HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 UC MInutes4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • UTILITY COMMISSSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on Monday, January 10, 2005. President Mulhern called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with Commissioner Heimkes present. Commissioner Schneider was absent. Also in attendance were Mayor William Droste, City Engineer Andrew Brotzler, Project Engineer Anthony Aderhold, Finance Director Jeff May, City Administrator Jamie Verbrugge and Recording Secretary Amy Domeier. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2004 regular Utility is Commission meeting. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. 2005 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES At the last Utility Commission meeting, the Commission reviewed the proposed increases for the 2005 Schedule of Rates and Fees. In accordance with the action taken by the Commission, the proposed rates were forwarded to the City Council with the exception of the sanitary sewer and water usage rates. City Engineer Brotzler reported one oversight on the Rate Survey attachment. For the Burnsville quarter rates, the rates that are shown for the sewer charges are for their City sewer only and that they have a separate metro sewer rate that is for costs associated with MCES and that is a $5.00 per quarter fixed charge and $1.30 per 1,000 gallon charge and running that at 21,000 gallons brings Burnsville's quarterly total to $106.35 for comparing purposes. Commissioner Heimkes stated that in his opinion the table looks clean and where he would like to be. Commissioner Heimkes only question was in regards to the overall water fees — for these other cities does this table reflect any specific charges for water treatment plants since all the other cities have them and Rosemount does not. City Engineer Brotzler commented that what is shown is our existing usage rates and usage rates of others that have been provided. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.drosemount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2005 Mayor Droste noticed the increased water revenue is 47% over the 5 years and the sewer 28.8% in comparison to the financial report fund balance. Mayor Droste questioned why the City is raising rates. Finance Director May stated that cash on hand doesn't necessarily reflect anything that we may have financial obligations to. Finance Director May said you would have to look at the financial statements and further explained the financial statements. For budgeting reasons we do not show depreciation in our budgets. When we have done the rate studies we have seen what we need to do for projects. The core funds go up significantly because when we build a water tower next year and when we build wells or extend sewer service that will take away from our core utility. The large dollar amounts reflect the exploding growth in the City. We do have a higher bond rating since we do have reserves. We have felt we shouldn't lower rates today but then have to raise rates tomorrow. The City is trying to stabilize the rates. Mayor Droste said he would have to justify the heavy balances to citizens who think the rates are extremely high. Mayor Droste realizes the projects going on but just the core funds have gone from 5 %Z to 10 million in just the last few years. He would like to have the data stating where the funds are going. City Engineer Brotzler stated in the 10 year CIP the Council is working with the project numbers for expenditures including the wells, towers, storm sewer trunk fund, land acquisition, proposed improvements and trying to coincide those improvements with development but also knowing some of the improvements in existing areas may be more needs driven. Timing is open for • discussion. The increase in the rates study went through 2004 and the rates were set at a flat rate. We are at a delay in the Comprehensive Water Management Plan because of the land use study. We brought forward a recommendation to monomial increase the rates 3% in anticipation of a recommendation to increase the rates from a future rate study. • Finance Director May stated one reason for such a huge increase in the core funds is due to the large growth the past two years due to development. We have been collecting more in revenues in the core area. The result of the development is we will start seeing a lot of those expenditures being made — such as the Water Tower #4, Well #12, and Well #14. He further stated the debt is in good shape. Discussion was held regarding the housing growth and the revenues. City Administrator Verbrugge stated the City needs to inform the public. City Administrator Verbrugge suggests we explain the rates and the end objective for long term growth and balance to residents. Finance Director May stated if the increase was not raised by 3% he would be comfortable until we get the study done and we should still be able to maintain a status quo. City Administrator Verbrugge stated it comes down to public information and communication to residents. The City should improve its level of communication. The use of signs was also suggested by Mayor Droste. Commissioner Heimkes suggested handing out more information on proposed projects. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2005 President Mulhern saw no problem with the rates. Commissioner Heimkes suggested waiting on the rate increase and improve public awareness. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend to the City Council No Increase of the Sanitary Sewer and Water Usage Rates. Second be Heimkes. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 6a. FEASIBILITY REPORT — GLENDALOUGH 5TH -10TH ADDITIONS STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK — CP #389. Project Engineer Aderhold gave a short presentation. On August 17, 2004, City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility study for the Glendalough 5th -10th Additions. The Glendalough 5ht -10th Additions encompasses 97.5 acres of the final area to be developed within the Evermoor Development. The developer, Lundgren Brothers, has provided a phasing sequence. Project Engineer Aderhold indicated these are all single family lots and there is a green space similar to the Bloomfield Path area. Commissioner Heimkes questioned if the street width would be wide enough for utilities. Project Engineer Aderhold indicated the streets were wide enough. . Mayor Droste asked if there will be noise in the center island where the lift station is placed. Project Engineer Aderhold stated only if the alarm would go off. President Mulhern questioned if there is only one lift and how deep it will be. Project Engineer Aderhold stated there will only be one lift and it will be 25 -ft deep. Mayor Droste questioned if there was a risk not having the storm for capacity reasons. City Engineer Brotzler stated they are ensuring they have the volume to handle a critical event. Discussion was held regarding the lift station. City Engineer Brotzler stated the City would consider making provisions to use a portable pump rather than having a lift station. He further stated this would go before council on January 18, 2005. 