HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120312 UC Minutes Ros�MOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 12, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regulax Utilities Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on Monday,March 12,2012 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145`i' Street West,Rosemount. President Harmsen called the meeting to order with Commissioner Mulhern, Commissioner Speich,City Administrator Johnson, Executive Directox Brotzler and City Clerk Domeier attending. Pete Willenbring of WSB &Associates was also in attendance. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Executive Director Bxotzler stated there were no proposed changes to the Agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Speich to approve the minutes of the December 12,2011 regular Utilities Commission meeting. Second by Mulhern.Ayes: Harmsen, Speich,Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion approved. • OLD BUSINESS 5a. Stormwater Management Plan Discussion— ENG 0089 Executive Director Bxotzler stated that since the discussion Pete Willenbring looked at a multitude of options given the conditions in Rosemount with infiltration and no oudet for the City. Has met twice with Mayor Droste and Administrator Johnson on what the impacts may be to the city as summarized in the staff report. Mr. Willenbring summarized the memo and provided the differences between the past plans and new plans for dtaining in the city. He explained the alternatives to not constructing an overflow including a compare and contrast of the options. Discussion was held about the future of Shannon Pond if no oudet was constructed. Mr. Brotzler explained the risk factors if no oudets were constructed for Shannon Pond or Bloomfield pond. City Administrator Johnson suggested removing Flint Hills and UMore Park fxom the equation. Mr. Brotzler and Mr.Willenbring provided feedback on the suggestion related to managing stormwater on site or accommodating for downstream volume. T'hey talked about the importance of maintaining the main land overflow. Commissioner Mulhern stated that for the cost of the new plan the city could buy a lot of property and build its own major drain field. Mr. Brotzler stated that the volume still needs to be collected and hold the water to accommodate the time it takes to infiltrate the water. Mr.Willenbring explained what would be required to infiltrate the areas. Mr. Mulhern questioned that if the city • were at flood levels going into the fall and with additional snowmelt runoff could the water be SPIRIT OF PRIDF AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997•651-423-4411 •TDD/TTY 651-423-6219• Fax 651-322-2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 12, 2012 pumped to other areas. Mr. Willenbring assumed that the city would infiltrate the ponds already identified. It was feasible to do if the city can buy a lot of property and build it right away. Commissioner Mulhern expressed concern about future issues. Mr.Willenbring stated that once the city has the permit it will not be taken away. He suggested buying easements soon and the need for a lateral system. Commissioner Mulhern questioned who the ponds would be paid for in the future. Mr.Willenbring explained that everyone would pay for the ponds. Mr. Mulhern stated that new developments should pay. Mr. Willenbring pointed out that othex developments didn't pay for the outfall. Mr. Brotzler stated that the need to evaluate the storm water and trunk fees. He explained how the current charges are based to cover the regional ponding systems. He added that the Utility Commission and City Council need to decide the stormwater plan or policy modifications that need to made to assist with policy changes down the road. The Utility Commission requested to hold a joint meeting with the City Council to derive a consensus on staying with the cuxrent stormwater plan or evaluate a new plan and policies. Mr. Johnson will coordinate a meeting with the City Council. • NEW BUSINESS 6a. UMore Land Use Scenarios Executive Directox Brotzler introduced Steven Lott with the UMore Administration Office and has been very involved in the activities relating the UMore mining and development plans.Teams are ready to move fonvard with the AUAR pxocess. 1VIr. Brotzler explained the steps of the process. Fu�ther discussion was held regarding Scenario 3. Commissioner Harmsen was concerned about the impacts on the water system if the uses wexe light industrial. Mr. Brotzlex explained the impacts and provided further information on the comprehensive water plan in relation to redevelopment. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President HaYmsen did not have anything new to report. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. Project Update Executive Director Brotzler summarized the project update that was included in the packet. 8b. Informational Attachments February 2012 Interim Financial Report No comment by coxninissioners. • 2 • ROSEMOUNT UTILITIES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 12, 2012 2012 Well Pumping Record Commissioner Mulhern noted a slight increase in the pumping record. Executive Directox Brotzler did not have any specific reason as to why there was an increase. 8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for Apri19, 2012 Because there were no pressing items, the Utility Commission preferred to hold a joint meeting with the City Council in April. ADJOURNMENT T'here being no further business to come before the Utilities Commission and upon a motion by Mulhern and second by Harmsen, the meeting unanimously adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Res ectfully Submitted, A y omeier,Ciry Clerk . • 3