HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 UC Minutes4ROSEMOUNT • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY 12, 2007 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on February 12, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Kempe, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge, Project Engineer Dawley and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Kempe to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2006, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried. • OLD BUSINESS 5a. & 5b. Non - Degradation Report and Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Implementation Pete Willenbring from WSB & Associates was in attendance to update and answer questions on the Scope of Work associated with the Non - Degradation Report and the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan (CSMP). At the previous Utility Commission meeting he had presented in depth how different agencies require the two plans and how the two work together. A lot of the same information and data are can be incorporated within both plans /reports. Mr. Willenbring displayed a copy of a figure from the last meeting showing a circle chart listing the different overlapping regulatory connections and how one drives the other. Mr. Willenbring indicated the Plans don't need to be updated every year, but should be updated as needed so they reflect current conditions. President Mulhern asked if the timetable deadline of July and August are still in the plan. The answer was yes and the project should be kept on tract. Mr. Willenbring also noted that although we do not drain to the Vermillion River we are still included within their watershed. All cities have to be within a watershed and that's the one Rosemount was placed in. Along with that we still have the problems to be resolved with Lebanon Park. It is anticipated that when completed, the plan will identify how the City wants to address this • issue. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651 - 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 2007 It was also noted that the City can adjust the planning schedule if necessary to better meld with the planning being done for the University property, but it was noted that the stormwater plan should actually lead the way so it can define the requirements for the development on the University Property rather than the other way around. . The Mayor was wondering if the City had wasted the last three years with the CSMP now that we have to spend extra on the Non - Degradation Report. Mr. Willenbring expressed that the City wanted to deal with the Vermillion River and get them on board with our plan, which still might happen and then we'd be able to incorporate that into our City plan. Commissioner Kempe felt the City's had limited success implementing the old Plan, however Mr. Willenbring indicated the old Plan was instrumental in establishing trunk and Utility fee rate stuctures, defined future system design parameters, allowed us to get the MCES agreement going, and is still being used as the cornerstone for our entire stormwater management program. This current effort will allow the current plan to address new additional issues that the City must now respond to. This plan will add the non - degradation component, deal with future TMDL's, and also deal with the Vermillion River. Although it is confusing it will address the level to which the City will be responsible to the Vermillion River Watershed (VRW). • Within the CSMP, issues related to the Lebanon Hills Regional Park, Vermillion River Watershed, UMore Park and non - degradation have to be now addressed. It may cost a little less if the City didn't have to account for UMore. As part of the update and preparation of the CSMP and non - degradation plan, there are three additional things that also need to be addressed: 1. Vermillion River Watershed 2. Comp Plan modifications 3. Future policies and updating of financing Mr Willenbring noted although it would be nice to have one report, each agency has different requirements. Although the CSMP will become the "bible" for all these reports, the same data will be incorporated into most of the same reports. The Federal government has different requirements within the Clean Water Act and then there is a trickle down effect to other agencies. The City should be proactive and plan ahead, but not too far ahead because everything is always changing. The CSMP should be considered a "living document" that needs changed and updated continually. The overall Plan won't change; it will just be amended periodically. City Administrator Verbrugge advised the Commission from a Staff standpoint that the City should go ahead with the Non - Degradation Report, but could possibly wait to tweak the CSMP at a later date. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 2007 • President Mulhern wondered if the League of Cities would have any powers to influence the time frame and coordination for these reports. As of now the answer would be no. Commissioner Schnieder asked if a City could belong to two watersheds and if so would they have to have two plans. Mr. Willenbring said the City would have to have two, put would prefer one universal document. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize the preparation of a Non - Degradation Report. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Schnieder, Kempe, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. Another brief discussion regarding the updating of the CSMP and amending it. With UMore and Flint Hills developing in the future it is to the City's advantage to keep updating. MOTION by Schnieder to authorize the preparation of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Update with the understanding that a flexible schedule may be necessary. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Kempe, Mulhern, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mayor Droste had to leave at 6:35 p.m. PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE Project Engineer Dawley asked the Commissioners if they had any questions regarding the projects. President Mulhern asked about Well House #14 and if it was on -line yet. It is not on -line yet. Work is still being done on the telemetry and coordination between the well and Bacardi Tower will determine when it goes on -line. The test well for Well #15 is progressing as planned. It's over half the distance they need to drill. The Commissioners had received the Feasibility Reports for Flint Hills Resource Sanitary Sewer and the 2007 Street Improvements. Project Engineer Dawley touched on the funding for the Flint Hills Resource Sanitary Sewer. Some Core funds will be used to pay for this project; however Flint Hills will be paying the majority of the project. The City would like the utilities in before the 42/52 intersection is started because of the routing of the 52/55 area. At that time TH 55 would probably be closed off at TH 52. Right now the intersection of 52/42 isn't scheduled until 2013 — 2015 unless it gets moved up. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MARCH 12,200 At this time there is no business for the March meeting. 40 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 2007 0 Motion by Mulhern to Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary • 4ROSEMOUNT • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, 2007 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on April 9, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Mayor Droste administered the oath to Joan Schnieder. Shawn Mulhern and Joan Schnieder were the two Commission Members present and after both nominated each other for President they decided Shawn would take the office of President again. A brief discussion took place regarding the calendar for next year. At this time the only conflict was in November. MOTION by Mulhem to set the 2007 Utility Commission meetings per the attached calendar with the exception of November, which will be scheduled for November 5, 2007. SECOND by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 9, 2007 at 5:36 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City • Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler and Recording Secretary Dorniden. Commissioner Kempe had let Recording Secretary Dorniden know that he was going to be late. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Schnieder to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2007, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Schnieder, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 6a. Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Discussion City Engineer Brotzler began the discussion on the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan by apprising the Commissioners that this was the beginning of the background work that the • Commission needs to discuss on this topic, which will come together in the fall of this year. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651 - 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, 2007 • The two major topics /issues are the Lebanon Hills Park stormwater issue and the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization ( VRWMO). City Staff has met with Commissioner Harris of Dakota County to discuss the VRWMO. Commissioner Harris is the Chair of the VRWMO. The City and the County agree that the City should probably stay a part of the VRWMO and that an option would be that the City upfront the cost to the Lebanon Hills Park problem and then the Watershed would pay the City back in a ten year period. This way if the City plays by the VRWMO rules they would meet or exceed their goals. It would possibly help fund 25% of the City's future projects. The City's goal right now would be to identify problems through studies and monitoring programs. Pete Willenbring from WSB & Associates was in attendance to ask commission members help in identifying any water resource related problems /issues they were aware of that should be addressed as part of the development of the Stormwater Management Plan. Mr. Willenbring presented a table that listed the currently identified issues and described how they should be addressed. The Mayor asked if Staff knows of any cities that give a credit for stormwater management (i.e. Raingardens) for their residents. Staff doesn't know of any off hand, but then they haven't done a survey, which could be costly to accumulate. There hasn't been too much on green roofs, but they are supposed to be ecologically efficient. • One of the major things Mr. Willenbring and Staff is asking of this Commission is to prioritize different projects, however first they have to identify them and then address them within the Plan. Costs for this implementation also have to be addressed. • An ordinance would have to be drafted and then once a year be reviewed. The City Council would adopt the ordinance and update policies per the recommendation of the Utility Commission. Mr. Willenbring discussed ten water resource issues or concerns that had been identified by Staff that they felt should be addressed in the plan. Commission members identified a possible concern regarding how mining operations could affect stormwater, groundwater, ponds, etc. It was also discussed that to -date, no mining operations in Rosemount are dewatering. Future needs to dredge ponds of accumulated sediment was also listed as a potential future concern, however the ponds in Rosemount right now are new enough that they haven't gotten to that point. A policy would have to be established as to what our obligation toward pond maintenance would be. Erosion control during construction was also noted as an issue, but it was noted the City's erosion control inspection is an effective management process which the City handles aggressively. The cost of erosion control needs to be covered through development fees and building permit fees. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, 2007 • Staff touched on using GIS to map and or inventory drainage related information and features. It was noted that this was a very effective and efficient way to collect and retrieve this information and the development of a GIS data base was being undertaken as part of this plan preparation process. It was also noted Inspections need to be done once every five years on the pond outlets. Erosion issues need to be listed and then considered to see if they are non - recurring problems or on -going problems. The City wants to be proactive. During the winter, maintenance crews are considering going to 100% salt instead of salt /sand. This will reduce run -off. If the storm drains are 50% or fuller then they would be cleaned out. It does save on street sweeping and there isn't any significant damage to vegetation. Commissioner Kempe joined the meeting at 6:20 p.m. Another issue of concern is how well infiltration is accommodating runoff volumes from the City of Rosemount Infiltration rates need monitoring. Right now we have lift stations on the larger ponds and Staff is tracking what is being pumped. It has an on /off, how many hours it runs and then gallons can be calculated. Right now there isn't a criteria as to what size pond needs to have the outflow monitored. Last year • Staff identified 20 ponds and monitored them, but most were built as part of a development and 3- 5% of the areas have storm sewers. Pumps are calibrated. The Storage Volume is defined based on topographical surveys and is monitored as water elevations fluctuate. These ponds have a staff gauge in the pond to monitor the volume. Some also have a tube type gauge that bounces and can measure the Highest water elevation between times the gage is monitored. The Commission will address aesthetic issues at a later meeting, such as the pond at Shannon Parkway and Evermoor Parkway which now have cattails and the development has decreased the run -off. Commissioner Kempe was concerned about wind born sedimentation in developments, but was reassured that the policies in place, such as grading permits would minimize that type of sedimentation. The UMORE property was identified as a Water resource concern as the future development status is unknown. The City would have to have an agreement with UMORE and Flint Hills like they have with MCES. They would both have to be identified as issues within the Plan. The Commission spent a brief amount of time discussing the University property and how they came to obtain that property for just one dollar. It will probably be 3 -5 years before anything will happen on that property. Mr. Willenbring indicated that it would be helpful to secure an agreement between the University of • Minnesota and the City of Rosemount regarding future drainage patterns so that both parties can UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, 2007 • g plan accordingly. . It was also noted that the Rosemount Stormwater Plan should provide direction P to the University of Minnesota regarding future drainage planning for the property, and the current Planning for the UMORE site will need to be consistent with this Plan. City Engineer Brotzler ended the conversation by saying there will be more to come in May. NEW BUSINESS 7a. Authorize Ad for Bid — Bacardi Tower Driveway, City Project #355 City Engineer Brotzler addressed the fencing option around the tower site. He is recommending a vinyl coated chain link fence rather than just a plain chain link. The fence has to stay a certain diameter from the tower, a minimum of 20 feet. A gate was also talked about down the driveway. The Mayor asked why a camera and bright lights couldn't be put in rather than a fence. The reason for the fence was more of policy and practice which was in the vulnerability assessment. City Engineer Brotzler said the fence doesn't have to be decided on now; it can always be done later if the Commission deems it necessary. • A laser and camera would give clear evidence rather than a fence. The $95,000 estimate included the driveway, parking lot and storm sewer work. The fencing was only estimated at $5,000. It was decided at this time not to install a fence or gate. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize the advertisement of bids for the Bacardi Tower Driveway Street and Utility Construction without a fence, City Project #355. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Kempe, Schnieder, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern shared some OPFLOW magazines that he has received. He felt it would be a good learning tool for the Commissioners because of the information within the magazines. He also shared an article regarding the cost of water around the United States. Commissioner Schnieder took the OPFLOW magazines. President Mulhern said all the trade shows that he attends are showing how regulations are changing, especially on testing of water. The Mayor left the meeting at 7:25 p.m. • 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, 2007 The government has to take stands on things so in the long term when others take over they know what was determined and don't need a crystal ball budget to determined why it was done the way it was done. Water is a very valuable commodity right now and is only getting more valuable. The handout President Mulhern handed out was a consulting survey on water costs. City Engineer Brotzler handed around some information on water resources, wetland protection and raingardens. These are all handouts that are available to the public. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE Connemara Tower is empty and being prepared for refurbishing. Bacardi Tower is filled. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR MAY 7, 2007 • Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Discussion • Well #3 Decommission (capped) is on tentatively • Bids on Bacardi Tower Driveway, if they are back yet. Council will receive the bids and award the contract. MOTION by Kempe to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary E 4ROSEMOUNT • PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 11, 2007 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on June 11, 2007 at 5:34 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, Project Engineer Dawley and Recording Secretary Dorniden. Commissioner Kempe had let Recording Secretary Dorniden know that he was going to be late. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None, however a couple items were handed out to the Commission to be discussed during the project update and City Engineer Brotzler will discuss a call he had regarding the Verizon lease agreement. The lease refers to a monopole on the Chippendale Tower site. AUDIENCE INPUT None. Approval of the April 9, 2007 minutes was tabled because Commissioner Schnieder had just received her packet as she arrived at the meeting. They will be acted on at the next regular Utility • Commission meeting. OLD BUSINESS 5a. Surface Water Management, BMP's /LID, and 2006 Stormwater Pond Evaporation and Infiltration Monitoring Report Pete Willenbring of WSB & Associates reviewed an updated draft of the Surface Water Management Plan. He said for all practical purposes it is 95 % -97% complete and just needs a little tweaking. He then indicated his intent to review the contents of this updated plan with the Commission. He noted that the plan contains a lot of information to review, and also noted that the letter addressed to the City Engineer from Barr Engineering contains initial staff review comments on behalf of the VRWJPO. Mr. Willenbring noted all of this is also intertwined with the development of the Cities Non - Degradation Plan and the need for Rosemount to have a future discharge to the Mississippi River. . By way of background, Mr Willenbring indicated that stormwater runoff from the City flows west to east toward the Mississippi River. There is no natural drainage system such as a creek or river that is in- place, and our ponds and lakes are generally landlocked. The Rosemount Plan that has been in effect since 1995 does show an outlet to be constructed to the Mississippi River. The alignment of this outfall was also noted to follow the same path as the MCES treated effluent outfall. The Cities existing as well as proposed stormwater policies require new development to build a • stormwater holding pond to store the runoff from a 24 hour event without discharge. This will SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www. ci. ros em o un t. m m us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 11, 2007 • generally prevent overflows from landlocked basins, and this will prevent runoff from being discharged to the Mississippi River for most events. This past year our consulting engineers monitored water elevations and infiltration rates within 20 basins in the City. This monitoring is critical to the City's non - degradation plan as if infiltration is occurring at rates that were estimated in the past as part of development, no discharge would be anticipated to the river for most events. This monitoring will continue to take place in 2007. Commissioner Kempe joined the meeting at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Willenbring then initiated discussion about low impact development policies and how there are three design standards for ponds. He discussed how current City standards required development to create a dead pool storage pond area to provide the handling of a 2 ' /z" rain and additional storage to accommodate the runoff created from a 6" rainfall. There would be an outlet in the basin and then an overflow at the top of the pond if a hundred year storm would hit. A hundred year storm is considered 6" in a 24 hour period. He spoke of raingardens and how they are a smart idea if they drain existing property that directs runoff without downstream treatment to a downstream lake or high quality wetland. However if would be redundant and not needed if the standard improvements the city requires for new development are available downstream. The Mayor asked about programs for developers as a trade -off. There currently is no such program • available in the City. We can only encourage developers through there landscaping plan. The Planning Department requires a letter of credit for landscaping and to cover their site design. City Engineer Brotzler spoke with the Commission about the need for a longer duration for maintenance on new development because seed doesn't always take within the 2 year maintenance period. It should be raised from 3 -5 years to help germinate. The biggest issue to address in the plan is protecting the Mississippi River Quality. . If policies are not in place that are capable of doing this, then the PCA won't approve the Cities Non - degradation Plan. Commissioner Kempe said that Keegan Lake is surrounded by private residents, and couldn't the City develop a lake and send water there. A Flint Hills Resources pond was also discussed as an option, as they would like to use stormwater in their process instead of pumping water from wells, but they would need high quality water for the process. Commissioner Kempe made the comment that a lake doesn't have to be deep to enjoy. Mayor Droste informed the Commission that UMORE Park has issued a contract to reclaim the concrete out on their site and that they will probably be mining the gravel. The City can't depend on them to develop more green space or an aesthetically pleasing area, this wouldn't be for stormwater management. All newer developments have low spots or ponds that have been incorporated into their plats. • These remnants of land are usually for parks, they put their ponds in areas by easements, railroads, 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 11, 2007 • etc. The Parks Department would have to be brought into any of these decisions with the realization that everyone has to work together. The Commission got into a discussion about the width of streets, especially within the private streets of the Evermoor and Brockway Additions. Local streets are 32' while in a private area the City has let them be 28' with sidewalks on both sides and parking only on one side. In the 2007 Street Improvement Project the City is downsizing Cambrian Avenue from a 36' street to a 32' street. The size of the street relate to the amount of runoff. There will be a water treatment plant down the road, but it's not on the table right now. The City is looking at putting a raingarden at Schwarz Pond Park. The materials would cost around $5,000. The City employees would build it but then someone would have to maintain it. The when, where and how for raingardens don't need to be worried about as they relate