6b. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELL #12 — CP #354 — PHASE H. Nancy Zeigler with WSB presented the plans and specifications for Well House #12. The new well house will be similar to existing Well House #9. Discussion was held regarding security, the engine generator, windows, and building materials. Ms. Zeigler reported that there will be a yard light and motion lights on site. City Engineer Brotzler stated that he would look into additional lighting for security needs. City Engineer Brotzler also stated there will be an on -site stand by generator similar to the one at Well House • #9. Commissioner Heimkes was concerned about the pre -cast ceiling and cost of exterior fire rated doors and the windows in the doors. Commissioner Heimkes preferred non -fire rated doors 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2005 • and different building materials. Ms. Zeigler stated that the widows, doors and building materials would be reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate. Ms. Zeigler reviewed the preliminary schedule with the Commission. MOTION by Mulhern to Authorize Advertisement of Bids for Well #12 — CP #354 — Phase H. Second by Heimkes. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Motion carried. 6c. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELL #14 — CP #382 — PHASE II. Nancy Zeigler with WSB presented the plans and specifications for Well #14. Ms. Zeigler commented this well is similar to Well #12. Ms. Zeigler reviewed the preliminary schedule with the Commission. Ms. Zeigler stated the engineering estimate is approximately $250,000 for drilling the well and approximately $300,000 if the pump is added into this contract. She suggested that the pump be placed in this contract because it will make the same contractor responsible for constructing the well and installing the pump in the well and avoid potential legal battles between the well driller and pump installer. President Mulhern asked what the advantages would be of combining the well construction and • well house construction bids into one. City Engineer Brotzler stated that with two contracts the contractors for the 2 phases are different. Well construction is completed by a well driller and the well house is constructed by a general contactor. Ms. Zeigler added you may save some time if the projects are lumped together because you only have one bidding process. Ms. Zeigler stated that either way will work, but she sees more advantages to keeping them separate since they are so different and with two contracts you know exactly what the status of your well is before starting the well house construction. MOTION by Heimkes to Authorize Advertising for Bids for Well #14 — CP #382 — Phase I and to include the Pump under this project authorization. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Motion carried. President Mulhern asked to be provided with bid results. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler stated he had nothing significant for updates unless the Commission had any questions. President Mulhern commented on how smoothly he thought the Brockway project went. • President Mulhern also informed the Commission that last Thursday or Friday the security on the Chippendale Tower was on at about 7:00/7:30 and he drove into the lot and checked that the lock 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2005 was locked and the light was still on. He also noticed that the overflow had been used and the screen looked plugged up and suggested that the City keep an eye on it. City Engineer Brotzler updated the Commission on the 42/52 Land Use Study. There was also discussion held regarding the watersheds. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. t Respectfully S b itted " W V An W. Recording Secretary • • 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • UTILITY COMMISSSION MINUTES MARCH 7, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on Monday, March 7, 2005. President Mulhem called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. with Commissioner Heimkes and Commissioner Schnieder present. Also in attendance were Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, City Administrator Verbrugge and Recording Secretary Domiden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Heimkes to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2005 regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Mulhern, Heimkes, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. • OLD BUSINESS 5a. LEBANON HILLS REGIONAL PARK STORMWATER UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission of the meetings he has attended with the City of Eagan, Dakota County Parks, DNR, Gun Club Watershed and the Vermillion River Watershed regarding the run -off within the Lebanon Hills Regional Park and the City of Eagan. The Engineering firm of Bonestroo completed a report for the City of Eagan identifying improvement options. Attached to the executive summary is a memo from Bonestroo detailing three different options to alleviate the problems of run -off for Eagan. Option 1 is the lowest cost at $900,000. This cost is based on the assumption that water is from Rosemount would be held in Rosemount without discharge and does not reflect the cost to Rosemount to impound this water. Option 3 reflects a project that would require Eagan to expand its work effort within Eagan, but would require Rosemount to do only limited improvements. The cost for this option is estimated to range from $1.4 million to $1.9 million. . Eagan has preliminarily selected Option 1 as their best choice, and if that option is implemented, would require the City of Rosemount to expend 1.0 to 1.5 Million to implement improvements in • Rosemount to prevent water from entering Eagan from this area of the City. It was also noted SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.d.rosemount.mmus UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 7, 2005 • that downstream ponds such as Marsh Lake and McDonough Lake would still be flooded and based on comments provided by Dakota County Parks; this plan does not meet their objectives. Pete Willenbring from WSB & Associates advised the Commission that, to date, no report has been prepared by Dakota County Parks or the City of Eagan that suggests the City of Rosemount should contribute to these downstream improvements. As mentioned above, Bonestroo is the Engineering firm for the City of Eagan and Barr Engineering is the consultant for Dakota County Parks. WSB & Associates has shared all our hydrologic and computer simulation information with Barr & Bonestroo so all the models to be run will