HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 UC MInutes• • CITYOF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C145h "Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651- 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired: 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on January 12, 2004 at 5:36 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhem. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Domiden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2003 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhem. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT None. OLD BUSINESS 5a. AUTHORIZE AD FOR BID — WELL #12, CITY PROJECT 354 City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commissioners about the test flows and some of the concerns regarding the radium levels. The bids would be made with alternatives sometime in February and brought back to the Council for award. In June or July, once the new radium levels come back, a decision would be made as to whether to go forward with the well or mothball the well indefinitely until a treatment plant could be put in, in which case another drillable site would have to be found. This wouldn't cause a waste of money if radium is detected, it would just delay the investment. MOTION by Heimkes to authorize advertisement of bid for Well #12, City Project #354. Second by Mulhem. Ayes: 2. Nays: 0. NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 12, 2004 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • A Feasibility Report is being prepared for the 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction Improvements. It will be received by Council and a public hearing will be set. The Commission will get a copy of the report with the February packet. • Staff is working on a Feasibility Report for the Minea Development. Along with this will be recommendation for additional wells to meet the 1,500' spacing. It will have to have the raw water supply lines to our new facility site. Staff will bring it back for review in February if complete. • Brockway Development is in the preliminary phase. A preliminary plat will be brought to the Council in February. Storm sewer improvements from Keegan Lake to the west will be considered with this plat, thus the City won't be responsible for 100% of the cost as it would be now if the project was done. • 1997 North Central Sanitary Sewer Update. A public information meeting was held in December on this project. This update will be taken and the design will be reviewed and modified updating the cost. After much discussion and review of the funding then a timeline could be established for the project. At this point in time there is no way of knowing if it would be within one year or possibly ten years. • Trunk Highway 3 will be seeing more traffic so it is likely there will be more utilities. • In October a request for a Cooperative Agreement was presented to Mn/DOT for a project between Connemara Trail and McAndrews Road (CSAH 38). It had signal justification within it. The State has the program funded for 2007 -2008; however the City could upfront the cost now with expected payback. • Portable Generator. The new portable generator has been set up, however no formal training has been done up to this date. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 9.2004 • Update on Bids • Feasibility Report — 2004 Street and Utility Reconstruction • Feasibility Report — Minea Development MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m. 2 Respectfully submitted, Cindy Do rniden Recording Secretary ROSEMOUNT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2004 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on February 9, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, Costa Dimitracopoloulos of WSB & Associates and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2004 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT • None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 6a. Sanitary Sewer Complaint The Commission had a brief discussion about the request from a resident to have his sewer bill adjusted because of high usage, a new lawn and a meter reader which wasn't working properly. Although the Commission empathized with the resident over the high bill, the meter itself was reading accurately and the water was used. Commissioner Heimkes noted that in the past two water billings, residents received information about a second meter for outside usage and also that the bills were going to be high because of the unseasonable weather. More propaganda should be handed out to residents about lawn irrigation systems and the pros of having a second meter. MOTION by Heimkes to deny credit on sanitary sewer bill. Second by Berg. Ayes: Mulhern, Berg, Heimkes. Nays: None. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2004 • 6b. Feasibility Report — Meadows of Bloomfield, City Project #380 City Engineer Brotzler went through the Feasibility Report for the Meadows of Bloomfield, previously known as the Minea property. This property is being developed by Centex Homes and they are going to be developing it in three phases. Phase 1 and 2 will be done together in 2004 -2005, while Phase 3 will be done in 2005 -2006. On the preliminary plat there are approximately 350 units. The majority of the trunk utilities will be done in Phase 1. There will be a 16" watermain down Connemara Trail and another 16" watermain will connect from the other Bloomfield additions out to the northeast. The sewer line is proposed from the Bloomfield Addition and will connect to the Met Council interceptor. This preliminary plan is within the Plan for the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. There will be minimal trunk storm sewer work done throughout the project. A permit will have to be acquired from the DNR for an outlet from Mare Pond. A pond outlet for the regional pond will be jacked under the railroad tracks. The Commission talked about future wells within the area. There could be two more sites within the radius allowed for wells. The proposed project funding and schedule were talked about along with the Jordan Aquifer, radium levels and raw water lines. Commissioner Heimkes feels the City should take the risk at this time and put in the raw lines. Costa from WSB & Associates apprised the Commission that Test Well #12 is at a break -even point on the radium levels. • Discussion kept going back to the contaminated plumes and the University property. Also regarding the two sites for new wells. The Department of Health is ok with the setbacks by the railroad tracks. The second proposed well site would be negotiated with the developer. • The new storm water plan has Keegan Lake run -off going south into the Brockway Draw storm sewer system already in place. The ultimate stormwater interconnect to the MCES Outfall would be at 140th Street west of Trunk Highway 52. The Commission showed unanimous support for Meadows of Bloomfield. 6c. Authorize Preparation of Comprehensive Water Supply Plan Update Costa from WSB & Associates presented the facts as they pertain to this Update. The last time this Plan was updated was in 1997 by Bonestroo, since then a 2000 Land Use Update was done. Within the 1997 Update a groundwater analysis was not done and would be done in this new Update. Barr Engineering would do the groundwater modeling for this Plan Update, which would take a look at other aquifers. The Update would incorporate how many well fields are needed and approximately where they will be located. The well field location and size would take into account the location of known contaminated plumes. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2004 • The plan would review and recommend trunk watermain sizes to serve both the west and east sides of Rosemount. As part of this work, decisions will need to be made with respect to how we will serve the east side of Rosemount, especially with respect to fire fighting needs. Mayor Droste had to leave the meeting at 6:25 p.m. As part of the plan update, we will probably be reviewing the use of the FIG and Mt. Simon Aquifers. We will need to keep water quality in mind as we look at other aquifers as not all aquifers provide the same water quality. The DNR is not allowing the use of the Mt. Simon aquifer in the seven county metro area at this time, as they are trying to save the aquifer for future generations, however we may review the use of this aquifer in the future. The Mt. Simon aquifer typically has higher radium levels. There was discussion on meeting fire flow demands on the east side of town by supply water from the western end of town. Considering the distance and the size of pipes that would be needed, only limited fire flow protection may be possible from the west. The cost to improve east side fire flow could possible be defrayed by a service charge to the specific area. Various alternatives will be reviewed to address fire suppression in the east as part of the study. Commissioner Heimkes reminded the Commission that a few years ago Koch Refinery wanted to give a couple wells to the City for access to their property, however those negotiations didn't happen. • Springsted, Inc. did a study on the City's user fees and funding distribution was reallocated. The Commission doesn't want to have to pay for something twice. It was explained that the study that was done, was not for water use fees. The money for the water distribution plan would be taken from the Water Utility fund. A water rate study could be done with this comprehensive water supply plan, based on the recommended improvements in the plan. MOTION by Heimkes to authorize preparation of a Comprehensive Water Supply Plan Update not to exceed $90,000. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Berg, Heimkes, Mulhern. Nays: None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • Watering restrictions were passed by City Council 1) Odd/Even 2) Noon to 6:00 p.m. 3) May 1St through August 31St 4) Written Notice —Is' Violation; 2nd Violation $50.00; 3rd Violation $100; and 4th • Violation $200 all per calendar year. 5) Penalties can be amended each year per resolution 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2004 • 6) Public Education/Distribution of Watering Materials • North Central Sanitary Sewer comments were passed out for the Commissions information. • • • Well #12 —Bids will be open tomorrow for just drilling the hole. Anticipating radium results in June or July. If they are Ok, Phase 2 will continue in August. • Bacardi Tower — Plans are 99 %complete. Should be able to bring them back to the Commission at the March 8t" meeting. • Test Well #14 will be drilled next week. Results should be back by April • The SCADA system is finishing up. • The City has three interconnects with Apple Valley if there should be a shortage of water. • There are no watershed updates at this time. Dakota County has a Board made up of County Commissioners. They hired an Administrator to run the Board using tax revenues as funding. They have $300,000 budgeted this year. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY 9, 2004 • Tower Plans and Specifications MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. 4 Respectfully submitted, — Cindy Dorni en Recording Secretary • • ROSEMOU NT Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 8, 2004 CITY HALL 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068.4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on March 8, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Berg, City Engineer Brotzler, Costa Dimitracopoulos and Nancy Zeigler of WSB & Associates and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. MOTION by Berg to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2004 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. AUDIENCE INPUT None. OLD BUSINESS 5a. REVIEW PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS — WATER STORAGE FACILITY #4 AKA BACARDI WATER TOWER, CITY PROJECT #355 Mr. Dimitracopoulos and Ms. Zeigler from WSB & Associates, Inc. were in attendance to review the plans and specifications of the fourth water tower. They handed out an agenda format to follow for the discussion. Before they got started City Engineer Brotzler spoke briefly on the incorporation of what had been added to the plans from the last meeting, let the Commission know that Test Well #14, which was previously approved, is being drilled and that Well #12 is under construction. It will take approximately five months and once results of the radium come back the Commission will determine if the building can be built. The building will take around four months. Discussion took place on the gravel access to the new tower site. It should be in by August 1St City Engineer Brotzler would like to look at a different access without relying on the construction of Connemara Trail. The tower will be built with minimal site work until the well is done. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 8, 2004 The Commission unanimously decided that the tower wouldn't be a drive -thru. It will be bid for . both a million gallon and a million and a half. Because of the cost of steel the City will probably go with the million gallons. There were two options for the well. One would be 80' versus 50' distance from the tower. It would be the same wellhouse that will be constructed for Well #12. It was the consensus that there would be approximately 80' between the tower and Well #14. All future wells will have a dedicated stand -by generator system. The name of the tower will be "Bacardi Tower ". There will be a 5' concrete sidewalk around the base of the tower, graded away from the tower. A sign should be put up stating what is being constructed along with a construction fence. The excess fill will be stockpiled on site and then be spread to the south. Electric — yard lighting, over all doors, no doors in the back, photo cell sensitive, not motion lighting. A brief description regarding the transformer for the electric took place. It should be placed on the southern edge of the lot, keeping in mind the fencing and plowing. The electric meter, however, should be inside the fence next to the gate so it can be seen, but kids can't get to it. is The SCADA system will be done under separate contract. Paul Kaeding will probably have the details worked out before the tower is in place. The tower general contractor would do antennas for SCADA. A little time was spent on the lights and receptacles within the tower along with the 1" and 2nd floor plan. The 2nd floor would have it's own outside door, which would lead up to the platform. Discussion about the type of winch (electric or manual) to be used to get things to the 2nd level. It was decided that more than likely the lessees for antennas would be the ones that would need the