to the Stormwater Plan. Occasionally lift stations have to be put in. They come out of the Storm Core Fund, however it is spread across undeveloped land and then the developer pays when the property develops. Rosemount is very fortunate compared to a lot of the surrounding cities, Rosemount has a lot of • sand. Mr. Willenbring brought the technical specifications for a rain garden to the Commissions attention. A potential policy regarding raingardens could be developed. If the Commission is comfortable with the content of this storm water plan, then Mr. Willenbring would request they recommend to the Council that they authorize submittal of the plan to the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization. It would be an official submittal for formal review. It was also noted that the plan preparation was completed utilizing only 2/3 of the anticipated budget. It should only need to be fully updated every 10 years unless the City wants to make changes. Items which'have been worked out already are the Lebanon Hills Regional Park issue, MCES issue and the Vermillion River comments. It lists problem areas and 16 issues, of which 14 are site specific. MOTION by Schnieder to recommend City Council authorize the submittal of the Final Draft Surface Water Management Plan to the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Mulhern, Kempe, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 11, 2007 0 NEW BUSINESS 6a. 2007 Utility Maintenance Projects Project Engineer Dawley was in attendance to present several locations that are in immediate need of maintenance. Operations Superintendent Cook and Dawley went out and took pictures of various sites showing erosion problems and catch basin problems. He virtually took the Commission on a guided tour of the eleven different locations. Some there will be easements to look into and others will have to obtain right -of- entries, but Staff feels confident that those can be negotiated. The eleven locations are as noted: • Rosewood Estates — Re -grade and fix rip -rap • Shannon Pond Outlet — A little more extensive. The ground has eroded out from under the flared end section. It will need grouted rip -rap and filled in. The Mayor asked if it was an engineering fault when built, however it simply eroded away. The rip -rap hadn't been grouted. • Twin Puddles Pond North — Only the north side is listed because the south will be done when the 2008 Street project is done. The north side is silted in and grown over, it will need cleaned out and then rip -rap. When they do the south side they will replace the bituminous plume with rip -rap during the street project. • Crosscroft Pond Outlets — Erosion at the end of the rip -rap; sedimentation in the pond needs cleaned, re- graded and new rip -rap. The Commission talked a little bit about the scrubby • trees that grow up in these outlets. The two -year warranty is already gone on this outlet. • Dawson Court Catch Basin — Poor compaction around catch basin, roadway is cracking and the curbing is settling. • Dawson Court Pond Outlet — It is to the west and drains into Hawkins Pond. The invert is filled in with a foots worth of junk, brush and garbage. It needs cleaned and then check the access. • Daffodil Path Catch Basin — There is problems with sedimentation that has washed into the catch basin. No sump in the bottom to flow into the pond. • Connemara Trail /Flach Property — This is by the new fire station. The hillside is eroding down onto the sidewalk and into Connemara Trail. It will need to be re- graded, re- compacted with a blanket and stabilization. Staff will have to work with the Flach's and possible go up into their property a few feet back. • Wachter Pond Outlet Structure — This structure takes water from Chippendale to Wachter Lake. There is a gapping hole under the grouted rip -rap because the ground was so dry and once we got so much rain it eroded away and blew the pipe out. The recommendation is to possibly take the whole structure out and make an open air pre -cast drain. Commissioner Kempe doesn't think the residents will go for this and will be very vocal. Project Engineer Dawley feels he can appease the residents. • Koch Trail /Erickson Pond — The water that flows from the parking lot off South Robert that flows down the hill under the little bridge on the trail has eroded away the ground under the bridge. The stone swale dished out and is falling apart. The 6x6 footing under the bridge is exposed. It will only get worse, so Staff is proposing to do away with the bridge. Dan Schultz, • the Park and Recreation Director is supporting this idea. 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 11, 2007 • • Location #11 is a dead -end sewer line. Staff would like to drop a manhole by 151" street just west of Chippendale Avenue. Staff would like to get quotes and take this to Council on July 19, 2007 if everything comes back in line. Each item would be individual costs. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize preparation of plans, estimate of cost and Advertisement of Bids for the 2007 Utility Maintenance Project. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Kempe, Schnieder, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern didn't have any new information to share. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE President Mulhern updated the Commission on the painting of Connemara Tower. All but the roof has been painted and tomorrow they will meet with Operations Superintendent Cook to get the location of the logo and then work on that. The tank should be disinfected by Friday the 18th and next week it will be filled back up and back in service. • City Engineer Brotzler wanted the draw the attention of the Commission to the pumping records. Because of the dry spring, the volume is up considerably since last year. County Road 38 is progressing on schedule. By the middle of July the final wear course should be completed and the striping is anticipated for August. The 2007 Street Improvement Project is underway. City Engineer Brotzler didn't know if the Commission was aware of the fact that a pipe company that was boring under Connemara Trail in front of the new fire station bore a perfect hole right through the center of our 16" watermain. The hole was fixed, however the road was compromised and now we have to go out for bids to remove and replace the road. It will need a total reconstruction. A brief discussion took place about liability. The City is asking for a $250,000 deposit from the contractor to fix the road. A memo from Nancy Ziegler, WSB & Associates was handed out at the beginning of the meeting discussing the completion of the Test Well #15. Plans have been sent to the Department of Health and we hope to bid the well this fall pending approval from the Department of Health and then in the spring possibly bid the wellhouse. More on that will come. An article regarding the City of Woodbury and water wasters was discussed. It stresses what the City has been saying about educating the public about conservation. Our rates are in line with the • surrounding cities. c • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 11, 2007 City Engineer Brotzler had received a call from a representative of Verizon Wireless regarding their lease on a monopole at Chippendale Tower which is due to expire in April of 2009. He has sent the agreement to Charlie LeFevere, our City Attorney. They are asking to raise the annual amount from $5,712 to $9,000; have a 3% annual increase for five years and renew this five year lease four times, which would be another 25 year lease. City Attorney didn't feel the insurance within the lease was enough and should be increased to $2,000,000 and the annual increase should be 3% or the price index, whichever is greater. All of these are negotiable and will be coming back to the Commission at a later date. The other leases are on our towers and collect anywhere from $16,000 - $20,000 with a 4% annual increase or CPI, whichever is greater, but this is on a monopole, not compromising our tower, which is a different situation. The Commission did think Verizon should give us a guarantee that the monopole is sound for the next twenty years or so. President Mulhern asked who put together the 2006 Annual Drinking Water Report. City Engineer praised Christine Watson for a job well done. They also were impressed with the Public Works Annual Report and the Public Works Quality Standards. City Engineer Brotzler will have a set of them delivered to the Commission Members. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR July 9. 2007 City Engineer Brotzler anticipates that there will be no meeting in July unless some critical business • should come up. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary • 6 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 13, 2007 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 13, 2007 at 5:40 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by Acting President Joan Schnieder. Those present were Commission Member Kempe, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler and Recording Secretary Dorniden. President Mulhern had let Recording Secretary Dorniden know that he was going to be late. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Kempe to approve the April 9, 2007 and June 11, 2007 regular Utility Commission minutes. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Schnieder, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 6a. 2008 Utility Budgets City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that not much within this budget has changed for 2008. 601 -Water Utility Proposed Expenditures $1,174.00 —> Decrease of $684,200 from 2007 Budget 2007 Budget included $625,000 for painting Tower #4 and $50,000 for vulnerability assessment improvements. --+ 37% decrease from 2007 • Proposed Revenues $1,191,200 e Reserve Fund Balance (7 /31/07) $1,980,584.38 • Commissioner Schnieder had questions about the water meter replacement fund, as to why there isn't anything in the budget for next year. It was explained that the replacement fund was set up for SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 • 651 - 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651 - 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.ci.rosemount.mmus 0 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 13, 2007 our replacement program changing out the meters and readers. The program is complete so it's not necessary to keep that fund. Talking about meter replacement, the Mayor brought up a memo the Council had received regarding second water meters and the rates being charged. He's had a few residents complain that in order to save money they have to spend a thousand dollars to put in a second meter. He doesn't feel that the second meter is a good conservation tool. The Mayor asked if this topic was going to be brought up at any meetings. City Engineer Brotzler responded that the matter could be discussed if requested by Council. The line item regarding telephone costs for each well and tower was mentioned. The new SCADA system doesn't run through telephone lines, it is a radio frequency. City Engineer Brotzler will look into why this item is still in the budget. A conversation ensued regarding fiberoptic and the SCADA system. With new trunk watermain projects, a 2" conduit is being run parallel to the watermain for future fiberoptic cable to be installed for the SCADA system. Paul Kaeding, the City's consultant electrical engineer, has suggested that when Well #15 is brought on -line, it would be advantageous to p7ull fiber to Well #14, Tower #4 and Well #15 for SCADA. President Mulhern joined the meeting at 6:05 p.m. and was caught up briefly on what had been discussed. 602 -Sewer Utility • Proposed Expenditures $1,482,900 X0.05% Decrease from 2007 • Proposed Revenues $1,405,400 • Use of Reserve Funds $ 77,500 • Reserve Fund Balance (7/31/07 $2,123,673.93 City Engineer Brotzler also reiterated that he would look into the telephone costs that are listed in the sewer budget also. This was an oversight by staff and can be readily corrected before the budget would go to Council. 603 -Storm Water Utility • Proposed Expenditures -44.6% Increase from 2007 • Proposed Revenues 2 $ 819,300 $ 779,300 • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 13, 2007 • Use of Reserve Funds • Reserve Fund Balance (7/31/07) $ 40,000 $1,184,392.00 The increase in costs is earmarked for different City projects. There are a number of issues that were brought before the Commission at the last regular meeting. The bids to repair these issues were rejected at the last Council meeting because they were over the Engineer's Estimate by $20,000 and will be re -bid and brought before Council at the September e meeting if all goes well. The top priority items will be completed this year and the rest will be completed next year. One of the top priority items is the bridge on the path in Central Park along the Koch Trail. The washout is very extensive and needs to be repaired as soon as possible. President Mulhern asked about the pond that was supposed to have some restoration to it. No one could remember which pond they were talking about. President Mulhern asked about the sanitary sewer utility from MCES and if we know what that will be or how that is arrived at. Cities are billed behind, so what we are paying for in 2007 is what we used in 2006, therefore we estimate for the next year. No matter what we charge for sewer, we'll still have to pay MCES's bill. • Last year some big equipment was purchased so we don't need that money in the budget for this year and that is why the sanitary sewer budget had a nice decrease. MOTION by Schnieder to recommend that City Council approve the 2008 Utility Budgets as discussed. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Kempe, Mulhem, Schnieder. Nays: None. Motion carried. 6b. Authorize Well #16 Site Selection and Acquisition, City Project #416 City Engineer Brotzler reminded the Commission that it takes approximately two years to acquire and drill a well then get it on -line. Well #15 should be on -line by the end of 2008 or beginning of 2009. The well fields sites proposed in the Comp Water Plan are located north of Bonaire Path between Bacardi Avenue and Akron Avenue or in the Business Park area by the Pahl property. One of the first things is to secure a site. At this time the City is reviewing a new 600 unit concept plan from a developer on the northwest corner of County Road 42 and Akron. The Chadwick property on the southeast side of Akron and Old County Road 38 could also be an option. • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 13, 2007 • The Commission discussed the amount of water used for irrigation in the parks since so much of our City water is being used on our irrigation system. Staff has talked about spreading out the demand over two to three days and prioritizing which areas need which timeframe. Although this is not a conservation method it will spread out the demand. Flint Hills is the City's largest customer at 17.5 mg /year however the City itself is the largest consumer with 28 mg /year. A new policy would need to come to Council to balance out the public expectations of what the public wants for their parks. We would have to make parks at different levels as to when they would be watered and how often. The Mayor wondered if we're still educating the public. There have been articles in the newsletters and inserts within the water bills and messages on the web page letting the public know about the City restrictions and recommendations for conservation. President Mulhern asked if the SCADA system could control the park irrigation systems. It is a possibility, but it would have to be looked in to. It has to be balanced between mowing and weather so might not be as easily predictable. The Commission returned to discussion of the site selection for Well #16. Because of DNR regulations the new site would have to be at least 1,500 feet from any existing well. Staff will investigate different sites and bring back any negotiations to the Commission. The different well fields were addressed within the Comprehensive Water Plan. • MOTION by Mulhern to authorize the site selection and land acquisition negotiation for Well #16. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Schnieder, Mulhern, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern didn't have any new information to share. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9a. PROJECT UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler asked the Commission if they had any questions regarding the project update, which is provided in the packet. No questions were asked. The numbers on the water consumption on City property were astonishing. City Engineer Brotzler conveyed that Staff had been looking into some options for conservations, such as maybe only watering every three days instead of every other day, also making different areas different priorities for watering. The Commission discussed the volumes used in the parks. City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that Staff still hasn't determined what direction to go with Well #3, but they are putting together some ideas should the well be capped. is 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 13, 2007 President Mulhern is on the committee for UMore Park. He believes that the University will do a study and mine the sand, but other than that he doesn't feel that anything will probably be developing for possibly ten years or so. There is over 250,000 cubic yards of concrete to be recycled. They do have to develop a Comprehensive Guide Plan and that plan will have to work with the City and Empire Townships plans. The acreage they have could be their own municipality. Commissioner Schnieder is glad that President Mulhern is on the Committee. She believes they need common sense and working knowledge, which President Mulhern has. 9d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR September 10, 2007 • Water Emergency and Conservation Plan MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary • 0 5 4ROSEMOUNT • UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on September 10, 2007 at 5:34 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schneider and Kempe, Mayor Droste, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Hanson. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION by Kempe to approve the August 13, 2007 regular Utility Commission minutes. Second by Schneider. Ayes: Mulhern, Schneider, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. • NEW BUSINESS • 6a. Water Emergency and Conservation Plan State law requires municipalities to maintain a Water Emergency and Conservation Plan for the municipality's water production and distribution system. The City's current Water Emergency and Conservation Plan was completed in May 1996. State law dictates that these plans are updated every 10 years and submitted to the DNR. This Plan is required by the DNR to be completed and submitted by October 2007. A draft copy of the Water Emergency and Conservation Plan, which was updated by WSB & Associates, Inc. was provided to the Commission for their review. Nancy Zeigler of WSB was in attendance and available to answer questions. Mayor Droste questioned why the percentages for unaccounted usage varied from year to year and whether or not it's the City's usage that is unaccounted for. City Engineer Brotzler replied that there is a combination of contributing factors, i.e. higher years of usage, periodic hydrant flushing, contractors using water. Ms. Zeigler stated 10% of unmetered usage is the average DNR would like to see and the City is currently under that percentage. Mr. Brotzler mentioned one contributing factor for the high percentages could be the high school having a broken meter for a lengthy unspecified amount of time, so they were using water unmetered. He stated that the report showed that the City needs to improve bookkeeping procedures and staff has created a new spreadsheet for automatic tabulation which should decrease the mistakes in reading results. Staff would like to get the percentage below 6 %. Staff is also working on placing meters on the City's irrigation systems as in Erickson Park which are currently unmetered. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •.651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 Commissioner Mulhern asked whether or not the City gave any water through the interconnection with Apple Valley. Mr. Brotzler replied no. Mayor Droste asked if the City would be reimbursed for any water provided through the interconnection. Mr. Brotzler replied that it's hard to meter that water amount and the agreement is more of an informal working relationship; there is no formal joint powers agreement. Commissioner Kempe voiced his concern that the connections are unmetered and that maybe they should be monitored or at least on a scheduled maintenance plan. It was determined that because of the way the hookups are designed, it would be difficult for anyone to misuse them, but that a maintenance schedule may be wise to implement. Mr. Brotzler mentioned that whether or not the City has a meter accuracy check verification program is a question within the plan. The City does not have such a plan. He stated that the only time a meter is checked is if a resident requests it. Commissioner Schneider stated she thought it made sense to check the large volume users for accuracy. Mr. Brotzler responded that some large volume users are irrigation systems for homeowner's associations. It was discussed that standard operating procedures for City employees need to be implemented so employees are aware of the amount of water to be used. Staff needs to look at the parks the City irrigates and determine how often and how much area needs irrigating. Mr. Brotzler stated that the goal is to develop a policy to establish an expectation level. Mayor Droste commented that there will be even more to irrigate once the new athletic facility is completed. Commissioner Schneider suggested waiting to see how much the level is affected by the new watering policy of every third day. • Mr. Brotzler pointed out an area in the plan for Commissioners to review with respect to the trigger for allocation for demand of reduction methods. Mr. Brotzler reviewed the criteria that determines the levels of demand on the system and when and what action the City would implement. Commissioner Mulhern stated that the Parks and Recreation Department should be the first to shut down in event of low water levels. Mayor Droste pointed out that system failures are not included in this determination and it should be noted that in case a well fails, the City would have to go through a full shutdown. Emergency generators were discussed including how many the City has available and where they are located. Commissioner Kempe questioned the historical graphs in the plan showing a spike in water use during the years 1997 -1999. Ms. Zeigler stated there could have been a drought during that time. Mayor Droste stated the Evermoor development began in 1999. Commissioner Kempe questioned if the City would ever consider putting a limit on incoming construction to alleviate water usage. Mayor Droste stated no and that the City simply needs to be wiser with the planning. Mr. Brotzler added that staff is moving forward with monitoring water consumption with the amount of permits issued but that it is tough to monitor. The City may need to drill additional wells in order to be more prepared to handle the next growth spurt. Mayor Droste questioned if the City may be constructing more wells than needed at the current time if the home markets do not change considering there aren't any new projects currently coming in except for Prestwick Place. Mr. Brotzler mentioned the challenge with constructing wells when construction can take two years to complete. 0 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 • Commissioner Mulhern mentioned that Table 16 in the plan is a good reference to see what is to come with respect to the comprehensive water plan. Mayor Droste asked if this information included development within UMore Park. Mr. Brotzler replied that it was information from the comprehensive water plan a few years ago so it did not include UMore. However, Mr. Brotzler mentioned that UMore was addressed in the current comprehensive water plan and that any development in UMore will be part of the City. Ms. Zeigler stated that the plan will go to City Council for approval at the September 18, 2007 meeting, and then it will be submitted to the DNR. The plan will be provided to Met Council and surrounding communities at that time. She stated it does take awhile to receive comments from the DNR. However, once the DNR comments are received and incorporated, the plan becomes effective once adopted by Council. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend Council approve the Water Emergency and Conservation Plan Update. Second by Schneider. Ayes: Schneider, Kempe, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. 6b. Amendment to Verizon Lease The City currently leases space at the Chippendale Water Tower site to Verizon for the installation and maintenance of monopole. The current lease agreement is set to expire on April 3, 2009. At this time, Verizon has requested and submitted a proposed amendment to the lease agreement, a copy of which was provided to the Commission for review. Based on the review by the City Attorney, staff recommends approval of the lease agreement subject to the following conditions, • which paragraphs are of the amendment: 1. Paragraph 2 — the initial annual rental rate of $9,000 shall be increased to $12,000. 2. Paragraph 2 — the annual rental rate shall increase by 3% or the increase in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is greater. 3. Paragraph 4 shall be deleted in its entirety. 4. Paragraph 5 shall be amended to provide that the tenant will provide $2 million of insurance and that it will have the city named as an additional insured. 5. Paragraph 6 shall be deleted in its entirety. 6. Paragraph 9 shall be modified such that paragraphs 8 and 26 remain in the current lease agreement. President Mulhern voiced his concern with a 25 year agreement term. Mr. Brotzler reviewed the conditions and paragraphs being deleted. Commissioner Kempe stated he feels it isn't prudent to delete an indemnity paragraph and that the City should have the right to say who the company can sell to. Mayor Droste then stated that companies switch hands all the time and the City wouldn't want to have to approve the transaction each time. It was determined that condition #2 should be deleted because the current lease proposal contains a 3% increase already. Mr. Brotzler stated that what was being proposed was that if Verizon did not agree to the $12,000.00, then condition #2 would be added. • 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 • Commissioner Schneider asked if there are provisions in the agreement that allows the City to terminate the agreement. President Mulhern confirmed that there was. He also suggested that the City Attorney check with the League on what changes have been made recently with this type of agreement. MOTION by Kempe to approve the Amendment to the Verizon Lease subject to the noted conditions, with item 2 stricken, and approval by the City Attorney. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Kempe, Mulhern, Schneider. Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern didn't have any new information other than to share handouts. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE City Engineer Brotzler updated the Commission on the status of current projects including, but not limited to, the work on the water tower, construction of Well #14, work on County Road 38, bidding on Well #15, 2007 street improvement project, the intersection of County Road 42 and Shannon Parkway, repair work on Connemara Trail due to the water main break, and the 2007 utility maintenance project. Mayor Droste mentioned the ground- breaking ceremony for the new library is scheduled for Thursday. Commissioner Kempe asked about the status of the sidewalks on Shannon Parkway across from the school. Mr. Brotzler replied that construction of the sidewalk on Shannon isParkway from County Road 42 north to the Evermoor development is out approximately 7 -8 years. 8b. INFORMATIONAL ATTACHMENTS City Engineer Brotzler provided the Commission with the August 31, 2007 Interim Financial Report and the 2007 Well Pumping Record. 8c. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 8, 2007 City Engineer Brotzler stated he is on vacation next week and that at this time, there are no items on the agenda. Mr. Brotzler will notify Commissioners if the next meeting will be canceled. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. J pt y S e mitted, Hanson Recording Secretary • 4 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 2007 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on December 10, 2007 at 5:40 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by Acting President Joan Schnieder. Those present were Commission Member Kempe, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. President Mulhern joined the Commission at 5:50 p.m. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA City Engineer Brotzler added a memo he had received regarding the status of Well #15. AUDIENCE INPUT None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION by Schnieder to approve the September 10, 2007 regular Utility Commission minutes. Second by Kempe. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. Motion carried. • OLD BUSINESS 5a. NON - DEGRADATION PLAN • Pete Willenbring of WSB and Associates, Inc. was in attendance to present the Non - Degradation Plan. As part of his presentation he indicated he would review: 1) why the Plan needed to be completed,; 2) how the Plan was prepared; 3) the findings related to the analysis that was completed, 4) review what needs to be done to meet the current standards; and 5) where do we go from here. A requirement from the MPCA as handed down from the US Environmental Protection Agency requires many developing Cities to demonstrate that they are not degrading water as a result of development. This all started with the Clean Water Act. In order to address this requirement, the City of Rosemount needed to complete a non - degradation plan that looked back to development conditions in 1988, compare to the present conditions, and then look forward to the year 2020. The concerns are with run -off volume, suspended solids and phosphorus loading. A flow chart within the Plan indicated the procedures and methods which were used. It is all based on land use from 1988. The tables within the Plan (Figure 9a (1990) and Figure 9b (2020)) estimate land uses during these time periods.. It focuses on areas that change. The report generally found that changing land use from Agricultural property to any type of other more intense developed property use such as single family or commercial does not increase the pollutant loading. This is because NURP ponds are being created as part of this development which SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 - 4997.651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.drosernount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 2007 • treats the water and reduces the output of solids, etc. to less than that found in the agricultural condition. In addition, because Rosemount has sandy soils, there is no increase in hydraulic loading. Mr. Willenbring also apprised the Commission that they had a storm water plan that incorporated stormwater management requirements that protect downstream water quality to an extent equal to or better than that of any City in the Metropolitan area. Monitoring over the last two years is also demonstrating it is working. The last statement of the Plan under "Determination of Impacts /Mitigation Plan" indicates "the City meets the Non - degradation Requirements of the MPCA ". This is the opinion of the authors of the Plan. The Plan will now be the reviewed by the MPCA staff and also put out for public comment. The City should anticipate some negative comments during this process, but the plan review process will also further address the City's ability to provide an overflow for stormwater runoff to the Mississippi River. The next step is to get comments from the Vermillion River Watershed and then have it submitted to the MPCA by February 1, 2008. Mr. Willenbring said the MPCA will either accept the Plan or ask for more information. This Plan is part of the annual SWPP. If it doesn't meet the requirements they will let the City know and we'll have to modify the SWPP. The Non - Degradation Plan is just a Plan; the SWPP is an annual permit. • President Mulhern asked if using the water for an irrigation system would reduce the phosphorous. Mr. Willenbring indicated that yes ... this would be the case as every gallon of run -off volume that is used for irrigation removes the potential for solids and phosphorous to overflow to the Mississippi River. It was also noted that to develop a pond in Rosemount to hold water is generally more costly because our soils are sandy, not clay. Mr. Willenbring also noted that over use of irrigation systems using stormwater runoff could pose a problem if they take away to much water and not leave enough for natural systems. Mr. Willenbring also indicated that work was underway to develop a plan to address concerns related to the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) directed to Lake Pepin. Commissioner Schnieder inquired as to the accuracy of the background information used as resources that were listed in the Plan and dated from the 1980's. Mr. Willenbring assured her they are still accurate. That kind of information doesn't really change. . City Engineer Brotzler said we are one of thirty cities that were asked to do this Plan. More will be chosen at a later date. Because Rosemount is rapidly developing, we're we one of the first thirty that were selected. In retrospect, being first could generally a good thing because if we were not asked to do the plan at this time, we might be allowing development to take place without knowing we need to implement additional controls. The sooner we know about these requirements, the easier it will be to implement them. Rosemount has always been pro - active in working with stormwater. Commissioner Kempe said plans always come with challenges and when it is sent in it should be noted that we've responded to their questions and needs. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 2007 By unanimous decision, a cover letter should go in with the Plan addressing any concerns that were received from the Watershed and letting the MPCA know just how our Plan is orchestrated. The comments should be back to the City by the middle of January so they can be addressed before sent on to the MPCA. MOTION by Mulhern to authorize the submittal of the Non - Degradation Plan to the MPCA for review and comment. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 6a. REVIEW FEASIBILITY REPORT — AKRON AVENUE TRUNK UTILITY AND RAILROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #417 City Engineer Brotzler presented the Commission with a little background on the Akron Avenue Trunk Utility and Railroad Improvements, City Project #417. When the City prepared the North Central Sanitary Sewer System (NCSSS) there was no anticipated residential area east of Akron Avenue. Since then the expansion of MUSA and the Comp Guide Plan Update has come into being. Based on the changes in land use, the consideration to extend trunk sanitary sewer along Akron Avenue is appropriate. • The proposed improvement of County Road 73 (Akron Avenue), originally scheduled for 2007, has been put on hold from CSAH 42 to Bonaire Path because of the slowdown in development. Staff will look at road phases as development occurs. One of the issues with this delay is the upgrading of the railroad of the at -grade railroad crossing which the County has secured Federal monies to upgrade. The federal money disappears after 2008 if the work hasn't been done. MNDOT is administering the money. Another component of the project is the extension of a MCES interceptor along Akron Avenue3 to CSAH 42. With the Met Council's treatment plant expansion in Empire, the MCES intends to phase out the Rosemount Waste Water Treatment Facility and route all flow to the Empire Waste Water Treatment Facility. The Commission talked about the different size pipes, existing and proposed, to loop the system together. At the railroad crossing the lines would have to be jacked under the tracks. Roadway work will only be completed at the railroad crossing to accommodate the construction of new at- grade crossing with gates. A 12" water line would be looped with the 16" line along CSAH 42, Bonaire Path and Connemara Trail. Well #14 along with Bacardi Tower and Well #15 would service the area; however Staff is still looking for the Well #16 site. Ideally it would have been nice to put the well on the ORC property, but there was a stipulation in the agreement with Flint Hills that that was not an option. There is a 21 acre site just south of the ORC that could be a possibility. 0 3 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 2007 • Arcon Development, Inc. has submitted a preliminary plat south of the railroad along Akron Avenue; however working with the County for access has been a challenge. Arcon would like to do their single family units in 2008 and multi- family in 2009. The Commission spoke about the trends for homes with a small difference of opinion. They don't think prime rate will come back for at least 5 years and possibly from 10 -15 years. The City needs to weigh the needs versus money for this project. It may not be prudent to wait, when we could bring water from the Bonaire Path project. The sewer would come from Akron Avenue. The property owners affected may willingly give their easements, if not assessed for the project. Some of the land is under Ag Preserve and not available until 2010. If the City would opt to buy the 21 acre area for Well #16, the rest of the site they could opt not to assess and also include park dedication in their negotiations. The ORC preliminary site plan is meeting the grading requirements and hopefully in the spring will be able to start work. The easterly multi- purpose field would be depressed enough next to the storm water pond, that in the event there is a 10 -year storm it would handle the capacity. The pipelines along with overhead electrical in the area aren't as big an issue within the ORC as it is within the development area. • The City is looking to MNDOT for the railroad administration of funds and Dakota County will be cost sharing the road. The Commission mentioned that prices would be good now for a project as construction is down and contractors are looking for jobs. For the future Akron Avenue road project between CSAH 42 and Bonaire Path, there are four exception properties that right -of -way will need to be acquired from. They have been identified and appraisals have been presented to the four different owners. MOTION by Schnieder to recommend that City Council receive the Feasibility Report for the Akron Avenue Trunk Utility and Railroad Improvements, City Project #417. Second by Kempe. Ayes: Schnieder, Kempe, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. City Engineer Brotzler had a memo from Nancy Zeigler, the Senior Project Manager for Well #15. A few weeks earlier the Commission had received an e-mail telling them there was a situation on October 24, 2007 at the well site. The Department of Health did water quality sampling on October 30, 2007 and after analysis of the water nothing was revealed as hazardous and there was no reason to halt construction. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern didn't have any new information other than to share handouts on roundabouts, water hydrology software, bottle water ingredients and an OPFLOW magazine. 0 4 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 2007 • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE For the most part all projects are shut down for the season, however the drilling efforts at Well #15 are at 400' and they are going to 490'. By the next meeting they should be there and then at that meeting Staff will discuss the Well House design. 8b. INFORMATIONAL ATTACHMENTS The Commission had copies of the November 30, 2007 Interim Financial Report and the 2007 Well Pumping Record. 8c. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JANUARY 7, 2008 City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that the only thing he would have at this time for the January meeting would be the Well House #15 design plans. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. • 40 5 Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden Recording Secretary