be the same. City Administrator Verbrugge asked if anyone could compel the City to do the project. Mr. Willenbring indicated that without the establishment of a special purpose tax district or the development of a joint Powers agreement, it would be difficult for either the City of Eagan or Dakota County parks to force the City of Rosemount to fund or unwillingly cooperate in the implementation of the project. Future development might also provide the opportunity to improve the downstream situation as the City's Stormwater Management Plan tightens run -off control for new developments. Mr. Willenbring went through the recommendations in his attached memo. He highlighted that • within Option 1 there wouldn't be any condemnation of property and that Option 3 might be considered justifiable. It was also noted that the City has already diverted 300 acres away from the regional park as part of the development of the City of Rosemount's Stormwater Plan, so we've actually helped to alleviate the run -off. Rosemount is considered 1/3 of the drainage area. The City is not changing the flow direction; it's just holding what we have. After further discussion, Staff suggested the Commission recommend to the council the adoption of a resolution or letter consistent with the recommendations outlined in the staff memo, but leaving out the fourth recommendation. The Mayor would also like to make sure that the equity issues are further expanded in the resolution. The Commission also generally agreed the best case scenario would be to spend the $1.9 million in Eagan, and fund the project by getting grant money from the Legislature with DNR support. NEW BUSINESS 6a. 2005 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 392 Council had ordered the project and authorized the plans and specifications to be drawn up for this 7,200 foot project in the southwest project area between Cameo and Chippendale Avenue, south of 145th Street and north of County Road 42. The northern part of the project has old • vitrified clay pipe and is usually replaced with PVC. The sewer lines were televised and shows root intrusion in joints and service connections. The City would like to coordinate full 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 7, 2005 • replacement of streets with utility replacements, however right now that isn't likely. There is a new technology that uses in place slip liners within the sewer lines. This gives the lines a little more life, but doesn't replace them. To do a total reconstruction of the 7,200 feet it would cost approximately $730,000 as opposed to the slip line area at $276,000. At this time Staff isn't recommending either. Deficient areas will be spot repaired at this time. The program will have an outside vendor come in and router out the pipes and remove the roots and then monitor them for another 25 years. For the most part the project will be leaving curb & gutter only repairing what is damaged, and then taking the pavement to full depth leaving the sub -grade and replace the full depth pavement. A total reconstruction should coincide with sewer and water replacement in about 25 years. Slip lines are suppose to have a 40 -50 year lifetime and would just be in the mainlines. 6b. GAS UTILITY FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the developer for the Brockway property had asked Xcel Energy to supply the development. According to a map from 1989, NSP and Peoples Natural Gas had boundaries set, but because there is no Franchise Agreement in place for the two, the City Attorney advised that there are no statutory requirements for the area. Staff met with both Xcel and Aquila to discuss these boundaries and through a gentlemen's agreement • the boundary will be modified to include Brockway for Xcel Energy. The City will maintain the right that if the provider can't provide in a costly and timely manner we would recommend the developer not use them. To have the boundaries set is good for emergency personnel to find locations, especially having one service provider in the main corridors. The City Attorney offered the option of adopting an ordinance to secure franchise agreements with the three different companies. If Gopher State One call would get a border line on the boundaries they would just have to call both companies. The Commission was supportive of a proposed ordinance to require gas utility companies to have a franchise agreement with the City to secure a Utility Permit. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Gopher One — MNOPTS is trying new legislation to get cities to locate to houses. Right now our • PVC pipe (sanitary sewer) has no method to locate and the as -built records supposedly locate the 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 7, 2005 • lines 3' from the curbstop downstream. Mainlines are usually in the street right -of -way and put the shortest distance to the house. • • President Mulhern mentioned receiving the letter and bid tab for Well #12 Wellhouse. Mayor Droste commented again on the ugly color of the Chippendale Tower and a brief discussion ensued. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR APRIL 11, 2005 No one had anything at this time. The Commission wished Commissioner Heimkes good luck in his future endeavors since this was his last meeting. MOTION by Heimkes to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. 4 Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 4ROSEMOUNT • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 11, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on April 11, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall. Mayor Droste administered the oath to Thomas Kempe. Recording Secretary Domiden opened the floor for nominations for President to the Utility Commission. . MOTION by Schnieder to nominate Shawn Mulhern as President. Lack of a SECOND and by unanimous decision Shawn Mulhern is the returning President. • The Commissioners had a few conflicts in the calendar presented with the Executive Summary. President Mulhern did ask about the annual tour and it was decided that it would be held during the May meeting. MOTION by Mulhern to set the 2004 Utility Commission meetings per the calendar attached with the exception of August 8'' which will be scheduled for August 15'h; November 7t' will be scheduled for November 1e; and, December 12`}' will be scheduled for December 19fl` and all meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified. SECOND by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 11, 2005 at 5:40 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Kempe, Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, Council Member Sterner and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Old Business, Item 6b. — LHRP Stormwater Management Plan Review New Business, Item 7a. — Tower Lease Agreement between AT & T and Cingula.r Verbal Reports — Water Tower Color AUDIENCE INPUT • None. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 - 4997.651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 11, 2005 MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2005, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Schnieder, Mulhern. Nays: None. Abstain: Kempe. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 6a. REVIEW BIDS FOR BACARDI WATER TOWER Nancy Zeigler from WSB & Associates presented the two bids for the Bacardi Water Tower. CB & I Water and Caldwell Tanks, Inc. were the companies that bid. CB &I was the low bidder by a significant amount for both the base bid (1,000,000 gallon tower) and alternate bid (1,500,000 gallon tower). Ms. Zeigler stated that one reason for the difference in bids may be that CB &I spent a lot of time asking questions during the bidding process and seemed to know what they were bidding. Caldwell Tanks only asked a few questions the day before bid opening. Ms. Zeigler apprised the Commission that the additional 500,000 gallon in storage when comparing the 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 gallon towers costs $444,000. The construction cost of a separate 500,000 gallon tower would be approximately one million dollars. City Engineer Brotzler brought up the fact that WSB & Associates is working on the Comprehensive Water Plan right now. A new zoning map has been developed, but still needs to go through the approval process. The water plan will address current and future water demands and a portion of the study will be to estimate storage capacity needed currently and in the future. • Ms. Zeigler went over the new zoning map that was developed by the City and explained that the City has two pressure zones, one on the west side of the City, and one on the east side. There is a pressure reducing valve between the two sides that will allow flow in either direction under unusual situations, such as a fire. The majority of the City's water demand is on the west side and the new tower will be located on the west side. Ms Zeigler went over preliminary projected water demands and water storage needs for the west side. She explained that numbers would be finalized as the water study progresses. Storage facilities are sized to handle fluctuations in demand that occur throughout the day and fire suppression. Usually on a peak day in Rosemount the demand is approximately three times higher than on a normal day. Currently, the City has 1.5 million gallons in storage with its existing three towers. Preliminary projections indicate that the west side may ultimately need an additional 2.7 million gallons of storage when the City is totally built out. It was noted that the proposed zoning map is different from that used in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan, Many areas are proposed to be developed earlier than originally planned and some areas are planned for higher density housing. Council Member Sterner left the meeting at this time. The original sizing of the water tower was based on 2001/2002 water demand figures. 2004 figures • and projected 2005 figures are higher than originally anticipated and the need for a 1.5 million gallon tower appears to be justified. Cost -wise the larger tank is a better value. The Finance Director will be going out for bonds for the tower sometime this summer. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 11, 2005 • The paving of the access road was discussed. The bids included an option of including the additional cost of paving within the limits of construction and the access road. It was the consensus of the Commission to let the City look into this. Construction for the tower will start in late August/ early September and should be on line in October of 2006. This summer Well No. 12 will be on -line, with substantial completion on July 1, 2005. Well No. 14 is being drilled and is scheduled to be on -line in the summer of 2006. It is anticipated that the painting of the Connemara Tower will follow the completion of the Bacardi Tower and be bid in the fall of 2006 -2007. The Bacardi Tower will be on the SCADA system. Allowance has been made for the addition of an altitude value in the future to control water level if it becomes necessary. MOTION by Schnieder to recommend to the City Council to award a contract for a 1.5 MGD tower with or without the additional paving for the limits of construction and access road. The City will check on the cost of the additional paving and decide whether to include it in the contract or do the work themselves. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Kempe, Schnieder. Abstain: Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. 6b. LHRP STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE — Add -on City Engineer Brotzler received the draft LHRP Stormwater Management Plan on March 21, 2005 • and attended a work session on March22, 2005 on the Plan. Peter Willenbring from WSB & Associates prepared draft comments which were presented at a meeting on April 4, 2005 which was held at Dakota County. The comments sent prior to this were subtle and indirect, this time he was a little more direct in his comments so they would possibly get the message. Copies of his comments were handed out prior to the Commission meeting. The Park representatives have said that Eagan doesn't need to oversize, but who would be financially responsible has yet to be determined. There has been no official or unofficial request on a project for this to the City of Rosemount. NEW BUSINESS 7a. TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AT & T TO CINGULAR City Engineer Brotzler presented documentation from Cingulat regarding their purchase or merger with AT & T. Their representative had contacted City Engineer Brotzler and advised him that Cingular doesn't intend to honor the lease agreement as stipulated between the City and AT & T. They would like to reduce the fees over half, expand the agreement for 30 -years and also be able to place as many antennas on the tower as they please. Right now Chippendale Tower has the majority of antennas on it. The new tower is designed to handle antennas also. • Mayor Droste feels AT & T should be called to see where the services overlap within Dakota County. He suggested talking to a technical person. If there is a redundancy within the Metro area then it should be defined. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 11, 2005 • President Mulhern feels the City should stick with the original Agreement and if Cingular wants to give their 60 -day notice then so be it. The Commission would like Staff to research Eagan and Apple Valley to see if they have been approached from Cingular also. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE The signal lights at Trunk Highway 3 and CSAH 38 (McAndrews Road) should be completed by June 15, 2005 The annual spring flushing of the fire hydrants will be going on for the next two weeks. Again the Commission discussed the color of the Chippendale Tower. They don't like the color, it is too fleshy. The Mayor thinks it needs to be about five shades lighter. Once the City logo is on it maybe it will help tone it down. • 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MAY 9, 2005 • a. Cingular Tower Lease Agreement Request Update b. Annual Road Tour — The Commission suggested we could go down 120'h Street to check out the LHRP issue. City Engineer Brotzler mentioned that the City Council would like to have a joint meeting with the Utility Commission. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Second by Kempe. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. 4 Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Do 'den Recording Secretary 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT is UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 13, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on June 13, 2005 at 5:35 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Kempe, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions or corrections to the agenda AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Kempe to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2005, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Kempe, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS • 5a. CINGULAR LEASE AGREEMENT UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the first man who sent us an amended lease agreement is no longer handling Rosemount. Cingular now has a new consultant, Greg Zehner, whose amended agreement wasn't a whole lot better than the first one. It has no escalator, 5 -year with auto renewal for 5 renewals which would mean an agreement for 30 -years and a flat $10,528.73 annual fee for each of those years. The only thing that was dropped from this amendment besides the change of price was the unlimited number of antennas they wanted to put on the tower. The City Attorney didn't agree that a 30 -year lease would be in the best interest of the City. The cities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Inver Grove Heights and Mendota Heights have all been contacted. Eagan is not willing to negotiate, nor is Apple Valley. Commissioner Kempe doesn't feel the current lease agreement needs to be modified. More discussion ensued among the Commissioners regarding the maintenance of the towers and how the annual fee would impact that over the years. MOTION by Kempe to recommend to City Council that the terms of the existing antenna lease agreement with Cingular Wireless not be modified based on the understanding that the neighboring communities of Apple Valley and Eagan have declined to renegotiate existing agreements whereas it • is assumed that their agreements are more favorable. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Motion carried. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.drosemount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 13, 2005 NEW BUSINESS None. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE Well House #12 is on track, Bacardi Water Tower will be having there preconstruction meeting next week and Well #14 is at a 60' depth so far. The blasting and drilling should be done before the Contractor is ready to start the Bacardi Water Tower. The SCADA System is still being configured. A change order was processed for the rural wells and Well #7. City Engineer Brotzler explained that the 2004 Street & Utility Reconstruction project has been finaled out and it was at 102% completion. The 2% over budget was a result of additional earthwork and concrete driveways necessary for the project. • City Engineer Brotzler handed out a memo from the Utility Billing Clerk regarding the meter change out program. There are only 16 old meters that need changed out along with the installation of MXU's and 1,018 MXU's alone that need replaced. It is anticipated that the project should be completed by fall rather than the end of the year. City Engineer Brotzler also handed out a Draft proposal of the Lebanon Hills Regional Park drainage issues. The issue was explained briefly for Commissioner Kempe since this is his second meeting. Two memos's which were drafted by Pete Willenbring, the City's Stormwater Consultant with WSB & Associates, Inc. were handed out. The first memo addressed Rosemount's trunk fees and highlights how to complete the project throughout developments. It shows how lift station improvements could be pro -rated with Eagan if Rosemount would participate. The second memo outlined the approach Rosemount would take regarding management of stormwater. In the 1980's Eagan and Dakota County were going to manage the stormwater. Now the DNR has stepped in so they have to manage their stormwater. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JULY 11, 2005 • a. Cingular Tower Lease Agreement Request Update b. LHRP Update. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 13, 2005 Commissioner Kempe mentioned he'd talked to a concerned citizen regarding cable (wireless) and • the monopoly it appears to have. Mayor Droste apprised him that the Council was working with FTTH to wire the entire City over a 7 -year period and have been doing so for the past 3 years. They started with Evermoor only; however now that Evermoor is complete they are moving into the Country Hills Additions. • • MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Second by Kempe. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. 3 Respectfully Submitted, r Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES July 11, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 11, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Member Schnieder, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, Operations Superintendent Cook, and Recording Secretary Stoffel. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2005, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS • 5a. CINGULAR LEASE AGREEMENT UPDATE • City Engineer Brotzler presented background information regarding the Cingular Antenna Lease Agreement. Mr. Phil Wertz from Cingular had requested a conference call with the Utility Commission to present information to support the request for a modification to their antenna lease agreement. A call to Mr. Wertz was placed at 5:45 pm. There was no answer. It was the consensus of the Commission not to modify the lease agreement. 5b. COMPREHENSIVE WATER SUPPLY PLAN City Engineer Brotzler introduced Nancy Zeigler and Kevin Newman from WSB. The WSB representatives were in attendance to present preliminary information regarding population projections and water flow projections to the Commission. Mr. Brotzler will present another update at the August 8, 2005 meeting. It was his intention to complete the Plan and have it ready for adoption by City Council in September. A rate study for water and sewer would follow and all would be completed by the end of the year. New water rates would be implemented for the first quarter billing in 2006. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.d.rosemount.mmus UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 11, 2005 • NEW BUSINESS 6a. 2006 Utility Budget City Engineer Brotzler distributed a corrected water utility budget and the new MnOPS Rules. Areas of discussion included: Survey Grade GPS Unit, Crash Attenuator, Water Conservation and Emergency Plan, Vulnerability Assessment Improvements, Replacement of Utility Vehicle, and Capital Replacement Projects. It was the consensus of the Commission to delay action on the proposed budget until the next meeting. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE The Connemara Trail overpass is scheduled for completion mid- August. Fifty percent of the streets have been completed on the Recon Project. • Well #12 has had uncontrolled delivery of controls for the project. We would need to run the well manually if need be. • Well #14 is on track. A change order is needed because they had to change the size of their casing. A pre -con was held for the tower. The project is to start in September. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR AUGUST 8, 2005 a. Comprehensive Water Plan b. Budget City Engineer Brotzler indicated a couple of residents had issues with fined charges on their sewer /water bill. They felt that the charges were unfair. Mr. Brotzler explained to the residents how the charges are calculated.y 14.k, o.1r vn4w"ks MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. SOCUftbr44empe. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. 2 Respectfully Submitted, Maryann Stoffel Recording Secretary 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on September 12, 2005 at 5:28 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by Vice President Joan Schnieder. Those present were Commission Member Kempe, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, Operations Superintendent Cook, Finance Director May and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Kempe to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2005, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS is 5a. 2006 Utility Budget City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the Executive Summary was the same from the previous meeting as nothing had changed. Although President Mulhern is absent he made it known that he was alright with the budget as presented. A few of the major items within the budget are: 1) Survey grade GPS unit to help with the new rules set up for Gopher State One Call. This will be a 50/50 split between water and sewer funds; 2) Crash Attenuator is a safety item for the back of trucks when working in the roadway. Its cost is $13,000 and would also have a 50/50 split. The City may apply for Grant money through OSHA and if we receive the Grant there would be 50% off the cost; 3) Water Conservation & Emergency Plan will be obsolete in a year. The new Plan has to be presented by 2007 so $25,000 has been budgeted to update; 4) Vulnerability Assessment is federally mandated for populations over 5,000. The City had completed and submitted our Assessment in 2003 and improvements identified in 2005 will be updated in the 2006 Vulnerability Assessment; 5) Utility vehicle is a pickup with a hoist on the back. This will be used for servicing lift stations and will be split 50/50 between water and sewer funds. The existing truck will go to auction; 6) Capital Replacement Projects for sewer, water and storm sewer is for updating infrastructure. Metropolitan Council has raised the sewer charges so it has been increased $72,000 - $73,000 from what was first acknowledged. It is on Line Item 602 and was in the amount of $600,000. Finance • SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651 - 423 -6219 • Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.drosemount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 • Director May will round up to $673,000 to assure that we have funds available to cover this expenditure. MOTION by Schnieder to recommend City Council approval of the 2006 Utility Budgets. Second by Kempe. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. During the budget discussion a resident joined the meeting. At this time Vice President Schnieder extended the offer to let him speak. His name was Tom Hofstad. He said he wasn't actually a resident, he lives in his fathers' basement. He had questions /concerns about several items. First he commented on the condition of County Road 42 in front of the daycare just west of the college. Then he commented on the cleanliness of the water, moving onto the influx of varmints, squirrels in particular, into town from the Evermoor Addition. The Commission listened and Mayor Droste explained County Road 42 is under the County's jurisdiction and squirrels migrate wherever the food is. Operations Superintendent Cook gave Mr. Hofstad his business card because he commented that he had some further questions for him. 5b. COMPREHENSIVE WATER SUPPLY PLAN City Engineer Brotzler introduced Nancy Zeigler and Kevin Newman from WSB. The WSB representatives were in attendance at the previous meeting to present preliminary information regarding population projections and water flow projections to the Commission. • Mr. Newman handed out a summary which presented updated projections for total population and population service, future water demand projects and water system improvements, which include wells, water treatment and storage and distribution mains. The summary referenced the tables and figures that are included in the Draft Comprehensive Water Plan which the Commissioner's received in their packets. The area the Plan covers is consistent with the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study. Mayor Droste asked if the Plan was in sync with the Met Council's plans. At this time it is not, but will eventually work into it. Ms. Zeigler and Mr. Newman touched on all the aspects of what the Plan covers, such as: land use; growth projection; future water demands; future water system; and, the Capital Improvements Plan. Mr. Newman mentioned that the population and water use projections changed slightly from what was presented at the previous meeting. This is a result of the last changes in the land use map that was adopted by the City Council. It was pointed out that the ultimate population projections assumes and includes residential development of the University Property. In order to meet the projected maximum day water supply demands, three well field locations are proposed. These include a northwest well field, a southwest well field and an eastern well field. A technical memorandum related to analysis of the proposed well fields, which was prepared by BARR Engineering and included in Appendix B of the Comprehensive Water Plan was discussed. The technical memorandum addresses the number of wells that will be needed at each well field, the • feasibility