HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110912 UC Minutes �tR �MOUNT os PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES September 12, 2011 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof thc regular L?tilin- Commission mecting of thc Cin- of Rosemount �vas called to order on Septeinber 12, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City- Hall b�� PYesident Don Harinsen. Those present �vere Commission �fetnbeis ���ulhern, Speich, �Ia}'or Dioste, Cit�- �dministiatoi Johnson, Etecuti� e Director Iirotzler, and Recording Secietai Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Commissioner 1���ulliern added a ponding issuc in Erickson Park. AUDIENCE INPUT Nonc. MOTION b� �Iulliein to appro� the minutes of the junc 13, ?011, rcgular L-tilin Commission mceting. SeCO11d b� Speich. 11� Harmsen, Speich, i�Iulhern. Na� None. 1�Iotion carried. OLD BUSINESS Nonc. NEW BUSINESS Cominissioner l�Iulhcin noted that on a�ti around I:rickson P<>nd, �Yickson Park, b� the northeast corner of the pond bett��een the soccer field and softball fields could see �vheie erosion is taking place b�- the cul�-eit. ��/hen the�� �vere on theu toui in (ul� he hadn't nouced the erosion. Since he doesn't feel it's going to get an�- bettcr he «anted it addressed at the meeting so some rip-rap could be put do�en. I;secuti� Dircctor I�rotzler said he ha�-e the Public `��orks Dcpartment takc a look and perform correcti�-c mauitcnance. Commissioner l�lulhcrn did sit on one of the park benclics to pondcr tlic situation �vhile liis �i�ife stood b��. 6b. Stotm�vater L�tiliti and'1'runk �1rea Charge Ratc Re�ie�e Pete Willenbring, the consLiltant fiom �'SI3 c�. ��ssociates �vas in attendance to talk about the storm�vater utilin- and trunk aiea cl�aiges. He had brought �vith lum the justification repoit for trunk fces froin 200?. Thosc fecs had bcen rc� in Dcccmbcr 2004, lleccmbcr 200( and 2009. 1�'0«° in ?011 thc� arc updatin� tlic rcport oncc agaiii. F� L. 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 651-423-4411 TDD/TTY 651-423-6219 Fax 651-322-2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us 1 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES September 12, 2011 '1'hc major plan�issuc is to build a st�>rm« tiunk linc froin 131oomficld adairions to thc i�Iississippi Ri� ��s parccls de� drainagc s� ha� to point off the propein to the trunk s� Lateral fecs aie fiom the parcel to the trunk s� These aic assessed to bencfit the de� U1�Iore and P'lint Hills are not includcd in the trtmk fees. I�Tuch of the discussion re� around 100 e� �vith 24 hours to get rid of �vater, U1�1ore as a so�-ereign land, F�lint Hills as theu o�vn entin different cities and their �vateisheds, aesthetics, etc. 11 lot of good qucstions «�ere brought out b� the 1�1a� and Commission members. The cost of duecting the �vater through a trunk line ��-ould be around 532,000,000, that's going underground. Cominissioner 1�Tulhcrn asked about going abo� ground �vith the line to make the cost cheaper. 11n agrcement �vould ha�-e to be presented to �IC�S and go through the process. T'he Citt would ha� to go through prcliminai� planning and a permit for o�-erflo�v capabilin 7'he capital cost �vould depend on �vhen this �vould be built. ��'hen the time comes it's a possibilitt� the City� could ask Flint Hills to contiibute along �vith the LTni�-eYSin 7'he trunk fees axe for the ne�v capital s5•stems where the utilin• fees are for the maintenance of the storm�vater infrastructure. The Cin� �vould ha�•e to detcimine if this �vould be a pa� as go st or if it �vould be bonded foi. 11t the end of discussion all �vere in agreement that thc fust thing is to de� a concept plan because it �von't be easy° to get a permit. Research should be done to see if any� other cit�� has a permit to thc ii�°er and thcn an application for the perinit �vill ha� e to be cYafted. The three steps �vould be: 1) l�10ES 1lgreement (1'eimit) —:1p�1�- for 2) Flint Hills cost cont�ibution 3) Oudet to ii�-er Because of the legal ramifications, another 10-�-ear stud�� could be done on direction. 