winch so let them pay for it if it is needed. If the lessees for antennas require special ventilation for their equipment, they can pay for it and we can have it installed at that time. Flushing lines & tower Flushing the tower would be from a line out to a hydrant. There would be approximately 20' -30' to the hydrant where the water could get stagnant. The overflow would run into a manhole then out. There is a 4" drain clean-out in the bowl. A suggestion was made to go with a 6" drain and the Commission agreed with that. N UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 8, 2004 . Hatch hinges The 4x6 hatch is centered over the altitude valve. Generally the ladder on the wall is positioned for access. If the ladder was placed off the wall it would reduce the ability to navigate within the vault. There was some discussion regarding the ladder location with respect to the location of the hinges. This will be discussed further with AJ for resolution. Flammable Vault Insulation The insulation can be covered with a thin layer of aluminum sheeting which goes on riser pipes. It would just be on the ceiling. There is a electric heater within this vault. Ms. Zeigler informed the Commission that the heaters installed are disposable because of the condensation. The altitude valve is expensive and requires maintenance. If it is required it can be added at a later date in the new tower as we are providing space for it to be added. It will be more costly to install altitude valves in the existing towers as the existing vaults are not large enough. A fairly lengthy discussion took place regarding the logo on the tower. It will be talked about more when it gets closer to the time it is needed. City staff is talking about a new logo and if that happens we wouldn't want to spend the money on this one and then have to change. An 11 inch by 17 inch set of plans will be left with the City for further review. • MOTION by Heimkes to authorize advertisement of bids for the Bacardi Tower, City Project #355, contingent of approval by the Minnesota Department of Health, then recommending either the one million versus the one and a half million to the City Council for award of the bid. Second by Berg. Ayes: Heimkes, Berg. Nays: None. Abstain: Mulhern. The City has two million in elevated storage at this time. This new tower will increase our storage by either a million or million and a half. NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Eminent domain for the Keegan Lake project has been filed. This consists of properties along Biscayne Avenue. The properties border County Road 38 and Connemara Trail. • The property owners wanted too much compensation for the properties. • is UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 8, 2004 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR APRIL 12, 2004 Nothing was addressed on this item. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 4 Respectfully submitted, &U49L, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary CITY OF RO S E M O U N T 2875 C'45 " Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired: 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 12, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on April 12, 2004 at 5:35 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. Mayor Droste administered the oath to Joan Schnieder. Recording Secretary Domiden opened the floor for nominations for President to the Utility Commission. MOTION by Mulhern to nominate Paul Heimkes as President. MOTION by Heimkes to nominate Shawn Mulhern as President. • Discussion followed deciding that Commission Member Schnieder would like to become a little more familiar with the Commission before she would entertain taking the presidency. Lack of a SECOND and by unanimous decision Shawn Mulhern is the returning President. The Commissioners had no conflicts in the calendar presented with the Executive Summary. President Mulhern did ask about the annual tour and it was decided that it would be held during the May meeting. MOTION by Heimkes to set the 2004 Utility Commission meetings per the calendar attached with the exception of November 8th, which will be scheduled for November 15th and all meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified. SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: Mulhern, Heimkes, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 12, 2004 at 5:44 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Schnieder, Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, Finance Director May and Recording Secretary Domiden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA • None. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 12, 2004 • AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2004, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Heimkes, Schnieder, Mulhem. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 6a. WATER METER CHANGE OUT City Engineer Brotzler explained why this item was back on the agenda. Last year the Commission had given direction rejecting bids to retrofit existing meters with an MXU because it wasn't cost - effective, but to purchase the VXU unit to operate the software for the MXU's. Staff felt a program could be worked out with the Public Works Maintenance Personnel to retrofit the existing meters that haven't been done. Because of the unusual winter season no program was set up. The Utility Billing Clerk asked our quarterly reader for a quote to do a change -out over a two year period. For $75,200 the company we use to read the City quarterly would be able to retrofit the meters. There would be approximately 200 meters to change out and 3,000 MXU's. The City would still be responsible to purchase the meters and MXU's. This would have been the case if the City would have done the change -outs. RMR Services would be • responsible to set up days and times with residents. They would also work in the evenings and on Saturdays, which is when you usually find people home. Mayor Droste had to leave the meeting. Finance Director May wanted the Commission to know that we are retrofitting as many meters as possible when there is a final reading requested. Once the whole City is retrofitted, it will only take 4 -6 hours to read the entire City. Right now the service we use has a ten day period to read the meters. Once everything is in -place the whole City can be read and downloaded within a day. The cost of this project will be split between the water and sewer funds. MOTION by Mulhern to approve entering into an agreement with RMR Services, Inc., in the amount of $75,200 for retrofitting existing meters over a two -year period and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Mulhern, Heimkes, Nays: 0. Abstain: Schnieder. Motion carried. Finance Director May left at 6:03 p.m. NEW BUSINESS • 7a. VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT City Engineer Brotzler brought the Commission up to speed regarding the mandated 2003 Federal legislature regarding a vulnerability assessment. Communities over 3,300 water 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 12, 2004 • customers have to have this assessment done by June 30, 2004. The City formed a group to do the assessment. Mayor Droste and President Mulhem are a part of the group who went out with our Public Works and Police Staff to visit the wells and towers to witness the on -site security measures. Software was provided with parameters set up. For the most part, the City is at a low or medium risk. Jayme Klecker from WSB & Associates took the information from the group and entered it into the software program. There was a list of minor improvements around the sites which will be forwarded to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A letter will be sent to the Department of Health. The assessment will be on file, but not for public review. The Commission questioned the improvements because of the 2006 completion date listed for the improvements. The improvements will be, for the most part, completed by the Public Works maintenance staff. That will be the most fiscally responsible way to handle improvements. The Federal government set minimum standards and this vulnerability assessment meets the Federal government's criteria. The City put the timeline in for the improvements; it was not dictated by mandate. Right now only the vulnerability assessment needs to be submitted. Staff apprised the Commission that the way we allow access to our facilities is going to change. • The Commissioners asked how soon we will hear back from the EPA on the assessment. Mr. Klecker informed them it would be placed on file with them and the City more than likely won't hear anything back. City Engineer Brotzler gave a little background on the SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System) for the benefit of the new Utility Commission member. The consultant is working on the preparation of plans and specifications for the update of a new system. It will operate keypads and alarms on all the wells, towers, lift stations, etc. The plans should be presented at the May Utility Commission meeting. MOTION by Mulhern recommending that the City Council authorize the submittal of the vulnerability assessment to the EPA. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Mulhern, Heimkes, Schnieder. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 7b. NORTH CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER STUDY City Engineer Brotzler introduced Dave Hutton from WSB & Associates. Mr. Hutton is our Consulting Engineer overseeing the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. This current Study was an update of the 1997 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Study. This Study encompasses north of Connemara Trail, east of Dodd Boulevard, west of Bacardi Avenue to the north border of Rosemount. In 2002 the City Council set a goal to have this Study updated. In 2003 they • authorized the current study, which included the area to be studied, trunk sewer locations and the costs associated. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 12, 2004 The main issues relating to this Study were the conditions of the existing septic systems and the location of future trunks. After reviewing the areas the findings were that only 3% of the systems are documented as failing but another 18% are unknown due to lack of records. The PCA requires that systems be certified and property owners have a year to comply if a system is failing. The Study outlines the location of the future trunk system to serve this area and outlined three ways the sanitary sewer would get extended into this area: 1. Development of property (undeveloped property) 2. Petition by existing homeowners. 3. Documentation of failed systems. Mr. Hutton further explained the drainage districts, trunk areas and lift stations. Decisions would have to be made as to when different areas would be done, whether development driven or not or whether the City would initiate if there would be a health problem due to failed septic system. Any failed systems looking to sell would have to be repaired or replaced before a sell could be made. This would strictly be a policy issue for the City Council to deal with. The cost for lateral sewers for individual neighborhoods was beyond the scope of this report, but could be done. The report did however estimate the trunk costs for the six different trunk areas, with the total said cost of 5.2 million, along with street costs of 1.8 million for a total estimated • cost of 7.0 million. The project would be funded by trunk and connection charges. The Commissioners spoke briefly about possibly entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Eagan and even Inver Grove Heights for the drainage areas into their communities and the upsizing of pipes to handle the flow. The rolling topography and gravity flow are things that will be taken into consideration. Any 8" laterals would be covered 100% by developers if it would be a developer's project. The City Council will have to have a policy discussion on how to handle these areas that aren't developed. Some communities are using urban style development with one big septic system when municipal systems aren't an option. The Metropolitan Council can't control this type of development. If expansion of our municipal system is driven then the City would have to ask for our MUSA to develop early. A public informational meeting was held in December before the draft report was completed. The draft report will be going to the City Council work session on April 14, 2004. Staff is conducting another public informational meeting on April 29, 2004 presenting the findings to the residents. The final report will then be presented to City Council and they will make the determination if a public hearing will be held or not. PRESIDENT'S REPORT • None. , 4 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 12, 2004 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE • Update on Chippendale Tower Pre - Construction meeting was last week Prep work being done Drained tower last week Should take 49 days from last Thursday, so should be complete the end of May. Should be back up and running during the dry season. • The second meters (irrigation meters) are going out regularly showing that residents are interested in water conservation. The new ordinance regarding the watering violations goes into effect May 1St with the odd/even still as policy. The Commissioners spoke a little about sprinkler systems and how some won't let you program them for odd/even. • 2004 Street & Utility Reconstruction and Bloomfield 7th Addition Bids will be opened on Friday for these two projects. • New Water Tower Site Access for the site still hasn't been rectified. Bids are on hold right now, but hopefully will be started by September 1St. The bids will possibly be received in August. • Vermillion River Watershed Flyer There was a flyer in the Commissioners packet which President Mulhern commented on. It appears this is now a special watershed within Dakota County. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MAY 10, 2004 1. SCADA Project — Final Plans and Authorize Bidding 2. Annual Tour — Rick Cook and Anthony Aderhold will be guiding. a. Current and Upcoming Developments MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. 5 Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary CITY OF ROSEMOU NT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 10, 2004 CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 -423 -4411 Hearing Impaired: 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 10, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Schnieder, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, Water Resource Engineer Donnelly and Recording Secretary Domiden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. is MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2004, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhem , Schnieder, Heimkes. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. AWPI STORMWATER UTILITY APPEAL Gary Gruett from Associated Wood Products, Inc. (AWPI) was in attendance regarding his site area appeal. City Engineer Brotzler reiterated what was in the Executive Summary regarding the meeting Water Resource Engineer Donnelly and he had with Mr. Gruett. At this meeting they had discussed the City policy, that Dakota County has this parcel listed at 16.4 acres and that the stormwater pond with easements is 2.3 acres leaving 13.29 acres as billable for the stormwater utility fee. There are two easement areas over this parcel: 1) a trailway around the entire pond which would provide a future trail above and beyond the standard. It covers 1.13 acres of AWPI land; 2) a pipeline easement which is .76 acres. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 10, 2004 • Past policy and practices of the City has left pipeline easements alone and are not taken into consideration for stormwater drainage. Therefore, Staff is recommending that the trailway easement be credited, but the pipeline easement would stay as is. President Mulhern questioned if this would be setting precedence. Staff responded by stating this is a unique situation and by allowing a credit for the trailway for AWPI it would also be recommended to credit the other properties along this trailway since the trailway was requested by the City. Mr. Gruett spoke about how he's been in business for 27 years and recently moved to Rosemount. The process of his move started about four years ago. When he bought the property all his paperwork said he purchased 9.5 acres. Nothing was mentioned about 6 acres of easements. He spoke about his current site and his expansion site. In all fairness to the system he's done a lot of berming. He agrees with Staff about allotting the credit on the acreage for the trailway; however he still thinks the .76 acreage for the pipeline should be credited. He disagrees with Staff regarding the rates and how they are established. He feels that a minimum charge should be charged such in the case of agricultural or golf course property because pipeline area always has t be green acres and can't be paved over. Again, Staff tried to explain policy, once land is developed it has different charges. Commissioner Heimkes is unwilling to set a precedent on pipelines because we have pipelines • all throughout the City. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the exemption of the Trailway Easement from the total billable area of the Associated Wood Products Stormwater Utility Fee and other properties abutting this Trailway Easement. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Schnieder, Heimkes, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. A brief recess was taken. Administrator Verbrugge had to leave the meeting to attend a Council Work Session. Rick Cook, Public Works Superintendent, and Paul Kaeding of Kaeding and Associates joined the group. 5b. RECEIVE FINAL PLANS /AUTHORIZE BIDS — 2004 SCADA PROJECT, CITY PROJECT #377 Paul Kaeding from Kaeding & Associates was in attendance to discuss the final plans for the 2004 SCADA project. As it is, this project is scheduled to include the existing water system facilities as well as the new Bacardi Water Tower, the Meadows Lift Station and the other sanitary and stormwater pumping stations. It will take roughly eight months for the construction to be completed and the approximately $700,000+ originally budgeted is still reasonable although more facilities have been added. The bidding market is favorable at this time although • some of the metals markets are unstable. Mr. Kaeding pointed out that he's worked very closely with the Public Works Staff, City Engineer Brotzler and Costa D. from WSB & Associates. All 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 10, 2004 • the points of the plan were covered with the aforementioned names. During the review if an item wasn't considered essential it was dropped. At this time Staff found it non - essential to have the park buildings connected to the system for security purposes, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be added at a later date. The plan calls for security system keypads at the water facilities rather than a more simple intrusion alarm that is included at the stormwater and sanitary pumping stations. This will meet and exceed the City's security needs at the facilities, especially in trying to meet the needs of the vulnerability study. The basis of the system will be broad. Although in the beginning it will be radio driven, the system can be expanded to include fiberoptic links to new facilities where that capability is included. The City will be having new additions put empty conduit into the ground for this use in the future. Well #7 will be the master control. It will communicate with all other facilities. City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the bids would go to Council for award, however they would keep the Commission updated as the project goes and how the bids came in. The Commission asked the life expectancy of the PLC's system. Mr. Kaeding informed the Commission for the last 10 -15 years they haven't needed to replace a PLC based system so he . really doesn't have a life expectancy because none have had to be replaced so far. There will always be an ongoing cost with computer work stations; however the computer work stations aren't needed for the system to operate, just to monitor the system and extract data and reports. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the plans and authorize advertisement of bids for the 2004 SCADA project, City Project #377. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Heimkes, Mulhern, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE Project Engineer Anthony Aderhold and Public Works Superintendent Rick Cook will update the Commission on the various projects during the annual tour. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 10, 2004 • 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JUNE 7, 2004 Nothing was set for the next meeting. • r� MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m. to go on the Annual Tour. 4 Respectfully Submitted, ��Z"WPZW Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary ROSEMOU NT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 12, 2004 CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired: 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 12, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Heimkes, Schnieder, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT • None. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2004, regular Utility Commission meeting with corrections provided by the Recording Secretary. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELL #14, CITY PROJECT #382 City Engineer Brotzler went over the memorandum the Commission had received from the Consulting Engineers office, WSB & Associates, Inc. The memo reviewed the staging and coordination of all the facilities within this parcel. The test well for Well #14 has been completed and it has been determined that economically it would be beneficial to delay the bidding of Bacardi Tower and expedite the design, bid and construction of Well #14. Commissioner Heimkes asked if there are any pressure problems at this time. There aren't any pressure problems, but demand could be a problem, thus the need for the well. Commissioner Schnieder asked why the tower was considered before the well. The land acquisition was specifically for the tower site along with a fire station and water treatment plant • at first then was broadened to include the well. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 12, 2004 • The delay on the project to -date has been access to the site. The well will be half the cost of the tower price. Both will be taken from the Water Core Fund and using bonds to repay. The plans and specifications for the tower will be placed on hold until ready to bid. The Commission Members had no problem with the consultants' projections. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for Well #14, City Project #382. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Heimkes, Schnieder. Nays: 0. 5b. LEBANON HILLS REGIONAL PARK STORMWATER UPDATE Attached to the Executive Summary were a couple articles which were in the local papers regarding Eagan moving forward with their stormwater management plan and how Eagan is at odds with Dakota County on this plan. At this time Rosemount hasn't received any request or proposal to take action on this plan. Rosemount has had their Stormwater Management Plan filed at Dakota County for some time now. The two maps attached to the Executive Summary show the hydrology boundaries instead of corporate city limits for boundaries for the Vermillion River Watershed Management is Organization. The flooding taking place in Eagan within the Lebanon Hills Regional Park is attributed to the run -off from Apple Valley, Eagan and Rosemount within Dakota County. The resolution to these issues aren't being completed fast enough for the City of Eagan, therefore they are trying to get their stormwater plan passed. There has been much disorganization within the watersheds, however John Jaschke has taken over as Watershed Administrator and now the organization should start moving forward. The north boundary at Trunk Highway 3 will affect stormwater when it develops however at this time no application has been submitted at this time and no plans to extend sewer or water has been entertained at this time. City Administrator Verbrugge handed out another article for the Commission the read. 5c. COMPREHENSIVE WETLAND MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE The Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan was last updated in 1998. It is Staff and Council's goal to update this Plan. There are many inconsistencies for processing the existing Plan. Although the City wouldn't redo the field work of the Plan, developers would do the field work in new areas, the goals and the policies within the Plan would be updated where • appropriate. Staff would like to see this Plan adopted as a stand alone ordinance. K UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 12, 2004 • City Engineer Brotzler explained how the "working group", consisting of Council Member Kim Shoe - Corrigan, a Planning Commission Member, a Utility Commission Member and various Staff members would be a part of this group to meet and update this Plan. Commissioner Schnieder volunteered to be the representative from the Utility Commission. There will be two meetings for sure and possibly a third. The first meeting will be getting the Plan updated and will be held sometime the end of July or early August. The second meeting will bring the goals back to the group to go over and pass along to the Council. Rosemount was the pioneer in the community to develop this Plan. Other communities have this within their Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. The City's Water Resource Engineer, Chad Donnelly, will do the majority of the work on this Plan with the assistance of Andrea Moffatt of WSB & Associates, Inc. helping with the leg work and development. NEW BUSINESS 6a. FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR BROCKWAY RESIDENTIAL STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #381 This development is between Connemara Trail and County Road 38 east of Trunk Highway 3. The access on the east side of Trunk Highway 3 will be eliminated with access off of Connemara • Trail and County Road 38. The project will be done in phasing in three different areas. The first phase will be done in the southeast quadrant, next the north end will be single family homes and then the third phase will be apartments. The through street to the round -about will be completed in the first phase between Connemara Trail and County Road 38. County Road 38 will be upgraded in 2005. The right -of -way along County Road 38 will be platted within the first phase for the north/south through road. The stormwater is addressed with three watersheds. The north 1/3 is a constructed pond; the northwest corner is an infiltration basin which will be constructed which flows to the old Arlyn Evensong property. Referring back to the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan will help set this development up. The City will have to acquire easements, but appraisals will have to be completed first. The Storm Core fund will have to pay initially, but then be collected through the Brockway development. The third ponding will run along Trunk Highway 3 on the western side of the site and then off -site west of Trunk Highway 3. The Connemara Trail contractor will be going under Trunk Highway 3 to serve the drainage to the south side. From the sanitary sewer standpoint, this area was included within the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. The pipes will be oversized and at an extra depth. The watermain is 8" within the • project and 16" along the north/south street. The City will be funding the oversizing of the watermain and sanitary sewer. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 12, 2004 • President Mulhern questioned Street #5 on the plans and how it abruptly stops. It was explained that the developer has an option on the 7 acres beyond that point, but hasn't purchased yet. If it is incorporated the road would go to County Road 38. Figure #4 of Phase II for the proposed storm sewer is misleading without a copy of the Grading plan. City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the final storm sewer design has not been completed as of yet. President Mulhern commended the way the Feasibility Report was done in reference to the estimated construction costs. City Engineer Brotzler explained the charges and payments showing the estimated costs the City would be making on the oversizing of the 16" watermain and 18" sanitary sewer. The payments the City makes to the Contractor are not estimates. It is the actual charges for construction, which may vary from the estimates within the Feasibility Report. There are two components to the Core Funds. The trunk area charge is collected upfront from the developer, while the connection charges are collected with the building permits. Fiber to the Home (FTTH) will be available in this development. CPDC is the developer not the builder. Rottlund Homes is taking about 400 homes. • CPDC closes on the property on July 23, 2004 and the demolition of Brockway Glass will be handled right after closing. The wells on the property will be sealed and capped. Significant environmental work will be done and the PCA and Dakota County will observe the clean-up as noted in the Response Action Plan. There will also be a Construction Contingency Plan to deal with. The developer, CPDC, will pay all costs to clean up the area. The Mayor noted that there are seven sites fore sure that will be cleaned up, which is a positive note for the project. • PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • Connemara Trail -Phase II/Keegan Lake Outlet There are some issues to be resolved with Xcel Energy concerning the relocation of some power poles. This should be corrected by the end of August. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 12, 2004 is • Meadows of Bloomfield 1s'& 2 °d There is a lot of activity in the area. Ryan Contracting has started project. One of the issues to deal with is a known dump within the railroad right -of -way. No one appears to be responsible for it. • The City will look to expand our well fields north of County Road 38. • Well #12 This project is moving forward. It had been delayed due to weather. The Wellhouse will be bidding in October. • SCADA System This project was suppose to bid on July 1St, but due to some issues the City has to go through bid qualifications so an addendum was sent out. A new bid date hasn't been set at this time. • Connemara Overpass Proceeding through design, now waiting to hear from Mn/DOT and the railroad. Hoping to • bid in August or September. It is a City State Aid account so we are looking for advanced encumbered funds. • Trunk Highway 3 project This has a signal being installed at Connemara Trail and CSAH 38. The plans and specifications will be going to Council next Tuesday with a bid date the middle of August. Staff anticipates having the signals installed yet this year. • MCES Outfall Staff and the Consulting Engineers will be meeting with MCES regarding the conveyance of the City's stormwater. MCES wants a buy -out provision within the Agreement for the outfall. Commissioner Schnieder asked Staff about the overflow at the Eastside Water Tower. The high level alarm on the SCADA system didn't respond and that is what caused the overflow. As soon as it was verbally announced, Staff responded. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR AUGUST 9, 2004 1. SCADA Bid • 2. Outfall Update 5 • • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 12, 2004 City Administrator Verbrugge asked if the Commission had any interest in the downtown development. President Mulhern was interested in the "Coming Soon" site. It was explained that there will be two restaurants and a strip mall along with the Aldi Grocery Store. That is just the preliminary plans no plans have been discussed for the utilities yet. The concept appears to be feasible. A brief discussion followed about the pond within the development regarding the inspection, cleaning and maintaining of it. One of the plans from within the Stormwater Management Plan would allow the overflow to go east under Trunk Highway 3 to the pond on the Rosewood development site. These preliminary plans will be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting this Wednesday. The preliminary plat will be presented sometime in August. Neighbors had issues with water gushing out into the streets of Cambrian Avenue and Camero Lane; however the City hasn't had any problems that have been brought to their attention in quite a few years. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m. R Respectfully Submitted, r Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary ROSEMOU NT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651 - 423 -4411 Hearing Impaired: 651- 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on September 13, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Large Conference Room of the City Hall by Acting President Paul Heimkes. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, Finance Director May, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Domiden. President Mulhern was absent. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. • MOTION by Schnieder to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2004, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 6a. APPEAL OF PENALTIES Finance Director May presented this item to the Utility Commission. Kidder Park Townhomes has asked for consideration of their penalties on their utility bill. The check was dated July 14, 2004; however it was not received by the City until July 22 °d. They have had two previous "Courtesy Credits" and policy does reiterate one per account. The letter the City received explained that they are a new company and are trying to manage their cash flow. They did send another letter apprising the Commission that they have applied for direct deposit for any future billings, the letter didn't get to the City in time to make the packet. Finance Director May recommends that the Commission deny the request for a credit of penalties to Kidder Park Townhomes. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 • Very little discussion took place. Policies are put in place to handle such cases and the Commission was in total agreement with Staff. MOTION by Heimkes to deny the appeal of penalties for the Kidder Park Townhomes June utility bills as outlined in the Executive Summary. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Heimkes, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. 6b. 2005 UTILITY BUDGET City Engineer Brotzler started the conversation explaining the 24% increase in the Water Utility, which took into account the painting of Connemara Water Tower. In the past the 10 -year C.I.P. funded these items within the Water Core Fund, but now the Water Utility Budget handles it. Mayor Droste asked if it was necessary to paint the tower in the year specified. Based on a report which was done 2 years ago, the life expectancy of a tower for painting is 12 15 years. This being the case maybe the City could hold off painting Connemara Tower until the new tower is built so we won't have to worry about the downtime in the spring or summer. Staff will look at the report to see if it is feasible to wait. The Commission would like Staff to verify the color of the tower before painting. It is time for the Commission to have a new rate study done. is Within the Sanitary Sewer Budget, the SCADA project is moderately reflected within this budget. There was an increase in salary cost, the Metropolitan Council raised its quarterly rates and %2 of a fetter was figured. In the Stormwater Budget, the SCADA system actually decreased and a %2 of a jetter was entered into the balance. The City doesn't budget depreciation costs, however a few years ago, along with the C.I.P. a C.R.P. was presented for review. The Council and Staff want to keep the rates as constant as possible and minimize raises over five year periods. Commissioner Heimkes felt the line items looked good; however he wanted President Mulhern to have a look and say. Finance Director May apprised the Commission that the budget has to be approved no later than December 6th, so there is still October and November to have President Mulhern take a look. The issue of the water tower is still unresolved and will have to be addressed at another meeting. By consensus of the Commission this item will be tabled so the President of the Commission can • have his input at one of the next two meetings. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 • PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • SCADA Project — The bid qualifications are now done, but the final outcome has not been determined. Once determined the bids will be let and will probably go to Council the first meeting in October for consideration. Hopefully the System will be under contract yet this year. • Trunk Highway 3 — This project has been delayed by Mn/DOT, but now all final contracts appear to be done. Bids are being opened the 17th and once awarded the signal light at Trunk Highway 3 and Connemara Trail will be completed this year with the rest of the project completed next year. • Keegan Lake- Xcel is moving poles. S. M. Hentges & Sons should have the project completed by the end of the month. It will be built to CR 38, south of Biscayne. Condemnation had to be invoked to put the pipe in the ground because the area wasn't dedicated Right -of -Way. Xcel had been out on site twice to move the poles and were sent away by the property owner, the City staff and Police Department had to be on -site so they could complete the job. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 11, 2004 1. 2005 Utility Budget MOTION by Heimkes to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:10p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Domiden Recording Secretary • CITY OF ROSEMOU NT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2004 CITY HALL 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Phone: 651-423-4411 Hearing Impaired: 651 - 423 -6219 Fax: 651 - 423 -5203 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on October 11, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Large Conference room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Member Paul Heimkes, City Administrator Verbrugge, Finance Director, Jeffrey May, City Engineer Brotzler, . Recording Secretaries Cindy Dorniden and Cheryle Coughlin. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. • OLD BUSINESS 5a. 2005 UTILITY BUDGET President Mulhem began the conversation inquiring if they completed discussion regarding the 2005 Utility Budget. Commissioner Heimkes commented they had reviewed it but felt that President Mulhern should be present for any discussion and therefore had tabled this item. There was concern regarding the skyrocketed price for the painting of the Connemara Water Tower. City Engineer Brotzler commented this project has been in the CIP Rick Cook put it in 2002 after the inspection report was done in 2001 and was just left in there and was discussed at the last meeting about possibly delaying it because of budget or to coincide with the completion of the well projects and the Bacardi Tower. Upon review of this report of November 2001which recommends the rehabilitation project be completed in 3 -5 years. This revised budget reflects the only change from what was previously presented which is the elimination of the Connemara Water Tower painting project from the 2005 budget and move it to the 2006 budget. Commissioner Heimkes expressed concern that putting if off would cause more expense and more problems, also a worry about having the tower down and not having enough water through the next season. President Mulhern commented he does not want the project to be forgotten but that it would probably be all right to postpone it for a year or two. • Commissioner Schnieder arrived at 5:35 p.m. The Commissioners had additional questions on several line items. Commissioner Heimkes questioned the designated monies for the rate study for water and sewer. There is $10,000 under each do we know that amount to be at quite? Finance Director May explained if it is a little bit over it is not setting what your tax rate is based off of it is a working document so if it cost 12,500 each that is what we are going to spend. Some of the revenues will off set it or we will use reserves if necessary. The $20,000 is a fair number to use. President Mulhern noted the storm water utility expenditures are going up a total of $20,000. Finance Director May explained this amount was due to the allocation salaries for new positions being proposed, two supervisors and an administrative assistant, for the Public Works Department. He also inquired as to the age of the fetter truck and where would the funds come from to cover the estimated replacement cost of $140,000. City Engineer Brotzler commented he did not know the exact year of the vehicle but conceded that it was older and needed to be replaced. Finance Director May informed the commissioner that the total cost would be split with $70,000 from storm water and $70,000 from sewer utility accounts. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend City Council approve the 2005 Utility Budgets. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: Mulhern, Heimkes, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2004, regular Utility • Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Heimkes, Schnieder. Nays: None. Mulhern abstained. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE • SCADA Project — Pre bid qualification process, which was developed with Paul Kaeding and City Attorney Charlie LeFevere, is now complete with five vendors. The recommendation was brought forward to the regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, October 5. Pre qualified four of those vendors and established one vendor as not being qualified to bid the project. Following City Council action a new bid date will be set toward the end of this month, with the results going to City Council the first meeting in November. 2 • Well #12 - The 24 hour flow - pumping test was started at 6 a.m. Wednesday, October 6th and concluded at 6 a.m. Thursday, October 7th. No results at this time. A sample has been submitted to a firm in Colorado and to the Minnesota Department of Health. The test it self takes 4 weeks or so depending if there is a big backlog or not. As soon as the results are received we can make our decision and move forward with construction and development based on the radium levels. It is predicted to pump 1200 gallons per minute and be ready by the summer of 2005. The well is over 400 feet deep. • Trunk Highway 3 — Council awarded contract for this project. It will be done in 2 phases. The first phase construction of the signal at Connemara by December 15 of this year and the second phase roadway improvements at County Road 38 — McAndrews with a signal by June 2005. • CIP —The CEP is development driven. The approved 2005 projects for the City are as follows: 1. Meadows of Bloomfield — 2"a Phase 2. Brockway 2 °a Phase 3. CR 38 — TH 3 to railroad tracks north side of Brockway 4. Trunk storm sewer improvements 5. Pavement management program The Downtown Redevelopment is outside of the CIP. The City maintains a 10 year CIP and is considering changing to a 5 year CIP to concentrate with more accuracy. • • Rate Study — The RFP for rate study should have been done in 2004. The Comp water Plan is on hold while the Land Use Study is being done. The rates for the storm water are up -to -date. There is a need to do a sewer rate study. Rates are not changed until the fee resolution is adopted by City Council in December, effective after the first of the following year. The intent is to maintain at least a 3% increase. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR NOVEMBERI S 2004 1. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. 3 Respectfully Submitted,