HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120709 UC Minutes ROSE1ulOLINT
JULY 9, 2012
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was held on July 9,2012 at 530 p.m.in the Conference Room of the City Hall.
Commissioner Mulhern nominated Don Harmsen, second by Speich and since this is an informal
session Don Harmsen accepted the office of Pxesident.
A brief discussion took place regarding the calendax for next year.
MOTION by Mulhern to set the 2012 Utility Commission meetings per the attached calendar.
Second by Harmsen. Ayes: Harxnsen,Speich,Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion caxried.
Commissioner Mulhern reminded the Commission that the calendar is always subject to change.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utiliry Commission meeting of the Ciry of
Rosemount was called to order on July 9, 2012 at 5:32 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall
by Pxesident Don Harmsen. Those pxesent were Commission Members Mulhern, Speich,Mapor
Droste,City Administrator Johnson, Ciry Engineer Brotzler, Finance Director May,Accounting
Supervisor Miller,Management Analyst Watson and Recording Secretary Dorniden.
Executive Director Brotzler recommended removal of Item 7c.—VRWJPO Funding Request.
Pxesident Harmsen removed it from the agenda.
MOTION by Speich to approve the minutes of the March 12,2012,regular Utility Commission
meeting. Second by Harmsen. Ayes: Speich,Mulhern,Harmsen. Nays: None. Motion carried.
No Old Business.
7a. Utility Billing Software Purchase
Finance Director May addressed the Commission regarding the purchase of new Utiliry Billing
software. Initially staff had looked at four vendoxs and narrowed it down to the two they presented
• to the Commission, Caselle Clarity and Tyler Technologies Incode. Sta.ff went thxough
2875 145th Street West• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997•651-423-4411 •TDD/TTY 651-423-6219• Fax 651-322-2694
J U LY 9, 2012
• comparisons, site visits and demos. Both have the capability of on-line payments,which is
something staff was directed to look into. Between the two,it came down to cost,with Caselle
Clarity almost half the cost of Tyler Technologies Incode. Both systems will interact with the
financial software the City now has and would successfully integrate. Finance Director May
introduced Accounting Supervisor Miller and asked the Commission to direct questions to Ms.
Commissioner Mulhern asked if this system can handle an increase in the number of anticipated
accounts as the City gxows in future years. Finance Director May e�lained that every softwaxe
package has a useful life. This one could certaixily handle growth for a numbex of yeaxs,but may
have to be upgraded or replaced at some point down the road. OuY current software has been in
place fox 12 years but it now needs to be Yeplaced, so new software would likely be similar.
Commissioner Mulhern asked if three user licenses were enough. Ms. Miller explained that we
currendy have that many. The City has two full-time Utility Billing Clerks as main users,but sevexal
other employees have"read-only" capability. This has not caused problems in the current system so
we don't anticipate that changing. He also expressed concern as to whether 3 days would be enough
time for training. Ms. Miller stated that we believe this will be adequate because the screens and
general processing steps are very si.milar to our current system that the clerks are working in every
day. Many of the changes will be n,nning in die background of the software to make the processing
more efficient,but the clerks would still have to learn the new features including on-line payments.
• Residents will be able to look at 2 years of usage history and account information on-line. Ms.
Miller spoke to the annual data security compliance of credit cards and how this portion of the
direct pay wouldn't be housed within the City system. The on-line payments would be downloaded
as one file and then applied by the utility software. Then a file would be created for all transactions
that would import and post to our financial software. This will create fewer manual entries. The
Mayor asked how much labox would be saved. Finance Director May said it would depend on how
many users would utilize the on-line system so we'd have no way of predicting that number at this
Commissioner Mulhern asked if the new program would be able to handle monthly bills. It would
be able to;however,when the City had processed that way many years ago,it didn't realize the cash
flow it had anticipated and experienced the same amount of delinquencies.