6a. NPDES I�IS4 Storm« Pollution Pre�-entati� Plan Etecuti� Director ]3rotzler introduced Jennifer Hilderbiand from WSB &�lssociates to discuss the regulator� side of the NPllES l���S4 permit. Curientl�• thc Cin� is an �IS4, perinitted to discharge storm�vatei Lindei the state NPDLS �IS4 perinit. Thc process for this permit started on �'Iarch 10, 2003. "I'he fust re� in 2008 and no�v the comments for the ne�v permit duc in Januai 2012 ha�-e no�v been closed. 'I�hc �IPC� is a delegated authoiin and cLUicntl�� iegulates the Cit�'s ��IS4 permit "I'hcre aie 46 othci states that are regulated under this permit 1'he I;P_� administers the othei 4 states ducctl� '1'here arc a lot moic stiingent rcqLiircmcnts (dcliileated agrecmcnts) from thc llakota C<ninr� Sc>il ��'atci Cc�nsci I�istrict '1'hc Cin u7a� c�r ma� not elcct to continuc partncrslup «ith thc 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES September 12, 2011 S��'CD bascd on thc curicnt partncrship thc Ciri .11so, this ma� changc dcpcnding on dic S��1CD's changes to storm«atei icgulation in futiire �-ears. '1'hc Cin's progiam is solid as sho�vn thYOUg}i GIS and the stoim«-ater capacitt-, ho�ve� there are opportliniues for increases in proceduY�l changes. ��1hen the peimit is final, the Cin- �vill ha�•e 150 da��s to submit a list of summary- items with prioritized changes. This summar5� �vill be for the entire 5�-eaY permit cj�cle. Once this summai�- is filed the Citt- �vill determine the implcinentation strateg� for theiY o�vn 1��S4 permit. 11 draft re� to the current �IS4 perinit �vill Ue �vritten first and then public comment and agenc5� input �vill guide an�• changes to the pioposed draft. There are 239 cities in 1�Iinnesota that ha� c 1�IS4's and approlimatel� 30 additiotlal cities that are being considered potential delegated ne�v �IS4's. 7'he Coinmission staited asl�ing questions such as to �vh5� the league isn't hclping �vith this pYOCess, �vhat are the human resource policies regardulg, etc. The I�P11 and I�IPCr� requue policies be �viitten to their ininimuin permit requuetnents. ��1e are still in tlie NPDES Phase II c� and, and the re�rised permit �vill replace thc e�isting �IPC�1 NPDI;S �IS4 permit. r�gencies ha�re becn dealing with storm���atei foY a number of �•ears. In 1970 diere �vas the Clean Water �ct �vhich dealt �vith Z'1�IDL, �cetlands and NPDES. There ha�-e been consistent challenges and changes to thesc regulations. There �v�s a NL'RP (Natiomvide Urban Runoff Program) studt' also completcd in 1983 �vhich �vas the b�sis for regulating non point storm�vater discharge. 1'he �IPC�� is al�va�•s looking for inno�-ati� ideas to deal �vith storm�vater run-off, and thc re� of this pernzit is one of the �va��s to manage federal requirements surYOUnding ininimum performance standaids for ��LS4 coininunities. MOTION b�- Harinscn to authorizc thc i�1S4 Program �lssessment and Gap �1nal��sis. SeC011d b�• i�tulhern. ,��°es: 1�Iulhern, Speich, Harmsen. Na� None. �Iotion carried. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Nonc. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. PROJECT UPDATE Nonc. 8d. SET NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 10, 2011 To bc dctcrnuned. UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES September 12, 2011 MOTION b}� Haimscn to adjourn. SeCOnd b� Sj�cich. �Iccting adjourncd at 7:�0 p.m. Respectftitll�- Submitted, Cind�� Dorniden Recording Secretar5