of installing wells in the Jordan Sandstone Aquifer and the impact of the new wells on 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 • surrounding wells and natural resources. The groundwater model used by BARR to prepare the technical memorandum indicates that pumping to meet predicted ultimate water demands likely would not have any long term adverse impacts on the aquifers. However, there could be interference with private wells. The model indicates that the 10 -year capture zone of the future wells would not intersect the historical contamination plume boundaries from the University of Minnesota and Flint Hills properties. However, it does encompass other contamination sites that would need to be investigated further during the planning stages for future wells. The Comprehensive plan includes constructing a water treatment plant at each well field location, which would remove iron and manganese. Alternative costs for pressure filter plants versus gravity filter plants at each location are presented in the plan. Ms Zeigler indicated that based on water system modeling, the current water storage and distribution system is capable of providing current demands, including fire flow, at adequate pressures. Sizing of future storage and distribution mains are based on projected peak hour and fire flow demands. Construction of future storage and distribution mains will be phased based on the land development. The Capital Improvements Plan (C.I.P.) included in the draft Comprehensive Water Plan shows the construction of three new wells, raw watermain piping from these wells, several feet of trunk watermain to serve proposed development, and the construction of a northwest water treatment plant within the next 0 -5 year's. Three additional wells will be needed along with additional raw • watermain piping, additional trunk watermain and 3.0 million gallons of additional storage in the next 6 -10 years. The costs presented in the C.I.P do not include land acquisition. A hand out regarding the cost of water to serve the University property was presented. The estimated cost to provide water service to the 3,064 acres of University property is $26,163,000 which equates to approximately $8,500 /acre. MOTION by Kempe to recommend City Council adoption of the 2005 Comprehensive Water Supply Plan. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. 5c. WELL #14 WELL HOUSE, CITY PROJECT #382 Ms. Zeigler from WSB handed out Plans for Well House #14, which is located adjacent to the Bacardi Water Tower site. The plans are similar to the ones for Well House #12 which is completing construction this fall. Security fencing is not included in this project, but will be addressed after the Bacardi tower is completed. A water fill station was talked about for this site, but since there will be security fencing once everything is up and running it was determined that a fill station wouldn't be feasible. The exterior of the well house will match the exterior of the new fire station. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 • 5d. BACARDI TOWER COLOR, CITY PROJECT #355 Ms. Zeigler also spoke regarding the color of the Bacardi Water Tower and brought color samples. The colors discussed would each have the same cost. This item will be deferred to another meeting; however the Commission is leaning to more of a beige color. NEW BUSINESS 6a. STORM SEWER REPAIR PROJECTS City Engineer Brotzler spoke about several different storm sewer repairs which are going to be done in the future and the estimated cost as a total for these repairs, which will be taken from the Storm Water Utility Fund. The repairs are as follow: a. There are safety issues on Deepwoods Court. This will be rectified by installing a catch basin to drain to a pond. b. Outlet to Wachter Lake — this will be tied into the existing storm sewer. Right now the metal pipe has floated up and is higher than the manhole so the manhole is repeatedly • blowing off and the erosion is quite prevalent. This repair would eliminate the solid casting and redo the manhole to an open grate to give a fountain effect and flow overland. c. Geronime Pond by 158' street has an inlet to the pond. It has eroded by the flared end section creating a safety hazard. Because of the location, even though we have a 20' drainage and utility easement, it is very hard to get back in to do the work. Rip -rap will have to be hauled in and the contractor will have to work with the property owners to get it done. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE Connemara Trail Overpass has opened. The lighting and final restoration has yet to be completed. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 10. 2005 a. Final Plans —Well #14 Wellhouse b. Color for Bacardi Tower • 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 • MOTION by Schnieder to adjourn. Second by Kempe. Meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm. Respectfully Submitted, akA� Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary • 0 5 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 2005 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on October 10, 2005 at 5:33 p.m. in the Upper Level Conference Room of the City Hall by President Mulhern. Those present were Commission Member Kempe, Schnieder, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, Project Engineer Connolly and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Commissioner Kempe amended the minutes of the July 11, 2005 regular Utility Commission meeting. He was not in attendance at that meeting and in the final motion of the meeting it had him making the second to adjourn. Recording Secretary Dorniden will see that it is noted. There were no other additions or corrections to the agenda. AUDIENCE INPUT None. • MOTION by Kempe to approve the minutes of the. September 12, 2005, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Kempe, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. Well #14 Well House, City Project #382 Nancy Zeigler of WSB & Associates was present to discuss the final complete set of plans for Well House #14 and handed them out to the Commission. She was also in attendance to get authorization for advertisement of bid for the well house. Construction of well #14 is being completed. The well capacity is approximately 1,200 gpm. The actual capacity will be know after test pumping. It was noted that the capacity of Well 12 was anticipated to be 1200 gpm and after test pumping was determined to be 1300 gpm. The Well House 14 design is very similar to that of Well House 12. One difference is the outside masonry. WSB was directed by the City to coordinate with the architect for the fire station and make the well house match the fire station. Another change is that the building length is 2 feet longer than that for Well House 12 to provide more space in the chlorine room. The mechanical and electrical systems are similar to Well #12 and are tied to