MOTION by Harmsen to recommend the City Council approve the purchase of Caselle Clarity
Utility Billing software from Civic Systems. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Speich,Mulhern,Harmsen.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
7b. 2013 Urilit�Budgets
Executive Director Bxotzler reported that nothixig substantial has changed within the budget. The
slight increase in the water budget is contributed to itnprovements at the wells and well houses at
Well#9 and Well#14 and reconditioning at Well#10 and#12.
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JULY 9, 2012
• A 15-yeaY long term maintenance plan was handed out to the Commissioners for their informarion.
The sanitary sewer budget remains steady howevex the storm sewer budget had an increase due to
salaries and benefits. There has been a reallocation of staff costs with the re�ement of Rick Cook,
the Operations Superintendent. Council has directed staff to reorganize/restructure new posirions
within the department.
Commissioner Mulhern asked if the costs of chemicals will be going up. Staff hadn't heard any
comments about chemicals however Executive Director Brotzler did say that the CONDAC
organization he attends does meet to addxess concerns such as this. They are investigating joint
purchasing for items such as chemicals,hydrant materials, etc. It would be similar to the State bid
for purchasing equipment. Cities do realize a savings under a joint powers agreement.
MOTION by Harxnsen to appxove the 2013 Water, Sewer and Storm Water Utility Budgets.
Second by Speich. Ayes: Mulhern,Harmsen, Speich. Nays: None. Motion carried.
• 9a. Project Update
Executive Dixector Brotzler briefly reviewed the project update with the Commissioners:
• Prestwick Place 2°a and 3'�Additions and Connemara Trail Extension has been carried
ovex from last year,all projects axe substantially complete.
• Diamond Path Trail Improvements will be awarded at the next Council meeting.
• 2012 Street Improvements started with McNamara Contracting la,st Thursday. It was
started in Shannon Hills neighborhood as the first phase. The second phase won't start until
after Leprechaun Days and that's from along Shannon Parkway from 145`'' Street to County
Road 42 and south of Shannon Paxkway along 145�'Street to Cameo Avenue.
• Greystone 1$`Addition is on the east side of Akron across from Prestwick 2°d and 3`�
Additions. It encompasses 28 lots.
• Lift Station#1 Renovations are to be completed by July 20`".
• TH 3 Trail Extension from the Communiry Center to Dodd Boulevard connecting to
Connemara Trail is planned to get staxted in September.
• Brazil Avenue Improvements include the paved part in fxont of the City Hall campus and
the gravel portion to the north edge of Erickson Park plus the parking lot. Bids will be open
the end of the month and work will start after the Fall ball season.
• TH 3 Underpass starts south of the south driveway of the Community Centex by the shot
put/discus area and comes out into the Glen Rose neighborhood tying into the Koch Trail.
• Plans and specifications are being worked on.
JULY 9, 2012
� • Since the Joint meeting with Council on the Stormwater Plan
1. Shannon Pond—Looking into redirecting the flow to Empire Township. Discussing the
2. Staff has been speaking with Don Kern of Flint Hills regarding property,plans, etc.
3. Staff will be reengaging with Met Council in regards to the Outfall project and
investigate the status of the old Waste Water Treattnent Plant.
9b. Informational Attachments
No discussion on the Interim Financial Report
It was noted that water consumption was up 24% from last year. A brief discussion took place as to
the end users and the Mayor brought up an article regarding the way Woodbury has been reusing
theix storm water for watering. The Commission Members felt this would possibly be a subject for
the Park and Recreation Committee. Mayor Dxoste felt that both the Commission and Committee
could possibly work on this together. Executive Director Brotzler will contact the City of
Woodbury and see just how this system works. The City had used grant money at Central Park
when they relined the pond with clay to hold water with a pipe system in the northeast corner of the
wetland to ovexflow onto the soccer field.
Executive Director Bxotzler wanted to let the Commission know that woxk has been started on the
• review of the water/sewer/stortn sewer rates for 2013.
Executive Director Brotzler apprised the Commission he didn't have anything at this time,however
that's always subject to change.
MOTION by Speich to adjourn. Second by Harmsen. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Dorniden
Recording Secxetary
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