you should "never say never when it comes to weather". The Commission directed staff to get the ponds down to the lowest elevations possible, engineering calculations should be checked, criteria for priorities need to be set and then the residents can expect a neighborhood meeting in either September or October after these accomplishments have been made. This meeting will not only involve the Hawkins Pond residents but the Wensmann Pond and Shannon Pond residents so a line of communication can be open and an educational process can be served. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES . AUGUST 7, 2000 0 OLD BUSINESS 5a. VERMILLION RIVER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION UPDATE Vermillion Township and the City of Vermillion were the two descending votes that caused the disbanding of the VRWMO. The City of Coates and three other townships weren't even present for the vote. The City of Rosemount is now under the County jurisdiction. The Commission directed Staff to search out the other two watersheds; Gun Club and Mississippi. They are to see what the fees are for belonging and also weigh the different pros and cons for each. 5b. WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN UPDATE City Administrator Burt apprised the Commission that this was a project that Tim Brown had started on before he left the City and this was also one of the main reasons for hiring Water Resource Coordinator Morris. This Plan is to be inplace by the Year 2002 and just effects the City's wells, not private systems. Acting City Engineer Weiss will check to see if there are any grants available, but he hasn't heard of any. The Commission asked what the definition of Wellhead Protection is: It is drainage around wells so they don't get contaminated, plus the land use around the wells. It all has to do with hydrology. MOTION by Heimkes to enter into an agreement for wellhead protection delineation services with Barr Engineering Company and authorize the necessary signatures. SECOND by Berg. A brief discussion on whether our rural wells are included and also if the City can get additional funding for new wells. Poll on the original vote: Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. NEW BUSINESS The Commission took a minute to reiterate that the procedure that the Finance Department took in handling Mr. Barr's billing complaint was handled properly. They felt the procedure the Department is using is working and does not need changed. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES • AUGUST 7, 2000 6c. 2001 UTILITY FUND BUDGETS Finance Director May has put together the preliminary operating budget, not the C.I.P. or C.R.P. This is a working guide for Staff and the Commission to use while considering the 2001 Utility Operating Budget. Items from Appendix C of the Rate Study were incorporated into the new budget, but there were very few changes made. Director May suggested leaving the $20,000 in the Vermillion River Watershed Management fund incase the City would join another Watershed District. Out of the storm damage, FEMA will pay 90% of the damages and Dakota County has agreed to pay half of what is left, so this shouldn't hurt the budget. President Mulhern wants to look at the Operating Budget more in September and also asked that the C.I.P. be available. The Commission was asked to get any changes they wished to see in the budget to Director May before the September meeting so he can make the changes within the spreadsheet. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • Commissioner Berg asked Staff what upset the Wenzel girls so much in relationship to their storm water fee. Staff has looked into the fees for the Wenzel's prior to this note, however they still are unhappy with how the fees are determined. It will be checked out further and will be added to the September agenda. 0 The City hasn't had any other inquiries to having another cable company come to town. Wide Open West doesn't have the resources at this time. Staff will have to sit down with the group from the Evermoor project (Homer Tompkins and their legal Counsel) and see if they want to install the cable utility then turn it over to the City. It is still a new concept to explore. County Road 46 will be starting soon. Interim City Engineer Weiss apprised the Commission that they are looking to close off County Road 46 from Diamond Path to Highway 3, however east of Highway 3 would have to remain open and both ends would always be open to emergency vehicles. Interim City Engineer Weiss explained that the Evermoor project is going slowly, however they'd like to have the first lift down by fall. Grading is being redirected as well as tree preservation is getting fencing where it needs to be. The force main is going in along Evermoor Parkway. 5 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 2000 On Thursday evening the residents of the Country Hills Additions are having a meeting at the Community Center to hear about the Evermoor project. City Administrator Burt informed the Commission that the City hasn't heard anything from Centex in relationship to the Bloomfield Addition. The overlay project will possibly be starting this week. Broback 3rd Addition Storm Sewer Improvements will have bid opening on Thursday and the City Council will award the contract the following week. Section 31 Sanitary Sewer is being held up at this time, but should go ahead and pull the permits so once the approval from the railroad comes through it will be connected to the west. There is nothing new on the East Side Water Tower. The contracts are out waiting for signatures so they can be executed. Trunk Highway 3 Park & Ride Improvements have been submitted to MNDOT and won't be held up. The second phase needs to be submitted as soon as possible for the next Cooperative Agreement. 0 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 0 1. C.I.P. Evaluation 2. Re- Evaluate Priorities for Ponds 3. 2001 Budget 4. Overall Ponding Status & Assessments before Neighborhood Meeting 5. Watershed District Update 6. Wenzel Storm Utility Update 7. Fiberoptics for Evermoor 8. East Side Watermain MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 0 Respectfully submitted, " Cindy Dorn den Public Works Secretary ROSEMOUNT Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651- 423 -6219 Fax: 651- 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on October 9, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, City Administrator Burt, Finance Director May, Water Resource Engineer Morris, Consulting Engineer Pete Willenbring from WSB & Associates and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions or corrections. AUDIENCE INPUT The audience was there for various agenda items, so President Mulhern deferred their comments • to the items on the agenda. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the August 7, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. OLD BUSINESS 5a. STORM WATER COMPLAINT Water Resource Engineer Morris gave a brief summary of the Wenzel Storm Water Utility Fee Appeal on Parcel Identification Number 34- 02500 - 010 -85. Although this property is zoned Industrial it is also being used as Agricultural. Since the City, in 1997, approved the change to the Utility Policy so that fees are based on land use and not zoning, Staff is recommending an adjustment to the quarterly fee. Conny Wenzel- Mahoney, one of the three owners of the property (the other two are her sisters), presented the Commission with a packet of information in chronological order since the onset of the Storm Water Utility Fee. Ms. Mahoney had everything well documented and presented her rationale for requesting the adjustment to their Storm Water Utility Fee. The zoning is designated Industrial, however much of the land use is Agricultural. The Storm Water Policy was changed to reflect cost on land use rather than zoning designation. The Commission listened to Ms. Mahoney, then proceeded to ask questions of the Staff regarding the Policy. • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 The Commission felt there were too many gray areas within the policy and each case has to be handled individually. A clearer, firmer policy has to be addressed. Staff will reassess the policy for standard clarification and bring it back to the Commission in November. 5b. WATERSHED DISTRICT UPDATE Water Resource Engineer Morris apprised the Commission of the other two watershed districts besides the now defunct Vermillion River WMO. The Gun Club Lake WMO only has three members at this time. They are Eagan, Mendota Heights and Inver Grove Heights. It has existed since the mid- 1980's and the 2000 fees are $4,300. The fees for 2001 are going to be $12,000. The Upper Mississippi WMO is currently updating their plan and operate on $50,000 per budget year. Fees fluctuate from year to year. Last year the City of South St. Paul paid $10,000. If Rosemount should decide to change their watershed boundaries then the Board of Water and Soil Resources would need to be assured that the stormwater runoff would be diverted to that watershed. Dakota County is bogged down in red tape at this time since the VRWMO dissolved. Any problems Rosemount would have at this time would go to the Dakota County Planning Department. • The Commission is going to wait and see what direction the County takes before making up their mind to join a different WMO. 5c. RE- EVALUATE PRIORITIES FOR PONDS, PONDING STATUS & ASSESSMENTS Pete Willingbring, Vice President and Water Resource Specialist from WSB & Associates went over the handout from WSB regarding the various individual problem areas related to stormwater ponding. The Commission needs to put together policies and perspectives regarding stormwater ponding and how to deal with it. Some of the items which need to be discussed are the alternatives, when and how to pay for corrections, impact on residence and piping and pumping of sites. There is no specific priority for the projects at this time. Mr. Willingbring went through a brief scenario on each known problem area: Hawkins Pond — This project is in the C.I.P. for 2003, however after the July 8a' storm the residents are asking to have the timetable moved up. Some forcemain had been installed, however a lift station would be required to pump the water to Wensmann Pond then on to Shannon Pond. Once it reaches Shannon Pond there is no outlet. Shannon Pond should be excavated to gain capacity. 