HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110613 UC Minutes ROSEMOLINT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 13, 2011 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regulax Utility Coinmission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on June 13, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by President Don Harmsen. Those present were Corrunission Members Mulhern, Speich, MayoY Droste, Finance Director May, Executive Ditector BYOtzler, and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Speich to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2011, regulaY Utility Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Harmsen, Mulhern, Speich. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 6a. Sewer Water Utilit� Rate Review Executive Director Brotzler reminded the Coinmission of the extensive discussion two yeaxs ago (2009) which led up to the rates of today. The City Council approved the structure change in Maxch of 2010 from a flat fee to a tier base. This was implemented because of a mandate from the DNR for conservarion. The fees for 2010 and 2011 remained the same. After review of the rates staff is xecommending a 5% increase rather than the uurial7% which was in the origuial rate analysis. A Debt Service Impact was added and is explained in the Executive Summary of the Clerk's file. The water suxcharge, which is collected quarterly to pay debt service, was initially established to pay for the Connemara Tower. It has been kept even after paying off the tower to build up the Capital ImpYOVements Fund for 2016-2017 water treatment pla.nt. The growth of Rosemount has been declining and it is expected/projected to come back in 2013. Along with the decrease in growth, consumption has been down also. This may not only be because SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 651-423-4411 TDD/TTY 651-423-6219 Fax 651-322-2694 www.ci.rosemouni.mn.us UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 13, 2011 of growth, but also the weather has been a big factor. The Well Pumping Report shows the decrease in consumption. Commissioner Speich asked about the two positions which are in the budget for 2017. One of the positions is because of the projected growth and the other would be rela.ted to the water treatment plant. The water treatment plant would Yequire a different set of skills that our current employees, at this time, don't have. Conservation is key, the City needs the people to conserve and not raise the rates higher. CommissioneY Mulhern asked if other well sites have been purchased. When acquiring easements for the County Road 73 project, the City acquired 3-4 parcels which can be used for a developer land swap. City-owned property would be transferred to a developer for land that would be used in the future for a well. It works like a coYe fund credit to the developer. There is also a site north of Bonaire at Bacardi that Pulte would like to develop on the Lafarve property which could be used as a well site. A new well wouldn't have to be built until we reach 1,200-1,500 unit expansion. Since it takes appro�mately two years to acquire the site and build the well once we've reached 800 units we would want to get started. The seweY utility Yates are pretty straight forward. The big item is the Metropolitan Council Charge. The increase will be from $1.50 to $1.58 with f�ed charges going up $1.00. This is a 6% increase. Last year an increase of $30,000 was expended to update a failure at the lift station at Birger Pond. Lift Station #1 needs to be updated. MOTION by Harmsen to recommend City Council approval of Water and Sewer Utility Rate changes for 2012. Second by Speich. Ayes: Mulhern, Speich, Harmsen. Nays: None. Motion carried. A brief discussion took place about generators for lift stations. The lift stations are underground and space isn't available on-site so portables would have to be used. All out stations have been adapted fox universal fittings on all sites for generators. 6b. 2012 Utility Budgets Executive Director Brotzlex reported that nothing substantial has changed within the budget. Money has been allotted for painting the inside of Chippendale Tower in 2012, but it will be deterinined afteY inspections are done. MOTION by Speich to approve 2012 Water, Sewer and Storm Water Utiliry Budgets. Second by Harmsen. Ayes: Speich, Harmsen, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES June 13, 2011 PRESIDENT'S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Executive Dixector BrotzleY apprised the Coirunission that a couple drainage issues have come up since their road touY in May. One of the sites is a corner pxoperty on 138`'' Court in LeForet and Diamond Path. There has been a build up and the drainage from the road right-of-way isn't draining across the pYOperty anymore. They are concerned about their septic system. A survey crew will get a topo of the area. The other site is on 137t Court. It basically has the same issue regaxding drainage. In both cases the City does have a responsibility to correct the problem. The othex projects are pxetty quiet. Staff is still working with the railroad on the quiet zone and improving the modifications on Akron Avenue. The 2011 Stteet Improvements will be starting June 20�' with the rehabilitation of the streets in the Valley Oak neighborhood and a mill and oveYlay on 145`�' Street from Shannon Paxkway to Diamond Path. The last phase of Evermoor (Glendalough 4`'' Addition) is scheduled to be constructed this suxnmer. Bids are being opened for the extension of Connemaxa Trail from the Bloomfield neighborhood to Akron Avenue. This was put on track with the development of Prestwick Place 2 and 3` Additions. D.R. Horton and Lennar are developing. The 2 Addition has 20-251ots and the 3` Addition has 18 to 201ots. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR JULY 11, 2011 Stormwater Rate Review is tentative. MOTION by Mulhern to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully S 'tted, G�` Cindy Dorniden Recoxding Secretary 3