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MAY 10, 2010
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was held on May 10, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall.
Mayor Droste administered the oath to David Speich.
Commissioner Harmsen nominated Shawn Mulhern and since this is an informal session Shawn
Mulhern will retain the office of President.
A brief discussion took place regarding the calendar for next year.
MOTION by Harmsen to set the 2010 Utility Commission meetings per the attached calendar.
SECOND by Mulhern. Ayes: Mulhern, Harmsen, Speich. Nays: None. Motion carried.
President Mulhern reminded the Commission that the calendar is always subject to change.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was called to order on May 10, 2010 at 5:34 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City
Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Harmsen, Speich,
• Mayor Droste, City Administrator Johnson, City Engineer Brotzler and Recording Secretary
Commissioner Harmsen would like to add MNWARN to the agenda. President Mulhern placed it
as 7c.
MOTION by Harmsen to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2010, regular Utility Commission
meeting as amended. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Harmsen, Speich, Mulhern. Nays: None.
Motion carried.
No Old Business.
2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651 - 423 -6219 • Fax 651- 322 -2694
MAY 10, 2010
Executive Director Brotzler summarized what Staff felt this item represented. Mr. Walter - Hansen
has three separate parcels with three structures and he's requesting one service for all three. City
Code states "No more than one housing unit or building shall be supplied from one service
connection except by special permission of the utilities commission." This is the theory that Mr.
Walter- Hansen is coming before the Commission on because he felt that he has the same situation
as Rottlund Homes, which brought a request to the Commission back in February. The two
situations are different in the respect that Mr. Walter - Hansen has three separate parcels. Rottlund
has one parcel and was in the development stage, not in existence for numerous years. Rotdunds
property has one service at a defined point and eight service lines coming from that point. Mr.
Walter - Hansen failed to provide staff with a map or specific drawings showing the routing of lines
as was requested prior to the meeting. Staff is recommending the Commission deny Mr. Walter -
Hansen's request for approval to serve multiple structures and properties with one municipal water
President Mulhern turned the floor over to Mr. Walter- Hansen for his comments and clarification.
Mr. Walter - Hansen took the Commission back 5 '/a years ago when the water line froze and broke at
the corner house of one of his parcels. It happened in February so he was allowed to run a
• temporary line between the two houses since he owned both parcels. It never occurred to him to
have the problem fixed in the spring and then just last July Alan Strand said he sent him a letter
(which he didn't receive) telling him he had three months to fix the problem. He had talked to an
attorney regarding combining the lots for development, but was advised not to do so at this time
until he was ready to develop the properties. He feels like the City is against him. As of last week
the house has been reconnected to the City water system.
Mr. Walter- Hansen made reference to the old clinic house and the building behind the second
house. He said he wouldn't be able to help the City out with their animals if he doesn't get the
special permission to run the water from one building to the other.
Mayor Droste asked if the three properties have water pipes running to the other buildings. The
main structures all have water and sewer running to them.
Mr. Walter- Hansen kept insisting that this is a "special circumstance" and should be treated on an
individual basis and feels it is a reasonable request so he's not breaking the law. He has five
buildings on the three parcels. Mayor Droste asked which house was which. The corner house is
considered House 1, the middle House 2 and the end parcel is House 3. The middle parcel has the
primary structure (House 2) and then a building structure behind the house that he uses for the
animals. That building is hooked into the water supply from the parcel with House 3. Genz -Ryan
put the line to that building in when they had the joint driveway dug up. Staff doesn't know if there
is any record of that line being done.
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MAY 10, 2010
• Staff reiterated that they would like to see a plan as to how and what Mr. Walter- Hansen would like
to accomplish. They further recommend that the Commission table the item until further
investigation can be done regarding the line that potentially is running across a common lot line.
They would like Mr. Walter- Hansen to bring back options and possible solutions.
MOTION by Mulhern to table (continue) discussion for one month while Mr. Walter- Hansen and
Staff work together to better understand the issue.
Mr. Walter - Hansen stated he would like to withdraw his request. He thought he had seen an
opportunity from Rottlund to comply with the law.
The motion was dropped. The Commission "thanked" Mr. Walter- Hansen for his time.
Executive Director Brotzler introduced Pete Willenbring from WSB & Associates. Pete has been
Monitoring the rate of Evaporation and Infiltration occurring in our stormwater ponds over the past
few years. This has been undertaken in part as a result of the MPCA requiring the City to develop a
Non - Degradation Plan and in order to take credit for infiltration that occurs within the Cities ponds,
the City has been monitoring the extent to which this occurs within the City. Within the packet are
results of the monitoring, comments from the PCA, scope of the monitoring and a work plan from
• WSB & Associates.
Mr. Willenbring provided an overview of the information within the Commission packet. In
summary, the monitoring is finding the infiltration rates that we were used in the non degradation
plan are relatively close to those found in the field monitoring, although the rates are also found to
vary significantly from one year to the next. For this reason a long term monitoring program is
Mr. Willenbring also noted that at the end of March the City received a comment letter from the
PCA regarding its non - degradation plan. The letter indicated that the City has generally complied
with the requirements of the non- degradation plan provisions, but requested two additional activities
be completed. The Activities include the development of an assessment process to validate
assumptions used regarding the treatment effectiveness of stormwater Best Management Practices
(BMP's) and the development of volume reduction strategy.
Mr. Willenbring handed out a BMP summary sheet for review that was developed to address the
two additional activities. This will be put into the SWPPP next year.
Mr. Willenbring also provided an outline of a proposed monitoring program for 2010. The plan was
different from the past year by incorporating City staff do more of the monitoring in an effort to
reduce costs. Water quality samples would need to be done on 15 basins.
Commissioner Speich asked how many cities were required to complete this non - degradation plan.
• Mr. Willenbring responded that 30 cities were required to complete these plans.
MAY 10, 2010
• Executive Director asked if the number of cities will grow that have to comply. Mr. Willenbring
responded that at this time it looks like it will be confined to the original 30 cities.
Discussion took place as to reviewing the ordinance that is in -place to make sure it can be enforced.
Mr. Willenbring also noted that on June 15, 2010, the PCA will begin taking applications for grant
money to remove pond sediment containing PAH'S. This money would be used for dredging to
restore pond volume and restoration.
Rain gardens are also being established throughout the area to make it more efficient to handle small
rainfalls. An example is the new St. Joseph's parking lot. The rain gardens help with reducing
runoff volumes from impervious surfaces.
President Mulhern asked about adding another 4 -5 monitoring sites toward the east side of the City.
They would be added, however with the rotation we would be monitoring about 20 sites all total.
MOTION by Mulhern to authorize the 2010 Storm Pond Monitoring program. Second by
Harmsen. Ayes: Mulhern, Harmsen, Speich. Nays: None. Motion carried.
MOTION by Mulhern to authorize the submittal of BMP #7 to the PCA. Second by Harmsen.
Ayes: Harmsen, Speich, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried.
• 7c. MNWARN (Add -on)
Commissioner Harmsen had added this item to the agenda. It is the Minnesota's Water /Wastewater
Agency Response Network. It is basically the recovery of utility systems from natural and declared
disasters. It is a free coalition of mutual aid /assistance from one agency helping another in a written
agreement. There is no cost to belong and it offers others inventory of what might be needed in
case of a disaster, equipment and personnel.
The Commission agreed that this is something the City should look at. It would have to be passed
with a Council resolution after the City attorney reviewed it once information is gathered.
City Administrator Johnson apprised the Commission that he'd have Staff look into it. Executive
Director Brotzler informed the Commission he'd have the Operations Superintendent look into it.
• County Road 73 is continuing forward
• Akron Avenue is wrapping up north of Bonaire
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MAY 10, 2010
• Quiet Zone — Union Pacific had done their portion, now the City portion, which is the
median has been installed. The new signal at 145`" Street crossing needs to be completed
and that's waiting for Union Pacific and their timeline.
• Trunk Highway 3 has a lot going on. MNDOT is doing a mill and overlay project from
Hwy 149 to south of County Road 42. The City project, along with MNDOT, is installing a
new signal at TH 3 and 145`'' Street and a right turn lane southbound at TH 3 and 143`d
• 2010 Street Improvements Project -City Engineer Brotzler just wanted the Commission to
know that the 2010 Street Improvements are going forward. On May 18`'' the Council will
hold public hearings on the project and adopt the Assessment Roll and receive the bid and
award the contract.
• Eastside Water Tower is being power washed and cleaning up the mold.
The Commission didn't have any further questions regarding the projects. It was noted that water
consumption was down for April and it's attributed to a dry month.
At this time there was nothing to add to the agenda. The meeting could potentially be cancelled.
MOTION by Mulhem to adjourn. Second by Harmsen. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Res ectfully Submitted,
a --1
Cindy Dorniden
Recording Secretary