2. Marcotte Pond — This is a land -lock depression. It needs a forcemain to Birger Pond. Between a forcemain and lift station it would cost over $700,000, the forcemain alone would be around $200,000. Mr. Willingbring gave the elevations, which would be • needed to maintain and design the system. In some instance buying the property could be 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 a cheaper solution than the forcemain and lift station. Now the pond is draining by a gravity feed, but holds no consistency in levels. With the development going on around this ponding area there is an immediate need to figure out a solution. One solution could be putting in the forcemain and then purchasing a portable pump. Keegan Lake — There is no outlet for this lake and natural drainage does flow to it. Administrator Burt did inform the Commission that development may be coming quickly to this area with Connemara Trail crossing the railroad. Anytime you can tie this type of a project in with a development it is a win -win situation for all concerned. One of the concessions which all agreed on was to make bigger easements around ponds in the future. 4. Arlen Evenson Property - This property is located just north of the old Brockway Glass property on County Road 38 and 132n Court. The pond on the northwest end of the Brockway property is causing the flooding on Mr. Evenson's property. There is a low point on the west side of his lot that has no positive outlet. This ponding has flooded his drain field system because there is no other outlet. Mr. Evenson has attempted to pump the water back across the road to the Brockway pond, however it just keeps coming back. Routing the water to Keegan Lake is not the answer. It would cost approximately $70,000 to pipe the water out of the area or purchase the property. William Rohr of 2813 132d Street West apprised the Commission he has 4'/i acres and he doesn't need anymore water pumped into his pond. He doesn't want other peoples problems. President Mulhern believes that the big ponding issues need addressed before the little ones. Arlen Evenson of 2693 132d Court West informed the Commission that his septic system is not in compliance with the current ordinance and he can't get anyone to address this problem until the depression in his yard is filled up. He already had to gut his basement and garage because of the water. Mr. Evenson needs to know what will be done to fix the ponding problem before he can bring his septic system into compliance. Several of the residents asked the Commission about the survey that was supposed to have gone out last year regarding the need for sewer and water in the area. The survey was never done because of the turn around of City employees. The Commission will have to look at the solutions and the cost of those solutions. Staff was directed to check with Dakota County to see if there is any money available to pump this water from the Brockway pond. Also, Commission members did ask if Mr. Evenson would consider selling the property, his answer was favorable. Ll • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 Selig Problem — This property is adjacent to County Road 38 just west of Shannon Parkway. This property pond experiences run -off from Oakridge Estates and County Road 38 and doesn't have any positive outlet. A bigger holding system needs to be built and then the water piped to it. After identifying the above five issues, engineering solutions or possible property purchases have to be looked into. This is the only way of assurance of water levels. Ken Marcotte of 12931 Shannon Parkway implied that the Commission has known about this problem since 1993. He offered the alternative to his problem as plugging up the culvert in the storm sewer line and that would eliminate his run -off. Mr. Marcotte indicated that the DNR won't let the City flood his property because of the protective wetlands on his land. Mr. Marcotte would like to see the forcemain put in and if the lift station can't be put in right away, then a portable pump could serve the purpose. City Administrator Burt generally spoke about prioritizing the issues, finding out the best solution for all the problem areas not just one or two. The City needs to find the most cost effective for all of the City. Faye Marcotte of 12931 Shannon Parkway wanted the Commission to know that their pond was • totally dry in 1990 and they wanted the wetland that's why the got the DNR permit and dredged the pond. The Storm Water Management Plan shows that the pond will flood Shannon Parkway if left alone. They had understood before the