the SCADA System. The power will be underground and there will be a generator. The fencing and paving of the parking lot and driveway will be completed separately after the both Well House 14 and the Bacardi tower projects are completed. It was confirmed that there will be a flushing hydrant on the tower. • SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651 - 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.d.rosemount.mmus UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 2005 • Due to recent national disasters the time required in obtaining equipment and supplies has become longer. One example is PVC pipe because it contains resin which is manufactured in New Orleans. This will have an impact on the projects completion date. The extent is not clear at this time. Commissioner Schnieder voiced her concern about the necessity of having the well house and fire station matching if it is will cost more money to do so. As a governing body of the City, the Commission is responsible to report to the Council their recommendations and it wouldn't be fiscally responsible to recommend spending more than necessary for aesthetics, although it would be the Council's ultimate decision. The City had not previously requested WSB to do a cost comparison. However, Ms. Zeigler felt that the design proposed for Well House 14 may be slightly more than that of one similar to Well House 12. The possibility of having an alternate bid item with all brick, similar to Well House 12 was discussed. The bid opening will be approximately November 30`' so there is still time to make revisions to the specifications and drawings. Instead of doing an alternate bid, the decision was made to have Ms. Zeigler provide the Commission with an estimate of the cost difference between an all brick well house and one that matches the fire station. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize Advertisement for Bid for Well #14 Well House, City Project • #382. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Kempe, Schnieder, Mulhern. Nays: None. 5b. Bacardi Tower Color, City Project #355 Ms. Zeigler had a palette with possible tank colors and pointed out to the Commission the color closest to that of the Chippendale Tower, which was the most recently painted tower. The existing color has pink undertones. Another color on the color palette, Sahara, has more beige undertones. It was discussed that Alan Cox could take pictures of the three towers to compare the colors; however, pictures may not show color accurately. President Mulhern stated that he was in favor of whatever color the other two Commission Members wanted. MOTION by Kempe for the color Sahara. Second by Schnieder. The consensus was in favor. NEW BUSINESS 6a. Old County Road 38 Feasibility Report, City Project #387 City Engineer Brotzler addressed the utilities within the project. From the Meadows of Bloomfield Addition trunk sanitary sewer will have to cross County Road 38 and since the gas pipeline is already there it will have to be jacked under. The feasibility report is in accordance with the North Central Sanitary Sewer Study which was done. • Eventually it will move to the west side of Bacardi and then northerly. 2 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 2005 The 16" trunk watermain will run along County Road 38 and loop with the existing system. The Comprehensive Water Plan talks about the well fields and raw water lines. This project includes four places for raw water lines, Akron, Autumn, Bacardi and the half mile point. The Water Core Fund will be used half for the raw watermain and half for the trunk watermain. Commissioner Kempe inquired how the cash payment from the developer was determined. Two years ago it was felt that $100 a front foot was a fair and equitable amount. The City will be required to get permits to cross the gas easements in the Meadows of Bloomfield Yd Addition. The sanitary sewer will continue straight south to Connemara then west to Biscayne North to the Brockway Draw south across the tracts to the Rosemount Interceptor. The County contribution to this project is $2.9 million. The bidding for the project from Trunk Highway 3 to Akron Avenue will be next year. The wetlands will have to be dealt with because retaining walls would be too stressed. A 3:1 slope of the wetlands will be mitigated. • The public hearing for this project will be October 18, 2005 and will bid in the spring. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE • Well #12 — It is still in progress, however the delay of the delivery of the generator to the site has the City possibly claiming liquidated damages. There is power to the site now and the start -up is scheduled for Wednesday of this week. • Well #14 — Still proceeding with the drilling to full depth. They will be doing more blasting on Wednesday of this week. • Bacardi Tower — Crews have been pulled off the site for now until Well #14 is done. They can't do footings until the blasting is completed on Well #14. • SCADA Project — Everything we have has been hooked up and programmed, however there is a problem with the radio frequency. There is interference with the frequency the FCC assigned us so it has to be changed and a new frequency assigned. A Change Order is being processed at the October 18, 2005 Council meeting for a time extension. There will be no monetary valuation added to the project. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 2005 • Flooding — President Mulhern asked if there were any flooding problems from the storm the week before. City Engineer Brotzler explained that there were a couple issues, but the biggest was at the home of Danube Lane and Daffodil Path. The house was built two -feet lower than the grading survey and plans called for and the neighbor's property swale was higher than it should be. City Administrator Verbrugge and City Engineer Brotzler will be meeting with the neighbor to discuss the City grading the swale to how it should be. Their yard is landscaped within the drainage and utility easement so it will be easier for the City just to do the work themselves rather than give the property owner a timeline. The major problem with this whole scenario is back when these homes were built the City took the developer on faith and they made the one lot into a walk -out when it shouldn't have been. • Deepwoods Court — This flooding issue is generally just during the spring thaw /melt. The City has run out of time for this correction, but it will be done in the spring. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 10, 2005 a. Well #14 Wellhouse Price Analysis If there is no other business for this meeting, Staff will prepare a memo to the Commission with the price analysis and the meeting will be canceled. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Second by Kempe. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm. • 4 Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary