HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100809 UC Minutes4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 9, 2010 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 9, 2010 at 5:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Member Harmsen, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Johnson, Executive Director Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Harmsen to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2010, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: 2. Nays: None. Motion carried. • OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 6a. 2011 UTILITY BUDGETS Executive Director Brotzler apprised the Commission we had no presentation for the 2011 Utility Budgets. It is pretty much the same as last year. Water Expenditures decreased by 13.5% as a result of non - recurring line items. One major item that was deferred for 2 to 3 years was for structural repairs to the East Side Water Tower. Other reductions were associated with the wells. Sewer There was no significant change to the Sewer Utility Budget. Storm Water • Again, no significant change to the Storm Water Utility Budget. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 • TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 • Fax 651 - 322 -2694 www.drosernount.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 9, 2010 There was a brief discussion about the sampling wells that had been spoken about at the previous meeting. Executive Director Brotzler said that the existing Test Well at the Well #15 site would be one of the wells that could be used. DNR has a site with a well that they could turn over to us to use as a monitoring well, but it would have to be equipped with the necessary monitoring equipment. Another location would have to be somewhere within the central part of the City and it would have to be drilled. The refinery is too far away from the zone of influence, our current well area. This all may be premature to plan because the Met Council hasn't set up any specific deadlines or guidelines. Mayor Droste feels this could just be a waste of money if they are having municipalities test in the same aquifers. He feels these wells need to be strategically placed. City Administrator Johnson mentioned the Water Core Fund. Because the Bonaire Path project in 2007 had special circumstances nothing had been levied for the last 4 years. Executive Director Brotzler apprised the Commission that water and sewer was brought to the properties at 132nd Court, however instead of doing a total assessment to the properties the City Council authorized a special connection charge to be paid at time of connection rather than pay upfront with the assessments. This was handled on the City Council level rather than through the Utility Commission. • MOTION by Harmsen to approve 2011 Water, Sewer and Storm Water Utility Budgets. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: 2 Nays: None. Motion carried. • PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Mulhern gave the Mayor some reading material on bottled water. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Executive Director Brotzler gave the following summary: County Road 73 Improvements The project is moving along. Utility work is substantially complete. Quiet Zone The final payment will be approved at the August 17, 2010 Council meeting. The railroad still needs to complete the gate system at 145`'' Street, but other than that the work is complete. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 9, 2010 40 Trunk Highway 3 Cooperative Agreement This project is complete, however it was thought there was a water service line broken beneath the signal base on the northwest corner. After much investigation it was identified as a sewer service line. The claim to LMC insurance was around $30,000 because of damage to the building. The initial location didn't show the line due to dated as -built from the 1980's. The repairs were made and the line has been televised and is clear. 2010 Street Improvements Project Crews started working on schedule and this project has an October 31 completion date. The project started later than usual because of the public process. MnWARN From discussion the Commission had at the May 10, 2010 meeting, staff brought this item to the City Council and they authorized the City to be a party to Minnesota's Water /Wastewater Agency Response Network (MnWARN). The necessary forms were mailed in today. 8b. INFORMATIONAL ATTACHMENTS . Executive Director Brotzler brought the well pumping record to the attention of the Commission. Water consumption stamped out favorably. The weather is very influential of the usage. Consumption was down 15% because of the rain. • 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 Executive Director Brotzler informed the Commission that at this time there is no business; however it will be determined closer to the meeting date if a meeting is necessary or not. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Second by Harmsen. Meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m. 3 Respectfully S tted, e Cindy Do 'den Recording Secretary