development to their south took place a forcemain and lift station pump was suppose to go in. The lift station is scheduled in the second phase of the development, however the Marcottes are afraid that with the number of homes going in will be too many and their property will flood. A mobile pump will cost approximately $80,000. The ideal situation is a forcemain and lift station. The Commission has to weigh the good of the few for the good of the many. Short-term solution is forcemain. The Storm Water Plan is laid out for the City and Staff has to be diligent as to how it is followed. The Community has to realize that all areas need to be looked at as a whole and the City has to rely on the experts for their expertise. As to where the City goes from this point, the Commission feels a workshop with the Council is in order. Right now the 2001 C.I.P. has ' /z million budgeted for a lift station at Wachter Pond. Hawkins Pond and Marcotte Pond don't fall into the work plan for next year. True costs need to be tallied because right now the funding isn't there to handle all the projects. City Administrator Burt will be getting together with the Council on Wednesday and schedule a workshop session with them and the Utility Commission, probably at the Councils November Committee of the Whole meeting. Right now Birger Pond is in good shape, however design criteria and bigger easements should be • required from now on around ponding areas. 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 Mr. Marcotte is satisfied with a forcemain being installed in with the development and would be more than satisfied as long as they have use of the portable pump if flooding should occur again. Commissioner Heimkes apologized to Mr. Evenson, but explained there is no quick and easy answer or solution to his ponding problem. His lot is considered a sump lot and the Commission feels it may be cost - effective to purchase the lot if Mr. Evenson would be willing to sell, which he said he would be. The problems won't go away on there own. The City could temporarily acquire property and pump the water, however eventually infiltration would occur. Hindsight is always there, the lift station should have been installed when Hawkins Pond was built and the development to the south of Marcottes should have had the lift station added to it. The Commission tabled any further discussion on the priorities until they have had a work session with the Council in November. 5d. APPROVE UTILITY PLAN — EAST SIDE WATERMAIN, CITY PROJECT #320 City Administrator Burt apprised the Commission that due to the September meeting being • cancelled, Staff felt it necessary to bring this issue to the Council in order to keep it on schedule with the new water tower. The Council approved the project at their September 19, 2000 meeting. They have directed Staff to look at looping the entire system so there is no interruption in fire suppression. Another public hearing will be held on November 7, 2000 at 8:00 p.m. for the added interested parties. 5e. 2001 OPERATING BUDGET Finance Director May gave a brief update of the changes made to the 2001 Operating Budget. The Commission asked if enough money had been budgeted for a City Engineer/Public Works Director. Because of the supply and demand, Rosemount has been having a tough time finding a qualified replacement for the position of Public Works Director. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the 2001 Water, Sewer and Storm Water Utility Fund Budgets. SECOND by Berg. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. 5f. EAST SIDE WATER TOWER COLOR, CITY PROJECT #302 Water Resource Engineer Morris had a color chart for water tower colors. The Commission didn't have any real feelings one way or another regarding the color and President Mulhern deferred the decision to the City Council. . UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 NEW BUSINESS 6b. FIBEROPTICS IN EVERMOOR City Administrator Burt, due to interest initiated by Homer Tompkins of Contractor Property Development, Inc. ( Evermoor), advertised for interested parties to overbuild the cable system in the City, specifically in the new Evermoor Addition. Wide- Open -West (WOW) felt that due to our small population they aren't interested at this time. They were the only company the City heard from. Mr. Tompkins would like to have Vitacom as a provider and wants to put a total fiber telephony system in their Addition, which would provide direct TV to every home. The technology would be ahead of anything Rosemount has seen. The gigahurtz speed for data transmission would also be phenomenal, however it would only be a local area network. This would have to be a limited area franchise, but the fees would be based as Charter Communication franchise agreement. Ken Marcotte asked that the Commission see a design plan before they would authorize Viacom the rights to install this system. He feels that this system would be an eye sore with several dishes generating point to point microwaves. The City will be looking into a right -of -way ordinance when it comes time to renegotiate • franchise agreements. The City could allow more cable companies into the City because competition is always good. 6a. C.I.P. AND C.R.P. EVALUTATION Some of the items have been incorporated into the Water and Sewer budgets. The Commission feels these should be talked about at a work session. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Trunk Highway 3 Project (143d to 145th Street) This project has to be complete this year to obtain the funding. The power lines have been buried and the decorative lighting will be installed. 145th Street to County Road 42 will continue next year, however may not be complete until 2002. Some businesses don't want to have to pay for the project. The Council did decide not to put up decorative fencing and they may be relocating one of the property owners. Dodd Boulevard (Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue) The road will be open after the 17th. The Fire Hall is having their open house on the evening of the 17th and a medical helicopter will be landing on the road for the open house. 0 6 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 Bloomfield Additions The Additions have been purchased by Centex. CMC still owns Outlot C, however the City is now out from under the Ryan Contracting bid. All the assessments have been paid to the tune of 1.9 million dollars. Centex is tearing down anything that is half built and starting over. The second addition was never platted so Centex will be bringing in a new design. Now it is slated for 60% single family and 40% multiple. Rosemount Business Park The contractor is finishing up the roads and utilities. The City has "Letter of Intent's" on all but one lot. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 13, 2000 1. Wenzel Storm Water Appeal 2. Fiberoptics Update 3. East Side Watermain Update, City Project #320 MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. • • 7 Respectfully Submitted, duA� &rv^y-� Cindy Dorniden Public Works Secretary ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2000 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on November 13, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Busho, Heimkes, Berg, City Administrator Burt and Recording Secretary Stoffel. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA The agenda was amended to include item 8b. Authorize appraisal for Arlen Evenson Property. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2000 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Berg. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. OLD BUSINESS • 5a. WENZEL STORM WATER APPEAL Executive Director Burt revisited the request for revisions to the stormwater fee calculations for the Wenzel property. Conny Mahoney presented the Commission with her reconciliation of the stormwater account. After much discussion it was the consensus of the Commissioners to direct staff to meet with Ms. Mahoney and reach a consensus regarding the calculations of charges and payments of fees to this account. MOTION by Heimkes to revise stormwater fee calculation for account #350022 based on 50% area Industrial and 50% area Agricultural and direct staff to work with the Wenzels' for previous rates. Second by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Heimkes, Berg, Mulhern, Burt. Nays: None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Rosemount Business Park The conduit will be in at the close of the project. Next spring the street lights will be put in and all lots will probably have been sold. • Endres Processing anticipates connecting to water in the spring of 2001. . UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2000 Cub and Shennanigans will be cutting into Claret and Crestone for their water supply. City Hall reconstruction project will start April/May of 2001. Arlyn Evenson The appraisal for the Arlyn Evenson property is estimated at about $500.00. Storm water fees would fund the purchase of the property. MOTION by Mulhern to direct staff to obtain appraisal for the Arlyn Evenson property. Second by Berg. All Ayes. Nays: None. Evermoor is requesting a limited area franchise for a fiber optic line. This will be presented to City Council in the near future for approval. Mayor Busho requested clarification if the Utility Commission had made recommendation to the City Council regarding fiber optics franchises or stormwater issues. Mr. Burt clarified that once the application is made then the Utility Commission would make recommend to City Council. Utility Commission is concerned with liability for fiber optics. Mr. Burt assured them that those concerns would be addressed in the franchise agreement. • 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JANUARY 8, 2001 • 1. Wenzel Update 2. Storm water 3. Fiber Optics 4. Project Update Water Tower 5. Arlen Evenson Appraisal MOTION by Busho to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 2 Respectfully Submitted, Maryann Sto el Recording Secretary